Speech to the choreographer from the children at the reporting concert. Congratulations to the dance teacher from parents

I bow before the Stage - How painful it is from all the steps! And the cries of “Bravo!” inspired, louder, louder from the ranks!.. But only the Teacher has the power not to confuse and compare successful work and wasted work... But can work be blamed at all? In order to hone one movement and turn it into a performance, the dancer needs to repeat this movement with inspiration two hundred times, maybe even three hundred times - One-two, one-two, forward - back!.. How difficult it is to raise an artist - a Dance Artist - a hundred times more difficult! A hundred times! TO to the same,B You still have to invest your soul into it! And, perhaps, not to regret your life! And so, when soul, movement, skill come together into one - and in rhythm with music they all merge together - this is magic! You are our idol, creator, Teacher! Your gift is incomprehensible to us! For the holiday of the heart, the moment of discovery - we thank you for everything! The stage freezes in anticipation. Silence falls in the hall. Curtain. The spotlight is shining. The atmosphere is full of joy.

Congratulations to the dance teacher

Thank you for what we can do. We congratulate you and promise that we will not disgrace you on the dance floor! Maestro of movements, dance teacher! Allow us to congratulate you on the holiday! Thank you for the wonderful minutes, That we clearly heard the music of the body. Let your whole life be like a dance, Let your strength and health never diminish. And when the school bell rings, Let it sound like the music of dance! On this holiday, let the wind of inspiration bring you a brilliant dance, Which, without any doubt, will shock everyone with its simplicity. In that simplicity, let there be the lightness of the wind, And the freshness of the spring air sing. And we will learn this dance with you, The swift flight of a talented soul! Easy gait, easy movements, Lots of training, then performances. You taught us to move beautifully. We fell passionately in love with dancing with all our souls. And today we want to confess to you together that it is impossible for us to part with dancing. This is your merit.

Happy Teacher's Day greetings to a dance teacher

You can choose any form of gratitude: a poem, an essay, a ditty, a song. You can even make a photo album with photographs of children and wishes.


Or prepare a presentation in which you note all the successes of the children achieved under the guidance of the choreographer. If a word of gratitude is issued on behalf of the school administration and the team of teachers, then it is better to adhere to the official form:

  • Appeal to the choreographer with instructions full surnames, first name, patronymic.
  • Words of gratitude listing merits, wishes and parting words.
  • Date, signature of the head of the educational institution and seal.

In this section you will find examples and samples words of gratitude choreographers, congratulatory poems, as well as templates for writing and formatting words of gratitude.

It happens that it is very difficult to find words of gratitude.

Gratitude to the dance teacher of the Central Children's Theater Oksana Stepanova

The sounds of a soulful accordion will come out in strides forward, and a carpet, as if woven with flowers, will appear before your eyes. Plasticity... posture and movements... Legs catch the rhythm with heels. Grand plie, passé, pique, guy - the dance creates its magic.


Whose hand, whose spirit, whose efforts paved the difficult path into the world of dance? How can a particle of the heart and calling be breathed into children’s souls? This right has been given to YOU ​​by God, our dear Teacher, dear, our tireless choreographer!.. You were our mother and sister. We dreamed about beauty with you - (is there a purer and brighter feeling?). We thank you and wish you long, bright, warm, glory days! To teacher L.A.

For the anniversary. Summer has not yet had time to open up to us - It will tease us with its warmth and play pranks again. And now it’s time for the equinox to fly like a bird in the quiet sky above us.

Congratulations to the dance teacher

Lyubov Alexandrovna! Our choreographer! We are proud of you and we appreciate you! Without flattering speeches and memorized “oohs,” we want to congratulate you on your anniversary now! We want to wish you health and happiness, and your daughter, and granddaughter, son-in-law at the same time! May the Lord give you everything that is in his power, adding to what was given to them! May the summer rain wash away all your failures! May the sun always illuminate your path! May life set interesting tasks, and may you complete them! Let your soul just melt from the warmth! Let your tears flow only from happiness! It’s not for nothing that they call you love - After all, everyone believes and waits for love, like a miracle! Lyubov Alexandrovna Tsareva. Our year creative life finished. A year consisting of days and hours. Every move was perfected by your work, every stroke was charged with your soul.

Poems for a dance teacher / congratulations to teachers

The machine and the class are already completely familiar! And life stands without rhythm and jumps, And everyday life is immediately gray and empty. When without dance everything is completely different. And the music gives birth to a whirlwind of movements! When it is so important to take into account the rhythm and beat. And the mood immediately cheered up! When it’s like there’s a star on stage! And it’s time to give autographs to friends. Your dance will never fade, which means you are a wonderful choreographer! Oreshkova-Bosova Elena ***** Argentine tango, Cha-cha-cha or waltz - You can learn many dances from you. We have gathered today to thank you for your efforts to instill rhythm in us! ***** We love to dance! What a pity that the lesson is small! Dancing, we will congratulate you, you are a great teacher! We will learn a new “step” And we will compose a dance in which “Hurray!” will sound, We adore you! ***** You flutter like a butterfly, Waltz, mazurka, minuet, Graceful movements, You have no equal in dance! You are an excellent choreographer, You will teach everyone how to dance.

We express our gratitude for your efforts, professionalism and achieved results. Your creative abilities leave no one indifferent.

We wish you development, professional growth and success in achieving new heights. Words of gratitude to the choreographer from children in prose Our beloved teacher! For so much a short time you have become like family to us.

Thank you for your parting words, and for supporting us in difficult times and putting up with all our antics. Together with you we shared our joy and sorrow. We have experienced many victories and disappointments.
All this time you have been for us not just a teacher and choreographer, but also a friend. Thanks to you, we are developing not only in the art of dance, but also personally.

You know how to inspire, cheer up, and point in the right direction. you are very good man. We are grateful to fate for meeting you.

Let any adversity pass by.

To the dance teacher

Talent, charisma, plasticity are worthy of admiration, Please accept our congratulations on Teacher’s Day, May dancing inspire you, may your work bring success, May you live in health, have fun, and be the happiest of all! Let your dreams come true, let problems be avoided, Wealth, prosperity - we so want to wish you, And the mood is always the envy of everyone - excellent, We wish you more bright and unusual things in life! Happy Teacher's Day to an amazing dance teacher, a kind and respected person. We wish you great ideas and creative inspiration, brilliant performances and wonderful productions, beauty of soul and body, vigorous strength and great luck. You are the embodiment of grace and beauty, You are not dancing, You are soar in the air, And All your students admire you, you are not dancing, you are creating a masterpiece.
A dance teacher is not a job; It’s a calling, it’s a path to a dream! It’s not in vain that streams of sweat run down our faces They pave the path to beauty - Every day we add to our skill, We hone precision in every step; Well, today we congratulate you! ***** A choreographer is not a profession at all, But a riot of bright colors and a flight of souls, After all, dance is a miracle. He is from any depression fairy tale the world will take us away in an instant! ***** And a moment... just one concert, At which the spectator does not see you. You are behind the stage, You... the spectator is an expert, Choreographer! You are a magician-tempter! ***** He will improve our posture, And tell us how to live brightly! He will put us on pointe shoes, And reveal all our talents! The choreographer knows exactly how Beauty changes us! ***** Teacher, dance teacher, Choreographer, you are smart and of course we admit, you are an incomparable person. All classes are a joy for us and without knowing fatigue, we scrupulously correct all your comments.

Thank you words from parents to your dance teacher

Thank you for the teaching, which gives everyone joy in their mood! 19 Graceful, light, weightless, Like a breath of wind, Your step is barely audible, Every step is a dance word. Tips on how to congratulate correctly: 1. Be short, do not make long speeches 2.

Wish only what can really come true 3. Be sure to send an SMS wish in the morning or early in the afternoon Even when things get tough, you still laugh, friend. Smart, know-it-all, beautiful, housewife. Let your bold dreams come true, Let there be more kindness around you! Relationships will be pure, achieved new heights! Forever will come better days, They will bring many miracles! .

Academic year 2013-2014 in the choreographic ensemble “Rus” was very eventful, difficult, we almost finished it and all this thanks to you, our most wonderful teachers - Nina Viktorovna and Yulia Nadirovna.
You do everything possible and impossible for our children, for which THANK YOU so much! Thanks to your efforts and your patience, children have a desire for new victories, for new experiences.
This year there were many interesting performances that will remain in the memory for a long time. A trip to a festival in Poland and Anniversary concert, I am still overwhelmed with emotions, only the best impressions.
You do a lot for the team and for our children, thank you again!
himself good health, strength and patience! And, of course, new victories!

Dzhamaletdinova Tatyana

Nina Viktorovna Yulia Nadirovna are wonderful professional teachers. They not only teach dance, but in the process of teaching they develop general culture children, reveal and develop the abilities and talents of each child. In a team, children learn such qualities as good manners, independence, composure, and discipline (for which special thanks to our teachers). There is a very strong sense of community: we constantly go to concerts to support the performing participants, and at the concerts you can see how the adult participants take care of the younger ones.
My daughter happily rushes to class, and after class shows at home what she has learned (she also forces her family to repeat after her).
I would especially like to note the tactfulness of the teachers. They treat all students fairly, never play favorites, or put less pressure on students.
Having visited public lesson, we saw how much our child has learned in a year, and how high the level of teaching is.
Since raising a creative and harmonious personality is not an easy task, I would like to wish our teachers inspiration, patience and obedient, and most importantly, talented students.

My children Frolova Elena and Frolova Lyudmila have been attending the choreographic ensemble “Rus” for several years. For our family, this fact is a great happiness, because... our children go to classes in this ensemble with great pleasure and great joy; there has not been a single time when one of my daughters did not want to go to classes or did it through force. This fact tells us that ensemble classes have become not just activities for children, but a special world to which they want to return again and again. Both this world and this magical atmosphere of classes are created by the teachers of the team, Nina Viktorovna and Yulia Nadirovna.

What particularly pleases me about the ensemble “Rus”:

  1. Very sensitive and Attentive attitude teachers Nina Viktorovna and Yulia Nadirovna to the children. The teachers know all the joys and problems of the students, both in the ensemble and outside it, and always strive to help solve problems and share joys together with the entire ensemble. The ensemble always celebrates children's birthdays and holds themed events (New Year, the ensemble's birthday). All these events are done with great attention to children and great soul, so children will remember them for a long time.
  2. Excellent order and discipline. Children in the ensemble are taught to independently prepare their rehearsal costumes and costumes for performances, and to be responsible for the cleanliness and order of their belongings for classes and concerts. This is great because... Children, having learned to put their things in order for dance classes, automatically maintain and put in order all their other things. Discipline: in the ensemble there is always an atmosphere of support for the kids by the older girls; everyone always helps each other to comb their hair, get dressed, and put away their costumes. This is great, because... This order teaches older girls to take care of and help the younger ones. All classes always go strictly according to the schedule, this teaches my children to properly plan their time and optimally distribute it between activities, lessons and walks. Discipline and order reign in the ensemble at the atmospheric level: all children clearly know who is responsible for what and understand why it is important to do it this way and not otherwise. When there are outdoor events and trips, I always calmly let the girls go, because... I know that all trips will be smooth, organized and with perfect discipline. I believe that this is the greatest merit of the ensemble’s teachers.
  3. The teachers of the group give the children tasks to watch at home certain films in which dances are used, prepare reports and talk about dances and customs different countries, and then the children make reports and stories in class. This greatly develops children and broadens their horizons.
  4. Going to dance camp. The excellent preparation and organization of this event is a great merit and enormous work of the ensemble teachers Nina Viktorovna and Yulia Nadirovna. In addition to rehearsals and dance classes, children are busy visiting various museums and interesting events during camp trips. Children come from camp happy, healthy and contented; they remember for a very long time how they went hiking with Nina Viktorovna, drank tea at the end of each day, and sang songs around the fire. At the camp, the teachers of the team work 24 hours a day!! And I, as a parent, firmly know that my children will be fine, they will be healthy and fed, they will be happy and happy. And this confidence gives me the knowledge of how sensitively and responsibly Nina Viktorovna treats each of her students.

Thanks a lot teachers of the choreographic ensemble “Rus” for their work. There are very few such professional, sensitive, open and pleasant teachers. Thank you!!

Frolova O.A.

My two daughters, Alina Omelchenko and Dasha Omelchenko, are training in the exemplary choreographic ensemble “Rus”.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to our teachers!
Firstly, we see tremendous progress in children in developing physical and dance skills.
Secondly, in the team, great attention is paid to developing communication and behavior skills (on stage, in a team, in life). Children are taught to be neat, responsible, and mutually helpful. There is a constant educational and educational process. At every concert dedicated to any event, children always learn a lot of new and interesting things.
Special thanks to Nina Viktorovna and Yulia Nadirovna for their individual approach to each child, for their desire to reveal the physical, creative and emotional potential of everyone! It’s very nice that the team holds not only classes, but also a variety of holidays. For children, “Rus” is not only work, but also joy, pleasure, gifts, friends and communication.
Many thanks to Yulia Nadirovna for the fact that the entire life of the ensemble is reflected on the ensemble’s website. Thanks to this, parents can always see even what is happening behind the scenes. closed doors halls, on trains, although this work takes a lot of time and effort.
We are very glad that we got into the exemplary choreographic ensemble “Rus”! Our teachers live by their work, giving our children all their strength and soul! From our family we wish Nina Viktorovna and Yulia Nadirovna health, strength, patience and further creative success!

Omelchenko E.S.

I would like to thank N.V. Khalilulina and Khalilulin Yu.N. for a huge creative work, which they spend every day with our children. For their individual approach to each child.
My daughter, Elizaveta Savchenko, looks forward to every lesson, because for her it is not only choreography classes, but also a group of friends who are united by one goal.
I would also like to wish you great patience, grateful students and parents and, of course, creative strength. To delight us all with wonderful rooms.

Savchenko Yu.V.

My daughter Pizhurina Lidiya has been attending the choreographic ensemble “Rus” for two years. Thanks to these activities, my child develops in herself the qualities that I want to see in her in the future: femininity, neatness, plasticity, the desire for creativity.
The ensemble's teachers skillfully combine a strict and loving approach to their students, which allows them to maintain discipline in the classroom, shape the character of children in an atmosphere of love for children and the common cause that unites girls.
My daughter always rejoices and feels proud when she attends the performances of our ensemble, which compare favorably with other groups at general city concerts!

Pizhurina Yulia

I would like to say that our teachers can be set as an example to many teachers for their professionalism, because they surround each child with care and attention, drawing them into the creative process.
Thank you for your patience, kindness, for creating a warm and comfortable atmosphere in the team, for all the unforgettable holidays and events.
Thank you very much for being here!

Evstigneeva O.I.

The work of the teachers of the Exemplary Choreographic Ensemble “Rus” deserves the highest praise. Because this work is for results. During the year - several new dances, festivals, competitions, concerts... And each dance is unique, born by the teachers themselves (Nina Viktorovna and Yulia Nadirovna). Everything about dance is unusual and interesting: the soul-touching plot and the thoughtfully chosen Beautiful music, and the costumes are beautiful and unique.
Olya Patyavina studies in the ensemble with great pleasure. For her, working in this team is a great event. And this is natural, because Nina Viktorovna and Yulia Nadirovna are not only professional teachers, but also good educators who treat their students with soul.
The ensemble "Rus" is Friendly team, with its own traditions, like big family. Many thanks to the ensemble teachers!

Olga Patyavina's parents

I, Olga Sergeevna Dashevskaya, mother of Ulyana Shikova, first of all, want to express my sincere gratitude to the teachers of the choreographic ensemble “Rus” Nina Viktorovna Khalilulina and Yulia Nadirovna Khalilulina, as well as costume designer Tatyana Ivanovna Semyonova.
My daughter has been studying in the choreographic ensemble “Rus” for more than 7 years and during this time, thanks to the professionalism of the group’s teachers, she has achieved great results. During all the lessons, neither she nor we ever had a desire to leave the ensemble.
I would like to note the main, most significant for me, qualities of the leaders of the choreographic ensemble “Rus”:

  1. High professionalism, skill and excellent mastery of the subject.
  2. The highest level of teaching to his children different ages. The ability to find an approach to each child, taking into account his individual characteristics.
  3. Personal organization and the ability to pass this quality on to children, self-esteem and discipline.
  4. Great combination personal qualities and teaching talent, thanks to which my daughter became a more responsible and conscientious person.
  5. I welcome the principles and foundations on which the work in the choreographic ensemble “Rus” is based, because I see how children communicate with each other. I think the teachers’ approach to creating a team is correct, both from a pedagogical and professional point of view.
  6. Separately, I would like to note the ability of managers to quickly and routinely resolve all controversial issues.

My personal assessment of the work of the teaching staff is “excellent.” I would like to write many more words of gratitude, but I think I have conveyed the main thing.
Thank you, you are “teachers from God.”

Dashevskaya O.S.

From the first days of participation in the ensemble, our child was immersed in an atmosphere of creativity, skill and talent. Ksenia always happily attends classes and in any free minute she either rehearses the next number or sings a song from training. Participation in the ensemble added artistry, endurance, and discipline to our daughter. It turned out that for our child an important component in the classroom is live musical accompaniment concertmaster of the ensemble, Kristina Sergeevna Kameneva. Our child is very proud that she is in the ensemble. It is important for us that teachers support the child’s desire to study and encourage him to perform at big stage, even novice ensemble members. We could not have achieved such successes as we achieved in the first year of participation in the ensemble “Rus” in the previous two years before joining the ensemble.
What we immediately noticed was that older children always help little children with great attention and care. This, of course, is the merit of the ensemble’s teachers.
Nina Viktorovna and Yulia Nadirovna are talented and conscientious teachers, committed and charming people. For them, all the details of the work are important, from preparation to going on stage, from a smile to the last hairpin. The ensemble's repertoire is emotionally rich. Especially, it is worth noting the magnificent costumes of the ensemble and the choice of sound design for the choreographic numbers.

My daughter, Murzina Anna, has been attending classes with pleasure for 4 years. There is a warm, friendly atmosphere in the team; the girls feel the warmth of the teachers and happily run to class.
Nina Viktorovna and Yulia Nadirovna are very creative people, are constantly in search of new ideas, technologies, and techniques that they successfully use in their classes. Various dance performances are known not only in our city of Khimki.
I, as a mother, am very glad that my daughter is showing her abilities under the guidance of Nina Viktorovna and Yulia Nadirovna.
Our team can be called a friendly, cheerful, creative family.

Murzina Evgenia Anatolyevna

We know how to do it this way

And you taught us all this.

Let it sound like the music of dance!

On this holiday, let the wind of inspiration
A brilliant dance will bring you,
Which everyone, without any doubt
It will shock you with its simplicity.
In that simplicity let there be the lightness of the wind,
And the freshness of the spring air sings.
And we will learn this dance with you,
A talented soul's rapid flight!

Easy gait, easy movements,
Lots of training, followed by performances.
You taught us how to move beautifully.
We fell passionately in love with dancing with all our souls.
And today we want to unanimously confess to you,
That it is impossible for us to part with dancing.
This is your merit. Thanks for the teaching
Giving everyone joy in their mood!

The world is more useful and interesting,
There are no classes other than dancing.
Lots of movements with beautiful songs -
What could be more pleasant?

Thank you very much for having us
Teach this business
We wish you that you have
Whatever you want.

For your laughter or joy
They tried to study
Dashing youth helped,
Still light foot.

We admired the talent
Teacher and dancer
Were the best consultant
We worked hard.

Flying gait and slender figure,
And everyone wants to be like you.
Move beautifully and love music
Your dance class taught us.
We congratulate you today,
We wish you lightness in your legs and heart!
And may your soul always strive to dance.
We will not forget your lessons, believe me.

And the dance has a soul,
Our teacher, slowly,
Asks to show the dance
And we are ready to admit:

Our teacher is a virtuoso
Dance tears your soul to tears.
Congratulations, we love you,
We would like to invite you to a waltz.

Being a dance teacher is not a job;

Paving the path to beauty -

Thank you - we have found ourselves!

congratulations to the dance teacher

And the dance has a soul,
Our teacher, slowly,
Asks to show the dance
And we are ready to admit:

Our teacher is a virtuoso
Dance tears your soul to tears.
Congratulations, we love you,
We would like to invite you to a waltz.

The teacher is a fantasy, just a bohemian,
And the dance is open, a theme is conceived.
And he dances around like a bird flies.
Ah, our choreographer, we miss you.

We hasten to congratulate you, teachers, I will accept.
Walk past with a light gait.
You are so graceful, you are a fairy tale, a ballet.
And you spent a lot of years dancing.

Being a dance teacher is not a job;
This is a calling, this is the path to a dream!
No wonder there are streams of sweat running down our faces
Paving the path to beauty -
We are increasing our skill every day,
We hone precision in every step;
Well, today we congratulate you!
Thank you - we have found ourselves!

Dance teacher - somehow it doesn’t sound like that;
This choreographer is top class!
But no matter what your position is called,
We will always idolize you -
For the fact that Grand Batman is available to us,
And ron-de-jambes parterre, and port-de-bras;
And on this day we want to congratulate you
And wish you happiness and goodness!

Now we don’t just love to dance.
We know how to do it this way
So that all people, holding their breath,
We watched our couple without taking our eyes off.

And you taught us all this.
You spent a lot of time, but it was not wasted.
We are grateful to you for what we can do.
We congratulate you and promise that we will not disgrace you on the dance floor!

Recently we didn't know how to dance the waltz.
But you taught us, for which we are grateful to you.
Our movements are graceful and easy.
When we dance, we no longer put pressure on each other’s feet.

Thank you for your work, diligence and patience.
Thank you for believing in us.
We want to congratulate you today.
And wish you good luck.

The school waltz that will soon sound
You taught us to dance,
Let the last bell ring
We will come to your class again and again.

Here you practiced steps with us,
Grace was brought up in us,
We congratulate you now with the words,
Well, my legs are eager to dance again.

Maestro of movements, dance teacher!
Let us congratulate you on your holiday!
Thank you for the wonderful minutes,
That we heard the music of the body clearly.

Let your whole life be like a dance,
May you not lose strength and health.
And when the school bell rings -
Let it sound like the music of dance,


Happy birthday to a wonderful person and a wonderful choreographer. I wish you never to lose interest in your activities and every day strive for big victories, I wish you never get tired and always replenish your arsenal with bright ideas, I wish you incredibly beautiful productions and truly talented students, I wish you a wonderful mood and a happy, rich life.

Happy birthday to a magnificent choreographer and a wonderful person. With all my heart I wish you an inexhaustible supply and creative ideas, constant inspiration and inspired work, personal well-being and true happiness, sincere love and respect, a joyful mood and high achievements in life.

I heartily congratulate you on your birthday to a wonderful choreographer, a man of unquenchable enthusiasm and great aspirations. I sincerely wish to show my feelings in every movement, to reflect my inspiration and desire to love in every performance, to find luck and success in every day, to see talent and peculiarity in every student, to leave a piece of myself and the incredible beauty of creativity in every dance.

Happy birthday to the magnificent choreographer. May there always be enough strength and inspiration in life, may the enthusiasm and thirst for victory never leave you in your activities, may all students be talented and capable, may all ideas in life be successful and necessarily realized.

Wonderful choreographer wonderful person, talented person, on your birthday I sincerely wish the restless imagination of your soul, tireless strength and effort to achieve success and victories. I wish you bright and spectacular dancing, splendor in every movement and loud glory in every performance.

Happy birthday to a magnificent, talented and inimitable choreographer. I wish you frequent visits to the muse, great plans and great success, I wish you creative and life inspiration, prosperity, prosperity, respect and great happiness, I wish you a joyful mood, wonderful ideas and good health.

Happy birthday to the most wonderful and fun choreographer today. I wish you true happiness and sincere love, eternal external and inner beauty, successful creativity and a lot creative ideas, high achievements and extraordinary undertakings.

Happy birthday to a wonderful, talented and wonderful person. You are a wonderful choreographer and I want to wish you to embody all your great ideas and fantasies in the production of incredible dances. May everything always work out for you, may fortune smile on you, help you create inspiration and inspire you with happiness real love.

Happy birthday to a wonderful choreographer. I wish you to greet every day with a smile and inspiration, I wish you to always find the strength within yourself to implement everything you have planned, I wish you to fantasize and surprise everyone around you, I wish you incredible miracles in life and bright moments of glory in your work.

On your holiday, let me wish you inspiration and expression of your emotions in a dance drawing. May you be accompanied by enthusiastic spectators and talented followers.

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Words of gratitude to the choreographer: examples of words of gratitude, samples of congratulations, poems about the choreographer

Almost no event at school or outside of school takes place without the participation of a choreographer. By the way, April 29 is World Dance Day. Naturally, on such a day, as on any other holiday, the choreographer will be pleased to receive words of gratitude in honor of recognition of his merits, gratitude for his hard work, activity, attention, creativity and love for children.

It is advisable to send words of gratitude to beautiful leaf, you can use templates. But you need to read the word of gratitude out loud, solemnly, in the presence of children.

How to write words of gratitude to a choreographer

Choreographers are creative people, so imagination, creative thinking, originality of design and presentation are encouraged. You can choose any form of gratitude: a poem, an essay, a ditty, a song. You can even make a photo album with photographs of children and wishes. Or prepare a presentation in which you note all the successes of the children achieved under the guidance of the choreographer.

If a word of gratitude is issued on behalf of the school administration and the team of teachers, then it is better to adhere to the official form:

  • Address to the choreographer indicating the full last name, first name and patronymic.
  • Words of gratitude listing merits, wishes and parting words.
  • Date, signature of the head of the educational institution and seal.

In this section you will find examples and examples of words of gratitude to choreographers, congratulatory poems, as well as templates for writing and formatting words of gratitude.

It happens that it is very difficult to find words of gratitude. But preparing for a thank you speech and choosing the right words can work to your advantage. Taking into account several basic rules and nuances of etiquette when preparing a congratulation, having a pre-written sample, the speech will come out structured, filled with meaning and warm words.

What should you pay attention to when preparing a congratulatory speech?

  • Despite the fact that words of gratitude come from a person’s soul, from his emotional perception and impressions, the preparatory process should not be ignored, since the text of the congratulations must be structured and carefully comprehended. Even if the speech is short, just a few minutes.
  • When expressing gratitude, you need to take into account the close contact between the audience and the speaker.
  • It is necessary to determine the purpose of the speech. After the greeting, immediately explain to the audience why you have gathered, what you want to say and to whom.
  • In the congratulations, it is worth mentioning outstanding and memorable moments, the initiators of which were the children and their choreographer.
  • Use beautiful words, words of gratitude and parting words, wishes for the future.

An example of gratitude from parents to a choreographer in prose

Today a special occasion has brought us together. On behalf of myself and all parents, I would like to express my deep gratitude to a bright man, a professional in her field and simply a favorite of all the children, their teacher creative potential- choreographer (name, patronymic). We have known each other for more than one year. You play an important role in the creative and personal growth of our children. Together with all of us, you contribute to their upbringing. Thanks to you, they have reached considerable heights. I hope our children have a great and happy future, and this is due to your great merit. Thank you for giving a piece of your love, care, attention and knowledge to our children. I would like to wish that the light in your eyes never goes out. Personal and professional growth. Don't stop with what you've already achieved. Live, rejoice and develop. I wish you good health, obedient students, sincere love, prosperity and financial prosperity. So that bright emotions accompany you throughout your life, interesting people, unforgettable experience. Let faith, hope and love go hand in hand. Support from your loved ones and loved ones. Good team. And know that you can always count on our help and love.

Gratitude to the choreographer (certificate)

Dear (name, patronymic)! You take pride of place as the best choreographer in the city. We express our gratitude for your efforts, professionalism and achieved results. Your creative abilities leave no one indifferent. We wish you development, professional growth and success in achieving new heights.

Words of gratitude to the choreographer from children in prose

Our beloved teacher! In such a short time, you have become like family to us. Thank you for your parting words, and for supporting us in difficult times and putting up with all our antics. Together with you we shared our joy and sorrow. We have experienced many victories and disappointments. All this time you have been for us not just a teacher and choreographer, but also a friend. Thanks to you, we are developing not only in the art of dance, but also personally. You know how to inspire, cheer up, and point in the right direction. You are a very good person. We are grateful to fate for meeting you. Let any adversity pass by. Life will be filled with bright events and good people. Remain as cheerful, cheerful and happy as you are. And we will do our best to ensure that your stay with us brings you only positive emotions.

, undoubtedly, make a huge contribution to the life of the team where their child is studying, although this is not noticeable at first glance.
First of all, this applies to moral support for your child. When parents are satisfied with their children’s results, when they share interests together and are proud of their successes, children become energized good mood and give it to those around you. Feeling the support of those closest to him, the child studies with great enthusiasm and tries to achieve great success.

How important it is sometimes for a child, during an exciting performance, to see the kind glances of his parents, to feel the support, thanks to which a second wind opens. Sometimes children don’t even realize how difficult it can be for a father to ask to leave work a couple of hours early, and for a mother to redo all the household chores in time to be in time for her child’s concert.

Certainly, parents dance group take part in the life of the team from another, more practical side.

Concerns about organizing holidays, preparing for all kinds of events and concerts fall on the shoulders of not only teachers, but also the fathers and mothers of the team members.

It would seem that all parents’ responsibilities boil down to dropping off and picking up their child from classes or simply paying for them. But everything turns out to be much more complicated and interesting.
Sometimes it happens that parents, following their children, have to show themselves on the creative side. The parent and teacher prepare together for upcoming performances, come up with decorations, etc.

And how much strength and right words you need to support your child! Without the necessary conversations and silent support, many guys would have quit classes long ago. Everyone has ups and downs, and the teacher cannot always keep track of psychological state child. Some won’t even notice their mistakes or will simply take note and try not to make mistakes next time, while others will be very worried and decide that they made the wrong choice...

This is where parents come into play. They explain that you need to take your favorite business seriously, not give up and go towards your goal no matter what. Initially it may seem that this is a mere trifle, but such unspoken participation in the life of the team makes it stronger and more successful. After all, when you feel the support of loved ones, it seems that you can move mountains.

So, for now, dance group parents They manage to be psychologists, teaching assistants, costume designers and try on a whole bunch of other roles!

congratulations to the dance teacher

And you taught us all this.

Our movements are graceful and easy.

And the dance has a soul,
Our teacher, slowly,
Asks to show the dance
And we are ready to admit:

For your incentive and impulse -
A big “thank you”!
“Happy Teacher’s Day” - we shout,
Our “Taliat Tarsinov!”

I don't want caramel
I want movement!
When I dance I'm almost Miguel
Worthy of admiration!
Whose credit is there for this?
Of course, without a doubt
The one who does not hide knowledge
During the learning process,
My world changed instantly
And he became my best friend!
The one who gave happiness,
Handing over the key to the dance!

Our teacher is a virtuoso
Dance tears your soul to tears.
Congratulations, we love you,
We would like to invite you to a waltz.

Thank you for your work, diligence and patience.
Thank you for believing in us.
We want to congratulate you today.
And wish you good luck.

And the dance has a soul,
Our teacher, slowly,
Asks to show the dance
And we are ready to admit:

Our teacher is a virtuoso
Dance tears your soul to tears.
Congratulations, we love you,
We would like to invite you to a waltz.

Let your whole life be like a dance,
May you not lose strength and health.
And when the school bell rings -
Let it sound like the music of dance.

You taught us to dance,

And you spent a lot of years dancing.

The years flew by unnoticed - Goodbye, school forever!
Know this minute of parting
You will never be able to forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And go boldly into a great life!
Believe in friendship, don’t doubt yourself - Success and happiness lie ahead!

Oh, school, school, where are you? Where are our childhood dreams? And all our teachers? We part, loving you.
The last bell rang
He won't call us to class.
You all taught us how to live.
We should thank you
You will forgive us for our mistakes.
We will remember and love you,
Let's not forget our school
And your kind smiles.

Ninth grade is behind us. You are at a crossroads now. What do you dream of becoming in life? Where can I continue my studies? To us, your parents,
Your choice is necessary. We don't give advice
We are waiting for your decision.

Let in the labyrinths of adult life
It will be simple and easy for you!
Serve the cause and
Near and far!
The world is incredibly interesting
And intriguingly large!
Let the songs make you happy,
Let the continent be small!

Teachers have been in love with you for a long time,

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Let love and honor surround you!
Thank you for your work and for our children,
There is no more necessary profession in the world!

We know how to do it this way

We watched our couple without taking our eyes off.

Cry to teachers - Always be healthy!
Olya, what do you have in your hands? Yes, I just found it, it's someone's Personal diary It’s a pity, it’s not signed And you don’t know who to return it to. Let’s read what’s written in it, the owner will hear and show up.

We will immediately return the lost property to him. Olya, read! The 2nd pioneer and the 3rd pioneer read in turn: - A STUDENT'S DIARY - Today my mother sent me to the store to buy bread and eggs. I bought Coca-Cola with all my money, because it is much tastier and healthier than bread and eggs combined.

And the dance has a soul,
Our teacher, slowly,
Asks to show the dance
And we are ready to admit:

Our teacher is a virtuoso
Dance tears your soul to tears.
Congratulations, we love you,
We would like to invite you to a waltz.

We hasten to congratulate you, teachers, I will accept.
Walk past with a light gait.
You are so graceful, you are a fairy tale, a ballet.
And you spent a lot of years dancing.

Now we don’t just love to dance.
We know how to do it this way
So that all people, holding their breath,
We watched our couple without taking our eyes off.

And you taught us all this.
You spent a lot of time, but it was not wasted.
We are grateful to you for what we can do.
We congratulate you and promise that we will not disgrace you on the dance floor!

Recently we didn't know how to dance the waltz.
But you taught us, for which we are grateful to you.
Our movements are graceful and easy.
When we dance, we no longer put pressure on each other’s feet.

Thank you for your work, diligence and patience.
Thank you for believing in us.
We want to congratulate you today.
And wish you good luck.

The school waltz that will soon sound
You taught us to dance,
Let the last bell ring
We will come to your class again and again.

Maestro of movements, dance teacher!
Let us congratulate you on your holiday!
Thank you for the wonderful minutes,
That we heard the music of the body clearly.

Let your whole life be like a dance,
May you not lose strength and health.
And when the school bell rings -
Let it sound like the music of dance,

In the rhythm of waltz and rock and roll
We come off the floor.
With the fervor of samba, flamenco, jigs
We fly through life in this dance.
For all that you have revealed to us,
For those invisible wings,
That they rush with us to the music
Thank you, dance teacher!

Flying gait and slender figure,
And everyone wants to be like you.
Move beautifully and love music
Your dance class taught us.
We congratulate you today,
We wish you lightness in your legs and heart!
And may your soul always strive to dance.
We will not forget your lessons, believe me.

Rhythmic plasticity of movements,
Merging with the music alone,
We dance until we are exhausted
But it's a pleasure.

Jumping, stability and poses,
Chasing dance step
You, our teacher, will figure it out,
And you will tell me everything more than once.

It’s hard for us, we don’t dare grumble,
After all, you can’t do it without work.

The choreography falls to us,
And he gives away his knowledge and talent.

Maestro is happy to congratulate you,
And everyone is in a hurry to wish,
Health, victory and glory,

Teacher, dance teacher,
Choreographer you are smart
And of course we admit
You are an incomparable person.

We enjoy all activities
And not knowing fatigue,
We are all your comments,
We fix it scrupulously.

And today is my birthday,
To you from my heart and soul,
We hasten to wish you kindly,
Dreams come true!

Choreographer You are from God
And dance like God.
This is sincere, true,
We seriously think so.

Your achievements in dancing,
It's hard for us to overestimate.
You created without a doubt
The troupe is the best of all.

We cordially congratulate you,
Be happy always.
And let the problems, troubles
You will be left forever!

Graceful and graceful
Our dear teacher.
He is a great master, however
The hall and the machine are his own.

Teaches us slowly
And having taught the basics,
He puts “Pa” patiently,
So that your feet are light.

Amazed more than once
Amazed everyone with his skill,
Therefore, we want to understand
Be like him!

Graceful gait
Weightless and light
And the plasticity of all movements,
Slightly mesmerizing.

The tread of a deer, the softness of a cat,
To become royal
The teacher helps you
So wonderful to dance!

We wish the dance teacher success,
Health, of course, no injuries.
May you enjoy your studies as a whole,
We promise to help you with everything.

We can safely master any movements,
You don't even have to shout at us,
And all because we love and appreciate you
And we want to learn the art of dance!

Samba, cha-cha-cha and mambo,
Salsa, Hustle and Merengue.
Get me out of bed at night,
We will dance them everywhere.

But of course you have to be honest
And openly admit to everyone,
What without your participation,
You can't dance a waltz.

Classical dance is beautiful, impeccable,
When the teacher performs it,
We look, we look with reverence,
We want you to dance as easily as you do.

We add flexibility to the machine
And plastic hands, high jump,
And it’s difficult at times, but we understand
That only through perseverance will we take ours.

Thank you teacher for your patience,
For rigor, participation, kindness,
We congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you success, first of all!

Before you, we knew only one thing,
What to dance is not given to everyone,
But you, working on us,
They showed us body language.

Of course, seven sweats came off
And there was pain in the muscles and ligaments,
At times it seemed like I had no strength,
A crisis has arrived in learning.

But you stubbornly led us
And they inspired as best they could,
We are grateful to you for this
And we admit - we love you!

Congratulations to the Dance Teacher - Congratulations. Original

Rhythmic plasticity of movements,
Merging with the music alone,
We dance until the dance teacher is exhausted,
But it's a pleasure.

Jumping, stability and poses,
Chasing dance step
You, our teacher, will figure it out,
And you will tell me everything more than once.

It’s hard for us, we don’t dare grumble,
After all, you can’t do it without work.
Happy birthday dance teacher,
Students congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts!

To the dance teacher who inspires us,
And he won’t let you leave the machine for anything,
The choreography falls to us,
And he gives away his knowledge and talent.

Maestro is happy to congratulate you,
And everyone is in a hurry to wish,
Health, victory and glory,
And collect more stars in life!

Teacher, dance teacher,
Choreographer you are smart
And of course we admit
You are an incomparable person.

We enjoy all activities
And not knowing fatigue,
We are all your comments,
We fix it scrupulously.

And today is my birthday,
To you from my heart and soul,
We hasten to wish you kindly,
Dreams come true!

Choreographer You are from God
And dance like God.
This is sincere, true,
We seriously think so.

Your achievements in dancing,
It's hard for us to overestimate.
You created without a doubt
The troupe is the best of all.

We cordially congratulate you,
Be happy always.
And let the problems, troubles
You will be left forever!

Graceful and graceful
Our dear teacher.
He is a great master, however
The hall and the machine are his own.

Teaches us slowly
And having taught the basics,
He puts “Pa” patiently,
So that your feet are light.

Amazed more than once
Amazed everyone with his skill,
Therefore, we want to understand
Be like him!

Graceful gait
Weightless and light
And the plasticity of all movements,
Slightly mesmerizing.