Where to get strength when vital energy is at zero. Where to get the energy of life

When it comes to important tasks, whether it's studying at a university, completing a significant project or just current work, we often talk about knowledge, skills, motivation and productivity, but we underestimate energy reserves. However, even the most educated and motivated people They don't get things done if they don't have enough energy.

Where to get strength if it’s running low, and where to recharge your internal “batteries” - “EasyPole” will tell you.

Secret One: Reduce Stress Levels

The more tasks and areas of responsibility we have, the more anxiety and stress we have. Research shows that there is a direct relationship between stress and fatigue, as stress literally sucks energy out of us.

When you are stressed, breaks, rest and even sleep are unable to restore your strength, and you return to work just as tired. Of course, productivity in such cases decreases. So, since stress cannot be compensated for by rest, then the solution is to minimize the amount of stress in your life. Sources of tension and anxiety can be unfinished projects or “toxic” people in your environment.

Every time you worry about something, think about whether it’s worth spending time on this person or this situation. It may be wiser to walk away from projects, side jobs, or even relationships if they are draining you of the energy you need to do more important things.

Secret two: get enough sleep

If you have had little or poor sleep, you will feel tired all day. Mood swings and inability to concentrate on work or school are just some of the consequences of lack of sleep.

How many hours should you sleep? They say that it is eight, but in fact it is individual for everyone: for some, six is ​​enough, and for others, all nine are needed. Most likely, you yourself know the minimum that you need to get a good night's sleep.

But what if, even after a busy day, you have difficulty falling asleep, and then wake up several times and cannot fall asleep again? To prevent this from happening, try to improve your sleep:

  • go to bed and get up at the same time;
  • do not drink coffee, tea and other tonic drinks in the afternoon, or even better, give them up completely;
  • 2 hours before bedtime, put gadgets aside and turn off the TV;
  • sleep in a cool, well-ventilated room;
  • master meditation techniques and learn to clear your mind of thoughts that keep you awake.

Secret three: do exercises

Regular physical activity, be it exercise, playing volleyball with friends or morning jogging, improves your mood, improves your health and gives you energy. People who lead an active lifestyle have better heart and lung function and oxygenated blood more efficiently, which gives the feeling of “wings behind your back.” Conversely, constant oxygen starvation leads to apathy and loss of strength. In addition, exercise and other types of physical activity help to discipline yourself, which is also one of the components of success.

If you still can’t motivate yourself to exercise or jog, start with walking or cycling. Choose any type of activity, the main thing is to do it regularly, at least half an hour a day. Over time, it will become a habit and you will see positive results.

Secret four: eat right

Food gives us energy, but sweets and fast food cause a jump in blood sugar levels: first you feel a surge of energy, and then apathy and drowsiness. At the same time, a diet consisting of processed foods and other unhealthy foods is poor in vitamins, which sooner or later will lead to a decrease in immunity and a deterioration in well-being.

Pay attention to what you eat and replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones. For example, greens contain antioxidants and boost energy, while protein-rich foods such as beans, nuts or mushrooms help stabilize blood sugar levels and give the body fuel for the hours ahead. As a result, you stay full longer, remain productive, and think about the task at hand, and not about the fact that it would be nice to chew something.

Secret five: do what you love

It's hard to stay passionate and energized if you're doing work that you don't like. And vice versa, there will always be strength for what you love. Does it make sense to give up precious years of your life to a job you hate, even if the salary suits you? Now there are many opportunities to try yourself in different fields and with no less salary.

True success lies in doing what you love. Find your life's work and devote yourself to it without reserve. Overcome difficulties while maintaining faith in your strength.

If you have a worthy goal, do everything to ensure that you have enough energy to achieve it. Get rid of stressors, get enough sleep, exercise, eat healthy and do what you love. And then your “battery” will always be 100% charged!

Lack of energy is the first sign of approaching misfortunes and illnesses. Ayurveda says that if a person is making progress in spiritual life, then this should be visible in two ways:

1. A person becomes happier and happier every day.
2. His relationships with other people improve.

When do we receive subtle energy?

We receive subtle energy when:
- we are starving,
– we carry out breathing exercises,
- let's retire,
– we take a vow of silence for some time.
– we walk (or just stay) along the seashore, in the mountains, contemplating the beautiful nature landscapes,
– we engage in selfless creativity,
– we praise a worthy personality for his sublime qualities and actions,
- we laugh, we rejoice, we smile from the heart,
- we help someone unselfishly,
- show modesty,
- we pray before eating,
– we eat foods full of prana (vital energy) – natural grains, cereals, ghee, honey, fruits, vegetables,
- proper sleep
– we get a good massage from a harmonious personality. Or do self-massage.
- we shower ourselves cold water, especially in the morning and the most powerful effect is if we stand barefoot on the ground.
– we sacrifice our time, money...
– we see the divine will behind everything.

When do we lose energy?

Energy loss is caused by:
– despondency, dissatisfaction with fate, regret about the past and fear, rejection of the future,
– setting and pursuing selfish goals,
- aimless existence,
- grievances,
- binge eating,
– uncontrolled wandering of the mind, inability to concentrate.
– when we eat fried or old food, food prepared by a person in anger or experiencing other negative emotions, when using a microwave oven, foods containing preservatives, chemical additives, grown in artificial conditions, using chemical fertilizers,
– eating food devoid of prana – coffee, black tea, white sugar, white flour, meat, alcohol,
– eating in a hurry and on the go,
– smoking,
- empty talk,
– incorrect breathing, for example, too fast and deep,
– exposure to direct rays of the Sun, from 12 to 4 pm, especially in the desert,
– promiscuity, sex without love for a partner,
– excessive sleep, sleeping after 7 am, lack of sleep,
– tension of mind and body,
- greed and greed.

Eastern psychology consists of 50% pranayama - the theory and practice of certain breathing techniques that allow a person to always be filled vitality(Prana).

According to modern enlightened yoga teachers, we can gain Prana through:

1. Earth element: eating natural food, living in nature, contemplating trees, walking barefoot on the earth. Recently I talked with a very famous Ayurvedic doctor who defended his dissertation in medicine, he argued that if a person begins to live in nature, away from big cities that force him to ride the subway, walk on asphalt, then such a person’s immunity is quickly restored and he begins to live a healthy life.
2. Water element: Drink water from wells or streams. Swim in the river or sea. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.
3. Fire element: exposure to the Sun and eating food containing Sunlight.
4. Air element: This is the most important element in obtaining Prana, through inhalation of clean air, especially in the mountains, forests and seashores. Smoking and being in crowded places deprives a person of prana.
5.Ether element: cultivating positive thinking, kindness, good mood.

And this level is considered basic. For even if a person lives in nature and eats right, but at the same time walks around irritated and angry, then, on the contrary, excess Prana will destroy him even faster. On the other hand, a harmonious person, that is, good-natured, fearless, can last quite a long time in the city if he is forced to live there. But even such a person needs to watch his diet and periodically “break out” into nature.

Every second we have a choice - to shine to the world, to bring benefit and happiness to others with our lives, to smile, to take care of others, to serve unselfishly, to sacrifice, to restrain lower impulses, to see a Teacher in every person, to see in every situation the Divine Providence that created this situation in order to teach us something, to thank us.

Either make claims, be offended, complain, envy, walk with a wedge-shaped expression on your face, immerse yourself in your problems, in making money in order to spend it on satisfying your feelings, or show aggression. In this case, no matter how much money a person has, he will be unhappy and gloomy. And every day there will be less and less energy. And in order to get it somewhere, you will need artificial stimulants: coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, nightclubs, sorting out relationships with someone. All this gives rise at first, but ultimately leads to complete destruction.

A simple regular question to yourself: am I a candle to the world or am I absorbing the light? It can quickly change the course of our thoughts and therefore our actions. And quickly turn our life into a beautiful one bright shine, full of love. And then questions about where to get energy no longer arise.

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Many people live boring and gray lives. Why? It is believed that society, upbringing, banal laziness and reluctance to take life into one’s own hands are to blame for this. Yes, that’s how it is, but there’s also something else. If you observe, you will notice that people often simply lack energy. Maybe that woman would be happy to take up dancing, maybe this man would like to learn how to ride a skateboard, or at least learn Japanese- but no, after work I only have enough strength to crawl to the bed and collapse on it exhausted! Therefore, do not rush to accuse yourself of laziness and inertia - maybe you, too, simply need energy.

About “batteries”

People with good “battery”, that is, energetic people, manage to do more in a day than the average person. And when the “battery” runs out, sometimes you would be happy to do something, but you don’t have time to cope with even the necessary minimum.

Where can I get a “battery” for a person?

Well, for example, with a watch everything is clear: if its battery runs out, you just need to go to the store and buy a new one. There is nothing complicated here, just look at which element powers your watch. But a person is not an alarm clock; he is much more complex. Therefore, human “batteries” are not a small round or square thing, but a whole complex of various measures aimed at increasing energy and vigor.

If you think logically, it will become clear that the simplest batteries for people are food. A person cannot live long without food, this is understandable. In addition, a person needs water and air - perhaps sometimes even more than food. And finally, everyone knows that a person, no matter how he eats, cannot live without rest and sleep. So, water, food, air and sleep are the main elements for human batteries.


As we know from a biology textbook, man to a greater extent consists of water - about three quarters. You need to drink water for everything chemical reactions, which together constitute our existence, proceeded correctly.

If there is not enough water, then the body is ready for exploits only in the morning. In the afternoon, with a lack of water, you feel lethargic and sometimes even drowsy. Your case? Drink more water. At least 1.5 liters per day, as science advises.

To paraphrase a slogan from one commercial, not all food is created equal. Some types of food contain substances that are absolutely useless for our body. That is, such food does not provide energy. If we draw an analogy with an electronic watch, then this is a battery made of plasticine - although it is similar in shape to a real one, it does not provide any benefit to the watch other than harm (clogging the contacts). We won’t go into a long and tedious list of what is considered unhealthy food – it’s better to talk straight away about what is healthy!

Food is healthy

Let's start with the fact that the benefits are not only in the food itself, but also in the mode of eating. Many people, rushing to work in the morning, skip breakfast - and they are completely wrong! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day in terms of energy. Less important are lunch, dinner and snacks throughout the day. At the same time, it is better to eat the most energetically valuable foods for breakfast.

Physiologists and nutritionists, having conducted hundreds of experiments, have found out which food is the best “battery” for humans. And these are the “energy drinks” that you should eat for breakfast. So what is it? Products that are very accessible and familiar to us from childhood: porridge (especially oatmeal, millet and buckwheat), fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir), sweet fruits and dried fruits (bananas, apples, citruses, dried apricots), vegetables (especially green ones), low-fat fish and meat, and from drinks - hot chocolate And green tea. Some people like to cook scrambled eggs in the morning.

In short, in the morning you need to eat properly so that you have enough energy until lunch, especially if during this period you are very active at work. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to overeat in the morning, this is also important, otherwise, before you even really wake up, you will immediately “nod off”, because all the body’s forces will be spent on digesting the exorbitant amount of food that unexpectedly fell into the stomach right in the morning.

Air and breath

You probably thought that you only need fresh country air to breathe. You are right, but only half. The fact is that modern people Not only do they breathe dirty air, but they actually don’t know how to breathe!

Focus on your breathing, watch how others breathe. Do you feel it? Breathing is shallow, shallow, and often even uneven. But proper breathing is not only energy, but also the health of the whole body. If you breathe correctly, deeply, including the front wall of the abdominal cavity in the breathing process, you will not only receive a charge of energy, but also improve the functioning of your internal organs (proper breathing replaces massage), and in addition, your voice will be deeper and more expressive!

Learning to breathe correctly after so many years is not so easy, but you can speed up this process with one of the simple exercises of classical yoga. Although, as for how easy it is, this is very subjective, to be honest :) The exercise is called “Sun Salutation.” Stand up, place your feet comfortably. As you inhale, raise your arms and stretch upward, and as you exhale, bow to the sun, touching your palms to the ground (yes, not everyone can do this, but those who cannot, let them strive for it!). Now the next phase: while inhaling, still touching the floor with your hands, take a step back, first with one, then with the other leg. As you exhale, try to bring this figure into balance - the ground, straight legs and straight back should form a beautiful and even triangle. Last phase: while inhaling, lower your body down and lie on your stomach (still without taking your hands off the ground). Raise yourself on your hands, resting your feet on the ground, bend over, stretch your head up, like a turtle. It's quite difficult at first, but after a few days you'll get the hang of it. Well, or just decide that it’s absolutely not necessary to mock yourself like that.


Scientists have proven that in a dream, all the information we have absorbed during the day is systematized, analyzed, and dispersed along the banks of our experience and logical chains. If a person did not sleep, he would not have logic, and he would remain stupid and could not learn anything. During sleep, however, not only units of analytical information are absorbed - our body remembers and assimilates new movements, is actively engaged in cell renewal and assimilation of necessary substances. Sleep is a time of active recharging. That's why, without enough sleep, we even proper nutrition and breathing we feel broken and sick.

Sleep has two important rules. Only when these rules are followed does sleep become an energy booster. First, you need to get enough sleep. Not in fits and starts, not at random, but this should be enough good sleep for you. Everyone has a different number of hours of sleep - for some, six hours is enough to get a good night's sleep, while others need nine. Secondly, never jump out of bed when you wake up. It takes about 10-15 minutes for the body to “get involved” in its work. Lie down, lie down, stretch, have a simple morning massage to feel invigorated all day. The main thing during this period is not to fall asleep again, otherwise you might oversleep at work or miss your plane.

Physical activity

Sufficient and feasible regular physical exercise They also perfectly charge with vitality, keeping the body in good shape. For those who don’t move much at work, fitness classes, swimming, cycling, or at least long walks are mandatory. fresh air.

A few words about heredity

Another important factor our vitality is the level of “charge” given to everyone by nature. It’s not for nothing that such terms as choleric and phlegmatic were invented. Heredity determines a lot, but not everything. Therefore, if someone by nature “does not have enough charge,” then you just need to minimize excess energy consumption by understanding where exactly it occurs.

If you think a little, it is not difficult to understand in which cases the body’s energy flows, as they say, down the drain. A person can lose energy in vain, for example, when he swears and argues, when he worries too much, etc. Bad habits vital forces are also consumed, for example, smoking, alcohol abuse and regular overeating.

What's the result?

At the end of this article, let's summarize it all a large number of letters: “The moral of the story is” that to achieve our goals we need not only motivation, but also energy. The conclusion is strange - for our dreams to come true, we need to drink enough, eat right, sleep enough, breathe properly and move more. But this is true - these elements of energy recharging will help us achieve more than if we neglect them.

P.S. Humor and positive emotions are also energizing!

Probably everyone knows the advertisement for batteries, where a cheerful bunny knocks on a drum. So, as a completely appropriate touch to complement this article, we bring to your attention a funny video about a drummer who practices at home on special low-noise machines. Check it out, it's really fun :)

Everyone Have a good mood and more energy!

In the life of every individual, there may be black streaks of failures and defeats, but individuals filled with strength come out of any situation with dignity.

Society dreams of being harmonious and happy, so the question of where a person’s energy comes from becomes very relevant in our chaotic and hectic world. Of course, physiological processes are important to maintain tone, but you should never forget about the quality of life itself and its fulfillment.

Where does a person get energy: the opinion of biologists

Human cells receive energy reserves through metabolism, or rather, after the breakdown of adenosine triphosphoric acid. It is ATP that acts as a battery in the body, which is also replenished nutrients coming from food. ATP accumulates in a person after the breakdown of useful components, and this process can be in the form of complete decay, i.e. with oxygen, and incomplete. In the second case, the breakdown product accumulates in muscle tissue, but the body instantly absorbs the energy. In this way, for example, glucose is broken down in the body.

The main sources of vitality, therefore, are food and oxygen. This is why the processes of breathing and digestion are so important. An active lifestyle requires a lot of energy, which means more food. Any food product consists of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. They are the ones who give the body energy. Vitamins, contrary to popular belief, do not give strength, but they help speed up energy metabolism.

Regulators of energy flows in the body are the glands of the endocrine system. The process of realizing vital force is controlled by the thyroid gland, and if it is not in in better shape, food will not be fully utilized for benefit. The adrenal glands also play an important role, releasing energy during stressful situations in the body.

But if, for example, negative emotions are restrained, excess energy begins to negatively affect internal organs, giving them extra stress. The release of energy is also controlled by the sex glands, but such a force, as a rule, is considered creative.

What constitutes a person's need for energy? It depends on different individual characteristics. What matters is the person’s age, height and weight, gender, metabolic rate, the ratio of physical and intellectual activity, general character main activity. It is also important what conditions a person lives in: climate, geographical nuances, humidity and air temperature.

An individual's significant energy requirement is determined by his physiology. To maintain all basic processes, for example, maintaining temperature and heart rate, a constant energy flow is required. Biologists call the main metabolism the level of energy expenditure under resting conditions after 12-14 hours after a meal, at a temperature environment at 20 degrees. This value is usually constant, and in a healthy body in middle age it is equal to 1 kcal per hour for every kilogram of weight.

Additional costs, of course, go away when playing sports or physical labor. Any employee without unnecessary physical activity during everyday chores and household chores spends a little more than 1000 kcal per day.

Mechanized labor increases this figure by 500-800 kcal, and heavy physical work requires 2300-2800 kcal per day. Athletes also spend a lot of energy, because each simple workout adds 500 kcal to the norm. For marathon runners, the figure jumps to 6000-8000 kcal per day. Energy consumption also increases when the air temperature drops.

To calculate a person’s bioenergetic potential, it is not necessary to take into account many factors. It is enough to multiply the year of birth by the number obtained by merging the month and the number (not vice versa!) in the date. Then you need to add up all the digits to form a six- or seven-digit number.

For example, 1970*(9+9)=18

  • On average, this indicator shows 26-27, and if the result is less than 20, the person can be considered an energy vampire or he simply has a weak character without leadership qualities.
  • Conversely, a number greater than 30-33 indicates the presence of an additional energy channel in the individual, filled with the forces of the Universe, the presence guiding star and bright personality.

Also, if we consider the result after multiplication big number, you can see the development of energy potential in the first 6-7 years of birth. Then the cycle ended and started again, so there is a chance to calculate at what point you are in this moment life.

It is worth noting that in addition to the indicated processes of breathing and food absorption, sleep plays an important role in the accumulation of energy. Adequate rest restores strength and reduces the risk of disease. Water is also a necessary source of life. No less significant are physical exercise, which increase the level of vital energy. Movement lies in human progress, willpower, and victory over all ailments. It’s just important to distinguish activity from everyday fussiness.

Where does a person get energy from: signs of fullness

Before determining the specific sources of an individual’s vitality, we must try to diagnose the individual’s energy state. In other words, you should make sure that the vibration level is really high and the aura is in excellent condition. Distinctive features carriers of balanced energy are:

  • Feeling good. Diseases rarely bother those who have a constant flow of energy. Such a person has high immunity, good physical tone, fast recovery after failures in the body and always a glowing face.
  • Fulfillment of desires. A person with stable vitality attracts good luck and success, so her dreams come true much faster and more accurately than those of other subjects with an outflow of energy. At the same time, the number of new “wants” for such a person is also growing, but they are not momentary whims.
  • Attractiveness. An energetic person exudes attractive and even sexual vibes. It's filled inner strength and he likes himself, which means he likes those around him. Such a person has many friends and acquaintances, they are drawn to him as a source of joy and positivity.
  • Training Opportunities. Sometimes, when answering the question of where a person gets his energy, one may encounter a vicious circle situation. For example, vitality increases with the development of comprehension and concentration skills. But these indicators can also be the result of energy fullness.
    Thus, a high level of energy allows a person to make a minimum of his investments in studying new information. Almost all areas of activity become accessible and understandable to this person. And all because balanced energy guarantees confidence in your success, teaches you to quickly solve problems and remain calm in the face of failures.
  • Activity. Inner fullness encourages a person not to kill time just like that, but to use it usefully. Such a person wants to accomplish as much as possible without focusing on negative aspects. Therefore, this subject is very easy to communicate and has a sufficient number of leadership qualities. People with high level energy and its constant influx can have a wide range of impacts on society.

Lack of energy in a person: reasons

As a rule, insufficient energy flow in an individual's body is associated either with a blockage in the dynamic path of life force, or with improper distribution of energy in one's daily life. If the flows are spent effectively, the biofield will always flourish and function as a useful shield. But, unfortunately, in everyday life there are many things that waste a lot of energy, potentially necessary for much more important processes:

  • Negative emotions. Experiences and internal conflicts drain a lot of personal energy. People get nervous about literally everything and become exhausted nervous system. Anger, wrath, and resentment are constant companions in life that should be immediately shown in order to negative emotion did not accumulate in the soul and was not constantly fed with human energy.
  • Overload. A person needs proper leisure, and if physical and intellectual stress is accompanied by a refusal to sleep, the body finds itself in a stressful state and begins to absorb all energy reserves. Some people try to solve accumulated problems at night, but, as a rule, they still lack concentration, and during the day the work is not completed due to the compensation of proper rest from their waking hours. If there is not enough time for quality sleep, it can sometimes be replaced with relaxation techniques or a light massage.
  • Worrying not about end goals. Why does a person have no energy in most cases? The answer lies in the individual's low focus. Very often, the flows of the biofield flow away from the individual as a result of matters that do not affect the final result. A purposeful subject always knows what his activities are aimed at, so he does not get distracted by everyday trifles that are not worth his energy costs. Therefore, by the way, the lack of a daily routine often leads to an uncontrolled outflow of energy.
  • Bad habits. A person’s vital energy is significantly reduced when addictions occur. It has been proven that the performance of smokers is at a low level before each dose of tobacco, and as for alcohol and drugs, they worsen the nervous system and increase the level of irritability. Even popular caffeine and various types of energy drinks give only the imaginary illusion of being full of strength.
  • Lack of contact with nature. The bustle of big cities requires a person to restore his reserves through the usual contemplation of peace and quiet. Nature helps an individual sort out his thoughts, get out of the routine of everyday life and throw out negative emotions. It is very stupid to refuse such a powerful source of energy. Spending time in the fresh air, a person saturates the body with oxygen, he interacts with active elements, learns to communicate with flora and fauna, and adopt calming vibrations from them too. It is through nature that a person directly receives the large-scale energy of the Cosmos.
  • Least favorite things. Responsibilities, a sense of duty, responsibility are an integral part of adult life, which absorbs a lot of energy. If a person does not have an outlet, a favorite activity that brings true pleasure. he loses the opportunity to draw vitality from himself even in difficult moments.

What gives a person energy in life?

Having your own mission

It is very important to have a global goal for which the individual is on the planet. If a person knows his role in life, he understands why he needs energy and activates all his internal reserves. Such a person has a high vitality, constant activity in the body and fresh ideas in the head.

One’s own dreams always nourish an individual and develop him, but other people’s tasks can only deplete reserves. The main thing, of course, is not to get hung up on your goal and not to go overboard for it, but simply to always remember about it and try to realize it as best you can, to make a contribution to society.

Thoughts about innermost desires fill a person with joy, and when there is no mission, there is also no motivation, and a person cannot discover anything but apathy and sadness in everyday life.

The global goal of life is an excellent tool for regulating energy and directing it in the right way.

Absolute love

Where does the energy come from in a person who is in love with life and the world? The highest and brightest feeling on the planet feeds all the reserves of the personality and fills every day with joy and happiness. A harmonious individual must love not only other people, but also himself, in order to maintain energy potential even in difficult periods. There is no need to be selfish, just free your heart from negativity, and love will appear on its own.

True love is unconditional, it is a limitless source of energy because it transforms the environment and the soul itself. Therefore, people who, for example, do charity work, are always full of energy and enthusiasm.

Positive views

To get additional energy, you need to notice the good moments in life. You should always focus on the positives in any matter because they give off positive vibrations. If you get stuck on the negatives, the negative will only take away your strength; it does not have high energy output.

Joyful thoughts always evoke a desire to act, so you need to take care of the state of your soul and mind, keep more light there, and not pessimistic or dirty. Try to laugh more often, because this clears all of a person’s bioenergy channels from traffic jams and fills the body with pleasant vibrations. This source of energy is well supported by the individual’s favorite hobbies.

You can dance, travel, read smart books, listen good music, watch a good movie or do painting. But discussions of politics, the yellow press, films about violence and loud aggressive music only destroy a person’s natural biofield, making it smaller and thinner. Don't forget to maintain a sense of faith throughout life.

Be confident in yourself, your strengths and the good care of the world for you. Also try to thank the Creator as often as possible for every day you spend on Earth.

Quality communication

Any conversation should be useful and energetically rich. Contact with a positive person always stimulates creativity, life dynamics and improves your mood. The energy after such communication becomes twice as much. Conversely, a vampire can drain the life force through negativity, leaving a person feeling empty and anxious.

You must avoid communicating with those who annoy you, who drain your energy and simply waste your time. Try to minimize friendships with those who constantly whine and complain, but at the same time concentrate not on the shortcomings, but on the positives of the person. Remember that for a person, the ways of receiving energy are the people around him.

You should also avoid conflicts and quarrels, sorting out relationships, or begin to adapt to society, abandoning the previously chosen path. Sometimes you need to answer people “Yes” less often and say “Thank you” much more often.

Self improvement

In the course of his life, a person must develop. Only by building up new opportunities and fresh discoveries can you increase your energy and maintain a joyful outlook on the world.

Personality degradation is a very dangerous phenomenon that leads to complete energy stagnation or exhaustion.

At the same time, we are talking not only about the intellectual or spiritual fulfillment of life, but also about the physical. You can engage, for example, in meditation or breathing practices that teach an individual to remain calm and accumulate energy within himself, and not waste it in the external environment.

For regular mental training, you can use crossword puzzles or making plans for the next day.


The importance of nature for the energy of the individual has already been outlined above. But where can a person get energy in the city? Here, of course, the environmental friendliness of the world plays an important role, but part of the necessary reserve can be obtained even without leaving home.

Firstly, solar energy is of great importance to individuals. We consume it through food, but this is not enough, so we need to try to let the light into the room where a person spends a long time as much as possible. The sun adds beauty and well-being; it acts as a limitless generator of joy and warmth.

Secondly, air plays an equally important role, so it is necessary to regularly ventilate both houses and work offices. You can also receive an additional flow of energy from the earth. It is very useful, for example, to periodically walk barefoot and restore contact with the origins of humanity.

Feeling clean

First, you need to maximize the comfort of the space. In order not to interfere with the movement of energy in life, a person must get rid of unnecessary things and trash that takes away his energy and time. Then you need to pay attention to cleansing the body. They cope with it different methods, for example, yoga or taking special herbal infusions.

The body needs to get rid of waste and toxins, otherwise all bioenergy flows will begin to collide with huge blocks in the body. You should also cleanse your soul from negative energy. This can be done with the help of useful crystals that increase vitality. The talisman can be jade, carnelian or jasper.

Finally, a mental cleansing effect can also be achieved through relaxation techniques. In particular, aromatherapy with essential oils not only improves the aura, but also adds energy to the body. To do this, you need to use squeezes of citrus fruits, cinnamon, pine, bergamot, eucalyptus, etc.

Where does a person's energy come from? The answer to this question is always individual, if you turn not to the characteristics of the body, but to the secrets of the soul. The best thing to do is to listen to your inner voice and do what brings positive emotions, since they are a sure sign of the necessary vitality. Just don’t forget that even a constant influx of energy does not exclude the possibility of its leakage.