Main trends in the development of Russian literature in the second half of the 19th century. Literature of the second half of the 19th century

Literature of the 2nd half of the 19th century is divided into 3 periods:

  1. Literature before the 60s (1852-66/7)
  2. 1868-81 (81 – important date, since Dostoevsky dies and Alexander dies 2)
  3. 1881-94

1 period

The beginning of this period was marked by the following events. In 1852, Gogol and Zhukovsky die, a separate edition of Turgenev’s “Notes of a Hunter” is published. In addition, in 1855, the Crimean Company ended (unsuccessfully for Russia) and the reign of Nicholas 1. This defeat is a disaster in ideological sense, since the company itself took place under the banner of Russia’s superiority over the West (an example from Leskov in “Lefty”: even if everything is fine with them in the West, but we have myrrh-streaming icons). The corruption and technical backwardness of Russia were revealed. Reforms were needed. Alexander II comes to power. Preparations for reforms begin. The beginning of the reign of Alexander II was the most liberal time of the 19th century. Politics in the full sense of the word has appeared in Russia.

In the early 60s - reforms:

  • peasant
  • zemstvo
  • judicial (public proceedings, jury trial, competition). A competitive identification of truth appears. Portrayal of the jury in The Brothers Karamazov and the Resurrection (negative attitude).
  • military

To many, the reforms seemed half-hearted. In the early 60s, the protest movement intensified, underground organizations appeared (including Earth and Freedom). The government responded with repression. As a result - 04.04.66 - Karakozov's attempt on Alexander 2. The beginning of the reaction. Closing of many lit. magazines (Contemporary, Russian word). 68 – exit Crime and Punishment. Great novels begin in Russian literature. The end of this era.

Cultural traits that were formed during this time.

It's question time. Everything was questioned and discussed, from the peasant question to women's emancipation. The figure of a publicist appears who can give an answer to everything (Chernyshevsky, Leskov). Politics appears (in the 50s) and disappears (60s).

Another new character- commoner. Begins to play an important role in literature and public life. There is a gap between the cultural elite and the authorities. In the 50s, the government tried to overcome it. For example, Grand Duke Constantine organized expeditions to different provinces to recruit sailors. Ostrovsky, Leskov and others were involved there, but nothing much came of it.

Power is unevenly distributed between these 2 groups:

  • physical, above the body - in the bureaucracy
  • over the minds and souls - among the intellectual elite

It can be noted that this era is distinguished by the absence of a great state. figures, commanders (well, except for Skobelev). The fact is that every culture is a field of struggle for prestige. At this time, it was more prestigious to become a publicist and revolutionary than a minister.

Russian society was divided into left (radicals) and right.

The left was keen on positivism (Feuerbach): rejection of metaphysics and transcendence, preoccupation with the external appearance of things, natural sciences - what can be known. 50-60 is generally the time of passion for natural sciences (remember Bazarov from Fathers and Sons). In the 60s, Bram’s work “The Life of Animals” was translated, everyone read it. There is a lot of amateurism, but it gives impetus to science: Sechenov, Pavlov, Mechnikov, Kovalevskaya.

For the right and moderate liberals, the main science was history. Archives were opened, historical magazines and plays began to be published. A lot of fuss and amateurism, but they grew historical schools- Kostomarov, Soloviev.

The main literary institute remained magazine. An important metamorphosis: permission to publish a magazine with socio-political news. All the magazines took advantage of this. Literature coexists with politics. Social issues and problems of Russia demanded from her. life. Magazines differ in political position. Purely literary polemics are no longer conceivable. In 1856, a split occurred in Sovremennik, as Chernyshevsky arrived, brought Dobrolyubov, and a conflict occurred with old employees (Turinev, Gomarov). The “Library for Reading” and “Notes of the Fatherland” (Druzhinin, Botkin, Turgenev) continue to exist. Another old magazine is “Moskvityanin”. Was Slavophile. New, young edition (Apollo-Grigoriev, Ostrovsky). There they formulate the doctrine of pochvennism. New magazines are also appearing. Most important:

1) “Russian Messenger”. 56 years old, Katkov. First liberal, then conservative. It existed for a very long time. All the novels of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Leskov were published here.

2) Russian word (left edge; Blagosvetlov G. E.). This magazine associated with nihilists. Pisarev collaborated here.

3) “Time” and “Epoch” in the early 60s (magazines of the Dostoevsky brothers)

All sorts of Slavophiles (Mayak, Dom. conversation, Day, etc.) ??

Literature was read almost exclusively in magazines.

2nd period

The era of great novels begins (with Crime and Punishment); with the death of Dostoevsky, this era ends. The assassination attempt of Karakozov, the closure of radical leftist magazines, the beginning of the reaction. 1868 is very important because this is the year when the first populist works and organizations appear. One of the most notorious events of the late 60s was the Nechaev affair, which Dostoevsky quite reliably reflected in The Possessed. Members of the Nechaev group killed one of the members of the organization, cat. I decided to get out of it and possibly report it to the police. The case had a wide resonance. The government acted very wisely by making the case public. At the same time, the first populist circles appeared, and already in the 70s. the campaign among the people begins (1874). This outing to the people ended rather disastrously: most of these people were arrested. The authorities reacted to all this extremely inadequately: huge sentences, hard labor. The next wave was called “life with the people,” but this enterprise ended in much the same way. Gradually, those involved in this popular movement began to experience a feeling close to despair or even bitterness. And now the second “Land and Freedom” is being created. By 1878, it split into two organizations, which differed in fact: one was the “Black Redistribution” (it was they who professed peaceful measures to change the situation), the second, “People’s Will,” was inclined to violent actions. The wave of terror that swept Russia began in 1878, when Vera Zasulich shot at Governor Trepov. She was acquitted, and the revolutionaries were not tried again by a jury. On the one hand, this event showed society’s sympathy for terror, on the other, the duality of power. Next terrorist attack associated with the name of Kravchinsky, who committed an attempt on the life of the chief gendarme (he killed him with a dagger, jumped into the carriage and disappeared). Since 1878, the terrorist struggle begins. The government responded in kind, and also issued an appeal to the people asking them to counteract moral terror. The terrorists had a clear moral advantage.

History is gradually being replaced by historiosophy. Danilevsky “Russia and Europe” - this treatise largely precedes Spengler. During the same period, what was politely called Russian philosophy began to take shape (late 70s). 1870-1871 – “The ABC of Social Sciences” by Bervy, “the situation of social classes in Russia.” At the center of the idea of ​​progress is the labor of the population, the people, and the fruits of this progress are enjoyed by a very narrow circle of people, while those through whose efforts this is accomplished receive nothing. Lavrov coined the term “critically thinking person.” So this person must realize the situation and feel indebted to the people. The idea of ​​community and the belief that the Russian people already have such an institution and can come to socialism, bypassing capitalism.

In 1868, Nekrasov began editing Otechestvennye zapiski. Throughout the 70s. This magazine is moderately populist. Their ally and competitor is Delo magazine. Vestnik Evropy tried to take a rather liberal position. The centrist position traditionally turned out to be the most vulnerable. Important phenomenon– “A Writer’s Diary”, published by Dostoevsky. Slavophile ephemeral publications continued to appear and were quickly closed. Lit level Critics were very low.

This is still the time of prose, the era of the great novel. As for dramaturgy, it’s about the same as it was. What could be called Ostrovsky’s theater is taking shape. Nobody still reads poetry. Only one person could gain popularity - Nekrasov (and his epigones). The flourishing of revolutionary poetry.

3rd period

1880s politically one of the most boring eras. The reign of Alexander 3 the Peacemaker, during which Russia did not wage a single war. A time of intellectual decline and stagnation. The only new intellectual passion is Social Darwinism. Literature as an institution is characterized by the decline of the thick magazine. Chekhov is indicative in this sense: for a long time he did not publish in a thick magazine and did not consider it necessary. But small-scale journalism is flourishing. Big Idea Fatigue: Writers give up the moral right to teach someone. Not created heroic characters, takes the place of novels short story or a story (again, Chekhov, Korolenko, Garshin). Interest in poetry is awakened. The main figure of the era in this regard was the poet Nadson, who enjoyed enormous popularity. At the same time, there are no new forms. There was no brightness of talents. Garshin is an interesting and tragic fate. He took part in the Balkan War, which greatly affected him. A model Russian intellectual. It is Garshin who is depicted in the face of the son killed by Ivan the Terrible. He committed suicide. His entire legacy is a 200-page book. The feeling is secondary in relation to everything that has already been written. G. had a conscious attitude: the priority of ethics over aesthetics. Another characteristic figure is Korolenko. The writer is so-so, but a good person.

The 19th century is a significant century in Russian literature. He gave the world such great names as A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy... The literature of this time is clearly divided into two periods: the first half of the 19th century and the second half of the 19th century. Works of art these periods are different ideological pathos, issues, artistic techniques, mood.
The authors whose works constitute the classics of Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century are very different. These include A.N. Ostrovsky, I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov.
A.N. Ostrovsky is rightfully considered a reformer who brought a lot of new things to Russian drama. His innovation was reflected in the fact that he sharply turned the Russian theater towards life and its current social and moral problems. Ostrovsky was the first to turn to the life of the Russian merchants, depicting the life and customs of this huge layer Russian society, showed what problems exist in it.
In addition, it was Ostrovsky who became the “developer” of psychological drama, showing inner world heroes, the excitement of their souls. The plays of this playwright are filled with symbolism. All these features will be continued in the plays of Chekhov and playwrights of the 20th century.
I.S. Turgenev went down in the history of not only Russian, but also world literature as an unsurpassed psychologist and artist of words. This writer is best known as the author of the novels “Fathers and Sons”, “ Noble Nest", "Rudin" and others. In addition, he is the creator of prose poems, full of lyricism and deep reflections on life, and other prose works.
Defining main feature his creative path, Turgenev said: “I strove, as far as I had the strength and ability, to conscientiously and impartially portray and embody what Shakespeare called the very image and pressure of time.”
The classic managed to show in his work the purity of love, the power of friendship, passionate faith in the future of his Motherland, confidence in the strength and courage of the Russian people. Creation true artist words suggest many discoveries, and Turgenev is proof of this.
All works of F.M. Dostoevsky is artistic research man, his ideal essence, his fate and future. Dostoevsky's man is a being who has lost his integrity; he is a man in discord, in disagreement with reality and with himself. We can say that Dostoevsky's hero is a restless hero who is constantly in search of himself. This path is full of suffering, blood, sin. But this is always a thinking person trying to know himself. In his denial of both God and life, Dostoevsky’s hero is much more honest than many “believers” and “respectable” people.
Dostoevsky's characters are connected by blood to God, although they often deny him. Without knowing it themselves, they often go the way of many evangelical saints, literally “suffering” their faith.
Dostoevsky's world is the world of the “humiliated and insulted.” The writer’s gaze is turned specifically to them, exposing the life and suffering of these people. In many ways, this is why F.M. Dostoevsky is called the “great Russian humanist.”
The depiction of a person’s spiritual growth, the “dialectics of the soul” is perhaps the most characteristic in the work of L.N. Tolstoy. This artistic feature can be traced throughout the writer’s entire creative path. Tolstoy writes in such a way that it is clearly visible: the more influence on a person secular society, the poorer his inner world, a person can achieve inner harmony in communication with the people, with nature. Tolstoy is convinced that class barriers have a depressing effect on character development.
Tolstoy's heroes are no strangers to contradictions; there is a persistent internal struggle but the best spiritual qualities never cheat on them. The intuitive spiritual sensitivity of Natasha, the nobility of Pierre, the analytical mind and moral beauty of Prince Andrei, subtle soul Princess Marya - all this unites the heroes of War and Peace, despite the individuality of each character. We can say that everyone best heroes Tolstoy is united by the richness of his spiritual world and the desire for happiness.
All works by A.P. Chekhov's works are not only very realistic, but they also contain deep philosophical meaning. “The vulgarity of a vulgar person” is what the writer fought against all his life. Protest against everyday life and philistinism is the main thing in his works. Some of the writer’s heroes strive to break out of this “vicious circle” (three sisters from the play of the same name), others obediently plunge into this quagmire, gradually putting their soul to sleep (Doctor Startsev from “Ionych,” for example).
Chekhov's works are complex and very subtle. They contain several layers of meaning, which only an attentive and knowledgeable reader can reveal. All works of this Russian writer are filled with many symbols, allowing one to reveal their full depth.
Thus, Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century is very diverse and vibrant. Every writer of that time is a real figure not only of Russian, but also of world literature. Despite all the differences, all these artists are united by a love for their homeland and a desire to improve the lives of Russian people. In addition, all writers used classical traditions, creating on their basis something new, which, in turn, also became a classic.

Many Russian writers of the 19th century felt that Russia was faced with an abyss and was flying into the abyss.

ON THE. Berdyaev

Since the mid-19th century, Russian literature has become not only the number one art, but also the ruler political ideas. In the absence political freedoms public opinion is formed by writers, and social themes predominate in works. Sociality and journalism- distinctive features of literature of the second half of the 19th century. It was in the middle of the century that two painful Russian questions were posed: "Who is guilty?" (the title of the novel by Alexander Ivanovich Herzen, 1847) and "What to do?" (the title of the novel by Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky, 1863).

Russian literature turns to analysis social phenomena, therefore, the action of most works is contemporary, that is, it takes place at the time when the work was created. The lives of the characters are depicted in the context of a larger social picture. Simply put, heroes “fit” into the era, their characters and behavior are motivated by the peculiarities of the socio-historical atmosphere. That is why the leading literary direction and method the second half of the 19th century becomes critical realism , and leading genres- novel and drama. At the same time, unlike the first half of the century, prose prevailed in Russian literature, and poetry faded into the background.

Acuity social issues was also connected with the fact that in Russian society of the 1840-1860s. there was a polarization of opinions regarding the future of Russia, which was reflected in the emergence Slavophilism and Westernism.

Slavophiles (the most famous among them are Alexei Khomyakov, Ivan Kireevsky, Yuri Samarin, Konstantin and Ivan Aksakov) believed that Russia had its own special path of development, destined for it by Orthodoxy. They resolutely opposed the Western model of political development in order to avoid the despiritualization of man and society. Slavophiles demanded the abolition of serfdom, wanted universal enlightenment and liberation of the Russian people from state power. They saw the ideal in pre-Petrine Rus', where the fundamental principles of national life were Orthodoxy and conciliarity (the term was introduced by A. Khomyakov as a designation of unity in the Orthodox faith). The literary magazine "Moskvityanin" was the tribune of the Slavophiles.

Westerners (Peter Chaadaev, Alexander Herzen, Nikolai Ogarev, Ivan Turgenev, Vissarion Belinsky, Nikolai Dobrolyubov, Vasily Botkin, Timofey Granovsky, anarchist theorist Mikhail Bakunin also joined them) were confident that Russia should follow the same path in its development, same as countries Western Europe. Westernism was not a single direction and was divided into liberal and revolutionary democratic movements. Like the Slavophiles, Westerners advocated the immediate abolition of serfdom, considering this as the main condition for the Europeanization of Russia, and demanded freedom of the press and the development of industry. In the field of literature, realism was supported, the founder of which was considered N.V. Gogol. The tribune of Westerners was the magazines “Sovremennik” and “Otechestvennye zapiski” during the period of their editing by N.A. Nekrasov.

Slavophiles and Westerners were not enemies, they only had different views on the future of Russia. According to N.A. Berdyaev, the first saw a mother in Russia, the second saw a child. For clarity, we offer a table compiled according to Wikipedia data, which compares the positions of Slavophiles and Westerners.

Comparison criteria Slavophiles Westerners
Attitude towards autocracy Monarchy + deliberative popular representation Limited monarchy, parliamentary system, democratic freedoms
Attitude to serfdom Negative, advocated the abolition of serfdom from above Negative, advocated the abolition of serfdom from below
Relation to Peter I Negative. Peter introduced Western orders and customs that led Russia astray The exaltation of Peter, who saved Russia, renewed the country and brought it to the international level
Which path should Russia take? Russia has its own special path of development, different from the West. But you can borrow factories, railways Russia is late, but is and must follow the Western path of development
How to carry out transformations Peaceful path, reforms from above Liberals advocated a path of gradual reform. Democratic revolutionaries are for the revolutionary path.

They tried to overcome the polarity of opinions of Slavophiles and Westerners soil scientists . This movement originated in the 1860s. in the circle of intellectuals close to the magazine "Time" / "Epoch". The ideologists of pochvennichestvo were Fyodor Dostoevsky, Apollo Grigoriev, Nikolai Strakhov. The Pochvenniks rejected both the autocratic serfdom system and Western bourgeois democracy. Dostoevsky believed that representatives of the “enlightened society” should merge with the “national soil”, which would allow the top and bottom of Russian society to mutually enrich each other. In the Russian character, the Pochvenniki emphasized the religious and moral principles. They had a negative attitude towards materialism and the idea of ​​revolution. Progress, in their opinion, is the union of the educated classes with the people. The pochvenniki saw the personification of the ideal of the Russian spirit in A.S. Pushkin. Many ideas of Westerners were considered utopian.

The subject of debate since the mid-19th century has been the question of the nature and purpose of fiction. In Russian criticism there are three views on this issue.

Alexander Vasilievich Druzhinin

Representatives "aesthetic criticism" (Alexander Druzhinin, Pavel Annenkov, Vasily Botkin) put forward the theory " pure art", the essence of which is that literature should address only eternal themes and not depend on political goals or social conditions.

Apollo Alexandrovich Grigoriev

Apollo Grigoriev formulated a theory "organic criticism" , advocating the creation of works that would embrace life in all its fullness and integrity. At the same time, the emphasis in the literature is proposed to be on moral values.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov

Principles "real criticism" were proclaimed by Nikolai Chernyshevsky and Nikolai Dobrolyubov. They viewed literature as a force capable of transforming the world and promoting knowledge. Literature, in their opinion, should promote the dissemination of progressive political ideas and, first of all, pose and solve social problems.

Poetry also developed along different, diametrically opposed paths. The pathos of citizenship united the poets of the “Nekrasov school”: Nikolai Nekrasov, Nikolai Ogarev, Ivan Nikitin, Mikhail Mikhailov, Ivan Golts-Miller, Alexei Pleshcheev. Supporters of “pure art”: Afanasy Fet, Apollon Maikov, Lev May, Yakov Polonsky, Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy - wrote poems mainly about love and nature.

Socio-political and literary-aesthetic disputes significantly influenced the development of domestic journalism. Huge role in the formation public opinion literary magazines played.

Cover of the magazine "Contemporary", 1847

Magazine name Years of publication Publishers Who published Views Notes
"Contemporary" 1836-1866

A.S. Pushkin; P.A. Pletnev;

from 1847 – N.A. Nekrasov, I.I. Panaev

Turgenev, Goncharov, L.N. Tolstoy,A.K. Tolstoy, Ostrovsky,Tyutchev, Fet, Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov Revolutionary democratic The peak of popularity was under Nekrasov. Closed after the assassination attempt on Alexander II in 1866
"Domestic Notes" 1820-1884

From 1820 – P.P. Svinin,

from 1839 – A.A. Kraevsky,

from 1868 to 1877 - Nekrasov,

from 1878 to 1884 – Saltykov-Shchedrin

Gogol, Lermontov, Turgenev,
Herzen, Pleshcheev, Saltykov-Shchedrin,
Garshin, G. Uspensky, Krestovsky,
Dostoevsky, Mamin-Sibiryak, Nadson
Until 1868 – liberal, then – revolutionary democratic

The magazine was closed at Alexandra III for “spreading harmful ideas”

"Spark" 1859-1873

Poet V. Kurochkin,

cartoonist N. Stepanov

Minaev, Bogdanov, Palmin, Loman
(all of them are poets of the “Nekrasov school”),
Dobrolyubov, G. Uspensky

Revolutionary democratic

The name of the magazine is an allusion to the bold poem of the Decembrist poet A. Odoevsky “From a spark a flame will ignite.” The magazine was closed “for its harmful direction”

"Russian word" 1859-1866 G.A. Kushelev-Bezborodko, G.E. Blagosvetlov Pisemsky, Leskov, Turgenev, Dostoevsky,Krestovsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.K. Tolstoy, Fet Revolutionary democratic Despite the similarities political views, the magazine had a polemic with Sovremennik on a number of issues
"Bell" (newspaper) 1857-1867 A.I. Herzen, N.P. Ogarev

Lermontov (posthumously), Nekrasov, Mikhailov

Revolutionary democratic An emigrant newspaper whose epigraph was Latin expression"Vivos voco!" (“Calling the living!”)
"Russian Messenger" 1808-1906

IN different time– S.N.Glinka,

N.I.Grech, M.N.Katkov, F.N.Berg

Turgenev, Pisarev, Zaitsev, Shelgunov,Minaev, G. Uspensky Liberal The magazine opposed Belinsky and Gogol, against Sovremennik and Kolokol, and defended conservative politics. views
"Time" / "Epoch" 1861-1865 MM. and F.M. Dostoevskys Ostrovsky, Leskov, Nekrasov, Pleshcheev,Maikov, Krestovsky, Strakhov, Polonsky Soil Conducted a sharp polemic with Sovremennik
"Moskvitian" 1841-1856 M.P. Pogodin Zhukovsky, Gogol, Ostrovsky,Zagoskin, Vyazemsky, Dahl, Pavlova,
Pisemsky, Fet, Tyutchev, Grigorovich
Slavophile The magazine adhered to the theory " official nationality", struggled with the ideas of Belinsky and the writers of the "natural school"

Literature is the main fundamental thing in human life. What it reveals to any individual, what it is filled with, is simply unthinkable, because knowledge and cultural experience directly affects readers who dare to look into creative world poets and writers. Thanks to her, the people, in turn, could fight for their own freedom, eliminate terror and poverty. Historical meaning literature is simply enormous, because Russian writers tried hard for it, creating magnificent works recognized over the years and centuries as masterpieces artistic creativity. Distinctive feature Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century is, first of all, a sophisticated language, unusual images, an excellent combination of certain words, deep experiences and suffering of heroes, difficulties, problems that, when posed in one or another work, were necessarily solved, answers were found.

Speaking about such a period, it is impossible not to mention the great creator who transformed Russian literature - Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. This is the master artistic word, this is a person sensitive to ordinary details, attentive, educated, and most importantly talented. He is known to everyone for his work: “Rudin”, and “On the Eve”, and “Fathers and Sons”, etc. In all his own stories and novels, Turgenev was able to put on paper his disturbing thoughts and questions that trouble his head, which are relevant and popular and to this day. Without a magnificent figure, literature would not be filled with such vivid and amazing works!

Chernyshevsky contributed no less to literature with his novel “What is to be done?” He talks about social movement, about the struggle for freedom. The work repeatedly called for revolutionary action. Undoubtedly, there were those who could not accept the novel as something educational and outstanding, but all readers were able to see the period of devastation and radical change in the work. And for this, many thanks to Chernyshevsky.

How can you forget about Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov! It was he who managed to show people the decay of serfdom! He has only three works in his arsenal: the familiar “Oblomov”, the popular “ An ordinary story", the captivating "Precipice" - however, for so few, the writer breathed something new into literature, drawing vivid images of officials and landowners. With the help of Goncharov’s creativity, people discover the atmosphere of that time and encounter difficulties that are quite difficult to imagine without books.

During this period, literature admitted into its ranks the greatest creative figure, whose influence on the minds of people is simply enormous - Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky! A man who has faced many obstacles and tragedies in life. He outlined all the hardships of his own life in his works. “Poor People” are full of despair and hopelessness; defeat and compassion appear in the souls of readers when the book “The Brothers Karamazov” appears before their eyes; “Notes from dead house”, and the novel “Crime and Punishment” frightens and frightens the imagination. The images that Dostoevsky created appeared so vividly and alarmingly on the pages of the books!

He denounced bribe-takers, dishonest people, hated liberals, hypocrites, and vain individuals. He was disliked by those who gathered people for their own needs. The person who did not dare to tolerate this was Saltykov-Shchedrin - a wonderful writer, the author of stories that sank into the very soul. All emotions about that period of time were reflected in his works: the unsurpassed “Lord Golovlevs”, the mysterious and strange “History of the City of Foolov”. Saltykov-Shchedrin, through his own creativity, tried to convey to all readers that there are too many wealthy people and bigots on the planet. They were, are and will be. But this fact cannot be left aside. It is important to get acquainted with great stories, novels, analyze, and reflect on what you read. Then the minds of society will be enlightened, life will become simpler.

What about Nekrasov? Nikolai Alekseevich cannot be forgotten under any circumstances! Why? This is a singer of the Russian disadvantaged people, who with his own songs and poems calmed the hearts of people and helped in difficult times. His work saved him from worries and stress, because Nekrasov wrote about the plight of the people as a whole, bringing into this or that poem something close to the soul itself! Who doesn’t know his great poems: “Who lives well in Rus',” which aroused the people’s complete trust in the unsurpassed writer! And still reading “Russian Women” brings tears to my eyes...

And the last one who cannot be removed from memory is the outstanding Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, whose creative abilities find their place closer to the end of the nineteenth century! It is he who owns the words known to every reader: “Brevity is the sister of talent.” The writer transformed the period of that time by creating unique works that were short in content. Accuracy, depiction of every detail, quickly getting into the atmosphere of what is happening - Chekhov was able to do all this. He easily managed to transport the reader into a certain story in a few words, without forgetting the story of the previous one. What did Anton Pavlovich show in his own works? He depicted the vulgarity of man, clearly ridiculing it, showed the narrow outlook of individuals, typical images that combine negative qualities. All these images are in his stories: “Chameleon”, “Literature Teacher” and others. The list could take a long time, but it’s better to check it out for yourself!

Thus, the literature of this period is famous for the large number of writers who were great creators who made an extraordinary contribution to the development creative direction! Don't forget what you dedicated your entire life to own life great people!

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1. Indicate the writers of the second half of the 19th century whose titles of works contain opposition.

A) A.N. Ostrovsky, I.S. Turgenev, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

B) I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy

B) I.A. Goncharov, F.M. Dostoevsky, A.P. Chekhov

G) L.N. Tolstoy, N.S. Leskov, I.S. Turgenev

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A) N.A. Nekrasov B) A.A. Fet

B) F.I. Tyutchev D) A.K. Tolstoy

A) A. N. Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm” B) L. N. Tolstoy “The Living Corpse”

B) F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment” G) N. S. Leskov “Lady Macbeth...”

4.Which artistic technique used by the author in this passage: “Blessed is the gentle poet, // In whom there is little bile, a lot of feeling // Greetings to him so sincere // Friends of calm art..”

A) allegory B) antithesis

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A) pride and pride B) naturalness and morality

B) nobility and kindness D) generosity and courage

6.Which of the Russian writers was sentenced to hard labor?

A) M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin B) F.M. Dostoevsky

B) A.I. Herzen D) N.A. Nekrasov

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A) type " little man» B) tyrant

B) type " extra person» D)romantic hero

A) I.A. Goncharov B) M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

B) N.A. Nekrasov D) A.P. Chekhov

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A) participant in ongoing events

B) a person who deeply experiences and comments on the events described

B) dispassionate observer

D) a narrator who interrupts the story to tell the reader about himself

10.Indicate the name of the regiment in which Nikolai Rostov served (L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”).

A) Preobrazhensky B) Izmailovsky

B) Pavlogradsky D) Semenovsky

11.What type of literature became dominant in the second half of the 19th century?

A) lyrics B) epic

B) drama D) lyric-epic

12.Indicate which of the Russian writers spoke about the need to “squeeze the slave out of yourself drop by drop.”

A) I.A. Goncharov B) L.N. Tolstoy

B) A.P. Chekhov D) F.M. Dostoevsky

13. In the work of which writer is the type of “little man” first shown?

A) Samson Vyrin in “ Stationmaster» A.S. Pushkin

B) Akakiy Akakievich in “The Overcoat” by N.V. Gogol

B) Maxim Maksimych in “Hero of Our Time” by M.Yu. Lermontov

D) Captain Tushin in “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy

14. Agafya Pshenitsyna is the heroine:

A) the novel by I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”

B) F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” G

B) I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

D) L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”

A) A.S. Pushkin B) F.I. Tyutchev

B) N.A. Nekrasov D) A.A. Fet

16.Which of the heroes of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky asked the question “Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right”?

A) Sonya Marmeladova B) R. Raskolnikov

B) Pyotr Luzhin D) Lebezyatnikov

17. Indicate which of the Russian poets owns the poem “I met you - and all the past ...”

A) N.A. Nekrasov B) F.I. Tyutchev

B) A.S. Pushkin D) A.A. Fet

18.Name the “happy” person in N.A. Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'.”

A) Savely B) Matryona Korchagina

B) Grigory Dobroslonov D) Ermil Girin

19.Indicate what the teacher Belikov taught, a character in the story “The Man in a Case” by A.P. Chekhov.

A) geography B) literature

B) Greek language D) God's law

20. In the novel “War and Peace” there is goodies who have reached the pinnacle of moral and spiritual development. One of them is Kutuzov, the other is

A) Pierre Bezukhov B) Andrey Bolkonsky

B) Platon Karataev D) Vasily Denisov

21.What mistakes did Raskolnikov make (F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”) during the murder of the old woman?

A) forgot to close the apartment door B) left his hat at the crime scene

B) forgot to take the crime weapon D) got dirty in blood

22. The genre definition of “epic novel” means:

A) a novel about the ideological and moral quest of the individual associated with the fate of the nation

B) a novel in which not one, but several central characters, and among other characters there are historical figures

B) a novel dedicated to historical event influencing the fate of the country

23. The turning point in the life of Ivan Flyagin (N.S. Leskov “The Enchanted Wanderer”) comes when

A) he recognizes himself as a great sinner and wants to atone for his guilt through suffering

B) he renounces faith and stops praying

C) because of his fault a person dies

24. The following character is not related to the story “The Man in a Case” by A.P. Chekhov

A) Gurov B) Kovalenko

B) Burkin D) Belikov