What is the main idea of ​​the story in bad society. An essay based on Korolenko’s story “In Bad Society.” Plan and characters of the main characters A Tale in a Bad Society analysis of the work

Material this lesson promotes the development of analysis skills literary text; perception of artistic paintings famous artists, dedicated literary works; develops the ability to empathize and improve communication culture.

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"Korolenko V.G."

Public lesson

"Bad Society" and " dark personalities"in the story by V.G. Korolenko “Children of the Dungeon”

Lesson objectives:
– teach partial analysis work of art through the study of text, paintings by Russian artists, creative works children; improve the skill of expressive reading, the ability to express one’s thoughts orally and in writing;
– develop integrative qualities of thinking and artistic perception, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, draw conclusions, develop the emotional and moral sphere of students;
– develop the ability to empathize; improve communication culture.

Lesson type:

Technology: elements of developmental education using information and computer technologies.

Lesson type: lesson - research with elements of discussion.

Equipment: computer, projector.

Didactic materials to the lesson: presentation.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Teacher's word.

Guys, today in class we must find out what “bad society” and “shady personalities” are in V.G. Korolenko’s story “Children of the Dungeon”. But first, let’s check whether you know the content of the story well.

Exercise. Mark the numbers of the correct sentences (Slide 3).

    (+ ) The prison was the best architectural decoration of the city.

    (–) The castle became disgusting to the boy, as it had an ominous appearance.

    (+ ) Vasya and his father were separated by the death of Vasya’s mother.

    (–) Vasya and Valek first met in the grove.

    (–) Valek refused to go to visit Vasya because he was afraid of the judge.

    (+ ) Marusya was very different from Sonya.

    (+) Valek was the first to explain to Vasya that his father good man.

    (–) When Marusya was hungry, Valek asked Vasya for food for her

    (+) Meat was a rare food for Valek and Marusya.

    (+) Marusya fell ill in the fall.

    (–) Vasya secretly took the doll from Sonya.

    (+) Father understood Vasya after he learned the truth from Tyburtsy.

Now let’s get acquainted with the details of the writer’s biography. Let's start our acquaintance with the work on the portrait of V. G. Korolenko by artist I. E. Repin (Slide 5).

Look carefully at the portrait and try to suggest what the person depicted in it was like, what kind of life he lived. (The artist depicted the pensive, penetrating, slightly sad eyes of the writer, wrinkles on his face, a gray beard, tired hands lying on the armrests. All this suggests that his life was not easy; he, apparently, has seen a lot in his lifetime. He seems strict and kind.)

The soundtrack of the song from the movie “Generals of the Sand Pit” is played.

– Why do you think the conversation about Korolenko’s story “Children of the Dungeon” is preceded by such a song?

(The children remember the extraordinary personality of Tyburtsy, thrown out into the street by life, Valek and Marusya, living among the “gray stones,” and also talk about the outcasts, the starving, and their forced kinship. This is what Korolenko’s story is about and this is what the song is about.)

– What exactly did this story make you think about? What was the bitterest and saddest thing about it for you? Why?

(The story about Marusya’s illness and death, Vasya’s loneliness in home, about his longing for a loved one, about the need to love and be loved.)

Teacher: The theme of the disadvantaged and unfortunate worried not only writers, but also many Russian artists, so often works of literature and visual arts echo each other, complementing each other.

III. View the slideshow “Dark Personalities” from “Bad Society”(Slides 6–13). Slides are shown in the background organ music A. Vivaldi “Adagio”.

These are Russian paintings artists of the 19th century centuries: V.G. Perov “Sleeping Children”, “Savoyar”, F.S. Zhuravlev “Beggar Children”, P.P. Chistyakov “Beggar Children”, F.A. Bronnikov “Old Beggar” and others. After viewing the slide show, students answer the teacher's questions:

1. What is the consonance between the paintings of Russian artists in Korolenko’s story?
(The bare beaten feet of sleeping children, Savoyard’s broken shoes, bundles in the hands of beggars, the sad eyes of grandfather Vasily, puddles and cold rain in the painting by V.P. Yakobi, the unhappy faces of little beggars in the canvases of Chistyakov and Zhuravlev.)

2. People like those we saw on the canvases of Russian artists in the city of Knyazhye-Veno, where the events of the story take place, are called “bad society” and “dark personalities.” What is this “bad society”? Who belongs to it? These are “unfortunate dark personalities,” frightened, pitiful,” in rags, barely covering their thin bodies, left without shelter and a piece of bread, tramps and thieves, beggars and bottomless - those who had no place in the dusty small town where the prison is “ the best architectural decoration.” What attitude do these people evoke among the townspeople?
(The townspeople despise and fear these tramps, treat them with “hostile anxiety”; at night they go out into the streets and knock on the fences with sticks, letting the outcasts know that the townsfolk are on guard and will not allow them to steal anything or hide near human habitation The city knew that people were wandering along its streets in the stormy darkness of a rainy night, hungry and cold, shivering and wet, realizing that cruel feelings must be born in the hearts of these people, the city was on its guard and sent its threats towards these feelings.”)

3. Where do these “dark personalities” live? Why?
(Their refuge became an abandoned castle on the island and a dilapidated chapel “among the decayed crosses and collapsed graves” since “the unfortunate exiles did not find their rut in the city.” Only here, among the ruins, could they find shelter, because only “the old castle was welcoming received and covered the temporarily impoverished scribe and lonely old women and rootless vagabonds.”)

4. Find descriptions of the old castle and chapel. How do they feel? Describe how you imagine them.
(There are “legends and stories about the castle, one more terrible than the other.” Dasha is clear sunny days it causes “attacks of panic horror” in children - the black hollows of the long-broken windows looked so scary, a mysterious rustling sound walked in the empty halls; pebbles and plaster, coming off, fell down, awakening a booming echo...” “And on stormy autumn nights, when the giant poplar trees swayed and hummed from the wind blowing from behind the ponds, horror spread from the old castle and reigned over the entire city.” “At the chapel, “the roof collapsed in some places, the walls were crumbling, and instead of a echoing, high-pitched copper bell, owls started playing their ominous songs in it at night.”)

IV. Work on illustrations by V. Gluzdov “Old Castle” and V. Kostitsyn “Majestic Decrepit Building”(Slide 16).

1. Guys, based on the description of the old castle and chapel, draw verbal illustrations and compare them with the illustrations of V. Gluzdov and V. Kostitsyn.
(Gluzdov’s illustration is designed in sparse gray-green tones. It seems that we see a gloomy autumn sky, falling low over a dilapidated castle. The sun peeks through the fog, from which comes a feeling of pain rather than joy. Three huge crows bring sadness, hopelessness, alarm. The old castle in Kostitsyn’s illustration seems to emerge from the darkness of the night. Gloomy, gloomy, lonely, it produces a frightening and mysterious impression at the same time. This is exactly the kind of building that can be the habitat of “dark personalities.”)

(He always “looked with fear ... at that majestic decrepit building,” but when the boy saw how “pathetic ragamuffins” were expelled from there, the castle became disgusting to him.) (Slide 17.)

3. Guys, let’s imagine that the walls of the gloomy castle and chapel were able to speak. What could they tell us about the events that took place here, about those who lived there? Will this story sound with sympathy or hostility?
(The walls could tell about the poor people who huddled among them, about their need, suffering, illness; about how they were expelled even from this miserable shelter. This story could sound like with sympathy. This is indicated in the story by the words: “Old the castle cordially received and sheltered everyone...", and with hostility: "All these poor people tormented the insides of the decrepit building, breaking off the ceilings and floors...".)

4. Who calls society “bad”, and the people who represent it “dark personalities”? From whose point of view is it “bad”?
(“The townspeople call him “bad” because ragamuffins pose a threat to their well-being and peace.)

5. Is there really anything bad in him and how is this manifested? (Yes, there is. “... These poor people, completely deprived of all means of living since the time of expulsion from the castle, formed a friendly community and were engaged in... petty theft in the city and the surrounding area.” They are thieves. Taking someone else’s is a sin, a crime.)
– But what pushes the poor to it? (Need, hunger, rejection, it is impossible to earn money by honest work.)

V. Analysis of Chapter V. Valek and Vasya's conversation about rolls.

1. Why can’t Vasya, who firmly knows that “stealing is wrong,” not condemn his new friends and call them “bad”?
(Vasya’s regret for Valek and Marusya intensified and became aggravated, but the attachment did not disappear. The conviction that “it’s not good to steal” remained. But when his imagination painted the animated face of Marusya, licking her greasy fingers, Vasya rejoiced at her joy and Valek’s joy.)

2. Now let’s look at the illustration by V. Gluzdov “Tyburtsy with children” (slide 18). What's at the center of the illustration?
(A piece of roast, on which Tyburtsy’s thoughtful gaze is fixed.)

3. What is his expression?
(It is sad, because Tyburtsy also knows that “stealing is not good,” but cannot calmly look at the hunger of his children, so he commits a crime. Looking at the children devouring the roast, he sadly thinks about their fate: “I am a beggar, and he a beggar. I ... and he will steal” The prospect is bleak and inevitable.)

4. How did the artist depict Valek and Marusya?
(The children eat greedily, licking their fingers. It is clear that “ meat dish for them an unprecedented luxury...).

5. In the foreground of the illustration is Vasya. Why did the artist depict him turning away from the “feast” and with his head bowed?
(Vasya is ashamed of the bad inclinations of his friends, for the stolen food, but he cannot help but sympathize with their misfortune, their life, because they are beggars, they have no home, but Vasya knew that contempt was connected with all this. He felt how From the depths of his soul all the bitterness of contempt rises in him, but he instinctively defended his attachment to this bitter admixture.)

6. Why, despite everything, was he unable to cheat on Valek and Marusa?
(Vasya has a kind, sympathetic heart. He watched with suffering the expulsion of “dark personalities” from the castle; and he himself, deprived of love and affection, is able to appreciate and understand the loneliness of the tramps. Having given his heart to the little beggars, sharing their troubles and worries, he has matured.)

VI. Lesson summary.

VII. Reflection(Slide 19).

Each student is asked to fill out a card and mark themselves.

    Are you satisfied with how the lesson went?

    Did you manage to gain new knowledge?

    Were you active in class?

    Did you manage to show your knowledge?

VIII. Homework (Slide 20). Three options for written assignments (optional):

    The story of the old chapel walls.

    The story of the old castle walls.

    The story of the old castle.

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"Korolenko V.G."

Public lesson “Bad society” and “dark personalities” in V. G. Korolenko’s story “Children of the Dungeon” Teacher of Russian language and literature Agnaeva Svetlana Georgievna SOMSH No. 44

Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko

1853 – 1921

through all of Korolenko’s works - large and small... there is faith in man, faith in immortality, the invincible and victorious nobility of his nature and mind.

A. Platonov

  • The prison was the best architectural decoration of the city.
  • The castle became disgusting to the boy, as it had an ominous appearance.
  • Vasya and his father were separated by the death of Vasya’s mother.
  • Vasya and Valek met for the first time in the grove.
  • Valek refused to go to visit Vasya because he was afraid of the judge.
  • Marusya was very different from Sonya.
  • Valek was the first to explain to Vasya that his father is a good man.
  • When Marusya was hungry, Valek asked Vasya for food for her.
  • Meat was a rare food for Valek and Marusya.
  • Marusya fell ill in the fall.
  • Vasya secretly took the doll from Sonya.
  • Father understood Vasya after he learned the truth from Tyburtsy.

Goals and objectives:

To teach partial analysis of a work of art through the study of text, paintings by Russian artists, and creative works of children;

Analyze the cause-and-effect relationships of the child’s world of feelings, the nature of his relationships with adults and surrounding reality based on the story by V.G. Korolenko “Children of the Dungeon”;

Develop integrative qualities of thinking and artistic perception, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, draw conclusions, develop the emotional and moral sphere of students;

Develop the ability to empathize; improve communication culture.

I.R. Repin. Portrait of the writer V.G. Korolenko. 1902

V. Perov. Sleeping children. 1870

F.S. Zhuravlev. Children are beggars. 1860s

V.P. Jacobi. Autumn.

P.P. Chistyakov. Poor children.

V. G. Perov. Savoyard.

N.V. Nevreev. Grandfather Vasily.

F. Bronnikov. Old beggar.

Group work

I group - Based on the description of the old castle and chapel, draw verbal illustrations and compare them with the illustrations of V. Gluzdov and V. Kostitsyn.

II group - What feelings did the castle and chapel evoke in Vasya?

III group -

2.What is in the center of the illustration?

Based on the description of the old castle and chapel, draw verbal illustrations and compare them with the illustrations of V. Gluzdov and V. Kostitsyn.

V. Kostitsyn."A stately, decrepit building." 1984

V. Gluzdov. Old lock. 1977

1.Look at the illustration by V. Gluzdov “Tyburtsy with children.”

2.What is in the center of the illustration?

3. How did the artist depict Valek and Marusya?

4. Why did the artist depict Vasya turning away from the “feast” and with his head bowed?

V. Gluzdov. Tyburtsy with children


1. Are you satisfied with how the lesson went?

2.Did you manage to gain new knowledge?

3.Were you active in class?

4.Did you manage to show your knowledge?

  • The story of the old chapel walls.
  • The story of the old castle walls.
  • The story of the old castle.

Thank you children for the lesson !

The Russian writer Vladimir Korolenko was distinguished by his courage in judgment and his objective view of society. Criticism social inequality and other diseases of society often led the writer to exile. However, the repressions did not stifle the clearly expressed opinion of the author in his works.

On the contrary, while experiencing personal adversity, the writer became more decisive and his voice sounded more convincing. Thus, while in exile, Korolenko writes tragic story"IN bad society».

Theme of the story: a story about life little boy who falls into “bad society.” For the main character from a wealthy family, his new acquaintances, children from the slums, were considered bad company. Thus, the author raises the topic of social inequality in society. The main character is not yet spoiled by the prejudices of society and does not understand why his new friends are a bad society.

The idea of ​​the story: to show the tragedy of the division of society into lower and upper classes.

The main character of the story is a boy named , who is not yet 10 years old. He is brought up in a wealthy family. The hero's father is a respected judge in the city. Everyone knows him as a fair and incorruptible citizen. After his wife died, he abandoned raising his son. The drama in the family greatly influenced Vasya. No longer feeling his father's attention, the boy began to walk more on the street and there he met beggar children - Valk and Marusya. They lived in the slums and were raised by their foster father.

According to society, these children were bad company for Vasya. But the hero himself sincerely became attached to his new friends and wanted to help them. In reality, it was difficult, so the boy often cries at home from helplessness.

His friends' lives were very different from his own life. When Valek steals a bun for his hungry sister, Vasya initially condemns his friend’s act, because it is theft. But then he sincerely feels sorry for them, because he realizes that poor children are forced to do this just to survive.

Having met Marusya, Vasya enters a world full of injustice and pain. The hero suddenly realizes that society is not homogeneous, that there are people different varieties. But he does not accept this, and naively believes that he can help his friends. Vasya cannot change their lives, but he tries to give at least a little joy. For example, he takes one of his sister's dolls and gives it to the sick person. For the sister this doll meant little, but for the poor girl it became a treasure. The main character, for the sake of his friends, decides to do things that he was previously afraid to even think about.

The theme of the story is extremely complex and relevant at all times since the beginning of civilization. Many sociologists have tried to study the problem of social inequality and the degree to which status influences a person. Vladimir Korolenko showed this topic through children's perception. Yes, the story is utopian in many ways, since it is difficult to imagine a child who talks philosophically about an adult problem in society. And yet, the story is recommended for study in school, so that children think about important things. After all, at a young age it is formed big picture world, which is why it is so important that it is not distorted.

Reading the works of Vladimir Korolenok, readers think about the problems of society. In the story “In Bad Society” there are few joyful lines, there is more pain, which should evoke sympathy among people.

Schoolchildren already have to write an essay based on Korolenko’s story “In a Bad Society” in the fifth grade. This work reveals themes of friendship, mutual respect, and betrayal. It makes us think about many important values ​​in our lives.

“Bad Society” by Viktor Galaktionovich Korolenko is a very deep story in its content. The main character is a boy named Vasya. He was left without a mother early. They and their younger sister are raised by their father. But it’s not easy for the guys - dad is still having a hard time with his mother’s death. Only the youngest Sonya gets attention; she is very similar to her mother, so her father sat her on his lap and hugged her for a long time. Vasya was deprived of his father’s affection, and therefore was often left to his own devices.

One day, while walking, a boy and his friends came across an abandoned crypt near an old chapel. Out of curiosity, they decided to see who lived there. An essay based on Korolenko’s story “In Bad Society” should include an analysis of this episode.

This dungeon was inhabited by poor people. Vasya saw a boy with whom he almost got into a fight. His friends abandoned him long ago, running away out of fear. But the guys were still able to find mutual language and became friends.

It turned out that the new comrade’s name is Valek. And he, like Vasya, has a younger sister. But she is very sick, and the conditions of her miserable life do not allow her to get better. Their father is Tyburtsy Drab, the leader of the “bad” society. No one knows about his past, but it can be assumed that he used to be a fairly successful person, as he is very educated.

Everyone is afraid of Tyburtsiy, they even call him a sorcerer. He forbids the children to communicate, but still they do not stop being friends.

Little Marusya becomes even more ill. Vasya brings her Sonya’s doll. The girl dies, but before her death she is glad that she has such a beautiful toy.

Tyburtsy goes to Vasya’s father and thanks him for his son. After this, Vasya and dad find a good relationship. In an essay based on Korolenko’s story “In a Bad Society,” it is necessary to include quotations in order to more fully convey the meaning of the work.

Main character

How did we see Vasya? A very brave, kind, sympathetic boy. He was not afraid of the poverty of his new friends and continued to communicate with them. Due to his age, he did not even think about Valk’s social status. He was very surprised when he heard from the lips of his new comrade that they were beggars.

After all, Vasya’s father is a respected man, a judge. The boy did not know what it was like to look for food. A nanny looked after him carefully, and dinner was always ready on the table. But this circumstance did not stop the main character: he began to carry apples to Valka and Marusya. He does not undertake to judge his new friend for theft, because he commits a crime for the sake of his sister, getting her food.

The episode with the doll given to Marusya is one of the most powerful in the story written by V. G. Korolenko. “Bad” society does not frighten a child; he makes friends sincerely, truly, despite the poverty of his new friends.

Valek and Marusya

You can sympathize with these guys: they lived in a crypt, getting food by stealing. They did not see their mother’s affection, and their father was strict with them. But at the same time, the children tell Vasya that he is good and loves them very much.

Valk is nine years old, he is so thin that he looks like a reed. But at the same time, the child behaves like an adult, since a difficult life has taught him independence. In addition, the responsibility for his little sister Marusya fell on his children's shoulders.

The author does not indicate what this girl’s illness is. He only says that the stone is drawing all the strength out of her. Marusya is only four years old, but she has no chance of recovery, since her father does not have money, medicine or other opportunities to cure the child. In an essay based on Korolenko’s story “In a Bad Society,” you must definitely include a description of the home of these guys. This will help reveal the characters' characters more deeply.

The girl, who has seen so little in her tiny life, dies. But before her death, a gift awaited her: Vasya, seeing how much Marusya was suffering, took beautiful doll from his sister and gave it to the girl. She had never seen such interesting toys, and therefore was very happy about the gift. But nevertheless, the disease took over, and Marusya dies.

Key points of the work

In fifth grade, children will read the story “In Bad Society” by Korolenko. The outline of the work will help the student write a decent essay.

  1. Interest in the ruins.
  2. Vasya and his relationship with his dad.
  3. A chance acquaintance with a boy.
  4. A friendship began.
  5. Gray stone.
  6. Vasya's appearance in the dungeon.
  7. Acquaintance of Tyburtsy with Vasya.
  8. An unexpected gift.
  9. Death of Marusya.
  10. Conversation between Tyburtsy and the judge.
  11. Reconciliation between Vasya and his father.

These are the main points of the work “In Bad Society” by Korolenko. The plan may contain more points.


The story will touch the souls of not only fifth-grade students, but also those adults who read it. The true friendship of guys from different walks of life will not leave anyone indifferent. Thanks to his new friends, Vasya changed his attitude towards his own father, and also discovered the most positive features character. For example, responsiveness and kindness.

The story teaches understanding, love, kindness. The theme of loneliness is revealed very well in it. Every child realizes how important it is to have a home, loving parents and true friends.

Typically, schoolchildren study the work of Viktor Korolenko as part of the program, so writing an essay based on the story “In Bad Society” by Korolenko is an integral part of the educational process. We will now briefly look at the plot of the story, talk about the main character and, in general, perform an analysis of the story “In a Bad Society.”

Plot of the story

On our website you can read a summary of “In Bad Society,” but, nevertheless, let’s briefly analyze the plot now. The main character's name is Vasya, he has a younger sister, and the children live with their father, having been left without a mother at an early age. The father, however, loves the younger Sonya more, but pays almost no attention to Vasya. And then one day Vasya and the boys come across the ruins of an ancient chapel, where an old crypt is abandoned nearby. Mention of this must be included in the essay on the story “In Bad Society” by Korolenko. It turns out that people live in this crypt - they lead the existence of beggars and all of strange origin.

Vasya, whom his friends had long ago left alone at the chapel, became friends with a boy named Valek. He also has a younger sister who is sick and cannot be cured due to poverty. This acquaintance is key in the analysis of the story “In a Bad Society”, because after this Vasya learns about the father of the children and the leader of the “bad” society - Tyburtsia Drab. This mysterious person, many are afraid of him, because despite his good education, his behavior resembles some kind of sorcerer. Drab is against communication between children, but the guys do not abandon their friendship.

Further events They develop in such a way that Vasya’s relationship with his dad is, after all, improving, although this is preceded by sad events - Marusya dies without identifying herself. Since Vasya brought her his sister’s doll, Tyburtsy subsequently goes to Vasya’s father to thank him for his son. When preparing an essay on the story “In Bad Society,” do not forget to provide a number of quotes that more fully reveal the key episodes.

A little about the main character

Thanks to the analysis of “In a Bad Society,” you will notice what character traits are inherent in the main character Vasya. He is brave, kind, sympathetic and generous. The poverty of his new acquaintances did not alienate them; on the contrary, these people became his friends. Of course, Vasya is still very young, and largely for this reason social status does not play any role for him. Valek, for example, is a beggar. And Vasya’s father has a respected position - he is a well-known judge in the city. But he doesn’t look at this difference in status main character Vasya.

It must be said that Vasya never cared about food, but when his new friends needed food, he stepped into their position and more than once supplied Valka and Marusya with apples. Soon Vasya finds out that Valek is ready to steal for food for his sister, but he does not condemn him. We can conclude that the main character Vasya was not afraid of “bad” society, his friendship is from the bottom of his heart, sincere and real.

Conclusions in the analysis of the story "In Bad Society"

Although most often this work studied in the fifth grade, it is no secret that the story is interesting to everyone: both children and adults. If any adults didn't read it when they were young, it's definitely worth spending some time catching up. After all, Korolenko described a strong, true friendship that you don’t see often, but it exists. And it’s unlikely that anyone will remain indifferent after reading this story.

It doesn’t matter whether you are writing an essay on the story “In Bad Society,” or just want to learn something useful for yourself, note the following: the main character Vasya has radically changed his attitude not only to to my own father, but also to himself. He realized that he was capable of being responsive and kind, understanding and loving.

We hope that the analysis of the story “In Bad Society” by Korolenko was useful for you, visit our Blog more often - there are many articles on literature and analyzes of works.

The role of “bad society” in the life of Vasya, the hero of V. G. Korolenko’s story “Children of the Dungeon”

Vasya is the main character of the story “Children of the Dungeon” by Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko. We see the events taking place in the work through the eyes of this boy. He says about his life: “I grew up like a wild tree in a field - no one surrounded me with special care, but no one constrained my freedom.” Already from these lines it is clear that the hero was lonely. Vasya's mother died, and he was survived by his father and younger sister. The boy had a tender, warm relationship with his sister, but there was an “insurmountable wall” between him and his father. With particular tragedy, Korolenko describes how Vasya suffers from this. To avoid the “horror of loneliness”, the hero is almost never at home, and hopes to find “something” that will change his life.

After the death of his mother, Vasya wanted to find the love that she did not have time to give him in his father’s heart. However, the father seemed to him a “gloomy man” who does not love his son and considers him a “spoiled boy.” But in his story, Korolenko shows us how Vasya learns to understand other people, how he learns the bitter truth of life and how, finally, this “insurmountable wall” between him and his father collapses.

Korolenko built the story on contrasts. Vasya was the “son of respectable parents,” but his friends were children from “bad society” - Valek and Marusya. This acquaintance changed both the hero and his life. Vasya learned that there are children who have no home and who have to steal in order not to die of hunger. Describing the hero’s inner experiences, the author shows how at first Vasya was surprised at what he saw in the “bad society”, and then he was tormented by pity and compassion for the poor: “I didn’t yet know what hunger was, but when last words girls, something turned in my chest...”

Vasya became very attached to Valek and Marusa. They are still just children, and they really wanted to have fun and play from the heart. Comparing Marusya with his sister Sonya, Vasya sadly noted that Sonya “... ran so briskly... laughed so loudly,” and Marusya “... almost never ran and laughed very rarely...”.

Meeting Valek, Marusya and their father Tyburtsy helped Vasya look at life from a different perspective. He learned that there are people who have nothing to eat and nowhere to sleep, and he was especially struck by a gray stone that takes away the strength of a little girl.

Vasya’s father is a judge, and we see that the boy himself, in his thoughts, is trying to judge the actions of people from “bad society.” But this “contempt” was drowned out by compassion and pity, and the desire to help. This is evidenced by the chapter “Doll”, which can be called culminating.

People from the “bad society” helped Vasya to recognize and understand his father, to find “something dear” in him. Reading the story, we see that Vasya and his father always loved each other, but Tyburtsy and his children helped them express this love. The hero acquired such qualities as compassion, the desire to help people, kindness, courage, and honesty. But the “bad society” helped not only Vasya, but also his father: he also looked at his son in a new way.

At the end of the story, Korolenko describes how Vasya and Sonya, together with their father, pronounced vows at Marusya’s grave. I think the main one is the vow to help people and forgive them. Together with the guys, I experienced all the events described in the story. I really like this book.

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