Essay “The central event of the novel “War and Peace.” 

Tolstoy begins his novel with the image of two elements: one - embodied in the Rostovs, Pierre, Andrei Bolkonsky, the other - secular society.

Erg always speaks very precisely, calmly and courteously, without expending any spiritual strength, and always about what concerns him alone. The same impeccability is revealed in the state reformer and outwardly amazingly active figure Speransky, when Prince Andrei notices his cold, mirror-like, distant gaze, sees a meaningless smile, hears a metallic, distinct laugh. In another case, the “revitalization of life” is opposed by the lifeless look of the Tsar’s minister Arakcheev and the same look of Napoleonic Marshal Davout. The great commander Napoleon himself was always pleased with himself. Like Speransky, he has a “cold, self-confident face”, “a sharp, precise voice that finishes every letter. However, revealing the fleeting movements of the human soul, Tolstoy sometimes suddenly revives these metallic, distinct figures, these mirror eyes, and then Prince Vasily ceases to be himself, the horror of death takes possession of him, and he sobs at the death of the old Count Bezukhov. The “little princess” experiences sincere and genuine fear, anticipating her difficult birth.

“War and Peace” is one of the few works in world literature of the 19th century that can rightfully be called an epic novel. Events of a large historical scale, life in general, and not private, form the basis of its content, it reveals historical process, an unusually wide coverage of Russian life in all its layers has been achieved, and as a result of this, the number characters, in particular characters from the folk environment.

All these cold and deceitful people are not able to understand the danger and difficult situation in which the Russian people are experiencing the invasion of Napoleon, or to be imbued with the “people's thought.” They can only be inspired by a false game of patriotism, like Anna Pavlovna Scherer or Julie Karagina, by a wardrobe successfully acquired at a time when the fatherland is going through a terrible time, like Berg, by the thought of closeness to supreme authority or the expectation of awards and advancement through the ranks, like Boris Drubetskoy on the eve of the Battle of Borodino. Their ghostly life is not only insignificant, but also dead. It fades and crumbles from contact with real thoughts and feelings. Even the shallow but natural feeling of attraction of Pierre Bezukhov to Helen suppressed everything and hovered above the artificial babble of the living room, where “the jokes were sad, the news was not interesting, the animation was obviously fake.”

For Tolstoy, secular society is a symbol of deceit and pretense. This is Anna Pavlovna Scherer, portraying an enthusiast, offering guests a viscount, then an abbot. Thought, feeling, sincerity are somewhere else for her. This is a regular guest in Anna Pavlovna’s salon - Prince Vasily, who speaks like a “wound clock.” And here the automatism, the lack of freedom, the hypocrisy that has become the essence of man are emphasized. This is the beautiful Helen, who always smiles equally beautifully at everyone. When Helen first appears, her constant smile is mentioned three times. The “Little Princess” Bolkonskaya is not forgiven for her completely innocent coquetry only because with the hostess of the living room, and with the general, and with her husband, and with his friend Pierre, she speaks in the same capricious and playful tone, and Prince Andrei hears from her five times exactly the same phrase about Countess Zubova. The eldest princess, who does not love Pierre, looks at him “dullly and motionlessly,” without changing the expression of her eyes. Even when she is excited (by talking about an inheritance), her eyes remain the same, as the author carefully notes, and this external detail is enough to judge the poverty of her nature. B

It shows Russian national life and, most importantly, the history of the people and the path of the best representatives of the noble class to the people are the ideological and artistic core of the work. “War and Peace” is a work in which the writer sought to answer the questions: what is the calling of the Russian intelligentsia? What should thinking people do to benefit the Motherland? What can admiration for a strong personality lead to? What is the general role of the individual and the people in history? The breadth of coverage of the Russian nation in the work is amazing: noble estates, aristocratic metropolitan salons, village holidays and diplomatic receptions, greatest battles and pictures of peaceful life, emperors, peasants, dignitaries, landowners, merchants, soldiers, generals. We meet more than 500 characters on the pages of the novel.

Tolstoy always believed that a person’s smile speaks volumes: “if a smile adds charm to the face, then the face is beautiful; if it does not change it, then it is ordinary; if it spoils it, then it is bad.” And Tolstoy carefully watches people’s smiles. About Vera Rostova he says: “A smile did not grace Vera’s face, as usually happens; on the contrary, her face became unnatural and therefore unpleasant.” Andrei Bolkonsky knows the value of this whole world, the people of the world. Living rooms, gossip, balls, vanity, insignificance - this is a vicious circle that he sees and from which he wants to break out. This is why he goes to war. Prince Andrei has a “bored look”; expressions of boredom, fatigue and annoyance alternate on his face. However, the portrait of Andrei Tolstoy reflects the contradiction between the demonstrative expression of boredom and the inner passion of struggle. This is manifested in Andrei's conversations with Pierre.

When Pierre Bezukhov first entered Anna Pavlovna's living room, she was frightened, because Pierre had something that was not characteristic of the world - an intelligent and natural look that distinguished him from everyone in this living room. Tolstoy calls Pierre a child. He is naive, he does not understand that he is in a toy house, he wants to talk about world politics with wind-up toys. He mistakes Helen for a “genius of pure beauty.” And “his smile was not like other people’s, merging with a non-smile. On the contrary, when a smile came, then suddenly, instantly, his serious face disappeared and another, childish, kind one appeared.” His smile seemed to say: “Opinions are opinions, but you see what a kind and nice fellow I am.”

Work on the novel “War and Peace” lasted 7 years (from 1863 to 1869). Tolstoy begins his novel in 1805. He intended to take heroes and heroines through the historical events of 1805, 1807, 1812, 1825 and end in 1856. That is, the novel had to cover a large historical period. However, in the process of working on it, Tolstoy gradually narrowed its chronological scope and thus came to the creation of a new novel.

This book combines the most important images in the world history of events and a deep analysis of human souls. And although the chronological framework was narrowed from 1805 to 1820, Tolstoy went beyond the personal fate of the heroes and created a grandiose epic picture of Russian life at the beginning of the last century.

All of them, especially the positive heroes, are in constant search. Tolstoy's favorite heroes are not flawless, but they strive for improvement, search for the meaning of life, tranquility for them is tantamount to spiritual death. But the path to truth and righteousness is difficult and thorny. The characters created by Tolstoy reflect the moral and philosophical research of the author of the novel himself. The novel tells about the events taking place during three stages of Russia's struggle with Bonapartist France. Volume 1 describes the events of 1805, when Russia, in alliance with Austria, waged a war on its territory with France. In the 2nd volume of 1806-1807, when Russian troops were in Prussia. The 3rd and 4th volumes are devoted to a broad depiction of the Patriotic War of 1812, which Russia waged on its native soil. In the epilogue, the action takes place in 1820.

Marshal Davout forgets his cruel duty for a moment and is able to see a man, a brother, in the arrested Pierre Bezukhov. The always self-confident Napoleon on the day of the Battle of Borodino experiences confusion and a restless feeling of powerlessness. Tolstoy is convinced that “people are like rivers”, that every person contains all the possibilities, the abilities of any development. They flash before frozen, self-satisfied people at the thought of death and at the sight of mortal danger, but for these people “possibility does not turn into reality.” They are unable to leave their usual path; they leave the novel spiritually empty, vicious, and criminal. External immutability and staticity turn out to be the surest sign of internal coldness and callousness, spiritual inertia, indifference to general life, beyond the narrow circle of personal and class interests.

And Tolstoy contrasts this empty, false world with another world, which is especially close and dear to him - the world of the Rostovs, Pierre Bezukhov, Andrei Bolkonsky.

Literature. 10th grade

Lesson #103.

Lesson topic: Artistic and philosophical understanding of the essence of war in the novel.

Target: Reveal the compositional role of philosophical chapters, explain the main provisions of Tolstoy’s historical and philosophical views.

Epigraphs: ...between them lay...a terrible line of uncertainty and fear, like a line separating the living from the dead.

Volume I , Part II , head XIX .

“In peace - all together, without distinction of classes, without enmity, and united by brotherly love - let us pray,” thought Natasha.

Volume III , Part II , head XVIII .

Just say the word, we will all go... We are not some kind of Germans.

Count Rostov, head XX .

Lesson progress


During the War of 1812, during the life of L.N. Tolstoy, there were different points vision. L.N. Tolstoy in his novel sets out his understanding of history and the role of the people as the creator and driving force of history.

(Chapter AnalysisIfirst part and chapterIthird part of the volumeIII.)

TomIIIAndIV, written by Tolstoy later (1867-69), reflected the changes that had occurred in the writer’s worldview and work by that time. Having taken another step along the path of rapprochement with the people's, peasant truth,ways of transition to the position of the patriarchal peasantry, Tolstoy embodied his idea of ​​​​the people through scenes folk life, through the image of Platon Karataev. Tolstoy's new views were reflected in the views of individual heroes.

Changes in the writer’s worldview changed the structure of the novel: journalistic chapters appeared in it that introduce and explain artistic description events, lead to their understanding; that is why these chapters are located either at the beginning of the parts or at the end of the novel.

Let's consider the philosophy of history, according to Tolstoy (views on the origin, essence and change of historical events) -h.I, Chapter 1; h.III, chapter 1.

    What is war, according to Tolstoy?

Already starting from " Sevastopol stories", L.N. Tolstoy acts as a humanist writer: he exposes the inhumane essence of war. “The war began, that is, an event contrary to human reason and all human nature took place. Millions of people committed such countless atrocities, deceptions, exchanges, robberies, fires and murders against each other, which the chronicle of all the destinies of the world will collect over the centuries and which, during this period of time, the people who committed them did not look upon as a crime.” .

2. What caused this extraordinary event? What were the reasons for it?

The writer is convinced that it is impossible to explain the origin of historical events by individual actions of individual people. The will of an individual historical person can be paralyzed by the desires or unwillingnesses of a mass of people.

For a historical event to occur, “billions of reasons” must coincide, i.e. the interests of individual people who make up the masses, just as the movement of a swarm of bees coincides when a general movement is born from the movement of individual quantities. This means that history is made not by individuals, but by people. “To study the laws of history, we must completely change the object of observation ... - which leads the masses” (vol.III, h.I, chapter 1) - Tolstoy argues that historical events occur when the interests of the masses coincide.

    What is necessary for a historical event to happen?

For a historical event to happen, “billions of reasons” must fall, that is, the interests of individual people who make up the mass of the people, just as the movement of a swarm of bees coincides, when a general movement is born from the movement of individual quantities.

4. Why do the small values ​​of individual human desires coincide?

Tolstoy was unable to answer this question: “Nothing is a reason. All this is only a coincidence of the conditions under which every vital, organic, spontaneous event takes place,” “man inevitably fulfills the laws prescribed to him.”

5. What is Tolstoy’s attitude towards fatalism?

Tolstoy is a supporter of fatalistic views: “ event must happen only because it must happen,” “fatalism in history” is inevitable. Tolstoy's fatalism is connected with his understanding of spontaneity. History, he writes, is “the unconscious, general, swarm life of humanity.” (And this is fatalism, i.e. belief in predetermined fate, which cannot be overcome). But any committed unconscious act “becomes the property of history.” And the more unconsciously a person lives, the more, according to Tolstoy, he will participate in the commission of historical events. But the preaching of spontaneity and the refusal of conscious, intelligent participation in events should be characterized and defined as weakness in Tolstoy’s views on history.

    What role does personality play in history?

Correctly considering that personality, and even historical, i.e. one who stands high “on the social ladder” does not play a leading role in history, that she is connected with the interests of everyone who stands below her and next to her, Tolstoy incorrectly asserts that the individual does not and cannot play any role in history : “The king is a slave of history.” According to Tolstoy, the spontaneity of mass movements cannot be guided, and therefore historical figure All that remains is to obey the direction of events prescribed from above. This is how Tolstoy comes to the idea of ​​submission to fate and reduces the task of a historical figure to following events.

This is the philosophy of history, according to Tolstoy.

But, reflecting historical events, Tolstoy does not always manage to follow his speculative conclusions, since the truth of history says something different. And we see, studying the contents of the volumeI, nationwide patriotic upsurge and unity of the bulk of Russian society in the fight against the invaders.

If during analysisIIsince the focus of attention was on an individual person with his individual, sometimes isolated from others, fate, then when analyzing the so-calledIII- IVVlet's look at a person as a particle of mass. Tolstoy's main idea is that only then does an individual person find his final, real place in life, and always become a part of the people.

War for L.N. Tolstoy is an event committed by the people, and not by individuals or generals. And that commander, that people, whose goals are united and united by the high ideal of serving the Fatherland, wins.

The French army cannot win , since she submits to the adoration of the genius of Bonaparte. Therefore, the novel opens in the third volume with a description of the senseless death at the crossing of the Neman:chapterII, PartI, p.15.Summary of the crossing.

But the war within the fatherland is portrayed differently - as the greatest tragedy for the entire Russian people.


1. Answer the questions on parts 2 and 3, volume 1 “War of 1805-1807”:

    Is the Russian army ready for war? Are its goals clear to the soldiers? (chapter 2)

    What Kutuzov is doing (chapter 14)

    How did Prince Andrey imagine the war and his role in it? (chapter 3, 12)

    Why, after meeting with Tushin, did Prince Andrei think: “It was all so strange, so unlike what he had hoped for”? (Ch. 12, 15,20-21)

    What role does the Battle of Shengraben play in changing the views of Prince Andrei?

2. Make bookmarks:

a) in the image of Kutuzov;

b) Battle of Shengraben (chap. 20-21);

c) the behavior of Prince Andrei, his dreams of “Toulon” (Part 2, Chapter 3, 12, 20-21)

d) Battle of Austerlitz (part 3, chapter 12-13);

e) the feat of Prince Andrei and his disappointment in “Napoleonic” dreams (part 3, chapters 16, 19).

3. Individual tasks:

a) characteristics of Timokhin;

b) Tushin’s characteristics;

c) Dolokhov’s characteristic.

4. Scene analysis

“Review of troops in Braunau” (chapter 2).

"Review of Kutuzov's troops"

"The first fight of Nikolai Rostov"

“I don’t know anyone who writes about war better than Tolstoy”

Ernest Hemingway

Many writers use real historical events for the plots of their works. One of the most frequently described events is war - civil, domestic, world. Special attention deserves the Patriotic War of 1812: the Battle of Borodino, the burning of Moscow, expulsion French Emperor Napoleon. Russian literature presents a detailed depiction of war in the novel “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy. The writer describes specific military battles, allows the reader to see real historical figures, and gives his own assessment of the events that took place.

Causes of war in the novel "War and Peace"

L.N. Tolstoy in the epilogue tells us about “this man”, “without convictions, without habits, without traditions, without a name, not even a Frenchman...”, who is Napoleon Bonaparte, who wanted to conquer the whole world. The main enemy on his way was Russia - huge, strong. Through various deceitful ways, brutal battles, and seizures of territories, Napoleon slowly moved away from his goal. Neither the Peace of Tilsit, nor Russia's allies, nor Kutuzov could stop him. Although Tolstoy says that “the more we try to rationally explain these phenomena in nature, the more unreasonable and incomprehensible they become for us,” nevertheless, in the novel “War and Peace” the cause of the war is Napoleon. Standing in power in France, having subjugated part of Europe, he missed great Russia. But Napoleon made a mistake, he did not calculate his strength and lost this war.

War in the novel "War and Peace"

Tolstoy himself presents this concept as follows: “Millions of people committed such countless atrocities against each other..., which the chronicle of all the courts of the world will not collect for centuries and which, during this period of time, the people who committed them did not look at as crimes.” . Through the description of the war in the novel “War and Peace,” Tolstoy makes it clear to us that he himself hates war for its cruelty, murder, betrayal, and meaninglessness. He puts judgments about war into the mouths of his heroes. So Andrei Bolkonsky says to Bezukhov: “War is not a courtesy, but the most disgusting thing in life, and we must understand this and not play at war.” We see that there is no pleasure, pleasure, or satisfaction of one’s desires from bloody actions against another people. It is definitely clear in the novel that war, as depicted by Tolstoy, is “an event contrary to human reason and all human nature.”

Main battle of the War of 1812

Even in volumes I and II of the novel, Tolstoy talks about the military campaigns of 1805-1807. The battles of Schöngraben and Austerlitz pass through the prism of the writer’s reflections and conclusions. But in the War of 1812, the writer puts the Battle of Borodino at the forefront. Although he immediately asks himself and his readers the question: “Why was the Battle of Borodino fought? It didn’t make the slightest sense either for the French or for the Russians.”

But it was the Battle of Borodino that became the starting point for the victory of the Russian army. L.N. Tolstoy gives a detailed idea of ​​the course of the war in War and Peace. He describes every action of the Russian army, physical and state of mind soldier. According to the writer’s own assessment, neither Napoleon, nor Kutuzov, much less Alexander I, expected such an outcome of this war. For everyone, the Battle of Borodino was unplanned and unexpected. The heroes of the novel do not understand what the concept of the War of 1812 is, just as Tolstoy does not understand, just as the reader does not understand.

Heroes of the novel "War and Peace"

Tolstoy gives the reader the opportunity to look at his heroes from the outside, to see them in action in certain circumstances. Shows us Napoleon before entering Moscow, who was aware of the disastrous position of the army, but moved forward towards his goal. He comments on his ideas, thoughts, actions.

We can observe Kutuzov, the main executor of the people's will, who preferred “patience and time” to the offensive.

Before us is Bolkonsky, reborn, morally grown and loving his people. Pierre Bezukhov, in a new understanding of all the “causes of human troubles,” arrived in Moscow with the aim of killing Napoleon.

Militia men “with crosses on their hats and in white shirts, talking loudly and laughing, animated and sweaty,” ready at any moment to die for their homeland.

Before us is Emperor Alexander I, who finally gave “the reins of control of the war” into the hands of the “all-knowing” Kutuzov, but still does not fully understand the true position of Russia in this war.

Natasha Rostova, who abandoned all family property and gave carts to wounded soldiers so that they had time to leave the destroyed city. She takes care of the wounded Bolkonsky, giving him all her time and affection.

Petya Rostov, who died so absurdly without real participation in the war, without a feat, without a battle, who secretly “enlisted in the hussars” from everyone. And many, many more heroes who meet us in several episodes, but are worthy of respect and recognition of true patriotism.

Reasons for victory in the War of 1812

In the novel, L.N. Tolstoy expresses thoughts about the reasons for Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War: “No one will argue that the reason for the death of Napoleon’s French troops was, on the one hand, their entry at a late time without preparation for a winter campaign deep into Russia, and on the other hand, on the other hand, the character that the war took on from the burning of Russian cities and the incitement of hatred of the enemy among the Russian people.” For the Russian people, victory in the Patriotic War was a victory of the Russian spirit, Russian strength, Russian faith in any circumstances. The consequences of the War of 1812 were severe for the French side, namely for Napoleon. It was the collapse of his empire, the collapse of his hopes, the collapse of his greatness. Napoleon not only failed to take over the whole world, he could not stay in Moscow, but fled ahead of his army, retreating in disgrace and the failure of the entire military campaign.

My essay on the topic “Depiction of war in the novel “War and Peace”” very briefly talks about the war in Tolstoy’s novel. Only after carefully reading the entire novel can you appreciate all the skill of the writer and discover for yourself interesting pages military history Russia.

Work test

Reflections on the causes of the war (based on the novel by L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”)

War is “an event contrary to human reason and all human nature.”

War of 1812 - in the center artistic design L.N. Tolstoy in his brilliant epic novel “War and Peace” (1863-1869).

Man has an undeniable right to live on earth. Death in war is terrible and immoral: it takes away this right. The death of a hero who defended the fatherland may glorify his name, but this will not make its tragic meaning different: the person does not exist.

While the war is going on, “such a countless number of atrocities, deceptions, betrayals, thefts, forgeries and the issuance of false banknotes, arson and murders are being committed that in entire centuries the chronicle of all the courts of the world will not collect.”

But, from the point of view of the morality of war, these actions are not immoral: they were committed against a hated enemy, as well as in the name of the honor and glory of “our” side.

L.N. Tolstoy writes that from the end of 1811, “armament and concentration of forces” began in Western Europe, so that by the summer of 1812, formidable hordes of Russia’s enemies appeared at its borders. According to sources, there were 450 thousand people in Napoleon’s army, of which 190 thousand were French, the rest were a contingent of the allies.

Speaking about the causes of the war, Tolstoy names the main one. In the human environment, be it states, classes, social movements, moments arise when certain forces unite in order to create the preconditions for the emergence of some very important event. This event, due to its significance in people's lives, can change the world.

Thus, Napoleon’s wars with the Triple Alliance in 1805-1807. and the concluded Treaty of Tilsit in 1807 redrew the map of Europe. Napoleon initiated the economic blockade of England. Russia did not agree with the conditions of isolation of England, receiving military and financial assistance from it. With the knowledge of Napoleon, Russia established its influence in Finland contrary to the interests of Sweden. Napoleon promised independence to Poland, which ran counter to the interests of Russia, but inspired the Poles.

Conflicts due to clashes of interests arise not only between states. Heads of nations and armies, members of royal families, diplomats - these are the high-ranking people on whom it depends whether there will be a war or not. But, as Tolstoy writes, their authority and decisive last word in the events that arose could only be an appearance.

It only seemed that the firmness of the Russian Emperor Alexander and the lust for power of Napoleon could push the situation towards war Western Europe with Russia. According to the writer, “billions of causes coincided to produce what was.” The horror of war is that its formidable and terrible mechanism, having gained momentum, mercilessly kills people.

“Millions of people, having renounced their feelings and their reason, had to go east from the West and kill their own kind...”

As a rule, it is the “great men”, the aggressors and invaders, who are to blame for the personal tragedies of those whom they attacked.

Tolstoy writes: “It is impossible to understand... why, because the Duke was offended, thousands of people from another region killed and ruined the people of the Smolensk and Moscow provinces and were killed by them.”

Tolstoy is a great humanist. He claims that a person’s personal life and, most importantly, the value of this life is above all. But if people are involved in a historical process common to everyone, then their environment becomes “spontaneous, swarm life.”

In this case, as they say, the masses make history. The people of France willingly supported Napoleon in his claims to foreign territories and the material wealth of other countries. And everyone believed that the costs of these wars would be repaid by the benefits received after the victory.

The soldiers of Napoleon's army expressed their love for their idol with joyful exclamations when, upon leaving the forest towards the Neman, they saw his figure.

But Emperor Alexander and the subjects of his state had completely different motivating circumstances that involved them in the bloody events of the war. Main reason entry into the war on the part of the Russian world was one - the desire of the entire nation to defend independence native land at any cost.

“People's thought” was embodied in concrete deeds of the defenders of the Fatherland.

"War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy is not just a classic novel, but a real heroic epic, the literary value of which is incomparable to any other work. The writer himself considered it a poem in which a person’s private life is inseparable from the history of an entire country.

It took Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy seven years to perfect his novel. Back in 1863, the writer more than once discussed plans to create a large-scale literary canvas with his father-in-law A.E. Bersom. In September of the same year, the father of Tolstoy’s wife sent a letter from Moscow, where he mentioned the writer’s idea. Historians consider this date official start working on the epic. A month later, Tolstoy writes to his relative that all his time and attention is occupied by new novel, which he thinks about like never before.

History of creation

The writer's original idea was to create a work about the Decembrists, who spent 30 years in exile and returned home. The starting point described in the novel was supposed to be 1856. But then Tolstoy changed his plans, deciding to depict everything from the beginning of the Decembrist uprising of 1825. And this was not destined to come true: the writer’s third idea was the desire to describe the hero’s young years, which coincided with large-scale historical events: the War of 1812. The final version was the period from 1805. The circle of heroes was also expanded: the events in the novel cover the history of many individuals who went through all the hardships of different historical periods in the life of the country.

The title of the novel had several variations. “Workers” was the name “Three Times”: the youth of the Decembrists during the period Patriotic War 1812; The Decembrist uprising of 1825 and the 50s of the 19th century, when several events occurred at once important events in the history of Russia - Crimean War, the passing of Nicholas I, the return of amnestied Decembrists from Siberia. In the final version, the writer decided to focus on the first stage, since writing a novel, even on such a scale, required a lot of effort and time. So, instead of an ordinary work, a whole epic was born, which has no analogues in world literature.

Tolstoy devoted the entire autumn and early winter of 1856 to writing the beginning of War and Peace. Already at this time, he tried more than once to quit his job, because in his opinion it was impossible to convey the entire plan on paper. Historians say that in the writer’s archive there were fifteen versions of the beginning of the epic. In the process of his work, Lev Nikolaevich tried to find answers for himself to questions about the role of man in history. He had to study many chronicles, documents, materials describing the events of 1812. The confusion in the writer's head was caused by the fact that everything information sources They assessed both Napoleon and Alexander I differently. Then Tolstoy decided to move away from the subjective statements of strangers and reflect in the novel his own assessment of events, based on true facts. From diverse sources he borrowed documentary materials, notes from contemporaries, newspaper and magazine articles, letters from generals, archival documents Rumyantsev Museum.

(Prince Rostov and Akhrosimova Marya Dmitrievna)

Considering it necessary to visit the scene of events, Tolstoy spent two days in Borodino. It was important for him to personally travel around the place where large-scale and tragic events unfolded. He even personally made sketches of the sun on the field during different periods of the day.

The trip gave the writer the opportunity to experience the spirit of history in a new way; became a kind of inspiration for further work. For seven years, the work proceeded with elation and “burning.” The manuscripts consisted of more than 5,200 sheets. Therefore, War and Peace is easy to read even after a century and a half.

Analysis of the novel


(Napoleon is thoughtful before the battle)

The novel “War and Peace” touches on a sixteen-year period in Russian history. The starting date is 1805, the final date is 1821. The work contains more than 500 characters. These are both real people and fictional by the writer to add color to the description.

(Kutuzov, before the Battle of Borodino, considers a plan)

The novel intertwines two main storylines: historical events in Russia and the personal lives of the heroes. Real historical figures are mentioned in the description of the Austerlitz, Shengraben, Borodino battles; capture of Smolensk and surrender of Moscow. More than 20 chapters are devoted specifically to the Battle of Borodino, as the main decisive event of 1812.

(The illustration shows an episode of Natasha Rostova's Ball from their film "War and Peace" 1967.)

In opposition to “wartime,” the writer describes the personal world of people and everything that surrounds them. Heroes fall in love, quarrel, make peace, hate, suffer... In the confrontation between different characters, Tolstoy shows the difference in moral principles individuals. The writer is trying to tell that various events can change one’s worldview. One complete picture of the work consists of three hundred thirty-three chapters of 4 volumes and another twenty-eight chapters located in the epilogue.

First volume

The events of 1805 are described. The “peaceful” part touches on life in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The writer introduces the reader to the society of the main characters. The “military” part is the Battle of Austerlitz and Shengraben. Tolstoy concludes the first volume with a description of how military defeats affected peaceful life characters.

Second volume

(Natasha Rostova's first ball)

This is a completely “peaceful” part of the novel, which affected the lives of the heroes in the period 1806-1811: the birth of Andrei Bolkonsky’s love for Natasha Rostova; Freemasonry of Pierre Bezukhov, Karagin's kidnapping of Natasha Rostova, Bolkonsky's refusal to marry Natasha. The volume concludes with a description of a formidable omen: the appearance of a comet, which is a symbol of great upheaval.

Third volume

(The illustration shows an episode of Borodinsky's battle in the film "War and Peace" 1967.)

In this part of the epic, the writer turns to wartime: Napoleon's invasion, the surrender of Moscow, the Battle of Borodino. On the battlefield, the main male characters of the novel are forced to intersect: Bolkonsky, Kuragin, Bezukhov, Dolokhov... The end of the volume is the capture of Pierre Bezukhov, who organized unsuccessful attempt assassination attempt on Napoleon.

Volume four

(After the battle, the wounded arrive in Moscow)

The “military” part is a description of the victory over Napoleon and the shameful retreat of the French army. The writer also touches on the period of partisan warfare after 1812. All this is intertwined with the “peaceful” destinies of the heroes: Andrei Bolkonsky and Helen pass away; love arises between Nikolai and Marya; think about life together Natasha Rostova and Pierre Bezukhov. And the main character of the volume is the Russian soldier Platon Karataev, through whose words Tolstoy tries to convey all the wisdom of the common people.


This part is devoted to describing the changes in the lives of the heroes seven years after 1812. Natasha Rostova is married to Pierre Bezukhov; Nikolai and Marya found their happiness; Bolkonsky’s son Nikolenka has matured. In the epilogue, the author reflects on the role of individuals in the history of an entire country, and tries to show the historical relationships between events and human destinies.

The main characters of the novel

More than 500 characters are mentioned in the novel. The author tried to describe the most important of them as accurately as possible, endowing them with special features not only of character, but also of appearance:

Andrei Bolkonsky is a prince, the son of Nikolai Bolkonsky. Constantly searching for the meaning of life. Tolstoy describes him as handsome, reserved and with “dry” features. He has a strong will. Dies as a result of a wound received at Borodino.

Marya Bolkonskaya - princess, sister of Andrei Bolkonsky. Inconspicuous appearance and radiant eyes; piety and concern for relatives. In the novel, she marries Nikolai Rostov.

Natasha Rostova is the daughter of Count Rostov. In the first volume of the novel she is only 12 years old. Tolstoy describes her as a girl of not exactly beautiful appearance (black eyes, big mouth), but at the same time “alive.” Her inner beauty attracts men. Even Andrei Bolkonsky is ready to fight for your hand and heart. At the end of the novel she marries Pierre Bezukhov.


Sonya is the niece of Count Rostov. In contrast to her cousin Natasha, she is beautiful in appearance, but much poorer mentally.

Pierre Bezukhov is the son of Count Kirill Bezukhov. An awkward, massive figure, kind and at the same time strong character. He can be stern, or he can become a child. He is interested in Freemasonry. Tries to change the lives of peasants and influence large-scale events. Initially married to Helen Kuragina. At the end of the novel he takes Natasha Rostova as his wife.

Helen Kuragina is the daughter of Prince Kuragin. A beauty, a prominent socialite. She married Pierre Bezukhov. Changeable, cold. Died as a result of an abortion.

Nikolai Rostov is the son of Count Rostov and Natasha's brother. Successor of the family and defender of the Fatherland. He took part in military campaigns. He married Marya Bolkonskaya.

Fyodor Dolokhov is an officer, a participant in the partisan movement, as well as a big reveler and lover of ladies.

Countess of Rostov

Countess Rostov - parents of Nikolai, Natasha, Vera, Petya. Revered married couple, an example to follow.

Nikolai Bolkonsky is a prince, the father of Marya and Andrei. In Catherine's time, a significant personality.

The author pays much attention to the description of Kutuzov and Napoleon. The commander appears before us as smart, unfeigned, kind and philosophical. Napoleon is described as a small, fat man with an unpleasantly fake smile. At the same time, it is somewhat mysterious and theatrical.

Analysis and conclusion

In the novel “War and Peace” the writer tries to convey to the reader “ popular thought" Its essence is that everyone positive hero has its own connection with the nation.

Tolstoy moved away from the principle of telling a novel in the first person. The assessment of characters and events occurs through monologues and author's digressions. At the same time, the writer leaves the right to the reader to evaluate what is happening. A striking example The scene of the Battle of Borodino, shown both from the side, can serve as a similar example. historical facts, and the subjective opinion of the hero of the novel Pierre Bezukhov. The writer does not forget about the bright historical figure - General Kutuzov.

The main idea of ​​the novel lies not only in the disclosure of historical events, but also in the opportunity to understand that one must love, believe and live under any circumstances.