Katerina's protest against the humiliation of the human person. The tragic ending of the play. Is Katerina's death a protest or humility? Is it strength or weakness? based on the play The Thunderstorm (A. N. Ostrovsky)

summary other presentations

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“Ostrovsky “Dowry”” - A.N. Ostrovsky Drama "Dowry". Characters. Paratov Sergey Sergeevich. Usually the names of Ostrovsky's plays are sayings, proverbs. Creative ideas of A.N. Ostrovsky. Analysis of the drama "Dowry". What do we learn about Paratov. Purpose of the lesson. At first glance, the first two phenomena are exposure. Discussion of the image of L.I. Ogudalova. Karandyshev. Symbolic meaning first and last names.

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“Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm”” - Could Katerina find happiness in the family? Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna is a typical representative of the “dark kingdom”. What is your idea of ​​the Wild? The meaning of the name of the drama "The Thunderstorm". Read expressively Katerina’s monologue in the repentance scene. Under what conditions? Did Katerina have any other way out other than death? Boris is an abbreviation of the name Borislav, from Bulgarian: struggle, from Slavic: words. "The tyrants of Russian life."

Equipment: portrait of a. n. Ostrovsky; illustrations for drama; fragments from a film or performance; drama texts; epigraph on the board.

There is a grave under the tree... how nice... ah. n. Ostrovsky. Katerina

Above me, so that it is forever green,

The dark oak bowed and made noise.

M. Yu. Lermontov


I. Organizational moment

1. teacher's greeting

2. Recording the date, topic of the lesson, epigraph in a notebook

II. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson. Motivation for learning activities

1. Questions on the perception of the content of the drama

♦ How did reading “The Thunderstorm” make you feel?

♦ Did you expect such an ending?

2. reference to the epigraphs of the lesson

♦ Why are such epigraphs taken for today’s lesson? How do they relate to the topic?

♦ What unites them in the worldview of the heroine of the drama “The Thunderstorm” and the poet Lermontov? What does this mean? (About the rejection of the “earthly” world; in Ostrovsky’s heroine - “ dark kingdom"; about the understanding of death as deliverance, liberation from it)

III. Checking homework

1. Expressive recitation of Kuligin’s monologue by heart

2. Expressive recitation of Katerina’s monologue by heart

IV. Problem-based research conversation on the topic of the lesson

♦ What character traits of Katerina appear in the very first remarks? (Inability to be a hypocrite, lie, directness, inability to adapt and submit)

♦ Where did these traits come from in the heroine? Why does the author only talk about Katerina in such detail? How was Katerina raised? What atmosphere surrounded her in childhood and surrounds her in her husband’s family? Let's fill out the table.

Traits of Katerina: love of freedom (the image of a bird); independence; self-esteem; dreaminess and poetry (story about visiting church, about dreams); religiosity; determination (story about the act with the boat) Principles of the Kabanov house: complete submission; renunciation of one's will; humiliation by reproaches and suspicions; lack of spiritual principles; religious hypocrisy

For Katerina, the main thing is to live according to her soul. For Kabanikha, the main thing is to subjugate, not let her live in her own way.

Š What is Katerina’s protest? Can we call her love for Boris a protest? (The question is controversial. It is possible if we consider that love is the desire to live according to the laws of our soul. It is impossible if we consider that Katerina acts contrary to her moral standards.)

Š What is the complexity of the heroine’s internal state? (Love for Boris is: free choice, dictated by the heart; deception, which puts Katerina on a par with Varvara; refusal of love is submission to the world of Kabanikha. Love-choice dooms Katerina to torment.)

Š Why is Katerina afraid of the approaching thunderstorm? What symbolic meaning does this natural phenomenon receive in the play, helping to realize the author’s intention?

Š How are the heroine’s torment, struggle with herself and her strength shown in the scene with the key and the scenes of the meeting and farewell with Boris? Analyze vocabulary, sentence construction, folklore elements, connections with folk song. (Scene with the key: “What am I saying, that I’m deceiving myself? I should even die to see him.” Date scene: “Let everyone know, let everyone see what I’m doing! If I wasn’t afraid of sin for you “Will I be afraid of human judgment?” The farewell scene: “My friend! Goodbye!” All three scenes show the heroine’s determination: she decided on love at the behest of her heart, she admitted her betrayal at the behest of her heart. inner feeling freedom (a lie is always lack of freedom), came to say goodbye to Boris not only because of a feeling of love, but also because of a feeling of guilt: he suffered because of her. She rushed to the Volga at the request of her free nature.)

Š Ostrovsky wrote: “Katerina is a woman with passionate nature And strong character. She proved this with her love for Boris and suicide. Katerina, although overwhelmed by her environment, at the first opportunity gives herself over to her passion, saying before this: “Come what may, I will see Boris!” ...Katerina’s situation became hopeless. You can't live in your husband's house. ...Katerina came to the conviction that it was impossible to live as she had lived before, and, having a strong will, she drowned herself...” Do you accept the author’s interpretation of the heroine’s character in everything? Can it be called tragic heroine?

Š Prove that Katerina’s death is a protest. (Katerina’s death is a protest, a rebellion, a call to action, which is heard by other heroes: Varvara ran away from home, Tikhon accused his mother of his wife’s death, Kuligin reproached him for being unmerciful.)

Š Will the city of Kalinov be able to live as before?

V. General conversation based on literary observation

Literary observation

Teacher. Compare Katerina’s monologue (act V, scene 4) and an excerpt from M. Lermontov’s poem “I go out alone onto the road...”. find common features: thoughts, vocabulary, rhythm, etc. what’s the difference?

Katerina's monologue

But not that cold sleep of the grave... I would like to sleep like this forever, So that the strength of life would slumber in my chest, So that, breathing, my chest would quietly heave; So that all night, all day, my hearing

Cherishing, A sweet voice sang to me about love, above me, so that the ever green dark oak would bend and rustle It’s better in the grave... There’s a grave under the tree... How nice!.. The sun warms it, wets it with rain... in the spring the grass will grow on it, so soft ... the birds will fly to the tree, they will sing, they will bring out the children, the flowers will bloom: yellow, red, blue... all sorts (thinks), all sorts... so quiet! so good! I feel better! but you don’t even want to think about life, if you try to write down Katerina’s monologue in poetic lines, what will happen? (Something similar to a folk lyrical song)

Is this an accident? What does Ostrovsky express in this way? (People's understanding of death as liberation from suffering, as reconciliation with oneself.)

VI. Summing up the lesson

VII. Homework

1) group of “critics”:

Talk about Mr.'s views. A. Dobrolyubov on the drama “The Thunderstorm” based on the quote from his article “a ray of light in the dark kingdom”;

Talk about the views of a. Grigoriev on the drama “The Thunderstorm” based on the plan for his article “After Ostrovsky’s “The Thunderstorm””;

Talk about D. Pisarev’s views on the drama “The Thunderstorm” based on the plan for his article “Motives of Russian Drama”.

2) to a group of “theater experts”: prepare a report about the stage

Czech history "Thunderstorms".

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky is a great Russian playwright, author of many plays describing Russian life. “The Thunderstorm” is, without a doubt, the pinnacle of his work, where he posed the most pressing issue of his era - the liberation of women from family slavery, her emancipation. The creation of “The Thunderstorm” has long been associated with Ostrovsky’s impressions from his stay in Kostroma, where tragic events played out in November 1859, which largely coincide with the plot of the drama. Young woman from merchant family committed suicide by throwing herself into the Volga. She did not want to put up with the willfulness of her domineering and unfriendly mother-in-law. The story of her secret love surprisingly coincided with the circumstances of Katerina’s life, and the main character traits of her husband with the image of Tikhon. The drama "The Thunderstorm" is based on reliable facts.

Ostrovsky pays main attention to the images of Marfa Ignatieva Kabanova and her daughter-in-law Katerina. Two opposite characters. The boar tyrannizes her loved ones, she “eats with food,” “sharpenes iron like rusting,” suppressing thought, a living being, the desire for will, affirming fear and obedience. A hypocritical, cunning and evil prude, she gives favors to the poor, surrounds herself with flattering strangers, speaks of love for children and at the same time makes their life unbearable.

Ostrovsky reveals with particular depth the image of Katerina - a beautiful Russian woman, whose character combines poetry, spontaneity and tenderness with great will and the ability to resolutely rebel against oppression and lawlessness. Passionate and freedom-loving Katerina could not come to terms with gross arbitrariness, could not be content with the life that those around her led. “I don’t want to live here, I won’t, even if you cut me!” she says to Varvara. Her stories about her former life and dreams reflect her integral, poetic nature, her desire for freedom, love, and happiness. She cannot lie and adapt like Varvara; and at the same time, the strength of her feelings is such that she is ready to neglect social customs and religious concepts and run away with Boris. In the image of Katerina, Ostrovsky created an original, integral Russian character, which, according to Dobrolyubov, “will withstand itself, despite any obstacles, and when there is not enough strength, it will die, but will not change itself.”

Katerina does not find support in anyone or anywhere. An avalanche of troubles has befallen her, and the conflict becomes insoluble. Katerina is such a conscientious person that she cannot live in a lie, with sin in her soul. She does not accept the combination of love and lies. An internal conflict torments her soul even before committing suicide. Until the last minute, Katerina carried with her an ardent faith in love and hope for compassion. “My friend! My joy! Goodbye!” - her last words, emphasizing the tragic heights of the heroine’s spirit, making her the ideal of a Russian woman.

Katerina's protest in the drama "The Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky

And he sits, sculpted by the sculptor Andreev, at the entrance to the Maly Theater, and reminds us of the past, of the dark, funny and scary world its many heroes: the Glumovs, Bolshovs, Podkhalyuzins, Dikikhs and Kabanikhs.

Image of the world of Moscow and provincial merchants, with light hand Dobrolyubov named " dark kingdom", it became main theme Ostrovsky's creativity.

The drama "The Thunderstorm", published in 1860, is no exception.

The plot of the play is simple and typical for that environment and era: a young married woman Katerina Kabanova, not finding a response to her feelings in her husband, fell in love with another person. Tormented by remorse and not wanting to accept the morality of the “dark kingdom” (“Do what you want, as long as everything is covered and covered”), she confesses her action publicly in the church. After this confession, her life becomes so unbearable that she commits suicide.

The image of Katerina is the most in a bright way in Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm". Dobrolyubov, analyzing in detail the image of Katerina, called her “a ray of light in a dark kingdom.”

Katerina’s life in her parents’ home was good and carefree.

Here she felt “free.” Katerina lived easily, carefree, joyfully. She loved her garden very much, in which she so often walked and admired the flowers.

Later telling Varvara about his life in home, she says: “I lived, didn’t worry about anything, like a bird in the wild. Mama doted on me, dressed me up like a doll, didn’t force me to work, whatever I wanted, I used to do it.” Katerina differs from all representatives of the “dark kingdom” in the depth of her feelings, honesty, truthfulness, courage, and determination.

Growing up in a good family, she retained all the wonderful traits of the Russian character. This is a pure, sincere, ardent nature, an open soul that does not know how to deceive. “I don’t know how to deceive; I can’t hide anything,” she says to Varvara, who claims that everything in their house rests on deception. This same Varvara calls our heroine some kind of “sophisticated”, “wonderful”. Katerina is a strong, decisive, strong-willed person. Since childhood, she was capable of bold actions.

Telling Varvara about herself and emphasizing her hot nature, she says: “I was born so hot!”

Katerina loved nature, its beauty, and Russian songs. Therefore, her speech - emotional, enthusiastic, musical, melodious - is imbued with high poetry and sometimes reminds us folk song. Growing up in her home, our heroine accepted all the age-old traditions of her family: obedience to elders, religiosity, submission to customs. Katerina, who did not study anywhere, loved to listen to the stories of wanderers and praying mantises and perceived all their religious prejudices, which poisoned her young life, forcing Katerina to perceive love for Boris as a terrible sin, from which she tries and cannot escape.

Having found herself in a new family, where everything is under the rule of the cruel, harsh, rude, despotic Kabanikha, Katerina does not find a sympathetic attitude towards herself.

Dreamy, honest, sincere, friendly to people, Katerina takes the oppressive atmosphere of this house especially hard.

Gradually, life in Kabanikha’s house, which constantly insults Katerina’s human dignity, becomes unbearable for the young woman. A mute protest against the “dark kingdom”, which did not give her happiness, freedom and independence, begins to arise in her soul. This process develops... Katerina commits suicide. Thus, she proved that she was right, a moral victory over the “dark kingdom.” Dobrolyubov in his article, assessing the image of Katerina, wrote: “This is the true strength of character, which in any case you can rely on! This is the height to which our folk life in its development!" The fact that Katerina's act was typical for her time is confirmed by the fact that in Kostroma a similar incident occurred in the Klykov family of merchants. And for a long time after that, the actors playing the main roles in the play wore make-up so that they one could see the resemblance to the Klykovs.


To prepare this work, materials were used from the site http://sochinenia1.narod.ru/