Fight evil spirits in a dream. Why see evil spirits in a dream?

The ways of the subconscious are almost inscrutable. People dream about all sorts of things, and often these are truly terrible things and events. Sometimes, after waking up, the dreamer is faced with the need to understand why evil spirits are dreaming. Fantastic creatures symbolize disappointments, negative incidents and troubles that a person fears on a subconscious level. The appearance of devils, brownies and witches in dreams indicates the emotions and feelings of the sleeping person: guilt, fear or pain. Interpretations are subject to all sorts of nuances. It is important to remember in what form the evil spirits appeared, what their actions were, the actions of the dreamer, and so on.

General interpretation

People who are trying to decipher why they dream of evil spirits in the house or on the street are likely to have serious disturbances in the functioning of the liver, spleen, heart and kidneys. This happens when organs are overloaded negative energy: envy, anger, malice. Liberation from dreams and diseases depends on a change in views and cleansing of negativity.

Equally, evil forces can report enemies as part of the dream. They will not be able to harm the dreamer, since their hatred is not mutual, but it is still recommended to carefully study the environment and refuse new risky acquaintances. This is especially true for financial adventures - such income will not bring happiness.

If the appearance of hostile creatures provokes strong fear, which means collapse in personal and business sphere in the near future - what evil spirits dream about. The absence of fear indicates that the ill-wisher intended to harm the person immersed in sleep, but his attempts were unsuccessful. You should take a closer look at your friends and colleagues.

It happens that a person sees evil spirits in a cemetery or they appear in the form of dead friends and relatives. Most likely, obligations to the deceased remained unfulfilled. We need to make correcting this situation a priority.

Dreamers often dream of witches. A young sorceress prophesies disappointment in love. Women can expect confusion in business and family problems. There is a high probability that in love relationships a rival will appear. The man will experience a cooling towards his beloved. An evil and old witch dreams of sadness or a confusing and unexpected situation that will be connected precisely with an elderly woman.

All kinds of images

It is important to pay attention to the appearance of evil spirits. Sometimes an evil spirit takes on familiar material forms, but can appear in various mystical images:

  1. Invisible creatures. Ghosts symbolize spiritual disharmony. The presence of fear is advice that you need to be alone and work on restoring peace. The absence of fear foreshadows amazing situations for the dreamer soon. They will fill a person with energy, and his life with many interesting and new things. This is what invisible evil spirits mean in dreams.
  2. The brownie warns and hints at the importance of lifestyle changes. It is worth thinking about the possible consequences of actions.
  3. Demons and devils are dreamed of on the eve of serious difficulties. The way out of the situation will be in favor of the sleeping person if the fantastic creatures were quarreling among themselves. Demons also promise surprises.
  4. Werewolf denotes possible betrayal dear person. If a werewolf was seen striving to clasp his hands in a tight embrace, the person who was dreamed of is unworthy of trust.
  5. Witch - frequent guest in the dreams of indecisive people who tend to hope for a miracle. There are obstacles to unlocking potential and upward movement (may imply spiritual or career). You need to take the initiative if you had to read a prayer together with a witch in a dream.
  6. Deceased people. As a rule, deceased relatives should not cause feelings of fear. And if this happens, the dream is explained as a subconscious guilt towards the deceased. It is recommended to forgive yourself and then let go of the situation.

Dream details

Problems with the lungs or bronchi - this is what you dream about, how evil spirits attack. You should undergo an examination, especially if the dream repeats. If a person spoke to the spirit, this means minor difficulties and troubles. And the expulsion of the brownie symbolizes life changes.

An attack by other creatures is dreamed of on the eve of troubles, as well as a possible meeting with sinful people. A plot involving a challenge to a duel by a child or a loved one conveys a deeply hidden sense of guilt.

If a woman sees herself as a sorceress, she must be vigilant and refrain from adventures. Seeing evil forces during prayer is a sign of animal diseases and their mass slaughter or large crop failure.

If the devils were making trouble, breaking objects and drinking alcoholic beverages, this development of events promises a meeting with hypocritical people. Everything will end well, but for now the one who had the dream must be careful.

A sign of unimaginable luck is asking the evil spirits to open the door for her. Losing comrades due to arrogance and greed is what dreams of exorcism in return for showing respect mean.

In the form of animals

An evil spirit in the form of an animal means fear and anxiety. The most popular forms of evil spirits are cats. Dreams are interpreted as a reluctance to acknowledge danger. When a cat attacks a sleeping person, it means troubles, illnesses and disagreement with loved ones. An affectionate cat is a message from the subconscious that the dreamer will be able to solve all problems.

Quite often the image of a cat is chosen by a brownie. If the animal's fur was white, you should be prepared for significant trouble. A black cat appears on the eve of a dark period in life, and a black cat with white spots symbolizes a string of failures: disappointments and bankruptcy.

Human form

A difficult situation is what evil spirits in human form dream about. Increased self-criticism is reported by a demon turned human. It is worth working on finding harmony. To do this, you need to stop fighting with yourself. The demon also warns about temptation, mainly betrayal. If you dreamed of an evil spirit as:

  • A child means small quarrels and the threat of ruin. It is not recommended to start anything during this period.
  • Young man - to betrayal and the need to protect yourself from temptations.
  • A woman is the threshold of loss.
  • A cute person denotes carefully hidden erotic desires.

Visiting the evil forces

According to Gustav Miller's dream book, being at home alone with hostile creatures is good sign. Such a dream means that in reality the dreamer is not alone and can count on support.

Vanga also believed that incredible luck was an evil spirit. How does she come to visit? This, according to the clairvoyant, is a good sign. However, disrespect can cause a person to become a victim of vanity and friends to turn away from him. In addition, dream books advise avoiding contact with strangers.

A visit to the house of evil spirits is mentioned in Modern interpreter. If a woman dreams of a charming man (actually a demon) inviting her into his home, she should be careful in her interactions and generally beware of all sorts of temptations.

Imperial dream book

Observing a witch, goblin or other monster is a reflection of internal blocks of energy and depression that is hidden from oneself. Most likely, terrible dreams are accompanied by the destruction of personal relationships and affairs. It is necessary to pay attention to the state of mind and emotional sphere, accept responsibility for what is happening and soften emotions and ambitions.

Dream Interpreter Karatova

Seeing the devil is a warning: soon the dreamer will receive a tempting offer, but it will be a trap. If an evil spirit was in the house of the one who had the dream, the enemies united in order to win the fight.

To run away from evil spirits is to choose the right path, although it is full of obstacles. There is no need to participate in seemingly dubious activities - this is what dreams of exorcising evil spirits mean. Only the feeling of the presence of demons indicates that a person’s methods, like his motives, are unworthy. A friend in the guise of an evil spirit is either a harbinger of his betrayal, or a message about this person’s dishonesty towards the dreamer in the past.

Newest dream book

According to this book, communication with evil spirits promises wealth. But it will be acquired through crime, and the crime will be exposed.

In order to find out what evil spirits mean in dreams, you need to stock up not only on dream books, but also information about various details of the dream: who exactly was in the dream, what the actions were, and so on. The role of information from the dreamer’s life is also important, since nightmares often reproduce his experiences and feelings in reality.

Mostly evil spirits are an unfavorable sign, but sometimes their appearance promises wealth, good luck, help from other people, and so on.

A complete description of the dream on the topic: “If you dream of evil spirits” with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

Different dream books interpret differently what evil spirits mean in dreams. Dream interpreters are unanimous on one thing: a character seen in a dream serves as a warning of impending danger. The symbol draws attention to certain circumstances that may gradually turn into big problem, indicates to the dreamer his weaknesses.

What caused the image

In the interpretation of dreams, several reasons are mentioned why devils appeared in dreams. Azar's Dream Book believes that in an effort to get pleasure, the dreamer sometimes forgets not only about prudence, but also about his own safety.

Another explanation for why evil spirits appeared in a dream indicates the ambition and thirst for power of the sleeper. If the images you see cause fear, perhaps you have come under the influence of a very strong personality and are forced to play by someone else's rules.

Danilova’s interpretation of why demons appeared in a dream may be somewhat puzzling. You experience such all-consuming fear, fatigue and hopelessness that you are ready to seek protection from the devil himself.

In different guises

According to the interpretation of dreams, otherworldly entities do not always take material forms; they can also be invisible. They appear when the dreamer is at odds with himself and is tormented by internal contradictions and doubts.

If the invisible substance does not cause fear, the dream foreshadows a favorable combination of circumstances, which is greatly facilitated by your positive, confident attitude.

Sometimes evil spirits take the form of deceased relatives and friends. The dream book believes that there is a feeling of guilt here that you experience in front of the deceased. Visit the grave or commemorate according to tradition.

When a werewolf comes in nightmares, the dream book advises real life Beware of two-faced people. The witch symbolizes wisdom and, at the same time, deceit. If you happen to see yourself as an easily recognizable mystical character, perhaps in reality you lack the characteristic abilities with which they are endowed.

Visiting the evil spirits

If in a dream you found yourself locked in a house alone with evil spirits, Miller’s dream book reassures that in reality you are not alone. Help will come from where you didn't expect it.

The modern dream book considers it a bad omen to be in the house of evil spirits. If a woman dreams of an evil spirit in the guise of a charming man inviting her to his place, in reality she should beware of temptations and be careful in communicating with the opposite sex.

Information about why you dream about how evil spirits ended up in the sleeper’s house can be found in Hasse’s dream book. The symbol, frankly speaking, is unfavorable for those involved in agriculture. There is a high probability of crop failure and livestock diseases.

Vanga’s prophecy also mentions why one dreams of evil spirits coming to visit. According to the seer, this is a harbinger of incredible luck. By expressing disrespect in a dream, you risk falling into the clutches of vanity, thereby alienating your friends.

There is another interpretation of dreams, which means a dream about the visit of evil spirits. The dream warns that now is not the right time to let strangers into your home, into your secrets and into your life.


If you dreamed of being strangled by evil spirits, the symbol represents attempts in reality to free yourself from the oppressive influence, unfavorable conditions, and change your lifestyle.

The dream book warns that the plot in which a brownie is strangled may be inspired by real-life problems with the respiratory tract. If something like this repeatedly visits you in a dream, it may make sense to undergo a medical examination.

Why do you dream about the devil? In a dream in which one of the characters is a devil, one of the negative aspects may be reflected human soul, as well as recent thoughts or actions that cause pangs of conscience and feelings of guilt. Seeing a devil or a devil in a dream means not having control over any situation. Man is to a certain extent unfaithful and does not belong to himself.

Is the devil really that scary?

Most people are interested in the question of what the devil dreams about: good or bad. If in a dream the devil behaves kindly and does not try to harm, then this means a person’s desire to correct past or future mistakes, as well as the sins of other people. One of the meanings may be the news that one should not be afraid of the future, however, if the dream causes severe anxiety and is repeated periodically, then this may be a warning about an impending illness or difficulties in life.

If the devil turns to someone for help, this may mean that the person will soon turn to unreliable people for help and there will be no benefit from such help. Killing the unclean means getting rid of the pangs of conscience and freeing yourself from feelings of guilt. A face-to-face meeting that makes you tremble and feel a sense of fear speaks of how important it is to overcome your fear and overcome all the troubles that may arise.

Devil in a dream

Why do you dream about the devil? A dream where a devil or demon is chasing a person means pangs of conscience or a guilt complex. If a terrible dream makes you wake up screaming for help, then this may be the persecution of evil spirits. In this case, you need to go to church and pray. Dreams associated with religious themes, with God, with the devil, speak of a struggle between good and evil, as well as internal reticence; probably, a person has not achieved peace and harmony with himself, the correct balance between good and evil has not been found.

Why do you dream about devils? If you find an image of an unclean person in your hand, then this also indicates a feeling of guilt for a certain act. A hermaphrodite demon in a dream touches on the problem of sexual orientation and the suppression of unrealized erotic fantasies and desires. If we are talking about selling your soul to the devil or the devil, then in real life this can manifest itself in sudden outbursts of anger or upset feelings.

Demon Tempter

The tempter demon symbolizes human vices, which in excess can cause irreparable harm. This applies, for example, to alcohol. When consumed in moderation, nothing terrible happens, but excess leads to addiction and loss of humane humanity.

The same goes for martial arts and martial arts. The acquired skills, intended for self-defense, can be used by the negative side of the personality. Having entered into a bloody passion, a person can continue to beat the aggressor, despite the fact that he has long since given up.

The situation in a dream also matters

When answering the question of why devils appear in dreams, it is also important to evaluate the environment in which those same demons arise. If you see hell, purgatory, or a very dark cave in your dream, this could be a sign that the wicked human passions can have power over the mind. Such dreams encourage you to be more thoughtful and not rush into making important decisions.

A dream in which it was possible to find a way out of imprisonment is good sign, which promises new knowledge and a long life path. Every person has the potential for creativity and creation or destruction and demoralization. The devil or demon symbolizes human fear: of illness or death. Based on imagination, not on real reasons, this kind of phobia can actually lead to illness, in in this case, one’s own mind can turn against a person.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about devils?

If in a dream the devil tries to persuade someone to do something, then this may portend the inability to control the negative and destructive impulses of the soul. Fears of devils, devils and similar creatures are completely unfounded. If you adhere to the version that a dream is just virtual reality, then the person himself creates the plot and can change it as he pleases.

Human fears can create the most incredible horror images. In a dream, it can also symbolize a struggle with one's moral principles. Finding out why the devil with horns is dreamed of, one can assume that the person is hiding some kind of secret that one is very ashamed of. Surrounded by demons on all sides in a dream, a person symbolically becomes involved in the fight against his inner devil, and the outcome depends only on the owner of the dream. The winner will be able to resist temptation, the loser will follow his dark instincts and can become an excellent pawn in someone else's dirty game.

What to do if you dreamed about the devil?

Having analyzed your dream from all sides and come to the conclusion that this may mean something negative (it often happens that a person feels whether a dream is good or evil), you should make every effort to get rid of negative thoughts. Firstly, it can be forgotten (“how horrible dream") or use a cleanser. To do this, you need to hold your hands under running water and mentally send negative feelings along with the escaping water.

You can try to find out exactly what deep fears violate peace of mind. It’s worth taking a closer look at the people around you, and you’ll probably find traits that you hadn’t noticed before. After an unpleasant dream, you should avoid conflicts and be especially careful when performing important tasks and assignments; a decision that can affect a lot should probably be postponed for a while and think about it again.

For good or evil?

Why do you dream about the devil? In a dream, real fears and worries acquire the most different shapes and incarnations. If a person feels trapped and is afraid of the people around him, then the following picture may appear in a dream: a prisoner surrounded by faceless creatures with black hoods, chasing their prey with sharp axes next to some ominous flaming cave.

Maybe this is not just a dream, but certain psychological moments. It is important to correctly assess the situation, decide who you are really afraid of, and try to find a way out of their situation. Why dream of the devil if it still does not concern inner fear? A devil or devil in a dream can symbolize intelligence, cunning, deception and intelligence. It cannot be said unequivocally that a dream in which the sleeper encounters evil spirits carries only negative information; perhaps you just need to be prepared for a certain kind of changes that are expected in the near future.

So, what does the devil mean in dreams, bad or still good? This can be a rather dangerous dream, warning against troubles and various conflict situations at work, when communicating with loved ones, acquaintances, and in your personal life. On the other hand, forewarned means forearmed. You need to be able to correctly interpret the information received and use it to your greatest benefit.

Some dream books, on the contrary, consider the devil a symbol of luck, which can bring many positive experiences in daily life. If you open the dream book and look at what the devil is dreaming about, most of the interpretations will have a positive connotation, but each time a certain “but” will arise. Every cloud has a silver lining, and vice versa, so when meeting the devil in a dream, you should still behave carefully.

The evil spirit that appears in a dream very often becomes a reason for jokes and teasing at the dreamer. But in vain: the presence of a devil or demon in a dream is far from a trifling symbol.

A dream you had in which there was a devil can seriously change your life. Want to know exactly how? We will tell you about this in our dream book.

Devils in a dream

Devils or demons, occult communities call them creatures of a lower order who can mislead a person or arrange all sorts of stupid, and maybe even dangerous alterations. Get ready for unexpected troubles, absurdities and oddities. If you saw devils in a dream, then nothing terrible awaits you in the near future. Unpleasant little things may disturb your peace of mind, but not for long. By the way, if in a dream you saw a lot of devils, then expect a whirlpool of fun and unexpected events. Someone will deceive you, but this deception will not be harmful to you. Most likely, surprises await you.

Why do you dream of devils in the house?

But seeing devils in the house means trouble, as absolutely all dream books say. Demons calmly walking around your home - to quarrels, scandals and misunderstandings in the family. If the devils laugh or make faces, then expect someone close to you to deceive you.

Also a dream in which devils in the house- to financial troubles and minor illnesses.

Don't worry: everything will be resolved, even if not as quickly as we would like.

See them in church

Seeing unclean people in a temple in a dream is the same as seeing something pure and beautiful tainted and ugly. After such a dream in real life, you will have to be very disappointed in people or things that seemed unshakable. Perhaps a close friend who was an ideal housewife will suddenly turn out to be much worse than they say. By the way, after such a dream, expect a trick or betrayal from friends and loved ones. If in a dream funeral service for the dead man in the church, in which you saw devils, demons, then in reality you will witness a most unpleasant situation. Someone will be deceived, meanly used, and you will remain inactive. Even if such behavior is not usually typical for you, expect exactly this outcome of the situation.

In the bath

Devils love warmth, even heat. They are more accustomed to this than anything, and the dream in which you saw a demon in a bathhouse says that you can only come to terms with the circumstances, but there is no way to fix all this. If in a dream they were steaming with you in a bathhouse, then this dream is interpreted as the fact that the dreamer has become “one of their own” for the devils. Probably, he will soon either become fate's favorite, or lose everything at once. But he will not be able to change anything; now he is not in control of the situation. Crap beat with a broom in a dream? Expect blows from fate that will make you stronger. If you drank alcohol with the unclean in the bathhouse, consider that you drank away your luck. But if the devils in the bathhouse ran away at the sight of you, then nothing serious will happen. Life will go on as before, the only thing that can happen is a ridiculous joke from a friend or girlfriend. Don't worry: you will remember this prank with a smile for a long time.

They're attacking, what's the point?

Attacking devils are troubles, quarrels that appear seemingly out of nowhere and seriously ruin your life.

If the devils attacked with the whole pack, they bit, fought even among themselves, then, most likely, soon in your life there will be only chaos, a round dance of things and people.

Don't worry: the dream does not portend anything bad.

They want to initiate me into demons

A dream in which evil spirits want to recognize you as an equal is interpreted as your desire to change something, to appear better than you are. Perhaps you want to achieve someone's praise, or your pride goes beyond all limits. All the same, if the devils in a dream pull you along and recognize you as an equal, then you urgently need to change. To become equal to the demon is to drown in alcohol, lies and dissipation.

In the form of people

An unusual dream, and its interpretation is not standard. You are faced with a situation from which there is no way out. long time, and close and dear people will show themselves from the most unexpected and, perhaps, unpleasant side for you. Remember: what were these devils doing? If you broke something or sang, or maybe drank alcohol, then you will have to contact deceitful and cunning people who are mired in trouble. Probably, everything will work out if during this period you reduce communication with others to the maximum possible minimum. If the devils were playing with you gambling, then soon fate will play a game with you, the rules of which are known only to it. Exactly after similar dreams Both rise and fall are possible, both amazing luck and total bad luck in all endeavors.

As a cat

A very insightful dream: cats have always been considered, if not people from hell, then at least guides to another world. Cute and domestic cats always remain predators, remember this. Seeing devil cats in a dream is interpreted as a reluctance to notice the danger that is very close to a person and at any moment can turn his life upside down. If such a cat fawned over you, tried to climb into your arms, or “sang songs,” then in reality you have to deal with all the problems and tame any danger. If such a cat attacked, then expect troubles, health problems and quarrels with friends.

Evil in a dream

Soon fate will present you with a choice, you will have a chance to fix everything and even improve your situation, but at the same time you can ruin everything completely. Carefully consider your every step, deed, word. Whatever these changes are for you, they will radically change your life.

Devils and demons

But the appearance of demons led by devils may indicate serious problems that are about to reveal themselves. Demons in the form of people indicate that you have problems with self-esteem. If such a demon harassed you in a dream, in reality expect a bad situation that will compromise you, or you will be deceived by people who, it would seem, have been close and dear to you for a long time. In case you are in a dream devils quarreled with demons, then in reality expect that any situation, no matter how difficult it may be, will be resolved in your favor.

If the demon marks you as an equal or gives you something, expect hypocrisy and health problems.

Soon your plans will not come true.

Miller's Dream Book

Mr. Miller believed that the appearance of otherworldly forces in dreams often entails failure, losses and awkward situations in which the dreamer's reputation may suffer. It is best at such a time to take up self-education and not overload yourself with work.

Freud's Dream Book

One of the most mysterious psychotherapists, Dr. Sigmund Freud, believed that the appearance of devils in dreams indicates certain preferences of the dreamer in bed. Seeing a beautiful demon in a dream means in reality becoming a victim of secret desires. They are trying to deceive you, trying to put pressure on your weak spots. If in a dream a person himself was a devil, then most likely he was too selfish towards others lately.

These are the interpretations for a dream in which you saw devils. Remember: no matter what you dream, our dream book will always help to interpret this dream and explain what to expect from the future. Happy dreaming!

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The image of evil spirits is one of the most ancient archetypes of human thinking. The idea of ​​evil spirits was formed similarly and together with the symbolism of the amulet/idol/amulet, only with a different sign: the amulet protects a person from the elemental forces of nature, and the evil spirits tried to destroy him. For a better idea of ​​danger, man gave his own characteristics to natural phenomena: if a person becomes overgrown with branches and moss, then the result will be a goblin - a creature intermediate between the element of the forest personified by the tree and man. The power of such mutants was unclear: where did it come from? They called her unclean. Over time, in the archetype of thinking, evil spirits underwent a substitution of meaning similar to an amulet (see Amulet): it became more necessary for a person to protect himself from the evil thoughts and deeds of other people than from natural phenomena. And all the incomprehensible, but successful actions of the enemies were attributed to the help of evil spirits. In the East they believe that properly buried bodies of ancestors supply energy to descendants for a long time and the clan prospers. Incorrect burials, not performed with love, absorb energy into themselves, and the race fades away. The laws of energy circulation between Heaven and Earth are the same in the East and in the West: improper burials prevent descendants from living. Let's add here the sick, frustrated imagination of a weakened person, and the picture of the emotional creation of a non-existent reality will be complete. The main problem is that, once emotionally created, it strives to acquire a material form - to be incarnated. A situation similar to the fact that immaterial emotional intemperance leads to severe and material physical illnesses. Evil spirits really exist: like an evil invisible force, irritation, malice, inappropriate anger, and the like suck the health out of people. In folklore, in sacred texts, in the literature of all nations, it is repeatedly mentioned that evil spirits have no power over the innocent and pure in soul: they do not exist for a pure spirit. To fall under the power of an unclean, devilish force, you must lie at least once,...

The modern dream book considers it a bad omen to be in the house of evil spirits. If a woman dreams of an evil spirit in the guise of a charming man inviting her to his place, in reality she should beware of temptations and be careful in communicating with the opposite sex.

The devil is all covered with black, coarse short hair, has hooves on all his limbs, a head with horns and small evil eyes, naturally looking at me. We are having fun waiting for our diplomas and then all sorts of evil spirits begin to fly out from the threshold that is located between the rooms (as if from a tectonic fault in the earth). We collect holy water and go to another house, only it is abandoned. In front of us is a completely empty room. The fear at this time is of course very strong. So we go into the room, turn to the right and see a corner sofa and in the corner sit a man with a child on his lap, holding him tightly, and next to him is a woman. I put the bottle away, look at them and see horror in their eyes. It protected the family and waited for more powerful forces. Such dreams are not isolated. You won’t remember everything. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuasssss.

Different dream books interpret differently what evil spirits mean in dreams. Dream interpreters are unanimous on one thing: a character seen in a dream serves as a warning of impending danger. The symbol draws attention to certain circumstances that can gradually turn into a big problem and indicates to the dreamer his weaknesses.

Good day! Today I had a dream, after which a real state of panic set in. And just waiting for the right moment. Taking the mirror, it seemed to be revealed to me that to the normal eye can not see. There were needles stuck everywhere, which were attached in the shape of crosses. I remember my internal panic. was around thick fog. Between light and darkness thick and dense layer fog. Can someone interpret this dream?

If a person sees evil spirits in a cemetery in a dream or it appears in the form of deceased relatives, it means that some obligations to the deceased have not been fulfilled by the sleeping person or the relatives. The situation needs to be corrected as soon as possible.

Seeing evil spirits in a dream caused you fear and this speaks of a collapse that will occur not only in personal relationships, but also in some of your affairs. Such a collapse can cause you severe depression. You need to think everything through and understand where the mistake was made.

According to the Oracle's dream book, evil spirits often personify internal contradictions and doubts. Depending on the details of such a vision, you can tell whether disappointment awaits you or a new, positive stage in life.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Evil Spirits in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Evil Spirits in a dream?

Universal dream book

Why do you dream about Evil Spirits according to the dream book:

Brief interpretation: determination; power

What are you strong at in your dreams? What is your determination in real life?

Dream Interpretation of Zodiac Signs

Why do you dream about Evil Spirits according to the dream book?

If you saw an Evil Spirit in a dream - the Goblin lured you into the thicket - there is a danger that, having failed to understand the essence of things, you will make many mistakes, for which you will have to pay later.

Sabbath of evil spirits - a visit from older relatives is expected with the intention of “teaching you life.” Seeing a witch with a broom - a dream foretells that you will soon quarrel with your spouse over little things that have accumulated too many. Try to be more restrained.

The evil spirit of Baba Yaga - restraint and patience can betray you in a dispute, which you will later regret.

Serpent Gorynych - a warning dream. Particular care should be taken when driving a vehicle. For pedestrians, a dream about evil spirits foretells danger when crossing the street.

Seeing a flying three-headed dragon - a dream foretells that your disappointment in a friend will soon be forgotten, the resentment will pass, and the relationship will improve again.

Evil spirits, Talking to Koshchei the Immortal - the dream says that in the coming day you are destined to find yourself in a situation that will cause a lot of negative emotions.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

If you dream about Evil Spirits, what does it mean:

Feeling the presence of evil spirits in a dream, but not seeing it, is a warning that you are not acting from pure motives, and your methods are unworthy.

Seeing the devil is a warning that you will soon receive a tempting offer, which in reality will turn out to be a trap: try to exercise maximum caution and discretion!

Running away from evil spirits means that your aspirations and thoughts are pure, and you should not deviate from the path you have chosen, despite difficulties and obstacles.

Seeing the devil in your house is an alarming signal that your enemies have joined forces to achieve your complete defeat.

To drive away evil spirits in a dream means that you should avoid participating in an enterprise that seems dubious to you.

A familiar person in the form of an evil spirit is a harbinger of betrayal on the part of this person or evidence that in the past this person was not entirely honest towards you.

Evil spirits in a dream are a symbol of bad events, disappointments and adversities that the dreamer subconsciously fears. A dream in which devils, demons, witches and brownies appear speaks of the dreamer’s feelings and emotions, his fear, guilt or pain. The interpretation depends on the details of the night's dreams - in what form the evil spirit appeared, what actions were performed by the dreamer and representatives other world and other circumstances of sleep.

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    Interpretation of dreams about evil spirits

    Dream books explain differently what evil spirits mean in dreams. But they agree on one thing - this is a warning of danger lurking. Night symbols indicate minor circumstances that could soon seriously complicate life.

    Often the image of evil spirits in dream books is interpreted as an indicator of the presence of vices in the character that make one forget about prudence, spiritual purity, and safety. Other sources interpret the appearance of demons in dreams as a desire to seek protection from anyone, even an unclean one, just to get rid of constant fear, doubt, uncertainty, and anxiety.

    If you see an image of evil spirits in a dream, you need to pay attention to your immediate surroundings and not make new acquaintances. Do not get involved in financial transactions - the profit received will lead to the loss of family happiness.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

    Image of evil spirits

    The guises of an unclean entity in dreams are different. Sometimes they take on material, familiar forms. But they can appear in mystical or invisible images:

    • A werewolf dreams of possible betrayal loved one. Don't blindly believe every word he says. If the werewolf tried to clasp his hands tightly in a hug, this is a sign that the dreamed person is not trustworthy.
    • Invisible creatures, ghosts are interpreted as a state of disharmony in the dreamer’s soul. If there was no fear at the sight of them, then such a dream indicates that the person will soon find himself in amazing situations that will bring a lot of new and interesting things into his life and give him energy. If fear was felt, this indicates the need for solitude and restoration of inner peace and tranquility in the soul.
    • The witch is dreamed of by indecisive people hoping for a miracle. Something is preventing the disclosure of certain abilities for upward movement career ladder, spiritual growth). A dream in which you have to read a prayer together with a witch does not bode well, but requires more decisive action from a person.
    • The brownie indicates to the dreamer a necessary change in the latter’s lifestyle. If you believe the dream book, then higher power hint to a person that he should seriously think about the consequences of his actions and change his behavior.
    • Dreams of devils and demons usually promise funny and unusual situations and surprises.
    • Demons and devils dream of serious problems. If demons quarrel with demons, the unpleasant situation will be resolved in favor of the dreamer.
    • Residents of the other world can also take on the appearance of deceased people. Distinctive feature here is a feeling of fear in a dream, because deceased loved ones should not cause such a feeling. But if this happens, the dream is interpreted as a subconscious feeling of guilt towards the deceased. A person needs to forgive himself and let go of the situation.

    Evil in human form

    Evil spirits in human form portend a confrontation with a difficult situation. If a demon appears in the form of a person, this indicates increased self-criticism. You should stop fighting with yourself and find harmony.

    To avoid impending troubles, you need to remember all the details of the dream. If the devil in a dream took on the form:

    • Young men - you should expect betrayal from friends and colleagues, beware of people with bad offers, temptations, and adventures.
    • Child - there will be minor quarrels, financial problems, and the threat of ruin. This is not the right time for new endeavors and projects.
    • Women are a dangerous situation in which it is impossible to avoid losses.
    • A nice person - this image indicates erotic desires that are carefully hidden.

    The demon opposes good and tempts the soul. The dreamed image of the devil in human form gives a warning about the danger of temptation and betrayal.

    Devil in the form of animals

    The devil appearing in the form of an animal is a sign of anxiety and fear. Most often, the unclean appears in dreams in the form of cats. The dream is interpreted as the dreamer’s reluctance to see the danger coming. If the cat was affectionate in the dream, then the dreamer will be able to solve the problems. If the cat attacked, such a turn of events promises troubles, squabbles, discord with loved ones and illness.

    The brownie is often dreamed of in the form of a cat. His job is to cleanse the house and residents of negative emotions. To warn about hard times he may appear:

    • A black cat means a period of problems and troubles begins.
    • A black cat with white spots means disappointment, a series of failures, ruin.
    • A cat with white fur means big trouble.

    Circumstances of sleep

    If a woman dreamed that she saw herself in the role of a witch, she should be more careful and vigilant. You shouldn’t rush into adventures like into a pool with your head. After all, according to the proverb, there is evil spirits there.

    The image of devils in a dream is interpreted in different ways. If they were rowdy, drank alcohol, broke objects, such a dream promises a meeting with two-faced and cunning people. In reality everything will turn out well, but this moment the dreamer is required to be attentive. Gambling with devils is a symbol of fortune. The dream has an ambiguous interpretation - luck in everything or a series of failures.

    If in a dream a person drove away a brownie, then such a dream foreshadows changes in life. If the dreamer spoke with a representative of this evil spirit, such a dream promises troubles and minor difficulties.

    A dream where a person sees evil spirits while reading a prayer speaks of possible problems in the field Agriculture and livestock farming. There will be a large crop failure or mass slaughter of livestock due to sudden animal diseases. You should take a closer look at their health.

    If an evil spirit asks to open the door for her so that she can come in for a visit, such a dream means in reality the dreamer’s incredible luck. Do not let evil spirits on the threshold - bad sign. Not showing respect in a dream means the possibility of losing friends due to greed and pride.

    In a dream, evil spirits are not kind to the owner of the dream. An attack by inhabitants of the other world means trouble and a possible meeting with wicked people. A dream in which a loved one or even a child challenges you to a duel indicates that the dreamer has a deeply hidden sense of guilt.

    If in night dream the dreamer sees a brownie strangling him - this is a very real problem with the lungs or bronchi. When you wake up, you need to analyze your dream. If the dream repeats, it is necessary to undergo an examination of the respiratory tract.

    In the same house with evil spirits

    Mystical characters came to the house - a dream warns of poor health. Such dreams appear to people who are overly anxious and worried. accumulated negative energy affects the kidneys, heart and other internal organs.

    It's a bad sign to find yourself in a house with devilish servants. Such a dream indicates that now is not the time to let new people into your life. To see devils in your house - a dream clearly speaks of upcoming troubles, squabbles, and discord in the family. If the devils allow themselves to laugh at the top of their lungs, it makes sense to prepare for deception from loved ones. Financial difficulties are also possible.

    Finding yourself in the same apartment with a resident of the other world means solving the problem. Help will be offered by someone you didn’t expect. The interpretation of a dream when a person found himself locked in a room with evil spirits (with everyone except demons, who do not promise anything good) suggests that there is no need to be afraid of loneliness. The person will be provided with timely, unexpected help. If a person himself finds himself in the dwelling of evil spirits, such a dream does not bode well. A woman should be wary of deception from men.