Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev was born. Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev: personal life. Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev and car accident

Nugget singer Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev wrote his first song when he first fell in love and posted it on a social network. He didn’t even dream of becoming a singer then, but his single did not leave a single listener indifferent. Today he is known as a songwriter and musical compositions, which became popular and received recognition from the general public. The hitmaker sings about love. The wife of Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev is still only in the singer’s plans, but he already has a beloved girl...

Personal life of Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev

A Dargin (nationality of Dagestan) on his father’s side and an Azerbaijani on his mother’s side, Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev (born July 11, 1991, Krasnodar) was raised in the Islamic faith. His first love came to him at the university, when Elbrus was studying to become a lawyer in Togliatti. Under the influence of surging feelings and strong emotions he wrote the song “Brown-Brown Eyes,” which became popular among Russian listeners. He posted the single on his VKontakte page.

Imagine Elbrus’ surprise when he learned that his track had become popular and was liked by millions of network users. The personal life of Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev changed dramatically after this. He became popular and decided to take music seriously. Having recorded a few tracks, a beginner, but already enough famous singer, went on his first tour to Rostov-on-Don. Photos, music and video clips of the hitmaker can be viewed and listened to not only on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, but also on the personal website of Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev.

The singer does not advertise his personal life and tries not to give information about himself and his relationships with girls to journalists. However, on the Internet and on Elbrus’s personal website you can sometimes find a photo of him with a beautiful brown-eyed girl, with the caption “My everything.” Fans of the singer assume that this is the common-law wife of the singer and musician, but there is no information about Dzhanmirzoev’s wedding and children. The hitmaker in one of his interviews says: “My parents raised me in such a way that my wife should be the same religion as me.”

The creative path of the hitmaker

Today Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev has a huge number of fans, and the fate of the hitmaker inspires his fans. Today, not a single celebration in the Caucasus is complete without the songs “Enchantress” and “Tramp”.

Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev was not considered a gifted child, but in his family both his father and grandfather always played folk instruments during family celebrations. Music always sounds in Elbrus's family, so it is not surprising that he began studying music at the age of four. Elbrus taught himself musical notation and first mastered playing the piano, and a little later - the synthesizer.

In high school secondary school he began to compose his first music, which his friends and family listened to. At the age of 16, he was already playing his own compositions on a synthesizer, and in 2010 he wrote lyrics to music for the first time. Elbrus began singing his singles when love entered his heart. These pure and understandable feelings for every person, which are reflected in his songs, always sound in unison with the hearts of lovers.

It was during this period that Kemran Amirov became interested in his work, with whom they began a creative collaboration. A little later, N. Rustamov, S. Amirov, A. Khandzhyan, S. Gevondyan, M. Golovkin and a number of others worked with him. In collaboration with these talented people, Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev began to perform professionally on the big stage.

The vicissitudes of the fate of Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev

In 2015, during a trip to a neighboring city, a Lexus driven by Elbrus crashed into a truck that was walking in front. Dzhanmirzoev himself injured his arms and legs, and his friend and producer, Amirov Kemran, who was sitting in front, next to the driver, unfortunately died. The singer, who found himself without rights in this tragic situation, was threatened with prison, but during the trial the Amirov family proposed to drop this case.

A few months later, after a final recovery, Elbrus goes on tour again. Currently, he not only performs solo numbers, but also sings a duet together with Georgian Fagan Safarov. The audience especially loved two of their songs: “Half and Half” and “Caravanserai”; the videos of the same name received more than 20 million views on the Internet.

In 2012, Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev shot a video for the single “Spring Snowfall”, and the next year his new track “Enchantress” appeared, taking the top lines of the domestic charts. In the same 2013, the singer completed work on 3 collections: “Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev - GiYaS”, “Other Songs” and “Reminder”. In 2014, the hitmaker met Greek singer, Alexandros Tsopoidis, and wrote down joint track“Tramp”, and a little later their joint album was released.

In 2017, Elbrus made a remix of his single “Melody of Rain,” which collected about a million views on the YouTube channel. In addition to working in the studio, the singer regularly tours in Crimea, the cities of the North Caucasus District, Kuban, Kazakhstan, as well as Central Asia. He gives 5-6 concerts a month in various cities of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

In 2017, Dzhanmirzoev presented his new hit “This is not love,” which he performed with Tural Everest. The video received more than a million votes. Now three wonderful Caucasian performers: Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev, Aslan Guseinov and Atesh, have decided to unite under one label - KEMA MUSIC. Everyone is looking forward to their new songs.

Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev is a performer and songwriter who gained fame with the release of the romances “The Enchantress”, “The Tramp”, “Silence”, “Breathe”, “Don’t be afraid”, etc. He is called a unique phenomenon in musical world, because he became a successful touring artist without having any appropriate education, money, television broadcasts, or influential patrons.

Initially, he didn’t think about a career as a musician at all, but the success of the first song “Brown-Brown Eyes” written and posted on a social network prompted him to get involved in creativity. Proof of correctness decision taken became a warm welcome for the singer in all cities of the Russian Federation and enthusiastic reviews on the Internet from numerous fans. For example, his hit “Spring Snowfall” received more than 17 million views on YouTube by 2019.

Childhood and youth

The future musician-nugget was born on July 11, 1991. According to some sources, he was born in Krasnodar, according to others - in the city of Gakh, located 345 km from Baku, on the banks of the Kurmukhchay River.

Talented musician Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev

His ancestors on his mother’s side were Azerbaijanis, on his father’s side they were Dargins (there is a version that they were Lezgins). Musical by nature, the boy’s grandfather and father played folk instruments. They passed on their passion for music to Elbrus. He began to show interest, independence and creative initiative in her from the very beginning. early age, developing your musical abilities, mastering the piano and synthesizer. He did not attend music school, but in general education he was fond of sports, took up boxing and took his first steps in composing music.

Singer Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev

Relatives wanted Elbrus to receive a serious specialty, for example, military-technical. Perhaps doubting his future on the music scene, or perhaps not wanting to upset his parents, after school the guy applied to the Faculty of Law at Tolyatti University.

Within the walls of this educational institution in 2010, a significant event occurred in the young man’s life - he fell in love and, in an effort to express his great feelings, wrote the composition “Brown-Brown Eyes”, posting it on his VKontakte page. Soon he suddenly heard own composition in one of the city's restaurants. As it turned out, the song became incredibly popular and entered the top 10 of the social network’s hit parade. This circumstance inspired the aspiring singer-songwriter and inspired him to create new hits.

Career development

In 2011, Elbrus recorded several tracks, including the super hit “Tramp”, presented a video for his song “Irina”, created in partnership with Dj Benny, and began successful touring in collaboration with producer Kemran Amirov.

Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev and Kemran Amirov

The first performance of the aspiring artist took place in January 2012 at the Rostov-on-Don Night Club “Med” and was a great success. Talent, immense charm and sincerity of performance became the key to his popularity among the audience. Next was a tour of the cities of the Russian Federation, during which he visited Sochi, Krasnodar, Tolyatti, Cherkessk and other cities, as well as joint creative activities with a number of poets and composers. In particular, during a concert in Volgograd he met the Greek singer, a native of Georgia, Alexandros Tsopozidis, and the idea of ​​their performances in a duet was born.

During the same period, he presented a video for the compositions “Spring Snowfall”, “Breathe”, “My Little One”, “Caucasian Love”, “I Know”, “Proud Beloved”, “We Forgot”, a year later - “Don’t Sin”, “Mom, I’m with you”, “Driven crazy”, “Loves - doesn’t love”, “Fingers on the skin”, video for the song “Sorceress”, which became a hit, a joint composition with Tsopozidis “You have lost everything”.

Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev and Alexandros Tsopozidiso

In addition, during 2013 he prepared three collections: “Other Songs”, “Reminder” and “Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev - GiYaS”, which included the songs “Girl Thief”, “Elbrus”, “Silence”, “We’ll figure it out ourselves”, which became new hits.

Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev on stage

In 2014, a joint disk appeared and concert program with Tsopozidis. Elbrus has always toured a lot, giving several concerts a month in different parts of the country. More often than others, he included Togliatti in his tour program, where he student years, Krasnodar, which became his place of residence, and Rostov-on-Don. So, in 2015, as part of the “Black Sea” tour in nine southern cities, he performed together with Alexandros and on Rostov stage. Moreover, not only Rostov residents came to listen to their beloved singer and poet, but also fans of his work from neighboring cities and towns - from Azov, Bataysk, Volgodonsk, Yegorlyk, Zernograd.

In the same year, the singer released another music collection, “Other Songs,” including best compositions past years and new songs “I Need You”, “About Her”, “Rena”, “You Lost Everything”, performed in a duet with Tsopozidis. Their pop duet was awarded the prestigious Moscow Music Awards 2016 in the category best duet of the year.

It should be noted that the performer successfully collaborated with other musicians: together with Shot he recorded the song “Lonely Raven”, with ARCHI “We need to get involved”, with Ars-Lan “Irreplaceable pain”, with BALU “Love lives for 3 years”.

Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev during a performance

In 2016, his album “Tramp” was released, combining 21 tracks. In addition to the artist’s already beloved hits, it includes new compositions “Just don’t be afraid”, “Only silence and a glass of wine”, “I know how you love”, “Happy Birthday, Mom”.

At the same time, the singer made his debut as an actor, starring in the comedy film “Love is just around the corner” about the adventures of friends who went to the Caucasus in search of a girl from social networks who won the heart of one of them. Elbrus' colleagues on the set were Aslan Bizhoev, Murat Unezhev, Sergei Parshutin, Nikolai Valuev.

The following year, the singer again demonstrated enviable productivity, presenting the single “Melody of Rain”, “Shake Your Head”, “Reminder”, and the album “The best”, which included 16 tracks. Moreover, this time, along with traditional lyrical compositions, it included dance trends. Among the songs on the album were the compositions “In Half” (“Yaralym”) and “Barn-Caravan” (Remix), created in collaboration with Fagan Safarov.

Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev with Fagan Safarov

The video for the first of these songs received more than 20 million views in a year, and for the second it was conceived as a parody of music videos popular artists. His heroes were arrogant hens, roosters, a lion cub and a charismatic donkey.

In the fall of the same year, the singer’s fans met him new job– “This is not love”, performed together with Tural Everest. During the same period, he gave concerts in Germany, visiting Berlin, Freiburg and Wiesloch.

Elbrus concerts are in demand

In March 2018, a large reporting concert musician, where his colleagues Atesh, Tural Everest, Bahh Tee, Alexandros Tsopozidis, Aslan also performed as special guests. In the summer, the singer presented his next romantic track “This Night”, and also performed in Dubai at the Mirage nightclub.

Personal life of Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev

The singer is not married and does not advertise the details of his personal life. But on his VKontakte page he posted several photos with a girl who is considered his chosen one.

Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev and his girlfriend, as users suggest

Elbrus is a follower of Islam. He noted in an interview that his wife must profess the same religion and behave in full accordance with strict Muslim canons.

In December 2015, the musician got into a terrible accident in the Armavir region, when at a speed of more than 200 km/h he tried to overtake a Scania truck in his Lexus GS300, without having driver's license. As a result of the accident, he received minor bruises, but his passenger, his producer and friend, 34-year-old Kemran Amirov, died.

In 2015, Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev had an accident

Elbrus was facing a sentence of up to 2 years in prison for causing death by negligence, but the relatives of the deceased filed a petition to dismiss the criminal case. Subsequently, Arsen Amirov, the brother of the deceased Kemran, began producing the singer.

Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev now

Appeared in 2019 new clip Elbrus for a joint composition with Russian performer Alvin Gray "Went Left." According to the plot, two married friends, on the eve of the wedding of the third, go together to Sochi in order to properly capture his last bachelor days in his memory.

In addition, the musician presented the video “Silence” and “This is Music MAMA”, and also performed at the capital’s London club.

Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev was born on July 11, 1991 in Krasnodar. On his father’s side there are Dargins in his family, and on his mother’s side there are Azerbaijanis. The father instilled in his son a love of music. He practiced it for his own pleasure, and Elbrus’s grandfather played folk instruments. Therefore, my grandson began to be interested in music at the age of 4.

Formation and career of an artist

It was not difficult for him to master musical notation. Soon he was playing the piano, and then the synthesizer. IN music school Elbrus did not go, but he always sang and played the keyboard, receiving only pleasure from this activity.

At school I became interested in sports. Mostly, I devoted my time to boxing. Also in high school, I composed my first songs, which I presented only to my close circle of friends. After finishing school, Elbrus went to study at State University Tolyatti. He decided to become a lawyer. Only in his first years did he realize that music was much more interesting to him.

Elbrus met a girl who became love for him. Romantic relationships pushed him to write a composition. This song was published on the VKontakte network under the name “Brown-Brown Eyes” in 2010.

He was surprised when, while relaxing in a cafe, he heard his song being played in the establishment. It turned out that she took a leading position in the virtual charts. Elbrus never imagined such popularity. Against the backdrop of these events, he released several more tracks and even gave his first performance in Rostov-on-Don.

Soon a meeting took place between Dzhanmirzoev and Kemran Amirov. He became interested in his work and became a producer for the aspiring artist. Thanks to this, Elbrus got many authors, and he also went on a tour of Russian cities.

In 2012, he released the song “Spring Snowfall” and shot a video for it. In 2013, the hit “Sorceress” was released, which quickly became a leader in the music charts. The collection includes songs such as “Black Sea”, “Melody of Rain”. Also, the singer’s discs “Reminder”, “Other Songs”, “Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev - GiYaS” were subsequently released, in which the hits were “Girl Thief”, “Let’s Think Up Ourselves”, “Elbrus”, “Silence”.

In 2014, the musician met the Greek star Alexandros Tsopozidis. The collaboration brought the hit "Vagabond". In 2015, the collection “Other Songs” was released, it included: “You Lost Everything”, “I Need You”, “Rena”, “Charmed”, “About Her”, “Proud-Beloved”. In 2016, the disc “Tramp” was released. Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev included the following songs in it:

  • “Fingers on the skin”;
  • “Only silence and a glass of wine”;
  • “I know how much you love”;
  • “Just don’t be afraid”;
  • "Happy birthday, mom."

In 2017, Elbrus presented the hit “Melody of Rain”. His video collected more than half a million views on the YouTube network. The artist now has a tight tour schedule. There can be 6 concerts per month different points RF.

In 2017, in collaboration with Georgian Fagan Safarov, he created a new program. The artists released the songs: “Caravanserai”, “Half and Half”. Elbrus also released the hit “This is not love” in a duet with Tural Everest.

Interesting notes:

In 2018, he managed to collect more than 800,000 views on YouTube. Dzhanmirzoev also presented the track “This Night”, as well as the song “Spring Snowfall”, which he published on Instagram.

Personal life and tragic accident

Elbrus, as a representative of Islam, believes that it is not worth to strangers know information about his personal life, for this reason he does not talk about relationships with women publicly. On VKontakte there are pictures with a girl that Elbrus signed “My everything.” There are rumors that this is the singer’s common-law wife.

In 2015, there were several unpleasant events in the musician’s life. At the airport, 7.62 mm cartridges were found in Dzhanmirzoev’s belongings. The police were alerted by the discovery. But later, it was established that the singer found them by accident, so he was released.

6 months later, tragedy struck. Elbrus crashed his Lexus into a truck that was walking in front of him. The driver sitting next to him died on the spot.

The singer himself escaped with injuries. Having regained his health, Elbrus returned to concert activities. Proceedings were initiated in this case, since Elbrus did not have rights with him during the disaster. But later everything was resolved.

Photo by Rashid Ismagilov

The guys from the duet are known to many as performers of the songs “Tramp”, “Brown Eyes, Brown”, “Sorceress”, “Silence”. Elbrus is from Krasnodar, Alexandros was born in Georgia, but six years later returned to his homeland in Greece, where he became a participant music project"Voice".

Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev and Alexandros Tsopozidis - VAG

Lada: Was it your goal to become famous and perform at concerts?
Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev:
Probably, like many artists, fame came spontaneously. I didn’t think that I would ever give concerts or go on tour. My parents always paid great attention my studies and wanted me to do something serious, for example, to be a military man. To realize my plans, I graduated from law school and have a law degree. Everything changed when I wrote my first song, “Eyes Are Brown, Brown,” which became a hit.
Alexandros Tsopozidis: I have been involved in sports all my adult life, playing professional football. I was not so far from music - most of my relatives are musicians. It all started when I applied to participate in the Voice competition in Greece. During my stay in the project, I met producer Kemran Amirov, who to this day is our joint director. I met Elbrus by chance at a concert. We got to know each other better, became friends and decided that we could perform as a duet.

Lada: As far as we know, Elbrus, you are half Azerbaijani and half Lezgin by nationality. And you, Alexandros, are a purebred Greek. Do you have many relatives? Tell me, have you had any cases when, having gained fame, you also received previously unknown relatives?
Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev
: At all strangers they didn’t ask to be relatives. There were cases when we did not keep in touch with some relatives, and then they suddenly appeared in my life. As for the first question, we have a lot of relatives. They live in different countries.
Alexandros Tsopozidis: Yes, indeed, I am a purebred Greek. In general, I was born in Georgia, I can be said to be a Pontic Greek. My parents decided to return to their homeland in Greece when I was six years old. After some time we moved to Cyprus.

Lada: How often do you come to Kazakhstan?
Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev
: We come to Aktau for the first time, but we perform in Kazakhstan quite often. We hold at least five or six concerts here every year. A week ago we came to Petropavlovsk. In general, the people of Kazakhstan know us, love us, and always welcome us warmly.

Lada: Is your performance at private events expensive?
Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev:
I don't know (laughs). Seriously though, everyone commercial issues Our producer is in charge.
Alexandros Tsopozidis: Well, if the organizers cook delicious food, then you can come for the food (laughs).

Lada: Hero in interview comedy series“The mountaineers are crazy” Khalil Musaev said that khinkal is very similar to beshmarmak. Do you find any similarities between these dishes?
Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev:
We have already come to Kazakhstan so many times that we ate beshmarmak many times. For me, there are still differences, for example, in tastes. There are also differences in the presentation of the dish itself. In Kazakhstan, a musician plays the dombra, and a girl in national Kazakh attire serves a dish to the table. It’s different here, an adult guy just puts the khinkal on the table and that’s it.

Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev and Alexandros Tsopozidis in Aktau, 2015

Lada: Most often, viewers ask you to perform the song “Tramp”. Tell us how it appeared in your repertoire?
Alexandros Tsopozidis:
The author of the words and music is Elbrus. About two years ago we performed in Simferopol in one of the nightclubs. Then he showed me this song, I really liked it. Then we sang on stage and saw that people liked it too. We decided to record it professionally, and somehow spontaneously it turned out to be a hit. Now at any concerts they ask, first of all, to perform the song “Tramp”.

Lada: Most of your songs are about love. Tell me, are you married?
Alexandros Tsopozidis:
I'm 29 years old, Greek, musician. What did you ask? (laughs).

Lada: Since you don’t want to talk about your personal life, then please tell me, do you have many fans? Have there ever been times in your life when female fans were on duty around your house?
Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev:
I had such a case in Tolyatti, where I lived. Guys, children, girls stood in the courtyard of my house, waiting for me to come out. They wanted to get an autograph and take a photo.

Lada: You, like many artists, are active users social networks. Do you have enough time to respond to messages and comments?
Alexandros Tsopozidis:
Not always. The flow of messages comes most often after concerts, when people are more emotional and write thanks. Some people are angry that we don't respond. For example, I remember a case when one girl wrote to me. After several calls to me, she wrote a message: “Die.” I wrote back to her saying that I wish her all the best. I pay little attention to such messages and comments.

Lada: What place does charity occupy in your life?
Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev:
We are often invited to charity concerts. We never refuse them, we try to perform at everyone, but sometimes it turns out that we don’t have time because of our schedule.

Lada: In the Caucasus there is still a tradition of stealing girls in order to start a family. How do you feel about this custom?
Alexandros Tsopozidis:
I used to treat this simply as a tradition. But if, say, my daughter is kidnapped, I don’t know what they will do.
Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev: This tradition was relevant before, because then there was no opportunity to meet a girl. She was always either with her brother or with her father. Now everything has become much easier.

Lada: In your opinion, is it good that times have changed and it has become easier to meet girls?
Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev:
The main thing is that the girl is well-mannered. And this does not mean at all that she should live like in prison. Let her walk, go to the movies, but at the same time behave with dignity.
Alexandros Tsopozidis: I believe that if a girl has wind in her head, it will still manifest itself.

Lada: How would your parents react if you brought a Kazakh daughter-in-law who professes Islam into the house?
Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev:
I think my parents wouldn't mind.

Lada: Share yours creative plans. What new songs can your fans expect from you?
Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev:
We recently released new song called "Black Sea". I write some songs over the course of months, there are some beginnings, but everything needs to be completed. For now we are performing with the same repertoire.

Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev (biography and photos are presented in the article) is a unique phenomenon. The twenty-five-year-old Lezgin on his father’s side and Azerbaijani on his mother’s side captivated listeners on social networks with his songs, becoming a successful touring artist. The Internet remains the main source of dissemination of his work. What is known about this amazing singer?


The young man is considered a native of Krasnodar, although this is not entirely true. He moved to this city not so long ago. His homeland is Azerbaijan. Many people are interested in the question of what life path passed Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev (biography), where he was actually born.

His small homeland- the city of Gakh, from where the family subsequently moved to Togliatti ( Samara region). Date of birth - 07/11/1991. Father is a self-taught musician who inherited talent from his grandfather Elbrus. He plays folk instruments and introduced his son to his favorite activity from the age of 4. A synthesizer was bought for the boy, which he mastered on his own. The author of his own melodies, Dzhanmirzoev is unfamiliar with musical notation.

Since childhood, the young man was fond of boxing, considering the sport to be his main purpose. From the age of 16 he composed music, but did not show his works to others. Already while a student at the Faculty of Law of Togliatti University, Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev (biography known thanks to interviews) first fell in love and wrote the song “Brown Eyes,” publishing it for his friends on VKontakte.


This happened in 2010, which was the year it began musical career. After posting the song online, the young man suddenly heard it in one of the cafes. The melody went “to the people”, falling in love with listeners and topping the charts on the Internet. The first success inspired the aspiring performer, and he decided to tour. Producer Kemran Amirov appeared in his life. The first city where Elbrus performed successfully was Rostov. Today he singles out three favorite localities: Togliatti, where he spent his youth, Krasnodar, which became his place of residence, and Rostov.

Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev, whose biography in art is just beginning, found himself at the peak of popularity in 2013, without official awards or television broadcasts. This was achieved thanks to:

  • Amazing hard work. Despite his busy touring schedule, he continues to write songs on the road.
  • Great charm and sincerity. Each new song is like another love confession.
  • Ability to collaborate. The duet with Alexandros Tsopozidis and co-authorship with Mushfik Damirov (“Mama”, “Sorceresses”, “Poor Folks”) are a real decoration of his work.

Singer Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev: biography and personal life

It is known that the young man is not married. Although on his page there is a photo of a girl with a very important comment: “My everything.” The question of personal life is constantly heard at press conferences. The young man’s upbringing is such that he can connect his future only with a girl who professes Islam. This increases the chances of oriental beauties.

In the meantime, information in the press indicates that the young man is still young and often becomes the subject of scandalous chronicles.


In 2015, Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev, whose biography is full of scandalous events, was detained at the Samara airport. During a personal search, a cartridge (caliber 7.62 mm) was found on the artist. There was no criminal prosecution, because in the explanatory note the singer referred to an accidental discovery.

In December of the same year, he became the culprit of an accident. Without a driver's license, Dzhanmirzoev drove a foreign car. At great speed, his car crashed into a truck on the highway near Armavir. The musician was seriously injured, and his passenger, 34-year-old producer Amirov, died. Fans worried not only about the artist’s health, but also about his fate. Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev, whose biography could have seriously changed, appeared in court. He faced serious punishment. Fortunately, the case was closed at the request of the victim's relatives.

Fate provided to a young performer a chance to continue my creative activity, delighting the listeners.