Why does my right palm itch on Wednesday? Both hands: what does this folk sign mean? If your left palm itches

Our body often sends us signals, but few people notice them and know how to correctly decipher them. What signals are we talking about, you ask? Yes about any! Here's the simplest example - you have an itch right hand or a palm, do you think it’s just like that or is there some meaning to this ordinary phenomenon? Science sees only the obvious: if your hand is itchy, it means it’s numb, tired, cold, your skin is irritated from contact with unpleasant fabric or chemicals. But signs tell us about completely different things, deeper and more global. Surely you have encountered an unreasonable itch that appears unexpectedly, does not subside with any action, and then it goes away on its own without a trace.

Just for fun, you can check whether the signs are true or not. As practice shows, there is definitely a grain of wisdom in them.

The first reason that your right arm or palm is itchy may be pent-up anger, rage, or irritation. Remember the expression - your fists itch? It just relates to this case. If you are extremely unpleasant about a certain person and you hold back your emotions, then negative energy accumulates inside you. When feelings overwhelm you, you “boil”, negative energy rushes out - through your mouth or hands. Often we cannot afford to express our complaints to the offender’s face, and we let the situation slide by remaining silent during a “hot” moment. The negativity still remains inside, the way out through words and swearing is closed, so your hands begin to itch. Please note that the most notorious fighters in life are silent and not talkative, they do not know how to resolve conflicts verbally, and follow the lead of their itchy hands. To relieve the itch in your hands, you need to let the “genie” out - go to a rock concert, a roller coaster, a club - somewhere where you can have a good scream. The problem will disappear immediately.

Also right palm may be itching in anticipation of an important event in your life, when you need to make a responsible decision. We are responsible for our logic and rational thinking left hemisphere, it also controls the right hand. If your right palm is itchy, treat the upcoming task extremely carefully, try not to miss a single detail, probably decision made can affect your entire life or career.

We extend our right hand to friends when we meet, therefore, itching in this palm often signals an upcoming meeting with people dear to the heart. Kiss your hand three times, clench your fist tightly and put it in your pocket - then the meeting will definitely happen in the coming days. If, on the contrary, you crave peace of mind, then wash your hand under cold water and keep your palm open as much as possible, this will significantly reduce the likelihood of a friendly meeting.

The palm is one of the most magical parts of the body. The lines on it are used to predict, use hands and perform various rituals. There are also many superstitions associated with the palms, which allow one to learn about the facts of the future. Separately, it is worth highlighting the signs that explain why the right palm, nose, forehead, lips and other parts of the body itch. Most often they are warnings about some important events in the near future.

It is important, before understanding the signs, to exclude all reasonable causes of itching. If this concerns the palm, then it may itch due to excessive sweating, insect bites, allergies and various diseases.

Most often, itching in this part of the hand is related to finances. How a person makes a profit depends on what day his palm itched. If itching appears on Monday, this is a sign that money will come unexpectedly and from an unknown source. Now we’ll find out why your right palm itches on Tuesday: in this case, you should expect it in the coming days wages. If the itch appears on Wednesday, it means that the old debt will soon be repaid. When your palm itches on Thursday, this is a harbinger of receiving a bonus. Itching of the right palm on Friday means that you will have to borrow money from someone. If your palm itched on Saturday, it means that money will be a gift from loved one. It remains to find out the meaning of the sign, why the right palm itches on Sunday. Itching on this day will tell you that you will receive money by selling some things. It is worth considering that the size of the amount directly depends on the strength of the overthrow. In another source, itching in the right palm, on the contrary, promises unexpected expenses.

There is another interpretation of the sign, why the right palm itches. According to him, itching in this area appears on the eve of a date, and it can be completely different character. For example, for a young girl, superstition promises a romantic meeting with a pleasant man, and if a male businessman has the itch, it means that he will soon participate in negotiations that will end successfully. Interpretations of signs when the palm itches can also be divided into days of the week:

  1. The itching appeared on Monday, which means the meeting will be with a familiar person.
  2. If your palm itched on Tuesday, this is a harbinger of a meeting with an old friend.
  3. On Wednesday, the sign is interpreted differently: expect to meet a pleasant person.
  4. When the itch appears on Thursday, you will soon have to meet your loved one.
  5. If your palm itches on Friday, this is a sign predicting an unexpected meeting.
  6. The palm of your right hand itches on Saturday, which means expect a romantic date.
  7. If the itching appeared on Sunday, this is a harbinger of a meeting with an influential person.

There is another deciphering of the sign why the right palm itches. Itching can represent restrained rage and irritation. To get rid of unpleasant sensations, try to throw out the energy. To do this, you can go to a concert, football or disco; in general, choose a place where you can shout. Itching may also occur in the palm of your hand before an important event in life. As you know, the left hemisphere, which controls the right hand, is responsible for logic and thinking. If itching appears, then you should take the upcoming events with full responsibility.

As you can see, essentially the same sign has many interpretations, so it’s worth drawing an analogy with own life. In general, each person has the right to independently decide to believe in these or not, but one thing can be said: they contain the wisdom of more than one generation.

Certain human sensations can warn of various events. For example, sometimes there is a feeling of intuition when you know exactly what will happen. And it happens! When you hiccup, they say that someone remembers when your ear turned red, that someone scolded you. But what to expect when your right palm itches? Why could this be happening?

Why do the palms of your hands itch - medicine

The nature and cause of the itching should be determined; perhaps it appeared due to a malfunction of the body:



Redness and slight itching, gradually becoming more noticeable

The appearance of itching and small pimples. The finger area is usually affected first

Fungal diseases, scabies, urticaria

Rash, redness, persistent itching

Vegeto - vascular dystonia

Skin irritation, peeling, formation of microcracks, itching


Palms itch, in rare cases redness appears

Itching is an extremely unpleasant sensation, but you should try not to scratch your palms. A nourishing, rich hand cream will help soothe irritation. If such symptoms spread to other parts of the body and do not stop for several days, then most likely there is a malfunction of the body.

In this case, you need to contact a dermatologist and donate blood for analysis.

Why is my right arm and palm itching?

A ticklish sensation in the palm area may indicate several important life events at once:

  1. Probably every person is familiar with the expression “right hand”. It's not about a body part, it's about social status. This concept includes a person who performs responsible work and always comes to the rescue. For example, deputy director or best friend. Accordingly, if the right palm itches, then soon the person Responsible work to be done which may affect your personal life or career;
  2. When meeting, men greet each other and shake each other’s right hand. It is given to the lady when exiting the transport and for a kiss to the man. Accordingly, mild itching in the palm area may indicate meeting a friend soon;
  3. There is another version. It is that my right hand itches to receive unexpected profits. This version is just the most common;
  4. In addition to the palm, a tooth may appear in the fist area, What portends a fight;
  5. The right palm also itches date with a new person.

There are several meanings for this sign. But first of all, you should make sure that this is not a skin disease.

If your fingers itch

The most common version of the sign is that the right palm is itching for financial profit. Moreover, the more itching manifests itself, the profit increases. This feeling has a slightly different meaning in the area of ​​each finger on the right hand.

  • If it itches thumb, then this sign portends good luck. You can try it by purchasing lottery ticket or make a profitable deal;
  • Index finger is responsible for a person’s professional characteristics. Itching in this area may portend a promotion at work or getting a good grade at school;
  • Itches middle finger on your right hand? This is very good sign! Most likely, a person will receive a salary increase, find a valuable item, or receive an inheritance from a distant relative;
  • Itching ring finger increases increased attention from others. Perhaps soon a special event will happen in life where you will need to be the center of attention;
  • You should only be upset when little finger itches this means that a difficult time will soon come in life.

You should try to endure the unpleasant sensations and not scratch your hand, otherwise you can scare away the approaching luck.

Opinion of medical specialists

People of science are not used to believing in signs that are not confirmed scientific facts. They have their own opinion on this matter.

  1. Every body is filled with microelements and various substances. For example, strontium deficiency can lead to diseases such as cystitis. The most important element is calcium. It affects the structure of hair, nails, bones and even skin. A lack of useful elements can cause dryness and the appearance of wrinkles, which is why itching appears;
  2. Doctors recommend remembering recent events after your palm itches. Perhaps the person had not long before been in under stress, due to such emotional stress, itching may also appear;
  3. IN apartment buildings The water flowing is not of very high quality; with prolonged contact with it, dry skin may also appear. When interacting with chemicals: means for washing dishes, floors, tiles and so on, the top layer of skin is damaged. All of these factors can cause itching. It is recommended to carry out housework using special gloves, and after they are approved, treat your palms with hand cream.

Of course, people do not support the point of view of experts; it is more pleasant for every person to think that something good will happen in his life.

When your palm itches: day of the week?

If your palm itches, then you need to pay attention to when it happened, exactly day weeks influences the meaning of this sign:

Day of the week



The person will get easy profit. He may find money on the road or win it in the lottery, but don’t rejoice; it will leave just as easily as it came.


Very soon you will have a pleasant meeting with a person. It will bring a lot of pleasant emotions and memories.


On this day you can find random money, for example, someone forgets change in a store or loses it on a bus. It is strongly not recommended to take them for yourself; they will not bring happiness. It is better to return them to their rightful owner or donate them to charity.


The hand is often itching to communicate with a loved one, but it will not bring anything good to both parties. There is likely to be a conflict that affects the relationship. This meeting should be avoided if possible.


Even though working week ends, it is on this day that the itch foreshadows a promotion or a profitable deal.


All hopes will be deceived, and the plans will not come true; minor troubles may appear in life


You can hope to receive a luxurious gift, return of an old debt, or an increase in salary.

What does itching in the right palm promise?

If your palm itches several times a day, but there are no spots, pimples or redness, then most likely this is a sign sent from above. First of all, you should look at what day of the week your right palm itches and what it will lead to. If this is a good sign, then you need to remove all jewelry from your wrist and fingers, clench your hand into a fist and put it in your pocket for a few seconds.

However, a person may not like the sign and he will absolutely not want to implement it. In this case, you should do the reverse procedure: wash your hands thoroughly with soap and put on the jewelry ( if your palm itches, then a bracelet; if your finger itches, then a ring). Then you also need to clench your hand into a fist and put it in your pocket.

The first ritual allows you to catch good luck and attract it to yourself, while the second action blocks the appearance of troubles.

Video: if your right palm is itchy

A folk sign is a kind of help in life. It helps you tune in to the upcoming changes, prepare for them and meet your future fully armed. The Universe sometimes chooses very peculiar signals to warn about the future. The main thing is to record them in time and understand them correctly, which is not always easy. For example, when figuring out why your right hand itches, you will have to take into account many factors. Let's look at them in more detail.

The right hand itches - the meaning of the sign

The itching in your right hand should be so severe and long-lasting that you pay attention to it. Otherwise, it doesn't matter. The sign itself can be interpreted ambiguously, since much depends on the time period and the part of the hand that itches.

However, there is general interpretation signs. So, the right hand may itch before meeting with friends and loved ones, before meeting new pleasant people. Since the right hand is extended for a handshake during a greeting, the sign has its own logic.

In some cases, itching in the right hand is interpreted as future monetary gain. Moreover, completely random.

In order to attract more money, you need to take a coin and put it in your pocket. You should carry it with you for several days, sometimes take it out of your pocket, hold it in your fingers, and look at it. These actions will tune your thoughts and subconscious to an appropriate positive response, and then positive events related to finances will begin to occur in your life. The main thing here is not to miss good opportunities that suddenly open up.

Interpretation of signs by day of the week

The sign can be interpreted depending on when the itching in the right hand occurred.

  • Monday. A very positive sign that promises a wonderful meeting with an old friend, relative, acquaintance whom you have missed for a long time. A date with the opposite sex will be especially wonderful.
  • Tuesday. Money will come unexpectedly. This could be a repayment of a debt, winning a lottery, a bonus, an inheritance, or a wallet that you find along the way. By the way, this is an excellent sign for those who play on the stock exchange.
  • Wednesday. Unfortunately, if your right hand itches on this day, then, on the contrary, you will have to say goodbye to money. However, there is no need to let go of your finances bad mood. Let it be a joy - a gift for good man, a purchase that has long been dreamed of, charity.
  • Thursday. Guests will come to you unexpectedly. And this is good, because meeting friends whom you have not seen for a long time always brings joy. Therefore, it is better to start preparing in advance delicious snacks and bake pies.
  • Friday. A wonderful romantic evening with your loved one, an unforgettable date. For married people, this is a wonderful time, full of love and tenderness, a moment that simply needs to be taken advantage of.
  • Saturday and Sunday. An unexpected pleasant trip, very short, literally for a day or two, to loved ones, friends or relatives whom we have not seen for a long time.

The interpretation of folk signs helps to correct our behavior and change the future in better side. We are not talking about weather signs, but about superstitions, the origins of which are lost in the depths of centuries. Even minor details sometimes help to accept important decisions and don't miss your luck. We propose to consider such a popular phenomenon as itching of the right palm.

Signs: why your right palm itches

Our body sometimes sends us signals that we do not know how to correctly decipher. There are many signs about hands. For example, people with small palms are considered skillful leaders, and a person’s hairy hands promise him quick financial wealth and well-being. In our case, we need to understand which part of the hand we are talking about. We will consider signs relating to external or inside palms, as well as in front of the elbow.

  • If there is a sudden itch in your right hand, this indicates an important event is imminent, to which you can make your own adjustments. Analyze the situation, assess possible dangers and consequences, and look for new opportunities.
  • Itching in the right hand, which is a person’s working hand, may indicate accumulated negative energy that needs to be thrown out. Remember your grievances and anger towards a certain person. This itch seems to tell you that it is time to let off steam and forgive the person. Try doing something to get your adrenaline flowing. For example, jump with a parachute, go on an amusement park ride, have a blast at a rock concert.
  • Itching is also interpreted from a scientific point of view. The left hemisphere of the brain, which contains the centers responsible for rationalism and logic, is responsible for the right limb. If you are expecting news or changes in your career or personal life, make informed decisions and try not to take risks.
  • The right arm may itch, foreshadowing a meeting with important person. If you want the event to take place, try not to scratch this palm, but clench it into a fist and put it in your pocket. If you want to “erase” an upcoming meeting or event, dip your hand in cold water.
  • Our ancestors believed that the right hand itches to meet an old friend. A slight itch portends a strong handshake soon, so pay attention to those close people you haven’t seen for a long time. Perhaps distant relatives will come.
  • Itching right hand often means a salary increase or other financial incentive. Pay attention to how much your hand itches, as some believe that the severity of the itching is proportional to the size of the funds received. If your palm and forearm are itching, then it’s time to get ready for a pleasant and big reward. Now it is important to attract money so that it does not go to someone else. Clench your fist tightly, kiss it, put it in your pocket and only then unclench it. Also, if your palm is itchy, you can take a handful of coins in your hand or hold a banknote in your fist.

Signs by day of the week

The itching in your right hand is interestingly deciphered depending on the day of the week on which you felt it. Most of them are associated with traditional beliefs about meeting friends or financial well-being. However, there are exceptions.

  • Monday portends a very pleasant meeting or even a romantic date. In any case, they will bring pleasure.
  • Tuesday indicates that financial receipts are expected soon. It can appear in any form - a salary increase, winning the lottery, returning an old debt and a bonus. Sometimes the itching of the right hand is not associated with the direct receipt of money, but with important event, which will affect this reward. For example, you may find out about a promotion or sign a very lucrative contract.
  • Wednesday promises the opposite result - serious costs and financial losses. However, this sign does not always boil down to negative consequences. A large purchase can also be considered an expense, but what a pleasant one. Perhaps you will lend money to your family or repay an old debt.
  • Thursday portends unexpected guests. If your right arm is itching, it's time to think about the drinks and dishes you'll serve them for dinner.
  • Friday promises to meet you. Perhaps you will have a pleasant evening with your family, a romantic date, or a sudden meeting with a guy you like. If you are still single, you are guaranteed to meet someone of the opposite sex soon.
  • Saturday and Sunday they say that soon you will long trip. Perhaps you will go on a business trip, go on a long-awaited vacation, or receive an invitation from distant relatives. According to another meaning, relatives or friends from afar may come to you.

Signs by time of day

An itchy palm in the evening tells you what may happen tomorrow. Most likely, you will have to make a responsible decision, conduct serious negotiations and be a participant in an important meeting. If you feel such a signal from the body, try to relax and get as much rest as possible. Don't scratch your palm to avoid losing your luck. When the itching becomes completely unbearable, lightly scratch your arm towards you.

If the itching occurs in the morning, you will have important meetings during this day. Prepare thoroughly before leaving the house, dress properly to be fully prepared. If the meeting is pleasant, nothing is required from you. Otherwise, feel free to argue and debate, express your own opinion and be assertive. On this day higher powers will be on your side.

Don't be afraid to make big purchases if your right arm is itching that day. Any equipment or item purchased on this day will be of high quality and will last long term. The financial losses that occurred on this day will soon be compensated.

What does itching of the fingers, palm, and elbow of the right hand indicate?

Very often people summarize signs and do not pay attention to the details. However, it is very important which part of the hand is itchy. There are fingers on the right hand, each of which can portend different changes:

  • If your right thumb itches, this indicates impending luck and good fortune. Having noticed this sign, try to buy a lottery ticket and try your luck. The result will prove to you that Lady Fortune is on your side.
  • Itching index finger speaks of upcoming success at school or work. You're probably up for a promotion! True, such a sign usually speaks of fleeting changes in your life.
  • The middle finger is the most successful and profitable. Itching on it indicates a significant improvement in your financial situation.
  • If the ring finger itches, a person will be able to get rid of outside attention and become more confident in himself and his abilities.
  • The little finger is considered the most unlucky and sad finger according to signs. If you feel like your little finger is itching, be prepared for an unexpected setback. Knowing about this superstition, you can warn yourself against negative events. Put it on your little finger gold ring and leave it until the itching completely goes away.

On the palm there is large number nerve endings, as well as the main lines of life and health. Because it turns to itchy palms special attention. If it itches a lot, it is important to know the basic interpretations of this phenomenon.

If you feel the palm of your right hand itching, expect an unexpected encounter. You will meet a new person who will surely become your friend. If you are single, the chance of finding love in the near future is very high. The main thing is not to scratch your palm!

It is believed that if you notice itching in your right elbow, positive news awaits you. You will probably experience a pleasant surprise from a loved one. The most important thing is that it will happen in the near future, and you won’t have to wait long for a pleasant moment.

If a young girl or young guy has an itchy elbow, it means you can soon expect a romantic date with your lover. If a woman’s elbow itches, it means she will soon have to spend the night in someone else’s house. It is unknown what this will be connected with - romance or necessity.

If you feel itching on your right elbow immediately after waking up in the morning, be prepared to be deceived. It is likely that it will come from a loved one or even a relative. Be prepared to be especially attentive to your family on this day so as not to be deceived.

Should you believe omens?

Signs and superstitions surround us from childhood. Many people think and feel anxious about whether to cross the road if a black cat has crossed it. Suddenly, it is fate that sends us signs from above, which we must take aim at and warn ourselves against danger. Everyone decides for himself, but most of the signs that have survived to this day have proven that they need to be listened to.
Some note that well-known signs reflect on them in the opposite way. That is, superstitions about the right hand do not work or work the other way around. For example, when your right hand itches, you unexpectedly buy something expensive or lend it out.
This could be due to several reasons. Perhaps you are left-handed. Then all the signs that are associated with the right hand and described in this article do not apply to you. They relate only to the active right hand. If you are right-handed, then perhaps you simply have a habit of lending money. Monitor your habits and analyze your habits.