Exhibition “Theatre starring. Exhibition for International Theater Day in the library-branch N1 named after. M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin Book exhibition for the year of theater


MBUK "Centralized Library System named after A. Bely"

Theater of the Book

dedicated to the Year of Theater in Russia

Target: The main goal of the project is to organize cultural and leisure theatrical events that form a positive attitude towards reading, towards books and promote multicultural education library users, including young people.


  • developing and supporting library users’ interest in books and reading
  • introducing readers to literary heritage Russians and foreign writers through theatrical performances
  • attracting new users to the library
  • organizing creative meetings with actors and directors
  • strengthening partnerships with creative adults and youth associations of the city, and in the future - the region
  • popularization of the creativity of Russian, foreign and local writers and poets

Project description:

Interest in reading can increase through spectacular forms work, because they have their own dynamics and have specific features positive impact on every reader. One of these forms, undoubtedly, is theatricalization, with the help of which a literary work acquires a new quality - characters and conflicts are embodied in living faces and actions. This artistic spectacle takes place directly in front of the readers - spectators, leaves indelible impressions for the rest of their lives, and ultimately contributes to the activation of the processes of reading fiction.

At the same time, many amateur theaters would like to have a platform for showing their creative works. This project will bring the library closer to the population, since often only in the library you can attend a theatrical evening completely free of charge. The Theater of Books will help to open the world of literature in a new way, give a new impetus to the artistic and spiritual development youth. His activities will contribute to the creative reading of works and the development of acting abilities of both young and adult amateur actors. The project is designed for the long term.

Project partners:

General educational institutions, children's art schools, members of theater groups of general educational institutions, cultural centers, institutions additional education city ​​of Balashikha

Target audience of the project

Students secondary schools, students of colleges, universities, children's art schools, as well as library employees and readers.

Information support:

Balashikha media; Internet sites.

Program of events
Library Theater of Books
for 2018

Event name



Ceremonial presentation of the library project “Theatre of the Book”

“Mini-performance to the surprise of everyone” - as part of the All-Russian network event “Library Night 2018”: “Library Through the Looking Glass”

All departments of the Central Bank

Internet project “Reading Andrei Bely”


Information and cultural center

Competition for children and youth for the best dramatization literary works"Theatrical Olympus"


Information and cultural center

Art exhibition " Magic world scenes"

Information and cultural center

Art meeting “Professions in Art”

Information and cultural center

Annual exhibition, meeting with interesting people"Commonwealth of Beautiful Muses"

throughout the year

Thematic one-man performances “What’s in Tyorkin’s duffel bag?” (with the participation of theater artist N.M. Kruzhkov)


Center for Children and Family Reading

Art exhibition, review-conversation

"Theater Workshop"

Center for Children and Family Reading

Interactive event for International Day Theater "Magic World of Backstage"

Theater competitions for the All-Russian week “Theater for Children and Youth” “Battle of Talents”

Library of Aesthetic Development

Literary and musical lounge “The Magic World of Ballet”

Library No. 2

Literary portrait for the 195th anniversary of A. Ostrovsky “The Playwright and His Theater”

Library No. 2

Video presentation “Magic Country Theater”


Library No. 2

"On the history of art: theater." Lecture hall

(visiting the Golden Age Club - G.V. Dashevskaya)

Library No. 3

"Fyodor Chaliapin - pages of life." Live journal for the 145th anniversary of F.I. Chaliapin

Library No. 3

"Marius Petipa and Russia". Evening - portrait

to the 200th anniversary of the birth of M. Petipa

Library No. 3

"Theater for children and youth." All-Russian Theater Week

Library No. 3

“I lived at the Bolshoi Theater.” Video lecture with the film club “Educational Films” about Galina Ulanova

Library No. 4

"S. Obraztsov's Puppet Theater." Conversation, video lecture

Library No. 4

“Oleg Tabakov and his “tabaka chickens.” Video portrait, conversation with participants of the film club “Educational Films”

(for the artist’s birthday)

Library No. 4

"Theatres of Moscow". Conversation, virtual tour, video screening, discussion

Library No. 4

Interactive event “Gymnastics of the senses”

Youth Library

Literary and theatrical living room

To the International Day of Theater “They play as they live”

Family Reading Library

Media presentation for the International Day of Dance “Dance is the poetry of the soul”

Family Reading Library

Action: “We play a Russian fairy tale” “Wonderful miracle - wondrous marvel”

Children's library No. 2

A thematic theme is dedicated to the Year of Culture book exhibition “The theater is already full...” V Library-branch No. 1 named after. M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin. The exhibition is dedicated to International Theater Day, established in 1961 by the IX Congress of the International Theater Institute (MIT). International Theater Day is celebrated annually March 27.

As you know, translated from ancient Greek the word “theater” means “a place where people watch.” Mention of the first theatrical production dates back to 2500 BC. e. It is believed that the development of theatrical craft in Russia began with the court theater of the 17th century.

Now International Theater Day is not just a professional holiday for stage masters, it is a holiday for millions of spectators.

The epigraph to the exhibition “The theater is already full...” were the words of N.V. Gogol: “The theater is a department from which you can say a lot to the world.” Books about the history of foreign and Russian theater, Russian actors and playwrights are presented here.

All-Russian Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts folk art and “Art Project TOGETHER” present the exhibition “Theater in leading role" The exhibition will be held from March 17 to May 1. The exhibition will demonstrate the contribution of various artists to the work on the theatrical image. Central event The exhibition will show the general public a collection of graphic works by artist Georgy Toidze. 15 portraits of Bolshoi stars Mariinsky theaters in stage costumes (1971-1980) provided by the family of the famous Soviet sculptor and graphics. Among them are portraits of the first persons of the Russian opera and ballet stage: Galina Ulanova, Natalia Bessmertnova, Vladimir Atlantov, Boris Shtokolov, Alexander Godunov.

Also at the exhibition “Theater in the Leading Role” will be presented rare exhibits from the funds of the State Central Theater Museum named after A. A. Bakhrushin, the All-Russian Museum Association musical culture and private meetings. Among the exhibits are paintings and graphic works, theatrical costumes, posters, photographs, sketches of costumes and scenery for performances.

In addition, at the exhibition you will be able to see portraits of our contemporaries Diana Vishneva, Maria Alexandrova and Kristina Kretova by Maria Suvorova. Other paintings by the artist depict scenes of rehearsals for actors, ballet dancers and orchestras.

Portraits of musical and drama theater supplemented with original costumes and other elements decoration performance. Visitors will not only be able to see images of the actors in different images, but also to consider the artist’s stage costume itself, as well as the process of working on it, reflected in the sketches of theater artists Alexander Golovin, Simon Virsaladze, Evgeny Spassky and others.

“A holistic image in such a synthetic art form as theater is created through the efforts of many artists: director, set designer, composer, costume designer,” says exhibition curator, head of the “Art Project TOGETHER” Yulia Ambartsumyan. - They all speak to the audience through the Actor and the stage action. At the moment when the action is stopped, we can look more closely at those details that are inaccessible to immediate perception.”

Selected works:

Georgy Toizdze. Alla Sizova as Ophelia. "Hamlet". Composer D.D. Shostakovich. Ballet. Mariinsky Theater.

Georgy Toidze. Vladimir Atlantov as Cavardossi. "Yearning". G. Puccini. Opera. Bolshoi Theater.

Georgy Toidze. Natalia Bessmertnova as Anastasia. "Ivan the Terrible". Composer S.S. Prokofiev. Opera. Mariinsky Theater.

Background information:

“Art project “TOGETHER”” - created by Yulia Ambartsumyan and presents different directions in art. The main goal of the creative association is to hold major exhibitions in Russia and abroad.

Yulia Ambartsumyan – graduated from Moscow State University with two specialties: lawyer and specialist in intercultural communications. She studied art with leading experts from the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow Museum Contemporary art. She also graduated from the Moscow School of Design "Details" with a degree in "Art in Design". She is currently studying at Sotheby's London in the field of “Art as an Investment.” In 2009, as part of the Year of Russia in France, she regularly organized evenings and exhibitions at the French Embassy dedicated to the culture and art of both countries. Since 2010. is a personal consultant on the formation of private collections, as well as an art dealer for a number of famous contemporary Russian artists. In 2016, she held a joint Russian-British exhibition “Our Friend Larionov” in Moscow.

Officials supported the idea of ​​holding a year of theater in Russia in 2018. The initiator of this idea at the end of last year was the head of the Union of Theater Workers, Alexander Kalyagin. The head of the Ministry of Culture liked this idea, so he reported it to the president. After approval by the head of state, the final decision was made to hold a thematic year.

Officials noted that, despite the difficult economic situation, culture, in particular the theater, needs to be given sufficient attention. The fact is that theatrical activity plays an important role in the life of society - it shapes views on life, helps make decisions and simply fulfills a person’s need for beauty.

Theaters in the capital and St. Petersburg are almost always completely full, but in other regions and cities the situation is completely different. Due to lack of funding, there are no tours, the number of shows is reduced, and ticket sales drop significantly. The head of the Ministry of Culture noted that funding theatrical activities insufficient and remains at the 2014 level. A sharp jump was noted, a significant breakthrough in the theater business, and income from ticket sales last year increased to 5.3 billion rubles. But this is still not enough for full development.

Holding the Year of Theater in 2018 in Russia will solve several important problems:

  1. To popularize real art among a wide range of people, including youth and the younger generation.
  2. Increase the number of tours and shows in regional theaters.
  3. To give young actors the opportunity to express their talent.
  4. Make theater a part of every person's life.

Theater Year Program

And although the decision that 2018 will be the year of the theater has already been finally made, the program has not yet been developed. Alexander Kalyagin addressed his colleagues on the official website of the STD and asked them to hold meetings of organizations and think about how to spend the year of the theater. The head of the Union of Theater Workers noted that one should not count on increased funding, but this should not become an obstacle to holding bright and eventful events that will help people get to know real art better and plunge into the world of theatrical magic. Kalyagin called for participation in the formation of active people.

And although there is no program for celebrating the year of the theater yet, obviously, within the framework of the decision made by officials, the following events will be held:

  1. Various festivals at the federal, regional and local levels.
  2. Young talent competitions.
  3. Tours of famous theater groups.
  4. Screenings of new performances in theaters.

Each region will have its own program of events. Alexander Kalyagin noted that this year theater workers should not look like beggars and ask for money to hold certain events.

The head of the Union of Theater Workers plans to collect all ideas and thoughts regarding the year of the theater by September 5. It is obvious that soon after this date the program will be drawn up and agreed upon.

Realities and prospects of theater in Russia in 2018

At the All-Russian Theater Forum, which was held in May in the city of Sochi, Alexander Kalyagin stated that the theater was and remains the most important part of society. He noted that holding a theme year would be an excellent occasion to remind everyone of this. Theatrical figures from all regions of Russia gathered at the Forum, and for several days Sochi turned into a real cultural capital.

Almost all the speakers talked about the most pressing issues, namely the following serious problems:

  1. Lack of funding. Lack of funds leads to the need to reduce performances. There are no tours in many regions because local government does not participate in any way in the life of the theater, that is, does not allocate funds from the budget.
  2. Low wages and their delays. This problem has remained relevant for a long time in many regions, especially remote ones. In this regard, young talented artists do not want to engage in art.
  3. No repairs. Many cultural buildings are in terrible condition, as funds for repairs have not been allocated for decades.

Although, according to statistics, over the past couple of years the number of touring shows has increased by 20%. Medinsky said that in 2015 the number of federal-level touring shows reached almost a thousand. The country is in a difficult financial situation, but people continue to go to the theater. Over the past three years, the amount of finance received from ticket sales has increased by 70%. These figures give hope to theater workers that all is not lost.

Alexander Kalyagin has repeatedly noted that holding a year of theater gives a chance for the development of the theater business. This does not mean that they will ask for money, but they will still be able to attract the attention of officials and ordinary people to existing problems. At the same time, this is an excellent reason to bring real art to the masses.

See also video about the year of culture at the Film Actor Studio Theatre:

“Do you love theater the way I love it, that is, with all the strength of your soul, with all the enthusiasm, with all the frenzy of which ardent youth, greedy and passionate for the impressions of grace, is only capable?...”
(V.G. Belinsky)

Before the gaze of everyone entering the reading room of the central regional library, an interesting art exhibition " Great Wizard- theater", offering an entertaining journey into the world of art. Presented at the exhibition best literature about the history and types of theater, about outstanding theater figures, theater people.
In particular, the work of the great theater director is presented, along with Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko who founded the Moscow Art Theater, actor and teacher K. S. Stanislavsky, who formed a system of performing arts that has been famous throughout the world for more than a hundred years.
"An actor's work on himself"- a book that has become a kind of bible of stagecraft, with the help of which actors all over the world study their art. After all, it was in it that the great teacher fully and in detail outlined the acting system named after him, which once and for all changed the very basis of ideas about how the transformation of an artist into his stage character takes place.
Here we present to the attention of readers Encyclopedic collection “Our History. 100 Great Names", each issue of which tells about great personalities (Shalyapin F.I., Stanislavsky K.S., Orlova L., etc.).
The main content of the book Em. Alexandrova “I love the theater!”— reflections on the theater. Moreover, the thoughts of a person who is not just in love with the theater, but who feels a deep need to comprehend and analyze the phenomena of art.
Famous journalist, theater critic T. A. Chebotarevskaya in the book “Journey through theater program» introduces the reader to the complex and poetic world of theater, reveals ideological richness and diversity artistic forms performing arts, introduces the history of the country's leading groups of the Soviet period. A lot of interesting things are told in the book about the art of the director, actor, and theater artist. The reader will become acquainted with the system of K. S. Stanislavsky, with creative biography Ruben Simonov, Vera Pashennaya, Oleg Efremov, Yulia Borisova and other wonderful theater masters.
Author of the book “Three centuries of the Russian stage” A.G. Morov in a popular, entertaining form introduces the reader to the history of Russian theater. The pages of the publication contain creative portraits outstanding Russian playwrights, actors and directors. A.G. Morov talks about ancient folk customs, about holidays accompanied by ritual songs, dances, games, about buffoons and many others. The reader will learn how and on what basis the theater arose and gradually developed over the centuries of its existence, what changes it has undergone and with what it has come to this day.
A collection of publications dedicated to outstanding representatives Russian history and culture, the book continues about the most famous artists Russia. Among them, the reader will become acquainted with the life and work of such stage and film masters as F. Volkov, V. Komissarzhevskaya, V. Kholodnaya, K. Stanislavsky, F. Shalyapin, L. Utesov, A. Raikin, A. Mironov, V. Vysotsky, M. Ulyanov.
Reading the book with interest I.G. Gladkikh “Old Man Kachalov noticed us...”, a story about life and creative path people's artist Russia, actor of the Chelyabinsk State academic theater dramas by Vladimir Ivanovich Miloserdov. A meeting with the great actor Vasily Ivanovich Kachalov played a big role in his acting career.
Among the books presented at the exhibition, the two-volume edition should also be noted "Cultural history of the Chelyabinsk region" V chronological sequence represents dates, brief descriptions significant events from the cultural history of the region, talks about the activities of people who had a significant impact on the development of the region.
People who devotedly serve the culture of the Yemanzhelinsky district and made a worthy contribution to its development are written in the books of a famous local historian V.I. Efanova, which serve as a real decoration of the exhibition.
Come to the library, a world of wonderful books awaits you!