Thursday salt. How to prepare Thursday salt: using folk recipes

Thursday salt played an important role in folk medicine and magic since ancient times. Due to its wide range of uses and benefits, it has remained popular to this day. Cooking methods may vary, but the basic steps remain the same.

In the article:

Medicinal uses

The magic of salt was used in ancient times by clergymen of many countries to combat evil spirits, scaring away werewolves, vampires. It was believed that if consecrated grains were scattered around the house, no undead would be able to approach it. Known effective way destroy a vampire: if you wound him and sprinkle the prepared product on the area, the damage will be comparable to a silver bullet or an aspen stake.

Traditional medicine highly values ​​salt, which is prepared once a year - on Maundy Thursday. It is used to treat diseases. Stock up on it for the year in advance. Harvesting methods differ across regions. The simplest and most traditional is the following.

Take rock salt (not iodized!), add dry herbs and leave for a while. On Maundy Thursday, get up before sunrise and put the resulting mixture in the oven, reading the “Our Father” aloud until it turns black. Under no circumstances do this in the microwave!

Black salt, compared to ordinary white salt, does not awaken thirst and does not prevent the release of water from the body, but perfectly removes waste and toxins. It contains many useful microelements - selenium, zinc, iron, calcium.

Baked salt turns black from herbal impurities

To prepare black salt with a mixture of herbs, combine 4 kg of white or white wine vinegar pickled rye bread, 1 kg of ordinary salt, 3-4 handfuls of dry mixed parsley, yarrow and thyme. You can add any herbs to your taste. Stir, place in an oven preheated to 250 degrees and bake until black. After cooling, grind the mixture and filter using a sieve. Add to food.

This dish is useful for everyone, but is especially recommended for those suffering from diseases of the digestive system. Those who have kidney problems and excess weight will also appreciate its effect. IN medicinal purposes Take 1-2 teaspoons 20-25 minutes after meals. For small children, add the product to their washing water. Their sleep will be calmer, there will be fewer whims, and childhood illnesses will no longer bother them.

For diabetic patients, it is good to use this medicine with a mixture of blueberry leaves, chicory root and elecampane to normalize blood sugar levels. If you have hepatitis, you will feel better after taking a medicine with milk thistle, tansy and sage. For pain in the genitourinary system, it is useful to add it to kidney tea.

Cope with The following recipe will help with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Take 1 kg rock salt, mix with 2-3 handfuls of dried nettle and sunflower leaves, thoroughly ground. Add an equal amount of white or green clay, honey, milk. Shake, wrap in a cloth and apply to sore spots. Keep the compress in this position for 1.5–2 hours. Use the medicine every day until you feel better and the disease disappears.

Morning use of black salt added to expectorants helps to cure diseases of the respiratory system. Saline solution is useful for acute respiratory infections, bronchitis or flu. For sinusitis, rinse your nasopharynx plus 3-4 drops into each nostril.

For periodontal disease, mix equal portions of black salt and real honey. In the morning, before brushing your teeth, massage your gums with the mixture. For those who are sensitive to magnetic storms, their health will be improved by a hot bath with the addition of the product. This will significantly ease their well-being, which will not be so susceptible to changes in atmospheric pressure.

To get rid of wrinkles and refresh the skin, whisk half a teaspoon of Thursday salt, 2 tablespoons of flour, an yolk separated from the white, as well as a little curdled milk and honey into a homogeneous mixture. Apply to face and keep for 5-10 minutes. Bakery products with the addition of black salt help strengthen the immune system.

Hair loss, dandruff, and itchy scalp will stop bothering you if you make masks with the product from time to time. After the procedure, do not dry yourself, dry yourself, and then go to bed. Take a shower in the morning. Another recipe against baldness and dandruff is regular rubbing into the scalp. Afterwards, wash your hair thoroughly.

The magical use of Thursday salt

The product is used for both medical and magical purposes - to protect the home, remove the evil eye, attract money, treat, get rid of quarrels and bad relationship within the family and much more. One of the simplest amulets against the evil eye and damage is a handful of salt wrapped in a piece of cloth that is worn around the neck.

If there is no peace and tranquility in the house, carefully scatter it in the corners and leave it for three days. Then carefully collect the grains with a broom (not a vacuum cleaner!) onto a dustpan. Don't throw it in the trash! Food product after use in magical rituals, they are buried in the ground or snow. It is believed that if the potion ends up in a trash can or drain, it will bring negativity back into the house.

To protect household members from nightmares, calm temperament, get rid of bad thoughts draw a salt line around the perimeter of the beds and leave for three days. To protect yourself from the invasion of negative energy, sprinkle a small amount of the drug on your doorstep. It will weaken the effects of damage and the evil eye.

If you know that you have been cursed, perform the following ritual. Sprinkle a little product in the corners, moving clockwise. Say out loud:

Thursday salt, cleanse my house of evil!

Leave it until the next harvest, and then collect it and bury it in the ground.

To cleanse your home, take two candles in black and red, as well as a bowl of medicine. Before doing this, remove the trash.

Light the gas, place the frying pan on low heat and pour in the product. The hotter the frying pan, the more it absorbs negative energy from the room. If you cannot prepare the ingredients for the ritual yourself and are concerned about where to get real black salt, you can purchase it exclusively on Maundy Thursday in the temple. Magical properties depend on the correct sequence during production and consecration.

Z Light a black candle and walk around all the rooms in the house with it. Close attention pay attention to the corners, especially those where it does not fall sunlight. Don't forget about places where a large number of things accumulate - closets, mezzanines. Imagine how the dark energy that entered the house burns to the ground from the flame of a candle. If it’s easier to get into the right state, read prayers. Once you have cleaned your home, place the candle in a pile of salt until it melts completely. If the crystals crackle, the cleansing is successful.

IN ancient Rus' three days before Easter, they made a useful ritual seasoning for the Easter feast - Thursday salt. For modern people the spice is exotic, unusual, and among our great-grandfathers it is an ingrained symbolic seasoning.

The traditions of the Slavic ancestors have been eradicated for centuries. However, some have survived centuries and are confidently being revived. In ancient times, salt was identified with white gold and was considered a panacea and a talisman. Contemporaries call it white death, poison. The ritual use of salt was known back to the Proto-Slavic tribes, when they used the black flavoring agent to repel harmful forces and fight damage.

Thursday salt: what was it used for?

It is amazing that the ancestors had no idea about chemical reactions. However, they managed to remove excess chlorine, harmful compounds, and unwanted metal alloys from the substance. And it turned out that the harmful food flavoring additive, after being burned on fire, radically changed its properties, even color, and became a drug, a talisman.

On Maundy Thursday we woke up early, swam early and spruced up every nook and cranny of our home. The salt was heated until dawn. We chose coarse seasoning in advance. They dissolved it in well water and stirred in the kvass grounds. The mass was placed in the middle of the canvas, rolled tightly and tied in a knot. They were pushed into a birch bark box or a linden bast shoe. They were placed in the furnace of a Russian oven to cool down. They could simply cover it with warm coals and leave it until the evening.

When the Thursday salt cooled down, it was ground in a mortar and sifted. Each family member collected palms full and poured them into a canvas bag.

Going to the temple church service, wrapped the bag in new snow-white linen. At the end of the service, they were majestically carried into the hut and hidden behind the icon.

To give the flame a cleansing power, the stove was lit with “Sunday” wood. Birch logs were harvested in Sundays Great Lent. We looked for strong trees. The power of the fire was increased, if desired, by extracting a spark by carving. According to popular observations, during calcination, the compound was impregnated with the cleansing property of the flame.

When burned, aromatic herbs and cabbage saturated the baked dark crystals with mineral components: potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, chromium, iodine. They became not only useful and healing, but also piquant.

When the stumps, spices, and birch firewood burned out, the result was a fire-resistant residue with a pile of mineral benefits - ash.

Farmers used quadruple ash to process seeding materials. When planting seedlings, grains, and bulbs, they were planted in a bucket and poured into furrows and holes as a valuable fertilizer.

In folk medicine, the life-giving sorbent came to the rescue in the treatment of dermatological diseases, since it removed toxic microorganisms from the human body (similar to today's activated carbon).

Inseparably with Easter cake and krashanka, quadruple salt was consecrated in churches in order to obtain strong amulet with miraculous powers. They took care of the icons at the shrine. On the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ, the salt pan was filled to the top with holy grains. They placed it next to the Easter cake, surrounded by colored eggs.

IN remote provinces Russia before Good Friday They poured a salt shaker with the top and placed it in a sieve filled with grains next to the bread under the faces of the saints. They stayed there until Easter. Twenty-five percent of urban Christians partially practice this ritual. On Maundy Thursday they are blessed in churches, or placed on shrines.

Preparation of Thursday salt. Modern recipes

With herbs

Mix coarse spice (1 kg) vigorously with four handfuls of dried crushed oregano, lemon balm, thyme, mint (choose the ones you like yourself). Place on a baking sheet, high frying pan or in a spacious cast iron cauldron. At maximum temperature, heat in the oven until black. The result is a pleasant-tasting and life-giving culinary product.

With bread and kvass grounds

Mix the kvass sediment in equal proportions with rock salt. Fill a fireproof vessel, preferably cast iron. Place on the middle shelf in a well-heated oven. Heat until blackened. Cool. Grind. Grind through a metal strainer and sieve. Use the leftovers as a food additive.
Note: It is impossible to wash out the dishes. Easier to throw away.

With cabbage leaves

Inspect the fruit, remove damage, wash. Carefully crush the strong outer leaves with a knife. Mix with coarse salt. Place in an old cast iron pot. Burn on the stove at the optimal temperature or at high in the oven.

Cooking video

What is Thursday salt used for and where to use it?

Parables tell about the effectiveness of “black gold”. It is not without reason that it is considered one of the strongest amulets, a panacea for illnesses. In ancient times, they poured it into amulet and kept it near the heart. The talisman was kept on the battlefield, protected from troubles and evil on long journeys. He helped some people overcome physiological ailments, and saved many from quarrels.

  • When the shepherds drove the animals out to pasture after winter at the beginning of May, they stuffed a bundle of grains into their bosoms.
  • For sick cattle, they added food to the drinking trough and added salt to the feed.
  • It was known as a unique drug for damage, evil eyes and illnesses.
  • A particle was placed on the tongue after eating, massaged the body with the solution and washed the face.
  • The patient was given small portions of a salt drink.
  • The corners in the hut were crushed to ward off trouble.
  • If you have quarrels with your husband, place a bag of Salt under your pillow.
  • The head of the family threw a pinch of amulet into the fire if someone left and did not return.
  • Half a handful was thrown into the bathing water so that a healthy, kind, intelligent child would grow up.
  • For prosperity in the house, they placed a wooden salt shaker in the middle of the table.
  • When an ill-wisher came to the house, milligrams were added to the dish. After the enemy left, the tracks were sprinkled with salt.

On the threshold of your home, sprinkle an even, barely noticeable strip of the potion so that witchcraft, discord, illness, and lack of money do not penetrate the family hearth.

People know many traditions and superstitions associated with various church holidays. On Maundy Thursday you can make salt that can be used throughout the year to get rid of various problems, attract good luck and find love. It is important to prepare it correctly and use it in the future.

What is Thursday salt?

The embodiment of the basic attributes of life: salt and living fire is. Since ancient times, people have prepared it on Maundy Thursday, and it is believed that it has enormous power, which is capable of working miracles. Many people are interested in what Thursday salt is needed for, so it is often used in folk medicine to get rid of various diseases. It has protective properties. Salt is prepared on holiday, and its strength will remain throughout the year.

Thursday salt - benefits and harm

Experiments conducted by scientists have shown that, on the physical plane, salt does not contain as many heavy metals and chlorine as ordinary table salt. They could not explain such changes. After the ritual, the salt also changes its energy potential, which increases significantly. There is a list of benefits of Thursday salt:

  1. Helps cleanse the body from various diseases and the soul from the evil eye and damage. By adding salt to food, many diseases can be prevented.
  2. Women used it to improve their appearance and skin condition. For this purpose, you just need to wash your face with a saline solution.
  3. It is believed that Thursday salt is a powerful amulet that protects a person from the actions of enemies and various kinds of troubles. You can also use it to protect your home.
  4. In ancient times, people performed rituals aimed at improving productivity.

This is just a small list useful properties, which Thursday salt has. Regarding possible harm, then it is believed that she is simply incapable of this, since she is being prepared for an important church holiday, which has pure energy. In addition, it is important to use salt in moderation, otherwise it is very dangerous for health.

Quarter salt - how to prepare?

Exists huge amount rituals aimed at creating magic salt, and the most common is the following option:

  1. Pour the coarsest pack of table salt into a regular cast-iron frying pan and add 12 tablespoons of rye flour. Place it on low heat and say the spell three times.
  2. Continue heating the salt until the flour turns black. It is important to stir everything clockwise with a wooden spoon while doing this.
  3. Thursday salt can cool in the oven or on the stove, where it should remain until midnight.

Another important point, which is worth paying attention to - what you can store Thursday salt in, so after midnight it needs to be poured into a bag, which must be made of natural material. Be sure to tie it tightly. It is important that it is kept in a secret place so that no one else knows about its existence. Thursday salt cannot be stored in a place where there are rusty objects, garbage, food waste and dirt.

Thursday salt - application

You can use prepared salt to solve various problems and improve your life. Thursday salt in magic helps in the following situations:

  1. If trouble happens in the house, then you need to pour it into every corner of your home.
  2. In situations where a husband and wife have quarreled, then I put a bag of enchanted Thursday salt under the pillow.
  3. To keep children healthy, throw a little salt into the bath while bathing.
  4. To attract abundance into your home, it is recommended to pour it into a wooden salt shaker, place it on the dining table and use it for its intended purpose.
  5. Thursday salt will help in a situation where livestock is sick, so a pinch should be added to the water or the animal should be given salted bread.
  6. During Easter, blessed eggs are always salted with it.
  7. If a person comes into the house with bad intentions, then you should add Thursday salt to his food.
  8. In Siberia, it was mixed with ash and added to grain before it was sown. You can use a saline solution, which is recommended to water the beds before planting vegetables.
  9. To protect a traveler or soldier in ancient times, it was sewn into an amulet, which was worn on the chest near the pectoral cross.

Thursday salt for illnesses

Salt prepared according to the rules has been used to treat various diseases since ancient times. There are several ways you can use it to improve your health.

  1. Thursday salt with herbs helps in treating stomach problems. You can add various aromatic plants, for example, mint, thyme and others. To improve your health, you need to take salt from the tip of a knife every day after breakfast and dissolve it on your tongue. It is recommended to carry out such manipulations within two months.
  2. Rashes on the body can be removed by taking medicinal baths, for which you need to take 1 teaspoon of Thursday salt per liter of water. Pour the resulting salt solution into the bath and take it. To see progress, you need to do three procedures.
  3. To improve the health of a sick person, take a regular sheet white, put a pinch of Thursday salt on it, and then wet it. Cover the patient with a sheet for a while.

Thursday salt for home protection

Is simple but strong magic ritual, which helps to cleanse the house from possible negativity and put protection on it. If you are interested in what Thursday salt helps with, then it is important to know that it will protect you from thieves, curses and various disasters.

  1. First, do some general cleaning in the house, light the stove and heat the Thursday salt in a frying pan over low heat. While it heats up, it will absorb existing negativity from the surrounding space.
  2. Light a black candle and walk with it throughout your apartment or house. It is important to stop for a couple of seconds at each corner. At this time, it is worth imagining how the candle flame removes negativity.
  3. After this, place the candle in the Thursday salt and leave it to burn completely. If a cracking sound appears, it means that the negative surrounding space is being destroyed.
  4. Take a red candle and a frying pan with salt and cinder, and go outside. Bury the frying pan in a deserted place, and then light a candle and go home. While doing this, imagine how a protective shell is created around the house. With a candle you need to go through all the rooms, as was done with the black one. At the end of the ritual, be sure to ventilate the room.

Thursday salt for weight loss

Since ancient times, women have used salt, charmed in, in order to throw off overweight. The thing is that it is considered a natural sorbent that helps cleanse the body of harmful substances. With its help you can cope with constipation and. To experience the claimed benefits, you just need to add it to your food. When figuring out what Thursday salt is used for, it is worth noting that it helps to forget cellulite, for which it should be placed in healing baths.

Thursday salt for alcoholism

It is common among people and is very difficult to get rid of. Today, a large number of rituals are known aimed at combating this destructive problem. Thursday salt, which is sprinkled on the alcoholic while he sleeps, helps against drunkenness. It is important that it gets on the head, chest and legs. At the same time, say a conspiracy. Don't tell anyone about the ritual.

Thursday salt for spoilage

The enormous energy of salt helps to get rid of the existing evil eye, and the help of other people is not needed to carry out the ritual.

  1. In 1 liter of spring water, or use liquid from the tap, but you need to collect it after midnight.
  2. Thursday salt from the evil eye dissolves in it in the amount of 1 teaspoon.
  3. The prepared solution should be drunk within half an hour, otherwise it will lose its magical power.
  4. If after use saline solution vomiting appeared, or it means that the body began to cleanse itself of negativity. The ritual must be repeated every day until all unpleasant consequences disappear.

Thursday salt for money

You can use the charmed salt to improve your financial situation and attract prosperity to your life. It is worth saying that Thursday salt for wealth is not a lifesaver and it will only contribute to the creation of important situations, and a person must decide for himself to use them or not. After the salt is prepared on Maundy Thursday, you need to sprinkle it on banknotes, while pronouncing a special spell.

Thursday salt for love

The enormous energy that Thursday salt is endowed with can be used by single people to change their situation in their personal lives and meet their soulmate. If you are wondering what to do with Thursday salt to attract love, then use a simple ritual.

  1. Take paper and write your favorite male name, and then describe the appearance of the future chosen one, describing every detail. You also need to indicate the character traits that should be inherent in the man you love.
  2. After this, fold the paper into an envelope, pour in some prepared salt and place it under the pillow.
  3. The next day, the envelope should be placed in your underwear drawer. If everything was done correctly, then soon you will meet a worthy man.

Thursday salt from enemies

Properly prepared and cured salt has enormous properties and can be used as powerful amulet, which can help out in different and dangerous situations. It helps to protect yourself from the attacks and intrigues of enemies, which can cause significant harm. It is important to know what to do with Thursday salt, so this amulet should be poured into a small linen bag and always carried with you.

Thursday Salt – Orthodoxy

Many are interested in the fact whether healing salt has a connection with the church. To understand this topic, it is necessary to turn to the clergy, who claim that ideas about the magical properties of salt are pagan superstitions that arose in ancient times. There is a ritual that it needs to be consecrated in a church, but this is not true and such rituals are not performed in churches.

Thursday salt has no meaning in Orthodoxy. The thing is that people associated a huge number of ancient signs, customs and rituals with church holidays, but at the same time they have nothing to do with faith in the Lord. To summarize, regarding what the church says about Thursday salt, it has nothing in common with the real traditions of Orthodoxy.

On Maundy Thursday, on the eve of the Great Easter holiday, in Rus' they always prepared “black salt” or, as it was also called “Thursday salt”. Black salt was blessed in the church along with Thursday bread, Easter cakes and eggs.

This unique medicinal salt differs from ordinary salt even in its appearance- she's black. Such salt was prepared in the oven - from coarse rock salt, leaven grounds, herbs and cabbage leaves.

Quaternary salt is tasty and healthy, because after burning it contains such useful substances as potassium, phosphorus, iodine, chromium, magnesium, in addition, black salt gives the products a special aroma.

Usefulcproperties of black salt:

Black salt is good for people with kidney disease, heart disease, hypertension, hypotension. Because it is enriched with potassium, calcium, magnesium ions, and selenium elements. Moreover, this salt is of great benefit as an adsorbent. The carbon contained in it in the form of finely porous coal removes toxins from the body, that is, black salt is a “sink” of all toxins. Its therapeutic effect is completely similar to the effect of activated carbon.

Thursday salt (quadruple salt) is salt “made” on the night of Wednesday to Thursday of Holy Week or on the morning of Maundy Thursday, endowed with a special magical power. The custom of the ritual use of salt is very ancient, dating back to pre-Slavic times, when any salt was recognized as having the ability to repel harmful forces and protect people.

In addition to taste and availability large quantity elements beneficial to the body, Thursday salt was considered magical and its healing and magical properties healers and sorcerers came running. First of all, Thursday salt can cope with any black energy, cleanse not only a thing or room, but also a person’s aura.

Magic salt was used in ancient rites to scare away dark forces and protect a person from damage from the evil eye, etc. Unfortunately, many recipes for making Thursday salt have been lost, but several proven cooking methods have survived to this day. Despite the fact that black salt was prepared in ovens, it can be prepared in the oven or over an open fire.

Recipes for making Thursday salt.

Thursday salt based on kvass grounds:

Mix the kvass grounds (after fermenting the wort) with coarse rock salt. Instead of leaven grounds, you can use rye or Borodino bread (5 kg of bread per 1 kg of salt), mix the soaked bread with salt, place in an oven or oven heated to 250 ° C, and cook until the bread turns black.

Grind the resulting mixture and pass through a sieve. The salt remaining in the sieve is poured into jars and used instead of regular salt.

Thursday salt with cabbage leaves.

Chop the top green leaves taken from the cabbage head and mix with rock salt. Then burn it in a stove or oven. With herbs Mix herbs (oregano, mint) with rock salt and rye or Borodino bread (kvass grounds) and burn in the oven or stove.

In Kostroma, this tasty and healing salt is still prepared and is called Kostroma black salt.

Here's a short description of how you can make this salt at home:

Hard-boiled eggs lightly seasoned with black salt, bread with lean or butter, all kinds of green salads become very appetizing. Black salt is tasty and healthy; after combustion, a number of minerals remain in it (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, chromium).

Studies have shown that as a result of roasting in black salt compared to regular cookery decreases tenfold:

* amount of heavy metals,
* chlorine content decreases
* these are precisely the impurities for which ordinary salt is called "white death"
* When roasted, carbons are formed in black salt, which are removed from the body when consumed toxins.
* Black salt is much richer in microelements than regular salt.

How to make Thursday salt at home:

1) You will need:

*Cast iron frying pan
*Kvass grounds (or rye flour)
*Coarse salt
*Wooden spoon
*Canvas bag or glass jar for storing prepared salt


1. In order for the Thursday salt to be tasty and not burn during cooking, you need to use a cast iron frying pan. If such utensils are not available, you can calcinate the salt in any other thick-walled utensil, but if possible, do not use aluminum. So that salt does not absorb harmful heavy metals during long cooking at high temperatures.

2.Pour salt and rye flour into a preheated frying pan. Gradually increase the temperature and stir the salt and flour clockwise throughout the cooking time. It is better to use a wooden spoon or spatula for mixing. Calcination lasts quite a long time until the salt and flour darken.

3. As soon as the salt changes color, turn off the stove and leave the finished salt on the stove until midnight. After midnight, the salt should be poured into a thick canvas bag or glass jar, which will also need to be tightly sealed. Thursday salt is ready and can be used for food.

4. If you don’t have kvass grounds, then instead you can use soaked rye or Borodino bread in the proportion of 1 kg of coarse salt - 5 kg of bread. These ingredients are mixed, then the prepared mixture is placed in an oven preheated to 250 degrees and baked until the bread turns black. After this, the mixture must be crushed and sifted through a sieve.

5. Each village had its own recipe for such black salt. For example, in Kostroma, when preparing Thursday salt, spicy herbs were also added to the usual ingredients: oregano and mint. Hence the name of this salt - Kostroma black salt.

2) It is advisable to cook it in the oven on Maundy Thursday, such a day will come soon - before Easter, and if it ended, then they still cooked it on Thursday, and not on another day of the week, they believed and still believe that this day enhances the healing properties salt. There are no Russian ovens, we will cook in the oven:

The proportions are as follows: 1 kilogram of salt + 5 kilograms of bread, soak rye bread, Borodinsky, excess water squeeze and combine with plain coarse rock salt, mix everything well.

Spread the mixture evenly on a baking sheet and place in a hot oven at 250°C and bake until blackened.

Remove, let cool, grind and sift through a sieve, fine to the side; we need the coarse burnt salt remaining in the sieve. In other recipes, the resulting mixture is simply ground, crushed, and not sifted.

*Here you can find more options for preparing black salt.

Why is the frying pan cast iron?

Because energy will not flow through cast iron, it has this property. So if you don’t have a cast iron frying pan at home, take one made of any metal, but with a thick bottom and high walls. Just don’t take aluminum cookware. Aluminum is a good conductor, which means everything flows through it easily and quickly. And the power of Thursday Salt in such a vessel will not linger, it will flow away.

And here are recipes from the arsenal of healers and sorcerers, which were mentioned at the beginning of the article:

The salt is charmed.

· Black salt can be made from herbs, leaven grounds, and cabbage leaves. You need to prepare salt on Thursday between sunrise and sunset. Oregano and mint are mixed with rock salt and soaked Borodino bread, then this mixture is burned in the oven.

If you want to use kvass grounds as a base, then mix it with rock salt and also bake in the oven until the mixture turns black. The ratio of salt to bread or leaven grounds is 1:5.

You can also use cabbage leaves, for this you use the top green leaves from a head of cabbage, chop them finely and mix with rock salt, then roast in the oven until the mixture turns black.

· After you have prepared the salt, you need to speak it.

Pour the prepared salt into new dishes and place this dish on a clean scarf. Then light a church candle and read the prayer:

"God our Savior, who appeared through the prophet Elisha in Jericho and so through salt, made harmful water! You yourself bless this salt and make it an offering of joy. For you are our God, and we send glory to you, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen".

· The salt is ready, now it can be eaten.

Blessed salt:

This salt is prepared from ordinary table salt, performing a special ceremony using gold and silver jewelry. It is believed that such salt has stronger cleansing properties than salt that was spoken through prayer.

Gold jewelry that is needed to perform the ritual must be without stones; it can be a bracelet, chain, ring, earrings, or brooch.

The most suitable decoration for the ceremony is a cast bracelet, wedding ring, massive chains. Magical actions must be performed for three days in the morning.

Day one:

Table salt needs to be heated over the fire in a frying pan for half an hour, without letting it cool, pour the salt into glassware with a lid, it can be a jar, in this jar the salt will be stored. Place salt on top gold decoration, close the jar tightly and place it in a dark place for a day.

Day two:

Remove the gold jewelry from the jar and heat the salt again over the fire for 20 minutes, then pour it back into the jar, and put the silver item on top, close the jar and hide it in a dark place for a day.

Day three:

On the third day, the salt must again be calcined over an open fire for 10 minutes, after removing the silver item from it.

After this, while the salt is still hot, you need to place the frying pan in front of you and, stretching your arms over the salt, charge it with your energy for 10 minutes.

To do this, just relax and feel the warmth coming from the salt. After this, pour the salt into a jar, now it can be used to cleanse a person and his home from dark energy.

Magic salt for damage and love spells:

The use of black salt is one of the most effective methods rid a person of evil influences.

You will need a liter of spring water and a teaspoon of magic salt.

Dissolve the salt in water and give it to the person you think has been jinxed or damaged to drink. You need to drink 1 liter in 30 minutes.

If a person begins to vomit or has an upset stomach, this indicates that the cleansing process is working.

Every day a person should drink 1 liter of water with salt until vomiting or diarrhea stops after drinking water with Thursday salt.

Gift - lining:

Many have encountered at least once in their lives things that brought illness, quarrels, and a streak of bad luck into the house. Usually such things either appear in the house from nowhere, they are found completely by accident, or they are brought as a gift. Popularly, such a thing is called a lining; the magical technique of a lining is to bring into the house a thing that has destructive energy.

If a thing is planted, then having found an object that appeared from nowhere, it immediately becomes clear that it is evil, but what happens when the thing is donated?

How to identify among the many gifts the item that is ruining your life?

It is in such a situation that Thursday salt will come in handy. Objects that cause suspicion should be dipped into the magic salt one by one and left there for several days.

If this item is a lining, then within just a few days the troubles should stop, because the salt neutralizes negative energy. If you make a mistake with an item, then nothing will change in the coming days.

If the object is too large and it is impossible to lower it into salt, then it is outlined with Thursday salt counterclockwise, and this “salt circle” is left for several days until you notice improvements; if no positive changes occur, then you have chosen the wrong thing .

Usually, you need to wait about a week for the effect of salt to appear. When you find the source of your troubles, try to burn it, and throw the ashes and those parts that are not burned into running water.

If the item cannot be burned, then the item should be thrown into running water - a stream or river; if this is not possible, then it should be given to a church or donated to someone.

In this article we will tell you not only how to prepare Thursday salt, but also why you need to do it. The last Thursday of Great Lent, during Holy Week, is called Clean Thursday. It is dedicated to the Last Supper, the Easter dinner of Christ with his disciples, after which one of them betrayed him. Jesus foresaw this action. He said that the traitor would be the one who dips his hand into the solilo with him. Judas immediately reached for the plate.

In Rus', on the eve of Maundy Thursday, contaminated salt was burned and purified by fire. Mixed with rye flour or kvass grounds and wrapped in a clean linen rag. The bundle was placed in an old bast shoe, which was placed in the oven overnight. The heat heated up the mixture, charred it, and the salt acquired a black color and unusual properties.

Black salt - for health and beauty

Modern scientists have found that ash from bread, which contains about 6% of Thursday salt, enriches it with iron, sulfur, potassium, calcium, iodine, zinc, copper and others chemicals, necessary for the human body. And harmful chlorine partially evaporates during the heat treatment process. This is how salt turns from a “white poison” into a black drug.

Quaternary salt, unlike regular salt, contains almost no heavy metals, which have a destructive effect on the digestive tract and cause dysfunction of the liver and kidneys. It treats constipation, bloating (increased gas production), and increases appetite. Hypertensive patients can consume black salt without fear; it does not increase sodium levels in the blood and does not retain water. And if this seasoning is used regularly, swelling subsides, tightness and burning in the chest goes away, and vision improves.

Since ancient times, black salt has served as an indispensable remedy against acne and acne. Returned a fresh look to dull, pale, flaky skin. It is enough to wash your face every morning with cool water with a pinch of Thursday medicine to make your skin young and clean. You can also take warm baths with 7 tablespoons of black salt. A week-long course of water procedures will restore good spirits, good mood, and will also remove the evil eye and damage caused.

An unusual medicine helps strengthen the immune system. If you eat a piece of rye bread sprinkled with Thursday salt on an empty stomach for 20 days, there will be no trace of persistent colds.

If you mix black salt with natural honey in a ratio of 1 to 2, you will get an excellent remedy for periodontal disease. They massage the gums in the morning, before brushing your teeth. If you add a third of a teaspoon of Thursday salt to a tablespoon of sour cream or thick yogurt, you will get an effective mask for the face and neck. The skin after it is elastic and velvety.

The magical properties of Thursday salt

Except medicinal properties Salt consecrated in the church is also attributed with magical qualities. In the old days, healers advised adding it to the water in which the baby was bathed, so that the child would grow up handsome, healthy and intelligent. If a husband and wife quarreled, a small bag of black salt was placed under the pillow. Trouble struck - they poured salt into the corners of the hut. If a long separation was tormenting, they threw a pinch of the drug into the fire. They believed that the man would return soon. To make the house a full bowl, pour it into a wooden salt shaker and place it in the center of the dining table. Thursday salt is known to attract money and good luck. When you're angry envious person came to visit, they flavored the treat with it. After the enemy, black salt was sprinkled on the trail.

To remove negative energy from the apartment, a special magical ritual is performed on Maundy Thursday. Freshly prepared black salt is poured into a small cloth bag. With him at dawn they walk around the house, starting with front door. First, they stand behind the threshold, then they always step over it with their right foot, saying: “As black salt came into the apartment, so the evil misfortune is gone forever.” And they walk around the house counterclockwise, repeating the spell in front of each door.

A little magic salt is offered to the brownie to help the household in everything. It is poured into a saucer, which is “hidden” in a secluded corner in the kitchen. For example, behind a gas stove. A few days later, when the housewife is happy with the gift and appreciates the owner’s care, the black salt should be thrown out the window or balcony onto the street. It cannot be washed off with water or thrown into the trash, God will punish it.

To protect the baby from the evil eye, a tiny bag of Thursday salt, literally a tablespoon, is placed in the stroller or in the pocket of the child’s outerwear. The same amulet can be worn by adults.

How to prepare black salt?

Recipes for making Thursday salt have come down from time immemorial, they have been passed down from generation to generation. Previously, salt was fired in Russian kilns, flooded with birch firewood. Nowadays, on the last Thursday of Lent, it is prepared with prayer in the oven.

Recipe No. 1. The crusts are cut off from rye bread, preferably Borodino bread (200 g). The crumb is poured with water and kneaded into a paste. 200 g of coarse rock salt (not iodized), 2 teaspoons of cumin and coriander are poured into it. Instead of these spices, you can take mint and oregano in the same quantities. The components are thoroughly mixed and placed in a dry metal form. It is placed in an oven heated to 220 degrees. After 15 minutes, the hardened bread is broken into pieces and returned to the oven until fully cooked, about an hour. Burnt crackers are thoroughly crushed. This is black Thursday salt.

Recipe No. 2. The grounds remaining from the kvass are mixed with coarse salt. Proportions as in the first recipe. Cook in the oven until the leaven residue turns black. Grind and sift. The black salt will remain in the sieve. It is poured into a glass jar and stored in the kitchen, closer to the fire.

On Easter, together with Easter cakes, this salt is blessed in the temple. Dyed eggs are eaten with Thursday salt. Tasty and very healthy.