Valery Medvedev Barankin be a man summary. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "Barankin, be human!"

  • Target : enrichment inner world child through a book, new thoughts and a new understanding of familiar phenomena and things in the light of the experiences of what they read:
  • expanding knowledge about literary works;

Developing interest in fiction books;

Developing Deep Meaning Skills work of art and independent selection of books to read;

Formation information culture students' personalities;

Lesson form: literary game; discussion.
Method : explanatory and illustrative.
Form of work: group;
Equipment : multimedia; book exhibition;

children's illustrations and essays-reasonings.

Progress of the lesson:

Who wrote the book “Barankin, be a man!”?
Name the main characters. (Yura Barankin, Kostya Malinin).
Which other heroes do you remember?
(Era of Kuzyakin, Chief Editor wall newspapers;
Alik Novikov, special photojournalist for the cool wall newspaper;
Venka Smirnov, slingshot shooter, anthill destroyer;
Zina Fokina, class leader; Misha Yakovlev, excellent student).

It's mysterious at times writer's fate. Only
a writer starting out on his first try creates,
one might say, a classic book, and then for a long time he can’t
create nothing of equal value - although he writes and publishes a lot.
This is exactly what happened to the cheerful children's writer Valery
Vladimirovich Medvedev.

Valery Vladimirovich Medvedev is very interesting person. He
worked in the theater, acted in films, wrote scripts. When he
served in the army, I noticed that soldiers always
gather around a cheerful, cheerful person.
There is always laughter and smiles around him. Such people give to others
energy, strength, help to overcome difficulties. Valery
Vladimirovich decided that he should give the guys this
resilient hero.

This is how the fairy tale “Barankin, be a man” appeared.
immediately gained almost worldwide fame. Already in
several years after its appearance it was only in Japan
went through more than a dozen editions. And then, although Medvedev
published one book after another: (the story “Dash-dash-dot”,
"Captain Lie Your Head"), none of them could rise to
the writer's first book. And Medvedev remains the author for now
the ageless Barankin.


Why did Medvedev’s story turn out to be the best in his work?

In a cheerful and relaxed manner, the writer raised such an important topic: HOW HEALTHY IT IS, HOW BEAUTIFUL IT IS, BUT ALSO HOW RESPONSIBLE IT IS TO BE A HUMAN ON EARTH.

Moreover, this is shown very naturally.

What is the basis of the story? Dreams, fantasies?

Yes, events. The whole story is based on action.

How many events are there in total? (36)

Each event has its own name.

Every chapter, line, paragraph is an action, an encounter.

And as a result - everyday circulation Be human !
began to play in a new way, as if Medvedev was the first to utter these words.
But what does it mean to be human, we'll try again
figure out.

But to start talking about the book, let's remember some of the names of the characters we met while reading the book.

1 question . Why did Barankin envy a flock of sparrows, ants, and butterflies?

Event six. Every day is Sunday, that's what struck me


What is so wonderful about the life of sparrows?

The life of birds and various insects was carefree and simple
remarkable: none of them waited for anyone, no one did anything
studied, no one was sent anywhere, no one was lectured,
No one was given shovels. Everyone lived on their own and did
whatever you want. And so all my life. All days are painted pink
paint. It's a holiday all the time. 7 days a week - and all Sundays.

Question 2. What kind of life did Barankin and Malinin dream of while sitting on the bench?

Question 3 . What do you think the words of Yura Barankin’s mother mean: “If you really want to, then snub nose can become an eagle"?

Question 4 . Why was it that every time Barankin and Malinin turned into some kind of insect, they were in mortal danger?

When Muska appears, Yurka thinks... he’s just not used to
because I'm a sparrow.

It turns out that not only children, but also all living beings have something
study. Every time the guys turned into someone else, they made a discovery.

Question 5 .What kind of discovery did Barankin the butterfly make?

Butterflies - must fall asleep someday d.

And what did Kostya Malinin answer?

You and I are humanoid butterflies- that's what.

Question 6 . What does the expression “work under the control of instinct” mean?

Ants are the hardest working insects in the whole world. And what makes them work every day is this, like his “instinct”?

Barankin thought: you can disobey instinct, even if it
actually exists. But suddenly he suddenly wanted
work. This desire was strong and irresistible. "Work
under the control of instinct" - work with one thought: "Come on,
drag, etc.

Instinct switched us from one speed to another. (WHEN?)

When Venka poked the handle of the shovel into the anthill.

What did the guys think about the ants?

Uneducated individuals. They probably don't even know what it is
Sunday. And you and I are educated.

7.Question. Explain Barankin’s idea that when Malinin was different insects, he still remained a man? And what a miracle this man is: his arms, legs, head.

And Kostya rushed to the aid of the ants like a man. And me in
did not leave trouble. And one didn’t want to turn into anyone without me.
And he didn’t cower in front of the “mimics.” And he died like a man! And there was no need
nothing to whisper to him magic words to turn into a human.
I even thought like a human being.

K. Malinin - I missed our class.

Yu. Barankin - I myself wanted to see the guys,
fly past the school.

Question 7 . What does it mean to live among people and to be human?

Shall we ask this question again?

This expression is often used and in very different ways.

I bought a car and became a person. Took a high position - too
sometimes they say that. You and I also tried to answer this


Let's turn to our story again.

If you look at the events of Baranka on, then it will become clear that about the real people of Yura and Kost I was only there when I helped a l and bad for black ants from fight with huge red invaders or, when under threat of death, did not want to be separated from each other.

Do you think the entire content of the book is devoted to this topic?

In Evgeniy Schwartz's play "Two Maples" there are two boys -
Baba Yaga turns brothers into small trees. When their mother
Vasilisa the worker managed to return them to the human realm
And To,
real trees give them this order: “Forgive
th those brothers
maples! Don't offend us!

There is no such direct order in Medvedev’s book, but between the lines
it sounds.



Teaches love for all living things. The writer forces the characters to
own experience see what it's like for us
T oozing
sparrows, butterflies, etc., when they are dealing with cruel

It turned out like this! That friends went on their most daring
travel as usual n Aries lazy people, and then in the course
their adventures, they have grown to the rank of man. Deserve
And whether
the right to return to human form.

But what is missing from this appearance?

HUMANITY." “A kind and brave heart will guide the head

hands in one direction, and evil, etc. R conditioned......Here and here in oats

Bear in and Yura and Kostya survived the trials that befell them and
not only because being ants preserved humanity
consciousness, but above all because they preserved CHEL
HEART. And it was precisely this that called for help
R uh huh in
difficult moment, it also forced them to fight to the last



Let's concentrate and strongly, strongly wish ourselves to be a person for life. A real person.

Live among people and for people.

  • Indicate the genre of the work.

poem in five parts and 36 events

  • Note the main theme of the work.

about friendship

  • From whose perspective is the story told?

on behalf of Yura Barankin

  • Guess the words. Write them down.


  • What can you tell us about these heroes?

Yura Barankin - main character, a tireless dreamer and visionary. A lazy student who one day gets tired of being a person, because a person is obliged to work and study all his life. To solve all his problems, he plans to turn into a sparrow, then into a butterfly, then into an ant, expecting that their existence is aimed at the fact that they can do nothing and be lazy all day. Kostya Malinin - best friend Barankina, such an inventor and dreamer. Only thanks to true friendship, which helped the children cope with the difficulties of “inhuman” life, did they understand how great it is to be human!

  • Why did something incredible, fantastic and even, one might say, supernatural happen to the guys?

They got a D in geometry at the beginning of the school year.

  • In which section of the newspaper were photographs of Barankin and Malinin placed?

"Humor and Satire"

  • List the classmates of the main characters that you remember most and explain why.

Zinka Fokina, the head of the class, conspired against the main characters. AND famous phrase: "Barankin, be a man!" belongs to her. Alik Novikov, a special photojournalist for the school wall newspaper, placed a photo of Barankin and Malinin in the newspaper. Era Kuzyakin, editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper, believed that " physical work - best vacation after mental work." Mishka Yakovlev, an excellent student, was going to study with Barankin and Malinin to improve his academic performance. Venka Smirnov, stood up for the guys on general meeting, but shot at Barankin and Malinin with a slingshot when they turned into sparrows and tried together with Genkoy Koromyslov hit the guys with a shovel when they turned into butterflies, then destroyed the anthill when Barankin and Malinin turned into ants.

  • Color the pictures that could be illustrations for this work.

  • By what “system” did Barankin and Malinin turn into animals?

They cast a spell and had a real wish.

  • Who didn't the main characters turn into?

  • What do you think the word "compatriot" means?

A person who shares a common fatherland with someone.

  • Restore the sentences from the fairy tale.

And there's still a whole lot ahead human life and such a hard school year... And tomorrow is such a hard Sunday!..

It was enough to look once to be convinced that the life of birds and various insects was carefree and simply wonderful...

My profile was the exact opposite of an eagle's. I had a snub nose.

This means that if you really want it, you can really achieve anything and achieve anything!

Man - that sounds proud!

  • What did the boys have to do in their new appearance? Make matches.
Fly away from sparrow
escape from cats
Hide from the boy with slingshot
Disguise among colors
Learn to twist nests
fight for birdhouse
Fight with myrmics
Run away into the bushes from bees
Fly away from the girls with nets
Repair anthill
  • Guess what other works were written by Valery Vladimirovich Medvedev. You might want to read them too.


Medvedev V.V. story "Barankin, be a man!"

Genre: literary fairy tale, fantasy story.

The main characters of the story "Barankin, be a man!" and their characteristics

  1. Yura Barankin. A loser, a quitter, a lazy person, a lover of fights. Brave and resourceful, a visionary. very interesting, creative boy.
  2. Kostya Malinin. Lazy and weakling. Afraid of everything, everything. fears. Submits to Barankin in everything.
  3. Zinka Fokina, class leader.
  4. Mishka Yakovlev, an excellent student who was supposed to study with the guys
  5. Venka Smirnov, a disgrace. Thunderstorm of sparrows, butterflies and ants.
Plan for retelling the story "Barankin, be a man!"
  1. Two D's in geometry
  2. Meeting
  3. Promise to correct deuces
  4. On the bench
  5. Handing out shovels
  6. Spell
  7. Two sparrows
  8. Tailless sparrow
  9. Muska the cat
  10. Old Sparrow
  11. Venka Smirnov's slingshot
  12. Mom Sparrow
  13. How to make a nest
  14. Fight over the birdhouse
  15. Air inversion
  16. Transformation into butterflies
  17. Old familiar sparrow
  18. Venka Smirnov's cap
  19. Butterflies for the collection
  20. New transformation
  21. Worker ants
  22. Venka Smirnov's stick
  23. Riot of ants
  24. Ant War
  25. The last transformation.
The short summary of the story "Barankin, be a man!" For reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Yura Barankin and Kostya Malinin receive bad marks and are scolded at the meeting
  2. Yura and Kostya, not wanting to study and work, turn into sparrows
  3. They fight, they are shot with a slingshot, they are hunted by a cat and other sparrows and they turn into butterflies
  4. Butterflies do not have a quiet life - sparrows, boys, girls who catch butterflies for collection
  5. The guys turn into ants, work for the benefit of the anthill and almost die in the war
  6. The guys turn into people and become excellent students.
The main idea of ​​the story "Barankin, be a man!"
A person must work and study, otherwise he does not deserve the right to be called a man

What does the story “Barankin, be a man!” teach?
This story teaches us to love study, love to work. Teaches you to help a friend in difficult times and never abandon a friend in trouble. Teaches that nature and its inhabitants should be treated with care. Teaches not to shoot sparrows with a slingshot, not to catch butterflies, not to destroy anthills.

Review of the story "Barankin, be a man!"
This is a very funny and at the same time instructive story that I really liked. Its main characters understand that every animal in nature works, otherwise it is simply impossible. And there is no animal that would have a completely simple and easy life. The heroes of the story understand that a person must work, that this is the beauty of life.
I liked that the boys were re-educated, that they understood a lot and became different people.

Proverbs for the story "Barankin, be a man!"
Man - that sounds proud.
You can't take the fish out of the pond without difficulty.
The sun paints the earth, and man is labor.
Time for business, time for fun.

Summary, brief retelling story "Barankin, be a man!" by chapter
Part one "Barankin to the blackboard."
1. Two deuces.
Yura Barankin and his friend Kostya Malinin get D's in geometry. The class leader, Zinka Fokina, shames them, photographer Alik Novikov takes pictures of their faces and attaches them to a wall newspaper, the editor of the wall newspaper is angry with the boys for ruining such a newspaper.
In general, everything went wrong from the very beginning of the school year.
2. They don’t even let you come to your senses.
After class, classmates called a meeting. Most of the guys were indignant, especially Yura and Kostya.
3. How it works in opera.
At the meeting, the guys scold the boys and call them blockheads, parasites, drones. They use standard cliches from newspapers. Barankin is angry that Venka Smirnov, also a poor student and a blockhead, is yelling the loudest. But it turns out. Venka yells for Barankin, that he can’t be called to the board right after the holidays.
Yura and Kostya promise to correct the deuces in the quarter, but headman Fokina demands that they correct the deuces tomorrow. They are given the help of an excellent student Yakovlev.
4. What if I'm tired of being human?
After the meeting, the guys disperse, and Yura and Kostya sit shocked at their desks. Fokina approaches them and begins to demand from Barankin that he become a man, that he be a man, that he speak like a human.
Barankin thinks that he is very tired of being a man.
5. They still hand over the shovels and the Bear is about to appear.
On Sunday morning, Yura and Kostya are sitting on a bench and waiting for Mishka Yakovlev. The weather is beautiful. Headman Fokina and photographer Novikov appear in the courtyard. Fokina carries shovels and hands them to Barankin. She demands that, after studying, the boys come and plant trees in the school yard.
6. Seven days off in a week, that's what caught my imagination
Yura watches how sparrows and butterflies flutter around, how ants scurry along the ground and is very envious of all these animals, who are not having a life, but a continuous day off. And so Barankin decides on this very day to implement a brilliant idea that he had been thinking about for a long time.
7. The only instruction in the world.
Yura tells Kostya that if you really want something, it will definitely happen. He offers to turn into sparrows and spend at least one day off like a human being.
Yura hands Kostya a notebook with “Instructions” written on it.
8. I don’t want to study, I want to be a bird.
The guys begin to decide what is best and who to turn into. Kostya suggests butterflies, but Yura insists on sparrows. In the last lesson he heard that sparrows live very well. Kostya agrees, saying that he played a raven in the play, and it will be easy for him to turn into a sparrow.
The guys practice jumping on the ground and begin to cast a spell.
Part two. Tick-tweet! Life is Beautiful!
9. You have to really want it and
Yura closed his eyes and really wanted to become a sparrow. He felt that he had strange desires - to fly up onto a branch, to fly through the air. Then he wanted oats.
Finally Yura opened his eyes and looked around himself. He really turned into a sparrow.
But Kostya Malinin sat there in the form of a man.
10. What does it mean in sparrow language?
Kostya sees the Barankin sparrow and tries to talk to him. But the sparrow only tweets. Kostya is offended that the sparrow calls him a cap
Kostya begins to repeat the spell again. At this moment, Yakovlev appears around the corner on a bicycle, but when he rides up to the bench there is no one there. Only shovels and textbooks. Mishka takes his textbooks and goes to Yura’s house.
Barankin and Malinin are happy.
11. Meeting with the tailless.
Yura turned into a sparrow with a snub-nosed beak, and Kostya still had unusual blue eyes. The sparrow boys drank water from the puddle and began to look for oats.
For some reason, the seeds didn’t suit them.
Kostya is driven away from the oats by a large tailless sparrow. Then he starts jumping on Yura. But Yura also fluffed his feathers and tripped up the big sparrow. He fell and became frightenedly silent.
But the guys offered him oats, because they don’t hit people who are down. The sparrow flew away, and Kostya shouted to Yura that there was a cat nearby.
12. The cat Muska wants to eat me.
Barankin turned around and saw his mother’s beloved cat Muska. He was not afraid and even began to talk to the cat, not paying attention to the cries of Kostya, who prudently flew into a tree.
As a result, the cat jumped on Barankin and crushed him under him. Yura managed to wriggle free and took off, leaving several feathers in the cat’s claws.
13. What grandmothers tweet about.
An old sparrow flew up to Yura and Kostya and began to scold them. He was indignant that the boys behaved so frivolously with the cat. He said that sparrows cannot have familiar cats. He demanded to name his parents.
Kostya and Yura hastily flew away, dissatisfied with the sparrow's life. They sat down on an empty tree and something whistled past Yura.
14. Long-range slingshot with optical sight.
Yura sees that his roommate, Venka Smirnov, is aiming at him with a slingshot. Moreover, this slingshot was made by Barankin himself.
He and Kostya quickly fly away and from a bird's eye view notice that the city is full of cats and boys with slingshots. This discovery depresses them. They get tired and suddenly a sparrow calls out to them.
15. What happens when sons renounce their mother.
The fat sparrow calls the boys her babies and invites them to build a nest. Kostya and Yura tell the sparrow that she was mistaken and they are not her children. The sparrow is indignant, calls other sparrows as witnesses and gives the imaginary children a good beating.
Kostya and Yura agree to be her children and fly off to build a nest.
16. Kostya and I are learning to build a nest.
The sparrow teaches the boys how to build a nest, from time to time she pecks at them, and the boys are surprised. It turns out that sparrows also have to study and work.
At this time, a fat red sparrow arrives, who turns out to be the boys' father, Chika.
17. Fight for the birdhouse.
Chika drags his whole family into a fight for the birdhouse from which the swifts have flown south. Malinin does not know how to fight, but Barankin drags him along.
The sparrows immediately crash into a flock of fighting sparrows.
Malinin clings to Barankin's tail and Yura pulls him out of the fight.
18. Kostya Malinin tweeted.
The guys try to fly away from the battlefield, but they are pursued by four sparrows, who shout that these two tweeted the loudest.
Barankin uses a cunning technique - he turns over on his back in flight and kicks with his legs. So he scatters his pursuers and the guys fly away.
Tired and embittered, Kostya offers to immediately turn into butterflies, which cats do not eat and do not build nests.
Yura has doubts, but decides to support his friend. Three cats creep up to them and the boys hastily recite the converted spell.

Part three. I am a skit boy, and Kostya is a swallowtail.
19. Pest known to the population.
The cats sneak up on the boys, and they continue to desperately read the spell. The cats separate and prepare to jump. Barankin thinks that everything is lost, but the cats suddenly turn around and run away.
Barankin examines himself and realizes that he has turned into a butterfly. He looks around in search of Kostya and sees a wonderful butterfly. It turns out that Kostya Malinin turned into a swallowtail, and Barankin himself into a skittish, into a pest.
Kostya calls Yura along with him, promising to treat him with nectar.
20. Sleeping Beauty
The boys flew for nectar, but suddenly Kostya noticed a beautiful yellow butterfly, a buckthorn, in the gutter and decided to get to know it. Barankin called him a girl, but nothing came of the acquaintance. The butterfly was sleeping. Kostya said that this is the law of nature and that butterflies sleep in winter. Barankin was upset because he didn’t want to sleep through the winter holidays.
Then a familiar tailless sparrow appeared and Kostya hid. Barankin was unaware of the danger and began to talk to the sparrow, but Kostya pulled him under the roof in time.
Barankin decided to silently endure the difficulties of the butterflies' life.
21. Anti-aircraft cap.
The guys flew to a large flowerbed that smelled deliciously of nectar. Barankin had already begun to eat when he heard shouts of “Crush the gypsy moth.” He didn’t pay attention to them, because he was a skit. But a cap fell nearby. The boys were hunting for him. It seemed to be Venka Smirnov again and another boy. They were glad that they had shot down Barankin and looked for him in the grass.
Yura folded his wings and hid. And when the guys turned away, he took off and sat down on the post with the clock, next to Kostya.
22. Goodbye guys, maybe we won't see each other again
Barankin offered to fly to the vegetable gardens, but Kostya said that it was impossible to go there, the butterflies were poisoned with chemicals there. And he offered to fly to the school garden and at the same time look at the children.
Kostya was flying fast and Barankin began to fall behind. Then he grabbed Kostya by the paws and flew to school in tow. They sat on the windowsills and watched the guys work in the garden.
Then Yakovlev arrived and a fuss arose. The guys were clearly looking for Barankin and Malinin.
Kostya called Yura to the flowers and they began to go down.
23. Anti-sneezing vaccination.
Yura chose a huge flower and climbed inside. He began to eat nectar and sneezed. Then someone butted him and Yura butted him back.
But when he crawled out of the flower, he saw a bee looking at him. Yura got scared and flew away. He looked where Kostya was and saw that he, too, had been driven into a flower by a bee.
Barankin grabbed a light twig and hit the bee from behind. And then he fell into the grass from hunger.
24. I understand my mistake, but a terrible law of nature comes into play.
Barankin came to his senses near a puddle of water and began to drink water. He understood that turning into sparrows and butterflies was a mistake, but he did not know who he should turn into. Yura looked at the ants and decided that it was not worth turning into these hard workers.
Suddenly Barankin remembered how he was called a drone at the meeting and shouted to Malinin that they urgently needed to turn into drones who were definitely not doing anything.
But the guys didn’t remember what drones looked like. Finally Kostya said that drones are like bees.
Yura saw that Kostya was falling asleep and realized that he could sleep all winter. He wanted to pour water from the puddle on him.
25. They already have a butterfly like me in their collection.
The guys from the class scolded Barankin and Malinin, not suspecting that they were under their feet. Fokina and the other girls sat in a circle and began reading a report about butterflies.
Barankin wanted to cover Malinin with a piece of paper so that he would not be noticed and dragged a piece of newspaper. They noticed him, but Fokina said that they already had the skit.
Then they noticed Kostya, and Fokina became agitated. How is it that in our city there is a real swallowtail from the Ussuri region.
The girls with the net began to sneak up with Kostya.
26. In the stain, therefore in the dryer, and in the straightener.
The girls cooked for Kostya terrible death and Barankin decided to act. He rushed at Kostya and pushed him. Then he shouted to make him a candle and butterflies took off into the sky.
But Kostya still wanted to sleep and fell into the bushes, next to the ants.
Barankin began to tickle him and Kostya woke up again. Yura told him about the stain and the collection and Kostya finally woke up.
He began to read a spell to turn into a goosebump. Barankin wanted to become a drone, but he couldn’t leave his comrade and also became a drone

Part four. Guard! Mimriki"
27. An unpleasant event for Fokina and a saving one for us
The girls crept up to the bushes, but there were no butterflies there anymore, but two ants.
Yura reprimanded Kostya for turning into ants, but he waved him off. He said that he doesn’t believe in instinct, and today is a day off and the ants are also resting.
The boys found a round seed and began to play football. Real ants saw them and moved their antennae.
Kostya and Yura came out of the bushes and saw ants running along the path, carrying something. They all worked.
The boys wanted to quickly leave, but instinct forced them to move towards the anthill.
28. We are repairing an anthill
The guys did not want to work, but instinct forced them to grab a twig and drag it to the anthill. They began to scurry back and forth to the anthill, dragging various weights. They tried to free themselves from the action of instinct, but nothing worked for them.
And then Venka Smirnov walked past the anthill and poked it with a stick.
It was as if he switched the ants to third gear and they began to intensively restore the anthill.
29. It was probably the only riot of its kind on earth.
Barankin understands that this was not the life he dreamed of. He tries to fight his instinct and decides to start a riot. He throws pine needles and demands that Malinin throw a leaf. Kostya also throws the leaf and the boys run into the bushes. They begin to cast a spell to turn into a human, but then some ants grab them.
30. Unexpected salvation from an unexpected threat.
The old ant began to ask the guys why they weren’t working. Barankin said that today is Sunday and today is a day off. These are the rules in a brick anthill.
The ants made a noise and began to suspect the boys.
And the old ants consulted and said that this was an unheard-of crime and for it these two idler ants were sentenced to death.
Kostya and Yura were dragged away from the anthill.
31. This is what myrmics are and this is what Kostya Malinin is.
At this time, the sentinel ant raised the alarm - myrmics appeared. Kostya and Yura climbed onto the flower and began to look from above. They saw huge red ants appear and quickly bite off the heads of the black ones.
Then the guys saw real war ants. Red ants surrounded the black anthill and attacked. But Black did not give up and took advantage of his numerical superiority. The blacks began to crowd out the red ones.
At this time, the boys noticed a huge detachment of redheads who were hurrying to the anthill.
Yura said that he urgently needed to turn into a human, but Kostya grabbed a twig and rushed into the thick of the battle, shouting “Death to the Myrmics!”
32. We get surrounded
Kostya ran towards the myrmics alone with his club at the ready. He would probably have died, but Barankin managed to grab him and drag him into the forest.
But even here they were found by red ants.
Barankin ordered Kostya to climb the flower and urgently turn into a human, and he himself climbed after.
The Mimriks began to climb up the stem after the boys.
33. Ten big ones on two small ones and a spider web.
The red ants persistently climbed onto the flower and Yura beat them with a twig until the twig broke. The boys retreated to the middle of the flower and Kostya flatly refused to turn into a man without a friend.
Then Barankin saw a cobweb over a flower and the guys quickly jumped on it. Yura bit the cobweb and it was blown away by the wind. The red ants did not have time to grab the boys.
From above, the guys saw that the war of the ants had already ended and the blacks, having won, returned to normal work.
The boys began to read the spell, but then the swift grabbed Kostya in flight and carried him away.
Part five. Barankin, be human!
34. Voice from beyond the grave.
Barankin experiences the death of a friend who died as a hero. He discovers that he has turned into a man and goes home without noticing anyone. Yura sits down on a bench and roars at the top of his lungs.
But then he hears a voice that asks why he burst into tears.
35. We exist!
It was Malinin's voice. Barankin decided that his friend was speaking to him from the other world, because he saw how he was eaten by a swift. But Malinin also saw how the swift ate Barankin.
Finally Yura opened his eyes and saw Kostya.
The guys are happy. screaming, feeling each other. they are delighted to be human again.
Then the rest of the guys come and the boys hug them all, shouting, “Man, that sounds proud.”
They are in a hurry to start studying.
On the stairs, Yura sees Venka Smirnov, slaps him on the head and breaks his slingshot.
36. I want to be human forever.
That day Yura and Kostya did homework for four hours. Then they worked excitedly in the school garden.
The next morning, the friends arrive at school first.
The boys' lives change. They begin to study well, correct their failing grades, and everything is fine with them.

Drawings and illustrations for the story "Barankin, be a man!"

Fascinating story by Valery Medvedev “Barankin, be a man!” loved by many generations of children for its incredible interesting adventures its characters, ease of presentation and answers to some, sometimes not entirely childish, questions.

It all starts with the fact that two friends, Yura Barankin and Kostya Malinin, receive bad marks in geometry in the very first week of September. Their classmates are outraged, because they all really wanted to be the best in school in terms of academic performance and hoped that every student would do their best. And two carefree friends did not want to waste time preparing for the lesson and let their comrades down. What was especially offensive for everyone was the fact that these were the very first grades in the class in the beginning of the year. Yura and Kostya, in turn, do not understand the general indignation; they believe that if the mathematician had called someone else, then there would be no problem, and they themselves had nothing to do with it.

The general meeting of the class decided to work with the laggards so that they would not disgrace the entire team, and the excellent student Misha Yakovlev should start this coming Sunday, immediately after planting trees in the garden.

On Sunday morning, while waiting for classmates, friends discuss the past meeting and are indignant at the fact that they have to study instead of Sunday rest social activities and cram geometry. Yura finds the call from excellent student Zina especially offensive: “Barankin, be a man!” It's as if he's not a person at all! But it must be great to be not a person, but a sparrow, for example! You sit on your own branch, tweet all day and no lessons, no public assignments! And this idea captivates the children so much that, having hastily composed a simple spell, they alternately turn into sparrows, butterflies and ants. However, such a life turned out to be completely carefree. It turned out that you need to study, and work, and look for food, and dodge numerous dangers. Sparrows escape from cats and are shot at with a slingshot. Young people hunt butterflies, collecting them in collections; in addition, in the fall they go to bed and it is not known whether they will be able to wake up in the spring. And ants generally work until dark, obeying instincts, and they are attacked by myrmics, waging a very cruel and bloody war. And no one, absolutely no one knows what Sunday rest is!

Having become human again, the guys completely change their lives. They begin to enjoy participating in social tasks and study diligently. Having been sparrows, butterflies and ants, they understood from their own experience how important it is to know a lot, be able to do a lot and be hardworking. It is knowledge that makes a person a Human. They have learned to be human and have been teaching the same to young readers of Valery Medvedev’s wonderful story for many years.

Picture or drawing Medvedev - Barankin be a man

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary of the opera Free Shooter by Weber

    The shooters' holiday has arrived. The villagers began to congratulate the winner of the competition, Kilian. A huntsman named Max was unable to hit the target even once and became a laughing stock. Out of anger, Max attacks Kilian with his fists

  • Summary of Chisty Dor Koval

    A man was walking along a country road towards a nearby village and came across an ax lying in the ground. He picked it up and continued on his way.

  • Brief summary of Gray Neck Mamin-Sibiryak

    In autumn, the birds were preparing to fly to warmer places. The duck and the drake were constantly arguing. She condemned her husband for being indifferent to their children. He assumed that he was acting correctly. All the quarrels were over a little wounded duck.

  • Brief summary of Sylvester's Domostroy

    This is a collection of the basics of the lifestyle of any Orthodox man. It gives the concept of the family, as a small church, about the worldly structure and righteous life. Contain instructions for each family member and for each occasion.

  • Summary of Dandelion Wine Ray Bradbury

    The book tells the story of a twelve-year-old boy, Douglas, his family and friends. Every day of his young life he makes amazing discoveries

Introduction about the author.
V. Medvedev's story appeared more than 40 years ago (1961). But among those on whom its publication depended, a dispute arose: to publish the story about Barankina or return it to the author.
Many people were confused by this fairy tale - not a fairy tale, just a fable. Ordinary obstinate guys, inveterate losers, without the intervention of any wizards, with the help of simple spells invented by them themselves, turn into... sparrows, then into... butterflies, and then into... ants.

Fortunately, the book was published and has become a favorite of children for several generations.
The book went through a number of editions; it has been translated into more than 20 languages. A cartoon was filmed, and even an operetta appeared.
Years passed, and the author decided to continue the adventures of Barankin. The second part appeared, entitled “The Super-Adventures of a Super-Cosmonaut.”
Both stories by Valery Medvedev are full of humor and fantasy.

Let us also call on our imagination to the rescue and take a ride on literary carousel.
Elephants, horses, camels, monkeys are waiting for their children friends. But our fabulous literary carousel has its own characters. Who will ride what will be determined by lot:
- who is on butterflies,
- who is on the sparrows,
- who is on the ants.

Good luck, our literary carousel!
Each team takes turns answering questions.

1. What was the name of the section in the wall newspaper where photographs of Barankin and Malinin were posted? / "Humor and satire."
2. “How in opera it turns out...” What is this about? / On Sunday morning - a lesson with M. Yakovlev, and then - planting trees.“Well, it turns out, it means, like in an opera, it turns out... “No sleep, no rest for the tormented soul!”
3. What inscription was on the wall of the house where Barankin lived? /Barankin is an unfortunate dreamer!!!
4. Who was hiding under the guise of a sparrow with blue eyes? /Kostya Malinin.
5. What trials did the “humanoid butterflies” face? /Sparrow; boys (“Crush the Silkworm”); hunger: vegetable gardens are being poisoned; bees, hibernation; young people
6. By whom and for what were the ants Kostya and Yura punished? / They stopped work and went to bed. Council of the Elder Ants.
7. Continue the comparison (according to Barankin):
“I’m sitting on a bench with my eyes closed, I have goosebumps all over my body, like crazy ones, running around like... / the guys are on a big break."

(When answering, you can use the text).

8. “Kostya worked like.../ the most real ant."
9. “Barankin! Are you flying like... /a pie with cabbage?/ Press all the pedals. Nectar is coming!
10. “Steam was pouring out of me, and my heart was jumping like ... / lid on a boiling kettle."

1. Who owns the words: “Oh, you ruined such a beautiful newspaper? / Era Kuzyakina - editor-in-chief of the wall newspaper.
2. “Whose cow would moo, as they say, but his would be silent.” To whom would these words of Yura and Kostya be addressed and why? /Addressed to Venka Smirnov. This Venka's performance last year was even worse than that of Barankin and Malinin.
3. Barankin suggested that Malinin spend Sunday like a human being. How is it? /“That means for real. Let’s give ourselves a real day off, and take a rest, as we should, from this arithmetic, from Mishka Yakovlev... let’s take a rest from everything in the world.”
4. “Chap-chap-nonsense notation” - what is it about? . /Old man (= old sparrow) rolled his eyes and began to tweet about how diligent and obedient the little sparrows were in his time, how smart they all were, how they weren’t foolish, but now they’re all foolish.
5. What terrible death was the class leader, Zinka Fokina, preparing for Kostya? / “We’ll catch it - and put it in the stain, then in the dryer, then in the straightener...”
6. Why did Kostya get into a fight with the red ants? Instinct? /No. A man spoke in Kostya. Injustice.

7. “Muska! - I had time to think and rushed with all my might to the side and up towards the acacia... I flew like .../stone from a slingshot.”
8. “I climbed the hind legs. I straightened my tired back. And he shouted loudly to the whole field, like .../Peter I near Poltava.”
9. “The butterfly hummed threateningly and butted me, then it rested its head on my head and squeezed me out of the flower, like .../toothpaste from a tube.”
10. “There were a lot of flowers in the flowerbed - beautiful, white, and blue - and from all of them there was such a wonderful nectar smell, like... / from mom’s cookies in the kitchen.”

1. What proposal did Yura Barankin have in this regard? /“I propose to remove our cards so that the newspaper will be beautiful again! Or, as a last resort, cross out the slogan! - “Study only for “good” and “excellent” grades.
2. What verbs rained down on the unfortunate head of Yu. Barankin from morning to evening? / ^ Wake up, get dressed, go, fetch, take, buy, sweep, help, teach, don’t fidget, don’t cheat, don’t be rude, don’t be late...
3. How did Yura Barankin realize that he had turned into a sparrow? /Inhuman thoughts began to appear: chirp a little in sparrow language; inhuman desires and intentions: to fly up from a bench and fly through the air a little, then to sit on the very top of a birch tree, then to live a little in a birdhouse, to peck oats...
4. Under what circumstances did the sparrow Barankin use the “barrel” combat technique? / Fight for the birdhouse.
5. “We wanted to move away from the anthill, but here something happened to us
6. an incomprehensible thing...” What? / Instinct
7. “I covered my face with my hands and roared, roared for the first time in my life.” Why did Barankin roar? / Lost a friend.
8. “The sparrows began to scold Kostya and me even louder, and our “mommy” gave us such a beating that the fluff flew out of Kostya and me like... /from pillows.”
9. “He was sitting on the bank of a puddle, all smeared with flower pollen, one of his wings stuck out, and the other hung like.../ a dog's ear."
10. “Kostya Malinin stood tensely next to me, but then suddenly spun in place, like.../ a dog that wants to catch itself by the tail.”
11. “I think I’m starting to go crazy from this hunger. To come to my senses, I took it and shook myself, like.../ dog after bathing.

1. Name nicknames - teasers. /Example minister - M. Yakovlev;
photo - Count, Your Manifestation - Alik;
youths - lunatics,
Yakovlev is from a family of excellent students).
2. What spells sounded from the lips of Yura and Kostya?

I don't want to study, I want to be a bird! I'm sure the sparrow lives without worries! Here I am! Here I am turning into a sparrow!
I'm sure the moth lives without worries! Here I am! Here I am! I'm turning into a moth!
I don’t want to be a moth either night or day! Everyone in the world is better off being a drone, of course.
Oh, mommy! I don't want to be a butterfly! It's good to be creepy! Butterfly is not good!

3. Which one is the most important?
Not at night! Not during the day! Don't want! Be! An ant!
I want! Forever!
Being human!

The heroes of the book understood a simple truth - It’s wonderful to be human.
Sometimes we get tired, we want to get rid of everyday hassles, it seems to us that in this world someone lives cheerfully and carefree. But that's not true.

And at the end - a surprise: crispy bagels and a cartoon.