Strong fear in a dream. Jewish dream book What does Fear mean in a dream. Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does Fear mean in a dream

Dreams are an image of subconscious desires that a person cannot fulfill in reality. This is what the famous German psychologist and scientist Sigmund Freud said about dreams. He gave a precise definition and meaning of dreams, their functions and interpretations.

What if you dream of feeling afraid?

Who has never had a dream in their life? There are no such people on the planet. Even people who are blind from birth can see colorful dreams. Many scientists say that if a person sees a dream while sleeping, it means the person is sleeping restlessly. If you sleep soundly and do not dream, then such sleep is considered healthy. Half of the dreams people have are associated with a feeling of fear. Waking up in the middle of the night, sweating and with a frantic heartbeat, is scary to fall asleep again. In such cases, you may not remember the dream itself, although most often scary dreams are remembered, but the feeling of fear still remains.

Miller's dream book writes that if a person experienced fear in a dream, then in reality he will be faced with sadness and disappointment. If you dreamed of another person who was very frightened, then real life the person will be very worried about the problems and anxieties of his loved ones or relatives.

So, why does a person dream of feeling fear? There are many answers to this question. And in each of them you can find something that concerns a specific dream and its details. A feeling of fear in a dream suggests that someone close to the person seeing the dream may refuse to help him or perform any service. The ancient dream book of Taflisi says that when a person dreams of feeling his own fear, then in life he can completely lose his bearings or even, literally, get lost. If in a dream a person is afraid of a specific person, then in reality he should beware of this person and be very careful.

What does it portend?

Experiencing fear in a dream, according to the esoteric dream book, means that there is very little risk in a person’s life, and the lack of adrenaline makes itself felt. You need to go relax, travel and relax. Otherwise, there is a possibility of growing old quickly. Without any particular reason to experience fear in a dream, it means it’s time to expand your worldview and horizons, it’s time to change.

The Islamic dream book says that if a person experiences fear in a dream, then in life he will commit a very brave and risky act. After it occurs, the opinions of many people will greatly improve in favor of the person who sees such a dream.

Talking to a frightened person in a dream means there is an opportunity to make friends with him in life. Being afraid of a robber or some kind of animal in a dream indicates that you should be careful and fear betrayal from those around you.

The health dream book says that experiencing a feeling of overwhelming fear in a dream can mean that psychological state And nervous system The dreamer is very depressed. Fear of life's difficulties can give rise to asthma in a person, and also lead to ailment in the joints of the legs and knees.

You can experience fear in a dream due to many different circumstances and therefore there is no clear interpretation for such a dream. To understand what I dreamed about similar dream, you should remember its plot and create a complete picture of the event that occurred, which caused great fear. If to the expectant mother she dreams of how she trembles with fear of the approaching birth, this is a completely understandable phenomenon that reflects the true emotions of a sleeping woman and her fear of the birth of a child.

Interpretation of dreamed fear

Why dream of experiencing fear in a dream according to various dream books:

  • Women's dream book. Seeing the night in a dream and being afraid of the dark is a deep disappointment. The child was scared - the dreamer will be very worried about his loved ones. To be afraid of the upcoming birth - for a pregnant woman, a dream foreshadows a successful outcome of events that will happen in the near future. For a mother to fear for the life of her child in a dream - to take care of and patronize her baby in reality. Feeling afraid of heights means not being able to keep your emotions under control in difficult situations. life situation and panic.
  • Esoteric interpreter. A feeling of fear or fright in a dream indicates a lack of impressions or emotions in real life. You need to change your surroundings and go on a trip with friends or a loved one, leaving all household worries and other troubles behind.
  • English dream book. To be afraid of something in a dream - real phobias are reflected in nightmares. If a sleeping person managed to pull himself together and overcome the feeling of fear, in life the dreamer will be able to get rid of his fears and restore his peace of mind.
  • American interpreter. To experience horror in a dream is to face your own fears, get rid of what frightens you and causes negative emotions. A child is afraid of the dark - lack of self-confidence and the need for maternal care.
  • Family fortune teller. Panic fear in a dream warns of negative events and bad news. if a child or another family member is frightened, the sleeping woman is afraid for the health of this person and puts his interests above her own. To be afraid before childbirth is to panic before an important event. Feeling afraid of pregnancy - such a dream indicates the dreamer’s unpreparedness to become a mother in real life.
  • Dream book of Nadezhda and Dmitry Zim. Experiencing great fear in a dream means that in the life of a sleeping person there are many unresolved issues and problematic situations. To be afraid of the death of loved ones in a dream means a deterioration in health.

Psychologist Miller's opinion

To experience a feeling of insurmountable fear in a dream and wake up in a cold sweat - to material losses and financial losses. Fate has prepared a serious test for a sleeping woman if in a dream she experiences wild horror, screams loudly and runs away from a bloodthirsty maniac or a monster of frightening proportions.

Committing any crime and fearing exposure in a dream means heavy retribution for what you have done in real life will soon follow.

Hiding betrayal from your lover and worrying that the guy will find out about everything - an event will happen in reality that will reveal all the secrets of the sleeping woman, so it is better to confess everything yourself and ask for forgiveness for your vile act. Afraid unwanted pregnancy in a dream - to love affairs that will be short-lived, and indecent behavior of the dreamer.

To be afraid of the death of loved ones in a dream means to worry about the well-being of your relatives and not imagine your life without them. To experience fear of your own death in a dream means to be afraid of a similar development of events in reality. To be frightened while in pitch darkness means internal torment and nervous disorders. To be afraid of falling from a height into the water - to be unsure of tomorrow and be afraid of sudden death in real life.

In different dream books, the interpretation of such dreams is different. The Esoteric Dream Interpretation interprets this topic as a phenomenon in which in reality a person will act as an energy vampire and take away vitality at the victim. A modern dream book warns of danger that may be present.

To interpret the meaning of a dream, you need to remember all the details of the dream:

  • if you experience strong fear in a dream, the hopes you planned will not come true;
  • there was fear of a certain event that was planned - it was better to abandon the plan;
  • experienced severe panic for no reason - you will have an experience that does not bode well;
  • if this is inhuman horror, you need to stop suppressing your desires;
  • Finding yourself in a confined space and being afraid means there will be trouble and fuss.

Experiencing fear in a dream is a sign of unresolved problems. Before going to bed, a person thinks about his problems and concerns, and the subconscious tries to embody all this in dream images. People are trying to decipher the meaning of their dreams. Analyzing all the details of the dream, compare all the symbols with reality, pay attention to the clues of your subconscious.

What does fear in a dream mean?

When a person experiences a feeling of fear in a dream, this may indicate loss or disappointment. If in your dreams another person is afraid of something, strong experiences await you due to the misfortune of your loved ones. If you dream that a person is afraid of heights, then the dream book suggests different options interpretations:

  • just being afraid of heights - new opportunities will appear that the dreamer can take advantage of;
  • fall from a height and at the same time be afraid - in life there will be difficult situation, which the dreamer can cope with;
  • experience fear while climbing a mountain - wait career growth or a pleasant trip;
  • being afraid to jump with a parachute means you don’t have enough adrenaline in your life.

If you scream from fear in a dream and wake up from it, you are not expressing your feelings, so the subconscious splashes them out in the form of a scream in a dream. A dream where the dreamer finds himself in a trap and is afraid of it - in real life there will be hopeless situation. To be afraid of an animal in a dream means that you are afraid of someone in ordinary life, since your enemy is hiding under the image of the animal. Such a dream often indicates
to complex relationships between people.

If an animal is chasing you, this is a reflection of your emotions that the dreamer experiences during communication. Fear of injury means trouble. To be afraid of death is a natural reflex that warns of danger. Also, being afraid of losing loved ones in a dream is a natural defensive reaction of the subconscious.

Seeing that other people are scared will become a source of surprise for them. If in a dream you come under fire and feel fear from a bombing, then there will be mourning in the family. From such a dream you can expect troubles and obstacles. This is sometimes considered a warning sign.

You are afraid of losing a loved one - speaks of strong and emotional attachment. Dreams in which there is fear and threat can tell that a person will get sick. If you often have a dream about fear, and you see a scary person, then in reality there is a chance of falling under the influence of a tyrant.

A dream in which you have to pray out of fear may indicate great trouble. However, if the prayer sounds completely, then everything will be fine.

How to deal with this phenomenon

So as not to dream bad dreams, first of all, get distracted and don’t think about problems before going to bed, don’t communicate with bad people, especially with those who influence you. It is necessary to overcome fear so that the subconscious does not generate vivid events in a dream that happened in real life.

An unpleasant dream is a release of emotions that reflects an action that happened in the past. To avoid waking up after nightmares in a cold sweat and screaming in horror, it is necessary to treat nerves and emotional trauma.

Excellent treatments include psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and sleep therapy. These methods are aimed at determining the cause of nightmares during sleep and selecting the correct treatment. They are used only when a person cannot cope with his emotions on his own and needs the help of a specialist. Sometimes sleeping pills are prescribed to eliminate symptoms, but this is recommended only by a doctor; you cannot self-medicate - there will be consequences.

Always analyze the situation and figure out under what circumstances you are having such dreams. When deciphering the interpretation, pay attention to the little things, and then you will understand what you need to expect in reality.

A person can experience fear in a dream for various reasons. If the dreamer cannot independently unravel the meaning of a picture he dreamed at night, he should use the clues from dream books. Guides to the world of dreams will provide the correct answer if the owner of the dream is able to recall its details.

Women's dream book: experiencing fear in a dream

This guide to the world of dreams classifies a dream in which a person experiences a fright as a negative one. If you go by its interpretation, experiencing fear in a dream means experiencing disappointment in reality. It is possible that the dreamer will experience loss; he will lose what is dear to him.

Night dreams are also not uncommon, in which the sleeper observes the fear that other people experience. Such a dream promises trouble for the dreamer’s friends or relatives, and what happened to them will become a cause for great anxiety for him. If in night vision a person does not want to continue the work he has started, fearing failure, he should prepare for failure in real life. If fear in a dream prevents its owner from going on a trip, in reality it is worth avoiding long trips for some time. There is also a possibility car accidents, so you should be careful while driving.

Miller's Dream Book

What does it mean to experience a feeling of fear in a dream, if you rely on the opinion of a famous psychologist? Miller claims that fear in dreams is experienced by those who in real life suffer from a lack of intense sensations. It is possible that the time has come to forget about the daily routine and go on a trip. The trip will allow you to acquire pleasant memories that will help you forget about depression for a long time.

Miller offers dreamers another solution to the problem, which will require less effort. Do you need to expand your range of interests, introduce a new hobby into your life that can captivate the owner with fear in addition to the above? It is possible that the dreamer should begin to fight his suspiciousness, which poisons his soul, forcing him to suspect those who treat him kindly of bad intentions.

Esoteric dream book

What if a person should be afraid in a dream, but the emerging threat does not make any impression on him? Esoteric dream book claims that in reality the dreamer will face a difficult exam, which he will pass brilliantly. The test can be related to different areas of life, most likely it concerns professional activities.

Are there any reasons for alarm if a person manages to suppress the feeling of fear in a dream, decide to take an action that frightens him, or turn his face to danger? No, because night dreams with a similar plot promise victory over enemies. If there are no ill-wishers in the dreamer’s life, the dream can predict a successful fight against his own shortcomings. Also, don’t rule out parting with bad habits, which the owner of the dream has long dreamed of getting rid of.

Dream Interpretation Maya

Why do you dream of fear, if you rely on the interpretation offered by the Mayan dream book? Representatives of this ancient civilization there was no doubt that those who successfully get rid of a heavy burden in reality can be frightened in their night dreams. The burden can be different, for example, responsibilities imposed on the dreamer by someone against his will. There is a high probability of reconciliation with childhood friends, relationships with whom were once destroyed because of a trifle.

Interestingly, the compilers of this ancient guide to the world of dreams offer readers ways to do this. To do this, you just need to refrain from communicating with anyone until breakfast.

Fear of heights

The dreamer can experience this when he finds himself at a high altitude. In this case, a person is afraid of falling, even if heights do not scare him in real life. Guides to the world of dreams claim that in reality the owner of the dream feels uncomfortable at the peak that he managed to conquer. We can talk, for example, about new position, a love affair with someone whom the dreamer secretly considers too beautiful (smart, rich).

In addition, the dream may signal that its owner may take more high position in society, but is afraid to take decisive action because he expects failure. If he is terrified of falling, one of his friends and relatives in reality needs help.

Health and fear

Offers others interesting interpretations dream book Experiencing fear and horror in a dream means facing health problems in reality. First of all, the owner of night dreams must make sure that he does not have cardiovascular diseases. This is especially important for those who constantly have the same dream, causing them to experience fear.

Also, a person who has to be afraid in a dream should pay attention to his emotional state. There is a high probability that he is on the verge of depression, which is caused by his indifference to his own needs and requirements. In this case, the dreamer would benefit from a dose of healthy egoism; he should develop the ability to refuse others, having noticed their consumerist attitude towards himself.

Scream in fear

Not every person who has experienced fear in a dream remembers himself screaming in horror. If such a detail nevertheless surfaces in your memory, you should be wary. It is possible that soon an intractable problem will appear in real life, which the owner of the dream will not be able to cope with unless friends and relatives help him.

Dreams are something that not a single person has passed by. Sigmund Freud once said: “Dreams are images of subconscious desires that a person cannot fulfill in reality.” Scientists from all countries claim that if a person sees dreams, he sleeps very restlessly, and if there are no dreams, he sleeps soundly and healthy. Whether this is true or not, no one can say for sure, but it is a fact that fear is a dream for a reason.

Quite an unpleasant feeling, especially in a dream. You wake up scared, with mad heartbeat, and even if you don’t remember the dream, the fear remains.

Miller's interpretation

Miller claims that if in a dream you felt apprehensive, then losses and failures are possible soon. However, any details may change dream meaning:

Other dream interpreters

These dream books are not consulted very often. However, it is better to know everything dream meanings so that later you can protect yourself or be prepared for certain situations.

To experience fear in a dream according to Kananita’s dream book - you lack thrills, you are tired of everyday life. Travel, take more risks (in moderation). Yours subconscious trying to convey to you that it’s time to change something in this everyday boring life.

Rommel's dream book:

English dream book:

  • Why do you dream of fear: the feeling of fear of others - fear that has been sitting in your subconscious for a long time will soon make itself felt and come out, although you may not even feel it.
  • Something scares you - perhaps a part of your nature is unpleasant to you, which you carefully hide from others, be yourself and life will become easier.
  • You feel that something not very good is about to happen - your intuition cannot reach you while you are awake, that's why it gives a signal at night. Listen to her, it won't hurt.

Family dream book:

Psychological dream book:

  • Do you feel awe in your dreams? In reality, you will experience a feeling of loss and great disappointment.
  • Seeing another person very frightened means worry and worry for the people close to you.
  • If you are afraid to do anything or go somewhere, you will be refused a deal or something similar.