A brave act in a work of art. Commentary on the theme of courage and cowardice. What does false courage mean and who do we usually call a coward?

Cowardice is a human weakness that arises at a crucial moment. A coward is afraid of difficulties, of making decisions on his own, and sometimes even hopes for help from a brave person. Cowardice betrays a person: his eyes widen in fear, his mind turns off from the responsibility that falls on his shoulders. This behavior is formed in the subconscious and is very difficult to control, especially if a coward has already shown himself.

There are many examples in literature about courage, but also many about cowardice. By endowing the characters with such a quality, the author wanted to show how ugly and shameful it is to be a coward, and, most importantly, useless to society.

The main character of the poem “Eugene Onegin” has cowardice in character. He agreed to a duel, although he could have refused, but then society stopped respecting him, and he, as to a socialite, their opinion was important. Just an opinion, not everyone's position. Onegin's cowardice lies in the fact that he did not want to admit his weakness, he wanted to be ideal for everyone, which ended sadly for him.

The novel of centuries and generations “War and Peace” also reflects cowardice. A striking example is the behavior of Zherkov, who was given the order to convey to his colleagues about the retreat from the left front. He was afraid to cross the combat territory, he was afraid that he might die. He was sent there twice, and both times he did not fulfill the general's instructions. The consequences of his cowardice were terrible: many companies did not know what to do and rushed into chaos, thereby being overtaken by the enemy. Because of the cowardice of one person, hundreds, if not thousands, suffered. IN in this example cowardice played an important role; it took the lives of innocent soldiers.

Thus, cowardice in any of its manifestations does not bring good, and sometimes leads to death. A cowardly person is insecure, selfish, unable to overcome his fear, even if the price of his action is different. human life. There is not a single case when cowardice helped a person in life. Maybe the instinct of self-preservation kicks in, but you should never forget about the consequences.

Pretending self-confidence and courage can only be a shell, but inside there is a little coward, afraid of his own shadow, not to mention vital actions. It is better not to have a relationship with such people, because a coward will give himself away and abandon you at the most inopportune moment, when you really need help.

What consequences can cowardice lead to?

Fear... This concept is familiar to each of us. All people tend to be afraid; it is a natural feeling. However, sometimes fear develops into cowardice - mental weakness, inability to take decisive action. This quality can lead to negative consequences: both to moral and physical suffering, even to death.

The theme of cowardice is revealed in many works of art, for example in M.A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita.” The author shows how the wandering philosopher Yeshua Ha-Nozri was brought to the procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate. Pilate understood that the man standing before him was innocent, and would like to free him. Invested with the power to execute and pardon, the procurator could do this, but he sentenced the accused to death. Why did he do this? He was driven by fear, and he himself admitted it: “Do you believe, unfortunate one, that the Roman procurator will release the man who said what you said? Oh gods, gods! Or do you think I’m ready to take your place?” The procurator showed cowardice and condemned an innocent man to death. He could still fix everything in last moment, because one of the criminals sentenced to execution could be released. However, the procurator did not do this either. What were the consequences of cowardice? The result was the execution of Yeshua and eternal torment of conscience for Pontius Pilate. We can come to the conclusion that cowardice can result in tragic consequences both for the person who showed this quality and for other people who become victims of his fear.

Another example in support of this idea can be the story “Sotnikov” by V. Bykov. It talks about two partisans who were captured. One of them, Rybak, shows cowardice - he is so afraid of death that he forgets about his duty as a defender of the Fatherland and thinks only about saving himself at any cost. Cowardice pushes him to terrible actions: he was ready to give away the location of the partisan detachment, agreed to serve in the police and even took part in the execution of his comrade, Sotnikov. The writer shows what consequences this led to: Sotnikov died at the hands of Rybak, and at some point he realized that he no longer had a way back after this act. He signed his own death sentence. It is obvious that cowardice resulted in physical death for a worthy person and moral death for a coward.

In conclusion, we can conclude: cowardice never leads to anything good; on the contrary, it has the most tragic consequences. No wonder through the mouth of his hero Bulgakov said: “Cowardice is undoubtedly one of the most terrible vices.”

Is it possible to overcome cowardice in yourself?

Each of us is familiar with the feeling of fear. And sometimes it becomes an obstacle to our life path, develops into cowardice, mental weakness, paralyzing the will and preventing a peaceful life. Is it possible to overcome this in yourself? negative quality and learn courage? In my opinion, nothing is impossible. The main thing is to take the first step. Moreover, this is possible not only for an adult, but also for a child. To support my thought, I will give several examples.

So, in the story by V.P. Aksenov “Breakfasts of the forty-third year” the author shows little boy, who was terrorized by his older and stronger classmates. They took away from him, and from the entire class, the buns that were given at school, however, not only buns, but also any things they liked. For a long time, the hero meekly and resignedly parted with his things. He lacked the courage to confront his offenders. However, in the end, the hero found the strength to overcome cowardice and fight back against the bullies. And despite the fact that they were physically stronger and, of course, beat him, he was determined not to give up and to continue to defend his breakfasts and, most importantly, his dignity: “Come what may. Let them beat me, I will do it every day.” We can come to the conclusion that a person is able to overcome cowardice in himself and fight what inspires him with fear.

Another example will be the story of Yu. Kazakov “ Quiet morning" Two young heroes went fishing. Suddenly a disaster happened: one of them fell into the river and began to drown. His friend Yashka got scared and, leaving his friend, ran away. He showed cowardice. However, a few moments later he came to his senses, realizing that no one could help Volodya except himself. And then Yashka returned and, overcoming his fear, dived into the water. He managed to save Volodya. We see that even in such an extreme situation a person can overcome cowardice and commit a courageous act.

To summarize what has been said, I would like to urge all people to fight their fears and not allow cowardice to get the better of us. After all, truly brave people are not those who are not afraid of anything, but those who overcome their weakness.

What action can be called courageous?

A brave act... This can be called the most different actions people, whether it's skydiving or climbing Everest. Courage always involves risk and danger. However, in my opinion, the motive of the action is very important: whether a person does something for the sake of his own self-affirmation or for the sake of helping others. From my point of view, a truly courageous act is one committed at the risk of one’s life for the benefit of other people. I will illustrate what has been said with examples.

Thus, V. Bogomolov’s story “The Flight of the Swallow” describes the feat of brave rivermen who transported ammunition from one bank of the Volga to the other under enemy fire. When a mine hit the barge and a fire started, they could not help but understand that the boxes with shells could explode at any second. However, despite mortal danger, they did not rush to save their lives, but began to put out the fire. The ammunition was delivered ashore. The author shows the courage of people who, without thinking about themselves, risked their lives to fulfill their duty. They did it for their homeland, for victory, and therefore for everyone. That is why their action can be called courageous.

Topics for the final essay 2017 - 2018

"Courage and Cowardice." At the core this direction lies a comparison of opposite manifestations of the human “I”: readiness for decisive actions and the desire to hide from danger, to avoid resolving difficult, sometimes extreme life situations.
On the pages of many literary works presents both heroes capable of courageous actions and characters demonstrating weakness of spirit and lack of will.

The problem of courage worries every person. For some, courage is a vital necessity; without this character trait, a person will not be able to work where he wants. For some it is an opportunity to show themselves. But we all have the same need to not get lost in the face of difficulties, of which there are so many in life. modern world. A mother should have remarkable courage when letting her child go to school alone for the first time, thereby teaching him to be independent. There can be no talk of any cowardice when an alarm signal is heard at the fire station and the team needs to move out to cope with the elements. Courage and composure are also necessary for our reader who is preparing himself or preparing children for such close exams.

In literature, the topic of willpower and spirit is covered especially widely. In some works, someone's life depends on courage. Mostly, the authors endow courage goodies, and cowardice - negative, which hints to us what is considered bad and what is good. But cowardice is not an indicator of what kind of person he is. Authors, endowing negative characters such a trait only emphasizes their meanness, baseness of soul, unwillingness to be better. We are all afraid, it’s just that not each of us can overcome this fear within ourselves.

Friends! This sample list topics of the final essay 2017. Read it carefully and try to select an argument and thesis for each topic. Here the direction “Courage and Cowardice” is revealed from all possible sides. You will probably come across other quotes in your essay, but they will still carry the same meaning. And if you work with this list, you will not have any difficulties writing the final essay.

  1. In battle those most exposed to danger are those who are most possessed by fear; courage is like a wall. (Sallust)
  2. Courage replaces fortress walls. (Sallust)
  3. To be brave means to consider everything that is scary as distant and everything that inspires courage as close. (Aristotle)
  4. Heroism is an artificial concept, because courage is relative. (F. Bacon)
  5. Others show courage without having it, but there is no person who would demonstrate wit if he were not naturally witty. (J. Halifax)
  6. Real courage rarely comes without stupidity. (F. Bacon)
  7. Ignorance makes people bold, but reflection makes people indecisive. (Thucydides)
  8. Knowing in advance what you want to do gives you courage and ease. (D. Diderot)
  9. It is not for nothing that courage is considered the highest virtue - after all, courage is the key to other positive qualities. (W. Churchill)
  10. Courage is the resistance to fear, not the absence of it. (M. Twain)
  11. Happy is he who boldly takes under his protection what he loves. (Ovid)
  12. Creativity requires courage. (A. Matisse)
  13. It takes a lot of courage to bring bad news to people. (R. Branson)
  14. The success of science is a matter of time and courage of mind. (Voltaire)
  15. To use your own reason requires remarkable courage. (E. Burke)
  16. Fear can make a daredevil timid, but it gives courage to the indecisive. (O. Balzac)
  17. Courage is the beginning of victory. (Plutarch)
  18. Courage, bordering on recklessness, contains more madness than fortitude. (M. Cervantes)
  19. When you are afraid, act boldly, and you will avoid the worst troubles. (G. Sachs)
  20. To be completely devoid of courage, one must be completely devoid of desires. (Helvetius K.)
  21. It is easier to find people who voluntarily go to death than those who patiently endure pain. (Yu. Caesar)
  22. He who is courageous is brave. (Cicero)
  23. There is no need to confuse courage with arrogance and rudeness: there is nothing more dissimilar both in its source and in its result. (J.J. Rousseau)
  24. Excessive courage is the same vice as excessive timidity. (B. Johnson)
  25. Courage, which is based on prudence, is not called recklessness, but the exploits of a reckless person should rather be attributed to simple luck than to his courage. (M. Cervantes)
  26. The difference between a brave man and a coward is that the first, aware of the danger, does not feel fear, and the second feels fear, not realizing the danger. (V. O. Klyuchevsky)
  27. Cowardice is knowing what you should do and not doing it. (Confucius)
  28. Fear makes the smart stupid and the strong weak. (F. Cooper)
  29. A fearful dog barks more than he bites. (Curtius)
  30. More soldiers always die when fleeing than in battle. (S. Lagerlöf)
  31. Fear is a bad teacher. (Pliny the Younger)
  32. Fear arises due to the powerlessness of the spirit. (B. Spinoza)
  33. Frightened - half defeated. (A.V. Suvorov)
  34. Cowards speak most about courage, and scoundrels speak most about nobility. (A.N. Tolstoy)
  35. Cowardice is inertia that prevents us from asserting our freedom and independence in relationships with others. (I. Fichte)
  36. Cowards die many times before death, the brave die only once. (W. Shakespeare)
  37. To be afraid of love is to be afraid of life, and to be afraid of life is to be two-thirds dead. (Bertrand Russell)
  38. Love doesn't go well with fear. (N. Machiavelli)
  39. You cannot love either the one you fear or the one who fears you. (Cicero)
  40. Courage is like love: it needs to be fueled by hope. (N. Bonaparte)
  41. Perfect love casts out fear, because in fear there is torment; he who fears is not perfect in love. (Apostle John)
  42. A person fears only what he does not know; knowledge conquers all fear. (V. G. Belinsky)
  43. A coward is more dangerous than any other person; he should be feared most of all. (L. Berne)
  44. There is nothing worse than fear itself. (F. Bacon)
  45. Cowardice can never be moral. (M. Gandhi) A coward sends threats only when he is sure of safety. (I. Goethe)
  46. You can never live happily when you are always trembling with fear. (P. Holbach)
  47. Cowardice is very harmful because it keeps the will from useful actions. (R. Descartes)
  48. We consider a coward to be a coward who allows his friend to be insulted in his presence. (D. Diderot)
  49. Cowardice in its prime turns into cruelty. (G. Ibsen)
  50. He who fearfully worries about losing his life will never rejoice in it. (I. Kant)
  51. With courage you can do anything, but not everything can be done. (N. Bonaparte)
  52. It takes great courage to stand up to your enemies, but much more to go against your friends. (J. Rowling, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone")

How to write an essay on the topic “Always telling the truth - courage or stupidity or cowardice”

  • Can lying be necessary? Is it stupid to admit your mistakes?
  • We propose to consider this issue in more detail, because among school essays the theme of truth, courage and cowardice remains relevant today.

Topic “Always tell the truth - courage or stupidity, or cowardice”: arguments for an essay

  • To talk or not to talk? A clear conscience and an avalanche of problems or silence and restless sleep at night? Often such a dilemma haunts and forces you to rethink your own behavior and look for flaws in your words and actions.
  • Is it worth admitting to something that will inevitably lead to trouble? After all, this is stupid: putting spokes in your own wheels. In some situations, the truth spoken by a person is fraught with consequences that will have to be remembered for a long time with an unpleasant heaviness in the soul.
  • But there are brave souls who are able to speak the truth in moments when others would chicken out.
  • Classical literature is rich in similar examples. Reading the work of M.A. Sholokhov’s “The Fate of Man” we are convinced that lies can be used for good purposes.
The main characters of Sholokhov M. A. “The Fate of Man”
  • Main character Andrei Sokolov is left without a family by the time he returns from the front. However, fate does not leave him alone. The man learns about the boy Vanyusha, who also became an orphan during the war.
  • The boy dreams that his father will find him and they will remain together forever. Andrei is thinking over an adoption strategy in which the boy would not be able to find out about the death of his father.
  • Sokolov introduces himself to Vanyushka as his dad, making the orphan happy. It was a difficult time for both, and Sokolov made a decision that radically changed two lives: his own and Vanyushkina’s.
  • After reading the work of Sholokhov M.A. we can conclude that lies are used for good.

But there is another side to such actions: only incredible courage can motivate a person to tell the truth and take responsibility for all the ensuing consequences.

  • In the novel by Dostoevsky F.M. “Crime and Punishment” after committing a double murder, the main character experiences pangs of conscience for a long time. Analyzing every minute what happened, Rodion Raskolnikov comes to the conclusion that he is ready to accept the punishment that follows after admitting his guilt for his actions.
  • Throughout the novel, the main character does not express his feelings, is gloomy and taciturn. He goes so far in his reasoning that he appears to the reader to be heartless and indifferent to what is happening.
  • However, after the confession, one can speak of Rodion as a man who committed a brave act, being ready to answer for the crime.

Student Raskolnikov is gloomy and taciturn
  • Courage and wisdom are manifested in situations when at the right moment there are no doubts and a person, instead of the bitter truth, modifies reality, does not be stupid and does not allow his inner self to influence his own actions, turning out to be a coward in the eyes of others.

What qualities do we give to an intelligent person? Of course, this is an honest person, because we all want to hear only the truth from others. However, few are able to act in accordance with generally accepted moral standards. There are good reasons for this. Let's try to understand them and answer the question: is it worth remaining completely honest with everyone and in any situation? Will this be courage or will others consider the truth stupid?

Video: “Courage and Cowardice” Example of an essay Analysis of topics.

When choosing between a traumatic truth and a pleasant lie, it is worth considering the problem from two sides.

Side one:

  • Courage in this context is something that is associated with enormous responsibility to oneself and others. Telling the truth can be difficult, defending your opinion in any situation is not very easy. But it is courage and a strong inner core that allows a person to remain true to himself and not be afraid to say what he really thinks.
  • The truth sometimes results in dire consequences. In M. Sholokhov’s work “The Fate of a Man,” the main character Andrei Sokolov showed great courage and showed that love for one’s homeland can be strong and sincere. Knowing about his certain death, the main character, while in the camp, refuses to drink with the ruthless German Muller for the victory of Germany.
  • Andrei does not limit himself to refusing the treat, but also finds the courage to express his opinion regarding the outcome of the war, to say that Russia will be the winner in this battle. Opponents appreciated Sokolov's sincerity, realizing his willingness to die for the truth.

Sokolov and Miller: a work by Sholokhov M.A. "The Fate of Man"

Side two:

  • The truth told may be regarded as stupidity. Yes, we don’t want to be deceived and allow situations where others build a different reality around us.
  • But in life there are also such straightforward and tactless people who allow themselves to say whatever they think. For this category of people, it is not particularly important what the interlocutor thinks and feels, whether he likes to hear the truth about himself. Offending, injuring, losing trust - these are the likely consequences of the truth spoken inappropriately!
  • A well-mannered person will not “broadcast” everything he thinks about his interlocutor, since he is not indifferent to other people’s feelings. And the truth may sound like a typical faux pas. There are times when you want to convey to others an unpleasant truth. In this case, it is worth considering whether it would be better to embellish what was said, or to remain silent altogether.
  • Expressing your own opinion about a person in a negative way can not only offend him: the words will leave a wound in the soul, the words can be hard and painful. This happens if they talk about appearance, about the past that a person is trying to hide or forget.

It is not always possible and necessary to tell the truth about others
  • There are many similar examples in the works of writers. One of them is described in the children's fairy tale “Dwarf Nose” by Wilhelm Hauff. The boy offended the ugly-looking old woman so much that she decided to take revenge on him. The main character was turned into a deformed dwarf and forced to adapt to a new life.

Everything has its limits. Honesty is no exception. There are situations in life when the truth is perceived not as courage, but as stupidity.

How to correctly evaluate honesty, and when is it appropriate?

  • When the truth is voiced for the benefit of others, or in defense of one’s principles.
  • If the truth is told not with concern for others, but for some personal reasons, then such honesty is considered stupidity.

The timidity inherent in some also makes life difficult, because you have to constantly agree with what others impose on you. Without courage, it is difficult to say “no” or refuse.

  • As a rule, requests and demands become more and more over time, but a shy person cannot fight back and they begin to openly oppress him. A similar situation, although taken to the point of absurdity, is described in the story of A.P. Chekhov's "The Weasel".
  • main character remains silent even when she is unjustly deprived of the money she has earned. You need to show courage not only in emergency situations. Everyday life also requires us to have the fortitude to stand up for ourselves.

The main character of the story by A.P. Chekhova is unable to stand up for herself

Video: A.P. Chekhov - "The Weasel"

It takes a brave person to admit that you are wrong. But the concept of courage can be replaced by excessive self-confidence, riskiness, bordering on short-sightedness and lack of a rational view of what is happening.

What does false courage mean and who do we usually call a coward?

Irreversible consequences await those whose courage takes the form of excessive self-confidence. We attribute courage exclusively to positive qualities character. However, one can speak in this way only if this quality is associated with intelligence. The danger is the courage of a fool.

The main character of the novel "A Hero of Our Time"
  • An example of false courage is shown in the novel by Lermontov M.Yu. "Hero of our time". From the chapter “Princess Mary” the reader learns about the cadet Grushnitsky, for whom great importance have outward manifestations of courage.
  • Having an effect on people, speaking in florid phrases, being overly concerned about his military uniform - these are the things that bother him in the first place. His displays of courage are rather ostentatious, which are not used in conditions of real threat.
  • Confirmation of this is the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky. Grushnitsky acts meanly by not loading the enemy’s pistol, and finds himself in a difficult situation.
  • Pechorin puts forward an ultimatum: ask for forgiveness or be killed. Grushnitsky is not able to step over his own pride and confess, therefore he is ready to die with false courage. Is courage needed that is of no use to anyone? After all, in life, sometimes it is important to have the courage to admit your mistake.

Video: “Courage and Cowardice.” Final essay No. 14 (arguments)

Courage. What it is? I think that courage is decisiveness in thoughts and actions, the ability to stand up for yourself and for other people who need your help, overcoming all sorts of fears: for example, fear of the dark, of someone else's brute force, of life's obstacles and difficulties. Is it easy to be brave? Not easy. Probably this quality should be cultivated from childhood. Overcoming your fears, moving forward despite difficulties, developing willpower, not being afraid to defend your opinion - all this will help cultivate in yourself such a quality as courage. Synonyms for the word “courage” are “courage”, “determination”, “courage”. The antonym is “cowardice.” Cowardice is one of the human vices. We are afraid of many things in life, but fear and cowardice are not the same thing. I think that out of cowardice comes meanness. A coward will always hide in the shadows, remain on the sidelines, fearing for his own own life, will betray to save himself.

The theme of courage and cowardice is also reflected in fiction, in particular in the works of the Russian writer Maxim Gorky.

“We sing glory to the madness of the brave!” - wrote M. Gorky in his “Song about the Falcon”. This work is a hymn to courage and courage. In a battle with enemies, Falcon received his mortal wounds and is bleeding. Already, for whom the main thing is that it is “warm and damp”, does not understand what heaven, battle, real life, not a miserable existence. And Falcon, even in the last minutes of his life, thinks not about pain and wounds, but about a bold flight in the sky, about the battle with the enemy. Courage lives in Gorky's hero. The falcon does not want to die, lying on the rocks, bleeding. On the advice of the snake, he approaches the edge of the cliff and rushes down, making his last flight. “The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life!” - exclaims the author. Without people like Falcon, life would be dull and joyless.

In M. Gorky's story “The Old Woman Izergil” there is a legend about Danko. The image of his burning heart has long become a symbol of love for people, readiness to give his life for them. Danko's courage is manifested in the fact that he was not afraid to take responsibility for the lives of other people who had a choice: either die or go through a dense forest to save themselves. Danko stood at the head of these people. The path was difficult, many died in the forest. And when they lost faith that they would come out of the thicket, the brave Danko illuminated the path for them with his heart and led the people to freedom. But the writer is not only talking about courage. He talks about Danko's compatriots who were afraid to die so as not to lose their traditions. I think they were simply cowardly, afraid of their enemies, and who needs the traditions of cowards. After all, they did not fight for their land, but left, giving it to the enemy. Gorky calls the one who steps on Danko’s heart so that it doesn’t shine a cautious person more people. I would call such a coward. " Cautious man“Fears the brave, because it’s easier to live without them.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this topic essay made me think about what role courage and cowardice play in our lives, how to cultivate the best in ourselves human qualities, become brave and strong, don't be a coward.