Modern Spanish literature: historical features of the period, writers, best works. "magnificent five" great spanish writers

Book lovers will remember B. Perez Galdos and representatives of the “generation of 1898” M. de Unamuno and R. M. del Valle Inclan, who worked at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. These authors created the basis for the development of Spanish literature throughout the last century.

Their influence is also noticeable in modern Spanish literature. Modern literature refers to the period from the early 1970s. It was at this time that processes began that shaped the main trends in the development of modern Spanish prose.

Features of the literary process of post-Franco Spain

Although spanish literature not very widely known, Spain has always stood out for its passion for reading and love for books. This is evidenced by the fact that in Spain books were published frequently and in large print runs; for example, in the 1960s, Spain ranked 6th in the world in terms of the number of books published.

Another prominent author who emerged in post-Franco Spain was Manuel Rivas, whose work addresses the theme of the “Spanish village”. However, it would be wrong to draw parallels with Russia and call Rivas the “Spanish Rasputin”; there is a lot of fantastic and mysterious stuff in his books, which brings him closer to the Colombian G. García Márquez than to the Soviet “villagers”.

Fashionable Spanish writers of our time: Carlos Ruiz Zafon and Arturo Perez-Reverte

Elements of magic and mysticism and semi-fantastic plots are characteristic of many modern Spanish authors. Here we can talk about the influence of tradition " magical realism"in the Spanish-language literature of fellow Latin American writers.

In the works of Carlos Ruiz Zafon and Arturo Perez-Reverte, trends in mixing realism, fantasy and mysticism, detective and historical novel. The authors gained wide popularity outside the Pyrenees, including in Russia. We can say that they are the most fashionable Spanish writers of our time.

Having successfully grasped the demands of the modern reader and market conditions, both writers were able to preserve the traditions of classical Spanish literature, creating deep and exciting works. Literary critics find common features in the works of A. Perez-Reverte and the classic of Spanish literature B. Perez Galdos. And C. Ruiz Zafon received comparisons with G. García Márquez and was even called the “Spanish Bulgakov” for the echo of the motives of his novel “The Game of an Angel” with storylines"The Master and Margarita".

List of the best bestsellers by contemporary Spanish writers.

From the series: “Everyone should know this.”

Advice: Be sure to learn names and book titles in Spanish! And try to read at least one of them. At least in Russian.

Samples of Spanish classical literature known all over the world: who doesn’t know “Don Quixote” by Cervantes, the comedies of Lope de Vega or the unique poems of Lorca.

What do we know about modern Spanish writers?

Not many can boast of knowledge of modern Spanish literature, although among the masters of the pen there are those whose talent is highly appreciated by readers and critics both in Spain itself and in other countries.

We offer an overview of the works of five of the best contemporary Spanish writers, whose works have become worldwide bestsellers.

1. " Amazing trip Pomponia Flata" by Eduardo Mendoza

According to critics, Eduardo Mendoza is one of the best modern Spanish writers. His novels have become winners of Spanish and international literary prizes, films are made based on them.

The writer's debut occurred in 1975, when the novel “The Truth about the Savolta Affair” was published, which revolutionized Spanish literature.

And somewhat parodic and even satirical novel Mendoza's The Amazing Voyage of Pomponius Flatus is dedicated to the Roman philosopher and naturalist.

While searching for a certain mythical river with miraculous properties main character meets Jesus.

The plot of the book intertwines stories from the Bible, information from ancient authors and philosophical reflections.

2. “Pandora in the Congo” by Alberto Sanchez Piñol

A native of Catalonia, Alberto Sánchez Piñol is an anthropologist by training. What made him famous was his first novel, “In the Heady Silence,” which was translated into 22 languages ​​around the world.

And in 2005, his novel “Pandora in the Congo” was published in Catalan.
Both of these works are parts of a trilogy telling about the eaters human personality fears.

The novel with a touch of mysticism, “Pandora in the Congo,” is about the expedition of two English aristocrats to African jungle for diamonds and gold, where various troubles happen to them.

Moreover, they discover an unknown tribe there. The work ends quite unexpectedly and even ironically.

3. “Sweater” by Blanca Busquets

(“El jersey”. Blanca busquets)

Catalan Blanca Busquets developed a passion for literature at the age of 12, when she wrote her first story. And at the age of 17, a native of Barcelona was awarded the first award in the field of literature.

Busquets' novel "The Sweater" tells the story of an 85-year-old woman who has lost her voice as a result of a stroke and is forced to listen to the complaints of all her relatives, although she cannot answer them at all.

This is how the heroine of the novel Dolores becomes the keeper of other people's secrets. They treat it like a piece of furniture and are not shy. As a result, she is shocked by what is hidden in the depths of the family. And all this time she is knitting a sweater for her beloved granddaughter.

Dorores is shocked. And then he understands that these problems are insignificant, and there is only Love and Death. And such a love story is in the book.

The book has been translated into Russian and can be read for free on the Internet. And it's worth it, read the reviews!

4. “Shadow of the Wind” by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

(“sombra del viento” Carlos Ruiz Zafó)

Today Carlos Ruiz Zafon is one of the most popular and read modern writers not only in Spain, but also in the world.

Saphon’s debut took place in 1993 with the novel “Prince of the Fog,” which won several literary awards.

In 2001, the novel “Shadow of the Wind” was published, written in the tradition of medieval novels. This work was awarded 15 prestigious awards and was a bestseller in Europe for a long time, selling 5 million copies.

The novel tells the story of a 10-year-old boy who comes across a mystical book that changes his life. A real mystical adventure that can be read in one sitting.

The action of the work takes place over 20 years, when love and hatred, mysticism and detective investigations are closely intertwined in the life of the main character.

The book has been translated into Russian and can be read for free on the Internet.

5. “The Crocodile Under the Bed” by Mariasun Landa

(“Crocodile bajo de cama”, Mariasun Landa)

A wonderful children's book, serious and funny.

A native of the Basque Country, Mirasun Landa graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature and today successfully combines teaching at the Master's School of the University of the Basque Country with creative activities.

In 1991, she won the Basque Prize (an award for literature for children and teenagers), and her book, The Crocodile Under the Bed, written in Basque, was awarded the National Prize in 2003.

The book has been translated into Russian and can be read for free on the Internet.

More about books in Spain:

It is a great joy when the thoughts of your loved ones are in tune with your own. But an even greater pleasure for me is the moment of recognizing myself in books. It doesn’t matter how many years ago they were written, for you it is relevant now, at this moment. Therefore, I see one of the main values ​​of literature as its timelessness, as if it serves as proof of its nonlinearity. For me, Unamuno, Cortazar and Galeano are equally relevant - three centuries - the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first go hand in hand.

When I first read one of the shortest and most famous micro-stories* ( microrelatos) on Spanish, then I didn’t understand anything. Or rather, I understood the text perfectly, but I couldn’t understand why these 7 words are so popular? Why are they quoted all over the world, dedicated to them scientific works, and how magically did they inspire a lot of people to create something important?

Manuel Rivas' thoughts on what happens to men

Autorretrato sin mí. Parte 2. El niño interior.

Autorretrato sin mí. Horas de serenidad

Juan José Millas - inventor of a new literary genre

Talk to the dog, or better yet, read Antonio Gala

Yesterday before going to bed, I read the dialogues of Antonio Gala with his dog Troilo, collected in a single book “ Charles con Troylo” and enjoyed the beauty of the style, the power and precision of his words, the depth of his themes and the ability to show us the beauty of things through the prism of his gaze. He does it so skillfully that after reading, part of this beauty, depth and contemplative silence remains with us.

In early 1977, Spain abolished the women's censorship that had existed during Franco's reign. It took Spain about 10 years for readers and writers to fully adapt to the newfound freedom and appreciate the genre of the novel. Translated and Latin American literature, represented by Gabriel García Márquez and Miguel Ángel Asturias, developed a huge Spanish interest in quality works.

The government noticed the desire of the people and decided to take advantage of this to speed up the restoration of the culture of the nation, because artistic word capable of a lot. And now active support for promising and talented authors has begun. Many large publishing houses began to provide assistance to the state. All these factors contributed to the development of Spanish literature and provoked the emergence of new talented authors.

By 1980 Russian literature became widespread. People read prose, both in transport and at any time free time. Various writers have worked in various genres, but the novel remained in first place. The new generation of writers received the appropriate name “new storytellers” (Los novismos narradores).

The most prominent representatives of this time

Manuel Vazquez Montalban

Photo: Portrait of the writer Manuel Vázquez Montalbán

The most famous author who worked in the detective genre. It was he who owned the legendary detective Carvalho, who became the central character of many of his works, including “Murder in the Central Committee” (Asesinato en el Comite Central, 1981). He also wrote some thrillers that have become widespread among Spanish readers.

Antonio Muñoz Molina

Photo: Book by writer Javier Marias “White Heart”

The writer adhered to the thriller genre and most often chose Madrid, Lisbon and even New York as the place for the events taking place in the book. The most popular among readers was his first novel, “Winter in Lisbon” (El invierno en Lisboa, 1987). The touching wartime love story “Sefarad” (Sefarad, 2001) also became equally popular.

Javier Marias

The most important novelist of Spain, who began his literary activity back in the 1970s in the style of the "new novel". But his fame and popularity were brought to him by works written in the genre psychological novel. A striking example such literature can be considered “White Heart” (Corazon tan blanco, 1992).

Arturo Perez-Reverte

A prominent representative of modern writers who writes historical thrillers. He is the author of a world-famous series of novels about the desperate mercenary Captain Diego Alatriste. No less famous is the work “Corsairs of the Levant” (Corsarios de Levante, 2006).

Carlos Ruiz Zafon

It was this author’s book that launched the Spanish thriller commercially. The work “The Shadow of the Wind” (La sombra del viento, 2001) became a major world event in publishing.

Photo: The role of women in Spanish literature

Today in Spain there is an equal number of both women and men in literature. And this is a great achievement, because until 1970, representatives of the fair sex were not allowed into literature. Prominent representatives were Carmen Laforet and Ana Maria Matute.

But highest value and the works of Carmen Martin Gaite gained popularity. She gave a lot interesting works. Among her magnificent works it is worth highlighting:

  • "Behind the Curtains" (Entre Visillos, 1958);
  • "The Snow Queen" (La Reina de las Nieves, 1994).

After 1970 new wave was headed by Esther Tusquets, who revealed in her works the theme of a simple woman and a housewife. And in the mid-1980s, women took leading positions. The leading novelist of this period was Montserrat Roig, who became best known for her novel La hora violeta (1980).

New "Generation X"

By the mid-1990s, there were few writers left who remembered Hard times Franco's reign. Some were too young, and others were not born at all. They began to work in a new direction - “dirty realism”. Their works took inspiration from the new youth movement, they reflect in their works modern world big cities filled with sex, drugs and alcohol.

One of the striking works of this time was the novel by José Angel Mañas “Stories from Kronen” (Historias del Kronen, 1994). Violetta Hernando’s novel “The Dead or Something Better” (Muertos o algo major, 1996) gained no less popularity. And Ray Lorita presented her user with the story of a drug dealer who wanders around his world in the novel “Tokio ya no nos quiere” (Tokio ya no nos quiere, 1999).

Features of regional literature

Gradually there was a revival of culture and Spanish regions. This contributed to the fact that more and more provincial flavor began to appear in the works of contemporary writers of that time. Many of these writers presented their works in their native dialects, which, after translation, gained wide popularity.

One of the brightest prose writers of this time can be called the Basque writer Bernardo Achagu.

He left Spanish literature great amount works of various genres, but the most popular are the works in which he objectively paints a picture of the events taking place. Among the most striking and interesting creations are:

  • The novel “A Lonely Man” (Gizona bere bakardadean, 1993);
  • Novel “Lonely Woman” (Zeru horiek, 1996);
  • Collection of stories "Obabakoak" (Obabakoak, 1988).

All of his works were written in Basque, but Achago often himself subsequently translated them into Spanish.

The most famous Catalan author of that time was Jesus Moncada, who depicted quite realistically the history and events of small towns of that time. No less popular was the Catalan prose writer Nuria Armat, who was glorified by the novel “The Country of the Soul” (El pais del alma, 1999).

How famous writer Galicia should be noted for Manuel Rivas, who glorified Galician literature, for example, with such a work as “The Carpenter’s Pencil” (O lapis do carpinteiro, 1998).

Features of modern Spanish poetry

Photo: Portrait of the poetess Ana Rosetti

In the 1970s, poetry did not develop as rapidly as the genre of the novel, but it also entered a certain phase of prosperity. Modern poets don't forget about literary heritage, but at the same time they focus mainly on folk culture And new image life. There are no restrictions on the choice, but most give preference to studies of everyday ordinary life.

The best modern Spanish poets

  1. Pere Gimferrer. Most of all, this poet, who is a representative of the “newest” generation, became famous for his ability to use metaphor in his works. He, who began writing in the 1970s, presents all his works to the reader in Catalan.
  2. Jose Maria Alvarez. The poet, who began publishing during the Franco era, has presented a series of works that reflect deeply on music, fame and sex.
  3. Ana Rossetti. Refers to poetesses who sang feelings and desires in their works. Most of her poems are erotic in nature.
  4. Luis Garcia Montero. His works are dedicated to the bustle of the city and what happened to modern society liberation.
  5. Luis Alberto de Cuenca. A poet who devotes most of his works to the topic common man. He very originally and harmoniously combines the trends of modernity and classicism in his poems.

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