Functions of the cerebral hemispheres. What functions is the left hemisphere of the brain responsible for and how to develop it

Specialization of the cerebral hemispheres

In 1881, biopsychologist Roger Sperry (1914-1994) was awarded Nobel Prize for work but exploring specific opportunities cerebral hemispheres. Sperry and other scientists have shown that right and left hemispheres demonstrate varied abilities in tests of verbal, perceptual, musical and other abilities.

Daniela Jordanova - astropsychologist

I see every sunrise with a smile. A smile is my inner state. I like life. I don't have time. Happiness is in understanding. To infect you with happiness. For more information about Daniela's work, please visit her website.

Deka Petrova is a prize-winning teacher with interest and implementation in the field of personal development and improvement; in a human and social sense idealistic, supportive, understandable and methodically provocative to stimulate, realize and demonstrate positive and creative principles; to developing individual talents through communication, expression and creativity.

How can you test the functioning of only one side of the brain?

One way is to study people who have undergone split-brain surgery. In this rare surgery, the corpus callosum is cut to correct severe epilepsy. The result is a person who has, in essence, two brains inside one body. After surgery, the question comes down to sending information either to one hemisphere or to the other.

Born in Plovdiv, lives and works in Sofia. He is the author of a collection of poems, “The Feeling of a Woman.” Her creative pursuits are influenced by interests in areas such as psychology, communication and personal transformation. Her poems reflect a sincere hope for dialogue, reflection and harmony - for one and all together. The leading idea is happiness, satisfaction and development over time, called human life.

“DISTRIBUTION, EXPRESSION, CREATIVITY” - MASTER CLASS IN TITLE PROCESSING. A special module - “Communication, Productivity, Creativity” was created for Special Children who chose the Center children's creativity"Steps of an Angel" “Communication, Expression, Creativity” provides awareness and practice of behaviors and skills aimed at free expression of the child's personality - identifying and developing talents, mastering skills for success and motivation, developing a strong will and a happy outlook.

"Split Brain"

The separation of the hemispheres doubles consciousness. Sperry said: “In other words, each hemisphere seems to have its own independent and private sensations, its own perceptions, its own concepts, and its own motivating impulses.”

How does a split-brain person function after surgery?

Having two "brains" in one body can create a serious dilemma. When one split-brain patient got dressed, he would sometimes pull his trousers down with one hand and pull them up with the other. One day this patient grabbed his wife with his left hand and shook her violently. His right hand gallantly came to the woman's aid and intercepted her militant left hand. Although such conflicts can occur, it is much more common for split-brain patients to behave completely normally. The reason here is that both halves of the brain have almost the same experience at the same point in time. Moreover, if conflict arises, one half usually prevails over the other.

The function of the cerebellum is best understood by imagining what it looks like when the cerebellum is not working properly. Such a case is, for example, alcohol intoxication. Alcohol as a substance toxic to nervous system, causes a temporary impairment of its proper function in humans. The effect of alcohol on the cerebellum initially leads to impaired coordination and accuracy in performing particularly fine movements. It manifests itself as the first problem in a person, for example, in writing, pronouncing words, beading, sewing, touching the nose and others for precise tasks.

Split-brain effects are most easily observed during special tests. For example, we could flash a dollar symbol to the right side of the brain of a patient named Tom. And direct the image of the question mark to the left half of his brain. Next, Tom is asked to draw what he sees, using his left hand blindly. The left hand draws the dollar symbol. If Tom is then asked to point with his right hand to a picture of what his “invisible” left hand has drawn, he will point to the question mark. In short, in a person with a split brain, one hemisphere may not know what is happening in the other. This is an extreme case of the situation when “the right hand does not rise, what is the left doing?

With a higher concentration of alcohol in the blood, even with impaired movement of the roughest, unable to walk upright and upright. In the case of another type of injury, such as after a stroke, the tremor may be expressed in the effort of gentle movement. As described in the section on the central nervous system, cerebrum is a term referring to the structure of the extended spinal cord, pons, midbrain.

Because it would be unnecessarily extensive to write about the individual nuclei and pathways that pass through the cuttings of the trunk, and, moreover, a large part of the significant structures are located throughout the trunk, so let us mention the main functions of the tribe as a whole.

Difference between the left and right hemispheres of the brain

The functions of the brain are divided in a remarkable way. For example, approximately 95% of all adults use left hemisphere in language (speaking, writing and understanding). In addition, the left hemisphere has superiority in mathematics, timing and rhythm, and coordinating the order of complex movements such as those required for speech.

The first thing to be mentioned here is the so-called reticular formation, which literally spreads throughout the tribe. It consists of very finely divided neurons, which sometimes form small nuclei. Its function is activation and inhibition various parts stem and telencephalon. For example, it is responsible for waking up by activating the terminal's brain. It is also involved in many of the reflexes mentioned below. It is also capable of significantly regulating pain perception.

The trunk of the nerves of the head also extends into the trunk. These are clusters of neurons from which nerve fibers arise, leaving the nerves of the head after exiting the trunk. These head nerves lead to and innervate the muscles, skin and organs of the face. There are 12 nerves in the brain, of which 10 emerge from the brainstem. These are the nerves that are responsible for eye movements, vision, focusing, thinning of the pupils in the light and their expansion in the dark, tearing, taste, facial senses, muscle movements, hearing, balancing, salivation, swallowing, frequency, rate of gastric emptying, vomiting, movement shoulders and tongue.

In contrast, the right hemisphere responds only to simple language and counting. Working with the right side of the brain is like talking to a child who only understands a dozen words. To answer questions, the right hemisphere must use nonverbal responses, such as pointing at objects.

Although the right side of the brain is weak in language, it has its own talents, especially perceptual skills. During the test, the right hemisphere is better at recognizing patterns, faces and melodies, solving design problems or drawing a picture. It is also involved in recognizing and expressing EMOTIONS.

In addition, at the top of the trunk there is a nucleus called substance nigra. These nuclei are known, but are more likely associated with Parkinson's disease. It depletes dopamine-releasing neurons. This then affects the so-called basal ganglia circuits in which they are involved. This causes resting tremors, movement disorders and other symptoms of this serious disease.

Reticular formation is used to regulate the withdrawal of blood vessels in the muscles and skin. When there is a need to increase blood pressure, the blood vessels are relieved and the pressure increases, and vice versa. The reflex formation, along with the so-called root nerve, one of the head nerves, is also responsible for the reflex. These include the area that receives information about whether there is enough oxygen in the blood and there is no excess carbon dioxide. The reflexes of cardiac events are also located here. breath. . The mesimosecus is almost completely hidden by the telencephalon, but it still contains very important centers.

What are the cerebral hemispheres responsible for?

Left hemisphere

■ Language

Sense of time

■ Speech

■ Rhythm

■ Letter


Counting complex movements

Right hemisphere

■ Nonverbal

Recognition ability and expression of emotions

Perceptual skills

These include, for example, the highest center of the autonomic system, the hypothalamus. In addition, the pituitary gland is the center of regulation of many glands with internal secretion. The thalamus is the main communication bridge between all structures of the nervous system and the cerebral cortex. Flash image. How are people different from animals? The answer is many, you can choose between language, culture or immortal soul. However, if we look for which authority is most likely to be responsible for these differences, the brain, the source of our extraordinaryness, our joy and the guards come out as human.


Submission skills

Pattern recognition,

Understanding faces, melodies of elementary language

One brain, two styles

In general, the left hemisphere is primarily involved in analysis. It also processes information sequentially. The right hemisphere appears to process information simultaneously and holistically.

A summary look at the human brain was taken in an article, a short version of which was published in the March issue of the online magazine. However, the fact that the brain is the seat of our individuality must have been complex. The first person to reveal the truth to doctors in Ancient Greece, but biblical authority has long outlived the Western Testament error - the Jews, at the core of human beings, have marked their original heart. Even today our ego's identification with the piece gray matter may raise some doubts.

We are entering a field that is, of course, laden with religious and philosophical beliefs, but imagine the following thought experiment: We separate our heads from our bodies, and we keep the two parts “alive.” Therefore, if a "soul" could ever be placed in space, it is the brain itself.

To summarize again, we can say that the right hemisphere is better able to collect individual elements of the surrounding world into a coherent picture; it sees holistic patterns and overall relationships. The left brain focuses on small details.

The right brain looks at the world with a wide, panoramic view; the left one sees individual details close-up. The left brain's focus is local, while the right brain's focus is global.

Gray question marks. If we accept that the human brain is the basic division between us and animals, we are faced with the question of the origin of this remarkable gray tissue. And otherwise quite self-conscious evolutionary biology was far from clear on this point: the pioneers of modern evolutionary theory could not agree on the subject of the brain. Charles Darwin tried to explain the emergence of man in the context of natural selection, Alfred Russel Wallace. did not agree with him, and even before his death he states that the origin of the human brain does not make sense from the point of view of evolutionary theories, and there must be intervention of God.

Do people solve constructive problems and make drawings, as a rule, only with the help of the right hemisphere? Do they perform other tasks using only the left hemisphere?

No. It is true that some tasks require the predominant use of one hemisphere or the other, but the entire brain is active at any given time. Only the balance of activity between the hemispheres changes. Normally, people do not think with only one hemisphere. When performing most “real world” tasks, the hemispheres share the work. Each does what it knows how to do best and shares information with the other side. This is why popular courses that claim to teach "right-brain thinking" ignore the fact that everyone already uses the right brain when thinking. The ability to do something well requires talent and the ability to process information in both hemispheres. A brain that simultaneously grasps both individual details and the overall picture can be called intelligent.

Of course, we do not exclude this, but we will try to find a more natural explanation. So let's also forget that human evolution was driven by genetic or other extraterrestrial interventions. There are a number of interpretations without a plan, some of them quite strange. For example, various psychedelic gurus explain the origins of the brain by leading our ape ancestors to use drugs. Terence McKenna ardently promoted this point of view and perhaps greatest attention, which he devoted to him in the "Book of God."

Kuhn "All the secrets of human behavior"

Hello, dear blog readers! Our brain requires training no less than our muscles to keep our body in good shape. But it consists of two halves, each of which performs completely different tasks. And in order for us to know exactly what exercises we need and what needs to be developed in ourselves, we will first look at what the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for, and in the next article we will move on to the right.

There's certainly a quirky curiosity to this look, but perhaps it doesn't need to be taken too seriously. The theory, which scientists don't know too much about, is also an image of the so-called water phase of human development. This concept suggests that at some point our ancestors entered the lakes and seas and lived here in a semiconductor style, only to eventually rise again. It is true that humans, unlike apes, can swim and even the way our body grows hair would indicate some affinity for the element of water, but otherwise we do not have the expected scenario of any evidence and the theory as a whole looks very It's unlikely to be in detail; it could be several.


The left hemisphere is our logical thinking; it is responsible for processing and analyzing incoming information.

He doesn’t like jokes at all, because he takes words literally. Recognizes numbers and various mathematical symbols. It is more developed in those people who are good at remembering names, facts and dates. Responsible for language abilities, that is, it controls your speech so that it is literate and helps in learning foreign languages. Thanks to it, we can build correct sentences, write letters and read.

As far as genetic orthodoxy is concerned, the situation in the first approach is quite simple. The human brain is a vast blaze of energy, and if it is to pay such an organ, it must produce benefits that minimize the necessary costs. However, it is important that the human brain always receives these benefits at all stages of its development.

At each stage of recovery, your device must, of course, be able to fly. The metaphor is often quoted at this stage, but in this form it is not yet complete. This is not enough for a new plane to fly. The plane must be able to fly better under its conditions than its predecessor - otherwise the new variant will not be applied in the evolutionary process, and natural selection will be merciless with such a mutation.

An amazing feature is that it controls the movements of the right half of the body. That is, when your right arm or leg rises, it means that the signal came from the opposite part of the brain. In general, with its help we establish cause-and-effect relationships, come to some conclusions and find ways to solve complex life problems.

For change to be successful, it must be more viable than the previous state. Therefore, if we transfer the plane to the brain: half of the human brain must be better than none. Even when the only technology was primitive stone tools, the energy giant had to pay off some of its owners with sulfur. At least to mine the African savannas to get some prey and feed the brain again.

The conditions that caused brain development were clearly very harsh. The clock shows the time about 6 million years ago, and people simply say goodbye to chimpanzees forever. 6 million years is not that long, so we share about 99% of our genes with our closest relatives, and we are also susceptible to the same diseases. And perhaps we have many more chimpanzees than we care to admit.

Ideally, the work of both halves should be in harmony, but still there is a predominance of one of them, so I can safely say that successful business people are mainly guided by this half of the brain. They are purposeful, due to the fact that they are guided more by reason than by feelings, which means they do not stop themselves with fear and doubt. They love clarity and order, they are punctual and organized.

Additionally, if we know something as the average mutation rate, we can compare two evolutionary distances of two species, or even two individuals within the same species, by comparing the two sequences. What exactly happened 6 million years ago? A certain group of creatures, very similar to today's chimpanzees, may be separated from the rest of the population by some kind of natural disaster. Instead of a relatively comfortable forest, the wild environment suddenly turned around a bloody environment. Our immediate ancestors had very little - in this context it is sometimes said that humanity survived the so-called neck of the genetic bottle.

If you remember the article , then you know who introverts and extroverts are. So, those who have this half dominant are considered more closed, inwardly oriented, and this indicates a predominance of introversion in their character.

Damage Results

As a result of various situations, in particular head injuries, the left hemisphere may cease to perform its functions , and this will lead to the fact that a person:

  • Will become unable to find a logical connection between actions and words, and even more so, to generalize the information received;
  • Will lose reading and writing skills, and in severe cases, speech;
  • He will not be able to navigate in space or time. Sometimes there are disturbances in the perception of oneself and one’s body; for example, one begins to choose larger clothes.
  • Accordingly, there can be no talk about any achievement of the goal, as well as about creating tasks and plans for the future.

How to check?

If, based on the description of your character, you do not find similarities with yourself, then you can conduct the following experiments:

  • Clap your hands and depending on which dominant hand is on top, you can determine the leading part. If the left is on top, then the right side of the head is more developed and vice versa.
  • Now quickly cross your arms, making a lock. Which finger is on top?
  • Quickly, without thinking, touch your ear. Checking the results according to the previous scheme.


  1. You already understand what functions the left hemisphere is responsible for, so stock up on chess, checkers and solve puzzles. The article will reveal more methods to you.
  2. Control your speech, and if you notice that you don’t have enough words to form a beautiful sentence, or you begin to forget them, start reading books, preferably fiction, classical literature. This way, you will keep your thinking in good shape and unconsciously remember how words are spelled correctly.
  3. The development of mental abilities is positively influenced by walking in the fresh air, as well as playing sports. Oxygen saturation of every cell has a positive effect on the body, which begins to work more productively.
  4. Start studying foreign language, it will never be superfluous. If you don’t have any time or extra money for classes, you can try to study on your own, I just have ready-made ideas on where exactly you should start.
  5. Start changing your routine and habitual way of life. Why? Yes, because you are already automatically performing some actions, your head ceases to take part in this process. As soon as you notice that you “fell out” and did not track how you did something, immediately begin to create changes. For example, reading a book upside down, taking a completely different route to work, or reading signs in the opposite direction.
  6. If your job does not require activity planning or you are not used to making a plan for yourself, then the time has come to do it. If it’s difficult at first, then at least start with a diary where you will write down your thoughts and desires. And then be sure to start setting goals for yourself and deadlines for their completion. You can see how this is done using an example.
  7. It is ideal for a person to develop both halves at the same time, so that there is coherence in work and all resources are used. You can practice by holding a pen in both hands and first trying to draw the same shapes at the same time, and then draw different ones with each hand. It will be difficult at first, but with persistent training you can achieve your goal.


And finally, if you are left-handed, then it is recommended that you perform as many movements as possible with the right side of your body. And if it happened that you were retrained in childhood, which is very undesirable and affects your mental abilities, then I recommend reading it. That’s all for today, subscribe to the blog and see you again!