Composition - composition, connection, combination of various parts. In the visual arts, composition is the construction of a work of art. What is composition and why is it needed?

Composition – (from Latin compositio – composition, composition). 1). Defined formation work of art, which is determined by its content, nature and purpose and largely determines perception. Composition is the most important organizing component of an artistic form, giving the work unity and integrity, subordinating its elements to each other and to the whole. Laws of composition emerging in the process artistic practice, aesthetic knowledge of reality are, to one degree or another, a reflection and generalization of objective patterns and interrelations of phenomena real world. These patterns and relationships appear in an artistically translated form, and the degree and nature of their implementation and generalization are related to the type of art, the idea and material of the work, etc. In literature and journalism, composition is usually understood as the organization, arrangement and connection of heterogeneous components of an artistic form literary work. The composition includes: the arrangement and correlation of characters (composition as a “system of images”), events and actions (plot composition), inserted stories and lyrical digressions(composition of extra-plot elements), methods or angles of narration (narrative composition itself), details of the situation, behavior, experiences (composition of details). Composition techniques and methods are varied. Comparisons of events, objects, facts, details that are distant from each other in the text of the work sometimes turn out to be artistically significant. The most important aspect composition is the sequence in which the components of what is depicted are introduced into the text - the temporary organization of a literary work as a process of discovery and development of artistic content. And finally, the composition includes the mutual correlation of different sides (plans, layers, levels) literary form. Along with the term “composition,” many modern theorists use the word “structure” in the same meaning (for example, “the structure of a work of art”). Representing “ endless labyrinth of connections...” (L.N. Tolstoy), the composition completes the complex unity and integrity of the work, becoming the crown of an artistic form that is always meaningful. In one of the studies on literary theory there is the following definition: “Composition is a disciplinary force and organizer of a work. She is entrusted with ensuring that nothing breaks out to the side, into its own law, but rather is combined into a whole and turns to complement its thoughts... Therefore, it usually does not accept either logical derivation and subordination, or simple life sequence, although it happens looks like her; its goal is to arrange all the pieces so that they close into a complete expression of the idea.” In the fine arts, composition combines particular moments of constructing an artistic form (real or illusory formation of space and volume, symmetry and asymmetry, scale, rhythm and proportions, nuance and perspective, grouping, color scheme etc.). Composition organizes both the internal structure of the work and its relationship with environment and the viewer. The composition of an image (including photos, films, videos) is a specific development of the ideological and plot-thematic basis of a work with the distribution of objects and figures in space, establishing the ratio of volumes, light and shadow, spots of color, etc. Types of composition are divided into “stable” (where the main compositional axes intersect at right angles in the geometric center of the work) and “dynamic” (where the main compositional axes intersect at acute angle, diagonals, circles and ovals dominate), “open” (where centrifugal multidirectional forces predominate, and the image is fully revealed to the viewer) and “closed” (where centripetal forces prevail, pulling the image to the center of the work). In the history of fine arts, a major role was played by both the formation of generally accepted compositional canons (for example, in ancient Eastern, early medieval art, in the art of the Renaissance, classicism), and the movement from traditional rigid canonical schemes to free compositional techniques. Thus, in the art of the 19th–20th centuries. An important role was played by the desire of artists for free composition that meets individual creative inclinations.

Knyazev A.A. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Media. - Bishkek: KRSU Publishing House. A. A. Knyazev. 2002.



See what “Composition” is in other dictionaries:

    Composition- (from the Latin “componere” to fold, build) a term used in art criticism. In music, K. is called the creation of a musical work, hence: composer is the author of musical works. In literary studies, the concept of K. passed from... ... Literary encyclopedia

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    COMPOSITION- (lat., this. see previous word). 1) combining individual objects into one whole. 2) the composition from which fake precious stones are prepared. 3) musical composition. 4) technical expression for various metal alloys. Dictionary… … Dictionary foreign words Russian language

    composition- and, f. 1. composition f., floor. kompozycyja, it. composition. Claim Writing, creating works of art; compilation of something Sl. 18. The façade, in which the lower cornice is Doric, and the main middle cornice is the author’s own... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    COMPOSITION- COMPOSITION, compositions, women. (lat. compositio compilation) (book). 1. The theory of composing musical works (music). He studies composition. Composition class in music school. || Musical work (music). This is a very talented... Dictionary Ushakova

    COMPOSITION- (from the Latin compositio composition, binding), 1) the construction of a work of art, determined by its content, character, purpose and largely determining its perception. Composition is the most important, organizing element of artistic... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Ushakov's Dictionary


composition, compositions, wives (lat. compositio - composition) ( books).

1. Theory of musical composition ( music). He studies composition. Composition class at a music school.

| Musical work ( music). This is a very talented composition.

2. Department of architectural theory, setting out the rules for connecting parts into one whole ( architect).

3. Artistic structure, construction of the product ( claim). A poem, beautiful in composition, but not sufficiently processed. Composition of a lyric poem. Composition of the painting. Composition of a romance, sonata.

4. A material that is an alloy, a composition of several substances. “A medallion... from some composition.” Goncharov.

5. Imitation, fake ( preim. gemstone; outdated). Malachite composition.

Culturology. Dictionary-reference book


(lat. composito - composition, linking) - the construction of a work of art, determined by its content, nature and purpose and largely determining its perception.

Architectural Dictionary


(lat. compositio - composition)

Architectural composition means the combination and interrelation of all elements of a structure, which as a result create integrity and completeness. architectural work. The aesthetic side is only part of the overall program here. The task architectural composition is to bring to a harmonious unity all the requirements of a functional, technical, economic and aesthetic order.

(Dictionary of architectural terms. Yusupov E.S., 1994)

Dictionary of linguistic terms


(lat. compositio - composition, connection)

Ratio individual parts, components of the text, forming a single whole. A structure that involves the use of relations of unity of “primary” elements and the law of composition.

Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language



Terminological dictionary-thesaurus on literary criticism


(lat. compositio - composition, linking) - construction of a work of art, a system of means for disclosing and organizing images, their connections and relationships.

RB: composition and plot

Sin: a r h i t e c t o n i c a

Type: closed composition, mirror composition, ring composition, open composition

Part: beginning, conflict, ending, saying, prologue, situation, plot, plot

* “Both in a large complex novel and in a small lyric poem, we will deal with composition, with a certain structure arising from the given content” (L.I. Timofeev).

"In a truly artistic work, composition and all its techniques are subordinate to the expression of its ideological content" (A. Revyakin).

"Architectonics alone... is enough to absorb all mental activity author: to think, to think about the participation of persons in the main task, their relationship to each other, the setting and course of events... etc. "(I.A. Goncharov). *

Dictionary of musical terms


(lat. compositio - compilation, placement)

1. The process of musical creativity.

2. A completed piece of music.

3. The structure of a musical work, the location and relationship of its parts.

4. An academic subject taught in conservatories.

Historical and etymological dictionary of Latin borrowings


1) In literature and art: construction, internal structure of a work (selection, grouping, sequence of visual techniques that organize the ideological and artistic whole;

2) structure of a musical work; composing music as a type of creativity, as well as a musical work as a product of such creativity; scientific and educational discipline dedicated to this type of creativity.

lat. composition“1) combination, connection, addition; 2) compilation, composition; 3) composition, drug, medicine.”

As a musical term, the word composition appears at the very beginning of the 18th century. from it. composizione“composition, composition; work (of art)" via Polish komposicja in the meaning of “composition, composition” (Birzh., 371). For example: “By decree of her I.V. Gibnener was ordered to give fifty rubles for a composition based on musical notes...” (Khrapovnits. Mat. ist. A.N. 1726, T.I; cit. according to KDRS). In the 20s of the XVIII century. from fr. composition“composition of a substance, medicine” through Polish the following meanings were perceived: “1) preparation of medicines; medicine, mastic; 2) alloy; a kind of copper mixed with other metals” (Birzh., 371). WITH mid-XVIII V. the word composition in the meaning of “composing a whole picture from individual parts” is used in painting. First recorded in Sl.Kurg. (397) meaning “composition, mixture”. Compare: BAS, V, 1263-1264. As a term of chemistry, music and painting, it is noted in Sl. Yanovsk. (II, 344-345). Its use in medicine was limited to the 18th century. As a chemical term, the word composition existed until the beginning of the 20th century, denoting, among other things, “a fake, composite pebble or other similar thing” (Sl. Dalya 1, II, 759; Sl. Chudin 1902 (348).

The content of the word composition expanded in the first half of the 19th century. - it already means “arrangement in music and other arts” (SA 1847, II, 195), and by the beginning of the 20th century. affirmed as a general term of art and literature (Sl.Ushak., I, 1420). Since the last third of the twentieth century. in a word, the composition is called “a montage composed of the works of various authors,” for example: “The program of the evening dedicated to this composition consisted of Blok’s “Twelve”, read in full as a prologue, and the text of “Humiliated and Insulted,” interspersed from time to time with inserts from “The Twelve” (A. Zakushnyak. Evening of a Story, 201). This meaning is first noted in the IAS (II, 86).

Compositional. Formed using suf. - onn- (Sl.Ushak., I, 1420).

Design. Glossary of terms


COMPOSITION (lat. compositio) - composition, composition; connection, connection. In literature and art - the construction (structure) of a work of art, the location and relationship of its parts, determined by ideological plan and the purpose of the work. In architecture, several buildings are interconnected in a single compositional structure. Composition of the work fine arts– this is the placement of people and objects on the canvas. Composition is important in portraits, still lifes, and landscapes. Usually in a film there is a certain center in which the main action takes place and where its main characters are located. But there are other compositions.

Explanatory translation dictionary


interaction of the principles of internal and external structure of the text in its linguistic and stylistic design; This is not only a scheme for constructing a text, but an ideological and aesthetic category closely related to the content.

Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


Syn: work, composition, formation

Encyclopedic Dictionary


(from Latin compositio - composition, binding),

  1. the construction of a work of art, determined by its content, character, purpose and largely determining its perception. Composition is the most important organizing element of an artistic form, giving the work unity and integrity, subordinating its components to each other and to the whole. IN fiction composition - a motivated arrangement of components of a literary work; a component (unit of composition) is considered "segment" a work in which one method of depiction is preserved (characterization, dialogue, etc.) or a single point of view (of the author, narrator, one of the characters) on what is depicted. The relative position and interaction of these "segments" form the compositional unity of the work. Composition is often identified with both the plot, the system of images, and the structure of a work of art (sometimes the words: architectonics, construction, construction are synonymous with the concepts of composition and structure).
  2. A musical, pictorial, sculptural or graphic work.
  3. A work that includes various types of art (for example, a literary and musical composition) or is composed of various works and excerpts.
  4. Composing music; Also academic subject in music schools.

Ozhegov's Dictionary


1. (in 2 digits), ratio and relative position parts. K. novels, paintings, symphonies, books.

2. A work (sculptural, pictorial, musical, literary) that is complex or heterogeneous in its composition. Sculpture department. Choreographic department. Literary and musical department. Architectural department.

3. The theory of musical composition. Composition class.

4. A material obtained by combining dissimilar components (for example, iron and concrete, plastic and glass, metal and non-metal) (special).

| adj. compositional, aya, oh (to 1, 3 and 4 values).

Composition is the arrangement of parts of a literary work in a certain order, a set of forms and methods of artistic expression by the author, depending on his intention. Translated from Latin it means “composition”, “construction”. Composition builds all parts of the work into a single, complete whole.

It helps the reader to better understand the content of the works, maintains interest in the book and helps to draw the necessary conclusions in the end. Sometimes the composition of a book intrigues the reader and he looks for a sequel to the book or other works by this writer.

Compositional elements

Among such elements are narration, description, dialogue, monologue, inserted stories and lyrical digressions:

  1. Narration- the main element of the composition, the author’s story, revealing the content of the work of art. Occupies most of the volume of the entire work. Conveys the dynamics of events; it can be retold or illustrated with drawings.
  2. Description. This is a static element. During the description, events do not occur; it serves as a picture, a background for the events of the work. The description is a portrait, an interior, a landscape. A landscape is not necessarily an image of nature; it can be a city landscape, a lunar landscape, a description of fantasy cities, planets, galaxies, or a description of fictional worlds.
  3. Dialogue- conversation between two people. It helps to reveal the plot, deepen the characters characters. Through the dialogue between the two heroes, the reader learns about the events of the past of the heroes of the works, about their plans, and begins to better understand the characters’ characters.
  4. Monologue- speech of one character. In the comedy by A. S. Griboedov, through Chatsky’s monologues, the author conveys thoughts advanced people his generation and the experiences of the hero himself, who learned about his beloved’s betrayal.
  5. Image system. All images of a work that interact in connection with the author’s intention. These are images of people fairy tale characters, mythical, toponymic and subject. There are awkward images invented by the author, for example, “The Nose” from Gogol’s story of the same name. The authors simply invented many images, and their names became commonly used.
  6. Insert stories, a story within a story. Many authors use this technique to create intrigue in a work or at the denouement. A work may contain several inserted stories, the events in which take place in different times. Bulgakov in “The Master and Margarita” used the device of a novel within a novel.
  7. Author's or lyrical digressions. Gogol has many lyrical digressions in his work “Dead Souls”. Because of them, the genre of the work has changed. It's big prose work called the poem “Dead Souls”. And “Eugene Onegin” is called a novel in verse because large quantity author's digressions, thanks to which readers are presented with an impressive picture Russian life early 19th century.
  8. Author's description. In it, the author talks about the character of the hero and does not hide his positive or negative attitude towards him. Gogol in his works often gives ironic characteristics to his heroes - so precise and succinct that his heroes often become household names.
  9. Plot of the story- this is a chain of events occurring in a work. The plot is the content literary text.
  10. Fable- all events, circumstances and actions that are described in the text. The main difference from the plot is chronological sequence.
  11. Scenery- description of nature, real and imaginary world, city, planet, galaxies, existing and fictional. The landscape is artistic device, thanks to which the character of the characters is revealed more deeply and an assessment of events is given. You can remember how it changes seascape in Pushkin’s “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish,” when the old man comes to the Golden Fish again and again with another request.
  12. Portrait- this description is not only appearance hero, but also him inner world. Thanks to the author’s talent, the portrait is so accurate that all readers have the same idea of ​​the appearance of the hero of the book they read: what Natasha Rostova, Prince Andrei, Sherlock Holmes looks like. Sometimes the author draws the reader's attention to some characteristic feature hero, for example, Poirot’s mustache in Agatha Christie’s books.

Don't miss: in the literature, examples of use.

Compositional techniques

Subject composition

The development of the plot has its own stages of development. There is always a conflict at the center of the plot, but the reader does not immediately learn about it.

Subject composition depends on the genre of the work. For example, a fable necessarily ends with a moral. Dramatic works of classicism had their own laws of composition, for example, they had to have five acts.

The composition of the works is distinguished by its unshakable features folklore. Songs, fairy tales, and epics were created according to their own laws of construction.

The composition of the fairy tale begins with the saying: “Like on the sea-ocean, and on the island of Buyan...”. The saying was often composed in poetic form and was sometimes far from the content of the fairy tale. The storyteller attracted the attention of the listeners with a saying and waited for them to listen to him without being distracted. Then he said: “This is a saying, not a fairy tale. There will be a fairy tale ahead."

Then came the beginning. The most famous of them begins with the words: “Once upon a time” or “In a certain kingdom, in the thirtieth state...”. Then the storyteller moved on to the fairy tale itself, to its characters, to wonderful events.

Techniques of a fairy-tale composition, a threefold repetition of events: the hero fights three times with the Serpent Gorynych, three times the princess sits at the window of the tower, and Ivanushka on a horse flies to her and tears off the ring, three times the Tsar tests his daughter-in-law in the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”.

The ending of the fairy tale is also traditional; about the heroes of the fairy tale they say: “They live, live well and make good things.” Sometimes the ending hints at a treat: “A fairy tale for you, but a bagel for me.”

Literary composition- this is the arrangement of parts of a work in a certain sequence, this is an integral system of forms artistic image. The means and techniques of composition deepen the meaning of what is depicted and reveal the characteristics of the characters. Each work of art has its own unique composition, but there are its traditional laws that are observed in some genres.

During the times of classicism, there was a system of rules that prescribed certain rules for writing texts to authors, and they could not be violated. This is the rule of three unities: time, place, plot. This is a five act structure. dramatic works. This speaking names and a clear division into negative and goodies. The compositional features of classicism are a thing of the past.

Compositional techniques in literature depend on the genre of the work of art and on the talent of the author, who has available types, elements, techniques of composition, knows its features and knows how to use these artistic methods.

In this publication, we will consider the concept of composition, types of composition that are widespread in various fields of art, and in some are the basis.

The concept of composition

In the Bolshoi Encyclopedic Dictionary several definitions are given this concept. Let's consider the main ones, based on the scope of application.

The word comes from the Latin "compositio", which means "binding", "composition".

First of all, this is the creation of a certain artistic image or a work, which is determined by its purpose, content and nature. Composition is the most important element artistic forms, which gives integrity and unity to the created work, mutually subordinates its components.

The next two definitions are related to music and art. One of them is interpreted as follows. A composition is a pictorial, musical, graphic or sculptural work. It can also be the process of composing music or academic discipline in a music school.

In addition, it may include several various types art.

Now let's begin to consider the main types of composition in various fields art.


Each of us encountered this concept at school in the lessons of fine arts, literature and music. Let us dwell in more detail on literature, since in this area the concept plays a key role for the writer. Let us also consider the types of composition in literature.

These include narration, dialogue and monologue, portrait and landscape, plot, description, author's description and digressions, inserted stories and a system of images.

An important role is played and among which the following are distinguished:

Exposition (its presence in the work is not necessary; it allows the writer to notify the reader in advance about events, as well as tune him to the desired wave).

Retrospection, otherwise called "looking back." The author immerses us in the past of the heroes to reveal the reasons for what is happening now. This technique is most typical for a memory story.

The best technique for adding intrigue to a work is a break. Readable chapter ends with an intriguing moment, and the next one is about something completely different, while the created intrigue remains.

Among the types of composition in the literature, there are two main ones - external and internal. The first involves dividing the text into its component parts: prologues, epilogues, chapters, and so on. The second focuses on the content: plot, images, speech situations, and so on.

The composition can also be reversed (the work begins with final scenes), circular (the end of the work is the scene with which it began), thematic (based on the relationship of the main images) and mirror (based on the symmetry of some images or episodes).


As a rule, there are no specific types of compositions in design. There are means, qualities and properties of the composition, which we will consider.

The media include line, shading, spot, color, chiaroscuro, as well as linear, color and aerial perspective. Artists often use several media in their work. For example, line, spot and strokes.

Line is considered the main means. Chiaroscuro is used to convey the volume of objects in a drawing. Perspectives are used to create the illusion of space.

Now let's list the qualities and properties of compositions in design: compositional balance, harmonious integrity, symmetries and asymmetries, dynamic and static compositions, unity of character of forms.


Architecture also makes extensive use of composition, and the types of composition are numerous.

It involves organizing architectural elements to achieve harmony and unity. The choice of a particular composition is made not only on the basis aesthetic principles, but is also determined by all the requirements for the architectural structure.

Let's consider the types of architectural composition. Volumetric composition is achieved by constructing volumetric forms. Spatial corresponds to a specific space (for example, a hall, a room or an arena). The basis of the deep-spatial composition is the unification of several spaces or the division of space into interconnected parts. The volumetric-spatial composition combines volumetric forms with elements of space. An example of such a construction would be a building plan with part of a courtyard. The frontal composition is built along horizontal and vertical coordinates. In high-rise, height prevails over the size of the form on the plan.


Speaking about composition and types of composition, I would like to pay attention popular type art - photography. Every person, whether a professional photographer or an amateur, cares about how to make their photographs interesting and expressive. To do this, there are several rules for constructing a composition.

The rule of thirds states that the frame is divided into nine parts, that is, a grid is obtained. Thus, the most important objects are located at the intersection of lines or along them.

The "golden ratio" rule. There are points in the composition that most attract a person's attention; they are located at a distance of 5/8 and 3/8 from the edges of the frame. There are 4 such points in total.

There are also rules for diagonals and the diagonal golden ratio.


Composition and types of composition are a major topic in the study of fine arts as well as architecture. Without knowledge of the rules for constructing objects, objects and spaces, as well as the ability to apply certain techniques, it is impossible to create a masterpiece.


(Latin compositio - compilation, composition) - compilation, connection, combination various parts into a single whole in accordance with some idea. IN fine arts composition is the construction of a work of art, determined by its content, nature and purpose, the need to convey the main idea, the idea of ​​the work as clearly and convincingly as possible. The main thing in composition is the creation of an artistic image. Paintings painted in different eras, absolutely different styles, amaze our imagination and are remembered for a long time, largely due to their clear compositional structure. The perception of a work also depends on its composition. IN artistic activity The process of creating a work can be called composing a composition.

The compositional principle, like a tree trunk, organically connects the roots and branches of a pictorial form, subordinates its elements to each other and to the whole. To depict means to establish relationships between parts, connect them into a single whole and generalize.

The word "composition" as a term of fine art has been regularly used since the Renaissance. Sometimes the word “composition” is used to describe a picture as such - as an organic whole with a pronounced semantic unity, implying in this case that drawing, color and plot come together. In this case, it does not matter what genre the painting belongs to and in what manner it is made, it is called the term “composition” as a completed work of art.

For centuries, artists have been looking for the most expressive compositional schemes, as a result we can say that the most important elements of the image in the plot are not placed chaotically, but form simple geometric shapes(triangle, pyramid, circle, oval, square, rectangle, etc.). The composition can be closed or open. Using special techniques (multi-tier composition, selection climax actions, etc.) you can convey the movement of time in the picture.

In the history of art, a large role was played by both the processes of fulfilling generally accepted canons of composition (antiquity, Renaissance, Baroque, classicism, etc.), and the desire to get rid of rigid canonical schemes and use free compositional techniques(XIX-XX centuries). A composition that meets the individual creative searches of artists is capable of evoking a variety of associations, feelings and emotions. Everything is important in a composition - the mass of objects, their visual “weight”, their placement on a plane, the expressiveness of silhouettes, rhythmic alternations of lines and spots, methods of conveying space and the point of view of what is depicted, the distribution of light and shade, the color and coloring of the picture, the poses and gestures of the characters, format and size of the work and much more.

The main principles of constructing a work of art, which can be called rules, techniques and means of composition, are the following: the transfer of movement (dynamics), rest (statics), taking into account the proportion of the golden section, the transfer of rhythm, symmetry and asymmetry, the balance of parts of the composition and the identification of the plot-compositional center .

Artists use composition as a universal means to create painting, sculpture or work of decorative and applied art and achieve their figurative and emotional expressiveness.

Composition is not only a thought, the idea of ​​a work, for the sake of expression of which the artist takes up a brush and pencil, it is also definitely a plastic form of expression that is in tune with the soul of the artist and the requirements of the time.