Danila Kozlovsky: “Paulina is one of those rare people with whom you can remain yourself. Danila Kozlovsky, Paulina Andreeva and other overrated Russian actors - Being friends and working together is not the same thing...

Annually theater institutes hundreds of young actors and actresses are produced. However, there is little interest in new talents famous directors and producers. They still rely on proven actors and cast the same faces in their films. Even if they don't have real talent. We invite you to choose the most overrated Russian actor or actress from our list.

Svetlana Khodchenkova
An ideal figure, chiseled cheekbones, emerald eyes, natural golden curls - but, unfortunately, beauty is not always a guarantee of talent. Sometimes you get the impression that the actress doesn’t even understand what to do on set. To somehow get into character, Svetlana obviously needs a mentor and a strong director. This is what happened with Govorukhin in “ Bless the woman"or with Valeria Gai Germanika in " Short course happy life " Most of Khodchenkova's other works can easily be called a failure.

Danila Kozlovsky
Danila Kozlovsky first appeared on screen at the age of 14. Since then, his acting, by and large, has not changed at all. The same, of course, cannot be said about the actor’s appearance. You can’t help but wonder: if Danil had not been such a well-groomed handsome man, would his career in big cinema have turned out so successfully?

Liza Boyarskaya
The career of Elizaveta Boyarskaya is exactly the case when quantity does not turn into quality. Every year the actress is involved in dozens of projects. She works in the theater and appears in many films and television series. However, in almost every role the actress is the same, except that her costumes change. Although sometimes there are glimpses in her career - remember the role of Anna Karenina. Perhaps the directors themselves don’t really want to reveal the actress’s potential and offer her the same type of roles.

Dmitry Dyuzhev
Shirt-guy - it seems that this image is forever attached to the actor. Although for several years in a row Dyuzhev has been actively trying to destroy it. And often quite unsuccessfully: he wildly overacts and creates drama out of nowhere. The question naturally arises: did the actor have any talent at all?

Alexandra Bortich
Alexandra Bortich is one of the most sought-after young people Russian actresses to date. In the last two years alone, Bortich has starred in 17 films. But let's be honest, most of these works are hack work. So for now the only advantage of the young actress is her pretty face. But she’s only 24. Let’s see what happens next.

Marat Basharov
Marat Basharov had an excellent start: working with such titans as Alexander Mitta, Nikita Mikhalkov, Stanislav Govorukhin. But, as time has shown, the talent did not last long. The actor gradually slipped into the role of the permanent leader of endless dances and songs on ice.

Marina Alexandrova
Marina Alexandrova was predicted to have a successful career. It's not that the actress hasn't lived up to expectations... She works a lot in theatre, film and television. However, until serious dramatic roles clearly doesn't measure up. Viewers remembered her disastrous reincarnation as the Soviet film star Valentina Serova for a long time. Detractors often reproach Alexandrova for her lack of talent, and believe that the main reason for her rather successful career is her husband and, concurrently, chief director Channel One Andrey Boltenko.

Mikhail Porechenkov
It would be hard to call Mikhail Porechenkov an excellent actor. Sometimes it seems that he always plays the same role. A military man, a writer, a doctor or a priest - even a radical change in qualifications on the screen cannot save Porechenkov.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk
Although her track record includes many roles in soap operas. But, as you might guess, they are all little different from each other. Today, the actress's ceiling is the role of nanny Vika with a memorable Mariupol accent.

Paulina Andreeva
Muse of the most popular Russian director Fedora Bondarchuk is far from perfect, especially when it comes to serious dramatic roles...

— Danila, Paulina, how would you characterize each other using three epithets?

Danila: (Pause.) Real. Very beautiful. Funny. Laughs at himself often. This combination is rare. It's your turn! In the meantime, I’ll turn on the camera so that I can show you the recording at the right moment! (Laughs.)

Pauline: Crazy. Very beautiful. Responsive. What doesn’t happen very often is when, with such demand and popularity, first places in all kinds of ratings, a person manages to remain human. The task is the most important and difficult to achieve. I'm glad that Danila can do this. Otherwise I wouldn’t be friends with him...

— I wonder how many readers, looking at this cover, will think that you are a couple?

Danila: Paulina and I have been friends for five years; we were introduced by a mutual friend, Philip Olegovich Yankovsky. Paul is one of those few people with whom you can be yourself. That is, next to her I can be whatever I want and feel free.

Pauline: We don't need to explain to each other what the joke is.

Danila: Yes! Conventionally, even if one of us made an unfunny joke, we will laugh at how unfunny he made the joke.

— Being friends and working together are not the same thing...

Danila: We are comfortable with both. Therefore, when the need arose for an actress who was to play not the main, but an important role in the film “Status: Available,” I suggested inviting her. My hero Nikita goes through all the trials associated with breaking up with his girlfriend, and according to the laws of the genre, he must be rewarded in the end. We are not talking about a happy ending, we don’t know what will happen next, but after all the adventures in his life, an important meeting takes place - he appears new person. It was necessary that there should be an actress in the frame whose energy and charm you instantly believe, so that the viewer, looking at my hero at that moment, would say: “Wow, I want to be in his place!” I called Paulina and asked to read the script. Still, the role is small, our budget, again, is modest - there were many doubts whether she would agree... But Polya called me back the next day and said that she was with us.

Pauline: Everything was wrong! In fact, we met in some public catering establishment, and he turned to me with an official intonation in his voice: “Paulina, you see, we have this story, and I would like to offer you a small role. I’ll send you the script...” To which I replied: “Danila, I agree to act without reading it.”

Danila: I invited Paulina to the film “Status: Single”. It was necessary to have an actress in the frame whose energy and charm you instantly believe. Photo: Andrey Fedechko

— Paulina, I just want to ask: a role with words?

Paulina: Yes! (Laughs.) Although small, two scenes... On my part, this is also a friendly gesture, because the film “Status: Free” is Danila’s producing debut and, since I call myself his friend, I was glad to support him. The same applied to Dani’s offer to appear on the cover of TV WEEK. He called and asked matter-of-factly if I would be honored to be on the cover with him. To which I replied that if he doesn’t mind being next to me... (Both laugh.) In fact, it coincided so well that Danya was rehearsing Hamlet in St. Petersburg (we’re talking about Maly’s play drama theater- Theater of Europe. — Approx. "TN"), I also came to my hometown, so it turned out to combine everything.

- And they also say that acting friendships do not exist...

Paulina: This is truly a rarity among actresses. And friendship between a man and a woman is wonderful. Because initially we have nothing to share, we have no competition. I can only sincerely rejoice at Dani’s success. To me

I like Danila’s work in the theater, I adore him in the play “ Cherry Orchard“He is the enchanting Lopakhin. And I know people who were skeptical about it, looked for some flaws, and then came to the theater and were disarmed by what they saw on stage.

Danila: And I recently watched several episodes of the TV movie “Method”, where such a great and beloved artist as played. So Paulina paired with him is absolutely equal and complete. I love her small but absolutely wonderful role in The Thaw! When Polya and I were in New York (we studied English at the same language school), she played me the song “Oh, how I was in love, my friend, and now what…”, which she recorded for Valery Todorovsky’s film. I think I was one of the first people you let listen to it...

Pauline: Yes, that's right.

Danila: And this is a year, if not more, before the premiere of “The Thaw”! By the way, this happened in Central Park, from where the police picked us up an hour later for drinking alcohol in a public place. But the most important thing is that when I heard this song, I immediately realized that this was a hit. It was somehow completely obvious. I say: “This is so cool! Did you sing? - “Well, yes, what’s wrong?” Now Paulina will say that in “The Thaw” she has a cameo role, but the main thing is that she is memorable and very bright. And I say all this not because Polya is my friend, but because she is a very good actress.

Paulina: friendship between actresses is very rare. And friendship between a man and a woman is wonderful. We have nothing to share, we have no competition. I can only sincerely rejoice at Dani’s success. Photo: Andrey Fedechko

— Danila, have you watched the erotic thriller “Locust” with Paulina?

Danila: I will say that I admire my colleagues and friends, that is, Paulina and Petya Fedorov, who played the main roles there. I admire their courage. But first of all, it was Paulina, because it is still easier for a man to act in such films. For a young actress to play in an erotic thriller in Russia is a huge courage and responsibility. Because this is generally an atypical genre for our country; we have a rather sanctimonious country in this sense.

Pauline: It seems that we still don’t have sex, and storks bring children...

Danila: Yes, this genre is, by definition, wary. But it can be very interesting, sensual

story. I saw individual frames - very beautiful. But I didn't watch the whole film.

Pauline: Why?!

Danila: Unfortunately, there was no time. Throughout December there were rehearsals for Hamlet, then the premiere of our film in Ireland, with today it goes all over Russia. Now I remember how Paulina saw our film for the first time. I called her and suggested we go to the cinema... (Laughs.)

Pauline: I ask: “Did you find something good in the poster?” He says: “Yes, you won’t regret it.”

Danila: And then Polya began to clarify: “Which cinema are you taking me to? Were we there? I took her to a recording studio near the Kursky railway station. Going there, Polya saw Natasha Anisimova, a wonderful actress who also starred in our film, sound engineers, then director Pasha Ruminov joined...

Pauline: And we watched the edited “Status: Single.” Danya sat serious throughout the session, making notes in a notepad all the time, but all I needed was popcorn to complete the picture. No nonsense, I really enjoyed the movie. And I applaud Danila’s courage in his producing debut. He doesn't wait ideal offers, although he has a lot of them, he chooses what is truly interesting to him, creates projects himself, and builds his career.

— Danila, the film begins with how the heroine of Elizaveta Boyarskaya leaves your character for another man. Someone will think: “They don’t leave people like that, it doesn’t happen.” Did this attract you to the story?

Danila: Theme. In principle, we have few films about separation. And this is where the picture really begins: my hero Nikita is abandoned by a girl, and he begins to fight for her, he does not agree to let her go to someone else. There is a lot of funny, absurd, sad, charming, touching in this story. I have never played anything like this before: the project interested me both as an actor and as a producer. The backstory is this: director Pasha Ruminov, when we were preparing for a completely different film, talked about how he broke up with his girlfriend, how he wrote down in a notebook everything that happened to him at that moment... Listening to him, I somehow

I immediately realized that this could be transferred to the screen, that this was a separate movie. That other project did not work out for some reason, but “Status: Free” appeared. It immediately became obvious that main role, the role of Athena, should be played by Liza Boyarskaya. I sent her the script, after reading which she wrote: “You know, I understand why you sent it to me. Because there are stories that can only be told with people with whom a certain period of life has passed.” Lisa and I have really known each other for a long time, since our first year, we, again, don’t need to explain things to each other, we play on stage together... Lisa is my very close friend.

Pauline: So the title for the material is ready: “Danya and his girlfriends”!

Danila: the topic of parting is painful, sad, but also very important. There comes a time when you need to be able to let go of another person. Photo: Andrey Fedechko

Danila: Yes, I’m well settled, I’m surrounded by such people! (Laughs.) Of course, the topic of parting is painful, sad, but also very important, because the time comes when you need to be able to let go of the other person. There is a wonderful phrase in the film when Lisa says to my hero: “I am not a ventilator, breathe now without me, breathe on your own!” It’s sad, but you need to go through it, you need to understand that the relationship has outlived its usefulness, it’s over. You can’t be selfish and consider someone else your property... This sounds like another good phrase, albeit a rude one, that my hero says to her new man: "Well

and love each other, just don’t get your dick.” The relationship is over, but you can remain friends. Of course, breaking up is always difficult. It hurts when they leave you, but it also hurts no less when you leave.

Pauline: Agree. If they leave you, of course, we are also talking about wounded pride, but it cannot come to the fore when people were connected by a real feeling, kinship. Here the pain is of a different nature, people write books about it, compose poems.

Paulina: when they leave you, of course, we are talking about wounded pride, but it cannot come to the fore if people were connected by a real feeling, which we call love. Photo: Andrey Fedechko

— Parting with the city can also be painful in its own way. It turns out interesting: Danila was born in Moscow, but then moved with his family to St. Petersburg, studied there, and now plays in the theater with Lev Dodin. You, Paulina, on the contrary, left for Moscow from St. Petersburg...

Paulina: What drove me from St. Petersburg to Moscow was the desire to get out of my usual comfort zone. Before that, I studied for two years at the journalism department in my native St. Petersburg. But I quickly realized that I was not doing my job, melancholy began to eat me... I came to the capital aimed at winning. Despite the fact that I didn’t know the city. We went on some excursions to Moscow, but this is completely different. My parents, of course, knew about my admission; it was not an escape from home. Moscow drove me crazy and delighted me. Huge number people, the bustling metro - it was as if I had plunged into the abyss. There was also a feeling of more aggressive energy. But I was also quite aggressive, because I had a clear goal. I can’t say that Moscow wounded me or tested my strength. I was immediately lucky to meet people who helped important tips. Moscow accepted me enough

friendly. I dreamed of entering the Moscow Art Theater School and entered there, I dreamed of working at the Moscow Art Theater art theater, and this dream also came true.

And St. Petersburg is still my energy base, a place of power - best city on the ground. Every time I come here, the first thing I do is visit my family: my parents and grandparents. I travel by train. “Sapsan” is more of a necessary measure, I love the night “Red Arrow” - with tea, a rattling glass holder... In St. Petersburg I do not function as an actress. Here I am a daughter, sister, granddaughter, friend.

— Paulina, Danila has said more than once that the most important person in his life it is his mother. Who in your family had a particularly strong influence on you?

Paulina: The whole family. It would be unfair of me to single out just one.

I am the eldest, I have two brothers. But I’m the only girl, so I probably felt more attention to myself. My parents are young, and they are my friends first and foremost. Mom and dad instilled in me freedom of choice and always repeated that I would succeed. I still feel this support.

At school I was a poor student. Well, a C student! Because she was always a hooligan: a typical restless, overly active child. Every time my parents repeated: “Well, it’s awkward to go to school again.” parent meeting! But there was never any repression or pressure on this matter. I took extra classes with teachers to improve my problematic subjects, but I loved to recite: “I’m not interested in your physics, I’m a humanist!” (Laughs.)

Danila: We don’t have many films about separation. And this is where the picture begins: my hero is abandoned by a girl, and he begins to fight for her. Photo: Leopolis Film Company

- Paulina, when did you realize that you were good-looking?

Paulina: I never thought about it seriously. During my teenage period, I had a rejection of myself: I could not come to an agreement with this world, everything in me was in revolt, it seemed that everyone around me was lying. I looked almost like a tomboy: sneakers, a passion for skateboarding, sharp manners... I began to accept and understand myself only after becoming a student at the Studio School. But this path of knowledge continues to this day.

Danila: Look at her: Paulina is one of the most beautiful women in our country! And believe me, when I say “beautiful”, I’m not just talking about her appearance.

— That’s why you invited Paulina to your concert program“The big dream of an ordinary person”? By the way, why does Paulina dance there and not sing?

Paulina: Because there is one main character.

Danila: Let me explain: “An Ordinary Man’s Big Dream” is not a concert, it’s musical performance. History of man,

which is explained by my love for the era of the 1940-50s, the music performed by my beloved and respected Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Tony Bennett. And Paulina, of course, fits perfectly into the style of that time and the dramaturgy of my performance, in which I share my feelings and emotions.

When I asked Polya to support me in this crazy adventure with a music program, she responded instantly. I remember very well our rehearsals at Mosfilm in early April. At some point, we opened the huge gates of the pavilion, turned on the music at full blast and started dancing right in the street...

Paulina: I applaud Danila's courage. He does not wait for ideal proposals, but chooses what is truly interesting to him, creates projects himself, and builds his career. Photo: Andrey Fedechko

— Danila, returning to the film “Status: Single”... What is your current status - single, in a relationship, in search? Underline what is necessary.

Danila: I have a wonderful girlfriend. I'll say nothing more.

Danila Kozlovsky

Family: mother - Nadezhda Nikolaevna, actress; father - Valery Ivanovich, professor at the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography; brothers - Egor (32 years old), Ivan (29 years old)

Education: graduated from the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts

Career: He made his film debut at the age of 13 in the series “Simple Truths.” He starred in more than 30 films, including: “Garpastum”, “Merry Men”, “Five Brides”, “Legend No. 17”, “Spiritless”, “Vampire Academy”, “The Habit of Parting”, “Dubrovsky”, “Status: Free." Actor of the St. Petersburg Maly Drama Theater - Theater of Europe

Paulina Andreeva

Family: mother - Elena Nikolaevna, businesswoman; father - Oleg Vladimirovich, businessman; brothers - Igor (20 years old), Boris (15 years old)

Education: graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School

Career: starred in films and TV series: “The Thaw”, “ Dark World: Balance", "Gregory R.", "Method", "Locust", "Status: Free". Actress of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov

Danila Kozlovsky

Family: mother - Nadezhda Nikolaevna, actress; father - Valery Ivanovich, professor at the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography; brothers - Egor (32 years old), Ivan (29 years old)

Education: graduated from the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts

Career: He made his film debut at the age of 13 in the series “Simple Truths.” He starred in more than 30 films, including: “Garpastum”, “Merry Men”, “Five Brides”, “Legend No. 17”, “Spiritless”, “Vampire Academy”, “The Habit of Parting”, “Dubrovsky”, “Status: Free." Actor of the St. Petersburg Maly Drama Theater - Theater of Europe

Paulina Andreeva

Family: mother - Elena Nikolaevna, businesswoman; father - Oleg Vladimirovich, businessman; brothers - Igor (20 years old), Boris (15 years old)

Education: graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School

Career: starred in films and TV series: “The Thaw”, “Dark World: Balance”, “Gregory R.”, “Method”, “Locust”, “Status: Single”. Actress of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov

— Danila, Paulina, how would you characterize each other using three epithets?

Danila:(Pause.) Real. Very beautiful. Funny. Laughs at himself often. This combination is rare. It's your turn! In the meantime, I’ll turn on the camera so that I can show you the recording at the right moment! (Laughs.)

Pauline: Crazy. Very beautiful. Responsive. What doesn’t happen very often is when, with such demand and popularity, first places in all kinds of ratings, a person manages to remain human. The task is the most important and difficult to achieve. I'm glad that Danila can do this. Otherwise I wouldn’t be friends with him...

— I wonder how many readers, looking at this cover, will think that you are a couple?

Danila: Paulina and I have been friends for five years; we were introduced by a mutual friend, Philip Olegovich Yankovsky. Paul is one of those few people with whom you can be yourself. That is, next to her I can be whatever I want and feel free.

Pauline: We don't need to explain to each other what the joke is.

Danila: Yes! Conventionally, even if one of us made an unfunny joke, we will laugh at how unfunny he made the joke.

— Being friends and working together are not the same thing...

Danila: We are comfortable with both. Therefore, when the need arose for an actress who was to play not the main, but an important role in the film “Status: Available,” I suggested inviting Paulina Andreeva. My hero Nikita goes through all the trials associated with breaking up with his girlfriend, and according to the laws of the genre, he must be rewarded in the end. We are not talking about a happy ending, we don’t know what will happen next, but after all the adventures in his life, an important meeting takes place - a new person appears. It was necessary that there should be an actress in the frame whose energy and charm you instantly believe, so that the viewer, looking at my hero at that moment, would say: “Wow, I want to be in his place!” I called Paulina and asked to read the script. Still, the role is small, our budget, again, is modest - there were many doubts whether she would agree... But Polya called me back the next day and said that she was with us.

Pauline: Everything was wrong! In fact, we met with Danila Kozlovsky in some public catering establishment, and he turned to me with an official intonation in his voice: “Paulina, you see, we have this story, and I would like to offer you a small role. I’ll send you the script...” To which I replied: “Danila, I agree to act without reading it.”

— Paulina, I just want to ask: a role with words?

Pauline: Yes! (Laughs.) Although small, two scenes... On my part, this is also a friendly gesture, because the film “Status: Free” is Danila’s producing debut and, since I call myself his friend, I was glad to support him. The same applied to Dani’s offer to appear on the cover of TV WEEK. He called and asked matter-of-factly if I would be honored to be on the cover with him. To which I replied that if he doesn’t mind being next to me... (Both laugh.) In fact, it coincided so well that Danya was rehearsing Hamlet in St. Petersburg (we are talking about the play of the Maly Drama Theater - Theater of Europe. - Note. " TN"), I also came to my hometown, so I managed to combine everything.

- And they also say that acting friendships do not exist...

Pauline: This is truly a rarity among actresses. And friendship between a man and a woman is wonderful. Because initially we have nothing to share, we have no competition. I can only sincerely rejoice at Dani’s success. I like Danila’s work in the theater, I adore him in the play “The Cherry Orchard” - he is an enchanting Lopakhin. And I know people who were skeptical about it, looked for some flaws, and then came to the theater and were disarmed by what they saw on stage.

Danila: And I recently watched several episodes of the TV movie “Method”, where such a great and beloved artist as Konstantin Yuryevich Khabensky played. So Paulina paired with him is absolutely equal and complete. I love her small but absolutely wonderful role in The Thaw! When Polya and I were in New York (we studied English at the same language school), she played me the song “Oh, how I was in love, my friend, and now what…”, which she recorded for Valery Todorovsky’s film. I think I was one of the first people you let listen to it...

Pauline: Yes, that's right.

Danila: And this is a year, if not more, before the premiere of “The Thaw”! By the way, this happened in Central Park, from where the police took us away an hour later for drinking alcohol in a public place. But the most important thing is that when I heard this song, I immediately realized that this was a hit. It was somehow completely obvious. I say: “This is so cool! Did you sing? - “Well, yes, what’s wrong?” Now Paulina will say that in “The Thaw” she has a cameo role, but the main thing is that she is memorable and very bright. And I say all this not because Polya is my friend, but because she is a very good actress.

— Danila, have you watched the erotic thriller “Locust” with Paulina?

Danila: I will say that I admire my colleagues and friends, that is, Paulina and Petya Fedorov, who played the main roles there. I admire their courage. But first of all, it was Paulina, because it is still easier for a man to act in such films. For a young actress to play in an erotic thriller in Russia is a huge courage and responsibility. Because this is generally an atypical genre for our country; we have a rather sanctimonious country in this sense.

Pauline: It seems that we still don’t have sex, and storks bring children...

Danila: Yes, this genre is, by definition, wary. But this can be a very interesting, sensual story. I saw individual frames - very beautiful. But I didn't watch the whole film.

Pauline: Why?!

Danila: Unfortunately, there was no time. Throughout December there were rehearsals for Hamlet, then the premiere of our film in Ireland, and from today it is shown throughout Russia. Now I remember how Paulina saw our film for the first time. I called her and suggested we go to the cinema... (Laughs.)

Pauline: I ask: “Did you find something good in the poster?” He says: “Yes, you won’t regret it.”

Danila: And then Polya began to clarify: “Which cinema are you taking me to? Were we there? I took her to a recording studio near the Kursky railway station. Going there, Polya saw Natasha Anisimova, a wonderful actress who also starred in our film, sound engineers, then director Pasha Ruminov joined...

Pauline: And we watched the edited “Status: Single.” Danya sat serious throughout the session, making notes in a notepad all the time, but all I needed was popcorn to complete the picture. No nonsense, I really enjoyed the movie. And I applaud Danila’s courage in his producing debut. He does not wait for ideal offers, although he has many of them, but chooses what is truly interesting to him, creates projects himself, and builds his career.

— Danila, the film begins with how the heroine of Elizaveta Boyarskaya leaves your character for another man. Someone will think: “They don’t leave people like that, it doesn’t happen.” Did this attract you to the story?

Danila: Theme. In principle, we have few films about separation. And this is where the picture really begins: my hero Nikita is abandoned by a girl, and he begins to fight for her, he does not agree to let her go to someone else. There is a lot of funny, absurd, sad, charming, touching in this story. I have never played anything like this before: the project interested me both as an actor and as a producer. The backstory is this: director Pasha Ruminov, when we were preparing for a completely different film, talked about how he broke up with his girlfriend, how he wrote down in a notebook everything that happened to him at that moment... Listening to him, I somehow immediately I realized that this could be transferred to the screen, that this was a separate movie. That other project did not work out for some reason, but “Status: Free” appeared. It immediately became obvious that the main role, the role of Athena, should be played by Liza Boyarskaya. I sent her the script, after reading which she wrote: “You know, I understand why you sent it to me. Because there are stories that can only be told with people with whom a certain period of life has passed.” Lisa and I have really known each other for a long time, since our first year, we, again, don’t need to explain things to each other, we play on stage together... Lisa is my very close friend.

Pauline: So the title for the material is ready: “Danya and his girlfriends”!

Danila: Yes, I’m well settled, I’m surrounded by such people! (Laughs.) Of course, the topic of parting is painful, sad, but also very important, because the time comes when you need to be able to let go of the other person. There is a wonderful phrase in the film when Lisa says to my hero: “I am not a ventilator, breathe now without me, breathe on your own!” It’s sad, but you need to go through it, you need to understand that the relationship has outlived its usefulness, it’s over. You can’t be selfish and consider someone else your property... There’s another good phrase, albeit a bit rude, that her new man says to my hero: “Well, love each other, just don’t get your dick.” The relationship is over, but you can remain friends. Of course, breaking up is always difficult. It hurts when they leave you, but it also hurts no less when you leave.

Pauline: Agree. If they leave you, of course, we are also talking about wounded pride, but it cannot come to the fore when people were connected by a real feeling, kinship. Here the pain is of a different nature, people write books about it, compose poems.

— Parting with the city can also be painful in its own way. It turns out interesting: Danila was born in Moscow, but then moved with his family to St. Petersburg, studied there, and now plays in the theater with Lev Dodin. You, Paulina, on the contrary, left for Moscow from St. Petersburg...

Pauline: What drove me from St. Petersburg to Moscow was the desire to get out of my usual comfort zone. Before that, I studied for two years at the journalism department in my native St. Petersburg. But I quickly realized that I was not doing my job, melancholy began to eat me... I came to the capital aimed at winning. Despite the fact that I didn’t know the city. We went on some excursions to Moscow, but this is completely different. My parents, of course, knew about my admission; it was not an escape from home. Moscow drove me crazy and delighted me. A huge number of people, a bustling metro - it was as if I had plunged into the abyss. There was also a feeling of more aggressive energy. But I was also quite aggressive, because I had a clear goal. I can’t say that Moscow wounded me or tested my strength. I was immediately lucky to meet people who helped with important advice. Moscow received me quite friendly. I dreamed of entering the Moscow Art Theater School and entered there, I dreamed of working at the Moscow Art Theater, and this dream also came true.

And St. Petersburg is still my energy base, a place of power - the best city on earth. Every time I come here, the first thing I do is visit my family: my parents and grandparents. I travel by train. “Sapsan” is more of a necessary measure, I love the night “Red Arrow” - with tea, a rattling glass holder... In St. Petersburg I do not function as an actress. Here I am a daughter, sister, granddaughter, friend.

— Paulina, Danila has said more than once that the most important person in his life is his mother. Who in your family had a particularly strong influence on you?

Pauline: The whole family. It would be unfair of me to single out just one.

I am the eldest, I have two brothers. But I’m the only girl, so I probably felt more attention to myself. My parents are young, and they are my friends first and foremost. Mom and dad instilled in me freedom of choice and always repeated that I would succeed. I still feel this support.

At school I was a poor student. Well, a C student! Because she was always a hooligan: a typical restless, overly active child. Every time my parents repeated: “Well, what’s wrong, it’s awkward to go to a parent-teacher meeting again!” But there was never any repression or pressure on this matter. I took extra classes with teachers to improve my problematic subjects, but I loved to recite: “I’m not interested in your physics, I’m a humanist!” (Laughs.)

- Paulina, when did you realize that you were good-looking?

Pauline: I never thought about it seriously. During my teenage period, I had a rejection of myself: I could not come to an agreement with this world, everything in me was in revolt, it seemed that everyone around me was lying. I looked almost like a tomboy: sneakers, a passion for skateboarding, sharp manners... I began to accept and understand myself only after becoming a student at the Studio School. But this path of knowledge continues to this day.

Danila: Look at her: Paulina is one of the most beautiful women in our country! And believe me, when I say “beautiful”, I’m not just talking about her appearance.

— Is that why you invited Paulina to your concert program “The Big Dream of an Ordinary Man”? By the way, why does Paulina dance there and not sing?

Pauline: Because there is one main character.

Danila: Let me explain: “An Ordinary Man’s Big Dream” is not a concert, it is a musical performance. The story of a man who expresses his love for the era of the 1940-50s, the music performed by my beloved and respected Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Tony Bennett. And Paulina, of course, fits perfectly into the style of that time and the dramaturgy of my performance, in which I share my feelings and emotions.

When I asked Polya to support me in this crazy adventure with a music program, she responded instantly. I remember very well our rehearsals at Mosfilm in early April. At some point, we opened the huge gates of the pavilion, turned on the music at full blast and started dancing right in the street...

— Danila, returning to the film “Status: Single”... What is your current status - single, in a relationship, in search? Underline what is necessary.

Danila: I have a wonderful girlfriend. I'll say nothing more.

Danila Kozlovsky

Family: mother - Nadezhda Nikolaevna, actress; father - Valery Ivanovich, professor at the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography; brothers - Egor (32 years old), Ivan (29 years old)

Education: graduated from the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts

Career: He made his film debut at the age of 13 in the series “Simple Truths.” He starred in more than 30 films, including: “Garpastum”, “Merry Men”, “Five Brides”, “Legend No. 17”, “Spiritless”, “Vampire Academy”, “The Habit of Parting”, “Dubrovsky”, “Status: Free." Actor of the St. Petersburg Maly Drama Theater - Theater of Europe

Paulina Andreeva

Family: mother - Elena Nikolaevna, businesswoman; father - Oleg Vladimirovich, businessman; brothers - Igor (20 years old), Boris (15 years old)

Education: graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School

Career: starred in films and TV series: “The Thaw”, “Dark World: Balance”, “Gregory R.”, “Method”, “Locust”, “Status: Single”. Actress of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov

— Danila, Paulina, how would you characterize each other using three epithets?

Danila:(Pause.) Real. Very beautiful. Funny. Laughs at himself often. This combination is rare. It's your turn! In the meantime, I’ll turn on the camera so that I can show you the recording at the right moment! (Laughs.)

Pauline: Crazy. Very beautiful. Responsive. What doesn’t happen very often is when, with such demand and popularity, first places in all kinds of ratings, a person manages to remain human. The task is the most important and difficult to achieve. I'm glad that Danila can do this. Otherwise I wouldn’t be friends with him...

— I wonder how many readers, looking at this cover, will think that you are a couple?

Danila: Paulina and I have been friends for five years; we were introduced by a mutual friend, Philip Olegovich Yankovsky. Paul is one of those few people with whom you can be yourself. That is, next to her I can be whatever I want and feel free.

Pauline: We don't need to explain to each other what the joke is.

Danila: Yes! Conventionally, even if one of us made an unfunny joke, we will laugh at how unfunny he made the joke.

— Being friends and working together are not the same thing...

Danila: We are comfortable with both. Therefore, when the need arose for an actress who was to play not the main, but an important role in the film “Status: Available,” I suggested inviting Paulina Andreeva. My hero Nikita goes through all the trials associated with breaking up with his girlfriend, and according to the laws of the genre, he must be rewarded in the end. We are not talking about a happy ending, we don’t know what will happen next, but after all the adventures in his life, an important meeting takes place - a new person appears. It was necessary that there should be an actress in the frame whose energy and charm you instantly believe, so that the viewer, looking at my hero at that moment, would say: “Wow, I want to be in his place!” I called Paulina and asked to read the script. Still, the role is small, our budget, again, is modest - there were many doubts whether she would agree... But Polya called me back the next day and said that she was with us.

Pauline: Everything was wrong! In fact, we met with Danila Kozlovsky in some public catering establishment, and he turned to me with an official intonation in his voice: “Paulina, you see, we have this story, and I would like to offer you a small role. I’ll send you the script...” To which I replied: “Danila, I agree to act without reading it.”

— Paulina, I just want to ask: a role with words?

Pauline: Yes! (Laughs.) Although small, two scenes... On my part, this is also a friendly gesture, because the film “Status: Free” is Danila’s producing debut and, since I call myself his friend, I was glad to support him. The same applied to Dani’s offer to appear on the cover of TV WEEK. He called and asked matter-of-factly if I would be honored to be on the cover with him. To which I replied that if he doesn’t mind being next to me... (Both laugh.) In fact, it coincided so well that Danya was rehearsing Hamlet in St. Petersburg (we are talking about the play of the Maly Drama Theater - Theater of Europe. - Note. " TN"), I also came to my hometown, so I managed to combine everything.

- And they also say that acting friendships do not exist...

Pauline: This is truly a rarity among actresses. And friendship between a man and a woman is wonderful. Because initially we have nothing to share, we have no competition. I can only sincerely rejoice at Dani’s success. I like Danila’s work in the theater, I adore him in the play “The Cherry Orchard” - he is an enchanting Lopakhin. And I know people who were skeptical about it, looked for some flaws, and then came to the theater and were disarmed by what they saw on stage.

Danila: And I recently watched several episodes of the TV movie “Method”, where such a great and beloved artist as Konstantin Yuryevich Khabensky played. So Paulina paired with him is absolutely equal and complete. I love her small but absolutely wonderful role in The Thaw! When Polya and I were in New York (we studied English at the same language school), she played me the song “Oh, how I was in love, my friend, and now what…”, which she recorded for Valery Todorovsky’s film. I think I was one of the first people you let listen to it...

Pauline: Yes, that's right.

Danila: And this is a year, if not more, before the premiere of “The Thaw”! By the way, this happened in Central Park, from where the police took us away an hour later for drinking alcohol in a public place. But the most important thing is that when I heard this song, I immediately realized that this was a hit. It was somehow completely obvious. I say: “This is so cool! Did you sing? - “Well, yes, what’s wrong?” Now Paulina will say that in “The Thaw” she has a cameo role, but the main thing is that she is memorable and very bright. And I say all this not because Polya is my friend, but because she is a very good actress.

— Danila, have you watched the erotic thriller “Locust” with Paulina?

Danila: I will say that I admire my colleagues and friends, that is, Paulina and Petya Fedorov, who played the main roles there. I admire their courage. But first of all, it was Paulina, because it is still easier for a man to act in such films. For a young actress to play in an erotic thriller in Russia is a huge courage and responsibility. Because this is generally an atypical genre for our country; we have a rather sanctimonious country in this sense.

Pauline: It seems that we still don’t have sex, and storks bring children...

Danila: Yes, this genre is, by definition, wary. But this can be a very interesting, sensual story. I saw individual frames - very beautiful. But I didn't watch the whole film.

Pauline: Why?!

Danila: Unfortunately, there was no time. Throughout December there were rehearsals for Hamlet, then the premiere of our film in Ireland, and from today it is shown throughout Russia. Now I remember how Paulina saw our film for the first time. I called her and suggested we go to the cinema... (Laughs.)

Pauline: I ask: “Did you find something good in the poster?” He says: “Yes, you won’t regret it.”

Danila: And then Polya began to clarify: “Which cinema are you taking me to? Were we there? I took her to a recording studio near the Kursky railway station. Going there, Polya saw Natasha Anisimova, a wonderful actress who also starred in our film, sound engineers, then director Pasha Ruminov joined...

Pauline: And we watched the edited “Status: Single.” Danya sat serious throughout the session, making notes in a notepad all the time, but all I needed was popcorn to complete the picture. No nonsense, I really enjoyed the movie. And I applaud Danila’s courage in his producing debut. He does not wait for ideal offers, although he has many of them, but chooses what is truly interesting to him, creates projects himself, and builds his career.

— Danila, the film begins with how the heroine of Elizaveta Boyarskaya leaves your character for another man. Someone will think: “They don’t leave people like that, it doesn’t happen.” Did this attract you to the story?

Danila: Theme. In principle, we have few films about separation. And this is where the picture really begins: my hero Nikita is abandoned by a girl, and he begins to fight for her, he does not agree to let her go to someone else. There is a lot of funny, absurd, sad, charming, touching in this story. I have never played anything like this before: the project interested me both as an actor and as a producer. The backstory is this: director Pasha Ruminov, when we were preparing for a completely different film, talked about how he broke up with his girlfriend, how he wrote down in a notebook everything that happened to him at that moment... Listening to him, I somehow immediately I realized that this could be transferred to the screen, that this was a separate movie. That other project did not work out for some reason, but “Status: Free” appeared. It immediately became obvious that the main role, the role of Athena, should be played by Liza Boyarskaya. I sent her the script, after reading which she wrote: “You know, I understand why you sent it to me. Because there are stories that can only be told with people with whom a certain period of life has passed.” Lisa and I have really known each other for a long time, since our first year, we, again, don’t need to explain things to each other, we play on stage together... Lisa is my very close friend.

Pauline: So the title for the material is ready: “Danya and his girlfriends”!

Danila: Yes, I’m well settled, I’m surrounded by such people! (Laughs.) Of course, the topic of parting is painful, sad, but also very important, because the time comes when you need to be able to let go of the other person. There is a wonderful phrase in the film when Lisa says to my hero: “I am not a ventilator, breathe now without me, breathe on your own!” It’s sad, but you need to go through it, you need to understand that the relationship has outlived its usefulness, it’s over. You can’t be selfish and consider someone else your property... There’s another good phrase, albeit a bit rude, that her new man says to my hero: “Well, love each other, just don’t get your dick.” The relationship is over, but you can remain friends. Of course, breaking up is always difficult. It hurts when they leave you, but it also hurts no less when you leave.

Pauline: Agree. If they leave you, of course, we are also talking about wounded pride, but it cannot come to the fore when people were connected by a real feeling, kinship. Here the pain is of a different nature, people write books about it, compose poems.

— Parting with the city can also be painful in its own way. It turns out interesting: Danila was born in Moscow, but then moved with his family to St. Petersburg, studied there, and now plays in the theater with Lev Dodin. You, Paulina, on the contrary, left for Moscow from St. Petersburg...

Pauline: What drove me from St. Petersburg to Moscow was the desire to get out of my usual comfort zone. Before that, I studied for two years at the journalism department in my native St. Petersburg. But I quickly realized that I was not doing my job, melancholy began to eat me... I came to the capital aimed at winning. Despite the fact that I didn’t know the city. We went on some excursions to Moscow, but this is completely different. My parents, of course, knew about my admission; it was not an escape from home. Moscow drove me crazy and delighted me. A huge number of people, a bustling metro - it was as if I had plunged into the abyss. There was also a feeling of more aggressive energy. But I was also quite aggressive, because I had a clear goal. I can’t say that Moscow wounded me or tested my strength. I was immediately lucky to meet people who helped with important advice. Moscow received me quite friendly. I dreamed of entering the Moscow Art Theater School and entered there, I dreamed of working at the Moscow Art Theater, and this dream also came true.

And St. Petersburg is still my energy base, a place of power - the best city on earth. Every time I come here, the first thing I do is visit my family: my parents and grandparents. I travel by train. “Sapsan” is more of a necessary measure, I love the night “Red Arrow” - with tea, a rattling glass holder... In St. Petersburg I do not function as an actress. Here I am a daughter, sister, granddaughter, friend.

— Paulina, Danila has said more than once that the most important person in his life is his mother. Who in your family had a particularly strong influence on you?

Pauline: The whole family. It would be unfair of me to single out just one.

I am the eldest, I have two brothers. But I’m the only girl, so I probably felt more attention to myself. My parents are young, and they are my friends first and foremost. Mom and dad instilled in me freedom of choice and always repeated that I would succeed. I still feel this support.

At school I was a poor student. Well, a C student! Because she was always a hooligan: a typical restless, overly active child. Every time my parents repeated: “Well, what’s wrong, it’s awkward to go to a parent-teacher meeting again!” But there was never any repression or pressure on this matter. I took extra classes with teachers to improve my problematic subjects, but I loved to recite: “I’m not interested in your physics, I’m a humanist!” (Laughs.)

- Paulina, when did you realize that you were good-looking?

Pauline: I never thought about it seriously. During my teenage period, I had a rejection of myself: I could not come to an agreement with this world, everything in me was in revolt, it seemed that everyone around me was lying. I looked almost like a tomboy: sneakers, a passion for skateboarding, sharp manners... I began to accept and understand myself only after becoming a student at the Studio School. But this path of knowledge continues to this day.

Danila: Look at her: Paulina is one of the most beautiful women in our country! And believe me, when I say “beautiful”, I’m not just talking about her appearance.

— Is that why you invited Paulina to your concert program “The Big Dream of an Ordinary Man”? By the way, why does Paulina dance there and not sing?

Pauline: Because there is one main character.

Danila: Let me explain: “An Ordinary Man’s Big Dream” is not a concert, it is a musical performance. The story of a man who expresses his love for the era of the 1940-50s, the music performed by my beloved and respected Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Tony Bennett. And Paulina, of course, fits perfectly into the style of that time and the dramaturgy of my performance, in which I share my feelings and emotions.

When I asked Polya to support me in this crazy adventure with a music program, she responded instantly. I remember very well our rehearsals at Mosfilm in early April. At some point, we opened the huge gates of the pavilion, turned on the music at full blast and started dancing right in the street...

— Danila, returning to the film “Status: Single”... What is your current status - single, in a relationship, in search? Underline what is necessary.

Danila: I have a wonderful girlfriend. I'll say nothing more.