What genres of Russian folklore are there? Large folklore genres, their features

Topic of oral folk art Russian literature is extremely diverse; there are numerous genres and types of folklore. All of them were formed gradually, as a result of the life and creative activity of the people, manifested over several hundred years. Currently, there are specific types of folklore in literature. Oral folk art is that unique layer of knowledge on the basis of which thousands of classical works were built.

Interpretation of the term

Folklore is oral folk art, endowed with ideological depth and highly artistic qualities; it includes all poetic, prose genres, customs and traditions, accompanied by verbal artistic creativity. Folklore genres are classified in different ways, but basically there are several genre groups:

  1. Labor songs - formed in the process of work, for example, sowing, plowing, haymaking. They represent a variety of shouts, signals, chants, parting words, and songs.
  2. Calendar folklore- conspiracies, signs.
  3. Wedding folklore.
  4. Funeral lamentations, recruiting lamentations.
  5. Non-ritual folklore is small folklore genres, proverbs, fables, signs and sayings.
  6. Oral prose - traditions, legends, tales and incidents.
  7. Children's folklore - pestushki, nursery rhymes, lullabies.
  8. Song epic (heroic) - epics, poems, songs (historical, military, spiritual).
  9. Artistic creativity - magical, everyday tales and tales about animals, ballads, romances, ditties.
  10. Folklore theater - raek, nativity scene, mummers, performances with dolls.

Let's look at the most common types folklore in more detail.

Labor songs

This is a song genre distinguishing feature of which is mandatory support of the labor process. Labor songs are a way of organizing collective, social work, setting the rhythm using a simple melody and text. For example: “Wow, let’s get a little more friendly to make it more fun.” Such songs helped to start and finish work, united the working team and were spiritual helpers in difficult times. physical labor people.

Calendar folklore

This type of oral folk art belongs to the ritual traditions of the calendar cycle. The life of a peasant working on the land is inextricably linked with weather conditions. That's why it appeared great amount rituals that were performed to attract good luck, prosperity, large offspring of livestock, successful agriculture, etc. The most revered holidays of the calendar were considered Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, Epiphany and Trinity. Each celebration was accompanied by songs, chants, incantations and ritual actions. Let us remember the famous custom of singing songs to Kolyada on the night before Christmas: “Cold is not a problem, Kolyada is knocking on the house. Christmas is coming to the house, bringing a lot of joy.”

Wedding folklore

Each place had its own types of folklore, but mostly they were lamentations, sentences and songs. Wedding folklore includes song genres that accompanied three main rituals: matchmaking, farewell of parents to the bride and wedding celebration. For example: “Your product, our merchant, is simply a miracle!” The ritual of handing over the bride to the groom was very colorful and was always accompanied by both drawn-out and short cheerful songs. At the wedding itself, the songs did not stop; they mourned their single life, wished for love and family well-being.

Non-ritual folklore (small genres)

This group of oral folk art includes all types of small genres of folklore. However, this classification is ambiguous. For example, many of the types relate to children's folklore, such as pesters, lullabies, riddles, nursery rhymes, teasers, etc. At the same time, some researchers divide all folklore genres into two groups: calendar-ritual and non-ritual.

Let's consider the most popular types small genres of folklore.

A proverb is a rhythmic expression, wise saying, which carries a generalized thought and has a conclusion.

Signs - a short verse or expression telling about those signs that will help predict natural phenomena and weather.

A proverb is a phrase, often with a humorous slant, illuminating a life phenomenon or situation.

A saying is a short verse addressing natural phenomena, living beings, and surrounding objects.

A tongue twister is a small phrase, often rhymed, with words that are difficult to pronounce, designed to improve diction.

Oral prose

The following types of Russian folklore belong to oral prose.

Traditions are stories about historical events in folk retelling. The heroes of legends are warriors, kings, princes, etc.

Legends are myths, epic stories about heroic deeds, people covered with honors and glory; as a rule, this genre is endowed with pathos.

Bylichki - short stories, which tell about the hero’s meeting with some “evil spirits”, real cases from the life of the narrator or his friends.

Happened - summary something that really happened once and with someone, while the narrator is not a witness

Children's folklore

This genre is represented by the most in different forms- poetic, song. Kinds children's folklore- something that accompanied the child from birth until he grew up.

Pestushki -short poems or songs accompanying the very first days of a newborn. With the help of them they nursed and nurtured children, for example: “The nightingale sings, sings, he’s pretty, he’s pretty.”

Nursery rhymes are small melodious poems intended for playing with children.

Stretch, stretch,

Rotok - talker,

Handles - grips,

Walking legs.

Calls - poetic and song appeals to nature and animals. For example: “Red summer, come, bring warm days.”

A joke is a short fairy tale poem sung to a child, a short story about the world around him.

Lullabies - short songs, which parents hum to their child at night to lull them to sleep.

Riddle - poetic or prose sentences that require solving.

Other types of children's folklore are counting rhymes, teasers and fables. They are extremely popular in our time.

Song epic

The heroic epic demonstrates oldest species folklore, he talks about events that once happened in song form.

An epic is an old song told in a solemn but leisurely style. Glorifies the heroes and tells about their heroic deeds for the benefit of the state, the Russian fatherland. about Dobrynya Nikitich, Volga Buslaivaich and others.

Historical songs are a kind of transformation of the epic genre, where the style of presentation is less eloquent, but the poetic form of the narrative is preserved. For example, “The Song of the Prophetic Oleg.”

Artistic creativity

IN this group included epic and song genres created in the spirit of folk and artistic creativity.

A fairy tale is a short or long epic narrative, one of the most common genres of oral folk art about fictional events and heroes. All this is folklore, the types of fairy tales in it are as follows: magical, everyday and reflect those ideas about the world, good, evil, life, death, nature that existed among the people. For example, good always defeats evil, and there are wonderful mythical creatures in the world.

Ballads are poetic songs, a genre of song and musical creativity.

Jokes - special kind an epic narrative about comic situations from people's lives. Initially they did not exist in the form in which we know them. These were stories that were complete in meaning.

Tales - short story about impossible, incredible events, something that was fiction from beginning to end.

A chastushka is a small song, usually a quatrain with humorous content, telling about events and incidental situations.

Folklore theater

Street performances were very common among the people, the subjects for them were various genres, but most often of a dramatic nature.

Nativity scene - a variety dramatic work, designed for street puppet theater.

Rayok is a type of picture theater, a device in the form of a box with changing drawings, the stories told reflect oral species folklore

The presented classification is the most common among researchers. However, it is worth understanding that the types of Russian folklore complement each other, and sometimes do not fit into the generally accepted classification. Therefore, when studying the issue, a simplified version is most often used, where only 2 groups of genres are distinguished - ritual and non-ritual folklore.

Folklore. Genres of folklore

Folklore (from English folk - people, lore - wisdom) - oral folk art. Folklore arose before the advent of writing. Its most important feature is that folklore is the art of the spoken word. This is what distinguishes it from literature and other forms of art. Another important distinguishing feature of folklore is the collective nature of creativity. It arose as mass creativity and expressed the ideas of a primitive community and clan, and not of an individual.

In folklore, as in literature, there are three types of works: epic, lyrical and dramatic. At the same time, epic genres have poetic and prose forms (in literature epic kind presented only prose works: story, story, novel, etc.). Literary genres and folklore genres differ in composition. In Russian folklore epic genres include epics, historical songs, fairy tales, traditions, legends, tales, proverbs, sayings. Lyrical folklore genres include rituals, lullabies, family and love songs, lamentations, and ditties. TO dramatic genres relate folk dramas. Many folklore genres have entered literature: song, fairy tale, legend (for example, Pushkin's fairy tales, Koltsov's songs, Gorky's legends).

Genres of folklore each have their own content: epics depict the military feats of heroes, historical songs - events and heroes of the past, family songs describe household side life. Each genre has its own heroes: in epics there are heroes Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, in fairy tales - Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan the Fool, Vasilisa the Beautiful, Baba Yaga, in family songs - wife, husband, mother-in-law.

Folklore also differs from literature in its special system. expressive means. For example, for composition (construction) folklore works characterized by the presence of such elements as the lead, the beginning, the saying, slowing down the action (retardation), the trinity of events; for style - constant epithets, tautologies (repetitions), parallelisms, hyperboles (exaggerations), etc.

Folklore different nations has a lot in common in genres, artistic means, plots, types of heroes, etc. This is explained by the fact that folklore as a type of folk art reflects the general patterns of social development of peoples. General Features in the folklore of different peoples can arise due to the proximity of culture and life or long-term economic, political and cultural ties. The similarity of historical development, geographical proximity, movements of peoples, etc. also play a big role.

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Folklore. Genres of folklore

Small genres of folklore- These are small works. Some researchers define them as children's folklore, since such works enter a person's life very early, long before mastering speech.

Read more about each of them.


Pestushka- comes from the Russian word “to nurture”, that is, to nurse, groom, cherish. This is a very short chant of nannies and mothers in poetic form, as they accompany the child’s actions that he performs at the very beginning of life.

For example, when a child learns to walk, he is told:

Big feet

Walked along the road:

Top, Top, Top,

Top, Top, Top.

Little feet

Running along the path:

Top, Top, Top,

Top, Top, Top.

Nursery rhyme

The next genre is nursery rhyme.

Nursery rhyme- this is an element of pedagogy, a song-sentence that necessarily accompanies playing with the child’s fingers, arms and legs. Nursery rhymes, like pesters, are designed to develop the child. Such genres of folklore are presented in their own game form: They are designed to awaken the child to action. On the one hand, this is a massage, on the other - physical exercise. This genre of children's folklore provides incentives to play out the plot using fingers, palms, hands and facial expressions. Nursery rhymes help a child instill hygiene and order skills, develop fine motor skills hands emotional sphere. The most famous of them: Ladushki, Soroka.

“Ladushki” (clapping hands on stressed syllables)

Okay, okay, where have you been? By Grandma!

What did you eat? Porridge!

What did you drink? Mash!

Butter porridge!

Sweet mash!

(Grandma is kind!)

We drank, ate, wow...

Shuuu!!! (Home) Let's fly!

They sat on their heads! ("Ladushki" sang)


Magpie-crow (running finger over palm)

Magpie Crow,

I gave it to the kids.

(curls fingers)

Gave this one

Gave this one

Gave this one

Gave this one

But she didn’t give it to this:

Why didn't you cut wood?

Why didn't you carry water?


joke(from the word bayat - that is, to tell) - a poetic, short, funny story that a mother tells her child,

For example

Owl, owl, owl,

Big head,

She was sitting on a stake,

I looked to the side,

He turned his head.


Proverbs- small forms of folk poetry, clothed in short sayings, carrying a generalized thought, conclusion, allegory with a didactic bias.

Bread is the head of everything.

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Seven do not wait for one.

A well-fed man is no friend to a hungry man.


There were special songs for the games.

Games could be:


As a rule, these games were played at parties and get-togethers (usually ending with a kiss young guy and girls).


Such songs were characteristic of some ritual or holiday. An example would be Maslenitsa festivities (typical fun: removing a prize from the top of a pole, tug of war, competition for dexterity and strength).


Such games are especially common among children, especially in winter. For example, the game “Warmers”. The leader shows the movements, and the others repeat. There were the same games as “trickle” or “collar”.

An example of a kissing game:


The drake chased the duck,

The young man was driving sulfur,

Go home, Ducky,

Go home, Gray,

You have seven children,

And the eighth Drake,

And the ninth itself,

Kiss me once!


The next type of small genre of folklore is nicknames. One of the types of invocation songs. Such songs are of pagan origin. They reflect the peasant way of life. For example, the spell of a rich harvest runs through all the songs. For themselves, children and adults asked for health, happiness and wealth. It is also an appeal to the rainbow, sun and rain, and other natural phenomena. They often turned to animals and birds. Birds were considered harbingers of spring. The forces of nature were revered as living. Usually they made requests for spring, wishing for its speedy arrival, warmth and sun, and complaining about winter.

Larks, larks!

Come and visit us

Bring us a warm summer,

Take the cold winter away from us.

Us Cold winter got bored

My hands and feet were frozen.

Counting books

As a child, before starting any game, you and I would settle accounts. Counting rhymes helped us with this. Counting tables are one of the forms of drawing lots, a small rhyme with the help of which the leader is determined. A counting book is a very important element that helps children avoid quarrels and establish agreement and respect for accepted rules. Rhythm is very important in organizing counting rhymes.

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,

Aty-baty, to the market.

Atty-batty, what did you buy?

Aty-baty, samovar.

How much does it cost?

Aty-baty, three rubles

Aty-baty, what is he like?

Aty-baty, golden.

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,

Aty-baty, to the market.

Atty-batty, what did you buy?

Aty-baty, samovar.

How much does it cost?

Aty-baty, three rubles.

Aty-baty, who's coming out?

Aty-baty, it's me!

Tongue Twisters

A phrase built on a combination of sounds that makes it difficult to pronounce words. Tongue twisters are also called pure twisters. Very often they are used to develop diction and speech. Tongue twisters can be rhymed or non-rhymed.

The clatter of hooves sends dust flying across the field.


The role of riddles cannot be overestimated. Riddles make children think and look for associations. As a rule, in a riddle one object is described through another based on the similarity of features:

“The pear is hanging - you can’t eat it.”

A riddle can also be a simple description of an object, for example, “Two ends, two rings, and in the middle there are carnations.” The riddle combines features of folk fun, a test of ingenuity, and quick wits.

Oral folk art also existed in the pre-literate era. Works of folklore were transmitted orally. They were usually remembered by ear. Small genres of folklore accompany us from birth; they contribute to the development of the child.

Russian folklore is the creativity of the people. It contains the worldview of thousands of people who once inhabited the territory of our state. Their way of life, love for the Motherland and their home, feelings and experiences, dreams and shocks - all this has been passed on from mouth to mouth for centuries and gives us a connection with our ancestors.

The heritage of our people is multifaceted and diverse. Conventionally, the genres of Russian folklore are divided into two groups, which include many types: ritual and non-ritual folklore.

Ritual folklore

This group of folk creations is in turn divided into two categories:

  1. Calendar folklore– a reflection of the way of life: agricultural work, Christmas carols, Maslenitsa and Kupala rituals. Through this genre of Russian folklore, our ancestors turned to Mother Earth and other deities, asking her for protection, a good harvest and grace.
  2. Family and household folklore, which described the order of life of each person: creating a family and the birth of a child, military service, death. Great songs, funeral and recruiting lamentations - for each event there was a special ritual that imparted special solemnity and mood.

Non-ritual folklore

It represents a larger group of folk art works and includes 4 subspecies:

I. Folklore drama

  • Petrushka Theater – street ironic theatrical performances performed by one actor;
  • nativity scene and religious drama - performances on the theme of the Nativity of Christ and other events.

II. Folk poetry

  • Epics: songs and tales telling about ancient heroes who defended their homeland, their exploits and valor. The epic about Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber is one of the most famous. Colorful characters, colorful epithets and the melodic melody of the storyteller paint bright image Russian hero, representative of the freedom-loving free people. The most famous are two cycles of Russian epics: and.
  • Historical songs describe real events that happened in ancient times. Ermak, Pugachev, Stepan Razin, Ivan the Terrible, Boris Godunov - these and many other great people and their deeds have gone down not only in history, but also in folk art.
  • Chastushka - ironic quatrains, clearly evaluating, and more often ridiculing life situations or phenomena.
  • Lyrical songs - responses common people on events in political and public life state, the relationship between peasant and master, the inviolable principles of the peasants’ way of life, folk morality. Frequent (dancing) and drawn-out, bold and beautiful melodic, they are all deep in content and emotional intensity, forcing even the most callous nature to respond.

III. Folklore prose

The clearest example, familiar to each of us since childhood - fairy tales. Good and evil, justice and meanness, heroism and cowardice - everything is intertwined here. And only the pure and open heart of the protagonist is able to overcome all adversity.

IV. Folklore of speech situations.

A very diverse group. Here are proverbs, which are folk aphorisms, and riddles that develop thinking, and children's folklore (rhymes, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, and others), which helps the better development of children through play and fun.

This is only a small part of the heritage that our ancestors left. Their work has great cultural value. It doesn’t matter which genre of Russian folklore a particular masterpiece belongs to. They are all united by one common feature– the principles of life are concentrated in each: love, kindness and freedom. Something without which human existence itself is unthinkable.

Types of small genres of folklore


Lullaby- one of the oldest genres of folklore, as evidenced by the fact that it retains elements of a talismanic conspiracy. People believed that a person is surrounded by mysterious hostile forces, and if a child sees something bad and scary in a dream, then in reality it will not happen again. That is why you can find the “little gray wolf” and other frightening characters in the lullaby. Later, lullabies lost their magical elements and acquired meaning good wishes for the future. So, a lullaby is a song used to lull a child to sleep. Since the song was accompanied by the measured swaying of the child, rhythm is very important in it.


Pestushka(from the word nurture, that is, to nurse, groom) - a short poetic chant of nannies and mothers, with which they accompany the actions of a child that he performs at the very beginning of his life. For example, when the child wakes up, the mother strokes and caresses him, saying:

Stretchers, stretchers,
Across the fat girl
And in the hands of the veil,
And in the mouth there is a talk,
And in the head there is reason.

When a child begins to learn to walk, they say:

Big feet
Walked along the road:
Top, top, top,
Top, top, top.
Little feet
Running along the path:
Top, top, top, top,
Top, top, top, top!

Nursery rhyme

Nursery rhyme- an element of pedagogy, a song-sentence that accompanies playing with a child’s fingers, arms and legs. Nursery rhymes, like pesters, accompany the development of children. Small rhymes and songs allow you to encourage the child to take action in a playful way, while simultaneously performing massage, physical exercises, and stimulating motor reflexes. This genre of children's folklore provides incentives to play out the plot with the fingers ( finger games or Ladushki), hands, facial expressions. Nursery rhymes help instill in a child the skills of hygiene, order, and develop fine motor skills and the emotional sphere.



Option 1
Magpie Crow, (running finger over palm)
Magpie Crow,
I gave it to the kids.
(curls fingers)
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
But she didn’t give it to this:
- Why didn’t you cut wood?
- Why didn’t you carry water?

Option 2(features in the cartoon “The Little Mouse Song”):
Magpie Crow
Cooked porridge
She fed the babies:
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
But she didn’t give it to this one.

"Okay" (clap hands on stressed syllables)

Okay, okay, where have you been? By Grandma!
What did you eat? Porridge!
What did you drink? Mash!
Butter porridge!
Sweet mash!
(Grandma is kind!)
We drank, ate, wow...
Shuuu!!! (Home) Let's fly!
They sat on their heads! ("Ladushki" sang)
We sat down and sat down,
Then we flew home!!!


joke(from bayat, that is, to tell) - a poetic, short, funny story that a mother tells her child, for example:

Owl, owl, owl,
Big head,
She was sitting on a stake,
I looked to the side,
He turned his head.


They teach something.

The road is a spoon for dinner.
Don't go into the forest to be afraid of the wolf.
Birds of a feather flock together.
You can't pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
Fear has big eyes.
The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
There is no need for treasure if there is harmony in the family.
Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
If I had known where you would fall, I would have laid out straws.
You make a soft bed, but sleep hard.
The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her.
Seven do not wait for one.
If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.
The bee is small, but it also works.
Bread is the head of everything.
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.


There were special songs for the games. Games could be:

  • kissing. As a rule, these games were played at parties and get-togethers (usually ending with a kiss between a young guy and a girl);
  • ritual. Such games were characteristic of some kind of ritual, holiday. For example, Maslenitsa festivities (typical fun: removing a prize from the top of a pole, tug of war, competitions for dexterity, strength);
  • seasonal. Particularly common among children, especially in winter. We played the so-called “Warmers”: the leader shows some movements, and everyone else repeats. Or the traditional “collar” and “stream”.

An example of a kissing game:


The drake chased the duck,
The young man was driving sulfur,
Go home, Ducky,
Go home, Gray,
Duck has seven children,
And the eighth Drake,
And the ninth itself,
Kiss me once!

In this game, the "Duck" stood in the center of the circle, and the "Drake" outside, and played like a game of "cat and mouse". At the same time, those standing in the round dance tried not to let the “drake” into the circle.


Calls- one of the types of invocation songs pagan origin. They reflect the interests and ideas of peasants about the economy and family. For example, the spell of a rich harvest runs through all the calendar songs; For themselves, children and adults asked for health, happiness, and wealth.

Calls are an appeal to the sun, rainbow, rain and other natural phenomena, as well as to animals and especially often to birds, which were considered the harbingers of spring. Moreover, the forces of nature were revered as living: they make requests for spring, wish for its speedy arrival, and complain about winter.

Larks, larks!
Come and visit us
Bring us a warm summer,
Take the cold winter away from us.
We're tired of the cold winter,
My hands and feet were frozen.

Counting book

Counting book- a short rhyme, a form of drawing lots to determine who leads the game. A counting table is an element of the game that helps establish agreement and respect for the accepted rules. Rhythm is very important in organizing a counting rhyme.

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
Aty-baty, to the market.
Atty-batty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty, samovar.
How much does it cost?
Aty-baty, three rubles
Aty-baty, what is he like?
Aty-baty, golden.
Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
Aty-baty, to the market.
Atty-batty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty, samovar.
How much does it cost?
Aty-baty, three rubles.
Aty-baty, who's coming out?
Aty-baty, it's me!


Patter- a phrase built on a combination of sounds that makes it difficult to quickly pronounce words. Tongue twisters are also called “pure twisters” because they contribute and can be used to develop diction. Tongue twisters can be both rhymed and non-rhymed.

Greek rode across the river.
He sees a Greek: there is a cancer in the river,
He stuck the Greek's hand into the river -
Cancer for the hand of a Greek - DAC!

The bull was blunt-lipped, the bull was blunt-lipped, the bull's white lip was dull.

The clatter of hooves sends dust flying across the field.


Mystery, like a proverb, is a short figurative definition of an object or phenomenon, but unlike a proverb, it gives this definition in an allegorical, deliberately obscure form. As a rule, in a riddle one object is described through another based on similar features: “The pear is hanging - you can’t eat it” (lamp). A riddle can also be a simple description of an object, for example: “Two ends, two rings, and a nail in the middle” (scissors). This and folk pastime, and a test of ingenuity and ingenuity.

The role of riddles and jokes was also played by inverted fables, which for adults appear as absurdities, but for children - funny stories about something that does not happen, for example:

Grandfather Yegor is coming from behind the forest, from behind the mountains. He is on a gray cart, on a creaking horse, belted with an axe, a belt tucked into his belt, boots wide open, a zipun on his bare feet.

General history

Oral folk art (folklore) existed even in the pre-literate era. Works of folklore (riddles, tongue twisters, fables, etc.) were transmitted orally. They memorized them by ear. This contributed to the emergence different options the same folklore work.

Oral folk art is a reflection of the life, way of life, and beliefs of ancient people. Works of folk art accompany a person from birth. They contribute to the formation and development of the child.


  • Irina Gurina. Useful poems and fairy tales for all cases of disobedience

see also


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