Online reading of the book Russian folk tales The Witch and the Solntseva Sister. Russian folk tale "The Witch and the Sun's Sister"

In a certain kingdom, a distant state, there lived a king and a queen; they had a son, Ivan Tsarevich, who was mute from birth. He was about twelve years old, and once he went to the stable to his beloved groom. This groom always told him fairy tales, and now Ivan Tsarevich came to listen to fairy tales from him, but he heard something else.

Ivan Tsarevich! - said the groom. - Your mother will soon have a daughter, and you have a sister; She will be a terrible witch, she will eat both father and mother, and all the people under her command; So go, ask your father for the best horse you can for a ride, and ride from here wherever you look, if you want to get rid of trouble.

Ivan Tsarevich ran to his father and spoke to him for the first time since his birth; The king was so happy about this that he did not even ask: why does he need a good horse? He immediately ordered the best horse from his herds to be saddled for the prince.

He rode for a long, long time; runs into two old seamstresses and asks them to take him to live with them. The old women said:

We would be glad to take you, Ivan Tsarevich, but we don’t have much time to live. If we break open a chest of needles and sew up a chest of threads, death will come immediately!

Take me to you!

I would be glad to receive you, Ivan Tsarevich, but I don’t have much time left to live. If I pull up all these oaks with their roots, then immediately I will die!

The prince cried more than ever and rode further and further. He drove up to Vertogor, began to ask him, and he answered:

I would be glad to receive you, Ivan Tsarevich, but I myself have a little time to live. You see, I am assigned to move mountains; How can I cope with these last ones - this is my death!

Ivan Tsarevich burst into bitter tears and rode even further.

I rode for a long, long time; finally comes to the Sun Sister. She took him in, fed and watered him, as if she were caring for her own son. It was good for the Tsarevich to live, but he still gets sad: he wants to know what’s going on in home is happening. It used to rise on high mountain, looks at his palace and sees that everything has been eaten, only the walls remain! He will sigh and cry.

Once he looked at it and cried, he came back, and Solntseva’s sister asked:

Why are you, Ivan Tsarevich, crying now?

He says:

The wind blew into my eyes.

Another time the same thing again; The sun's sister took it and forbade the wind to blow.

And for the third time Ivan Tsarevich returned, crying; but there was nothing to do - he had to admit everything, and he began to ask Solntseva’s sister to let him, a good fellow, go back to his homeland. She doesn’t let him in, but he begs her; Finally he begged, she let him go home to visit and gave him a brush, a comb and two youthful apples for the journey: no matter how old a person is, if he eats an apple he will instantly become younger!

Ivan Tsarevich arrived to Vertogor, only one mountain remained; he took his brush and threw it into an open field: out of nowhere, high, high mountains suddenly grew out of the ground, their tops touching the sky, and how many of them there are - apparently and invisible! Vertogor was delighted and got to work cheerfully.

Whether long or short, Ivan Tsarevich came to Vertodub, only three oak trees remained; he took the comb and threw it into an open field: where something came from - suddenly they made a noise, thick oak forests, the tree of the tree is thicker! Vertodub was delighted, thanked the prince and went to turn up the hundred-year-old oak trees.

Whether long or short, Ivan Tsarevich came to the old women and gave them an apple; they ate it, instantly became younger and gave him a handkerchief: as soon as you wave the handkerchief, a whole lake will appear behind you!

Ivan Tsarevich arrives home. His sister ran out, met him, and kissed him.

“Sit down,” he says, “brother, play the harp, and I’ll go and prepare dinner.”

The prince sat down and strummed the harp; A little mouse crawled out of the hole and said to him in a human voice:

Save yourself, prince, run quickly! Your sister went to sharpen her teeth.

Ivan Tsarevich left the upper room, mounted his horse and galloped back; and the little mouse runs along the strings: the harp is strumming, and the sister doesn’t even know that her brother has left. She sharpened her teeth, rushed into the room, and lo and behold, there was not a soul, only a mouse slipped into the hole. The witch got angry, gritting her teeth, and set off in pursuit.

Ivan Tsarevich heard a noise, looked around - his sister was about to catch up; waved his handkerchief - and it became deep lake. While the witch swam across the lake, Ivan Tsarevich went far away.

She rushed even faster... that's really close! Vertodub guessed that the prince was fleeing from his sister, and started tearing out oak trees and throwing them on the road - he threw a whole mountain! No witch pass! She began to clear the way, gnawed, gnawed, forced her way through, but Ivan Tsarevich was already far away. She rushed to catch up, drove, drove, a little more... and she couldn’t get away! Vertogor saw the witch, grabbed the highest mountain and turned it right onto the road, and placed another on that mountain. While the witch was climbing and climbing, Ivan Tsarevich rode and rode and found himself far away.

The witch crossed the mountains and again chased after her brother... She saw him and said:

Now you won't leave me!

It’s close, it’ll catch up! At that very time, Ivan Tsarevich galloped up to the mansions of the Sun Sister and shouted:

Sun, Sun! Open the window.

The sun's sister opened the window, and the prince jumped into it along with his horse.

The witch began to ask that her brother be given up to her; Solntseva's sister did not listen to her and did not give her away. Then the witch says:

Let Ivan Tsarevich go with me to the scales, who will outweigh who! If I outweigh him, I’ll eat him, and if he outweighs him, let him kill me!

Went; First, Ivan Tsarevich sat down on the scales, and then the witch climbed up: as soon as she stepped on her foot, Ivan Tsarevich was thrown up, and with such force that he went straight to the Sun’s sister in the tower; and the snake witch remained on the ground.

In a certain kingdom, a distant state, there lived a king and a queen, they had a son, Ivan Tsarevich, who was mute from birth. He was about twelve years old, and once he went to the stable to his beloved groom. This groom always told him fairy tales, and now Ivan Tsarevich came to listen to fairy tales from him, but he heard something else. "Ivan Tsarevich! - said the groom. - Your mother will soon have a daughter, and you have a sister; She will be a terrible witch, she will eat both father and mother, and all the people under her command; so go, ask your father for the best horse - like for a ride, and ride from here wherever you look, if you want to get rid of trouble.” Ivan Tsarevich ran to his father and spoke to him for the first time since his birth; The king was so happy about this that he did not even ask: why does he need a good horse? He immediately ordered the best horse from his herds to be saddled for the prince. Ivan Tsarevich sat down and rode wherever his eyes led him.

He rode for a long, long time; runs into two old seamstresses and asks them to take him to live with them. The old women said: “We would be glad to take you, Ivan Tsarevich, but we don’t have much time to live. If we break open a chest of needles and sew up a chest of threads, death will come immediately!” Ivan Tsarevich began to cry and drove on. He rode for a long, long time, drove up to Vertodub and asked: “Take me to you!” - “I would be glad to receive you, Ivan Tsarevich, but I don’t have much time left to live. If I pull up all these oaks with their roots, then immediately I will die!” The prince cried more than ever and rode further and further. Approaches Vertogor; began to ask him, and he answered: “I would be glad to receive you, Ivan Tsarevich, but I myself have a little time to live. You see, I am assigned to move mountains; How can I cope with these last ones - that’s my death!” Ivan Tsarevich burst into bitter tears and rode even further.

I rode for a long, long time; finally comes to the Sun Sister. She took him in, fed and watered him, as if she were caring for her own son. It was good for the prince to live, but everything is no, no, and he becomes sad: do you want to know what is going on in your own home? He used to climb a high mountain, look at his palace and see that everything had been eaten, only the walls remained! He will sigh and cry. Once he looked and cried like that, he returned, and Solntseva’s sister asked: “Why are you, Ivan Tsarevich, crying now?” He says: “The wind blew into my eyes.” Another time the same thing again; The sun's sister took it and forbade the wind to blow. And for the third time Ivan Tsarevich returned, tearful; but there was nothing to do - he had to admit everything, and he began to ask Solntseva’s sister to let him, a good fellow, go back to his homeland to visit. She wouldn’t let him in, but he begged her; finally he begged her, and let him go back to his homeland to visit and gave him a brush, a comb and two youthful apples for the road; no matter how old a person is, if he eats an apple he will instantly become younger!

Ivan Tsarevich arrived to Vertogor, only one mountain remained; he took his brush and threw it into an open field: out of nowhere, tall, tall mountains suddenly grew out of the ground, their tops touching the sky; and how many of them there are - apparently or invisible! Vertogor was delighted and cheerfully set to work. How long, short or - Ivan Tsarevich came to Vertodub, there were only three oak trees left; he took the comb and threw it into the open field: where did that come from - suddenly thick oak forests rose from the ground, Vertodub was overjoyed, thanked the prince and the hundred-year-olds went! Turn up the oak trees. Whether it takes a long time or a short time, Ivan Tsarevich came to the old women, gave them an apple, they ate them, instantly became younger and gave him a little bush: as soon as you wave the little thing, a whole lake will appear behind you!

Ivan Tsarevich arrives home. The sister ran out, met him, and said: “Sit down,” he said, “brother, play the harp, and I’ll go and prepare dinner.” The prince sat down and strummed the harp; A little mouse crawled out of the hole and said to him in a human voice: “Save yourself, prince, run quickly! Your sister has gone to sharpen her teeth.” Ivan Tsarevich left the upper room, mounted his horse and galloped back; and the little mouse runs along the strings, the harp is strummed, and the sister doesn’t even know that her brother has left. She sharpened her teeth, rushed into the room, and lo and behold, there was not a soul, only a mouse slipped into the hole. The witch got angry, gritting her teeth, and set off in pursuit.

Ivan Tsarevich heard a noise, looked around - his sister was about to catch up; He waved his brush and it became a deep lake. While the witch swam across the lake, Ivan Tsarevich went far away. She rushed even faster... that's really close! Vertodub guessed that the prince was fleeing from his sister, and let’s tear out the oak trees and throw them on the road; I threw a whole mountain! No witch pass! She began to clear the path, gnawed and gnawed, forced her way through, but Ivan Tsarevich was already far away. I rushed to catch up, drove and drove, a little more... and I couldn’t get away! Vertogor saw the witch, grabbed the highest mountain and turned it right onto the road, and placed another on that mountain. While the witch was climbing and climbing, Ivan Tsarevich rode and rode and found himself far away.

The witch crossed the mountains and again chased after her brother... She saw him and said: “Now you won’t leave me!” It’s close, it’ll catch up! At that very time, Ivan Tsarevich galloped up to the mansion of the Sun Sister and shouted: “Sun, Sun! Open the window." The sun's sister opened the window, and the prince jumped into it along with his horse. The witch began to ask that her brother be given up to her; Solntseva's sister did not listen to her and did not give her away. Then the witch says: “Let Ivan Tsarevich go with me to the scales, who will outweigh whom!” If I outweigh him, I’ll eat him, and if he outweighs him, let him kill me!” Went; First, Ivan Tsarevich sat down on the scales, and then the witch climbed up: as soon as she stepped with her foot, Ivan Tsarevich was thrown up, and with such force that he went straight to heaven, to the Sun’s sister in the tower; and the snake witch remained on the ground.

In a certain kingdom, a distant state, there lived a king and a queen, they had a son, Ivan Tsarevich, who was mute from birth. He was about twelve years old, and once he went to the stable to his beloved groom. This groom always told him, and now Ivan Tsarevich came to listen to fairy tales from him, but he heard:

Ivan Tsarevich! - said the groom. - Your mother will soon have a daughter, and you have a sister; She will be a terrible witch, she will eat both father and mother, and all the people under her command; so go, ask your father for the best horse - like for a ride, and ride from here wherever you look, if you want to get rid of trouble.

Ivan Tsarevich ran to his father and spoke to him for the first time since his birth; The king was so happy about this that he didn’t even ask:

Why does he need a good horse? He immediately ordered the best horse from his herds to be saddled for the prince. Ivan Tsarevich sat down and rode wherever his eyes led him.

He rode for a long, long time; runs into two old seamstresses and asks them to take him to live with them. The old women said:

We would be glad to take you, Ivan Tsarevich, but we don’t have much time to live. If we break open a chest of needles and sew up a chest of threads, death will come immediately!

Take me to you!

I would be glad to receive you, Ivan Tsarevich, but I don’t have much time left to live. If I pull up all these oaks with their roots, then immediately I will die!

The prince cried more than ever and rode further and further. Approaches Vertogor; began to ask him, and he answered:

I would be glad to receive you, Ivan Tsarevich, but I myself have a little time to live. You see, I am assigned to move mountains; How can I cope with these last ones - this is my death!

Ivan Tsarevich burst into bitter tears and rode even further.

I rode for a long, long time; finally comes to the Sun Sister. She took him in, fed and watered him, as if she were caring for her own son. It was good for the prince to live, but still he becomes sad: do you want to know what’s going on in your own home? He used to climb a high mountain, look at his palace and see that everything had been eaten, only the walls remained! He will sigh and cry.

Once he looked at it and cried, he came back, and Solntseva’s sister asked:

Why are you, Ivan Tsarevich, crying now? He says:

The wind blew into my eyes.

Another time the same thing again; The sun's sister took it and forbade the wind to blow.

And for the third time Ivan Tsarevich returned, crying; but there was nothing to do - he had to admit everything, and he began to ask Solntseva’s sister to let him, the good fellow, go back to his homeland. She doesn’t let him in, but he begs her; Finally he begged, she let him go home to visit and gave him a brush, a comb and two youthful apples for the journey: no matter how old a person is, if he eats an apple he will instantly become younger!

Ivan Tsarevich arrived to Vertogor, only one mountain remained; he took his brush and threw it into an open field; out of nowhere, suddenly tall, tall mountains grew out of the ground, their tops touching the sky; and how many of them there are - apparently and invisible! Vertogor was delighted and got to work cheerfully.

Whether long or short, Ivan Tsarevich came to Vertodub, only three oak trees remained; he took the comb and threw it into an open field; from where something - suddenly there was a noise, thick oak forests rose from the ground, a tree thicker than a tree! Vertodub was delighted, thanked the prince and went to turn up the hundred-year-old oak trees.

Whether long or short, Ivan Tsarevich came to the old women and gave them an apple; they ate it, instantly became younger and gave him a piece of hustka; As soon as you wave the hustochka, a whole lake will appear behind you!

Ivan Tsarevich arrives home. The sister ran out, met him, and said:

“Sit down,” he says, “brother, play the harp, and I’ll go and prepare dinner.”

The prince sat down and strummed the harp; A little mouse crawled out of the hole and said to him in a human voice:

Save yourself, prince, run quickly! Your sister went to sharpen her teeth. Ivan Tsarevich left the upper room, mounted his horse and galloped back; and the little mouse runs along the strings: the harp is strumming, and the sister doesn’t even know that her brother has left. She sharpened her teeth, rushed into the room, and lo and behold, there was not a soul, only a mouse slipped into the hole. The witch got angry, gritting her teeth, and set off in pursuit.

Ivan Tsarevich heard a noise, looked around - his sister was about to catch up; He waved his brush and it became a deep lake. While the witch swam across the lake, Ivan Tsarevich went far away.

She rushed even faster... that's really close! Vertodub guessed that the prince was fleeing from his sister, and let’s tear out the oak trees and throw them on the road; I threw a whole mountain! No witch pass! She began to clear the way, gnawed, gnawed, forced her way through, but Ivan Tsarevich was already far away. She rushed to catch up, drove, drove, a little more... and she couldn’t get away! Vertogor saw the witch, grabbed the highest mountain and turned it right onto the road, and placed another on that mountain. While the witch was climbing and climbing, Ivan Tsarevich rode and rode and found himself far away.

The witch crossed the mountains and again chased after her brother... She saw him and said:

Now you won't leave me!

It’s close, it’ll catch up! At that very time, Ivan Tsarevich galloped up to the mansions of the Sun Sister and shouted:

Sun, Sun! Open the window

The sun's sister opened the window, and the prince jumped into it along with his horse.

The witch began to ask that her brother be given up to her; Solntseva's sister did not listen to her and did not give her away. Then the witch says: ^

Let Ivan Tsarevich go with me to the scales, who will outweigh who! If I outweigh him, I’ll eat him, and if he outweighs him, let him kill me!

Went; First, Tsarevich Ivan sat down on the scales, and then the witch climbed on; As soon as she stepped foot, Ivan Tsarevich was thrown up, and with such force that he went straight to heaven, to the Sun’s sister in the tower; and the snake witch remained on the ground.

In a certain kingdom, a distant state, there lived a king and a queen, they had a son, Ivan Tsarevich, who was mute from birth, he was twelve years old, and he once went to the stable to his beloved groom. This groom always told him fairy tales, and now Ivan Tsarevich came to listen to fairy tales from him, but he heard:

“Ivan Tsarevich!” said the groom. “Your mother will soon have a daughter, and you have a sister; She will be a terrible witch, she will eat both father and mother, and all the people under her command; so go, ask your father for the best horse - like a ride, and ride from here wherever you look, if you want to get rid of trouble.

Ivan Tsarevich ran to his father and for the first time in his family: he spoke to him; The king was so happy about this that he did not even ask: why does he need a good horse? He immediately ordered the best horse from any of the herds to be saddled for the prince. Ivan Tsarevich sat down and rode wherever his eyes led him.

He rode for a long, long time; runs into two old seamstresses and asks them to take him to live with them. The old women said:

We would be glad to take you, Ivan Tsarevich, but we don’t have much time to live. If we break open a chest of needles and sew up a chest of threads, death will come immediately!

Take me to you!

I would be glad to receive you, Ivan Tsarevich, but I don’t have much time left to live. If I pull up all these oaks with their roots, then immediately I will die!

The prince cried more than ever and rode further and further. Approaches Vertogor; began to ask him, and he answered:

I would be glad to receive you, Ivan Tsarevich, but I myself have a little time to live. You see, I am assigned to move mountains; How can I cope with these last ones - this is my death!

Ivan Tsarevich burst into bitter tears and rode even further.

I rode for a long, long time; finally comes to the Sun Sister. She took him in, fed and watered him, as if she were caring for her own son. It was good for the prince to live, but still he becomes sad: do you want to know what’s going on in your own home? He used to go up the high mountain, look at his palace and see that everything had been eaten, only the walls remained! He will sigh and cry.

Once he looked at it like that and cried, he came back, and Solntseva sister asks:

Why are you, Ivan Tsarevich, crying now?

He says:

The wind blew into my eyes.

Another time the same thing again; The sun's sister took it and forbade the wind to blow.

And for the third time Ivan Tsarevich returned, tearful:; but there was nothing to do - he had to admit everything, and he began to ask Solntseva’s sister to let him, the good fellow, go back to his homeland. Oka won’t let him in, but he begs her; Finally he begged, she let him go home to visit and gave him a brush, a comb and two youthful apples for the journey: no matter how old a person is, if he eats an apple he will instantly become younger!

Ivan Tsarevich came to Vertogor, only one ropa remained; he took his brush and threw it into an open field; out of nowhere, suddenly tall, tall mountains grew out of the ground, their tops touching the sky; and how many of them there are - apparently and invisible! Vertogor was delighted and got to work cheerfully.

Whether long or short, Ivan Tsarevich came to Vertodub, only three oak trees remained; he took the comb and threw it into an open field; from where something - suddenly there was a noise, thick oak forests rose from the ground, a tree thicker than a tree! Vertodub was delighted, thanked the prince and went to turn up the hundred-year-old oak trees.

Whether long or short, Ivan Tsarevich came to the old women and gave them an apple; they ate it, instantly became younger and gave him a piece of hustka; As soon as you wave the hustochka, a whole lake will appear behind you!

Ivan Tsarevich arrives home. The sister ran out, met him, and said:

“Sit down,” he says, “brother, play the harp, and I’ll go and prepare dinner.”

The prince sat down and strummed the harp; A little mouse crawled out of the hole and said to him in a human voice:

Save yourself, prince, run quickly! Your sister went to sharpen her teeth.

Ivan Tsarevich trudged out of the upper room, mounted his horse and galloped back; and the little mouse runs along the strings: the harp is strumming, and the sister doesn’t even know that her brother has left. She sharpened her teeth, rushed into the room, and lo and behold, there was not a soul, only a mouse slipped into the hole. The witch got angry, gritting her teeth, and set off in pursuit.

Ivan Tsarevich heard the mocking, looked around - his sister was about to catch up; He waved his brush and it became a deep lake. While the witch swam across the lake, Ivan Tsarevich went far away.

She rushed even faster... that's really close! Wind Oak guessed that the prince was fleeing from his sister, and let’s tear out the oak trees and throw them on the road; I threw a whole mountain! No witch pass! She began to clear the way, gnawed, gnawed, forced her way through, but Ivan Tsarevich was already far away. She rushed to catch up, drove, drove, a little more... and she couldn’t get away! Vertogor saw the witch, grabbed the highest mountain and turned it right onto the road, and placed another on that mountain. While the witch was climbing and climbing, Ivan Tsarevich rode and rode and found himself far away.

The witch crossed the mountains and again chased after her brother... She saw him and said:

Now you won't leave me!

It’s close, it’ll catch up! At that very time, Ivan Tsarevich galloped up to the mansions of the Sun Sister and shouted:

Sun, Sun! Open the window.

The sun's sister opened the window, and the prince jumped into it along with his horse.

Witch she began to ask that her brother be given up to her; Solntseva's sister did not listen to her and did not give her away. Then the witch says:

Let Ivan Tsarevich go with me to the scales, who will outweigh who! If I outweigh him, I’ll eat him, and if he outweighs him, let him kill me!

Went; First, Tsarevich Ivan sat down on the scales, and then the witch climbed on; As soon as she stepped foot, Ivan Tsarevich was thrown up, and with such force that he went straight to heaven, to the Sun’s sister in the tower; and the snake witch remained on the ground.

With the queen, they had a son, Ivan Tsarevich, who was mute from birth. He was about twelve years old, and once he went to the stable to his beloved groom. This groom always told him fairy tales, and now Ivan Tsarevich came to listen to fairy tales from him, but he heard:

- Ivan Tsarevich! - said the groom. “Your mother will soon have a daughter, and you have a sister; She will be a terrible witch, she will eat both father and mother, and all the people under her command; so go, ask your father for the best horse - like for a ride, and ride from here wherever you look, if you want to get rid of trouble.

Ivan Tsarevich ran to his father and spoke to him for the first time since his birth; The king was so happy about this that he did not even ask: why does he need a good horse? He immediately ordered the best horse from his herds to be saddled for the prince. Ivan Tsarevich sat down and rode wherever his eyes led him.

He rode for a long, long time; runs into two old seamstresses and asks them to take him to live with them. The old women said:

“We would be glad to take you, Ivan Tsarevich, but we don’t have much time to live.” If we break open a chest of needles and sew up a chest of threads, death will come immediately!

- Take me to you!

“I would be glad to receive you, Ivav Tsarevich, but I don’t have much time left to live.” Just as soon as I pull up all these oak trees with their roots, that’s my death!

The prince cried more than ever and rode further and further. Approaches Vertogor; began to ask him, and he answered:

“I would be glad to receive you, Ivan Tsarevich, but I myself have a little time to live.” You see, I am assigned to move mountains; How can I cope with these last ones—that’s my death!

Ivan Tsarevich burst into bitter tears and rode even further.

I rode for a long, long time; finally comes to the Sun Sister. She brought him close to her, fed and watered him, as if she were taking care of her own son. It was good for the prince to live, but still he becomes sad: do you want to know what’s going on in your own home? Has he ever climbed a high mountain, looked at his palace and seen that everything had been eaten, only the walls remained? He will sigh and cry.

- Why are you, Ivan Tsarevich, crying today?

He says:

— The wind blew into my eyes.

Another time the same thing again; The sun's sister took it and forbade the wind to blow.

And for the third time Tsarevich Iwai returned, tearful; but there was nothing to do - he had to admit everything, and he began to ask Solntseva’s sister to let him, the good fellow, go back to his homeland. She doesn’t let him in, but he begs her; Finally he begged, she let him go home to visit and gave him a brush, a comb and two youthful apples for the journey: no matter how old a person is, if he eats an apple he will instantly look younger!

Ivan Tsarevich came to Vertogor, only one mountain remained; he took his brush and threw it into an open field; out of nowhere, suddenly tall, tall mountains grew out of the ground, their tops touching the sky; and how many of them there are - apparently and invisible! Vertogor was delighted and got to work cheerfully.

Whether long or short, Ivan Tsarevich came to Vertodub, only three oak trees remained; he took the comb and threw it into an open field; where did something come from - suddenly there was a noise, thick oak forests rose from the ground, a tree thicker than a tree! Vertodub was delighted, thanked the prince and went to turn up the hundred-year-old oak trees.

Whether it’s long or short, Ivan Tsarevich came to the old women, I’ll give them an apple; they ate it, instantly became younger and gave him a piece of hustka; As soon as you wave the hustochka, a whole lake will appear behind you!

Ivan Tsarevich arrives home. The sister ran out, met him, and said:

“Sit down,” he says, “brother, play the harp, and I’ll go and prepare dinner.”

The prince sat down and strummed the harp; A little mouse crawled out of the hole and said to him in a human voice:

- Save yourself, prince, run quickly! Your sister went to sharpen her teeth.

Ivan Tsarevich left the upper room, mounted his horse and galloped back; and the little mouse runs along the strings: the harp is strumming, and the sister doesn’t even know that her brother has left. She sharpened her teeth, rushed into the room, and lo and behold, there was not a soul, only a mouse had slipped into the hole. The witch got angry, gritting her teeth, and set off in pursuit.

Ivan Tsarevich heard a noise, looked around - his sister was about to catch up; He waved his brush and it became a deep lake. While the witch swam across the lake, Ivan Tsarevich went far away.

She rushed even faster... that's really close! Vertodub guessed that he was fleeing from his sister, and let’s tear out the oak trees and throw them on the road; I threw a whole mountain! No witch pass! She began to clear the way, gnawed, gnawed, forced her way through, but Ivan Tsarevich was already far away. She rushed to catch up, drove, drove, a little more... and she couldn’t get away! Vertogor saw the witch, grabbed the highest mountain and turned it right onto the road, and on the near the mountain put another one. While the witch was climbing and climbing, Ivan Tsarevich rode and rode and found himself far away.

The witch crossed the mountains and again chased after her brother... She saw him and said:

- Now you won’t leave me!

It’s close, it’ll catch up! At that very time, Ivan Tsarevich galloped up to the mansions of the Sun Sister and shouted:

- Sun, Sun! Open the window.

The sun's sister opened the window, and the prince jumped into it along with his horse.

The witch began to ask that her brother be given up to her; Solntseva's sister did not listen to her and did not give her away. Then the witch says:

- Let Ivan Tsarevich go with me to the scales, who will outweigh whom! If I outweigh him, I’ll eat him, and if he outweighs him, let him kill me!

Went; First, Tsarevich Ivan sat down on the scales, and then the witch climbed on; As soon as she stepped foot, Ivan Tsarevich was thrown up, and with such force that he went straight to heaven, to the Sun’s sister in the tower; and the snake witch remained on the ground.