Pins as a talisman for an apartment and a talisman against the evil eye - how to choose and use. Pin: a powerful amulet or source of negative energy

IN modern world, when it would seem that everyone has long been accustomed to understandable and simple things, there is still room for magic. Some people are so superstitious that they will never leave the house if they are “lucky enough” to meet a neighbor with an empty trash can on the stairs. Many of our contemporaries firmly believe that luck will elude them after a black cat crosses their path. Each person, based on personal experience and beliefs, he decides whether to believe in certain signs or not.

Many people are very sensitive to various amulets. They can be traditional, for example, an ordinary pin, which we will talk about today, or individual. The latter include, for example, a lucky dress, in which a girl is always lucky, or her favorite shoes.

A pin is a common tailoring accessory that every thrifty housewife has in her home. It is this simple object that can protect a person from envy, anger, hatred and simply sidelong glances, both from friends and strangers. Of course, no one will give you a 100% guarantee, but, in any case, no one has canceled the “placebo” effect.

So, a pin. It is known for certain that this cute accessory was worn by shamans in the 4th century BC. Over time, conspiracies and customs appeared that turned an ordinary sewing accessory into a powerful amulet.

Does the metal a pin is made from matter?
Many people believe that the magical properties of a pin largely depend on the metal from which it is made. Some people buy gold pins, others buy silver ones, and especially wealthy people even buy pins encrusted with diamonds. In fact, the effectiveness of the amulet depends only on the faith in it of the person to whom it belongs.

This is interesting! In Rus', only gold pins were used as a talisman for newlyweds. It was believed that it was very easy to jinx a young couple during weddings and festivities. It is for this reason that, in order for the young to live a sweet and smooth life, the bride was pinned to the hem of two gold pins crosswise. The groom's sewing equipment was pinned into his bosom.

This is important! Many people prefer to purchase various souvenirs, for example, in antique shops. You can also find pins there self made past centuries. Such an accessory can only be used as decoration, but not for protection against the evil eye. Other people's things, even if purchased from former owner, are able to accumulate and store the energy of other people for centuries! If you want your amulet to be exclusively yours, buy a new pin!

How exactly should you wear an evil eye pin?
Once you have decided on a pin and have chosen an accessory that suits you in size, color, and quality, you can begin pinning it. This raises the question: how exactly should you wear a pin? On outerwear or underwear? In a bag or in a wallet?

The main rule: the pin must be attached with the head down on the inside of the garment.

Some modern admirers of the occult sciences believe that the pin should be worn for everyone to see, just like the red thread. However, according to the legends of our great-grandfathers, it is still better to pin the accessory away from human eyes.

The pin should be attached in the area of ​​the heart, strictly perpendicular to the ground. It is advisable to wear the accessory exclusively with clothes made from natural fabrics.

How to check if a pin is working or not?
Many superstitious people want to know how effective their amulet is from the envious glances of others. This is very easy to check. So, if you have an ordinary metal pin, then after wearing it it should not change its color. If the tip of the accessory darkened or oxidized, then the amulet fulfilled its function and protected its owner from an envious glance from the outside. Unfortunately, after this you will have to part with such an assistant, since the pin completely loses its protective functions. You need to carefully inspect your amulet daily.

If the pin is made of precious metals (gold, silver), then it will not change its color. Therefore, the owner will not be able to accurately determine that someone slandered him. It is for this reason that the amulet needs to be cleaned of accumulated negative energy a couple of times a month.

How to make a pin a talisman?
Many people believe that any pin is already a talisman. Pinned to clothes and it works. However, this is not true! You need to know how to make a pin a strong talisman, and the ritual must be performed according to certain rules.

  1. As we mentioned above, the amulet must be completely new. It is advisable if you purchase your future amulet on Friday afternoon.
  2. The pin spell should be carried out on a strictly defined day of the week - Tuesday, only on the waxing moon.
  3. Once the pin becomes your amulet, never, under any circumstances, remove it (with the exception of the natural need to change clothes). You should not give your pin to another person, pin it on someone’s clothing, or even let it be held in their hands. Otherwise, the amulet may be charged with someone else's energy.
Keep your amulet like the apple of your eye. Keep it away from other people's eyes and never forget to wear it. Make amulets for your children too. An ordinary pin, becoming your amulet, will help protect you and your family from the envious glances and evil eye of strangers.

Pin against the evil eye - how to wear this talisman correctly? This question worries those who often fall under the influence of sorcerers and do not know how to save themselves from damage and the evil eye. It is very simple to make a pin not only a decoration, but also a reliable shield against witchcraft.

It is important not only to pronounce the talisman correctly, but also to position it, following all the rules. Remember that the location of the talisman must be chosen immediately, since once you attach it, its location cannot be changed.

First of all, the talisman is always attached with the tip down. An inverted amulet will not be able to protect you from negative influences. Moving a charmed decoration from one thing to another is prohibited. It’s better to immediately prepare several talismans in order to attach them to different jackets, blouses, dresses, etc.

To increase the power of protection, use multi-colored beads. Their color should change depending on who will wear the talisman.

  • For children, string a green bead.
  • For the beloved (beloved) - red.
  • For relatives - blue.
  • For friends - yellow.

The use of black beads is prohibited! They attract negative energy.

Pay attention to what things you can attach the amulet to. The correct impact will be provided only if it is attached to natural fabric. If the decoration is pinned to a synthetic material, the protection will not be activated.

If you are preparing a talisman for a woman, then refrain from attaching it to your trousers. They are considered an element of a man's wardrobe, so the amulet will not have any effect.

If you decide to use a pin to protect your home from damage and the evil eye, then place it on the curtain, only so that it is not noticeable. Remember that such a talisman can protect your home from the negative energy of the guest and his curses. But against the power of the linings this accessory powerless.

How to speak to a talisman before pinning it to things?

You can protect yourself from the evil eye and envy in a simple old-fashioned way. The pin is actually very strong amulet, but most people use it incorrectly. Simply pinning a pin to clothing will not give much effect. She needs to be prepared in a special way and spoken.

The attribute must be purchased only after lunch on Friday. Bring it home, light a candle and say:

Lock up any evil on yourself, let everything that is prepared for me be transferred to you.

Now you need to secure the decoration so that no one can see it.

When you return home the next day in the evening, unfasten the accessory and take a closer look, what happened to the needle? If she is fine, then you have not been magically affected.

Leave the decoration unbuttoned until the morning, and fasten it again the next day. Check your amulet every day. If the needle suddenly bends, rusts or turns black, this indicates that they were trying to exert a magical effect on you.

This amulet will no longer be useful. You need to bury it where no one will find it in an open state and charm yourself with a new talisman.

Ritual for the waxing moon

This ritual is performed only on the waxing moon on Tuesday. In this way, you can charm the decoration both for personal use and for home protection. The ceremony is carried out either late in the evening or early in the morning, before dawn.

To cast a spell, use an accessory that has never been used by anyone before. Place a wax candle in front of you, open the pin and bring it to the fire. Let it heat up well, then sprinkle it with holy water and whisper the words:

May I, the Servant of God (name), be protected. May the Lord protect me from unclean things, from bad words, from corruption and from the evil eye. Amen.

The text is whispered three times. After each casting of the spell, drip wax onto the talisman. When the ritual is completed, let it cool and attach it to the chosen place.

Remember that, even if no magical attacks were made on you, the power of protection still weakens over time. In order to restore it, once every three months take the charmed talisman and leave it for a day in consecrated water.

The next morning, you can take out the jewelry and pin it back on the item, and pour out the used liquid. As a result, the water will take over all negative energy and restore the protective function of the amulet.

Plot of pins on fire and water

In order not to have to remove damage and the evil eye, you need to do everything to protect yourself and your loved ones. To perform this ritual you will only need:

  • new wax candle;
  • a bowl of holy water;
  • decoration.

Decoration bowl of holy water new wax candle

It is best if you first collect the water for the ceremony in a temple or church. This must be done before sunrise.

When you get home, pour the liquid into a small container and place a pin in it. The decoration should lie in the container for three days. Every morning and evening, go to the container, bend over it and read the words:

Protect me with a pin from the evil eye, demonic spawn and other infections.

After the specified time has passed, remove the amulet from the water, wipe it thoroughly, and pour out the liquid.

Now place the jewelry in front of you, take a candle in your hands and fill the pin eye (located at the other end of the product) with wax, whispering:

The pin is sharp, pierce the evil with a needle, send it away from me. I conjure the word with fire, I secure the word with iron.

The text should be repeated five times, after which the amulet will be ready and can be freely used.

Ancient charms for amulet

Our ancestors used not only the pin itself, but also protective plants to create protection against the evil eye. They were supposed to increase a person’s protection and prevent sorcerers from influencing him.

Onions were often used in spells. This plant has long been known for its protective properties. Usually, to cleanse the house from the evil eye or protect it, the housewife took a large onion, pierced it with a pin and said the words five times:

Onion, my protector, protect from evil, protect from demons, protect from enemies. Take away all troubles and sorrows from me.

After the ritual, the onion was thrown away and the talisman was attached to the curtain.

Rowan was most often used for personal protection. For the ritual, women took three dry berries, laid them out on the table, took them in turn in their palms and repeated the words separately for each:

The rowan is red, it brought me protection. She protected me from trouble and illness.

After the berries were enchanted, they were strung on a pin, which was attached to things.

If you use a pin as an amulet, it is important to spell it correctly and fasten it so that the talisman really protects you. Follow simple tips when creating a talisman and you can create reliable protection.

Pin against the evil eye - how to wear and speak the amulet - all the secrets on the site

Do you wish reliable protection or success in various endeavors? Then take advantage of the talismanic wisdom of the Slavs and the knowledge passed on from generation to generation in ancient Rus'. Break the cycle of failure by learning about the best defenses that work towards your excellence. Visit our website about choosing amulets, amulets and talismans.

Harmony magic amulet with your biofield depends on several parameters: individual characteristics and desired goals. Do not forget about the difference between an amulet, a talisman and a talisman. The amulet is always made personally; the talisman and amulet can be purchased. In addition, the talisman attracts positive energy, and the amulet protects against negative energy.

In the article you will learn what amulets protect the house from unkind guests, from evil forces, which are the strongest, and how to place amulets in the house.

For a person, a home is not just a place to live, it is a place where one can hide from troubles. No wonder they came up with the saying “My home is my castle.”

For a long time, our ancestors protected their homes from envious neighbors and unkind guests, using various amulets. But not only unkind people can cause trouble; even negative energy from a distance can penetrate a home. Therefore, amulets are important and needed at the present time; they will invisibly protect your home and give what a happy family needs - positive energy.

Important: If a house is protected by amulets, guests with bad intentions feel uncomfortable in it and try to leave this house as quickly as possible. Family members, on the contrary, feel calm, comfort, and lightness.

Be sure to pay attention to what the amulet looks like. If you notice that the amulet has darkened, cracked, burst, or broken, then the protection has worked. The amulet took on the negative message and protected you. Such a talisman must be burned with prayer, and a new one made in return.

Amulets for the home: where they should be

For amulets to work and protect you from evil spirits, you need to place them correctly. Let's consider options for placing amulets in a house or apartment:

  1. Entrance door or threshold. This place is the most important; the amulet should be placed here first. By opening the front door, you let people and energy into your space. This is where it’s worth intercepting the negative with the help of a talisman. It is not for nothing that our ancestors followed the belief that one should not pass things over the threshold or talk on the threshold.
  2. Corner of the room where family members and guests gather. The ancestors placed an icon in one of the corners of the hallway, which serves as a powerful amulet for the home against all evil. The red corner could be found in every home; now many follow this rule and trust their protection to higher powers.
  3. Kitchen. Placed amulets in the kitchen protect the family from hunger and poverty. Most often, such amulets are bundles of onions, garlic, and peppers. Vegetables from such bundles cannot be eaten, as they absorb a lot of negativity.
  4. Bedroom. A sleeping person is defenseless, so he most of all needs invisible protection with amulets.

Each amulet that you place in your house or apartment should be filled with your energy, so read the Lord’s Prayer mentally or out loud before placing the amulet.

Important: There can be several amulets in the house; you can use one amulets. Previously, amulets were placed no more than three, and all in one place. Now many people place a talisman in every room. Don’t tell anyone about your amulets, these are your silent protectors.

Video: How to place amulets in the house?

What amulet or talisman is better to hang over the front door in an apartment or house against evil people?

There are many amulets:

  • Icons
  • Slavic amulets
  • Feng Shui talismans

It is not customary to impose any amulets; everyone decides for themselves what to believe.

The task of amulets is not just to protect people from evil spirits, but also to bring health, wealth, good luck, and happiness. Let's consider what amulets can be hung at the front door of an apartment or house.


Orthodox people hang icons of the “Goalkeeper” or “Seven Shot” at the entrance. These icons protect family members, prevent evil forces from entering the house, and bring peace and quiet.

Icon "Seven Shots"


This amulet has long been used by the Slavs; nowadays you can often see a horseshoe above front door Houses. It is believed that the best protection for a house is a horseshoe found on the street, the one that fell off a horse's hoof. This is a symbol that higher powers give you a sign about the need to protect your home. To enhance the effect of the amulet, paint the horseshoe black.

Important: The old Slavic horseshoe amulet can be hung with its horns down or up. The effect of the talisman is different. If the horns look up, this will attract wealth and good luck; if the horns look down, it will protect you from ill-wishers.

Horseshoe - a talisman for the home

Wreath of dried flowers. Certain herbs, collected in a broom or wreath, protect the home. This amulet is also placed above the front door. A broom of dried flowers should contain the following herbs:

  • St. John's wort
  • Buckthorn
  • Juniper sprigs
  • Willow and birch branches with buds
  • Nettle

It is believed that these plants cope best with negative energy.

Home amulets made from herbs and vegetables

Amulet wreath of dried flowers


It is believed that the circle of salt does not allow evil spirits to leave its boundaries. Therefore, salt has firmly become one of the amulets of the house, as reliable armor against ill-wishers. Endowed with special powers Thursday salt, which they take with them on church service on the Thursday before Easter. Then salt is poured under the rug at the entrance.

Shell amulet easter egg

To make such a talisman you will need a small piece of beautiful fabric. The crushed shells are wrapped in fabric. The bag is tied with thread at the top and a loop is made. This amulet is valid until the next Easter holiday. The old shell needs to be buried, and then the shell from a fresh Easter egg should be wrapped in the same cloth. The same principle is used to make bags of abundance to attract wealth. Seeds, corn grains, peas, and beans are placed in beautiful bags. These bags last a long time.

Amulet bags for the home on the front door

Particular importance is given to the design of the front door in practice feng shui. You can read more about the rules for decorating an entrance door according to Feng Shui. The main taboo is the mirror opposite the entrance, which reflects and pushes out favorable energy. It is also important to choose the color of the rug located at the front door:

  • There should be a red rug on the south side;
  • In the north - blue;
  • In the west and east - green and yellow.

What is the most powerful amulet for the front door?

Important: The most powerful amulets are those made with your own hands, as they absorb your energy.

Those who have felt the effects of negative energy resort to the help of powerful amulets. There are often situations when, after a visit to a certain person, family members begin to have headaches and feel unwell. Quarrels and disagreements may also arise in the family. This suggests that happiness and prosperity in your home are envied. You cannot give such people things and objects from your home, and you also cannot accept gifts from them. And if you can’t refuse a gift, it’s better to get rid of them and not store them in the house.

It would be a good idea to protect your home with a powerful amulet from such guests.

They have long been considered a powerful talisman needles. To create such a talisman you will need two gypsy needles, bought without change and, most importantly, not a waxing moon. They need to be folded into a cross and tied with white thread. Then say the following words:

Spell words for a powerful amulet at home

The needles are placed under the rug at the front door or placed under the door trim on the outside. After three months, burn the white thread with a candle flame, and heat the needles with fire. You can make the amulet again with these needles.

If the amulet is made correctly, its power can be observed in action. Those people who wish you harm or are jealous will avoid visiting your home, and if they come, they will feel bad. In this way, it will be possible to judge the true intentions and attitude of such guests.

A powerful amulet is holy Epiphany water . It protects not only from evil people, but also from evil spirits, diseases and other destructive things. It is necessary that there is always baptism water in the house. They wash themselves with it if they feel unwell. You can also wash yourself with holy water if you come home upset, if there are troubles at work or in business. Water will help wash away negativity. Holy water is also used to protect the home. To do this, you need to take some water, read the Lord’s Prayer over it and sprinkle the corners of the house, starting from the front door.

Powerful amulets are icons. They need not only to be purchased, but also to be consecrated in the church. We have already discussed two icons above; the following icons are also suitable for protecting a home:

  • Image of the Guardian Angel. Everyone has Orthodox man has his own Guardian Angel who is always next to him. Hang the icon in your home for protection and assistance in all matters.
  • Images of the Savior and the Virgin Mary. You can resort to these icons with requests for help in any matter, for the granting of health, for peace and tranquility in the family.
  • Ostobramskaya icon of the Mother of God. Protects from the machinations of ill-wishers, from envious people, from quarrels in the family.
  • The Burning Bush is a protector against fires in the house.
  • John the Warrior - the icon will protect the house from theft.
  • Saint Nikita of Novgorod - will provide a calm environment in the house, helps with nervousness, and also protects against the evil eye.

Icons in the house for protection

The family life of spouses is often subject to envy from those whose family life is not going well, or who envy material well-being family, other family successes. There has long been a powerful amulet for a married couple - wedding towel. When a couple gets married, a towel is placed at their feet. It should not be lost or thrown away. The towel is not kept in a visible place, like other amulets for the home. It is kept separately from prying eyes. Wedding towel as a symbol of happiness family life, can be passed from parents to children during their wedding.

Video: Time-tested amulets at home

Amulet pin over the front door: what protects?

Important: The pin is another amulet for the home and protecting a person from the evil eye and damage. Even with the help of a pin, it can cause harm to the inhabitants of the house.

Let's consider in what cases a pin is useful and in what cases it is dangerous.

A pin can be harmful if:

  1. You found it under the rug at the entrance to your house or apartment.
  2. You saw a pin stuck in the door frame of your door. This is very bad sign. Someone is trying to seriously harm you.
  3. You found a pin on the street or at an intersection. Do not pick up such a find, avoid it. Such pins mean that they were used in rituals.
  4. You found a pin at your workplace, in your car.

Such finds must be disposed of correctly and as quickly as possible. First, do not touch the pin you find with your bare hands. Take it with a cloth. Secondly, burn the pin along with this cloth, or you can take it to the crossroads and break it into two pieces.

The pin protects against the evil eye

The pin can be used as a talisman for the home and it needs to be done correctly:

  1. For the amulet, use only a new pin. The fact is that the old one absorbs information, often bad. The new pin does not store any information.
  2. To protect the house from the evil eye and damage, a pin must be inserted into the door frame.
  3. The pin is also often worn on the left side of clothing. It serves as a kind of human shield, reflecting the evil eye.
  4. The pin needs to be cleaned from time to time of accumulated negativity. To do this, simply wash it with running water and dry it open in a bright place.

Important: If you see that the amulet pin has turned black for no apparent reason, then the protection has worked. Bury such a pin, and then get a new amulet.

Now you know what amulets there are for your home and you can choose the one that suits you. Take care of yourself and your home.

Video: How to make a talisman for your home?

Kiryanova Olga Viktorovna

Specialist in working with amulets and amulets. Expert in ancient Slavic symbols. Has extensive experience in selecting individual amulets. She independently charges amulets and provides free consultations to readers of our resource.

Articles written

Sharp objects have long been used in various magical rituals. Reason: it is at the tip that a powerful flow of energy is concentrated, which can give a strong result. The main thing is to be able to correctly use the energy beam that concentrates the needle tip.

It is not only black magic that uses pins and needles. People often use these items for protection. Pins have always been especially popular - they can protect against the evil eye, damage, and the influence of witchcraft. Pins have also long been used as a talisman for apartments. To get a positive desired result It is important to know how to fasten a pin correctly, to initially choose which ritual should be performed first.

How to choose a pin

Since ancient times, our ancestors have used pins as talismans. Silver was considered ideal for making such amulets - a metal that can protect against otherworldly forces and is resistant to many external influences. In addition, durability plays a role - a simple iron item will very quickly darken and take on an unaesthetic appearance.

Pins as a talisman are considered very strong - the thing is a kind of shield between the owner and flows of negative energy. It is important to know the rules of use and conspiracies in order to enhance its abilities. The main condition is that the pin must only be new; using old ones is strictly prohibited.

Pins as a talisman to protect your home

When spelling jewelry, you can choose any words that seem most suitable, corresponding to your expectations and aspirations. Next, the pin is secured with the point down, fastened - it is important to ensure that the item does not remain with the needle upside down, otherwise there will be no effect.

If you need to protect the front door, you can attach the amulet directly to it, but be sure to not notice it to strangers. You should slightly undercut the upholstery (if the type of door allows it) and stick a pin there. If not, you can place some decor on the door by disguising the pin with inside similar decoration.

A pin that protects against evil usually clings to curtains, drapes, curtains. Ideally, it will not be noticeable, but will act as a barrier at the border of housing.

Evil eye pins

To charge correctly, it is important to first tune in to the desired mood. Only those who sincerely believe in what they are doing and concentrate as much as possible on the final goal will be able to truly do suitable amulet from evil people at work, at home.

The evil eye pin can be charmed in any way given below. The main thing is that it is new, and then skillfully hidden from prying eyes. Therefore, it is important that it is securely fastened to the inside of the owner’s clothing. Direct contact with the wearer's body is not important, so you can pin it to a jacket or even a jacket.

The decoration must be exactly pinned! You can’t put it in a pocket or a box—it’s the fact that the pin is attached to the owner’s clothes that is important.

Child safety pins

The pin charm is charmed in any way that suits your liking. The plot can be read by the mother or godmother. The main condition is that a person must sincerely want only the best for the child.

How to wear a pin

So that a person is truly provided strong defense, it is important to initially decide how to wear the pin. The location must be finally chosen, since a fastened pin cannot change its location - then its power is lost.

You need to know a few secrets for the talisman to really help:

  • The pin should only be pointing down. Fastened with the point up, the pin will not be able to help its owner
  • You cannot move the pin, so it is better to prepare a separate amulet for each item
  • It is recommended to complement it with multi-colored beads. The color depends on the owner: children are recommended to use green, relatives - blue, for a loved one it is better to prepare a red one
  • It is strictly forbidden to use black beads for such purposes, as they concentrate negative energy
  • Pins can only be pinned to natural products. Clothing made of synthetic material completely neutralizes the protection of the amulet.
  • Women should not use a pin on their trousers, as this is an element of a man’s wardrobe - in this case, the amulet will not work

An original silver pin can become a wonderful decoration, so it can easily be placed in a prominent place.

Spells on a pin

Every person who sincerely believes in his own abilities can speak a pin for good luck, against the evil eye, or damage. No special abilities are needed here - anyone can protect themselves. The main thing is to know simple clear ways performing a magical ritual.

It is not possible to purchase a pin that is planned to be used for such rituals on any day of the week - only on Friday afternoon. The ceremony can only be performed on Tuesday (on the waxing moon).

Easy way

The simplest spell for a pin does not require additional objects or rituals - you just need to open the decoration, read the right words, pin in in the right place. While casting the spell, the item should lie on the left open palm.

From the evil eye

To make it you will need: a new pin, a wax candle, matches. It is necessary to light the candle with matches, then drop the melted wax onto the eye of the pin, saying a spell. There is no need to remove the wax from the pin afterwards. Pin from the wrong side with the needle down.


Such amulets are made after midnight using a church candle. Using a candle flame, you need to heat the tip, read the spell three times, each time dripping wax onto the tip of the needle. Conspiracy text:

“Angel, my protector, gifted by fate, cover from the evil eye and protect with your hand.”


With the words “Rowan is red, rowan is strong, it brought me protection from the evil eye,” three dried rowan berries are pierced with a pin. Then they are left pinned on the tip. It is important that the berries are dried very well beforehand, otherwise they may spoil.


Take a regular pin and place it in glassware with water for a day. Only spring (well) water is used - ordinary water is not allowed. An excellent alternative can be water that has been previously blessed. Water will cleanse the new pin from possible negative energy effects and adjust proper perception. A day later, read the plot and pin a pin on the inside.


Forestry will be required spruce branches. It is necessary to set fire using heat-resistant dishes. It is important that the container is clean. The smoke should cover the tip of the decoration. Meanwhile read the words:

“Black smoke, noble, protect me, protect me from trouble, drive away anger, only you are able to help me.”

Only dry branches are used. It is also ideal to choose a new vessel before the ritual.

Magic pins with knots

To make such a talisman out of a pin, you will additionally need a red thread from natural material(silk works best). You need to tie the thread with twelve knots. When tying each one, you need to read the text of the plot. After this, the pin is pinned on the inside of the clothing with the point down.

Onion charm made from a pin

Onions and garlic have long been used to protect premises from otherworldly forces and negativity. It was customary to make amulets to repel evil spirits. You can make such a talisman with your own hands easily and simply: to do this, you need to cut the onion in half, stick the point of a pin into the middle, and say:

“Bow-fighter, defending my crown, remove the evil deeds, turn away the damn deeds from me. Protect, amulets, ward off all adversity.”

Afterwards, the onion must be thrown away. It is important to ensure that it does not fall into the hands of anyone else. The onion should not be eaten.

We are afraid of the evil eye and damage. We spit over our shoulders at the sight of a black cat and step on a friend’s foot so as not to quarrel.

However, this does not always help, and damage finds even the kindest and most merciful person. It is noteworthy that the “author” can be a completely harmless person and not prone to causing damage.

What to do in such cases? How to protect yourself from evil forces? A unique and powerful remedy against the evil eye is an ordinary safety pin.

How to choose a pin?

The shape of the pin helps to maintain an energy field in it that can withstand any dark forces. The owner of the pin should be careful and under no circumstances transfer this product into the wrong hands, otherwise its protective equipment will simply disappear.

This amulet is quite simple to make. First, you need to purchase a safety pin (preferably silver). The color of the bead on the needle also has a protective property:

- blue will be protection for parents;

- red will protect your husband or loved one;

— green is suitable for protecting children and expectant mothers from the evil eye;

- yellow will protect a friend.

Where and how to wear the amulet?

After purchasing a pin, you should decide on the place where it will be located. The greatest protection can be obtained if the pin is attached near the heart. The amulet should be bright and noticeable, only then its protective power will increase. When pinning to clothing, the pin should be strictly with the head down and on the left side. And most importantly, the amulet can be removed only before going to bed and stored closed.

Rituals for a talisman spell

Buying and pinning a hairpin to your clothes is not all. The most important thing is to make it work.

Charming a pin is not difficult, but several conditions must be met:

— the pin must be purchased strictly on Friday afternoon;

- perform the ritual only on the waxing moon on Tuesday;

After fulfilling the conditions, you should decide directly on the ritual that will allow you to breathe protective power into your amulet:

- Water (put a pin in a container with spring water and after a day say the following words over it: “Protect me with the tip from the black evil eye, devil’s spawn and other infections”);

— Fiery (heat the eye of a pin over church candle after midnight and read the necessary words three times: “Angel, my protector, gifted by fate, cover and protect from the evil eye with your hand,” each time dripping wax onto your ear);

- Onion (onion is a remedy for troubles, stick a pin into the onion and read the necessary words: “Onion-fighter, protecting my crown, remove evil plots, turn away the damn things from me. Protect, amulets, ward off all adversity”);

- Knotted (tie a red silk thread onto a pin with twelve knots and, as each knot is tied, read the required text: “Twelve powers, twelve shields will take away the blackness, save you from anger and hatred. Take away the knots of bad weather, troubles and other misfortunes. Become my amulet from the moment and up to a century");

- Rowan (string three dried rowan berries on a pin and say the right words: “Rowan is red, rowan is strong, it brought me protection from the evil eye”)

At the end of the ritual, the pin is attached to the clothing.

Caring for the amulet

The amulet must not only be protected, but also taken good care of.

If the pin is iron, then once every three months there is a need to replace it with a new one. The main sign of a powerful negative influence- This is the darkening of the needle tip.

A precious metal pin needs to be cleaned periodically. Note that it is necessary to clean the amulet during the full moon, and first free it from all accompanying parts. All components of the amulet should be washed with spring water and sprinkled with ordinary salt at night. The next morning, bury the salt or flush it down the toilet.

The owner of the amulet should carefully monitor his appearance- Is he bent? In this case, you should urgently change the amulet. Under no circumstances should you throw away an old amulet, but should bury it deeper.

That's all that any person needs to know about the protective amulet - the safety pin. Tell your friends about the pin, because not everyone knows how to wear it correctly.