“Enchanted Place”, analysis of the story by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Analysis of Gogol's work The Enchanted Place

"Enchanted place" is included in the collection of stories and stories by N. V. Gogol "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka". According to the writer's idea, the beekeeper Rudy Panko collected all these bright, sparkling stories and decided with them, as he says, "to stick his nose out of his outback in big light". The story “The Enchanted Place” was told to the spider by the sexton of one of the churches. This story happened to his own grandfather. At that time the narrator was only eleven years old.

<…>The Chumaks came to visit Grandfather for Bashtan, and after telling stories they treated themselves to melons. Then the grandfather decided to encourage his grandchildren, Ostap and Foma, to dance, and he himself also started dancing. This is the plot of the work. During the dance, evil spirits take the old man to an unknown place, and it seems to him that he has found a treasure. The experiences of the old man are described, his conflict with evil spirits. The action continues until the grandfather finds a cauldron with treasure. Evil spirits frighten the old man. This is the culmination of the work.

The denouement comes when the grandfather brings home the found cauldron. He thinks that there is a treasure in the vessel and calls his grandchildren to look at the gold. And there is “rubbish, squabbles... it’s a shame to say what it is.”

Plot features of the story: the plot is chronicle, closed, events are concentrated around one main character, the action is completely exhausted. Descriptions of nature correspond to what is happening in at the moment action - whether it is raining, interfering with the search for grandfather, or frightening night landscape at the time when the old man decided to raise the cauldron with the treasure.

"Enchanted Place" is unique folklore features- use of folk legends. Gogol introduces evil spirits into the story, but it has nothing to do with mysticism. Folk fiction attracts us with its household side, naive spontaneity. Gogol's images are full of bright life colors and sparkle with fervent folk humor.

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The story “The Enchanted Place” by N.V. Gogol is included in the cycle of stories “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. At the beginning of the entire cycle, N.V. Gogol says that he did not come up with these stories himself. The beekeeper Panko told him about them. And the beekeeper heard these stories from different people. It turns out that the true narrator of the story about the enchanted place is the beekeeper. But when you start reading the story, you find out that it was told to the beekeeper Panko by one sexton. Himself
the clerk was also not a participant in the events. Everything that happens in the story was told to him by his grandfather. After all, when all this happened, the clerk was only eleven years old. The story talks about an enchanted place. One day Grandfather Maxim was dancing and accidentally fell into an enchanted place. He immediately thought that there was a treasure there. He tried to dig it out several times. When he managed to do this, grandfather Maxim ran home. He climbed over the fence and was doused with slop. But he was still pleased. After all, he found a treasure. But when the boiler was opened, there was all sorts of nonsense. From then on, Grandfather Maxim bequeathed to everyone not to play with the devil. I think that if there had not been a hero-narrator, Grandfather Maxim, in this story, it would have turned out that all the events were true. And it turns out that the author talks about them as if from a third person. First, grandfather Maxim told the clerk, then the clerk told the beekeeper Panko, and only then Gogol wrote a story about it. It seems to me that the author does not believe this story is true. But he shows us the thoughts of the heroes of the story, what they believe. That’s why he came up with the figure of the beekeeper Panko. The fact that the story “The Enchanted Place” is constructed as a “story within a story” makes it possible not only to convey the thoughts and feelings of the characters, but also to recreate the atmosphere in which such stories were invented and told. It seems as if you hear the voice of the narrator and are immersed in the world of the heroes of N.V.’s story. Gogol.

Real and fantastic in N. V. Gogol’s story “The Enchanted Place”

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol’s story “The Enchanted Place” is a sexton’s story about an incident from his life. It is written in a surprisingly lively and interesting way. With each line, reading this story becomes more and more exciting. Even the sexton himself, who reluctantly began the story, was so carried away by his narration that he reproached the listeners for inattention: “What really!.. Listen like that!”

The main character of the story is the sexton's grandfather. His image is very bright and memorable. By telling us the story that happened to my grandfather, the sexton tries to convey to us all the details, and this makes the story more reliable.

It is impossible not to notice the humor with which the sexton tells his story. He calls his grandfather “an old devil,” laughs at how his grandfather danced, how he tried to find a treasure, how his mother poured slop on him. The grandfather, in turn, called his grandchildren “dog children” and scolded them. But we feel that the characters truly love and appreciate each other.

According to the sexton, most of all the grandfather loved to listen to the stories of the Chumaks passing by: “And to the grandfather it’s like a hungry dumpling.” And we understand that the hero himself was cheerful, interesting person, it’s not for nothing that the sexton says: “It happened that he would take it into his head...”

But the best way to understand the grandfather’s character is to describe the search for the treasure. His speech and thoughts are full of unusual expressions: “What a disgusting face!”, “Well, guys, now you’ll have some bagels!”

It was not by chance that Gogol gave the story such a title - “The Enchanted Place”. After all, the work combines two worlds: real and fantastic. Everything fantastic is connected with a grave, treasure and devilish power.

The real world is everyday life. Portraying ordinary life people, Gogol uses Ukrainian words, for example “Chumaks”, “kuren”. The description of the characters’ way of life is interesting, how the grandfather grows watermelons, “covers them with burdock,” and digs “a new bed for late pumpkins.” Or about how he determines the weather: “There will be a big wind tomorrow!” thought the grandfather.” Gogol admires the paintings of this folk life, the creative work of its heroes.

The whole story is written very brightly and colorfully. Sometimes it seems that you yourself are among the sexton’s listeners, because the narration is interrupted by his comments. From the narrator’s speech it becomes clear that he himself is already old. But the sexton, like the grandfather, remains at heart the same young, interesting and unusual person.

At the end of the story, the sexton says that instead of treasure, the grandfather brought “rubbish, squabbles...”. After this, the hero began to believe only in Christ, and “... he blocked off that damned place where they didn’t dance with a fence, and ordered them to throw everything that was indecent...”. We can say that with these lines the author is making fun of his grandfather. After all, in this story Gogol says that good can only be acquired through one’s own labor. In addition, using the example of his grandfather, he teaches us to believe in the bright, pure: “So this is how the evil spirits of man fool!”

/ / / What does Gogol’s story “The Enchanted Place” teach?

Tale by N.V. Gogol’s “Enchanted Place” is not just a “fable” about evil spirits, but an instructive story. In it, the writer implements the idea that no one can make money through dishonest labor. It is revealed gradually in a plot with real and fantastic events.

This instructive conclusion appears at the end of the story, before which the attentive reader can find many more wise life lessons. Our people have long believed in evil spirits. Indeed, different, sometimes completely incredible, things have happened to people, so there were reasons for caution. Modern man takes the devil lightly, but sometimes thoughts arise that you need to be more careful.

The sexton, the grandson of the main character of the work, was convinced that if the devil wants to “faint” a person, he will do it without difficulty. And it’s good if a person gets away with nothing but deception, like Grandfather Maxim. The sexton understands that everything could have ended worse, so he warns his listeners to get involved with the devil.

In trouble with the devil's place main character got in because he liked to brag. He started dancing to show the Chumaks that he was still agile. Several times the grandfather tried to dance in the enchanted place, but nothing worked. He repeated his attempts several times until he provoked the devil. This incident makes braggarts think about their behavior. Sometimes it is wiser to stop in time to protect yourself from trouble.

N.V. Gogol in “The Enchanted Place” once again shows what courage and perseverance are capable of. Grandfather Maxim was not afraid of either Satan or the damned place. He boldly entered the battle for the treasure. Bravery helped the hero get home, and even find the treasure. If the old man had been afraid, he would most likely have gotten lost, since the devil would have continued to fool him.

The hero did not go for the treasure for his own benefit. He thought to please his grandchildren with sweets and zhupans. It can be argued that his love for his loved ones helped him find the treasure. Thus, the writer once again proves that a bright feeling can work miracles.

The episode in which the grandfather appears with a barrel in his hands is depicted in a humorous tone. The old man enthusiastically tells his grandchildren that he brought wealth for them, and then discovers the garbage. In this episode, the author ridicules the thirst for easy money and argues that one can only earn money that will go to good use through honest work.

After this incident, grandfather Maxim warns his grandchildren from dealing with the unclean. This warning should be taken not only in a literal, but also in a figurative meaning. There is no need to go for easy money, as you may end up with nothing.

Christians have long revered God, believing that he can protect from any misfortune. So it is in the story by N.V. Gogol’s grandfather Maxim, after meeting the devil, turns to the Lord and calls on others to do the same. This detail is also a kind of lesson, especially for Christians.

Tale by N.V. Gogol can be perceived in different ways: both as truth and as fiction for gullible listeners. This is a personal matter for each reader. But it’s worth remembering the lessons given by the writer.

The story “The Enchanted Place” by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is part of the collection of stories “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. The story is told from the point of view of the sexton - about the story that happened to his grandfather Maxim, when the sexton himself was only 11 years old.

N.V. Gogol is the author of stories - he real person, living in real world. He comes up with the plot of the story, the characters, gives them names, endows them with certain abilities, makes the characters evil or good. The author gives a name to his creation, breaks the story into chapters and parts, and comes up with endings.

In the story “The Enchanted Place,” the role of the narrator is played by a beekeeper, to whom the sexton told about what happened, in the same way as the author N.V. Gogol does not appear in this story. Grandfather Maxim told the story to the sexton himself.

This story tells how grandfather Maxim, dancing in front of his familiar Chumaks, near a bed of cucumbers, felt that his legs were becoming stiff and, unknown how, he ended up in an enchanted place, while he heard someone laughing behind him. Grandfather called this place devilish. He thought that a treasure must be hidden there; he even saw the light of a candle on one of the graves. Grandfather Maxim wanted to dig up the ground, but he had neither a shovel nor a spade with him. He decided to return with a shovel, but when he arrived, he could not find the exact place where, in his opinion, the treasure was hidden. Since it started to rain, the grandfather wandered home empty-handed.

The next day, the grandfather took a spade and went to the very place in his garden where he could not dance, and hit the ground with the spade. Grandfather Maxim again found himself where the treasure was, started digging and found a pot. From time to time he spoke to himself, and someone repeated his own words after him. The grandfather was frightened and thought that the unclean one did not want to give up the treasure, but still brought the pot to his grandchildren. As a result, it turned out that there was not gold in the pot, but all sorts of rubbish. Since then, the grandfather fenced off the enchanted place with a fence and threw weeds and all sorts of waste there, and there was never a good harvest in that part of the garden. And if the grandfather noticed something unusual, he began to be baptized.

N.V. Gogol seemed to isolate himself from this story and thereby entrusted its telling to another person. I believe that in this way the writer wanted to show that he did not particularly believe in the authenticity of the story, but at the same time, the story conveys Russian folklore - what people believed in, what they were afraid of and how they fought against it. Reading this story, you feel like you are part of the story that happened and as if you hear the voice of the narrator himself.