What is the climax. The meaning of the word culmination in the dictionary of literary terms. Recommendations and practical tips for delivering a spectacular and effective climax - a practical guide

Everyone knows that the climax is the most intense moment of the work, which requires special attention from the viewer. It is found exclusively in all forms literary creativity, starting from the simplest sayings and ending with large forms of prose. The presence of this aspect in the work is inevitable, otherwise the reader's interest will be lost.


Climax is the highest point of tension, which shows the essence of the problem and ways to solve it. In small literary forms most often there is only one intriguing episode, which is usually found at the end. These are easy-to-understand stories, parables, fables and the like. A striking example can serve as the climax of a fairy tale. We take any story from a children’s book, for example “Cinderella,” and look for the decisive moment there. Of course, the most interesting thing for a child will be to read about how the evil stepmother found out that the mysterious guest at the ball is Cinderella, who is now marrying the prince.

Fairytale elements

Several climaxes have Arabian tales, since they consist of different chapters. An example is Sinbad the Sailor. In each of his seven journeys there were previous events, their denouement and outcome, which was always happy. The plot is simple, but there are many tense moments; while reading this work, we understand that every time the climax is the way home, which Sinbad will be able to find during his next voyage.

Complex climaxes

In works of large form, as a rule, there are many climaxes. In a story, there can be several leading storylines that intertwine with each other, and each of them must have its own climax and events preceding it. The destinies of the heroes are intertwined, during which one solution to a problem can become the basis for the emergence of a new plot. As an example, let us take Bulgakov’s work “The Master and Margarita”. It can be said with complete confidence that in in this case The climax is the entire novel. Here the disappearance of the outfits in which the ladies were dressed in the theater is replaced by a scene of Margarita’s experiences, which lead her to meet Azazello. And Professor Woland’s journey to Moscow leads to the fact that the Master frees from all sins someone who has sat in his chair for more than one millennium.


It is believed that for the reader it is the moments of the climax that are the most interesting. Therefore, authors often stretched out decisive events into chapters, forcing us to turn pages one after another in search of answers to all the questions that previously interested us. As a result, the climax may be unexpected, with many contradictory facts. Such works are called non-standard, the most interesting and exciting. If the plot comes to its logical end, then reading such a book is simple and accessible. It is ideal for those who often fly on planes or travel on trains.

It can be said that the climax in literature is the most interesting point works. He reveals to us all the secrets and shows us true face heroes. And if something seemed incomprehensible to you, it means that this was intended by the author. Think of such books as mysteries that no one can solve.


- (from Latin culmen - top) - structural element plot: peak of conflict, moment highest voltage actions, extreme aggravation of contradictions. K. reveals the main problem of the work and the characters of the characters most fully, after which the action usually weakens. Precedes the denouement (see denouement). In works with many plot lines, it is possible to have not one, but several Ks.

Dictionary literary terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what CULMINATION is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • CLIMAX in the Dictionary of Musical Terms:
    moment of highest tension in musical construction, section piece of music, overall...
  • CLIMAX in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from lat. culmen gen. p. culminis - top), 1) the point of highest tension, rise, development of something. 2) In astronomy - the passage of luminaries through ...
  • CLIMAX in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    (from Latin culmen, gen. case culminis - peak), point, period of the highest rise, maximum tension in the development of something. In art (literature,...
  • CLIMAX V Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    the passage of a celestial body through the meridian of the place when the luminary reaches its greatest or smallest height above the horizon. There are upper and lower K. ...
  • CLIMAX in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from Latin culmen, Genitive culminis - top), 1) the point of highest tension, rise, development of something. 2) In astronomy - the passage ...
    [from Latin culmen (culminis) peak] 1) the passage of a celestial body through the meridian, that is, the highest (upper culmination) or lowest (lower culmination) ...
  • CLIMAX in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    and, f. 1. astr. The moment a star passes through the celestial meridian, when it has the highest or lowest position relative to ...
  • CLIMAX in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, w. 1. The passage of a luminary through the celestial meridian (special). 2. Point of highest tension" rise, development of something. (book) K. events. ...
  • CLIMAX in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    CLIMAX (from Latin culmen, gen. culminis - peak), the point of highest tension, rise, development of something. In astronomy - the passage of luminaries...
  • CLIMAX in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? the passage of a celestial body through the meridian of the place when the luminary reaches its greatest or smallest height above the horizon. There are upper and lower...
  • CLIMAX in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    climax, climax, climax, climax, climax, climax, climax, climax, climax, climax, climax, climax, ...
  • CLIMAX in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -i, f. 1) astr. The passage of luminaries through the celestial meridian. The upper (lower) culmination of the luminary. 2) transfer , book The point, the moment of the highest...
  • CLIMAX in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
    ‘the highest degree of something’ Syn: top (arr.), top (arr.), crown (book, raised, arr.), apogee (book), zenith ...
  • CLIMAX in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (lat. oilmen (culminis) top) 1) astr. the passage of the luminary through the celestial meridian, i.e. the highest (upper k.) or lowest (lower ...
  • CLIMAX in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [ 1. aster, the passage of a luminary through the celestial meridian, i.e. the highest (upper k.) or lowest (lower k.) position of the luminary relative to ...
  • CLIMAX in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    ‘the highest degree of something’ Syn: top (arr.), top (arr.), crown (book, raised, arr.), ...
  • CLIMAX in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    the highest degree of something Syn: top (arr.), top (arr.), crown (book) raised. arr.), apogee (book), zenith...
  • CLIMAX in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. g. The passage of luminaries through the celestial meridian (in astronomy). 2. g. 1) The period of the highest rise, development, tension of something. 2) Moment...
  • CLIMAX in Lopatin's Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • CLIMAX in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • CLIMAX in the Spelling Dictionary:
  • CLIMAX in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    passage of a luminary through the celestial meridian Spec culmination point of highest tension, rise, development of something Lib K. ...
  • CLIMAX in Dahl's Dictionary:
    luminaries, astrakh. the transition and the moment of passage of the luminary through the noon of the place; reaching the greatest height. Climax, roll through...

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


luminary, astronomer. the transition and the moment of passage of the luminary through the noon of the place; reaching the greatest height. Climax, roll through the meridian.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


climax, w. (Latin culminatio) (book).

    The passage of the luminary through the meridian (astro.).

    trans. The point of highest ascent, highest tension.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    The passage of a luminary through the celestial meridian (special).

    The point of highest tension" of the rise, development of something. (book) K. events.

    adj. climactic, -aya, -oe. K. moment.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    and. The passage of luminaries through the celestial meridian (in astronomy).

    1. The period of the highest rise, development, tension of smth.

      The moment of highest tension in the development of an action, usually preceding the denouement (in literary criticism).

      The moment of highest tension in a piece of music, usually distinguished by a high register, increased sound volume, and harmonic means (in music).

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


CLIMAX (from Latin culmen, gen. culminis - peak)

    the point of highest tension, rise, development of something.

    In astronomy, the passage of luminaries through the celestial meridian. There is an upper culmination (M), when the sun is closer to the zenith (Z), and a lower culmination (M), when it is closer to the nadir (Z) (P, P - North and South poles of the world).

    The moment of highest tension in the development of action, maximally aggravating the artistic conflict. At the climax, a turning point occurs or is planned, preparing the denouement (the “mousetrap” scene in William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”).

    The moment of highest tension in a musical structure, a section of a musical work, or an entire piece. As a rule, it stands out for its high register, increased sound volume, and harmonic means.


(from Latin culmen, gender culminis ≈ peak), point, period of the highest rise, maximum tension in the development of something. In art (literature, theater, cinema) it is the most intense moment in the development of the action (plot), the decisive, turning point in the relationships and clashes of the characters, from which the transition to the denouement begins. From the point of view of content, K. is a kind of life test that sharpens the problem of the work to the maximum and decisively reveals the character of the hero (for example, the scene with the shot in “Uncle Vanya” by A.P. Chekhov). See also Plot.




  • The culmination of astronomy is the moment when a star passes through the celestial meridian during its daily movement.
  • Climax in art is the moment of highest tension in the development of a work of art.


  • "Climax" is a TV series shown in the United States by CBS between 1954 and 1958. Each episode presented a separate psychological or mystical drama.

Climax (astronomy)

Climax- the moment of passage of a star through the celestial meridian during its daily movement. Otherwise: the moments when the luminary passes the intersection points of the daily parallel of the luminary and the celestial meridian.

There are upper and lower climaxes. At the moment of the upper culmination, the luminary rises to its maximum height above the horizon. At the moment of the lower culmination, the luminary descends to its minimum height, in some cases it may appear below the horizon.

They also distinguish between the upper culmination to the north and south of the zenith. If the luminary culminates south of the zenith, then at the moment of culmination its astronomical azimuth is 0°, and if the luminary culminates north of the zenith, then its azimuth at the moment of culmination is 180°.

Knowing the declination of the star δ and the latitude of the observation site φ, we can calculate the zenith distances of this star at the moments of culmination:

Z = 180º - ;
z = φ - δ;
z = δ - φ.

In a similar way, by observing a star at its upper and lower culmination, you can determine its declination and latitude of the observation site. If the star's upper culmination occurs south of the zenith, then

δ = 90° - (z+z)/2;
φ = 90° - (z-z)/2;

and if north of the zenith, then

δ = 90° - (z-z)/2;
φ = 90° - (z+z)/2.

Examples of the use of the word culmination in literature.

A period of tireless agitation work began, which became a period of political climax Lunacharsky.

He - climax“Kevin’s teachings,” Amok said slyly, as if he were making a subtle joke.

The population of this house was preparing for the birth of young Myatlev, and the dark green uniform, delivered by Mr. Sverbeev just in time, marked his appearance climax in the follies orchestrated by providence.

A long string of stories about the relationship between Shakespeare and Combe has reached climax at Roe's.

The climax The image in the play, Koonen continued, is considered to be the dance of the seven veils, as a reward for which Salome demands from Herod the head of Jokanaan, who rejected her.

Symphonic short stories and Symphonic songs, 17 symphonies, merging together, are perceived as bright chapters of the symphonic chronicle: in them the images of the wise come to life folk tales, then captivating pictures are painted native nature, then collisions of heroic struggles unfold, then the music draws you into the world of lyrical feelings, and episodes of a folk or fantastic nature are replaced by the expression of dramatic climaxes.

A play must have its own beginning, middle, end, verified effective climax, and it is advisable to construct the episodes not prosaically, but dramaturgically - in one state the characters enter, in another they exit - there are many purely dramatic understandings and techniques according to which the theatrical action is formed.

Before moving on to the story about climax plague, when the disaster, having gathered all its forces into a fist, threw them at the city and finally took possession of it, we still have to tell about those desperate, endless and monotonous attempts that were made by individual people, such as Rambert, just to regain their happiness and defend from the plague that part of themselves that they stubbornly defended against all attacks.

The situation worsened, and at the end of the month the terror reached climax: Roy Rutberg from Kibbutz Nahal Oz, on the border in the Gaza region, was killed.

Events have reached climax in mid-1997, when the vice mayor of Suzhou, who ran the LDC, said at a meeting with German investors in Hamburg that President Jiang Zemin did not support the development of IPS, that German investors would be welcome in the LDC, and therefore they did not need Singapore.

In short, Tolstoy’s literature degenerated into Tolstoyism for two reasons: because of the immense horror of death and because his religious and ethical ideas did not fit the mold, climax, denouement and other tricks of narrative art.

I didn’t buy anything With the wasted money Wormholes of ink The steps of the forehead were worn out The nickels laughed Over the broken rose Wax fools Drank the tuberculous light I wandered like a blur Through the fields of cheerful everyday life Bone dominoes I lived in humpbacked tubers In the jelly of twisted water I tore apart the tight threads Like a barrier from divination And the absurdity of intercourse And the day, mustachioed like a centaur, galloped after me, taking bad advice out of the mouth of the night, either stretching out a thread, or poisoned meat, but I wanted to survive climax story Where the heroic mug Kills the scoundrels And with an eye on the evil rushes with his bare ass sparkling 10.

Much could be said about the visual power of this film, but one of the scariest moments occurs right before culmination, when the heroine's brother appears again, still wearing driver's gloves, and grabs his sister with the idiotic purposefulness of a hungry dead man.

Khristich was good with his absence at the beginning and his gradual, precisely calibrated tempo-rhythm, approach to the author and reader, foreshadowing the semantic climax- meeting in the final.

This antagonism has survived its climax in those places that were the original centers of civilization.

Climax (from Latin culmen “peak”) in literature is a critical moment plot development works that reveal all the poignancy of the plot. It is also a decisive moment in the relationship between the hero and his environment.

The most suitable genres for developing the climax are drama and epic. If in novels and dramatic works The denouement after the critical moment develops slowly and step by step, while in short stories it develops at lightning speed and unexpectedly, since the climax itself occurs at the very end of the work.

Climax concept

Climax - ambiguous concept, and besides literature it is also found in astronomy and music. The meaning of the concept in music is similar to the literary one: it is the point of highest tension in the whole work or its individual factions. In astronomy, the culmination is understood as the moment when the center passes celestial body through the intersection point of the daily parallel and the celestial meridian.

The role of the climax in the plot

Human attention is designed in such a way that it is most active at the beginning of becoming familiar with something new. Then, over time, interest gradually fades away. In order to regain the reader's attention and again activate his attention, writers take advantage of punchlines. The intensity of passions increases interest and makes you worry about the fictional characters.

The climax in literature is the most important element of the plot. It not only increases the interest of the work, but is the very purpose of writing it, what the writer wanted to say. It is at the climax that the main plot conflicts arise and are resolved.

The apogee of events is present in all works with a linear narrative structure and a pronounced plot. First of all, this big genres , among which:

  • story;
  • novel;
  • play;
  • poem;
  • Oh yeah.

There is also a climax in small genres, such as:

  • short story;
  • story;
  • fairy tale;
  • parable;
  • bike.

There is no climax in works with a non-linear narrative structure and a complete lack of plot. These include:

  • essay;
  • flow of thoughts;
  • sketches;
  • sketches;
  • notes.

Another genre that may lack a climax is chronicle. Live presentation of events chronological order does not imply emotional intensity in any particular fragment.

The traditional structure of a narrative composition implies a logical sequence of parts in this order:

  • Introduction - the reader is transported into the world of the work, learns the time, place and other circumstances in which what is described occurs.
  • The beginning is a meeting and getting to know the characters.
  • Development of events - the characters' characters are revealed in more detail, the main event in the work is approaching.
  • The climax is the apogee, the decisive moment of the plot.
  • Progression of events - describes the consequences of a critical point in the short term.
  • The denouement is the life of the heroes after the climax.
  • Conclusion - the writer's focus moves away from the detailed description of the characters and moves back to the circumstances.

The structure of the composition of short genres is somewhat different. The climax in them is shifted towards the end, after which a quick denouement immediately follows. Short story writers often play on the effect of surprise, which gives the critical moment special poignancy and is perceived more vividly.

Sometimes writers resort to the technique open final , leaving the reader the opportunity to think further development events. In this case, the culmination will be the last, final part of the work, and the denouement and outcome will be absent.

Types of climax

Depending on the volume and complexity of the work, there is two kinds climactic moments:

  • main;
  • secondary.

The presence of additional critical moments is typical for works of large volume, in which, in addition to the main storyline, there are many branches.

While central conflict is the main idea and motive for writing a work, secondary ones serve to more accurately reveal the characters of non-main characters, holding the reader’s attention in moments of relative calm in the central storyline. If there are several conflicts, the solution to each of them will have a separate climax.

Examples of climaxes in fiction

  • “The Night Before Christmas” by N. Gogol - Vakula hands Oksana the hard-earned slippers and proposes marriage to her.
  • “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov - a conversation between Christ and Pontius Pilate, Margarita’s departure to the ball, while Woland and his henchmen show their true colors.
  • “Woe from Wit” by A. Griboyedov - the culprit for spreading rumors of madness is revealed to Chatsky; it turns out to be Sophia.

Many aspiring writers are concerned about the question of what a climax is in literature. This is the very cornerstone on which the fate of the work depends. Will it be able to intrigue the reader, will it live for centuries or will it flash with a weak spark and sink into oblivion?

What works of literature have a climax?

Exactly where there is conflict, its development, that is, story line, there is always a climax. In literature, these are stories, short stories, novellas, plays, novels, and sometimes poetry, for example, ballads, poems, fables.

In other types of genres, its presence may be inappropriate or undesirable. These include lyric poems, essays, sketches, descriptions, essays, and some types of articles, for example, critical or selling ones. Although there are exceptions always and everywhere. But in any case, no matter what type of work it is, no matter what genre it is written in, the presence of a climax requires the presence of a conflict, its development.

Can poetry have a climax?

This is a rather controversial point in the literature. After all, the storyline is not observed everywhere. For example, poetry of the 19th century. It was believed that it could not have a plot in any way. Lyric poems usually described exclusively experiences and internal struggle heroes, sang nature and feminine beauty.

The turning point was the publication of A. S. Pushkin’s novel, which he wrote in verse. And in it, of course, there is a conflict that develops, reaches its apogee, that is, a climax occurs. In literature, this was the first experience of writing a novel in verse. However, it was received with a bang by readers.

Today this trend has many followers. In modern poetry, there are a huge number of works where conflict, its development and culmination take place. Examples in twentieth century literature are:

What is a climax?

The development of the plot in the work is provoked by conflict. It grows, old relationships become impossible. This can happen like external events, and on the spiritual level inner life heroes. And then comes this turning point - a revolution in the hero’s consciousness or an action, an event that changes everything around.

So, what is a climax in literature? The definition of this part of the work will be quite simple. The moment when a conflict situation reaches its peak highest point, its peak of development, is considered to be the culmination. After all, this word itself is already translated as “peak.”

One of Guillaume Musso's heroes came up with a witty answer to the question of what a climax is in literature. The definition in short is this: it is the point of no return. And in fact, this turning point is the boundary that must be crossed. After it comes a new countdown of an absolutely changed being or consciousness.

Clearly demonstrates the presence of a climax “ Touching story about a boy and a dog." This work tells how Dimka, who selflessly loves dogs, becomes disabled. The mother, who had previously been opposed to keeping a dog in the house, decides to take this serious step. The climax comes when the baby buries his face in the puppy's fluffy fur and laughs cheerfully for the first time since the injury. And his mother sternly tells him: “You promised that you would raise the dog yourself. It's time to keep your promise!"

And now the reader is transported through the years ahead. Not a boy, but a young man, limping, walks next to the aged dog, carefully watching him - what if he needs help? Dima understands that once upon a time it was this animal that forced the baby to get out of his wheelchair.

Scheme of constructing a plot literary work

Each plot work consists of exposition, beginning, climax and resolution. The classical construction should be exactly like this, the parts are in the marked sequence.

However, today authors are quite free with the rules once established by the classics. Today, the climax quite successfully plays the role of an introduction, intriguing the reader at the very beginning. However, even in this case, a denouement following it is necessary. Therefore, at the end of the work the writer returns to the climax. And in those rare cases when the author gives the reader the opportunity to think of the ending options himself, the climax is a stunning final chord.