Bunin school program. What did Soviet schoolchildren read? Anton Chekhov. "The Cherry Orchard"

The novel gives a broad picture of the socio-political life of Russia late XIX century. The Russian intelligentsia is one of the main historical problems our country. Problems in the sense that this social layer I could never find myself, decide on my own ideals. Intellectuals, liberals, terrorists - after reading the novel you will not have any questions why in Russian Empire these concepts were synonymous for many.

2. “Uncle Vanya”, Anton Chekhov

Gorky after watching theatrical production“Uncle Vanya” wrote to Chekhov: ““Uncle Vanya” and “The Seagull” are a new kind of dramatic art […]. Other dramas do not distract a person from reality to philosophical generalizations - yours do this.” What can we say, Chekhov’s plays are truly the most powerful in Russian literature.

"Uncle Vanya" is in no way inferior to " Cherry Orchard"or "To Three Sisters." But for some reason the Ministry of Education excluded the play from the list of required reading books, which affected its current popularity. If you decide to read it, keep in mind that this work is heavy and the narrative in it is told in a serious tone unusual for Chekhov.

3. “Red Laughter”, Leonid Andreev

If “Red Laughter” is mentioned in literature classes, it is only briefly. The main attention is paid to another story of the author - “Judas Iscariot”. But “Red Laughter” is such a stylistically precise work that you get goosebumps not from the described horrors of war, but from the sonorous, rich syllable.

Nobody wrote about the war like that. No one else ever wrote like that. If you want to clearly and clearly find out what the word “style” means in literature, read Andreev.

4. “The Head of Professor Dowell”, Alexander Belyaev

Belyaev's work is entertaining in nature. That is why, probably, his works were not included in school textbooks. However, the ability to entertain while maintaining excellent art style, is also worth a lot. Even though Belyaev is now rated as a classic of fiction, we don’t always have to read to think about the problems of the world, right? “The Head of Professor Dowell” is a fascinating experiment in science fiction literature for its time.

5. Collected Works, Daniil Kharms

Kharms - a prankster and a daredevil Soviet literature. His absurdist prose is devoid of an obvious moralizing message, which is why schoolchildren receive certificates without learning anything about the most original Soviet writer. It is quite difficult to single out Kharms’ central work, so we recommend reading the first thing that comes to hand. Here, for example, is the whole story “New Anatomy”:

One little girl grew two blue ribbons on her nose. The case is especially rare, because on one tape it was written “Mars”, and on the other “Jupiter”.

This novel needs no introduction. Ostap Bender’s phrases have long been disassembled into quotes and have become popular. Even if for some reason you did not have a chance to read the legendary novel about the great schemer, you have probably seen one of its many film adaptations. However, this is the case when none of the film incarnations compares with the literary original. After all, these are like Shanghai leopards compared to Mexican jerboas. Infinitely better.

7. “The Living and the Dead”, Konstantin Simonov

The trilogy by Konstantin Simonov is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. It is based on personal experience author, and perhaps that is why it turned out to be so inspired and sincere. This is a chronicle of the events of 1941–1945, presented through the prism of the views of war participants. The work is fundamental, large-scale, with many deeply written images, strong dialogues and storylines. "War and Peace" of the 20th century.

It’s strange why Soviet classic science fiction writers are still not included in the school curriculum. Almost every one of their books is philosophical and covers a wide range of topics. "Roadside Picnic" is perhaps the most famous work authors. The Stalker book series originates here. “The Zone,” even before becoming a popular place for the works of literary epigones, was introduced by the Strugatskys as the deepest metaphor. A metaphor that summarizes all human activity and gives it the universal meaning of the pursuit of happiness.

9. “The Razor’s Edge”, Ivan Efremov

“The Razor's Edge” is a novel in which Efremov expressed his entire worldview. That is why it is so multifaceted and affects great amount different topics: science, philosophy, mysticism, love, yoga. The writer spent such difficult work on the synthesis of materialistic, metaphysical and mystical teachings, that his book can be considered not only as a work of art, but also as a kind of philosophical treatise. It is not surprising that after writing the novel, Efremov acquired the status of a spiritual guru.

10. Novels, Vladimir Nabokov

We can understand why there is no Lolita in the school curriculum. But why so little time is given to other works of the author like “The Defense of Luzhin” or “Invitation to Execution” is a mystery. Nabokov discovered a completely new dimension of the Russian language - one that was unknown to either Pushkin or Tolstoy. His words sound, smell, feel on the skin and tongue. This is a synesthetic feast of sounds and colors, where topics that are not the most traditional for Russian literature are raised, such as the relationship between the author and his creation, and the illusory nature of the world.

11. “Generation “P””, Victor Pelevin

“Generation P” is the bible of the nineties. What's happened new Russia, what are the values ​​of the emerging world, where are their sources and what is the meaning of the media - Pelevin, of course, digs much deeper than the level of an entertaining story about the adventures of the talented PR man Vavilen Tatarsky. Eternal problem“Who can live well in Rus'?” transforms into “What is Rus'? What is good? And what, after all, does it mean to live?

Ideologically, Pelevin’s work is somewhat outdated: there are already different realities in the yard. However, his approach to explaining phenomena, combining postmodern ideas and the metaphysics of Indian and Iranian philosophy, is completely unique. Analysis method discovered by Pelevin social phenomena endows his creation with timeless meaning.

12. “Boris Pasternak”, Dmitry Bykov

The works of this writer cannot be found in the school curriculum for one simple reason: they have not yet managed to get there. Dmitry Bykov is one of the most prominent representatives modern literature. This is a writer classical school with a good sense of language and a desire for extensive character development.

“Boris Pasternak” is a biographical work, but thanks to Bykov’s literary talent, it is read as a work of art and gives a textured understanding of Pasternak’s life path.

And what books are left outside? school curriculum, do you remember?

Alena Baltseva | 01/18/2016 | 20348

Alena Baltseva 01/18/2016 20348

If there is a schoolchild in your family, this is a great reason to re-read with him the most best books included in the literature program. We can bet that many of the works will open up to you in unexpected ways and will become a reason for frank conversations on important topics.

Everyone knows that in the novel “Fathers and Sons” Turgenev touches on the theme of generational conflict, but this work is much deeper. This is not only the story of the relationship between an eccentric son and elderly parents who dote on him and are at the same time afraid of him. This small book is about the conflict of worldviews, human values, and the meaning of life.

Perhaps, rereading “Fathers and Sons” with your child, you will recognize each other there. Isn’t it a great opportunity to invite your child to an open discussion and learn from other people’s mistakes, even literary ones?

A censored novel, written behind prison bars, which caused a real storm in the Russian Empire and beyond - it seems that this is enough to intrigue a teenager, doesn’t it?

In many ways, this philosophical work by Nikolai Chernyshevsky is a response to Turgenev’s “Fathers and Sons.” In Notes from Underground, his ideas were challenged by Fyodor Dostoevsky. And Lenin and Mayakovsky, for example, admired him.

So what is the mystery hidden in this book? Is the new society that Chernyshevsky wrote about possible? Try to figure this out together.

“Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right?” - this question tormented not only Raskolnikov, but at certain moments in life it arises before each of us. Is evil allowed for good? Does the criminal have a chance for redemption and forgiveness? The teenager must find answers to all this first of all together with his parents. Read Crime and Punishment together.

Admit it honestly: did you get through all four volumes of War and Peace at school without missing a single line about the war? If you answered yes, you can only envy your endurance!

In fact, Tolstoy’s epic novel has only two drawbacks that scare away schoolchildren: the abundance of quotations in French and its impressive length. Everything else is all about merit: fascinating story(love is for girls, war is for boys), dynamic storytelling, bright characters.

Help your child consider all the beauty of this work. To make reading more fun, add an element of competition: who can finish the first volume faster? And second? How about reading the entire book to the end? You will not regret that you decided to re-read this great work.

"How smaller woman we love, the easier it is for her to like us”, “We all learned a little something and somehow”, “We honor everyone with zeros, and ourselves with ones”, “But I was given to someone else and I will be faithful to him forever” - list catch phrases One can continue from this poem ad infinitum. No wonder Pushkin considered this work one of the most significant works own composition.

This book contains the story of the first unrequited love of a romantic girl, the story of the idle life of a young dandy, the story of fidelity and self-denial. All this will appear before your eyes in colors if you arrange family readings according to the roles of this masterpiece of Russian literature.

Fonvizin's hysterically funny play about the Prostakov family won instant success on the day of its premiere at the end of the 18th century and continues to make readers laugh beginning of XXI. They say that Grigory Potemkin himself praised Fonvizin in the following words: “Die, Denis, you can’t write better”.

Why did this play fall into the category of immortals? Thanks to at least two quotes:

  • “I don’t want to study - I want to get married!
  • “Here are the fruits of evil.”

At the most, thanks to biting satire exposing ignorance. Another brilliant story about the relationship between parents and children.

Quoting Griboyedov, “ happy hours They’re not watching.” Especially when you hold “Woe from Wit” in your hands, because reading it is a sheer pleasure. As Pushkin predicted for the work, almost half of the poems became proverbs.

This brilliant tragicomedy only superficially touches on the theme of love, exposing sycophancy and servility. Important questions for every person, whether he is 15 years old or 40.

Most famous novel Gogol is a standard example of Russian ironic prose, a kind of “Odyssey”, describing the journey of the enterprising landowner Chichikov through the Russian province, an encyclopedia of archetypes.

To learn to recognize buns, manilas, and boxes in life, you should read “Dead Souls” in your youth. And in order not to “lose your skill”, re-read it in adulthood.

The plot of this ironic, witty novel is indecently simple: for the most part, the main character lies on the sofa in an old robe, occasionally being distracted by attempts to arrange his personal life. Despite this, Oblomov is easy to read and interesting.

Unfortunately, “Oblomovism” affects not only lazy bachelors just over 30, but also respectable fathers of a family already over 40, and originates in the minds of spoiled children under 18. In order to prevent this acute disease, read Goncharov with the whole family!

Unlike Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, the heroes of Chekhov's plays are quite active, but the result is still the same - indecision and mental torment, which in the end do not lead to anything good. To cut down a garden or not to cut down? To lease land or not?

Indeed, what would you do if you were there? main character Ranevskaya's plays? Good topic for family discussion.

Orest Kiprensky, " Poor Lisa»

This dramatic novel is a good reason to discuss with a teenager the ethics of relationships with the opposite sex, talk about male decency and maiden honor. The story of poor Lisa, who committed suicide due to the betrayal of the young man who seduced her, unfortunately, is too often repeated in real life in various variations to be considered just a literary fiction.

An epic work, the main character of which is the classic “bad guy”, the skeptic and fatalist Pechorin. "A Hero of Our Time" inspired romantic works Walter Scott and Lord Byron, as well as Pushkin's Eugene Onegin.

The gloomy main character will seem in many ways relatable to a teenager, and to a seasoned adult too.

Top up lexicon in the laconic phrases of Ella Shchukina, learn to beg in several European languages, get a master class on turning a skin of dubious quality into Shanghai leopard fur, learn 400 relatively honest ways of taking money? Easily!

While a schoolchild will most likely see in the novel of a talented writing duo only a sparkling humorous story, his parents will appreciate the subtle irony of the authors.

Another work that is literally bursting with quotes. Re-read Mikhail Bulgakov’s brilliant satire to remind yourself and explain to your child that “devastation is not in closets, but in heads.”

Over the past 100 years, the school literature curriculum has undergone a number of changes. The number of hours spent studying the material changed, the political and ideological vector of the school curriculum shifted, and much more. But the core of the school literary canon always remained approximately the same.

Our review is based on material from the educational resource “Arzamas”, which tells what Soviet schoolchildren read.

Literature teacher Anastasia Serazetdinova told us what eternal ideas in each of these works do not allow us to throw the classics off the ship of modernity.

Anastasia Serazetdinova

literature teacher

Why does a men's three-piece suit never go out of style? A schoolboy, an office worker, an ambassador, a president - everyone wears suits. Because it's a sign good manners, comfortable fit, there is a secret pocket inside. Because with the help of a classic three-piece you can always be relevant, no matter where you find yourself: at a gala reception or parent meeting. That’s why the suit was called a “classic”. It's the same with literature.
“Dead Souls”, “Woe from Wit”, “Hero of Our Time” - this is a representation of the current structure of the world today, firstly, secondly, this cultural code, allowing you to distinguish your own from someone else, and thirdly, it is an excellent literary language. Doubting Onegin, enterprising Chichikov and cynical Pechorin still meet today. It could be your neighbor, a government official, or a trendy hipster with great taste.
And let’s still not forget that in front of us there is no real life, and literature. This is an artificially created text that allows you to reflect, read carefully, and practice interpretation.

1. Alexander Griboedov. "Woe from Wit"

  • In which classes was the work read: Before 1921 and until 1938 - 7th grade. From 1938 to the present day - 8th grade.

“...I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening...”

This is a story about a young man who, having been abroad, decides to tell everyone around how wrong they are living. They don’t think like that, they love somehow not quite like that, and in general it’s time for everyone to get out of their comfort zone. To which the society of adults, led by Famusov, begins to mock him, and the youth, of which the beauty Sophia is a prominent representative, completely declares the main character, Chatsky, crazy.

The relevance of history lies in the fact that society is not always ready for change. More often than not it’s not even ready at all. Progressive ideas are incomprehensible and painful; society prefers a proven option, in which the wolves will be fed and the sheep will not suffer.

2. Alexander Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin"

“...Whoever lived and thought cannot

Don’t despise people in your heart..."

The Moscow laboratory of director Dmitry Krymov (theater “School of Dramatic Art”) staged an interesting performance for schoolchildren - “Eugene Onegin. In your own words." The story of Eugene Onegin is a story about the moment of a late “look back”: you need to be able to turn around in time and try to understand what is happening around.

But the hero does not know this theory and turns around when it is already completely late: a friend has been killed, his beloved girl is with another, his relatives have all died. “Eugene Onegin” is about our crazy world, where there is no time to look back and look around.

3. Mikhail Lermontov. "Hero of our time"

  • In which classes was the work read: Before 1921 and until 1938 - 7th grade. From 1938 to the present time - 8th grade.

"...The most happy people- ignoramuses, and fame is luck, and to achieve it, you just need to be dexterous..."

What we learn about the death of the main character at the beginning of the book gives us the opportunity to look at him under a magnifying glass. And when we look at him so closely (his actions, relationships with other people, decisions made), we understand why Mikhail Lermontov calls him a “hero” of our time.

We begin to see similarities between young Pechorin and those we see every day on the streets. Are we being polite to each other? Maybe we are being generous with women? Are you fair with your rivals and opponents? The answer is becoming obvious. Even despite a decent number of years that have passed since the appearance of this story.

4. Nikolai Gogol. "Dead Souls"

  • In which classes was the work read: Before 1921 and until 1938 - 7th grade. Since 1938 - 9th grade. From 1960 to the present time - 8th grade.

“... A Russian person does not like to admit to others that he is to blame...”

Chichikov is a modern businessman whose deal did not work out. But it didn’t work out because it was initially dubious, and the people on the path of the enterprising Chichikov were not entirely alive. Needless to say, Chichikov himself is not a completely living character.

5. Ivan Turgenev. "Fathers and Sons"

  • In which classes was the work read: Before 1921 and until 1938 - 7th grade. From 1938 to the present time - 9th grade.

“...The Russian peasant is that same mysterious stranger about whom Mrs. Ratcliffe once talked so much. Who will understand him? He doesn't understand himself..."

Ivan Turgenev's novel joins the list of teenagers' favorite books on the school list, including a story about the murder of an old woman (Crime and Punishment) and a novel about the devil (The Master and Margarita). What could be better for adolescence than complete denial of everything, eternal arguments with fathers and dissection of dead frogs?

Bazarov is a favorite character, whose nihilism you always want to test in practice: is it really possible to deny everything?

6. Anton Chekhov. "The Cherry Orchard"

  • In which classes was the work read: Before 1921 and until 1938 - 7th grade. From 1938 to 1960 - 10th grade. From 1960 to the present time - 9th grade.

“...All of Russia is our garden. The earth is great and beautiful, there are many wonderful places on it...”

There is probably no such sad comedy on the school list anymore. The theme of the garden, the world tree, which is so briskly hit with an ax, is sacred, and in Chekhov it is also tragic.

If we talk about relevance, then “ The Cherry Orchard“- this is a kind of testament, this is a story about the end of the world. The story is about how, when talking to each other, people will never hear what is said. About how the past is completely unnecessary for the future. And about where revolutionaries come from.

7. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”

  • In which classes was the work read: Before 1921 and until 1938 - 3rd grade. From 1938 to 1960 - 8th grade. From 1960 to 1984 - 8th grade. From 1984 to the present time - 8th grade.

“...It’s hard for a head without shoulders, it’s hard for a body without a head...”

We told you, Igor, don’t go to war alone! And there were omens for you, and crows flew, even a sign happened! I didn’t listen and went. I added problems to myself and everyone else.

“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is a kind of song that Boyan “sings” to us (written through O, this is a special person who goes on campaigns with the soldiers and describes in his melodies what is happening there, a kind of holder of the ancient Russian Facebook feed). This is the story that internecine wars do not lead to anything good, and what will happen if you always act in your own way, ignoring the general decision.

8. Alexander Ostrovsky. "Storm"

  • Until 1921 and 1938 - 7th grade. From 1938 to 1960 - 9th grade. From 1960 to 1984 - 9th grade. From 1984 to the present time - 9th grade.

“...No, they say, it’s just his own mind. And, therefore, live a century as someone else’s..."

Of the entire range of works of fiction studied in school, The Thunderstorm is perhaps the most tragically unpopular. According to the candid confessions of schoolchildren, there is nothing more boring (the girls will say that the only thing more boring than the battle scenes in War and Peace) is not and cannot be. But what is “The Thunderstorm” about? And does she have a chance of resurrection?

Mikhail Sverdlov (an outstanding literary scholar and critic) in his work “Why did Katerina die?” gives the reader a wonderful thought: “This is a story about beauty and greatness human soul. Convert free man Anyone can become a slave - Kabanikha, Dikoy and others like them, but no one can chain the human soul. And Katerina’s death is an example when the power of the human soul is capable of destroying the borders of Kalinov.”

They gave us a very strange list - only the works of classics - Tolstoy, Gorky, Pushkin, Chekhov + Gogol + Nekrasov, fiction by Greene, Wells + the adventures of Mine Reed Share the lists of literature that contain authors of the Soviet period - Aleksin, Kazakov and possibly modern ones

Please tell me, who has children going to 4th grade, a list of literature for the summer. Of course, I understand that in different schools it is different, but you need at least an approximate one, at least 5.6 works.

They will not give us a list at all. Anka reads a lot, but mostly fantasy - Legends of the Night Guards, Tanya Grotter, Gymnasium No. 13, etc. Share your lists, maybe I’ll choose what from there. Studying under the 21st Century School program.

Question for mothers whose children are finishing 7th grade: do they give you a reading list of what to read in the summer? Maybe someone will write, huh?

Tell me, does anyone know the list of literature for the summer after finishing 6th grade? The cub says they weren't given this list. Although last year they did. There is no desire to dig in and push against the wall. It’s better to pin it to the wall with the list itself, obtained by yourself :-))) Maybe someone remembers which books, please tell me.

We received a list for the summer. I'm a little shocked. Firstly, from the quantity - it is simply physically impossible for any normal person to read and comprehend so much in 3 months. And secondly - from the set of books. Well, how can you lump “Timur and his team” and “Romeo and Juliet” together? Is this aimed at the same children? Why should we read about Timur in 7th grade? And who compiles these lists - school amateur activities, or are they approved somewhere in the Regional Educational Institution? I'm surprised at these compilers...

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1 Basic works of art for compulsory reading in the subject “literature” in general education high school 5th grade Russian literature: Russians folk tales: “The Frog Princess”, “Ivan peasant son and the miracle Yudo" Zhukovsky V. "The Sleeping Princess", "The Cup" Pushkin A. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights" Pogorelsky A. "The Black Chicken or underground inhabitants"Gogol N.V. " Enchanted place» Turgenev I.S. “Mumu” ​​by L.N. Tolstoy “Prisoner of the Caucasus” Chekhov A.P. “Surgery” Korolenko V.G. "IN bad society» Bazhov P.P. “Mistress of the Copper Mountain” Paustovsky K.G. “Warm Bread”, “Hare’s Paws” Marshak S.Ya. “Twelve months” Platonov A.P. “Nikita” Astafiev V.P. “Vasyutkino Lake” Sasha Cherny “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “Igor Robinson” Kim Yu.Ch. “Whale Fish” Legends and myths Ancient Greece(edited by N. Kuhn) Andersen G.-H. " The Snow Queen"Stevenson R.L. "Heather Honey" Gauff V. "Dwarf Nose" Defoe D. "The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" Twain M. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

2 6th grade Russian literature XIX century Pushkin A. "Belkin's Tales" "Dubrovsky" Turgenev I.S. “Bezhin Meadow” (from “Notes of a Hunter”) Nekrasov N. A. “ Railway» Leskov N.S. "Lefty" Chekhov A.P. “Thick and thin” Kuprin A.I. " Wonderful doctor» Green A.S. “Scarlet Sails” by Platonov A.P. " Unknown flower» Simonov K.M. “Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region” Astafiev V.P. "Horse with pink mane» Rasputin V.G. “French Lessons” Iskander F.A. “The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules” Poetry Blok A.A. “Summer Evening”, “Oh, how crazy it is outside the window” Yesenin S.A. “Small forest. Steppe and distance" Akhmatova A.A. “Before spring there are days like this” Rubtsov N.M. "Star of the Fields" Homer. “Illiad” and “Odyssey” Schiller I.F. "The Glove" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery " A little prince»

3 7th grade Russian literature of the 19th century Pushkin A. " Bronze Horseman", "Song of prophetic Oleg» Lermontov M.Yu “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich” Gogol N. “Taras Bulba” Turgenev I. “Biryuk”, Prose poems Nekrasov N.A. "Russian women". Poems Saltykov-Shchedrin M. Fairy tales Tolstoy L. "Childhood" Chekhov A. "Chameleon", "Intruder" and other stories Russian literature of the 20th century Gorky M. "Old Woman Izergil", "Makar Chudra", "Childhood" Zoshchenko M. " Trouble" Andreev L.N. “Bite” Abramov F.A. “What do horses cry about” Nosov E.I. “Doll” Poetry Tvardovsky A.T. “The snow will darken blue”, “At the bottom of my life” Yesenin S.A. “Swamps and swamps” Zabolotsky N.A. “I was brought up by harsh nature” Rubtsov N.M. “My Quiet Homeland” Robert Burns “Honest Poverty” O. Henry. "The Gift of the Magi" Ray Douglas Bradbury "Vacation"

4 8th grade From Russian literature of the 18th century Fonvizin D.I. “Minor” From Russian literature of the 19th century Krylov I.A. "Wagon train" Pushkin A. " Captain's daughter" Poems. Lermontov M.Yu. "Mtsyri" Gogol N. "The Inspector General", "Overcoat" Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. "The History of a City" (excerpt) Leskov N.S. " Old genius» Tolstoy L. “After the Ball” Chekhov A.P. “About Love” From Russian literature of the 20th century Bunin I.A. “Caucasus” Kuprin A.I. “Lilac bush Shakespeare W. “Romeo and Juliet”. Sonnets by Moliere J. .B. “A Tradesman in the Nobility” Scott W. “Ivanhoe” Shelley M. “Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus” Yamamoto S. “Dialogue about a Song”

5 9th grade Russian literature "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" Lomonosov M.V. “Ode on the day of the accession of Elizabeth Petrovna 1747” Derzhavin "Monument" Karamzin N. "Poor Liza" Zhukovsky V. A. "Svetlana" Griboyedov A. "Woe from Wit" Pushkin A. "Eugene Onegin", poems by Lermontov M. "Hero of Our Time", poems by Gogol N. " Dead Souls" Dostoevsky F. M. "White Nights" Chekhov A. "Melancholy", "Bear" Bunin I.A. “Dark Alleys” and other stories Yesenin S.A. “The golden grove dissuaded”, “Letter to a woman” and other poems by M.A. Bulgakov. " dog's heart» Sholokhov M.A. “The Fate of Man” Solzhenitsyn A.I. " Matrenin Dvor» Poetry of the 20th century: Akhmatova A. Blok A. Mayakovsky V.V. Yesenin S. Tsvetaeva M. Zabolotsky N.A. Pasternak B.L. Tvardovsky A.T. Shakespeare W. Sonnets

6 10th grade Russian literature Turgenev I.S. “Notes of a Hunter”, “Inn”, novel “Fathers and Sons” Chernyshevsky N.G. "What to do?" Goncharov I.A. “Oblomov”, “Cliff” Ostrovsky A.N. “Thunderstorm” Nekrasov N.A. “Who lives well in Rus'.” Poems by Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. “The History of a City”, “The Golovlevs”. Fairy tales Dostoevsky F.M. “Crime and Punishment” Tolstoy L.N. “War and Peace”, “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”, Sevastopol stories Leskov N. S. “Lady Macbeth” Mtsensk district» Chekhov A.P. “The Cherry Orchard”, “Ionych”, “Man in a Case”, “Gooseberry”. Stories Poetry Tyutchev F.I. Fet A.A. Nekrasov N.A. Stendhal F. “Red and Black” Dickens “Dombey and Son” Balzac O. “ Human Comedy» Maupassant G. “The Necklace” Bernard Shaw “Pygmalion”

7 11th grade Prose late 19th - early. 20th century Bunin I. Poems, stories: "Mr. from San Francisco", " Sunstroke", Sat. " Dark alleys" (2-Stories) Kuprin A. "Olesya", " Garnet bracelet" and others. Averchenko A. Stories (2-3) Zoshchenko M. Stories (2-3) Poetry of the "Silver" Age Balmont K. Poems of the choice of students Bryusov V. Poems of the choice of students Gumilyov N. Poems of the choice of students Literature 20 's Gorky M. "At the Depth", "Old Woman Izergil" Blok A. Cycle of poems, for example, "Poems about a Beautiful Lady", Poem "Twelve" Yesenin S. Poems different years Mayakovsky V. Poems, poem "Cloud in Pants" Literature of the 1990s Bulgakov M. "Heart of a Dog", "The Master and Margarita" Platonov A. Stories (2-3) Tsvetaeva M.I. Poems by Tolstoy A.N. "Peter I" (review study) Akhmatova A. Poem "Requiem", poems of students' choice Pasternak B. Poems from the novel "Doctor Zhivago" and others. Sholokhov M. " Quiet Don", "Don Stories" at the choice of Velikaya students Patriotic War in the literature of the 40s and subsequent years Nekrasov V. “In the trenches of Stalingrad” or Vorobyov K. “Killed near Moscow” Bykov V. Work of students’ choice, for example, “Sotnikov” Poems about the war Simonov K., Tikhonov N, Surkov A. and others. Literature of the years Solzhenitsyn A. “One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich”, “Matrenin’s yard” Tvardovsky A. Review of creativity. “Vasily Terkin” Rasputin V. “Live and Remember”, “Farewell to Matera” “Village” prose: V. Astafiev, V. Shukshin (2nd story) Dramaturgy: Vampilov A. “Elder Son” Literature of the Russian Abroad: Nabokov V. Stories, for example, “Mashenka” or Shmelev N. “The Lord’s Summer” Author’s song: Vysotsky V., Galich A., Okudzhava B., Tsoi V., Talkov I. and others.

List of references in all areas of the final (final) essay 2016-2017 Direction Works by A.P. Chekhov, play “The Cherry Orchard”; A.S. Pushkin, story “The Captain's Daughter”, novel “Eugene Onegin”;

Summer literature list for 10th grade (basic level) Pushkin A.S. Gogol N.V. Goncharov I.A. Ostrovsky A.N. Turgenev I.S. Nekrasov N.A. Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. Tyutchev F.I. Fet A.F. Tolstoy L.N. Dostoevsky

List of works studied in literature lessons in grades 5-11, grade 5 1. A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess.” 2. C. Perrault “Sleeping Beauty”. 3. G. H. Andersen “The Snow Queen”, “ ugly duck»,

5th grade - Myths of Ancient Greece (On the creation of the world, about Zeus, about Hercules) - Russian folk tales Krylov I.A. Zhukovsky V. A. Lermontov M. Yu. Gogol N.V. Nekrasov N.A. Turgenev I.S. Korolenko V.G. Tolstoy

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Help the applicant navigate the most complex issues offered in literature tests. 2. Aim at identifying skills in the ability to analyze artistic text epic


METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF THE SCHOOL DISCIPLINE Academic discipline _Literature Topics methodological developments(lectures and practical classes) 1. Lecture Introduction. The development of Russian literature and culture in the first

1. The purpose and objectives of the program implementation The purpose of studying literature as the most important educational subjects in the system of complete (general) education is the development of all types of speech activity in their unity

5th grade Russian folk tales (“The Frog Princess”, “Ivan the Peasant Son and the Miracle Yudo”, “The Crane and the Heron”, “The Soldier’s Overcoat”) Riddles, ditties, sayings, songs. From ancient Russian literature. "Feat

Private educational institution higher education“Rostov Institute for Entrepreneur Protection” (RIIP) Considered and AGREED at the meeting of the department “Humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines”

Regional state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Smolensk State Institute of Arts" Department: Humanities and socio-economic sciences ADMISSION PROGRAM

Name Type of media Fiction 1 Andreev L. Novels and stories AK 2 Astafyev V. War is thundering somewhere AK 3 Brodsky I. Favorites AK 4 Bulgakov M. The Master and Margarita AK 5 Bulgakov M.

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Faculty of Journalism AGREED Head of the customer organization I.O. Last name (signature) 20 (if necessary) APPROVED Head

Explanatory note in literature correspondence class The work program in literature in 0, developed in accordance with the FC GOS 004; curriculum educational organization; Approximate Secondary (Full) Program

CALENDAR AND THEMATIC PLANNING Grade: 8 Subject: literature Curriculum: state educational instruction: Edited by V.Ya. Korovina - M: Education, 2010 Number of hours per week: 2 Total number

HOLIDAYS 2014 ATTENTION STUDENTS AND PARENTS! We offer you a list fiction for summer reading: WORKS FOR SUMMER READING List of books for summer reading Grade 5 Title


ENTRANCE TEST PROGRAM IN LITERATURE (ORAL) FOR APPLICANTS TO THE ACTING AND DIRECTING FACULTIES (full-time, part-time study) This program is compiled on the basis of the “Mandatory Minimum”

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Shchetinovskaya secondary school" of the Orekhovo-Zuevsky municipal district of the Moscow region APPROVED by the director of the school Zhukova T.B. Order

Books for the summer 2nd grade 1 E Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and his friends” 2 Fairy tales 3 N Nosov “The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends” 4 J Rodari “The Adventure of Cipollino” 5 Myths, legends, traditions 6 Fairy tales

Date of the lesson (number of the school week) Calendar - thematic planning Subject literature Class 8 Name of sections and topics of lessons, forms and topics of control Introduction - hours Number of hours per week Literature

Qualifying stage. Assignments for grades 10-11 Round 1 Option one Vladimir Lensky character: the poem “Mtsyri” the story “Student” the poem “Railway” the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” In which poems,

APPROVED Order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus 12/03/2018 836 Tickets for an external examination when mastering the content of the educational program of secondary education in academic

Calendar-thematic planning for literature in grade 11 for 2008-2009 academic year. Planning is focused on working on the educational set edited by V.P. Zhuravleva. 102 hours. (basic program)

1 Abstract work program discipline “Literature” Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to study the current state of development of literature and methods of literature as a science; familiarization with the most

List of literature for summer reading in grade 5 I. S. Turgenev “Mu-mu” L. N. Tolstoy “Prisoner of the Caucasus” A. P. Chekhov “Surgery” I. A. Kuprin “The Wonderful Doctor” A. Platonov “Nikita” P. Bazhov “Stone Flower”

List of books to read in the summer when moving to 5th grade 1. A.S. Pushkin “Ruslan and Lyudmila” 2. I. Krylov “Fables” 3. G.Kh. Andersen "The Snow Queen" 4. M. Zoshchenko, stories 5. N.V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas"

Grades 10-11 Tour 1 Which works of Russian literature of the first half of the 20th century combine the features of realism and romanticism? What artistic effect do their authors achieve with this combination?

CALENDAR-THEMIC PLANNING FOR LITERATURE Grade 9 Dates Quantity Lesson topic Planned Actual hours date date 1 Masterpieces of Russian literature 1 06.09 2 The origins and beginning of Old Russian literature.

Municipal government educational institution of the Khanty-Mansiysk region “Secondary school in the village of Kirpichny” Appendix to the main one educational program main general education

List of literature for 5th grade students Russian folk tales “The Frog Princess” “Ivan the Peasant Son” Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky “The Sleeping Princess” Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “The Tale of dead princess

Directions for the final essay 2015 2016 academic year 1) Time - the direction is focused on a broad understanding of time as historical and philosophical category, perceived in the interaction of the momentary

EXAMINATION TICKETS FOR THE STATE FINAL CERTIFICATION IN LITERATURE FOR BASIC GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS Ticket 1 1. Answer the question: “What is the relevance of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” in our

List of literature for future fifth-graders Fairy tales: “The Frog Princess”, “Ivan the Peasant Son and the Miracle Yudo”, “The Crane and the Heron”, “The Soldier’s Overcoat”; Old Russian literature: “The feat of a youth from Kiev and

Admission to the Unified State Exam: final essay on literature 2015 Director of State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium 1542 Sakharova Svetlana Nikolaevna “To learn to ride a bicycle, you need to ride a bicycle. To learn to write, you need

Quarter School week Number of hours TOPIC Test work Themes laboratory work, workshops, experimental work and creative tasks I Introduction Literature and history. 2 Oral folk art.

LITERATURE Topics included in milestone assignments, grade 10 Topics for milestone 1, grade 10 1. A.N. Ostrovsky. "Storm". The nature of the conflict. Life and customs of the Russian merchants. 2. I.A. Goncharov. "Oblomov." Creation methods

PROGRAM for the entrance test in literature for foreign citizens entering undergraduate and specialist programs Requirements for the level of preparation of applicants Applicant

The procedure for passing general education exams, direction of preparation 52.03.05 “Theatre Studies” Russian language, literature (Unified State Examination certificates) For the above-mentioned general education subjects, the Institute accepts

Ticket 1 1. Epics as works of oral folk art. general characteristics epic The epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber.” Expressive reading of the passage proposed by 2. A. S. Pushkin “To Chaadaev.”

LIST OF REFERENCES FOR 5TH GRADE 1. Russian folk tales 2. I. A. Krylov “Fables” 3. A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” 4. V.A. Zhukovsky “The Sleeping Princess” 5. Anthony Pogorelsky

Thematic planning. Literature class. 02h. lesson The topic of the lesson. Main content Introduction. The fate of Russia in the 20th century. Main directions, themes and problems of Russian literature of the 20th century. Number of hours

Preparing for exams Problem 1. The problem of the role of books in a person Examples 1. A.S. Pushkin Evgeny Onegin F.M. Dostoevsky Crime and Mike Helprin “The Candle Was Burning” 2. The problem of the role of the book in the formation

The manual contains detailed planning of literature lessons in the 7th grade of general education institutions, studying according to the textbook-reader V.Ya. Korovina. All stages of the lesson are considered: checking homework

TICKETS for translation certification in literature grade 5: Ticket 1. 1. What is folklore? Tell us about the genres children's folklore. Give examples (by heart). 2. Prove that the work of A. Pogorelsky

Calendar and thematic planning educational material in literature for grade 5 for the 2018 2019 academic year Correspondence course of study Planning is based on the literature program in grades 5-11

/ Topic of the lesson Deadlines ZUNY 11th grade Organization of the educational process 1 Russia turn of the XIX century XX centuries 2 Russian literature at the turn of the century 3 Essay on the life and work of I. Bunin Know the basic facts of life and work

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE KHABAROVSK REGION Regional state budgetary Professional educational institution “Vyazemsky Forestry Technical School named after. N.V. Usenko" KGB POU VLHT APPROVED: Deputy.

Round 1 Registration test 1. “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy is a) a novel b) a poem c) a historical chronicle d) what the author wanted and could express in the form in which it was expressed 2. The action of the play by M.

Calendar-thematic planning for literature in grade 8 68 hours Planning is based on the Federal component of the state educational standard for basic general education



Library of State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium 57 of St. Petersburg named after. Princess E.M. Oldenburgskaya. Electronic educational resources. p/p 23.0.2004 4 Geography. Solution ex. problems 2 23.0.2004 5 Physics. Solution ex. tasks

Summer reading list for 5th grade. "Russian folk tales". Russian Chronicle. The Tale of Bygone Years. “The feat of a youth from Kiev and the cunning of governor Pretich.” M.V. Lomonosov "Two astronomers happened"

WORKS FOR INDEPENDENT READING 5 11 CLASSES Programs of general education institutions. Literature. Edited by V.Ya. Korovina. 5-11 grades. 5th grade 1. : 2. Russian folk tales: "Vasilisa

CALENDAR AND THEMATIC PLANNING IN LITERATURE 9th GRADE Quantity Dates Lesson topic food Planned Actual hours date 1st date 1 Masterpieces of Russian literature 1 04.09 2 The origins and beginning of Old Russian literature.

PROPOSED LIST OF WORKS FOR WRITING A FINAL ESSAY IN 11TH GRADE for 2017-2018 1. “Loyalty and betrayal” -L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” -N. M. Karamzin “Poor Liza” - A.S. Pushkin "Captain's"

Reading list for grade 5 Oral folk art Small genres of folklore. Children's folklore (lullabies, pesters, sayings, tongue twisters, riddles) Russian folk tales. "Princess Frog",

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Smolensk State University" Entrance exam program in literature

Abstract to the work program on literature. 9th grade. This program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education, which recognizes the priority spiritual and moral value

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation South Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platov Shakhty Institute (branch) SRSPU (NPI) named after. M.I. Platova LITERATURE Methodological

ANNOTATION TO THE WORK PROGRAM OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE Specialty: 02/36/01 Veterinary Name of the discipline: BD.01 Russian language and literature Goals and objectives academic discipline: As a result of mastering the educational

Sample list literature for grades 5-9 Astafiev V. Shepherd and shepherdess. Vasyutkino Lake Afanasyev A. Russian folk tales (after Akhmatova A. Poems by Bazhov P. Malachite Box. Copper Mountain

Olympiad for schoolchildren “Conquer the Sparrow Hills” in literature 2016/2017 Final stage Essay General criteria evaluation of works Thematic. The topic must be understood correctly and disclosed deeply and completely

Explanatory note 1. The work program in literature is based on the author's program in literature for grades 5-11. Authors V. Ya. Korovina, V. P. Zhuravlev and others / Moscow, Education, 2009. Textbook: