How the image of friske changed. Bright moments from the life of Zhanna Friske. Shepelev about the death of his wife

Let's remember how the star's image has changed over the past twenty years.

Zhanna Friske as part of the group "Brilliant" in 1996

Zhanna Friske was invited to the group "Brilliant" in 1995 as artistic director. The producers of the group, Andrei Shlykov and Andrei Grozny, invited the 21-year-old student to help select outfits and choreograph numbers for the group members. However, they soon noticed the charisma of the young artist and invited her to become the fourth member of the “shiny girls”.

At the beginning of her career, the pop star appeared before the audience in the image of a fatal brunette and immediately fell in love with them for her mischievous character, bright appearance and undeniable talent. Blue eyes, blinding smile, head of hair thick hair and string eyebrows - Zhanna Friske always followed fashion trends. It was with these appearance features that the girl won the hearts of her first fans.

Video for the song "Clouds" 1997

Zhanna Friske in the video "Ciao, bangbina!" 1998

In 1998, in the video of the song “Ciao, bambina!” the singer appears in a new role, inspired by 1960s Hollywood. Zhanna Friske surprises fans with a short, wave-styled hairstyle and a revealing transparent dress in the style of Marlene Dietrich. A brave deed was acquitted: fatal image half-naked Zhanna Friske captured the minds of millions of men.

Still from the video "And I kept flying" 2002

In 2002-2003, “Brilliant” released three hits in a row: “For Four Seas”, “And I Still Flew” and “Orange Song”. In new videos, Zhanna still prefers revealing necklines and extreme minis, but tight-fitting dresses are gradually fading into the background. Elegant trouser suits, various styles of skirts and stylish tops appear in the celebrity's stage wardrobe.

Filming of the video "Orange Song" 2003

Having felt the taste of real fame, the 29-year-old singer decides to set off on a free voyage. The artist leaves Blestyashchie and begins a solo career. At this moment, Zhanna Friske’s style also changes: bright dresses and short skirts occupy the far corners of her wardrobe, they are replaced by classic suits and corsets. In addition, the singer, who recently let her hair grow, decides to get a shorter haircut. At this stage of her career, Zhanna tries herself as an actress, playing the demonic role of the witch Alisa Donnikova in Timur Bekmambetov’s films “Day Watch” and “Night Watch”.

In June 2015, the public was shocked by the news of the death of the bright star of Russian show business, Zhanna Friske. Of course, many understood that the terrible disease left no chance for the singer, but people still had hope. It was difficult not to hope, given that Zhanna miraculously managed to win two whole years from death, instead of the couple of months predicted by the doctors.

But people who knew Friske closely were convinced that this was really happening to strong people, which is what the artist was. The support of loved ones and relatives played a big role. And the death of Zhanna Friske and her latest photos before his death they shocked everyone.

After Zhanna’s death, on social networks and in interviews with major publications, many stars decided to talk about what a bright and hopeful person Zhanna was. First of all, after the tragedy, her close friends responded, among them Lolita, who admitted that Zhanna dreamed of a second child. Glucose, who could not believe that Zhanna was no more, also expressed her condolences.

Not without comments former members group "Brilliant", Zhanna's stage colleagues. Yulia Kovalchuk admitted that she would miss Zhanna and, as Yulia is convinced, she would not want to see how sad everyone is. Of course, it could not have happened without the support of Olga Orlova, Zhanna’s friend, who dedicated to a loved one a lot of time spending last days the artists are nearby. According to media reports, Olga was with the singer and her family in her apartment on the day Zhanna died. The news about Zhanna Friske, her illness and her last photos before her death spread all over the Internet.

The artist’s common-law husband was in Bulgaria at the moment when Zhanna died. People did not condemn him. The decision to go to Bulgaria with the son of Dmitry and Zhanna Platon was made by the singer’s relatives at a family council. The boy was two years old at that time, of course, the death of his mother and the fuss that arose because of the journalists would have been a big blow for the child.

To preserve the baby’s psyche, the father took him away from Moscow. By that time, Zhanna was already in a coma long time. To blame Dmitry for being far away on the day of his wife’s death is naturally stupid.

One only has to think about how hard it was for Jeanne’s family and friends, including her lover. Not everyone can watch the life of a loved one fade away. Shepelev himself, in an interview with a major publication, admitted that from the moment Zhanna was diagnosed, he and his wife did not make plans for the future, did not start talking about the upcoming summer, about vacations and recreation and travel. We talked about the present moment, lived as if there was no tomorrow.

Shepelev admitted that the entire time of Friske’s illness was stressful for her relatives; they had a huge responsibility. All the time I had to make decisions that influenced Zhanna’s life, putting her fate and future on the line. In particular, Dmitry said that he was always looking for ways to treat his wife. The artist’s husband corresponded, traveled around the world, met with the best doctors world, consulted with professionals to save a loved one. There were people who raised the issue that the Friske family chose a clinic for Zhanna in America and not in Russia. But not everyone understands that the choice was not between two countries, but between faith in something or someone.

But the hospital in America was not the only institution where treatment took place. There were several medical institutions, and they were located in different countries.

Western clinics helped in many ways to stop the development of the disease and its impact on the woman’s life, but they failed to cure Friske. The story of Zhanna Friske and the last photographs before her death came as a shock to the public.

When Zhanna was not receiving treatment, she was able to spend time with her family. Shepelev shared the news with the artist’s fans that their family was having a great time, swimming, enjoying delicious food, and walking together. The fact that the couple and their son could simply hold hands was a huge victory and a step forward, not back.

Shepelev about the death of his wife

After Zhanna’s death, Dmitry decided to write a message of gratitude to Friske’s fans and those who care. Support strangers was noticeable all the time. He admitted to the men that for them happiness was that feeling that loved silence. And after Friske’s death, the woman remains pure and the most unforgettable happiness that was in his life.

Dmitry thanked everyone who helped the Friske family raise money for treatment, donated money, prayed for the singer’s health, and wished her strength and happiness. The man is convinced that the support played a huge role in the fact that Zhanna managed to live for two years from the moment of diagnosis, which the doctors could not believe. Naturally, two years is a long time for a terrible disease, but at the same time so little for the people who loved Jeanne. Zhanna Friske and her last concerts and the photographs before her death were remembered more by her fans.

Zhanna became a ray of light and an example of a real star, unspoiled by fame and money. And this happened no longer as part of the Belstishchie group, which brought Friska popularity. Of course, it is useless to deny the fact that in the group Zhanna was a bright and talented singer, loved by many. But the real Zhanna revealed herself after the release of the show “The Last Hero.”

An extreme program about survival in the wild with a lot of challenges revealed a different side to Friske for her fans and fans of the show. People did not think that behind the stage image of the “brilliant” one was hiding a strong and bright character and willpower. This is how people around her remembered her. Finding out that Friska passed away was difficult not only for fans of her work, but for everyone who saw a real and positive person in the woman. Everyone was concerned.

It's hard to imagine what the woman had to go through when she finally met true love, for 38 years I have learned the happiness of motherhood. Everyone tried to help raise money for the treatment of the star.

Channel One decided to organize a marathon, a charity event, and managed to raise 67 million rubles. The amount was enough for Zhanna’s treatment in New York.

The remaining money was used to help sick children from low-income families. Dmitry and Zhanna created their own charitable foundation, his work continues in our time.

Dmitry said that he was not going to close the fund and would develop it for the sake of people in need of help and salvation. At the end of the marathon from “First”, Zhanna also addressed the people, thanking the people who showed mercy. “Calm. Hope,” the artist wrote. Zhanna Friske, her last words and photographs before death will forever remain in people's memory.

Jeanne's last love

Friska's popularity came after the success of the group "Brilliant", which appeared towards the end of the 90s. The press did not miss the opportunity to write articles and hot news about the personal lives of the members of the girl group. While many people wrote that girls look for boyfriends based on the size of their wallet, Zhanna was singled out as a woman who chooses boyfriends based on their appearance.

The tabloids wrote about Friske's romances with Kakha Kaladze, a famous hockey player, desirable and eligible bachelor Alexander Ovechkin, as well as Vitaly Novikov. News about new fans and the woman’s likings did not leave the front pages of publications.

But the news was not the most pleasant. Almost every romance ended in separation and quarrels. Zhanna's fans were waiting for the news that the artist was getting married and was going to become a mother. We had to wait until 2011 for such news. The year became a turning point for Friske; Zhanna met her betrothed Dmitry Shepelev.

Zhanna, in her own words, did not lose hope of meeting the man destined for fate. At concerts, Friske told her stage colleagues that she sincerely believed in the existence of the prince. Not all people are lucky enough to meet their destiny in their youth.

Jeanne’s parents were lucky enough to meet each other in their youth and their marriage became an example for the artist, although her father did not have the simplest character, as the woman joked. Zhanna had to make a lot of mistakes and go through various difficult moments in her personal life before meeting true love. Zhanna Friske remains in the memory of millions as an attractive and smiling woman, despite the last photographs before her death that amazed fans and admirers.

Dmitry had a hard time, journalists asked annoying stupid questions: “How did Dmitry, young and successful, decide to choose a woman who is eight years older than him.” Shepelev advised “well-wishers” to mind their own business and keep their advice to themselves. For Dmitry, Zhanna became the only one. The man refused to believe in the age difference, only in real feelings.


Zhanna's fans were endlessly happy to learn that the woman had finally become a mother. At the age of 38, she gave birth to a boy, who was named Plato. The artist was about to leave her singing career and devote all her time and energy to her family. Unfortunately, everything did not work out the way Friska wanted.

After giving birth, Zhanna’s health worsened, but the singer blamed her weakness on fatigue, a busy schedule, and postpartum syndrome. Only later did it become clear that the cause was a terrible disease.

Shepelev, during Zhanna’s treatment, told reporters about how strong his wife turned out to be. The TV presenter admitted that he had never met such women, and it is difficult to find such strength and character among men. At a time when the artist should have been worried and in despair, accepting the support of loved ones, Zhanna was completely calm and with this calmness she helped her family and friends, her loved one. Shepelev called his wife a woman of harmony. Although he is sure that deep down Friska had a hard time mentally. It’s hard to come to terms with the fact that she has no future, she won’t be able to be with her son as he grows up.

Her old friend, journalist Otar Kushanashvili, also wrote about the strength of this bright woman. The man was convinced that in a situation in which there was no longer any point in fighting death, life could only be maintained through willpower, love of life and a thirst to be close to loved ones. When Otar saw the son of Dmitry and Zhanna, he had no questions left. Everything became clear where the woman got the strength and courage to resist the terrible disease.

Much to the regret of many, in order to live even longer or to be miraculously healed, even a sensitive and loving woman, as Jeanne was not enough. Human strength and energy are not limitless. Zhanna was able to live longer than anyone could have imagined, and this is already a huge victory, happiness for the Friske family, her son, who managed to feel mother's love and care. About how bright and strong woman there was Zhanna Friske, everyone remembers, not taking into account the illness and the last photographs before the death of the magnificent singer.

She left a bright mark on herself in the history of domestic show business. For 19 years creative career Zhanna managed to perform as part of musical group, start a solo performance, try her hand at a reality show, and also managed to become a successful actress and TV presenter. During all this time, along with Zhanna, her image changed, and this post will help us remember each of them.

Zhanna Friske as part of the group "Brilliant" in 1996

Zhanna Friske was invited to the “Brilliant” group in 1995 as artistic director. The producers of the group, Andrei Shlykov and Andrei Grozny, invited the 21-year-old student to help select outfits and choreograph numbers for the group members. However, they soon noticed the charisma of the young artist and invited her to become the fourth member of the “shiny girls”.

Zhanna Friske in 1996

At the beginning of her career, the pop star appeared before the audience in the image of a fatal brunette and immediately fell in love with them for her mischievous character, bright appearance and undeniable talent. Blue eyes, a blinding smile, a mop of thick hair and string eyebrows - Zhanna Friske always followed fashion trends. It was with these appearance features that the girl won the hearts of her first fans.

Video for the song "Clouds" 1997

Zhanna Friske in the video "Ciao, bangbina!" 1998

In 1998, in the video of the song “Ciao, bambina!” the singer appears in a new role, inspired by 1960s Hollywood. Zhanna Friske surprises fans with a short, wave-styled hairstyle and a revealing transparent dress in the style of Marlene Dietrich. The bold act was justified: the fatal image of the half-naked Zhanna Friske captured the minds of millions of men.

Still from the video "And I kept flying" 2002

In 2002-2003, “Brilliant” released three hits in a row: “For Four Seas”, “And I Still Flew” and “Orange Song”. In new videos, Zhanna still prefers revealing necklines and extreme minis, but tight-fitting dresses are gradually fading into the background. Elegant trouser suits, various styles of skirts and stylish tops appear in the celebrity's stage wardrobe.

Filming of the video "Orange Song" 2003

Friske as Alisa Donnikova 2004

Having felt the taste of real fame, the 29-year-old singer decides to set off on a free voyage. The artist leaves Blestyashchie and begins a solo career. At this moment, Zhanna Friske’s style also changes: bright dresses and short skirts occupy the far corners of her wardrobe, they are replaced by classic suits and corsets. In addition, the singer, who recently let her hair grow, decides to get a shorter haircut. At this stage of her career, Zhanna tries herself as an actress, playing the demonic role of the witch Alisa Donnikova in Timur Bekmambetov’s films “Day Watch” and “Night Watch”.

Photo session for the video "La-la-la" 2004

In 2004, the pop diva released her first solo single. The song “La-la-la” instantly rose to the top spot on the charts. Zhanna Friske was no longer talked about as an “ex-brilliant”, but as a full-fledged artist. By the way, it was the video for this memorable song that became her calling card. solo career. Many critics then compared the image of Jeanne with the image of the Australian singer Kylie Minogue. 30-year-old Friske changed her hair color: she dyed it light brown, which gave her more freshness. The bob, styled with light springy curls, also reminded many of the popular Australian woman.

Photo session for the video "Somewhere in the Summer" 2005

Still from the video "Malinka" 2006

In 2006, he lets his hair grow below his shoulders. Now the singer has much more opportunities to experiment with her appearance. She appears in music videos, TV programs and parties either with an evening hairstyle or with loose curls.


In 2008, a European touch appears in the image of Zhanna Friske. At this time, the artist looks less provocative, but does not lose her sexuality. She cuts her hair just below her shoulders and adds golden blonde and hot copper highlights to her dark chestnut palette. The star's makeup becomes more restrained: pink-peach shade of lips and eyes neatly lined with coal-black pencil become constant components of her makeup. By the way, Zhanna Friske’s main accessory is still her open, snow-white smile.

Photo session for the video "Zhanna Friske" 2008

Zhanna Friske and Tanya Tereshina at a photo shoot for the video "Western" 2009


In 2010, the pop singer conquered the red carpet in mini dresses that allowed her legs to be exposed and emphasized her décolleté. At some point, the artist takes part in a photo shoot without makeup, and even without a layer of makeup confirms her title as one of the most beautiful women Russia.

Zhanna Friske in the film "What Men Talk About" 2010

Still from the film "Who Am I?" 2010

year 2013

Zhanna began to dress more modestly, now provocative dresses are no longer hers business card: she prefers classic jackets, airy blouses and long skirts. At social events she appears accompanied by her common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev, and in April 2013 the couple had a son, Platon.

year 2013

The late singer and actress Zhanna Friske left a bright mark on herself in the history of domestic show business. Over the 19 years of her creative career, Zhanna managed to perform as part of a musical group, start a solo performance, try her hand at a reality show, and also managed to become a successful actress and TV presenter. During all this time, along with Zhanna, her image changed, and this post will help us remember each of them.

Zhanna Friske as part of the group "Brilliant" in 1996

Zhanna Friske was invited to the “Brilliant” group in 1995 as artistic director. The producers of the group, Andrei Shlykov and Andrei Grozny, invited the 21-year-old student to help select outfits and choreograph numbers for the group members. However, they soon noticed the charisma of the young artist and invited her to become the fourth member of the “shiny girls”.

Zhanna Friske in 1996

At the beginning of her career, the pop star appeared before the audience in the image of a fatal brunette and immediately fell in love with them for her mischievous character, bright appearance and undeniable talent. Blue eyes, a blinding smile, a mop of thick hair and string eyebrows - Zhanna Friske always followed fashion trends. It was with these appearance features that the girl won the hearts of her first fans.

Video for the song "Clouds" 1997

Zhanna Friske in the video "Ciao, bangbina!" 1998

In 1998, in the video of the song “Ciao, bambina!” the singer appears in a new role, inspired by 1960s Hollywood. Zhanna Friske surprises fans with a short, wave-styled hairstyle and a revealing transparent dress in the style of Marlene Dietrich. The bold act was justified: the fatal image of the half-naked Zhanna Friske captured the minds of millions of men.

Still from the video "And I kept flying" 2002

In 2002-2003, “Brilliant” released three hits in a row: “For Four Seas”, “And I Still Flew” and “Orange Song”. In new videos, Zhanna still prefers revealing necklines and extreme minis, but tight-fitting dresses are gradually fading into the background. Elegant trouser suits, various styles of skirts and stylish tops appear in the celebrity's stage wardrobe.

Filming of the video "Orange Song" 2003

Friske gave birth to Alisa Donnikova in 2004

Having felt the taste of real fame, the 29-year-old singer decides to set off on a free voyage. The artist leaves Blestyashchie and begins a solo career. At this moment, Zhanna Friske’s style also changes: bright dresses and short skirts occupy the far corners of her wardrobe, they are replaced by classic suits and corsets. In addition, the singer, who recently let her hair grow, decides to get a shorter haircut. At this stage of her career, Zhanna tries herself as an actress, playing the demonic role of the witch Alisa Donnikova in Timur Bekmambetov’s films “Day Watch” and “Night Watch”.

Photo session for the video "La-la-la" 2004

In 2004, the pop diva released her first solo single. The song “La-la-la” instantly rose to the top spot on the charts. Zhanna Friske was no longer talked about as an “ex-brilliant”, but as a full-fledged artist. By the way, it was the video for this memorable song that became the hallmark of her solo career. Many critics then compared the image of Jeanne with the image of the Australian singer Kylie Minogue. 30-year-old Friske changed her hair color: she dyed it light brown, which gave her more freshness. The bob, styled with light springy curls, also reminded many of the popular Australian woman.

Photo session for the video "Somewhere in the Summer" 2005

Still from the video "Malinka" 2006

In 2006, Zhanna Friske let her hair grow below her shoulders. Now the singer has much more opportunities to experiment with her appearance. She appears in music videos, TV programs and parties either with an evening hairstyle or with loose curls.

In 2008, a European touch appears in the image of Zhanna Friske. At this time, the artist looks less provocative, but does not lose her sexuality. She cuts her hair just below her shoulders and adds golden blonde and hot copper highlights to her dark chestnut palette. The star's makeup becomes more restrained: pink-peach shade of lips and eyes neatly lined with coal-black pencil become constant components of her makeup. By the way, Zhanna Friske’s main accessory is still her open, snow-white smile.

Photo session for the video "Zhanna Friske" 2008

Zhanna Friske and Tanya Tereshina at a photo shoot for the video "Western" 2009

In 2010, the pop singer conquered the red carpet in mini dresses that allowed her legs to be exposed and emphasized her décolleté. At some point, the artist takes part in a photo shoot without makeup, and even without a layer of makeup confirms her title as one of the most beautiful women in Russia.

Zhanna Friske in the film "What Men Talk About" 2010

Still from the film "Who Am I?" 2010

Zhanna began to dress more modestly; now provocative dresses are no longer her calling card: she prefers classic jackets, airy blouses and long skirts. At social events she appears accompanied by her common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev, and in April 2013 the couple had a son, Platon.

year 2013

“Infinitely kind, sincere and bright man“- this is how everyone who knew her or communicated with her at least once speaks about Zhanna Friske without exception. The singer died after a long battle with cancer - she had brain cancer. The memory of her lives in the hearts of family, friends, colleagues, fans.

Zhanna's fan club continues to grow. Users add to social media unique photographs from our own personal archives, which have never been published anywhere before. These photographs are the only thing they now have left as a memory of their beloved star.

Even more valuable for everyone who loved Zhanna were the photographs published by her loved ones: Olga Orlova, Ekaterina Tsvetova, Oksana Stepanova. Perhaps only they could remember Friske like this. Tender, vulnerable, tired at times, but so dear. Now, thanks to the star’s friends, her fans can recognize the real Zhanna Friske. "StarHit" has collected unique archival photos the departed singer through the eyes of her family.

In December 2016, the artist’s family erected a monument at her grave at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. “The face is the most difficult. They sculpted from the photos that Natasha sent. We have prepared four options. One was attached to the body, the rest were placed on stands. The clay sculpture is made to Zhanna’s natural height - 165 centimeters, plus five centimeters - the height of the heels,” said the creator of the figure, Levon Manukyan.

For four years, Zhanna Friske’s parents have not been able to resolve the issue of visits with their grandson Plato. The boy lives with his father, Dmitry Shepelev. Despite the fact that, by court decision, the child can see his grandparents, his dad does not seek to organize regular meetings for them. In addition, as Zhanna Friske’s mother Olga Vladimirovna said, Plato is being set up against them.

“Growing up smart and beautiful. You are very similar to him, just like two peas in a pod, even the intonation and turn of the head are the same. Platosha repeats your gesture during a conversation - he turns his right hand out,” Olga Vladimirovna described her grandson in a letter addressed to her daughter.

Shepelev himself remained silent for a long time. However, in the fall of 2016, the television journalist published the book “Zhanna,” in which he talked about his feelings and tried to show other people that they should not give up, even if someone close to them was diagnosed with cancer.

“In this book I share medical, psychological and sometimes everyday advice. And the second reason why it was written is to preserve the good memory of Jeanne. Don't be silent if trouble happens. Don't equate cancer with the word "death." A terrible diagnosis is not a reason to say goodbye to life, but a reason to fight for life and for your loved ones. This is exactly what I wanted to convey with my book,” said Shepelev.

The TV presenter talks a lot with Plato about his mother and tries to do everything possible to help the boy grow up happy child. In conversations with his son, Dmitry tries to be extremely honest. “I’m not hiding anything from Plato. We talk to him often. “I really want Plato to feel the presence of Jeanne the same way I feel her presence,” Shepelev shared, presenting the book. “I want him to be sure that his mother is nearby and she will not leave him.”