but the USSR was an artificial modernist formation, and here everything happens organically. I have to ask you a very important question: can a Russian person live in a Khrushchevka?

To be a Russian nationalist means to love your people, your culture, your country. This is absolutely normal and even necessary. Without this, no country can survive. For example, you can look at the Baltic states or Poland...

I am a Russian nationalist because I belong to the great Russian people with thousand years of history. I was born and raised by Russian parents, they told me Russian fairy tales and sang Russian lullabies, I learned the basics of culture from Russian classics, I made my first declaration of love in Russian, and a Russian girl gave me my first kiss.

To be part of the Russian people is my destiny, my past, my present and my future, which is impossible to refuse, even if such a crazy thought came into my head. The example of the former Ukraine clearly shows what attempts to leave the Russians lead to - to the transformation of people into cattle.

I am a Russian nationalist because I want a better future for my Russian people. I believe that the Russians are not some kind of marginal nation, doomed to vegetate on the sidelines of world history, not a “comma-separated people-with-others,” but a titanic people, a giant people, a genius people who deserve everything the best, the most perfect, the greatest.

I believe that Russians should have the best, freest and richest country in the world. I believe that the Russians are capable of making a rapid, incredible, dizzying leap forward, as has happened more than once in our history. And I am ready to fight for this breakthrough.

The suffocating “stability” and the slow transformation into snow-covered Venezuela do not suit me. Yes, big bets, big ambitions, high hopes also mean huge risks. But when did Russians ever have a reputation for cowards?

I am a Russian nationalist because I believe in self-reliance. I believe that energy for transformation, for a leap forward, must be sought among Russians. Tatar-Buryat-Udmurt-Chechens - wonderful people, “the global progressive community” is even better, but a real future, a strong future, a sustainable future can be built if only we draw strength from the Russian land, if only we rely on our own, if only we focus on the national majority, its aspirations, hopes and aspirations.

Leave the “universal human multinational interests of world Eurasian anti-fascism” to the universal human multinational world anti-fascists. We are Russians, and we must rely on Russians, unite with Russians, seek support from Russians. This means that we must be Russian nationalists.

I am a Russian nationalist because I believe in justice. For a hundred years, the great Russian people were muzzled and tortured by a gang of international terrorists who built a terrorist state Soviet Union(as befits terrorist states like ISIS, the most terrible terror was deployed against its own population), justifying this in the interests of building world communism and preserving the unique identity of the “small peoples” invented by the Bolsheviks.

Russians suffered more from communism than Jews from Nazism. But who paid the Russians compensation? Who restored the violated rights of Russians? Who even apologized to the Russians? Nobody.

On the contrary, the Soviet administrative-national division was preserved, with all the benefits for privileged peoples and the position of a powerless tax class for the Russian people.

I want justice. I want my people to be restored to their rights with the other peoples of Russia, for Russians to be given back their freedom, for Russians to have their rights back, for Russians to have their property back, for Russians to have their state back, for Russians to have their future back.

I think it is fair if, after 100 years of suffering, the Russians finally begin to think not about the problems of the Kalmyks and support for the revolutionaries of Guatemala, but about the problems of the Russians and the support of Russian irredentists.

I am a Russian nationalist because I believe that the Russian people were robbed by a multinational gang of Soviet security officials-oligarchs, who continue to squander the colossal wealth of our Motherland while talking about “multinationality” and “friendship of peoples.”

The Russians were deprived of money. The Russians were deprived of power. Russians were deprived of history. And soon, with the introduction of the “Russian nation,” they will also be deprived of the right to be called by a Russian name.

It is impossible to speak about the humiliated position of the Russian people in the language of socialists, liberals, monarchists or conservatives. The humiliated position of the Russian people can only be discussed in the language of Russian nationalism, and only the language of Russian nationalism today is the one in which it is possible to tell the truth.

I am a Russian nationalist because I am not a fool. I don’t believe in state propaganda about “friendship of peoples” and the “Eurasian idea.” I see a muddy stream of Central Asian migrants sweeping our cities and turning them into cesspools.

I see how Gorno-Russians commit murders and other crimes - and at the same time remain unpunished. I see the shiny faces of oligarchs talking about the “Eurasian idea” from their mansions in London. I see destroyed hospitals - and the defiant luxury of subsidies to the Caucasus.

I see Islamization and radicalization - and the Center for Combating Extremism jailing people for jokes and caricatures. I see our economy slowly dying under the burden of having to feed, water and pay for education in Geneva and Paris for the children of the multinational Soviet bureaucracy.

I see distant wars for other people’s interests, while the Russians of Donbass are bombed and shelled every day. I see the lies, hypocrisy, cynicism of both the multinational regime and the equally multinational opposition. I don’t see anyone other than Russian nationalists who would honestly, openly and candidly talk about the problems facing our people.

I am a Russian nationalist because I am an idealist. I believe in goodness. I believe in justice. I believe in the genius of the Russian people. I have values, and the lying cynics-Pelevent-postmodernists speaking both on state channels and on anti-state Facebook evoke nothing but disgust in me.

“We are grandmasters, multi-move players, cunning planners, realists, everything is bought everywhere, everyone is sold to everyone, no one believes in anything” - this is wonderful. But I believe. I believe that there is good and there is evil, and that people with eyes squinted from constant lies cannot be good by definition.

Your multinational regime and your multinational opposition propose to adopt the worldview of a currency prostitute. The devil will help you, but I am not a prostitute. I have the honor. I have dignity. I have my hard-won ideas about truth, about beauty, about duty, about history, about the past, present and future. Views that don't sell. Therefore in multinational state cynical Soviet liars, I am a Russian nationalist.

I am a Russian nationalist because I am brave. It is impossible for me to be intimidated by the “universal anger and contempt” of paid workers with lips shiny from foie gras. I have no fear of the future. I do not have the slightest respect for Soviet multinational shrines and idols, and the Soviet multinational guards guarding them.

I'm not afraid of condemnation public opinion, crooked views and cries about “fascism”. What gives me courage is the realization that behind me is the truth. Historical truth, ideological truth, everyday truth, truth paid for with the blood of peasants who rebelled against Soviet power, truth bought with the tears of old people freezing in dead villages, truth for which thousands of activists national movement They paid with their freedom, and often with their lives.

After so many Russian people suffered for the sake of freedom, happiness and greatness of the Russian people, I have no right to be a coward and betray their memory, because someone out there will “misunderstand” something.

I am a Russian nationalist because I am the owner of the Russian Land. A liberal multinational Soviet communist-stableist is always a temporary worker, always like a thief who has climbed into a shop, ready to give in as soon as he hears a police siren.

But I am not a shoplifter, I am the owner of a shop that was painstakingly built by dozens of generations of my ancestors. And even if thieves are operating in the shop, and I am locked in the basement with other Russians, this will not make me begin to consider the scoundrels who are stealing my inheritance as the rightful owners.

The owner of the Russian Land is me. The owners of the Russian Land are you. The owners of the Russian Land are all Russians, and the “multinational anti-fascist Eurasian community” are thieves and burglars who have crept into us, no matter what they squeal.

I am a Russian nationalist. And all Russians must become Russian nationalists, because there is truth behind Russian nationalism, and when there is truth behind you, then nothing will stop you.

If there is no truth behind you, but only faded red flags and washed-out T-shirts with Putin, then your lot is third-rate, your life is an unfunny joke, your emotion is fear. Like now.

Stop this business, become Russian nationalists, convert your household, friends, colleagues and acquaintances to the national faith, raise the national torch as high as possible and carry the fiery light of Russian Truth as far as possible, dispersing the gloom, despondency and cynical pessimism of a dying neo-Soviet society.

52% of the population support the slogan “Russia for Russians,” according to the latest Levada poll. They are already ready. They are already thirsty. They are just waiting for someone to pass on the blessed Russian flame to them, and real, pure, hot Russian nationalism will flare up in their chests.

Enough lies. Enough cynicism. Enough hopelessness. We are Russian nationalists, we are on our own land, we are in our own right, and we must fight for our Russian future, first by awakening at least our family and friends, our friends and colleagues, our acquaintances and random passers-by from the post-Soviet nightmare.

Bring the truth. Lead by example. Burn with righteous Russian fire, so that from one glance at you others will ignite, and darkness will recede, and joy, and rage, and love, and hope, and pride will instill in the hearts of people! Russian people.

After reading this text, go up to the first person you meet and say:

I am a Russian nationalist, and I believe that you will also become a Russian nationalist. And here's why...

“Black Raven” - Y. Sumishevsky and E. Turlubekov

On the Internet, unlike show business or politics, there is a change
generations is happening more often: bloggers with thousands of people are rapidly
they are losing ground to teenagers, and they only remember what chat is
veterans of the network. Facebook's intellectual hegemony is coming
by the end - VKontakte has ceased to be a network for schoolchildren, heroes
of our time is worth looking there. Sobaka.ru magazine chose
supernovas that turned the web upside down and forced
look at yourself the whole RuNet.

Egor Prosvirnin

became the pride of the nation

The journalist came up with the patriotic resource “Sputnik and
pogrom”, where the rules of life of Pyotr Stolypin are published,
inflation chart baby's tears and the wittiest
political posters for Premium Russian audiences.

How long has the Sputnik and Pogrom website been in existence and why is it called that?

I had and still have a fairly popular LiveJournal, the site became its logical development, an outlet for new level. It started operating on April 28, 2012. The name was born from a joke: if there was a real nationalist magazine in Russia, it would be worth calling “Sputnik and Pogrom,” because Sputnik is a triumph of reason, and a pogrom is the rampant of the people’s element. In the synthesis of the modernism of Sputnik with the archaism of the pogrom, post-Soviet Russian identity is born, which we all so lack. At the same time, both “pogrom” and “sputnik” are among the few Russian words that migrated to other languages ​​and became part of the universal semantic field. An ideal combination of Russian and international, Apollonian and Dionysian - what could be better?

The ideology of Sputnik is designated as “intellectual nationalism.” What is it?

This is, first of all, nationalism, appealing not to feelings, but to reason, to constitutional, political and social developments developed countries, as well as to the Russian intellectual tradition. Feelings, oohs, aahs, xenophobia and prejudices - all this absolutely does not bother us. For us, the most important part of the Russian people is the critically thinking intellectuals and the new bourgeoisie.

"We want Russia
became the national state of the Russian
people, just like Germany -
nation state
German people"

What goals does your resource set for itself?

Our goals are simple: we want Russia to become the nation-state of the Russian people, just as Germany is the nation-state of the German people, France of the French, Italy of the Italian. Nation State - Standard state uniform life in modern world, characteristic of all highly developed societies, and we believe that Russians are no worse than any other European people. We are Europeans, and we want to live by European standards: democracy (the nation must control its own destiny), equality of all before the law (no “national republics”, states within a state), the principle of separation of the three branches of government (virtually abolished by the Russian constitution), the state for Russians, and not Russians for the state (stop the nonsense about the “historical mission”). We want Russians to choose their own government and manage their taxes themselves. Why “Russians” and not “Russian”? Because Russian nation does not exist. It is unlikely that you will argue with the fact that a Ukrainian foreigner is much closer to you than a Chechen compatriot. Let's look at things realistically: there are no Russians and there are no visible ones. Therefore, we propose to rely on the strength of the largest and most cultured people in the country, constituting eighty percent of the population.

What were you doing before you founded Sputnik and Pogrom?

Wrote for a variety of publications to a wide circle questions, including computer games. He was the same Moscow middle class that surrendered political rights to the authorities in exchange for prosperity. Then, like the rest of the Moscow middle class, it woke up, realizing that it was impossible to live like this any longer. I'm a typical Russian beginning of the XXI century and appeal to the same typical Russians. Apparently, this is where the success of Sputnik comes from.

Tell us about your political evolution.

More from high school I am a convinced nationalist and have never changed my beliefs. I think that they were brought up by a love of history: it is impossible, having learned and loved real Russia, Russia before 1917, become a communist or an amusing liberal. I am deeply convinced that liberalism and socialism grow from poor education, and therefore a significant part of the materials in Sputnik are educational texts.

Who are you doing this project for?

For the Russian middle class, which wants to live in a free and strong country, but does not accept either liberal recipes or stories about Soviet-Orthodox spirituality and sovereignty. The age of readers depends on the social network: on Vkontakte our main audience is from twenty to thirty-five years old, on Facebook seventy-five percent of our readers are over twenty-five. We appeal to everyone who is able to think critically and who cares about the future of Russia. At the same time, we avoid populist rhetoric, assuming that our reader is a specialist, business owner or student, and not a worker or peasant. This makes us seriously different from other national projects that focus on “ common people" Since everyone around us loves the “common people,” we will love the middle class.

“Since everyone around loves the “common people”,
we will love the middle class"

Who is this “we”? Tell us about the Sputnik team.

I write most of the texts, which is why I am always so flattered by questions about the team: people think that we have at least three news people working for us. If we take the entire array of materials, then the team is very different, these are graduates of philosophy faculties, and employees of top Moscow design studios, who, when the delivery of a poster is delayed, write: “Sorry, I’ll be late, my colleagues have arrived, I can’t argue that I’m national.” “I’m making a poster.” At the same time, some of the key authors, due to the stigmatization of nationalism (“Hitler rode through Hitler, sees Hitler - in Hitler is Hitler”) prefer to write and draw under pseudonyms so that they are not hounded by their good liberal colleagues. I think all these people can be united in one word: they are Europeans, and some of them are literally citizens of the European Union.

You have approximately four thousand subscribers each on Facebook and Twitter, and five times more on Vkontakte. How do you explain the popularity of Sputnik among users of this social network?

The fact that the Facebook audience is simply smaller than the VKontakte audience. Compare the number of subscribers Navalny has - there will be about the same difference. However, opinion leaders are on Facebook, therefore, despite the smaller audience, our loudest successes were there, such as reposts of our texts by Kokh, Parkhomenko, Masha Gessen, the same Navalny and other entertaining characters, right up to the display of screenshots of our Facebook -pages in Vesti.

I will save Russia. Expensive

Your posters are made with great taste and a sense of humor, the site is laid out in a modern way. Did you consciously combine hipster design with right-wing ideas?

I wouldn't say our design is hipster. If you carefully look at the entire body of work, you can see a lot of influences, from classicism to new Europe. But yes, at some point we thought it would be funny to use the graphic language of urban youth of the postmodern era to talk about things that are not at all postmodern, for which we even earned the nickname Nazi hipsters. Moreover, in right environment More and more imitations of our style began to appear. Before us, it was believed that right-wing design should imitate either Soviet or Third Reich posters, with their cult of heroes and supermen. We decided to abandon excessive seriousness, using evil, sometimes bitter irony. Modern communists, liberals, even other nationalists - this is, first of all, very funny. Some want an Orthodox Third Rome. Others - USSR 2.0. Still others are to go back to the 1990s. The fourth is the Eurasian Union. Often, laughing and making a sarcastic poster is the only thing left in our madhouse called Russia.

Do you engage in politics exclusively online or are you planning to go offline?

We are not involved in politics, we are building basic information infrastructure. Then we will build social infrastructure. Politics begins with money and connections, with financial and industrial groups ready to support you - in Russia, independent players on at the moment No. Serving as another sign for the Kremlin by choosing an employee of the presidential administration as the executive secretary is no need, thank you. Therefore, at the moment we are a cultural and educational project, although we are thinking about organizing a series of lectures offline or something like that.

What materials from Sputnik and Pogrom were the most successful?

My material about a shooting Dagestan wedding had the greatest resonance; it collected more than twenty thousand likes on Vkontakte. Although this is a very average text, just caught in the public mood. Our signature dish is considered to be detailed stories about forgotten Russian exploits, such as the campaign of Colonel Karyagin, the siege of Osovitz, the hunt for Chapaev. There is a big demand in society for another Russia - a country not of humiliation, like the current one, but of pride and glory. And our military publications, distributed in colossal quantities on the Internet, answer this request, strengthening the shaken Russian self-confidence. Plus, of course, my text “How good it is to be Russian,” written for the purpose of national treatment, got to the point that the communists began to remove anti-Soviet passages from it and publish them on their resources. In my opinion, when ideological opponents start quoting you, it highest degree recognition.

Radio Liberty interviewed nationalist Alexander Potkin (Belov). As it is written on his website, “in 2011-2014, Belov was active...

Egorka Prosvinin, who previously wrote that 95% of the Russian population needs to be destroyed and joyfully welcomed the Euromaidan and the coup in Ukraine, suddenly...

A pig, which by definition cannot lift its head, will undermine the roots of the oak tree whose acorns it feeds on. The fact that the oak will dry out and collapse, and there will be no...

Why do I consider Prosvirnin a dangerous internal enemy
This is why: Here... Because under the guise of Russian nationalism and collecting help for the Donbass militia, we are being sold ideas that have nothing to do with Russian...

Why isn't he in jail yet?
A young man named Yegor Prosvirnin presented the people of Russia on the anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War“cool gift” He wrote a column on his website...


We believe that the possible collapse of the Russian Federation from reunification is not a danger, but a BONUS, a chance for the renewed Russian nation to build a state that suits it, no longer shackled by the bonds of an ugly post-Soviet formation. " "

Yesterday at Euromaidan I interviewed a Russian Nazi who came from Moscow... to fight Yanukovych... This is a united Slavic brotherhood. The Russian people see that the fraternal people are fighting the totalitarian semi-Soviet regime and come to help. " "

You know, yesterday I spoke with the Right Sector and concluded that the more radical people are, the closer they are to the barricades, the fewer complaints they have against the Russians... When I began to communicate with young militants who throw Molotov cocktails from the very beginning "... They said that they have absolutely no complaints against the Russians, that among them there are Russians who came from Moscow to help them fight Yanukovych, and if they fight Putin in Moscow, they will go to Moscow to help us ""


Egor Prosvirnin - blogger of LiveJournal Userinfo.png nomina_obscura (now the LiveJournal blog has been deleted), Russian nationalist, editor-in-chief"Sputnik and Pogrom" website.

He often makes shocking statements. For example, he participated in trolling veterans, writing a note on his website Sputnik and Pogrom on June 22, 2012, in which he called June 22 “the day of vengeance” and “June 22, 1941, White Europe returned to Russia.” The post was later deleted , but a post appeared explaining what he actually meant in “the most scandalous text of Sputnik and Pogrom.” He himself and his supporters in this matter may not consider this trolling, but simply consider it an expression of their opinion, although the fact is That such an emotion-provoking statement was published on June 22 leads critics to consider this note a blatant screed.

In June 2013, in the LiveJournal community “Caution, the correct meaning” vvv_ig, an entry appeared accusing Yegor Prosvirnin of non-traditional sexual orientation.
In one of his posts, he said that the disgust due to gay pride parades is caused by savage morality, and proposed to overcome it by distributing strap-ons. He also believes that the emergence of a post-gender and post-religious world is inevitable, in which gender change will become common.
After the scandal, LiveJournal was deleted, and searches on it were also prohibited, so the deleted posts disappeared from the Yandex cache, and copies of the posts were preserved in archive.is.

Opposition politician Alexei Navalny is an active reader of Yegor's blog and periodically refers to it on his Twitter.
In the wikiproject, the Russian expert is included in the list of well-known anti-Russian bloggers, websites and media.
He was registered at the leper colony (known there under the pseudonym Yozhik, after the name of his main account), where he wrote nationalist posts many times, for which he was usually subjected to ridicule and leaks. Once, in 2009, he was able to be elected President of Georgia, but then his reputation fell so much that the main account was merged forever, and several newly created accounts were also merged, but Hedgehog constantly creates new ones and does not leave leprosy.

S. DORENKO: Egor, can I get your short comment regarding the persecution of Yuri Gorsky, the organizer of the “Russian Marches”, as well as Mark Galperin, as well as Vyacheslav Maltsev? Do you have the feeling that Russian nationalists are being screwed a little?

E.PROSVIRNIN: I think that these are absolutely wonderful Ukrainian nationalists, they have been screwed for a long time, what do Russian nationalists have to do with these figures who did and are doing everything for the triumph of Ukraine over the Russian uprising in the east, I don’t really understand, to be honest.

S. DORENKO: That is, these three, do you think that they are nationalists of this right-wing sector?

E.PROSVIRNIN: Not right-sector, they are simply supporters of the domination of the Ukrainian nation over the Russian nation. I don’t really understand why they are called Russian nationalists.

S. DORENKO: Even Maltsev? I'm discouraged.

E.PROSVIRNIN: Well, who else is he? If a person stands for Ukrainushka, why is he called a Russian nationalist? Call him a Ukrainian nationalist.

S. DORENKO: I understand. Then Russian nationalists are safe here in Moscow, from your point of view?

E.PROSVIRNIN: No, Russian nationalists are those who defend the interests of the Russian people. And those who defend the interests of the Ukrainian people are Ukrainian nationalists.

S. DORENKO: Egor, teach me how to pronounce your last name with the correct accent?

E.PROSVIRNIN: Prosvirnin.

S. DORENKO: Why did it seem to me that this was the aristocratic surname ProsvirnIn. Why am I hitting...

E.PROSVIRNIN: I don’t know, an ordinary Russian church.

S. DORENKO: Well, you see, I proceeded from aristocracy. Sorry. Egor Prosvirnin is with us, I’m interested to hear your opinion. If we are arguing about terms, then this is... Let's do it differently. People who call themselves Russian nationalists are Gorsky, Galperin, Maltsev, Dyomushkin. It feels like they are being crowded. How would you comment on this? Is this really being done, are there any other nationalists?

E. PROSVIRNIN: Well, let's start with the fact that I have always been against political repression, and Mr. Gorsky is now going to be prosecuted under Article 280, Part 1 - “Public calls for extremist activity.” This is a classic article of thought crime, and in a normal country there should not be such a criminal article in principle. Therefore, it is necessary to share the principled position, which is that it is never possible to prosecute anyone for thought crimes, and the personal attitude, which is that this is very bad people, who demand to give Crimea to the Great Ukrainian Empire, to apologize to the Great Ukrainian Empire for all the inconvenience brought to it in its attempts to de-Russify the Russian population, to hand over everyone, get on all fours and turn around and endure. Therefore, these are two not very related points.

S. DORENKO: So this is, in principle, a purge of such Ukrainian agents in essence?

E.PROSVIRNIN: I don’t call them Ukrainian agents, it seems to me that they are just fools and provocateurs. Mr. Maltsev did not say that he was a Ukrainian agent, much less his entire political career associated with Mr. Volodin. This is such a funny coincidence. Therefore, before your biting generalizations... It seems to me that these are not Ukrainian agents, but these are gentlemen who, one way or another, are working for the AP so that they will become Russian nationalists...

S. DORENKO: Yes, yes, yes, by self-name. Fine. And listen, imagine that the first schooner lands on the shores of America, they ask the people they come to, and they say “Iroquois.” By self-name - well, Iroquois and Iroquois, but they ordered to call themselves that. And these people ordered to call themselves...

E.PROSVIRNIN: They can order anything, but Mr. Dyomushkin - he’s not even a Ukrainian nationalist, Dyomushkin always acted as a completely outspoken neo-Nazi, he always loved to throw sieg heil at all “Russian marches”, walk on camera with symbols, extremely resembling a swastika, and everywhere telling everyone how he will soon be slaughtering FSB agents. How they will all massacre the law enforcement agencies. And he wasn’t imprisoned at all for 10 years. It is impossible to understand that a person gathered a group of masked people who gave interviews to the BBC about how they were training to carry out a coup in the Russian Federation, so that he would give different remarks year after year and he would not get anything for it.

S. DORENKO: Who is the Russian nationalist? Name me Russian nationalists.

E.PROSVIRNIN: For example, I am a Russian nationalist. Igor Ivanovich Strelkov is a Russian nationalist. And all those people who went to Donbass to defend the Russian population are Russian nationalists. All participants in the Russian Spring in Crimea are Russian nationalists.

S. DORENKO: Prilepin, of course, too.

E.PROSVIRNIN: Well, Prilepin in some places, yes, is a Russian nationalist, Prilepin has much more compelling reasons to call himself a Russian nationalist than these, excuse the expression...

S. DORENKO: When the processions to Chistye Prudy, I remember, on one side there were liberals, on the other side there were self-described nationalists. Do you think that if such a march took place today, the column of nationalists would be thinner or wider or denser?

E.PROSVIRNIN: What is the meaning of such processions today?

S. DORENKO: I'm just talking about quantity.

E.PROSVIRNIN: Listen, I... This is a very abstract thought experiment that I don’t understand.

What nationalists? What column? All our necessary columns at one time marched to Donbass to fight for the Russian people. It's very funny because the number of people...

S. DORENKO: So, from your point of view, Russian nationalists drove through Red Square on May 9 in cars and in boxes like these?

E.PROSVIRNIN: B in this case we are talking about military personnel. And I’m talking specifically about the volunteers who went themselves. It’s as if the military personnel have no choice. Otherwise the tribunal. In total, I think there are at least a million people in Russia who supported the Donbass deed. These are the same Russian nationalists that we should be proud of. And this Ukrainian caudle, excuse the expression, these are not nationalists, just a group of provocateurs who portrayed... Who are Russian nationalists? Sorry, these are some dicks from the mountain. The only thing is that the entire Russian march is being thrown by these same zig highies, who are photographed a hundred times... Some idiots who love Hitler.

S. DORENKO: That’s it, it’s time for him to join the Duma...

E. PROSVIRNIN: And finally, these are the people who defended...

S. DORENKO: Egor, it’s time for you to go to the Duma. I'm already talking to a politician.

E.PROSVIRNIN: Why? I'm a simple handyman.

S. DORENKO: Digger of nationalism!

Later, after the news of the Prosecutor General’s Office’s intention to close Sputnik and Pogrom, Yegor Prosvirnin commented on the possible blocking of the resource:

“Our resource is truly a nationalist resource. As far as I know, nationalism is not prohibited in Russia, and I do not understand why nationalist resources should be blocked. Terrorism and extremism are very specific accusations, unlike the nationalist ones. “Sputnik and Pogrom” will sort itself out, I already said that I’m a handyman there - move the closet, bring the piano.”