Naughty molly girl from the video. “Nasty Molly”: a new pop meme from Ukraine

What's happening?

« Naughty Molly", like many heroes of VKontakte, appeared as if from nowhere and very quickly began to fill the airwaves of social networks. Over the past week, both public giants like MDK and thematic resources such as “Native Sound”, The Flow, “Rhymes and Punch” have written about their debut album “8 Ways to Stop Jerking Off”. The group's public page - the main measure of user attention these days - quickly grew to 20 thousand subscribers.

What is known about them?

All Molly songs are written and sung by Kirill Bledny, a 20-year-old resident of Kharkov. Vulgar Molly, in his words, collective image schoolgirls, listeners of his songs. He himself says that in hometown he was recognized only a couple of times, and the hottest concert so far was in Odessa.

Kirill recalls his very first performance as follows: “It was an ordinary hodgepodge at a local club. There were 20 bodies supporting me under the stage, 70 percent of which were my friends. Everything was rather dull, people were shy with each other in the half-empty hall. I remember that even the clothes I was wearing weren’t mine.”

Things look different now. “In Kharkov we performed in a club for 150 people, we thought it would be a little bigger,” says Gleb, the group’s manager. “In the end, 500 people came, things were going crazy in the club, another 200 people didn’t fit in.”

If you think that this is a local intra-Ukrainian phenomenon, then it is not so: tickets for the first Moscow concert of “Molly” on March 18 in the small Moscow club China Town Café sold out in a couple of hours. Gleb had to organize another one, on March 8, and tickets for it were sold out just as quickly.

Why did everything happen so quickly?

This is also a typical story for the VKontakte generation. For Gleb, the administrator of the “Eternal 17” public page dedicated to noisy teenage rock, someone dropped the band’s songs. A quick listen was enough for him to recognize a new hero in Kirill. “I realized that it would thunder very loudly,” says Gleb, who began publishing “Vulgar Molly” songs in the public. And the group quickly found listeners.

Why does this work?

“8 Ways to Quit Jerkoff,” whose cover features a cartoon girl with her hand in her panties, is eight songs about a fun but difficult youth. “Your little sister is such a bitch/She wants to sleep with our rock band”, “This track makes you stronger/It’s funnier than wheels and dearer than port”, “There’s action in her house/Speeds, weed , Playstation".

There is a free punk cover of the band “Reflex”, a song about spending the night under a bridge and a lot of prickly energy - these songs hit the head like that very port wine taken on an empty stomach. Those who have already listened to “8 Ways” find in the songs of “Molly” references to the groups Hadouken, NRKTK, Klaxons and other noisy groups of ten years ago, who tried to return indie rock to the disco. Although the formula by which Kirill works was developed by Viktor Tsoi in the mid-80s: “So what if we do a little of that? So what if we want to dance?”

Is this nostalgic music or modern?

Kirill himself, in his own words, in 2007 “listened to everything - Eminem, Bring Me the Horizon, Mindless Self Indulgence” and “was not an ardent representative of any particular subculture.” “Actually in 2007 I was rapping,” he says.

And this is not the first example when people who previously listened to rappers and tapped beats in Fruity Loops took up guitars. So Petar Martic, the vocalist of another important group for the generation of the “Pain” festival, the group “Pasosh,” before starting a punk project, rapped in the group “Jump, Pussy”.

It turns out that rock is alive?

“Alive, dead. Who even cares? - Kirill answers. “Any genre can be intelligently adapted to the modern trend and presented as something new.”

Naughty Molly who is she?

Real name— Kirill Timoshenko

Nickname— Kirill Bledny

Hometown— Zmiev, Kharkov, Ukraine

Height — 174

Weight— 65 kg

Activity- Musician

Kirill Bledny (Vulgar Molly group) biography

Kirill Bledny, better known as the lead singer of the band “Vulgar Molly”, is a musician of Ukrainian origin, who gained great popularity after the release of the album “Vulgar Molly” - “8 Ways to Quit Jerk Off”

Before he became famous

During one of the lessons at school, Kirill Bledny comes up with the idea of ​​forming his own group, which he subsequently does.

Naughty Molly

Having found like-minded people, Kirill puts together a group, but the matter remains with the name and songwriting. He solved the first problem by calling the group “ Naughty Molly“- as Kirill himself explains: Vulgar Molly is a generalized image of today’s youth using the example of one girl, whose name is - Naughty Molly.

In February 2016, the first composition of the Vulgar Molly group, called , was released, which in the near future becomes a hit.

At the end of July, Kirill releases a second single called “ Naughty Molly – TMSTS«.

In October the group’s new track is released - “ Naughty Molly - Hannah Montana«.

Already in 2016, the band Vulgar Molly had the first concert in their career, in one of the local clubs, there were about 20 people near the stage, seventy percent of whom were his friends, but this gave some kind of experience to the aspiring musician.

At the beginning of 2017, the group released new song — « Naughty Molly – Supermarket»


On February 25, the collective Vulgar Molly releases its first studio album with the shocking title “ 8 ways to stop jerking off"and this is where it begins rapid growth popularity of the group. All kinds of youth communities on VKontakte are starting to post the album of the young group, thereby giving them free PR. The album turned out to be performed in a style that can be described as a mixture of rap, rock and electro music; on the Play Market, the album is posted in the music section - “Alternative music/indie”. The compositions touch on and ridicule the problems of today's youth, these are: weed, trends, fashion, sex and others.

Naughty Molly photo

Naughty Molly and Find the Way Out

True fans Naughty Molly or Find the way out know that there is some kind of enmity between them, this can be observed from the frequent insults addressed to each other, which from the outside Naughty Molly that from the side Find a way out.

The situation is that Find the way out wrote Kirill Bledny, with a proposal for a joint composition, to which Bledny, in turn, replied that he would record a track with him only for 50,000 rubles. But the whole comedy of the situation lies in the fact that at the moment of communication between the performers, Find the way out was popular, but Naughty Molly no one has heard it yet.

Band Naughty Molly on BRB show

Popularity of Naughty Molly

In a short period of time, the no-name band Vulgar Molly became very popular, releasing just one album, something not every musician can achieve. The group begins touring, concert tours, both in Ukraine and Russia.

On the wave of popularity, the group releases a video for the song "Nasty Molly - Your Sister's Favorite Song", the popular model Yana Kryukova starred in the video along with Kirill Bledny. The clip “shoots” for short term gets 4 million views.

Kirill Bledny gr. Naughty Molly and his girlfriend

Since Vulgar Molly has a predominantly female audience of listeners, many fans of Kirill Bledny are wondering: “Does Kirill Bledny have a girlfriend?”, Kirill himself does not give any comments on this topic, since he does not like to make his personal life public. The romance attributed by fans of Kirill to Yana Kryukova is just an invention of admirers, nothing more.


Kirill Timoshenko has a sister, Daria Timoshenko, who works as a model in New York.

Sister of Kirill Bledny - Dasha Timoshenko

Looking at the mother of Kirill and Daria, it immediately becomes clear who these beautiful children went after.

Naughty Molly now

A year after the release of the first album: “8 Ways to Quit F*cking,” the group released its second studio album on January 30, entitled The album includes 6 compositions that sound significantly different from the first record, but the themes of the tracks are similar modern youth remained unchanged.

They appeared only a year ago, but have already become real heroes of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian teenagers who know their songs by heart (all eight). Young fans are ready to give their last money to attend their concert; every day they send hundreds of VKontakte messages to the band’s frontman Kirill Bledny and wonder: who is the girl who starred in his new video? Promoters are ready to do everything to bring them to their city - despite dissatisfaction from the prosecutor's office and the FSB. Yesterday they became the cause of a dispute between the art director of the House of Printing, Artem Zverev, and Evgeniy Gorenburg.

For those who are over 18 and who still don’t understand who “Nasty Molly” is and why everyone around only talks about her, we have prepared five simple questions and answers about new youth heroes.

Who is "Nasty Molly" and why is she so popular?

This is a now fashionable pop-punk trio from Kharkov. The group appeared in February 2016 and gained popularity thanks to the popular VKontakte public pages. The administrator of the public page “Eternal 17” liked the songs from the debut album “8 Ways to Stop Jerking Off,” and he began publishing them on the page. Later they were picked up by MDK - and now the guys are already heroes of social networks. Publications in publications like The Flow only cemented their success. Now official group“Nasty Molly” on VKontakte has more than 211 thousand subscribers.

Having become mega-popular, the guys began to actively tour. Tickets for the first concert of “Vulgar Molly” in Moscow were sold out in a couple of hours (although the venue where they performed was rather modest). The organizers quickly opened the sale of tickets for the second concert and were right. Free seats did not have. Now the guys are actively touring Russia. You can see them in Yekaterinburg in the near future at the festival “Old new rock».

Why does the band have such a strange name and what does it mean?

The vocalist of the group, a 20-year-old guy from Kharkov, Kirill Bledny, explained in an interview that the group was named after a typical fan of the team - a teenage schoolgirl (her image is well depicted in the text of “Your Sister’s Favorite Song” or on the cover of the group’s album). In short, this is a girl who is not ashamed of her sexuality, wants to have fun, swears a lot, has bad habits and is not afraid to look strange in the eyes of her peers.

Are the vocals in the group “Vulgar Molly” female or male?

This question interests many who first turned on the songs of “Vulgar Molly”. All parts are performed by Kirill Bledny.

What are they singing about?

In total, the group has 8 songs, which can accurately be used to identify themes that are popular among young people. Fashion (in one of the songs Kirill sings on behalf of the hero who wears skinny jeans), parties, sleepovers under the bridge, drugs, port wine, love, betrayal, confused relationships with peers, parents, sex... Deep observations and philosophical conclusions from “Vulgar” Molly” is not worth the wait. The teenagers about whom and for whom they sing live here and now, enjoy their freedom, youth and do not think about tomorrow.

However, in the group’s lyrics there are references to Russian and Western musical culture, sometimes quite serious, sometimes ironic. Thus, a simple punk cover of the group “Reflex” (“Non-stop”) is very popular during concerts. Judging by the videos on the Internet, when this song is performed in clubs, a real disco of the 90s begins. Connoisseurs of the work of “Vulgar Molly” say that their songs contain references to Hadouken, NRKTK, Klaxons. In addition, Kirill Bledny sometimes remembers the teen idol of the 2000s, Eminem.

Is it true that in their songs the musicians promote drugs, homosexuality, and in general this group is extremist?

No one has officially brought such accusations against the group. However, it is known that Russian law enforcement and intelligence agencies have already become interested in her. Thus, the art director of the Yekaterinburg “House of Printing,” where “Vulgar Molly” performed, said that FSB and prosecutors contacted him and urgently asked him to cancel the performance of the Ukrainian musicians.

“When I was doing a concert of the group “Vulgar Molly” on May 20 in Yekaterinburg, the prosecutor’s office and the FSB came to me and gave me nightmares for allegedly being an extremist group... They scared me: propaganda of homosexuality, extremism, propaganda of drugs, and whatnot. They made it clear to me that the concert had to be cancelled,” Artem Zverev wrote on his Facebook page. As a result, an FSB officer came along with 600 spectators to “Nasty Molly” in Yekaterinburg. After the departure of the Ukrainian musicians, the problem faded into the background.

In the songs of Kirill Bledny, a lot of attention is indeed paid to the topic of drugs and teenage sex, but one can hardly say that the musicians are engaged in the promotion of prohibited substances (“I have a girlfriend,// She wears bell-bottom jeans, she’s devoid of intelligence.// She injects desomorphine, //Already half dead, green skin”, “Hannamontana”). But in the songs there is a mention of the special services - in a negative or ironic context (“Here, there are Slim Shady icons everywhere, // Plus the inscription “Feds - ***ite!”, “My baby doesn’t know. // Even the FSB won’t know anything...” ).

“Vulgar Molly” is a group from Ukraine that produces pop-punk music. The group was founded by a musician from Zmiev, Kirill Timoshenko, known to a wide audience under the stage name Kirill Bledny. The group’s first full-fledged release, “8 Ways to Stop Jerking Off,” was released in 2017.

History of creation

Kirill Timoshenko began his career with rap music under the pseudonym Kirill Bledny. He received this nickname at the age of 14, when he “smoked grass and caught a pale one,” that is, he became very pale. Later, after listening to the band Mindless Self Indulgence, the guy got the idea to create his own rock band. Having mastered the Fruity Loops program, he began creating his own tracks.

Kirill wrote both the music and lyrics for the group “Vulgar Molly” himself. It would be more accurate to say that “Vulgar Molly” was Kirill - only when the group was first invited to live show, he invited musicians. Subsequently, their composition changed several times.

The name of the group is a collective image of a typical fan: still a schoolgirl, but she already smokes, drinks, uses drugs and, of course, dreams of sleeping with the lead singer of some rock band.

The group “Vulgar Molly” got its first listeners thanks to social network"In contact with". When on February 24, 2017, Kirill uploaded his debut album “8 Ways to Quit Jerking” to his group. The recording was reposted first by the music public “Eternal 17”, and then by other large communities, including MDK and The Flow. The viral effect worked - very soon the album spread across the Internet. Kirill’s appearance on the YouTube channels of Eldar Dzharakhov and Andrey Martynenko also played a significant role in the group’s success.

The main stages of creativity

On June 9, 2017, the group’s first video for the song “Your Sister’s Favorite Song” was released, in which model Yana Kryukova starred. On November 18, 2017, the group “Vulgar Molly” gave an interview in a YouTube show Big Russian Boss Show.

Naughty Molly - Your Sister's Favorite Song

On January 29, 2018, the group presented the mini-album “Sad Girl with Eyes Like a Dog” to the public, and a few days later published a video clip for the song “Typical Pool Party” on YouTube, which the press described as “a record with a sad ending.” Yana Kryukova appeared again in the video.

Naughty Molly – Typical Pool Party

In February 2018, the team visited the “Evening Urgant” program, where they performed as a musical guest with the song “I’ll Be Your Dog.”

During a large tour of Russia, Kirill Bledny managed to give several interviews: on March 7, 2018, to the Yuri Dud channel, and on March 19, to the Fast Food Music channel.


In 2017, frontman Kirill Bledny had a conflict with musician Kirill Naytivykhod, who proposed a collaboration with “Vulgar Molly”. Kirill Bledny agreed to record a joint song on the condition that Naytivykhod would pay him 50 thousand (in rubles or hryvnia, not noted). The latter refused, and then published an angry message with insults on Twitter.

“Vulgar Molly” is a fierce bitch, I talked with the frontman, I thought about pushing the guys, but they cheated my price tag. What a mess to write for money.

We didn’t have to wait long for an answer: a few days later, Kirill Bledny published a video on YouTube where he allegedly throws Kirill Naytivykhod from the roof of a building. In fact, the video used a clothed mannequin.

The Ukrainian group “Vulgar Molly”, led by 20-year-old Kirill Bledny, are the new idols of youth. The lyrics of their songs are very simple and understandable to all teenagers without exception: parties, alcohol, sex relationships. But not only teenagers dance to them, but also gloss editors, football players and just people over 30. It is very difficult to explain what the phenomenon is. Probably because everyone has gone through this. We tell you what you need to know about “Nasty Molly”.

In 2017, the group released its first album, “Eight Ways to Quit...” ( masturbate). One of the most popular songs on it was “Non-Stop” - a remix of a song by the group Reflex. Only the text and arrangement are completely different - only the chorus remains from the original.

Still from the video “Your Sister’s Favorite Song”

The group’s only video for the song “Your Sister’s Favorite Song” received 5.3 million views on YouTube in seven months.

"Nasty Molly" at the Jagermeister Music Awards

IN Kirill Bledny's Instagram, the frontman of the group, only 141 thousand subscribers. But it's a matter of time. Now everyone is discussing “Naughty Molly”, so he will soon at least get a “tick” to his account.

Just a couple of days ago the group released their second album, “Sad Girl with Eyes Like a Dog.” There are only six songs, and the most popular is “Everybody Wants to Kiss Me.” Kirill Bledny himself told The Flow that the EP is dedicated to a girl. True, he doesn’t want to say which one, but there really isn’t much romance in the album.