Draw of lots - (see Children's folklore). Draws (division into teams, groups, choice of leader)

children's folklore genre game

Due to age characteristics and the nature of the pastime, the leading position in the oral Ionic creativity of children is occupied by play folklore. Play has a special, exceptional significance in the lives of children. Children's games researcher V.F. Kudryavtsev wrote: “If play for adults is tolerable in principle, then for children it is so natural that it is in childhood necessity. For adults, play is relaxation, but for a child, play is a serious activity to which he applies his weak strengths; for him, playing is hard work.” It is through play that children largely perceive the world around them. Play for children is an important way of cognition and learning. Children have always come up with a lot of different games. E. D. Pokrovsky in his book “Children’s Games, Mainly Russian” (1878) described in detail more than 500 children’s games. The names of the games and their images are closely related to peasant life. For example: “Horse”, “Cow”, “Goat”, “Mosquito”, “Bees”, “Chickens”, “Duck”, “Wicket”, “Barn”, “Slant gardens”, “Beetle”, “Hawk and pigeons”, “Geese and swans”, “Wolves and sheep”, etc. In a number of children's games we see imitation labor activity adults. So, for example, in the games “Turnip”, “Radish” and “Horseradish” the pulling out of these vegetables is depicted; in the game “Millet” children show with their hands how millet is sown, watered, mowed and dried. The game “Hunters” simulates hunting wild animals, etc.

Many children's games do not include any folklore. However, there are also many games in which various folklore works are an organic and integral component. It is in play that children first become creators of folklore. The most common genres in which children's fiction works are created folk art, are lottery sentences, counting rhymes and songs.

Draw sentences are short rhymed poems (two to four lines) with which games begin when the players need to be divided into two parties. They accompany such children's games as “Hide and Seek”, “Salki”, “Lapta”, “Gorodki”, etc. The simplest form of drawing lots consists of a question to the “uterus” (drivers). Two guys, stepping aside, agree that one of them will be called a black horse, and the other - a golden drum. Then, approaching the queens, they shout:

“Uterus, whoever you need:

Black horse

Ali golden drum?

One of the queens chooses the “black horse”, and the other chooses the “golden drum”. After this, another pair of players approaches the queens and, for example, asks:

"Pourable apple"

Is it golden?

Then the third pair, the fourth pair, etc., approach the queens with riddle questions. And so gradually all the players are divided into two parties.

Draws have a somewhat more complicated form, in which the question about the queens is preceded by a small descriptive-narrative picture. For example:

“The black horse remained under the mountain.

Which horse: gray or golden-maned?

The themes and images of the drawings are entirely determined by the everyday environment in which peasant children lived. Creating these miniatures did not present much difficulty for the children. They created the draws easily and with pleasure.

Especially great development in play children's folklore received the genre of counting rhymes. A counting table is also a rhymed poem, but somewhat larger in size than a drawing of lots. Counters have 6, 8, 10 or more lines. With the help of a counting rhyme, the participants in the game are counted (hence the name), their roles or the order of participation in the game are determined. Counting words - numerals - are often used in counting rhymes. Here is an example of a rhyme: “The first one gave, The other took, Three sat down - They all ate. Who wants to guess? Write in Turkish? But the counting rhyme not only pursues certain practical goals (establishes a sequence for the players), it often also has an undoubted poetic meaning. It may include various funny stories. For example, one of the players, touching the children one by one with his hand, says: “One, two, three, four, Midges lived in the apartment, Friend Krestovik himself, a large spider, got into the habit of visiting them. Five, six, seven, eight, We’ll ask the Spider: “You glutton, don’t go,” Come on, Mashenka, drive!” Whoever gets the word “Drive” becomes the driver. Distinctive feature counting rhymes is the use of the so-called “abstruse language”. This primarily applies to numerals. In this regard, V.P. Anikin writes: “Looking at the distorted forms of counting in counting rhymes, you involuntarily notice that the modification of the verbal form of numerals is a general rule for counting: raz -azi, anzy, knapsacks, mind, razin, aziki, etc.; two - dvazi, dvantsy, dvanchik, etc.; first - primary, first-born, first-born; second, other - other people, friends, friends." Not only numerals, but also other parts of speech can appear in distorted form in counting rhymes. Scientists trace the peculiarities of the abstruse language of counting rhymes to the oldest conventional speech, to the taboo of counting (the prohibition of counting, pronouncing numbers). There were ancient beliefs that if a hunter counts the game he has killed, he will not have luck in the next hunt; if the hostess counts chicken eggs, then the chickens will stop laying eggs, etc. Therefore, direct counting was replaced by conditional counting, ordinary words - by their fictitious substitutes. The genetic connection between the abstruse language of counting rhymes and the ancient custom (counting taboos) is undeniable. However, in the rhymes that were recorded by folklorists in the 19th and 20th centuries, abstruse speech reflects not the superstitious ideas of children, but their desire to have fun with wordplay.

The word in many rhymes is not so much an exponent certain meaning, as much as the carrier of the necessary rhythmic unit and rhyme. The counting book can be a simple set that has no meaning and therefore unclear words. For example:

Eni, beni, Evu, shtevu,

Decks, packs, Kushtaneva,

Shor, bathory, Gam, fire

Shoes, century, Babaram.

Before us is a kind of play with words, various rhythmic and sound repetitions. After all the players are divided into pairs or roles by drawing lots or counting, the game itself begins. A. I. Nikiforov in the article “Folk children's fairy tale dramatic genre“rightly noted that many fairy tales about animals performed by children are distinguished by their dramatic content and theatrical performance. In yet to a greater extent this refers to children's games, many of which are small theatrical performances. For example, let’s give a description of the game “Radish”.

“Another girl sits on the womb’s lap, a third one sits on this one, and so on. The driver or driver comes up and says: “Knock, knock at the gate!” - “Who the hell did you bring?” - “The master fell from the stove, crushed eight kittens, and wanted some thinning.” - “Pull, pull, but not out of the blue!” The driver tries to pull the sitting girl out of her place and, putting her on her feet, takes her away and sits her in a certain place, and she herself goes back to the players. - “Knock, knock at the gate!” - starts knocking again. - “Who the hell did you bring?” - “The lady was mad, she ate a lot of sugar, her belly hurt, she wanted some thinning...” - “Pull, pull, but not from the root,” answer those sitting. He pulls again and when only one root remains, i.e. one queen, then all players take part in the game. First of all, the queen is pulled from its place, then placed on a long stick, which all the players carry with loud laughter and exclamations: “The root has been pulled out!” We’re carrying the womb!” After dragging several fathoms, they lower it to the ground. This is where the game ends.” What we have before us is nothing more than a children’s play drama. The above game is somewhat reminiscent of the fairy tale “Turnip”, beloved by children. However, her heroes are different. And this is quite natural: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, cat, mouse and Bug cannot take part in a children's game.

As in fairy tales for children, various songs are often used in children's performance games. Their place in the game and compositional functions are varied. Let's give an example of a song that is performed in the game "Burners". The players get into pairs one after another. And in front of him is the “burning” suite and recitatively pronounces a song with which he tries to divert the attention of the players:

"Burn, burn clearly,

So that it doesn't go out,

Look at the sky-

The stars are burning -

The cranes are screaming.

Stay at your hem

Look into the field-

The trumpeters are riding there,

Yes they eat rolls

Gu, gu, gu, I’ll run away.”

After such a song, those participating in the game absent-mindedly look, some in the field, and some at the sky. And at this time, the “burning one” quickly shouts out: “One, two, three - not a crow. Run like fire!” The one who hesitates is caught, and he becomes “burning.” And the game continues.

In the example given, the song is performed solo. In most cases, play songs are performed by a choir while driving a round dance. We see this, for example, in the games “Len”, “Zainka”, “Kite”, etc. Sometimes the song is sung by children when they stand in a circle (in the games “Drake and the Duck” and “Wicket”), or sit (in game "Smoking Room"). Game songs are quite diverse in genre. Among them, researchers identify voices, silences, songs fabulous content etc. The rules of the game are set out in the holosyankas. “Come on guys, pull Golosyanka. Whoever doesn’t pull it out will be r---v---a---a---a---t---b by the hair! The one who stops being the first to “pull the whistle” is subject to the punishment named in the song. Silent songs are performed after noisy games, for relaxation. Let us briefly summarize the most common silence:

"The cat died

The tail is peeling,

Who will say anything?

He will eat......

Has the silence begun?

Doors on a hook!..

Doors on a hook!..

Someone tried to make the players laugh with gestures and grimaces. The one who was the first to break the silence was laughed at cheerfully and fervently.

Take a fairly long stick (shovel, mop, ruler). In order for the resulting result to be truly random, they throw it vertically and catch it with their hand somewhere in the middle. After this, all participants in the game take turns grasping the stick, first with one hand and then with the other, until there is room on it. Anyone who doesn't have enough space should drive! There is another version of this draw: after the toss they say: “ with tire! or " without tire! "With a cover" means that after the stick is finished, you can cover the latter's fist with your palm. And the next one in line will drive.

On the thumbs

If you don’t have a stick at hand, drawing lots on your thumbs will help out. It happens in much the same way as with a stick, only the stick turns out to be imaginary and instead of it you need to have time to grab your thumb raised up. Thus, a chain of fists is obtained. The last one to join this chain becomes the driver.

Rock Paper Scissors...

You can just count on your fingers “ Rock, Paper, Scissors - One, Two, Three!» (or Rock, Paper, Scissors, Tsu-E-Fa).
This process is no less exciting than the game itself. On word Three Everyone must draw one of three figures with their fingers:

  • Stone (fist). Breaks scissors but turns into paper
  • Scissors (index and middle fingers spread). Cuts paper, but breaks with stone
  • Paper (straight palm). Cuts with scissors, but wraps the stone.

After this, they count who defeated whom. Usually such a draw takes place in pairs according to the system of elimination of the loser. If the pieces match, the draw is repeated.

Short match (straw)

Take several identical sticks (matches, straws). One of them is marked and usually just breaks off. After this, everyone takes turns pulling out one match at a time, watching with bated breath to see if he gets a short (marked) match (straw) and becomes the driver.

Drawing lots is included as an integral element in almost every game, but she herself is a game. Fascinating, gambling and... kind!

The drawing of lots was born as a certain ritual based on practical activities a person in whose life situations of choice often arose, situations of testing fate. His very life sometimes depended on it. For example, ancient pagan people cast lots - and someone went to the fire as a sacrifice to the idol god. The medieval knights abandoned them - and one of them became the slave of a beautiful lady forever. Who should go on overtime reconnaissance? Who should stand guard after a long, grueling march? Who would go into the water without knowing the ford? Who will be the first to descend into a crevice in the earth or to the bottom of a deep and long-abandoned mine? How many such and similar questions were decided by lot!

It is not surprising that everyone who plays, even children, takes the ritual of drawing lots seriously.

Intercepting the stick. To determine the driver (or walker), those wishing to play They take a long stick in their hand (the size is arbitrary), one of them grabs it from below to the full width of the palm, another grabs the stick next to it, the third joins them and grabs the stick higher, the fourth even higher - and so on until the very end. Whoever makes the roof, that is, whose hand is on the top cut of the stick, gets to bare it. If players a little and at one time they all together cannot reach the top of the stick, they are forced to use their second hand.

Throwing fingers. All those present play By team throw one hand forward, leaving several fingers clenched and several straightened (from one to five). The number of open fingers is, of course, different for everyone. Their total amount is calculated, and a count is made for each to the player(from whom to count - agree in advance). Whoever ends up with the score gets to score.

The shortest match. They choose one who, unnoticed by everyone, breaks off the ends of the matches (or maybe even sticks) to different lengths, then collects them in one row and clamps them with his hand so that only the upper ends of the matches, aligned along the same line, are visible. The number of matches is taken according to the number of players. Whoever pulls out the shortest match gets to bare.

A cap. Depending on the number of players, take pieces of paper identical in color and shape. On one of them they make the inscription: “Leader.” The leaves are rolled into a tube and placed in a hat. There they are mixed without looking. Then they let everyone draw a tube to the player; whoever comes across a piece of paper with an inscription should take it. When to choose games several characters, for example a wolf and a hare, a grandmother and a little rabbit, then write all these names on different pieces of paper - and who gets what.

Throwing rounders. When playing with the ball, they play, that is, they set the order of hitting the ball and thus reach one position sequentially. Everyone throws their stick (bat) as far as possible and in one direction. The one with the stick that flies the farthest hits first, the one with the closest hits last.

Throwing a bat. The principle of drawing lots is the same as in ball games, only the sticks (bats) are thrown not with the hand, but with the foot. To do this, place the bat with one end on the toe of the boot and support it with the other with your hand. Then they take the leg with the bat back and sharply push it forward. Whoever's bat flies the furthest starts game(to towns, villages, etc.).

winnowing grain. This a game was held before the autumn cabbage gatherings. The girls cast lots: which of them would start the cabbage evenings, who would continue, who would finish. To do this, they went to the drain where there were heaps of unwinnowed grain. They cleared the area, over which they had to winnow their grain in turn - each with a sieve. They took turns standing in the same place and tapping on the sieve, letting the chaff float in the wind. Whoever has the chaff closest to him should be the first to invite his girlfriends to chop cabbage. Noticed the consistency of the chaff mounds in others; This sequence was observed when carrying out the cabbages.

Counting books. Games with them are very popular among children. The presenter counts out loud (more recently, professional poets have begun to compose counting rhymes), usually in sequences, each time touching one of the participants games. Whoever “hits” the last syllable will either be eliminated or go naked. (For more information on counting rhymes, see the “Games with words” section.)

Draws, counters, lot agreements

Draws (or “collusions”) determine the division of players into two teams and establish order in the game. These are laconic works, sometimes rhymed, containing an appeal to the queens (representatives from each group) and a question, or only one question, in which a choice is offered. The actual draws are a bit of a mystery. But the riddle is necessarily two-part, in which the images coincide or are contrasted. It usually rhymes. Sometimes the rhyme is contained in the circulation, more often it did not have a poetic organization or disappeared altogether. They are full of wit and healthy humor. Appendix 2 (5.1-5.4.)

Counters are used to distribute roles in the game, and rhythm is crucial. The presenter recites the counting rhyme rhythmically, monotonously, consistently touching each participant in the game with his hand. Counting books have a short rhyming verse (from 1 to 4 syllables). Counting books are associated with ancient forms of fortune telling.

Counting rhymes have two main features. Firstly, most counting rhymes are based on counting, and secondly, counting rhymes amaze with a pile of meaningless words and consonances. The counting book represents a kind of play with words and rhythm, and this is its artistic function.

Jokes, nicknames, game sayings

Game sentences and refrains were included in the game action and contributed to its organization. The content of these works was determined by the game itself. In games, children pretended to family life and the labor activities of the village, which prepared them for adult life. Sentences were also pronounced before diving into the river; in order to get rid of water that got into the ear while swimming. In their sentence, children could make a request to Christian saints.

Some sentences carry a social meaning (Appendix 2 (7.2.-7.6.). Sentences nowadays bring joy to children everywhere.

Some games of younger children originated as staging jokes. Jokes introduce a cumulative composition into the game, and rhythm and onomatopoeia into the accompanying verbal sequence. Through the jokes of mothers and nannies, they introduce them to the habits and voices of birds and animals...

Tongue twisters, silences, voices

A favorite verbal game for older children has been and remains tongue twisters - the rapid repetition of difficult to pronounce words. Pronunciation mistakes make me laugh. While playing, children simultaneously develop their articulation organs. Particularly popular are tongue twisters with complex and rich sound design (abundance of alliteration, frequent repetitions, internal rhymes, assonance). Appendix 2 (8.1-8.8).

Peculiar verbal exercises were silences - a poetic persuasion to remain silent, as well as golosyanki (option: "hairs") - a competition in drawing out the vowel sound at the end of a poem in one breath. Verbal games of children include fairy tales and riddles performed in their environment.

Fairy tales

Once upon a time G.S. Vinogradov noted in children “the only type of oral literature represented by prose” - a fairy tale. The spontaneous flow of modern children's narrative creativity - “scary stories” (as children call them) or “horror stories” (as researchers began to call them) - has become the subject of study by folklorists, psychologists and teachers since the 1960s. Apparently, the beginning of the mass existence of children's scary stories. Horror stories operate according to all the rules of folklore. Appendix 2. (12.1-12.3).

The invention relates to mass collective events and can be used when drawing lots of a large number of participants, when it is necessary to randomly select a participant for his subsequent participation in the next stage of the event.

There are known methods of drawing lots in games, for example, based on the choice of an object in the judge’s hand. These methods are applicable only for the purpose of selecting 1 out of 2. In case of multiple draw, when it is necessary to assign certain numbers to teams, pre-prepared numbers according to the number of participating teams are lowered into the ballot box. Then the names of the teams are called one by one and for each of them a number is drawn from the ballot box. A draw with seeding is used when holding competitions with the division of teams into subgroups. When teams are dispersed, subgroups of approximately equal strength can be formed. Two methods of scattering are used: scattering by lot and scattering using the “snake” method.

The dispersal by lot is carried out as follows. After determining the principle of dispersion, the number of teams corresponding to the number of subgroups is taken, and lots are cast between them for distribution into subgroups. Then the next group of teams is distributed in the same way, etc. Either all teams or part of the teams may be subject to dispersion. This is provided for by the competition regulations. If some of the teams are dissipated, then the remaining teams are distributed into subgroups by a pure draw.

Scattering using the “snake” method is carried out as follows. Teams are assigned numbers in accordance with their place in previous competitions, and the teams are distributed “snake” into subgroups. When teams are scattered into two subgroups, the “snake” configuration is one, and when teams are scattered into three groups or more, it is different. When dispersing using the “snake” method, conditional equality is created in subgroups.

An automated draw is known, in which numbers are computer generated using a pseudo algorithm random numbers. Its disadvantage is also the limitation of the number of participants who are entered manually into machine calculations. With thousands and millions of participants, a random number generator can handle and select one, but entering such a number into the database manually quickly takes a lot of time. short term is not possible or requires large expenditures of human resources and computer equipment.

The disadvantage of this draw is the technical complexity of its implementation, when the task is to draw lots among a large number of participants in the event, for example, numbering in the thousands or millions, in order to select only one from this set.

No known method solves the problem of drawing lots among a large number of participants in an event, for example, numbering in the thousands or millions, in order to select only one from this set.

The purpose of the invention is to solve this problem.

The technical result of the invention is to simplify the drawing of lots when large number participants of the event, eliminating the need for participants to memorize information, no limit on the number of participants in the event. Also, the technical result is the elimination of restrictions on the rights of participants, by excluding participation in the drawing process of persons who are not actually participating in the event, for example, if there is free seats for participants in the absence of the people themselves at the event.

The specified technical result is achieved through the method of drawing lots, in which the organizer ensures that each participant in the event receives and registers an application, as well as informing participants about the number assigned to the participant’s application, which becomes the number of the electronic drawing ticket, then the drawing is carried out in such a way that the process of determining winning numbers drawing tickets are carried out in at least one round, an application for participation in the drawing is submitted with the simultaneous registration of data identifying the identity of the participant in the drawing, and the specified registration data of each person is linked to each application for participation in the drawing and the number assigned to the participant; numbers are assigned to the participant in the draw in the order in which applications are received in real time; the draw is carried out for one of the tickets using a lottery machine, which is configured to limit the possible combinations of dropped numbered lotto balls, taking into account the conditions: the total number of dropped lotto balls is equal to the number of digits of the number corresponding to the total number of drawn tickets; The first and subsequent lotto balls that form the winning number are limited by possible combinations of numbers based on those numerical values ​​that can provide the dropped number with a value within the number corresponding to the total number of lottery tickets.

Brief description of drawings

In FIG. Figure 1 shows the principle of generating lottery ticket numbers when registering tickets by users.

In FIG. Figure 2 shows the principle of forming balls with numbers that can be played in a lottery machine.

In FIG. Figure 3 shows an example of the design and operating principle of a lottery machine.

In FIG. Figure 4 shows an example of the structure of a lottery ball and a chute (sectional end view).

Carrying out the invention

The method of drawing lots is carried out by the fact that its participants become the owners of certain drawing tickets, which are simply serial numbers that are assigned to each newly registered drawing ticket. When organizing a draw, users wishing to participate in it register identification data about their identity on the website of the server of the organizer of the draw. Data about users is correlated with numbers that are assigned to the application of the participant in the draw, and which becomes the number of the electronic draw ticket. The draw is carried out only among numbers for which applications have been registered. The user submits and registers an application for participation in the draw by depositing a set amount during the circulation cycle.

If there is a need to form a draw among tickets, and not among participants, the number of tickets purchased by one participant in the draw may in this case be unlimited.

Registration of a participant and issuance of an electronic draw ticket or its number serves as the basis for the emergence of civil legal relations, according to which the participant has the right to participate in the draw and, if the draw is drawn, to apply for further participation in the event, for example, as a host or main player , main character, etc.

Similarly, you can draw lots when selling travel documents, for example, railway transport or air transport using ticket serial numbers. In this case, when selling a ticket, the passenger declares his desire to participate in the draw, and the cashier registers his participation and, using a ticket printing machine, indicates on the ticket the attributes necessary for the draw, including the serial number of the ticket. In this case, the travel ticket, after being used for its intended purpose, remains with the user as a draw card and, if the ticket is drawn, can be presented for participation in a certain promotion or event.

The advantage of the proposed method of conducting a draw is the ease of participation, which does not require the participant to memorize any information, and even the absence of the need to carry out any actions other than confirming the will to participate, on the one hand, and on the other hand, conducting such a draw allows you to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of the main service provided to the user in a particular service area.

The method is carried out as follows.

Users 2 register on server 1 and enter their registration data. At the time of purchasing a ticket, server 1 assigns a number to ticket 3 in accordance with the time of submitting an application for such a purchase. The number is assigned according to the order in which the application was submitted (see Fig. 1). The number of applications submitted for the purchase of tickets corresponds to the total number of combination options played. Those. If N tickets are purchased, then all numbers with N combinations participate in the drawing. The drawing of lots is carried out using a lottery machine 12 (see Fig. 2), which can be implemented, for example, on the basis of the following device (see Fig. 2). A processor or microcontroller 5 is placed inside the housing of the lottery machine 12. An information storage device 4 can also be placed, to which a record of the numbers database is received from the server 1, or information about the numbers being drawn is sent directly to the processor or microcontroller 5.

The start of operation of the lottery machine 12 depends on the combination of the number that needs to be played in all possible combinations. For example, if total number combinations N=ABCDEF, where A, B, C, D, E, F are certain numbers from 0 to 9, this means that the lottery machine must spin six reels with balls.

The processor or microcontroller 5 issues a command to first load the leftmost reel with 6 balls with numbers from 0 to 3.

This loading can be performed, for example, by means of a loading module 14 moving along the drums, loaded with balls 17 (see Fig. 3). Module 14 is divided into 10 sections, each of which contains balls with corresponding numbers from 0 to 9. When it is necessary to load ball 17 into one of the drums 6, 7, 8, 9, module 14 rides up, for example, on the guides of the corresponding section 15, the section rotates along its axis and through hole 18 unloads one of the balls when hole 18 coincides with the loading hole 16 into the drum. When the balls with all the required numbers are loaded into the drum in this way, the drum is rocked, shuffling the balls. After which, for example, as shown in FIG. 3, drum 6 is turned over with hole 16 down and only one ball 17 is unloaded through it. Ball 17, having fallen out of the drum, falls onto a special inclined chute 13, along which, rolling down, it contacts the RFID reader 19. RFID tags 20 are installed inside each ball 17 (see Fig. 4), corresponding to the numbers of the balls. When the reader 19 initiates the tag 20, the data is transmitted to the processor 5 or microcontroller, which calculates the possible combinations of numbers with which balls can be loaded into the next reel. After which the operation of loading the drum with balls and drawing the second ball is repeated in a similar way for the next reel 7, then for reels 8, 9, etc., if drawing numbers of a higher order is required. After the end of the drawing, the balls 17 can be loaded back into the module 14 manually or by an automatic feeder.

The described example of a lottery machine is one of the possible variations of its technical implementation. The lottery machine can be made in the form of an electronic scoreboard, where the numbers are randomly generated. It is also possible to implement a simple lottery machine, where balls are loaded and distributed manually. Each of these implementation options makes it possible to implement the claimed method.

For example, you need to play 347853 combinations for any number from 000001 to 347853. Balls with numbers from 0 to 3 are loaded into the left drum. If the numbers 0, 1, 2 are dropped, then all balls with numbers from 0 to 9 are loaded into the next drum If the number 3 is rolled, then only balls with numbers from 0 to 4 are loaded into the next drum. The loading of balls into all other drums is distributed in the same way from left to right. This is how each next ball is drawn for the entire row of a six-digit number. As a result, one single number of any number from 000001 to 347853 is drawn, which will be the number of the drawn lot.

Information sources

1. http://medicalplanet.su/reabilitatia/106.html

2. http://ru.convdocs.org/docs/index-110939.html?page=3#1281686

3. http://support.ystok.ru/doc/tournament/ug/help.html?cont


A method of drawing lots, in which the organizer ensures that each participant in the event receives and registers an application, as well as informing the participants about the number assigned to the participant’s application, which becomes the number of the electronic drawing ticket, then the drawing is carried out in such a way that the process of determining the winning numbers of the drawing tickets is carried out at least in one round, an application for participation in the draw is submitted with the simultaneous registration of data identifying the identity of the participant in the draw, and the specified registration data of each person is linked to each application for participation in the draw and the number assigned to the participant; numbers are assigned to the participant in the draw in the order in which applications are received in real time; the draw is carried out for one of the tickets using a lottery machine, which is configured to limit the possible combinations of dropped numbered lotto balls, taking into account the conditions: the total number of dropped lotto balls is equal to the number of digits of the number corresponding to the total number of lottery tickets; the first and subsequent lotto balls that form the winning number are limited by possible combinations of numbers based on those numerical values ​​that can provide the dropped number with a value within the number corresponding to the total number of tickets; a lottery ball falling out of the drum falls onto a special inclined chute, along which, rolling down, it contacts the RFID reader, and inside each ball there are RFID tags corresponding to the numbers of the balls; when the reader initiates a tag, the data is transmitted to the processor or microcontroller, which calculates the possible combinations of numbers with which balls can be loaded into the next reel; after which the operation of loading the drum with balls and drawing the next ball is repeated similarly for the next drum, if drawing numbers of a higher order is required.

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The invention relates to conducting lotteries and drawing cash prizes using remotely located terminals connected to a lottery processing center, in particular lotteries based on predicting the results of sports competitions.

The invention relates to lotteries and can be used to organize lotteries and drawings. The essence of the method is that the lottery organizer generates and produces an array of lottery tickets in paper and electronic form with preliminary distribution prize fund on lottery tickets, as well as the drawing of lottery tickets and the payment of winnings, which are carried out through the terminals of the operator of a geographically distributed terminal system, and before the start of the sale of lottery tickets, a batch of lottery tickets from the array is loaded into each terminal of the operator of a geographically distributed terminal system via communication channels and assigned to it lottery tickets, and when lottery participants purchase lottery tickets, information about each of the sold lottery tickets and the winnings issued is transmitted to the server of the operator of the geographically distributed terminal system and the server of the lottery organizer. The method achieves the required technical result, which consists in expanding the scope of application and increasing the reliability of the lottery. 1 salary f-ly, 1 ill.

The invention relates to lotteries and can be used to organize lotteries. The essence of the method is that an array of lottery tickets is formed in electronic form, a lottery drawing is carried out and winnings are distributed among lottery tickets, as well as winnings are paid out, while interaction with lottery participants is carried out through terminals, and after the array of lottery tickets is formed in electronic form and winnings are distributed based on lottery tickets, a control circulation of lotteries is formed in the form of a certified register of identification numbers of lottery tickets and drawing results, and is issued required amount electronic lots of lottery tickets and upload them to the server connected to the terminals, each of the lottery tickets of the corresponding lots intended for sale through the corresponding terminals is assigned a conditional ticket number, which is stored on the server paired with its real number and the result of the drawing on it, when visualization of the lottery process and its results using the technical means of the terminal, the conditional ticket number and the result of the drawing are displayed on its screen in the form of information about the presence of winnings for it and the amount of winnings for winning ticket, which is duplicated by issuing a fiscal receipt to the participant, and when monitoring the results of participation in the lottery, the information in the fiscal receipt is checked with the corresponding lottery tickets control lottery draw in electronic or paper form. The invention achieves a technical result consisting in expanding the scope of application and increasing the reliability of the lottery.

The invention relates to mass collective events and can be used when drawing lots of a large number of participants, when it is necessary to randomly select a participant for his subsequent participation in the next stage of the event. The technical result of the invention is to simplify the drawing of lots with a large number of event participants, eliminate the need for participants to memorize information, and there is no limit on the number of event participants. Also, the technical result is the elimination of restrictions on the rights of participants by excluding participation in the drawing process of persons who are not actually participating in the event, for example, if there are free places for participants in the absence of the people themselves at the event. The specified technical result is achieved due to the fact that the process of determining the winning numbers of the draw tickets is carried out in at least one round; an application for participation in the draw is submitted with the simultaneous registration of data identifying the identity of the participant in the draw, and the specified registration data of each person is linked to each application for participation in the draw and the number assigned to the participant; numbers are assigned to the participant in the draw in the order in which applications are received in real time; the draw is carried out for one of the tickets using a lottery machine, which is configured to limit the possible combinations of dropped numbered lotto balls, taking into account the conditions: the total number of dropped lotto balls is equal to the number of digits of the number corresponding to the total number of lottery tickets; the first and subsequent lotto balls that form the winning number are limited by possible combinations of numbers based on those numerical values ​​that can provide the dropped number with a value within the number corresponding to the total number of tickets; a lottery ball falling out of the drum falls onto a special inclined chute, along which, rolling down, it contacts the RFID reader, and inside each ball there are RFID tags corresponding to the numbers of the balls; when the reader initiates a tag, the data is transmitted to the processor or microcontroller, which calculates the possible combinations of numbers with which balls can be loaded into the next reel; after which the operation of loading the drum with balls and drawing the next ball is repeated similarly for the next drum, if drawing numbers of a higher order is required. 4 ill.