Eastern Crimean War causes. Causes, stages and results of the Crimean War

CRIMINAL WAR 1853-1856

Causes of the war and the balance of forces. Russia, the Ottoman Empire, England, France and Sardinia took part in the Crimean War. Each of them had own calculations in this military conflict in the Middle East.

For Russia, the regime of the Black Sea straits was of paramount importance. In the 30-40s of the 19th century. Russian diplomacy waged a tense struggle for the most favorable conditions in resolving this issue. In 1833, the Unkiar-Isklessi Treaty was concluded with Turkey. According to it, Russia received the right to freely escort its warships through the straits. In the 40s of the XIX century. the situation has changed. Based on a series of agreements with European states, the straits were closed to all navies. This had a hard impact on the Russian fleet. He found himself locked in the Black Sea. Russia, relying on its military power, sought to re-solve the problem of the straits and strengthen its positions in the Middle East and the Balkans.

The Ottoman Empire wanted to regain the territories lost as a result Russian-Turkish wars late XVIII - first half of the XIX century.

England and France hoped to crush Russia as a great power and deprive it of influence in the Middle East and the Balkan Peninsula.

The pan-European conflict in the Middle East began in 1850, when disputes broke out between the Orthodox and Catholic clergy in Palestine over who would own the Holy Places in Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The Orthodox Church was supported by Russia, and the Catholic Church by France. The dispute between the clergy escalated into a confrontation between the two European countries. The Ottoman Empire, which included Palestine, sided with France. This caused sharp discontent in Russia and personally with Emperor Nicholas I. A special representative of the Tsar, Prince A.S., was sent to Constantinople. Menshikov. He was instructed to achieve privileges for the Russian Orthodox Church in Palestine and the rights of patronage to Orthodox subjects of Turkey. Failure of A.S. mission Menshikova was a foregone conclusion. The Sultan was not going to give in to Russian pressure, and the defiant, disrespectful behavior of its envoy only aggravated the conflict situation. Thus, a seemingly private, but for that time important, given the religious feelings of people, dispute about the Holy Places became the reason for the outbreak of the Russian-Turkish, and subsequently the pan-European war.

Nicholas I took an irreconcilable position, relying on the power of the army and the support of some European states (England, Austria, etc.). But he miscalculated. The Russian army numbered more than 1 million people. However, as it turned out during the war, it was imperfect, first of all, in technical terms. Its weapons (smoothbore guns) were inferior to the rifled weapons of Western European armies. The artillery is also outdated. The Russian navy was predominantly sailing, while the European navies were dominated by steam-powered ships. There was no good communication. This did not make it possible to provide the site of military operations with a sufficient amount of ammunition and food, or human replenishment. The Russian army could successfully fight the Turkish one, but it was not able to resist the united forces of Europe.

Progress of military operations. To put pressure on Turkey in 1853, Russian troops were sent to Moldova and Wallachia. In response, the Turkish Sultan declared war on Russia in October 1853. He was supported by England and France. Austria took a position of “armed neutrality”. Russia found itself in complete political isolation.

The history of the Crimean War is divided into two stages. The first - the Russian-Turkish campaign itself - was carried out with varying success from November 1853 to April 1854. In the second (April 1854 - February 1856) - Russia was forced to fight against a coalition of European states.

The main event of the first stage was the Battle of Sinop (November 1853). Admiral P.S. Nakhimov defeated the Turkish fleet in Sinop Bay and suppressed coastal batteries. This activated England and France. They declared war on Russia. The Anglo-French squadron appeared in the Baltic Sea and attacked Kronstadt and Sveaborg. English ships entered the White Sea and bombarded the Solovetsky Monastery. A military demonstration was also held in Kamchatka.

The main goal of the joint Anglo-French command was to capture Crimea and Sevastopol, the Russian naval base. On September 2, 1854, the Allies began landing an expeditionary force in the Evpatoria region. Battle on the river Alma in September 1854, Russian troops lost. By order of the commander, A.S. Menshikov, they passed through Sevastopol and moved to Bakhchisarai. At the same time, the garrison of Sevastopol, reinforced by sailors of the Black Sea Fleet, was actively preparing for defense. It was headed by V.A. Kornilov and P.S. Nakhimov.

In October 1854, the defense of Sevastopol began. The fortress garrison showed unprecedented heroism. Admirals V.A. became famous in Sevastopol. Kornilov, P.S. Nakhimov, V.I. Istomin, military engineer E.I. Totleben, Lieutenant General of Artillery S.A. Khrulev, many sailors and soldiers: I. Shevchenko, F. Samolatov, P. Koshka and others.

The main part of the Russian army undertook diversionary operations: the battle of Inkerman (November 1854), the attack on Yevpatoria (February 1855), the battle on the Black River (August 1855). These military actions did not help the residents of Sevastopol. In August 1855, the final assault on Sevastopol began. After the fall of Malakhov Kurgan, continuation of the defense was difficult. Most of Sevastopol was occupied allied forces However, having found only ruins there, they returned to their positions.

In the Caucasian theater, military operations developed more successfully for Russia. Türkiye invaded Transcaucasia, but suffered a major defeat, after which Russian troops began to operate on its territory. In November 1855, the Turkish fortress of Kare fell.

The extreme exhaustion of Allied forces in the Crimea and Russian successes in the Caucasus led to a cessation of hostilities. Negotiations between the parties began.

Parisian world. At the end of March 1856, the Paris Peace Treaty was signed. Russia did not suffer significant territorial losses. Only the southern part of Bessarabia was torn away from her. However, she lost the right of patronage to the Danube principalities and Serbia. The most difficult and humiliating condition was the so-called “neutralization” of the Black Sea. Russia was prohibited from having naval forces, military arsenals and fortresses in the Black Sea. This dealt a significant blow to the security of the southern borders. Russia's role in the Balkans and the Middle East was reduced to nothing.

The defeat in the Crimean War had significant influence on the alignment of international forces and on the internal situation of Russia. The war, on the one hand, exposed its weakness, but on the other, demonstrated the heroism and unshakable spirit of the Russian people. The defeat brought a sad conclusion to Nicholas' rule, shook up the entire Russian public and forced the government to come to grips with reforming the state.

What you need to know about this topic:

Socio-economic development of Russia in the first half of the 19th century. Social structure population.

Development of agriculture.

Development of Russian industry in the first half of the 19th century. The formation of capitalist relations. Industrial revolution: essence, prerequisites, chronology.

Development of water and highway communications. Start of railway construction.

Exacerbation of socio-political contradictions in the country. Palace coup 1801 and the accession to the throne of Alexander I. “The days of Alexander are a wonderful beginning.”

Peasant question. Decree "On Free Plowmen". Government measures in the field of education. Government activities M.M. Speransky and his plan for state reforms. Creation of the State Council.

Russia's participation in anti-French coalitions. Treaty of Tilsit.

Patriotic War of 1812. International relations on the eve of the war. Causes and beginning of the war. Balance of forces and military plans of the parties. M.B. Barclay de Tolly. P.I. Bagration. M.I.Kutuzov. Stages of war. Results and significance of the war.

Foreign campaigns of 1813-1814. Congress of Vienna and his decisions. Holy Alliance.

The internal situation of the country in 1815-1825. Strengthening conservative sentiments in Russian society. A.A. Arakcheev and Arakcheevism. Military settlements.

Foreign policy of tsarism in the first quarter of the XIX V.

The first secret organizations of the Decembrists were the “Union of Salvation” and the “Union of Prosperity”. Northern and Southern society. The main program documents of the Decembrists are “Russian Truth” by P.I. Pestel and “Constitution” by N.M. Muravyov. Death of Alexander I. Interregnum. Uprising on December 14, 1825 in St. Petersburg. Uprising of the Chernigov regiment. Investigation and trial of the Decembrists. The significance of the Decembrist uprising.

The beginning of the reign of Nicholas I. Strengthening autocratic power. Further centralization, bureaucratization political system Russia. Intensifying repressive measures. Creation of the III department. Censorship regulations. The era of censorship terror.

Codification. M.M. Speransky. Reform of state peasants. P.D. Kiselev. Decree "On Obligated Peasants".

Polish uprising 1830-1831

Main directions foreign policy Russia in the second quarter of the 19th century.

Eastern question. Russian-Turkish War 1828-1829 The problem of the straits in Russian foreign policy in the 30s and 40s of the 19th century.

Russia and the revolutions of 1830 and 1848. in Europe.

Crimean War. International relations on the eve of the war. Causes of the war. Progress of military operations. Russia's defeat in the war. Peace of Paris 1856. International and domestic consequences of the war.

Annexation of the Caucasus to Russia.

The formation of the state (imamate) in the North Caucasus. Muridism. Shamil. Caucasian War. The significance of the annexation of the Caucasus to Russia.

Social thought and social movement in Russia in the second quarter of the 19th century.

Formation of government ideology. Theory official nationality. Mugs from the late 20s - early 30s of the 19th century.

N.V. Stankevich’s circle and German idealistic philosophy. Circle of A.I. Herzen and utopian socialism. "Philosophical Letter" by P.Ya.Chaadaev. Westerners. Moderate. Radicals. Slavophiles. M.V. Butashevich-Petrashevsky and his circle. The theory of "Russian socialism" by A.I. Herzen.

Socio-economic and political prerequisites for bourgeois reforms of the 60-70s of the 19th century.

Peasant reform. Preparation of reform. "Regulation" February 19, 1861 Personal liberation of the peasants. Allotments. Ransom. Duties of peasants. Temporary condition.

Zemstvo, judicial, urban reforms. Financial reforms. Reforms in the field of education. Censorship rules. Military reforms. The meaning of bourgeois reforms.

Socio-economic development of Russia second half of the 19th century V. Social structure of the population.

Industrial development. Industrial revolution: essence, prerequisites, chronology. The main stages of the development of capitalism in industry.

Development of capitalism in agriculture. Rural community in post-reform Russia. Agrarian crisis of the 80-90s of the XIX century.

Social movement in Russia in the 50s and 60s of the 19th century.

Social movement in Russia in the 70-90s of the 19th century.

Revolutionary populist movement of the 70s - early 80s of the 19th century.

"Land and Freedom" of the 70s of the XIX century. "People's Will" and "Black Redistribution". Assassination of Alexander II on March 1, 1881. The collapse of Narodnaya Volya.

The labor movement in the second half of the 19th century. Strike struggle. The first workers' organizations. A work issue arises. Factory legislation.

Liberal populism of the 80-90s of the 19th century. Spread of the ideas of Marxism in Russia. Group "Emancipation of Labor" (1883-1903). The emergence of Russian social democracy. Marxist circles of the 80s of the XIX century.

St. Petersburg "Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class." V.I. Ulyanov. "Legal Marxism".

Political reaction of the 80-90s of the XIX century. The era of counter-reforms.

Alexander III. Manifesto on the “inviolability” of autocracy (1881). The policy of counter-reforms. Results and significance of counter-reforms.

International position of Russia after the Crimean War. Changing the country's foreign policy program. The main directions and stages of Russian foreign policy in the second half of the 19th century.

Russia in the system of international relations after the Franco-Prussian war. Union of Three Emperors.

Russia and the Eastern crisis of the 70s of the XIX century. The goals of Russia's policy in the eastern question. Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878: causes, plans and forces of the parties, course of military operations. Treaty of San Stefano. Berlin Congress and its decisions. The role of Russia in the liberation of the Balkan peoples from the Ottoman yoke.

Foreign policy of Russia in the 80-90s of the XIX century. Formation of the Triple Alliance (1882). Deterioration of Russia's relations with Germany and Austria-Hungary. Conclusion of the Russian-French alliance (1891-1894).

  • Buganov V.I., Zyryanov P.N. History of Russia: the end of the 17th - 19th centuries. . - M.: Education, 1996.

The reason for the Crimean War was the one that arose in the early 50s. dispute between the Orthodox and Catholic churches about the “Palestinian shrines” located in the territory Ottoman Empire. The discussion was about who would be the guardian of the especially revered temples in Jerusalem. This dispute served as a detonator in a long-overdue military conflict. Nicholas I sought to use the conflict that arose for a decisive offensive against the Ottoman Empire and to profitably solve the problem of the Black Sea straits for himself, believing that he would have to wage war with one weakened empire. The fact is that in the 40s. XIX century Through the efforts of European diplomacy, the straits came under international control and were closed to all military fleets. This could not suit the Russian Empire. A military clash became inevitable, but Nicholas I’s calculations for a quick victory turned out to be wrong.In November 1853, Admiral P.S. Nakhimov at the head of a squadron of six battleships and two frigates attacked the Ottoman fleet taking refuge in Sinop, and during a 4-hour battle burned almost all the Ottoman ships and destroyed the coastal fortifications. The brilliant victory of the Russian fleet at Sinop was the reason for the direct intervention of England and France in the military conflict between Russia and the Ottoman Empire. At the beginning of March 1854, England and France presented Russia with an ultimatum to cleanse the Danube principalities and, having received no response, declared war on Russia. The fate of the war was decided in Crimea, although military operations were carried out on the Danube, in Transcaucasia, and in a number of other places. At the beginning of September 1854, Allied troops began landing on the Crimean Peninsula near Evpatoria. The first battle took place on the river. Alma, lost by the Russians. In October 1854, the heroic defense of Sevastopol began, which lasted 11 months. The defense was headed by Vice Admiral V.A. Kornilov, and after his death - P.S. Nakhimov, who was mortally wounded during intense shelling of the city at the end of June. The situation in Sevastopol turned out to be hopeless, so it was decided to abandon the fortress. The fall of Sevastopol predetermined the outcome of the war. Peace negotiations began in September 1855. On March 18, 1856, the Treaty of Paris and several conventions were signed between Russia, the Ottoman Empire, England, France, Austria, Prussia and Sardinia. Russia lost the southern part of Bessarabia with the mouth of the Danube. The most difficult condition of the Treaty of Paris for Russia was the proclamation of the principle of “neutralization” of the Black Sea, which was announced, saying modern language, “demilitarized zone”. Russia and the Ottoman Empire were prohibited from having a navy on the Black Sea, as well as military fortresses and arsenals on the shores. The Black Sea straits were declared closed to military vessels of all countries for the duration of peace.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Study the causes, course and consequences of the Crimean War.
  2. Show that the war has exposed weakness Russian Empire, influenced international situation Russia, gave a new impetus to subsequent modernization.
  3. Work with the main components of the textbook.
  4. Strengthen the ability to use reference and additional literature, the ability to highlight the main thing, and establish cause-and-effect relationships.
  5. Create tables based on the text.
  6. To cultivate a sense of pride and love for the Motherland through examples of desperate, courageous defense native land Russian soldiers and the population of Sevastopol, the work of doctors in the most difficult conditions of besieged Sevastopol.

New terms and dates: Crimean War (1853-1856), Battle of Sinop - November 18, 1853, defense of Sevastopol - September 1854 - August 1855.

Materials and equipment: personal computer, multimedia projector, screen, educational board, workbook, map, handouts.

Lesson plan.

  1. Reasons and reason for the war.
  2. Balance of forces and military-technical readiness for war
  3. Progress of military operations.
  4. Results of the war.

During the classes.

I.Conversation with students. (slide 2)

Remember what the Eastern Question is?

What events in Russian foreign policy are associated with its resolution?

II. New material.

Lesson assignment: Saratov journalist I. Gorizontov, recalling the Crimean War, wrote: “ It was felt that Europe defeated us not by courage, not by personal valor, but through mental development.”How do you understand this phrase? (slide 3)

Today in the lesson, in the process of work, we will have to learn the goals of the parties and the mechanism for unleashing the Crimean War, the balance of forces and the course of military operations, get acquainted with the significance of the technical and economic potential of Russia in the war, find out the consequences of the Crimean War for Russia and its further development .

The Crimean War changed the balance of power in Europe, had a huge impact on the internal development of Russia, and became one of the main prerequisites for the abolition of serfdom and the reforms of the 1860-1870s. Participation in it is considered the main foreign policy mistake of Nicholas I. What were the causes of the Crimean War?

1. The causes and occasion of the Crimean War.

The guys read the text and name the reasons and reason for the war.(slide 4, 5)

(The reasons for the war were the contradictions between the European powers in the Middle East, the struggle of European states for influence on the weakening Ottoman Empire, which was engulfed in the national liberation movement. Nicholas I said that Turkey is a sick person and its inheritance can and should be divided. In the upcoming conflict Russian Emperor counted on the neutrality of Great Britain, to which he promised, after the defeat of Turkey, new territorial acquisitions of Crete and Egypt, as well as the support of Austria, as gratitude for Russia's participation in the suppression of the Hungarian revolution. However, Nikolai’s calculations turned out to be wrong: England itself pushed Turkey towards war, thus trying to weaken Russia’s position. Austria also did not want Russia to strengthen in the Balkans.

The reason for the war was a dispute between the Catholic and Orthodox clergy in Palestine about who would be the guardian of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem and the temple in Bethlehem. At the same time, there was no talk about access to holy places, since all pilgrims enjoyed them on equal rights. The dispute over the Holy Places cannot be called a far-fetched reason for starting a war. Historians sometimes cite this dispute as one of the reasons for the war, given the "deeply religious mentality of the people of the time"<...>. The defense of the privileges of the Orthodox community of Palestine formed part of the general task of Russian protection of the entire Christian population in Turkey." (Russian historyXIX - startedXX century: Textbook for history departments of universities. M., 1998. P. 172.)

2. Goals of the countries participating in the war

Students work with the textbook, paragraph 14, pp. 84-85 and fill out the table. (slide 6)

Checking the completion of the table. (slide 7)

3. Puzzle game “Correlation of forces and military-technical readiness for war.”

Students are given cards from which they must make blocks based on the presence of statements written on the cards. Correctly assembled puzzles should depict one of the moments of the Crimean War. At the end of the lesson, students determine which event of the Crimean War is depicted on their puzzles.

Question to the class: Based on the data provided, draw a conclusion about the balance of forces and Russia’s readiness for war . (slide 8)

4. Crimean War 1853-1856

Turkey was Russia's enemy, and military operations took place on the Danube and Caucasus fronts. 1853 Russian troops entered the territory of Moldova and Wallachia and military operations on land were sluggish. In the Caucasus, the Turks were defeated at Kars.

  • Battle of Sinop November 1853

Students read the text “The Battle of Sinop” and name the reasons for the victory of the Russians and the defeat of the Turks in the Battle of Sinop. ( slides 10-12)

Sinopskythe battle

The event to which we must now turn is inscribed in golden letters in the history of the glory of the Russian people<...>

Nakhimov, as soon as reinforcements arrived, decided to immediately enter Sinop harbor and attack the Turkish fleet.

In essence, by deciding to attack the Turkish fleet, Nakhimov took a very serious risk. The Gurks' coastal batteries in Sinop were good, and the guns on the ships were also in good working order. But for a long time, since the end of the 16th century, the Turkish fleet, once one of the most formidable and capable in the world, did not have any capable admirals at the decisive moments of its existence. This turned out to be the case on the fatal day of Sinop for Turkey. Osman Pasha positioned his fleet, as if in a fan, at the very embankment of the city: the embankment ran in a concave arc, and the line of the fleet turned out to be a concave arc, covering, if not all, then many of the coastal batteries. And the location of the ships was, naturally, such that they could meet Nakhimov with only one side: the other was facing not the sea, but the city of Sinop. The genius of the Russian naval commander and the first-class crew of his squadron in terms of combat morale and training would have coped with all the obstacles, even if the Turkish command had turned out to be more capable <...>

At dawn on November 18 (30), 1853, the Russian squadron found itself fifteen kilometers from the Sinop roadstead<...>

The Turkish fleet, caught by Nakhimov, was completely destroyed; not a single ship survived, and he died with almost his entire crew. Four frigates, one corvette and one steamship Erekli were blown up and turned into a heap of bloody debris. who could also leave. Before the start of the battle, the Turks were so confident of victory that they had already boarded troops in advance, which were supposed to board the Russian ships at the end of the battle.

The Turkish artillery in the Battle of Sinop was weaker than ours, if you count only the guns on ships (472 guns against the Russian 716), but it acted energetically. The most absurd arrangement of the ships of the Turkish fleet neutralized, fortunately for Nakhimov, some of the very strong coastal Turkish batteries, but still two batteries caused great harm to the Russian ships. Some ships left the battle in serious condition, but none sank<...>

Here is the picture that appeared before the eyes of the crew of the Kornilov squadron when it entered Sinop Bay: “Most of the city was burning, the ancient battlements with towers from the Middle Ages stood out sharply against the backdrop of a sea of ​​flames. Most of the Turkish frigates were still burning, and when the flames reached the loaded guns, shots fired themselves and the cannonballs flew over us, which was very unpleasant. We saw the frigates take off one after another. It was terrible to see how the people on board were running and thrashing about on the burning decks, probably not daring to throw themselves into the water. Some, it was clear, sat motionless and awaited death with the resignation of fatalism. We spotted flocks of seabirds and pigeons standing out against the crimson background of the fire-lit clouds. The entire raid And our ships were so brightly illuminated by the fire that our sailors worked to repair the ships without needing lanterns. At the same time, the entire sky to the east of Sinop seemed completely black."<...>

Among the prisoners was the flagship of the Turkish squadron, Osman Pasha, whose leg was broken. The wound was very serious. The old Turkish admiral had no shortage of personal courage, just like his subordinates. But this quality alone was not enough to resist Nakhimov’s attack.

On November 23, after a stormy passage through the Black Sea, Nakhimov’s squadron landed in Sevastopol.

The entire population of the city, having already learned about the brilliant victory, greeted the victorious admiral with an endless “Hurray, Nakhimov!” also rushed from all ships anchored in Sevastopol Bay. Jubilant news of the crushing Russian naval victory flew to Moscow, to St. Petersburg, to the Caucasus to Vorontsov, to the Danube to Gorchakov. “You cannot imagine the happiness that everyone in St. Petersburg experienced upon receiving the news of the brilliant Sinope case. This is a truly remarkable feat,” this is how Vasily Dolgorukov, Minister of War, congratulated Prince Menshikov, the commander-in-chief of the fleet in Sevastopol. Nikolai gave Nakhimov George 2nd degree - a rare military award - and generously rewarded the entire squadron. Slavophiles in Moscow (including even the skeptical Sergei Aksakov) did not hide their delight. The glory of the winner resounded everywhere.

[Tarle E.V. Crimean War.)

Watching the video fragment “Surrender of Osman Pasha” (excerpt from the film “Nakhimov”) (slide 13)

Concerned that Russia would completely defeat Turkey, England and France, in the person of Austria, delivered an ultimatum to Russia. They demanded that Russia refuse to patronize the Orthodox population of the Ottoman Empire. Nicholas I could not accept such conditions.

Türkiye, France, England and Sardinia united against Russia . (slide 14-18)

The following were attacked:

  • on the Black Sea - Odessa,
  • in the Baltic - Åland Islands,
  • on the Barents Sea - Kola Bay,
  • on the White Sea - Solovetsky Monastery and Arkhangelsk,
  • on the Pacific Ocean - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

In September 1854 An allied army of more than 60 thousand landed in the Crimea near Yevpatoria and began an attack on Sevastopol, the main Russian fortress on the Black Sea. The city was invulnerable from the sea, but practically defenseless from land. After the failure of the Russian troops in the battle on the Alma River, Commander-in-Chief Prince A.S. Menshikov (“Izmenshikov”) decided to “maintain contact with the internal provinces,” for which he ordered the army to retreat deep into the Crimea. Essentially, Sevastopol became doomed. Menshikov's attempts to help the city (the Battle of Inkerman and the battle in the Valley of Death near Balaklava) were unsuccessful.

  • Defense of Sevastopol(slide 19 - 31)

Working with additional material students answer the questions:

Why is the defense of Sevastopol considered the only bright page of the entire Crimean War for the Russian army?

Why, expressing disagreement with the commander-in-chief’s decision to scuttle the ships, V.A. Kornilov and P.S. Nakhimov not only carried out this order, but also found words for his subordinates that proved the correctness of this decision?

Why were the actions of the main enemy forces directed against Sevastopol?

On October 17, 1854, the first bombardment of Sevastopol began. The enemy hoped to destroy the land fortifications of the fortress with powerful bombardment from sea and land and take it by storm. However, the fire of the Russian coastal batteries caused significant damage to the siege artillery and ships of the French and British, which forced them to postpone the assault on the city. The defenders of Sevastopol suffered an acute need for weapons, ammunition and food. However, in the most difficult conditions, Russian soldiers and sailors maintained high morale and the will to fight. To protect the city, it was decided to flood some of the ships across the entrances to Sevastopol Bay. Vice Admiral V.A. Kornilov was against this decision, But found the strength not only to carry out the order, But and explain to the sailors the necessity of this action. Although one can imagine the horror of the situation when the admiral is told about the sinking of ships, no. In his opinion, opponents are also achieving this. At about 4 a.m. on September 10, 1854, five ships were sunk. The Russian army under the command of A.S. Menshikov tried to provide assistance to the residents of Sevastopol. On October 13 (25), a battle took place in the valley between Sevastopol and Balaklava. The Russians managed to infiltrate the rear and capture several Turkish guns. In this battle, the light artillery cavalry, in which representatives of the most aristocratic families of England served, lost about 1.5 thousand people. This battle raised the morale of the Russian troops. At the same time it served good lesson for the allies, who allocated additional forces to guard their rear. Although the operation did not change the situation of the besieged city. The situation in and around the city was difficult. The defenders were not provided with sufficient quantities of ammunition, water, or food. After death

V.A. Kornilov's defense was led by P. S. Nakhimov, the hero of Sinop.

Despite the difficulties, the defenders of Sevastopol inflicted significant blows on the enemy, carrying out forays into the location of enemy troops. They disabled manpower and equipment, destroyed trenches, and captured prisoners. Hometown Even children protected. For his bravery, the ten-year-old defender of the fifth bastion, Kolya Pishchenko, was awarded a military order. Pyotr Makarovich Koshka became famous for his courage, who participated in eighteen forays into enemy troops, captured ten “tongues” and was awarded the St. George Cross.

Enemy troops stormed the city several times. Sometimes the city was literally bombarded with bombs and rockets. The defenders could not respond with fire of the same force, since there was a catastrophic shortage of ammunition. A bloody struggle took place over one of the important boundaries of Sevastopol - Malakhov Kurgan.

The last forces of the defenders of Sevastopol were exhausted from losses caused by the incessant artillery shelling of the Allies. On July 12, the besieged suffered their most significant loss - Admiral Nakhimov died during the defense of Malakhov Kurgan.

On August 5 (17), 1855, the enemy began preparations for a new assault on Sevastopol with a massive bombardment, which lasted until August 24 (September 5). In total, about 200 thousand shells were fired. As a result of this shelling, the city was completely destroyed, almost not a single intact house remained in it. At the same time, the opponents launched a general offensive, directing the main attack on Malakhov Kurgan. But the defenders repelled the attack. At the cost of heavy losses, the enemy managed to capture Malakhov Kurgan, which decided the outcome of the defense of Sevastopol. The garrisons of the city, its defenders, having destroyed the batteries, powder magazines and sunk some of the remaining ships, crossed to the North side. On August 30 (September 11), the last ships of the Black Sea Fleet were sunk. IN this On the same day, Alexander II, who ascended the throne, gave the order to stop the defense of Sevastopol. The defense of Sevastopol lasted 349 days (1854-1855).

The feat of doctors in the Crimean War

From the very beginning of the Crimean War, women took an active part in helping the wounded. Sisters of mercy communities operated in Odessa, Sevastopol, and Psgropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

During the defense of Sevastopol, the daily bombing to which the city was subjected to by the enemy, the number of losses increased every day, both among soldiers and among city residents, even more.

there were more wounded.

In 1954, the famous Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov arrives in besieged Sevastopol with a group of young surgeons. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov is the founder of surgery as a scientific medical discipline. He was one of the first to use ether anesthesia in the clinic. And in 1847, for the first time in the world, he used anesthesia in military field surgery.

In Sevastopol, he performed about 400 operations under ether and 300 under chloroform anesthesia. He took the initiative to deploy temporary hospitals for the defenders of Sevastopol. Based on the experience of the Crimean WAR, Pirogov created the doctrine of general principles military field surgery.

In October 1854, on the initiative of N.I. Pirogov and thanks to the assistance Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna in St. Petersburg established the Holy Cross community of sisters caring for sick and wounded soldiers of Russia. 200 nurses of this community took part in providing care to the sick and wounded during the Sevastopol defense. The direct leadership of the sisters of the Holy Cross community during the Crimean War was carried out by N. I. Pirogov.

Wives, widows and daughters of officers and sailors also volunteered as nurses and nurses. During the war, women competed with men; under a hail of bullets, they carried kvass and water to the hottest places of the battle, often paying for it with their lives and injuries.

From the very beginning, the main functions of the nurses were dressings, assistance during operations, distributing medicines, monitoring the CLEANNESS of clothes and bed linen of the wounded, the improvement of hospital wards, distributing warm drinks and food, feeding the seriously wounded, and moral reassurance of the sick. On December 6, 1854, that is, a week after the start of the nursing service, Pirogov wrote about the work of the sisters: “...if they do it as they do now, they will, no doubt, bring a lot of benefit. They alternately visit hospitals day and night, help with dressings, are also present during operations, distribute tea and wine to the sick and watch over the ministers and caretakers and even doctors. The presence of a woman, neatly dressed and helpfully helping, enlivens the deplorable vale of suffering and disasters...”

Among the sisters of mercy there were many who can rightfully be considered war heroes, along with soldiers and officers awarded this title. Dasha Sevastopolskaya (Alexandrova) became especially famous for her selfless, selfless service to the wounded. A seventeen-year-old girl went to the front. She provided assistance to the wounded during the bloody battle on the Alma River, during which the Russian army tried to stop the advance of the Anglo-French-Turkish troops.

And in November 1854, Dasha was transferred as a voluntary nurse to the Main Dressing Station, which was located in the building of the Assembly of the Nobility in Sevastopol. Around THESE days, a reward was delivered from St. Petersburg on behalf of Emperor Nicholas 1 himself. The Central State Military Historical Archive preserves a document entitled “On the presentation of the maiden Daria for an award, for the exemplary efforts rendered to her and caring for the sick and wounded in Sevastopol,” dated November 7, 1854. As follows from the document, at the direction of Nicholas I, Daria was awarded a gold medal with the inscription “For zeal” on the Vladimir ribbon and 500 rubles. silver At the same time, it was announced that after marriage, Daria would be awarded another 1,000 rubles. The wounded affectionately called her Dasha of Sevastopol, and she went down in the history of the Crimean War under this name.

4. Results of the war.

Students read the textbook, paragraph 14, page 89 and name the conditions of the Paris Peace Treaty. (slide 32)

  • What is the main result of the Crimean War for Russia?
  • What is the main result of the Crimean War for England and France? (slide 33)

5. Homework.

  1. Write a syncwine about the Crimean War.
  2. Read " Sevastopol stories" What facts impressed you the most? Is it possible to use this work as a source? Give reasons for your answer.

Russia, the Ottoman Empire, England, France and Sardinia took part in the Crimean War. Each of them had its own calculations in this military conflict.

For Russia, the regime of the Black Sea straits was of paramount importance. In the 30-40s of the 19th century. Russian diplomacy waged an intense struggle for the most favorable conditions in resolving this issue. In 1833, the Unkar-Iskelesi Treaty was concluded with Turkey. Through it, the straits were closed to foreign warships, and Russia received the right to freely transport its warships through them. In the 40s of the XIX century. the situation has changed. Based on a series of agreements with European states, the straits came under international control for the first time and were closed to all navies. As a result, the Russian fleet found itself locked in the Black Sea. Russia, relying on its military power, sought to re-solve the problem of the straits and strengthen its positions in the Middle East and the Balkans.

The Ottoman Empire wanted to return the territories lost as a result of the Russian-Turkish wars of the late 18th - first half of the 19th centuries.

England and France hoped to crush Russia as a great power and deprive it of influence in the Middle East and the Balkan Peninsula.

The pan-European conflict in the Middle East began in 1850, when disputes broke out between the Orthodox and Catholic clergy in Palestine over who would own the Saints.
places in Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The Orthodox Church was supported by Russia, and the Catholic Church by France. The dispute between the clergy escalated into a confrontation between two European states. The Ottoman Empire, which included Palestine, sided with France. This caused sharp discontent between Russia and Emperor Nicholas I personally. A special representative of the Tsar, Prince A. S. Mesnshikov, was sent to Constantinople. He was instructed to achieve privileges for the Russian Orthodox Church in Palestine and the right of patronage for Orthodox subjects of Turkey. The failure of A.S. Menshikov’s mission was a foregone conclusion. The Sultan was not going to give in to Russian pressure, and the defiant, disrespectful behavior of its envoy only aggravated the conflict situation. Thus, a seemingly private, but for that time important, given the religious feelings of people, dispute about Holy Places became the reason for the outbreak of the Russian-Turkish, and subsequently the pan-European war.

Nicholas I took an irreconcilable position, relying on the power of the army and the support of some European states (England, Austria, etc.). But he miscalculated. The Russian army numbered more than 1 million people. However, as it turned out during the war, it was imperfect, primarily in technical terms. Its weapons (smoothbore guns) were inferior to the rifled weapons of Western European armies. The artillery is also outdated. The Russian navy was predominantly sailing, while the European navies were dominated by steam-powered ships. There was no good communication. This did not make it possible to provide the theater of military operations with a sufficient amount of ammunition and food. human replenishment. The Russian army could successfully fight the Turkish one, but it was not able to resist the united forces of Europe.

Progress of hostilities

To put pressure on Turkey in 1853, Russian troops were sent to Moldova and Wallachia. In response, the Turkish Sultan declared war on Russia in October 1853. He was supported by England and France. Austria took a position of “armed neutrality.” Russia found itself in complete political isolation.

The history of the Crimean War is divided into two stages

First: the Russian-Turkish campaign itself was conducted with varying success from November 1853 to April 1854. Second (April 1854 - February 1856): Russia was forced to fight against a coalition of European states.

The main event of the first stage was the Battle of Sinop (November 1853). Admiral P.S. Nakhimov defeated the Turkish fleet in Sinop Bay and suppressed coastal batteries. This activated England and France. They declared war on Russia. The Anglo-French squadron appeared in the Baltic Sea and attacked Kronstadt and Sveaborg. English ships entered the White Sea and bombarded the Solovetsky Monastery. A military demonstration was also held in Kamchatka.

The main goal of the joint Anglo-French command was the capture of Crimea and Sevastopol, the Russian naval base. On September 2, 1854, the Allies began landing an expeditionary force in the Evpatoria region. Battle of the Alma River in September

1854 Russian troops lost. By order of Commander A.S. Menshikov, they passed through Sevastopol and retreated to Bakhchisarai. At the same time, the garrison of Sevastopol, reinforced by sailors of the Black Sea Fleet, was actively preparing for defense. It was headed by V. A. Kornilov and P. S. Nakhimov.

In October 1854, the Allies besieged Sevastopol. The fortress garrison showed unprecedented heroism. Particularly famous were admirals V.L. Kornilov, P.S. Nakhimov and V.I. Istomin, military engineer E.I. Totleben, artillery lieutenant general S.A. Khrulev, many sailors and soldiers: I. Shevchenko, F. Samolatov, P. Koshka and others.

The main part of the Russian army undertook diversionary operations: the battle of Inksrman (November 1854), the attack on Yevpatoria (February 1855), the battle on the Black River (August 1855). These military actions did not help the residents of Sevastopol. In August 1855, the final assault on Sevastopol began. After the fall of Malakhov Kurgan, continuation of the defense was difficult. Most of Sevastopol was occupied by the allied troops, however, having found only ruins there, they returned to their positions.

In the Caucasian theater, military operations developed more successfully for Russia. Türkiye invaded Transcaucasia, but suffered a major defeat, after which Russian troops began to operate on its territory. In November 1855, the Turkish fortress of Kars fell.

The extreme exhaustion of Allied forces in the Crimea and Russian successes in the Caucasus led to a cessation of hostilities. Negotiations between the parties began.

Parisian world

At the end of March 1856, the Paris Peace Treaty was signed. Russia did not suffer significant territorial losses. Only the southern part of Bessarabia was torn away from her. However, she lost the right of patronage to the Danube principalities and Serbia. The most difficult and humiliating condition was the so-called “neutralization” of the Black Sea. Russia was prohibited from having naval forces, military arsenals and fortresses on the Black Sea. This dealt a significant blow to the security of the southern borders. Russia's role in the Balkans and the Middle East was reduced to nothing.

The defeat in the Crimean War had a significant impact on the alignment of international forces and on the internal situation of Russia. The war, on the one hand, exposed its weakness, but on the other, demonstrated the heroism and unshakable spirit of the Russian people. The defeat brought a sad conclusion to Nicholas' rule, shook up the entire Russian public and forced the government to come to grips with reforming the state.

The causes of the war lay in the contradictions between the European powers in the Middle East, in the struggle of European states for influence on the weakening Ottoman Empire, which was engulfed in the national liberation movement. Nicholas I said that Turkey’s inheritance can and should be divided. In the upcoming conflict, the Russian emperor counted on the neutrality of Great Britain, to which he promised, after the defeat of Turkey, new territorial acquisitions of Crete and Egypt, as well as the support of Austria, as gratitude for Russia’s participation in the suppression of the Hungarian revolution. However, Nikolai’s calculations turned out to be wrong: England itself was pushing Turkey towards war, thus trying to weaken Russia’s position. Austria also did not want Russia to strengthen in the Balkans.

The reason for the war was a dispute between the Catholic and Orthodox clergy in Palestine about who would be the guardian of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem and the temple in Bethlehem. At the same time, there was no talk about access to holy places, since all pilgrims enjoyed them on equal rights. The dispute over the Holy Places cannot be called a far-fetched reason for starting a war.


During the Crimean War there are two stages:

Stage I of the war: November 1853 - April 1854. Turkey was Russia's enemy, and military operations took place on the Danube and Caucasus fronts. In 1853, Russian troops entered the territory of Moldavia and Wallachia and military operations on land proceeded sluggishly. In the Caucasus, the Turks were defeated at Kars.

Stage II of the war: April 1854 - February 1856 Concerned that Russia would completely defeat Turkey, England and France, in the person of Austria, delivered an ultimatum to Russia. They demanded that Russia refuse to patronize the Orthodox population of the Ottoman Empire. Nicholas I could not accept such conditions. Türkiye, France, England and Sardinia united against Russia.


Results of the war:

On February 13 (25), 1856, the Paris Congress began, and on March 18 (30) a peace treaty was signed.

Russia returned the city of Kars with a fortress to the Ottomans, receiving in exchange Sevastopol, Balaklava and other Crimean cities captured from it.

The Black Sea was declared neutral (that is, open to commercial and closed to military vessels in Peaceful time), with a ban on Russia and the Ottoman Empire to have military fleets and arsenals there.

Navigation along the Danube was declared free, for which the Russian borders were moved away from the river and part of Russian Bessarabia with the mouth of the Danube was annexed to Moldova.

Russia was deprived of the protectorate over Moldavia and Wallachia granted to it by the Kuchuk-Kainardzhi Peace of 1774 and the exclusive protection of Russia over the Christian subjects of the Ottoman Empire.

Russia pledged not to build fortifications on the Åland Islands.

During the war, the participants in the anti-Russian coalition failed to achieve all their goals, but managed to prevent Russia from strengthening in the Balkans and deprive it of the Black Sea Fleet.