Where does Tsiskaridze currently work? Nikolai Tsiskaridze revealed the secret of his birth: he never knew his own father

Many ballet lovers associate the name Nikolai Tsiskaridze with certain roles and roles, but now the public’s favorite no longer risks going on stage. While in the position of rector of the Academy of Russian Ballet, he manages to do a lot of work, passing on his knowledge and experience to his students.

Is in it creative biography and participation in television projects where the dancer occupies the judge's chair.

Early manifestation of creativity

Nikolay was born in 1973 in Tbilisi. His father, Maxim Nikolaevich, was engaged musical activity. Mom, Lamara Nikolaevna, was a physicist by profession and was a school teacher. The future ballet dancer was born when his mother was 42 years old. He has cousin- Veronica Itskovich, who, after graduating from the choreographic school and the Institute of Performing Arts, took up an acting career.

In the photo Nikolai Tsiskaridze as a child with his mother Lamara Nikolaevna

When his parents divorced, his stepfather took over raising the boy. As a child, he dreamed of becoming a zoo director, as he loved animals very much. There was always a friendly atmosphere in the family, and Kolya’s relatives tried to instill in him a good upbringing. He often went to performances with his mother, loved to read, sing and act out skits in front of friends and guests. IN school years the young man studied at a choreographic school, and soon left for Moscow, where he studied classical dancing with teacher P. A. Pestov.

Development of a ballet career

After graduating from college, Tsiskaridze was taken to the Bolshoi Theater, where first the young artist danced in the corps de ballet, and then he was given the role of Entertainer in “The Golden Age.” This was followed by a number of solo parts, and in 1995 the dancer was entrusted with performing main party in The Nutcracker, thanks to which his main childhood dream came true. Simultaneously with his career, Nikolai studied at the choreographic institute, and in 1996 received the long-awaited diploma. Since 1997, he has appeared in ballets such as Count Albert in Giselle, the Evil Genius and Prince Siegfried in Swan Lake, Quasimodo in Notre Dame, Conrad in The Corsair and others.

Young ballet dancer

For my creative career Tsiskaridze danced on many stages: at the Moscow Operetta Theater, the State Kremlin Palace, and also at the world-famous La Scala Theatre. Many art critics and ballet experts considered his dance technically flawless and perfect, also noting his tall height (183 cm), slender figure and attractive appearance. The artist’s work has been recognized with many prizes and awards. Being a permanent soloist of the Bolshoi Theater ballet, in 2013 he was forced to leave the company due to many years of infighting with the management. For several years, Nikolai expressed his dissatisfaction with the restoration of the building, considering it not done well enough. In 2014, he was approved for the position of rector of the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet.

Photo www.instagram.com/tsiskaridze

The dancer has been collaborating with television for many years, being a long-time presenter on the Culture channel, as well as a member of the jury of the show “Dancing with the Stars” on the Russia channel. In 2017, he took the judge's chair at the Blue Bird competition, and perhaps some of the young talents will study at his academy.

Personal life

Tsiskaridze is in no hurry to say goodbye to the life of a bachelor and have a wife and children. He does not try to cover his personal life, although he does not hide the fact that he has hobbies and crushes. Can't imagine myself without creative activity, the artist believes that it is unlikely that anyone will withstand his difficult character, which has been tempered over the years of his ballet career. Now the ballet star devotes all his time to students and the creative process.

When he manages to be at home, Nikolai will happily lie on the couch and watch his favorite TV series. After his dancing career came to an end, the rector of the Academy of Russian Ballet found it difficult to maintain his weight. One doctor advised him to sleep as much as possible, and now the dancer follows the specialist’s recommendations. Being a homebody, Tsiskaridze would rather enjoy a cozy and comfortable environment in his own home instead of social events.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze was born in Tbilisi. His mother, Tsiskaridze Lamara Nikolaevna, was a teacher in high school, taught physics and mathematics. Father, Tsiskaridze Maxim Nikolaevich, was a violinist. Tsiskaridze's mother loved art and often visited theaters. Visiting theaters with his mother, little Nikolai became acquainted with performing arts.

After the tour of the theater S.V. Obraztsova in Tbilisi Nikolai got seriously carried away puppet shows. He even started making dolls himself. His love for this type of art remained throughout his life. As an adult, he collected large collection dolls But Tsiskaridze’s favorite dances always came first.


The first serious step towards future profession For Nikolai Tsiskaridze, he entered the Tbilisi Choreographic School in 1984. Nikolai's training was very successful, and it soon became clear that for further training he needed to go to Moscow. The next school Nikolai Tsiskaridze entered was the Moscow Academic. Here he studied under the guidance of Professor Pyotr Antonovich Pestov, who was simply a wonderful teacher.

Tsiskaridze grasped everything on the fly and made great progress. He danced some of the most difficult works during his school years (pas de deux from the ballet “Flower Festival in Genzano”, “Classical pas de deux” by V. Gzovsky, etc.). Tsiskaridze was noticed by representatives of the International Charity Program "New Names", which celebrates young talents in various types art. As a result, Tsiskaridze became a scholarship recipient of this program.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze - Pharaoh's Daughter

Career of Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Graduated from the Tsiskaridze Moscow Academic School in 1992. And Yu.N. was immediately invited. Grigorovich to the Bolshoi Theater troupe. And although life in the theater was very difficult, Tsiskaridze noted that he was very lucky with his mentors, especially noting Nikolai Romanovich Simachev, Marina Timofeevna Semenova, and Galina Sergeevna Ulanova. Nikolai met Ulanova after the death of his mother, and she became his guardian angel. She taught him a lot.

Tsiskaridze combined his work at the theater with his studies at the Moscow State Choreographic Institute. He studied as a ballet dancer and teacher. He graduated from the institute in 1996.

Like any beginning artist, Nikolai Tsiskaridze danced almost the entire corps de ballet repertoire before he was given more complex roles. These were the French doll from The Nutcracker and the Entertainer from The Golden Age. This was followed by leading roles in performances of both the classical repertoire ("Swan Lake", "Giselle", "The Nutcracker") and modern ones (" Queen of Spades", "Paganini").

Soon Nikolai Tsiskaridze's work was awarded various awards. These included a silver medal in fourth International competition ballet dancers in Osaka (Japan) in 1995. And in 1997, at the Eighth Moscow International Ballet Competition, Tsiskaridze received not only gold medal and first prize and personal prize “For preserving the traditions of the classical heritage” by Peter Vanderslott. Gradually Tsiskaridze gained fame, they began to write and talk about him. He gained fans who constantly attended performances with his participation.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze’s hard work has been deservedly rewarded with many different awards. Only national award "Golden Mask" in the nomination "Best male role"he received the State Prize three times - in 1999, 2000 and 2003 Russian Federation– in 2001 and 2003. There were other awards recognizing his contribution to the art of choreography.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze on stage

Nikolai Tsiskaridze managed to achieve outstanding results largely due to his unique natural data. A unique combination of tall stature, remarkable proportions, attractive appearance, musicality and plasticity give Tsiskaridze great opportunities. But all this is nothing without Nikolai’s inherent patience, hard work, constant work on himself and complete dedication. Nikolai Tsiskaridze mastered school perfectly classical dance, achieving both technical and aesthetic perfection of movements. And that's not all. A deep understanding of dance, filling each movement with meaning, spiritual filling of the role performed - this is what, along with technical perfection, makes Tsiskaridze’s dance so fascinating, emotional, and does not leave any spectator indifferent to what is happening on stage.

Although Nikolai Tsiskaridze performed many bright roles on the stages of various theaters, I would especially like to note his role as Quasimodo in the ballet "Cathedral" Notre Dame of Paris", staged on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater in 2003 by Roland Petit. The ugliness of the character entrusted to Tsiskaridze is conveyed not through a fake hump or special makeup, but only through choreography and the artist’s unique plasticity. The choreographer not only effectively draws the character’s appearance, but also expresses the state of his soul Thanks to this role, he raised the level of his skills even more. high level. Tsiskaridze himself notes that after this role he began to dance many parts differently. This role changed something inside him.

Tsiskaridze excels in roles in both classical and modern performances, long roles and small miniatures. This is largely due to the very responsible preparation of the artist for each role. This includes an analysis of the character of the hero, a careful acquaintance with the music of the play, and participation in the creation of stage costumes. And of course, bringing every movement to perfection.

Artist's life

Tsiskaridze lives in Moscow. Currently he is the Premier of the Bolshoi Theater. True, in Lately The artist has conflicts with his main employer that are resolved in court. In 2011, he became a member of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation for Culture and Art. Teaches at the department of men's classical dance and duet-classical dance of the Moscow State Academy of Choreography.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze - The Nutcracker

Of course, the main place in an artist’s life belongs to the art of dance. However, he also finds time for other hobbies, such as music and opera, and has collected a large music library. Most of all, Tsiskaridze likes singers whose vocal abilities are complemented by acting skills, for example, Maria Callas and Tito Gobi. Nikolay also loves to read and travel.

Details Created: 04/13/2016 12:19 Updated: 01/01/2018 14:03

Everyone is interested in the personal life of Nikolai Tsiskaridze - a unique and talented person who has all the natural abilities. They allowed him to achieve success in dance art. In this article we will tell you everything about it.

He has Georgian roots, tall stature, an athletic and slender figure, an attractive oriental appearance, and that’s not all his advantages. He is also flexible and very musical by nature, and many women dream of seeing him as a husband.

Photo by Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Rumor has it that the dancer repeatedly asserted that such a feeling as love was never present in him, on the contrary, it bothered him and he always suppressed it, so Nikolai Tsiskaridze’s personal life was not entirely successful. After all, for a person who plays ballet and is devoted to art, emotions such as love interfere with building a career and do not allow him to concentrate on the stage. Therefore, he devoted his life only to ballet, suppressing all romantic feelings. And now he does not allow himself to give in to them.

Wife and kids

There are rumors that Nikolai Tsiskaridze is officially single, has no children, and many are interested in his sexuality (whether he is gay). But he still has passions. Sometimes they meet short novels, which he of course does not advertise. He claims that he does not like to make his personal life public and tell sob stories about unhappy love. Of course, he plans to soon find a wife and become a happy father, but his demands on his future wife are very high. So far, not a single young lady has passed the rigorous selection process for a matrimonial position.

Women in life Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Some sources claim that he had an affair with Natalya Gromushkina, Anastasia Volochkova and ballet partner Ilse Liepa. Below you can see his photo from Instagram.

Natalia Gromushkina

The dancer himself, without false modesty, declares that 21 years in the history of the Bolshoi Theater is a triumph of his art, a fait accompli, whether someone likes it or not.

The ballet star was surrounded by loud honors and no less high-profile scandals. Released in 2019 documentary“I’m Not Like Everyone else,” dedicated to Tsiskaridze and shedding light on what makes him truly stand out. Talent, of course, cannot be taken away from Nikolai. But he is also a shockingly straightforward person who prefers not to rest on his laurels, but to fly through life.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Maksimovich Tsiskaridze was born in the Georgian city of Tbilisi in New Year's Eve 1973. Father Maxim Nikolaevich was a violinist and did not take part in raising his son. Nikolai was raised by his stepfather, a teacher by profession. Mom Lamara Nikolaevna also taught, her subjects were physics and mathematics. But the greatest influence on the development of the child’s personality was exerted by the nanny, a Ukrainian by nationality. Exactly with her little Kolya spent the lion's share of free time.

In order for Nikolai to develop comprehensively, from childhood he was taken to various exhibitions and theatrical performances. Thus, the boy joined the world early high art. Nikolai's first love was the ballet “Giselle”.

At first, the mother and stepfather did not approve of the child’s hobby, because they expected Kolya to follow in their pedagogical footsteps. Tsiskaridze categorically disagreed with this and decided to revolt: in 1984, he independently wrote an application for admission to the Tbilisi Choreographic School and was enrolled in the course. After enrolling, the young man told his family about the step he had taken and again came across a wall of misunderstanding on the part of his mother. Tsiskaridze's teachers convinced his parents that the boy had an exceptional talent that could not be ignored.

Very soon it became clear that the Tbilisi Choreographic School was too small a springboard for such a great talent as Tsiskaridze. This happened in 1987, and almost immediately Nikolai entered Pyotr Pestov, one of the best teachers at the Moscow Academic Choreographic School.

After 5 years, the dancer graduates with the title of best student in the class. Tsiskaridze’s choreographic education did not end there, and he went to comprehend the depths of dance at the Moscow State Choreographic Institute, from which he received a diploma in 1996.


After completing his studies at the Moscow school, Nikolai auditioned for main theater countries. There he attracted the attention of Yuri Grigorovich, who influenced young talent became a member of the troupe. Tsiskaridze’s first mentors at Bolshoi were Nikolai Simachev and Galina Ulanova, who later handed him over to Nikolai Fadeechev and. The latter, as the artist said, taught that within the walls of the theater one should not allow others to talk to him unceremoniously, even if they are friends.

From his youth, the dancer remembered another piece of advice from Sofia Golovkina: interviews are part of the profession, so Nikolai easily agrees to meet with the press, participates in talk shows like “The Fate of a Man” or “Alone with Everyone,” and visited Sergei Nikolaevich’s studio.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze in the studio of Daria Zlatopolskaya

According to the established ballet tradition, Nikolai Tsiskaridze launched his dance career with performances in the corps de ballet. The premiere role in 1992 was the part of the Entertainer in the production of “The Golden Age”. In 1993, he received the role of Don Juan in a ballet called “Love for Love.” Then there were parts in the productions of “The Nutcracker” (French Doll), “Sleeping Beauty” (Prince Fortune), “Romeo and Juliet” (Mercutio).

The year 1995 was noted in the biography of the dancer first leading role, which became the part in The Nutcracker. The next central works for Nikolai were the role of James in the ballet “Silifida” and Paganini in the production of the same name.

In 2001, Nikolai scored two main roles in one production. Around the same time, Nikolai Tsiskaridze’s creative collaboration with Roland Petit, a choreographer from France, began. Petit gave Tsiskaridze the central role in The Queen of Spades on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.

After the huge success of Nicholas, Roland invited him to choose his own next production, and the dancer chose the role in Notre Dame Cathedral.

Later Tsiskaridze had a chance to dance on the stage opera house"La Scala". This happened at a gala concert in memory. Nikolai shared participation in this project with Prima. The dancer continued to perform on reputable stages: at the Moscow Operetta Theater, at the State Kremlin Palace and others.

Together with such famous colleagues as Angel Corea, Ethan Stiefel and Johan Kobborg, Nikolai Tsiskaridze became part of the first troupe that presented the “Kings of Dance” project in America in 2006. In 2008, he visited America again on tour, but this time in the “Stars of the 21st Century” project. In addition to theatrical and concert activities, Nikolai Tsiskaridze was also the subject of the documentary “Nikolai Tsiskaridze. To be a star..." and became a participant in one issue of the television magazine "".

Nikolai Tsiskaridze in the program “Alone with Everyone”

The dancer’s contribution to art has been recognized with state awards, international prizes, etc. Nikolai was awarded the title people's artist Russia and People's Artist of the Republic of North Ossetia.


In the fall of 2011, Tsiskaridze expressed an ambiguous opinion regarding the six-year restoration of the Bolshoi Theater. The dancer was extremely dissatisfied with the interior decoration of both the stage and the rest of the design.

In November 2012, a collective letter from cultural figures was sent to the president, in which they asked for the resignation of the current head of the Bolshoi Theater, A. Iksanov, and the appointment of Tsiskaridze to this position. And already in January 2013, he became involved in a scandal around artistic director Bolshoi.

The essence of the scandal was the assassination attempt on Filin, who had acid thrown in his face. These and other nuances led to the fact that the Bolshoi Theater refused to renew the contract with Tsiskaridze, and on July 1, 2013, the dancer left him.

Scandal in Bolshoi Theater

That same year, in October, Nikolai found himself involved in another conflict, but now at the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet. Violating the rules of the charter, the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation introduced Nikolai Tsiskaridze to the Academy staff as the new acting rector.

Happened whole line personnel changes, and in November 2013, the teaching staff of the educational institution, together with ballet troupe Mariinsky Theater appealed to the Ministry of Culture with a request to reconsider the appointment of Tsiskaridze and the personnel changes that followed this event. And yet, a year later, Nikolai Tsiskaridze was confirmed as rector of the Academy of Russian Ballet and became the first director who did not complete this educational institution.

Pedagogical activity The dancer started working at the Bolshoi Theater in the mid-2000s. One of the first students is the current Prime Minister Artem Ovcharenko. Tsiskaridze brought out in 2 years young man as a soloist, and in 2009 Artem left for another teacher.

Nikolay subsequently, in the program “Looking at Night,” accused his former ward of inciting an information war and of unwillingness to engage in self-education. Ovcharenko, for his part, emphasized that he preferred a mentor who was close in spirit, who sees the difference between a dancer and an artist.

Personal life

The dancer himself notes that, due to the complexity and severity of his character, he does not envy his loved ones, but in the harsh theatrical environment there is nothing to do with a different character.

The personal life of the ballet star is little covered, but Nikolai does not deny that he, like anyone else, normal person, there were loves and attachments. The absence of a wife and children provoked rumors about the artist’s gay orientation. Tsiskaridze responds to such attacks with the words:

“I don't care what you think about me. I do not think about you at all".

In friends famous person- no less famous and Natalya Kurdyubova. The prime minister had access to the house, who was well versed in ballet. And he was even credited with having affairs with Natalya Gromushkina.

“If I want to talk to someone, I will call or write to him. I don't want this to become public. Moreover, if I would like to express my opinion, I am able to express it. But I don’t want to waste my time.”
Nikolai Tsiskaridze in the program “The Fate of Man”

Leaving the stage, Tsiskaridze was glad that he could finally eat whatever he wanted. Later, he admitted with a smile that he “eats like a locomotive” and has to give up food after 16:00. Now, as a teacher, he gives the same advice to students at the Vaganova Academy.

The dancer's height is 183 cm, although Nikolai considered himself short compared to his colleagues. Harmonious proportions are more important, and in this case the artist felt a certain peculiarity while still a student. During the lesson on fine arts the young man met 99% of the standards adopted centuries ago, when sizes and distances were measured with palms and fingers.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze now

The main gift for the anniversary - in December 2018, Nikolai celebrated his 45th birthday - the artist called a photo shoot for the glossy publication GQ. On the cover of the magazine, Tsiskaridze is depicted with a swan in his arms; he starred in a similar way 20 years ago, which the dancer’s fans did not fail to note.

However, according to Nikolai, the Hollywood celebrity is not the first person to have the noble bird lay his head on his shoulder. Being a person well aware of the history of ballet, Tsiskaridze said that a photo was published in the same style at the beginning of the 20th century. The ballerina filmed with Jack the swan, who lived on her estate. Nikolai had to climb into the fountain in front of the Bolshoi Theater.

In January 2019, the Vaganova Academy, headed by Nikolai Tsiskaridze, went on tour to Japan. It is known that the inhabitants of this country love ballet like no other. Tickets for the performances, in which children dance but with the skill of adults, sold out a month before the troupe's arrival. Every 3 years the academy brings to the country rising sun new productions, this time they gave “The Puppet Fairy”, “The Nutcracker” and the 3rd act of “Paquita”.


  • "Legend of Love"
  • "La Bayadère"
  • "Chopiniana"
  • "Kings of Dance"
  • "Fallen Angel"
  • "Giselle"
  • "Death of the Rose"
  • "Nutcracker"
  • "Corsair"
  • "Swan Lake"
  • "A dream in a summer night"

In Tbilisi (Georgia) in the family of a violinist and a school teacher.

In 1984-1987 he studied at the Tbilisi Choreographic School.

In 1992 he graduated from the Moscow Choreographic School (class of Pyotr Pestov), ​​in 1996 - from the pedagogical faculty of the Choreographic Institute (now the school and institute are united into the Moscow State Academy of Choreography). In 2012, he entered the magistracy of the Moscow State Law Academy.

He began with the corps de ballet repertoire, then began performing solo roles: The Entertainer in Dmitry Shostakovich's "The Golden Age" (1992), The French Doll in "The Nutcracker" (1993) and Prince Fortune in "The Sleeping Beauty" (1993) by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Mercutio in "Romeo" and Juliet" by Sergei Prokofiev (1993).

Since 1995, he has performed the main roles in the ballets "The Nutcracker", "Sleeping Beauty", " Swan Lake" and "The Queen of Spades" by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, "La Bayadère" by Ludwig Minkus, "Paganini" to the music of Sergei Rachmaninoff, "The Pharaoh's Daughter" by Caesar Pugni, etc.

In 2001, Tsiskaridze was the first performer of the Evil Genius in Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake (second edition by Yuri Grigorovich), Hermann in The Queen of Spades (staged by Roland Petit). First performer at the Bolshoi Theater as Quasimodo in Notre-Dame de Paris by Maurice Jarre (directed by Roland Petit) in 2003, as Theseus (Oberon) in A Midsummer Night's Dream to the music of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and György Ligeti (directed by John Neumeier) in 2004.

On October 28, 2013, Nikolai Tsiskaridze was appointed acting rector of the Academy of Russian Ballet named after A.Ya. Vaganova in St. Petersburg.

In 2006-2009, Tsiskaridze was a participant in the first three programs of the dance project “Kings of the Dance”. As a permanent member of the jury dance competition participates in television show"Dancing with the Stars" on the Rossiya TV channel. He is a permanent presenter of the program "Masterpieces of the World" musical theater"on the TV channel "Culture".

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources