The reading diary can be formatted as a table. Educational and methodological material on the topic: How to create a reader's diary

Reader's Diary is a diary for book lovers (and for those who... must to become one, that is, for schoolchildren who have to read in the summer according to given lists), it is an ideal journal for keeping track of the history of books that you have read and want to leave all the most important things, collecting everything from different books in one place. This book, from the first reading mentor in Russia, will teach you how to analyze and understand books, and will show that literature is a whole world in which you, too, can become a creator.

This journal is a durable book/journal that comes in two parts. The first part explains what you can do in a reader's diary: how to write down your impressions and quotes, draw your favorite characters, compile a dictionary, even come up with a crossword puzzle or mind map, look for a recipe for dishes mentioned in a book, come up with fan fiction. Here are examples compiled by children - Martha's students.

The second part of the diary - creative pages, which the reader will fill out.

This is a useful gift for book lovers who find it useful to keep track of all their literary conquests, for any schoolchild, because such a diary will help you quickly remember the works you read and write an essay (indispensable for preparing for the Unified State Exam!). No matter how convenient volumes with summaries of literary works are, your own “squeeze” is much more useful than any of them. Exactly here yours thoughts and feelings, something that will help you write a unique, inimitable essay.

The diary is individual, so each reader gets his own copy. For book-loving families, it is recommended that you purchase a copy for each reading family member.

The reader's diary will teach you to freely express and write down your thoughts on paper; reason logically, analyze, find patterns, work with information; pay attention to details; remember important things. These are the very skills that required when writing any essay.

To those who loves to write, this book will help develop writing skills, expand your horizons, teach through analysis literary work understand yourself and other people better.

Moreover, this unique book will instill a love of literature and reading, and diversify leisure time, because it contains many ideas on how to spend time after reading the book.

The diary is written in living language, with children with it start creating!

You can fill out the pages however you like: if you don't want to draw illustrations, leave these pages for writing about the books. No imposing someone else's will: this your diary.

Some pages in the photo:

From the author

You have a rarity in your hands. Almost everyone has mobile phone or good sneakers, and a reading diary is only for the creative and thoughtful. Such people are also called talented. They definitely need a place for their ideas, impressions, drawings, drawings. And there’s a lot of it in the reader’s diary! This is the territory of your freedom.

The first pages are occupied by a story about how you can fill out a reader's diary with passion and imagination. The second part is empty spreads. Space for you, the main person in this reader's diary.

When there are no empty lines left here, the reader's diary will become a portal into the world of your superpowers for everything in the world: drawing illustrations, analyzing facts, cooking, writing reviews, and most importantly - enthusiastic reading fiction, the same rare talent, like teleportation, precognition, or elemental control.

Now you have read a number of books, maybe one, or maybe several dozen. You somehow keep them all in your memory. The day will come when you will pay attention to hundreds of writers and their stories. To remember everything, you will only need to flip through your reading diary.

Argue with Pushkin, be a co-author of Chekhov, add exclamation marks, publish a devastating critical review of last novel Rowling, color all the letters in green color... There is no other place where there is as much freedom as in a reader's diary.

What's in the book?


5 reasons to keep a reading diary
Diaries of the Great
What can you do in a reader's diary?
What else can you do in a reader's diary?
How to write about your thoughts and feelings
Star, circle, letter - code!
Why write out citations?
5 tips for a beginner illustrator
Make a book dictionary
Interesting Facts
5 cartographer actions
Anatomy of a review
Write fanfic
Taste literature
The best way to ask questions
Instructions for composing a literary crossword puzzle
The mystery of two bookshelves


Quotes and my thoughts
Interesting Facts

about the author

Marta Reitses is the founder and methodologist of Russia’s first organization of professional reading mentors, “Book Guide.”

According to her, reading is an activity in which you need to constantly develop: “We popularize reading and show people that in fact it is not just a developing activity. It's also extremely interesting. Reading is a wonderful leisure activity. In addition, we develop skills that will help a person when reading. These are the skills of text analysis, memorization, speed reading techniques, the ability to draw smart cards, navigate in the historical and cultural context... It is very important that we present all this in an easy way, without edification.”

At the end school year Many teachers give students lists of literature that need to be studied during the holidays. However, books require more than just reading. Teachers require that the material studied be entered into the reader's diary. Unfortunately, many children fail to cope with this task because they do not know how to properly keep a reading diary and what it is all about.

Who needs a reader's diary?

Some parents have a negative attitude towards the management of emergency situations. Very often you can hear the phrase: “How can I keep a reading diary for a child, even if sometimes I don’t remember the name of the author or the characters of the work I read? If I liked it, I remembered it; I didn’t like it, why keep it in my memory! And in general, I already have it.” reads under sticks." Unfortunately, such statements can be heard quite often. Based on this, we can conclude that we read only for momentary entertainment. However, this is not quite true.

The general education school curriculum includes works that teach children kindness, mutual understanding, relationships and other necessary qualities of an intellectually developed person. Moreover, the goal reader's diary It’s not at all about developing a love of reading in a child. As a rule, children read any work (even a fairy tale) in order to learn something interesting that they have not heard about before. In addition, many hold competitions, quizzes or marathons in which children have to remember what they once read. For example, tell a fairy tale, a riddle, answer a question about some hero. And how can they do this if the material they read has long since disappeared from their memory? If the child knows how to keep a reading diary and use this knowledge, then the information will be available to him at any time.

Why do you need a reader's diary?

A reading diary is a kind of cheat sheet that will help a child remember all the material he has ever read. In addition, ChD teaches children to analyze a work and make brief conclusions from what they read. After all, this is what is most difficult for elementary school students. Studying works, writing down summary In the Black House, the child also trains writing skills. Memory is also trained, because by writing down the names of the main characters and the author, various dates, the contents of the text, the child remembers them better. Among other things, parents, by monitoring the conduct of black-and-white, can understand which genre interests the child more and what they should pay attention to. Now you need to figure out how to keep a reading diary.

Keeping a reader's diary

In principle, a black hole is an ordinary notebook in which the student writes down his thoughts, some quotes from the work, a summary, the names of the author and main characters. The simplest model is when the sheet is divided into two columns, in one of which they write the name of the work, in the other - their conclusions. However, this scheme is more understandable to the older generation; it is not suitable for children. How to keep a reading diary for children? In principle, there is nothing complicated about this. However, it will be difficult for the child himself to design such a model. It's better to do this together with your parents. So, take a simple student notebook (preferably not very thin) and draw it into several columns:

By doing this regularly, the child consolidates the material he has read and in the future will be able to easily answer any question about the work.

How to keep a reader's diary - sample

Reading diary for a student junior classes may look like this.

Reader's diary (sample)

How to use

It is advisable to fill out the blacklist immediately after reading the work or the next day, having the text at hand in order to remember the most important points. From time to time you need to look through the completed pages to refresh your memory and consolidate your impression of the work. At the end of the blacklist, you should make a contents page, where you will enter the names of the books you read and the page number with their description. Thus, it will be much easier to navigate the black hole.

Summer Reading Diary


The point of keeping such a diary is that it can become a real assistant in the development of a child, teach him to think and express his thoughts, train literacy skills and beautiful speech, teach the child to retell and, at the same time, exercise control over how he understood the text.

    Indicate the date of reading (if the work is large and was read for more than one day, then write the start and end date of reading),

    Write who the main characters are.

    What or who is the work you read about? Briefly describe the plot (3-6 sentences is enough).

    Did you like what you read? Evaluate the actions of the heroes.

    If you want, make an illustration for the text.

Sample summer reading list


Russians folk tales : Tiny Khavroshechka. Russian folk tales about animals: Winter hut of animals, Cat, rooster and fox, Fox and hare, Goby - a tar barrel, Fox and crane, Little fox-sister and wolf, Cockerel - a golden comb.

English folk songs . translation by S. Marshak.

Literary fairy tales.

1. G.Kh. Andersen "The Princess and the Pea", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier".

2. A. Lindgren. "Three stories about Malysh and Carlson." "Mio, my Mio."

4. A. Milne. " Winnie the Pooh and that's all, that's all."

5. Brothers Grimm. "Mistress Blizzard"

6. C. Perrault. "Sleeping Beauty".

7. D. Rodari. "Journey of the Blue Arrow"

8. A.S. Pushkin. "The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes." "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"…

9. P. Ershov. "The Little Humpbacked Horse".

10. P. Bazhov. "Silver Hoof". "Blue Snake"

11. V. Kataev. "The pipe and the jug."

12. K. Chukovsky. "Dr. Aibolit". "Cockroach." "Barmaley".

14. G. Tsyferov. "Like a little frog was looking for dad."

Stories about children and for children.

1. Stories from “Russian ABC” by L.N. Tolstoy (“Three Bears”, “How Uncle Semyon told about what happened to him in the forest”, “Cow”, “Filipok”).

2. N. Nosov. "Living Hat" "Buddy." "Dreamers." Karasik. "The Cheerful Family and Other Stories." "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends."

3. V. Dragunsky. "It's alive and glowing..."

4. V. Oseeva. " Magic word". "Why? ". "Blue leaves."

5. B. Zhitkov. "How I caught little men."

About animals.

1. V. Bianchi. Sinichkin calendar. Forest houses. Orange neck.

3. N. Sladkov. Multi-colored earth. Forest tales.

4. M. Prishvin. Hedgehog. Guys and ducklings.

Russian classical poetry.

1. A.S. Pushkin. "Winter! The peasant is triumphant...", "Ruddy dawn..."

2. N. Nekrasov. "It is not the wind that rages over the forest..."

4. S. Yesenin. "Winter sings and calls..."

Contemporary poetry.

1. N. Rubtsov. Sparrow. Crow.

2. A. Barto. In defense of Santa Claus.

3. G. Sapgir. Gifts of spring. Gardener. Cat and me. Forest alphabet. Four envelopes. A Tale of Forest Music.

5. I. Pivovarova. We searched for a long time. What did the cloud dream about? Blue evening.

6. O. Driz. Glass pieces. Buttons. One hundred spring frogs. When a person is six. Cello. SIP of water.

7. Yu. Moritz. It's true! This is a no! Favorite pony. Pony.

8. D. Rodari. Train of poems.

9. V. Berestov. Fairy tales, songs, riddles. Master Bird. Lark. On the way to first class

How to create a reader's diary?

1 . Zand the basis can be taken from a simple notebook in a cage. On the title page you need to write: “Reader’s diary”, the author’s first and last name, class. Also, the child can design the cover at his own discretion.

2 . On the next page, prepare the contents of a reading diary, which will list all the books that need to be read (you can cut it out from this memo).

    When writing information about a book you read, you can follow the following procedure: First write the title of the work, Surname I.O. author.

Next, you need to list the main characters of the book, you can give them a brief description. The next point is the presentation of the plot (for example, where and when the events take place, what the conflict is, when it is resolved, etc.) You can describe one of your favorite episodes in the book.

If the book liked:

    you can draw a character you like or paste a coloring picture with him

    find and paste a portrait of the author of the book, write it full name and middle name

Reading date_______________________________________

Name ____________________________________________________


Plot ______________________________________________________


My opinion _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Why do you need a reader's diary?

Keeping a reading diary is not a goal, but a means! To ensure that the knowledge gained from reading books is not lost, a reading diary is needed.

Journal entries will help you remember the book after a while. It will be quite easy to find the necessary information about the works you read - who the characters are, what happened to them, why you liked it, what it made you think about. The diary will help you pay attention to both book authors and illustrators - you will be able to navigate the “sea of ​​books” more easily.

How to create a reader's diary?

It is better to take a squared notebook as the basis for a reading diary. On the cover, write “Reader's Diary”, indicate the name andowner's last name. You can design the cover (for example, with drawings for books) in your own way discretion.

This picture can be printed and pasted on the cover - click on it.

At the beginning of the diary you can write or paste List of books for reading and various Reminders- tips (“Learn to read correctly”, “How to talk about a book?”...).

It is better to fill out the diary immediately after you read the book or the next day. In this case, the memories will be fresh, and if necessary, you can turn to the book. From time to time, you should definitely look through the diary - then knowledge of the contents and impressions about the book will be fixed in your memory.

How to write entries in a diary?

For those who are just learning to read on their own, the easiest way is suitable.- make entries in the table:

If the book liked:

  • draw a character you like or paste a coloring picture with him
  • find and paste a portrait of the author of the book, write his full name and patronymic

If the book I liked it very much:

  • make illustrations (or comics) based on what you read;
  • come up with riddles or puzzles about heroes;
  • make a crossword puzzle based on what you read;
  • write and “send” a letter to the characters or the author of the book in your diary;
  • find out and write down Interesting Facts from the writer's biography.

More experienced readers can write in a diary, answering the following questions:

2. Genre of the work (fairy tale, short story, story, poetry, fable, epic...)

2. Tell us about the main character of the book:

Age and appearance of the hero

His character traits

His favorite activities

What he likes or doesn’t like, his habits, etc.

Who are his friends? What are they?

Would you like to be like this hero? How?

Is there anything you don't like about him? Why?

Draw a portrait of your favorite hero

3. Which passage from the book did you like (or remember) most? What is he talking about? Why did he leave you indifferent?
Draw an illustration for the passage.

4. Did you like the book? How? Write your impression or opinion about what you read.

5. What will you tell your friend about this book so that he will definitely want to read it?


These points can be used not all, partly! You can rearrange the items in a way that is convenient for the owner of the reading diary. You can come up with your own pages, add your own points.
The main thing is that the reader's diary becomes an assistant and interlocutor for its owner.

Look at what a Reader's Diary might look like

You can also use a ready-made option :

GDZ Reader's Diary 2nd grade (answers on works) from "GDZ Gramota" comes to the rescue.

GDZ based on the reader's diary allows you to see correct design reading diary in 2nd grade and directly filling out the reading diary in 2nd grade.

Depending on the school curriculum, the reader's journal sample may vary.

Therefore, in this section of our website you will find a ready-made reading diary for grade 2 in several versions:

1. Standard example of a reading diary for grade 2

Such a GDZ for a reading diary, grade 2 (ready reading diary) contains the title, author’s name and genre of the work, a brief summary of the work for the reading diary, a plan for the reading diary, main idea, what the work teaches, syncwine, review for the reading diary and proverbs for the work.

In addition, all works are illustrated with children's drawings. Colorful pictures help children visually remember the plot of a particular work.

2. Diary of Reader Klyukhin answers grade 2

This is the GDZ reader's diary school of Russia Federal State Educational Standard 2nd grade - answers to print edition author I.V. Klyukhina from 2017.

This ready-made reading diary for grade 2 differs from the usual one in its works and questions.

It contains tasks on lexicology, word formation and spelling.

Also in Klyukhina’s Reader’s Diary, each work has creative task– draw an illustration depicting your favorite character or episode.

Why does a second grader need a reading journal?

1. This form of work allows you to better remember the work. The child not only reads, but analyzes fairy tales and stories for the 2nd grade reading diary.

2. Keeping a reading diary 2nd grade disciplines and teaches students to draw conclusions about what they read. Rereading a large number of works, the second grader begins to better understand moral values ​​and distinguish between good and evil.

3. The child learns to express his thoughts briefly and clearly.

5. If necessary, the student will be able to quickly remember the plot of a fairy tale, story, or poem. To do this, you don’t have to read the work again, just re-read your notes. This is very important point. After all, during the school year, children do not always have time to work in accordance with the rhythm of the curriculum. And when you don’t have enough time for reading or physical rest, the GDZ reader’s diary (answers) will come in handy.

6. Keeping such a notebook helps to train writing skills: handwriting, spelling, punctuation.

7. Filling out a reader's diary shapes the reader's culture and generates a love for literature.

In addition, it happens that children, for one reason or another, do not have time to re-read the entire list of literature for the 2nd grade reading diary.

In this case, you can copy the reader's diary directly from our website.

The information indicated in it gives a fairly comprehensive idea of ​​the plot of the work and fully reflects its meaning.

Now the question “How to fill out a reading diary for grade 22 is closed.

You can safely enjoy the summer!