A different sound to our daily life. How sounds affect our lives. Swearing is not on the battlefield

Music - meaning in Everyday life person.

Music brings people together and lifts them up emotionally. Music was used for social change and propaganda. This is a bridge that can allow people different cultures, religions, beliefs and races to achieve international understanding. Music allows a person to express himself in a way that other creatures on earth are not capable of. Without music, a person's life would be boring, gray and colorless.

When a person first learned to play musical instruments, compose and sing, he began his long haul from darkness to light. Through the use of music, man began to express the thoughts of his mind and the pains of his conscience. He shared the love, hatred, and desires that filled his heart with the whole world, and even with heaven. People worshiped the gods and thanked them for the bountiful harvest with music and song. They sang and danced for them when there was no rain to help ensure a good harvest. People sang and danced when they were sad and when they were happy, when they celebrated or mourned, for peace or for war.

Music has been a part of people's lives since the beginning of human history. Music has been used in many cultures from ancient to ancient times. later periods stories. The traditions of people that are dear to their hearts often involve the use of music in one form or another. Rites of passage and marriages typically include music as part of cultural and religious traditions.

Music serves people in many ways. It is therapeutic, comforting and calming. The stress we deal with in our daily lives is relieved by people living in an often inhumane world by listening to music. Music calms, uplifts, invigorates dead spirits, and connects us spiritually. We connect with the world, God, and family through the use of music. Battles and wars were stopped with the help of music. We use music to express the aspirations and desires of our hearts as humans and our anger at the injustices that are so common in many societies. Communities, religions and ideologies are linked together through music. It is the only means of communication with other people, since music is understood by everyone and it knows no language or cultural barriers. Music is a language that can be used by people of different races, nationalities, cultures, religions, without fear of being misunderstood.

Music has always been and will always be intertwined with humanity's traditions, beliefs and culture. Humanity has used music as an art form and as a means of creative expression. They abused it as a tool to spread toxic ideologies and beliefs, and negatively influenced moral consciousness people all over the world. Music has been used primarily for the good of humanity. Good purposes like drawing people together, in friendship and celebration are by far the most widely used themes for music in human life.

Millions of sounds attract our attention: thousands are pleasant, bring pleasure, some irritate, infuriate, and evoke melancholy. The human ear can distinguish billions of different types and tones of sounds. All of them (sounds) are capable of working miracles, I’m not afraid of this metaphor, with our memory, perception, consciousness and imagination.

We associate romantic memories with some sounds, be it a song we listened to with a loved one, with some - everyday mediocrity, such as the ringing of a night tram, with others - warm, exciting moments, like ringing laughter in the yard, reminiscent of an irretrievably lost childhood. .

And how nice it is to hear the click of heels leading to front door, a long-awaited and so vital visitor, or the rustle of wrapping paper, promising a definitely pleasant surprise, or the sleepy snoring of the most dear person in the entire universe.

The melancholy whisper of the fallen golden-crimson crown of dormant trees forever connects Pushkin with the sentimental autumn, and the ringing of bells calls to tame pride and forget grievances, no matter how deep they may be, the thunder of the organ does not tolerate objections, which reminds of confusion human soul, about the tragedy of existence, and the sensual drops of summer rain about the short-term nature and fleetingness of love.

Sometimes the same sound evokes completely contradictory feelings and emotions.

For example, the school bell for the first lesson and after each break is perceived by students as at least undeserved punishment and hopelessness, but how joyfully this same bell is perceived at recess and with last lesson. And how touching the sound of a school bell seems in the hands of a first-grader proudly sitting on the shoulder of a high school student. And the memories of your childhood involuntarily emerge - no matter what your school/university everyday life was, the memories of them, for some reason, are always reverent.

Silence also has its own tonality. Especially at night, when you can’t hear cars, people talking or city noise, you suddenly freeze near the lamp and look at the masquerade round dances of snowflakes, or the weird dances of mosquitoes, or the magnetic crackle of a melting candle...

At such moments you understand that happiness exists and it is right here, close, reach out and fly on the wings of harmony and peace on thousands of thousands of sound waves, because the world will not be different, but you can. You can change and fall in love with all this cacaphony, sometimes absurd, sometimes meaningless, but always vital. Yours. Ours. Worldwide.

We conduct each study in live regression method. The project “Beyond the Edge of Truth” at the Vanda Dmitrieva Center for the Study of Regression opens its doors on Saturdays!!!

We received many letters because our previous research touched on the topic of music, and you asked about sounds, what they are and where they come from. We decided to conduct a study that will answer your questions. We'll learn a little more about music.

And perhaps this research will radically change our understanding of what music is and what role it plays in human life.

Anyone who wants to come to an individual session and explore their inner space, follow the link below:

You can sign up for an individual regression session HERE

What decision will you make, do nothing and continue to make mistakes out of the blue, or will you take simple steps to help yourself?

I provide individual consultations on VARIOUS life topics:

  • Family(relationships, parents, children, personal growth, neighbours);
  • Fears and phobias (scary dreams, fear of something or someone);
  • Talents, skills;
  • Personal questions on all different topics;
  • Acquaintance with the world of souls, with a mentor.

Music plays a big role in our lives. Even when we lived primitive people, and when it was impossible to communicate, it was sounds that played a role in human life. So let's get started:

Alyona: The first thing I saw was the sun. The sun is on a very blue background, a ray comes from the sun. I heard the phrase that sound is a ray. He may come from far away, or he may be nearby. We hear it, we even feel it. We even see it sometimes. Involved different ways. It seems that when he approaches us, a person, his aura begins to pour out onto the person. The person begins to merge into the aura, and affects the person in a complex way.

The impact is not only on the ears and eyes, but also on energy centers . The sound can even protect a person by forming a cocoon. Show water. They also show dolphins. Dolphins know how to defend themselves, but this has been passed on to us a little.

And we find ourselves in a cocoon - music, sounds and some information come to us. When we hear pleasant sounds, it forms an atmosphere around us, and we maintain a state of goodness, that which is pleasant, for a long time. The same goes for the opposite. If it is negative, then the cocoon tries to reduce the impact.

Sound therapy from animals

Wanda: Let's go back to the dolphins. We know that we have a connection with dolphins. The sounds that dolphins make - how are they useful? What does the sound of a dolphin mean, what role does it play in a person’s life?

Alyona: Dolphin sounds. When they squeak and when they make a sound as if they are laughing, a fluttering sound - at this time the energy centers of a person connect into a point, forming a figure eight. This point goes in the middle. Human harmonization is underway. There is a restoration of man, of that which is damaged and broken.

They participate in establishing the energy transmission of man, all his energy centers with external environment. The information clearly comes: a person who communicates with dolphins forms a figure eight between his energy centers - the transfer and absorption of energy forms a figure eight. She harmonizes the entire internal space of a person and even heals him.

Wanda: What about animal sounds? Are there sounds or sound ranges of animals that have the same effect on humans, or are only dolphins special?

Alyona: Dolphins have a peculiarity of influencing our energy. There is also a deer - looking at me now. And some fish like in the ocean. And even in an aquarium. In our world there is an understanding of “dumb as a fish.” In fact fish can talk, but we can't hear them. We don't hear many animals. Animal world diverse.

In reality, some animals frighten us, but if we heard them, they would not frighten us. For example, a crocodile: we are afraid of it. But if we hear the sounds he makes, for example, when he moves his jaw, then without seeing him we will not be afraid.

A visual picture is superimposed on the animals: the crocodile is scary to us, and its sound, it seems to us, is scary. And if we see it without a picture, then we will not be afraid, and even the sound may seem pleasant to us.

Wanda: If a crocodile is scary, then its sound can be scary. And if the animal is pleasant to us, then its sound is pleasant. So?

Alyona: Yes.

Sight and sounds, what is the connection?

Wanda: What if a person has vision problems? How then?

Alyona: For people who do not see these fears, which are associated with visualization, they use another channel - a channel at the level of tactility. They can't be scared because they can't see. Fears are formed at the level of tactility and at the level of the unknown.

Wanda: If a person does not see, but hears a whisper or hears a driving car and its screeching, will he also not be afraid, since he does not see it?

Alyona: He hears sounds that an ordinary person does not hear...he hears faster, sound comes to him faster. It pays attention to other sounds that we don't pay attention to. The wheel is spinning, the car is moving and the disk is spinning - and we do not hear this sound. A blind people will hear the sound of the wheel long before us.

Wanda: And if a person is deaf, there is no hearing. What about sounds in this case? For example, with the same sound of a car, squeaking brakes, or take, for example, a whisper... How do sounds in this case affect a person?

Alyona: Those who do not hear feel with their shoulders and arms. There seem to be energy centers here, and he recognizes information with them. It's much more difficult for him, and it's not as accurate. But he recognizes sounds at the level of impact on his skin. There are points here where he understands that there is danger or a pleasant sensation. Danger and trouble are shoulder girdle. And pleasant sensations are part of the elbow. They have something inside them, like sounds. There is some kind of sound processing inside. And then they react through the body.

Wanda: There are people who are dumb. With impaired speech. And when such people communicate, they speak with their hands. And the sounds that mute people make, what kind of sounds are they? How does this affect the mute, and society, and other people who speak normal speech?

Alyona: These are primordial sounds, they accompany a person when he is not yet a person. For many centuries in a row. In our world, these sounds have not been studied, and in vain. If we studied them, we might find a large number of answers to questions that are mysteries for us.

This a combination of the sounds of the universe with a combination of the sounds of the human body. It is a combination of sounds and nature and the human body and the universe. They are pronounced by a different speech apparatus. There is something else at work inside them that causes them to make sounds.

Voice perception

Wanda: Human voice. Has different timbres. Men speak in a deep voice, while women have a thin voice. We perceive a person by his voice without seeing him. Voices are individual. There are many people on planet Earth who have left and will come. And everyone has an individual voice. At the same time, we seem to be the same - we have arms, legs, but different voices. Why can a person be beautiful in appearance, but have, say, a not very beautiful voice?

Alyona: Human speech perception, the most pleasant speech for a person will be in the range in which his mother speaks. The mother's range is pleasant for the child - he can hear it, and it is this that has the most pleasant effect on him. Connection with mother - the child is given the voice that will be pleasant to mother.

Wanda: There is a standard for a child - this is the mother’s voice. And depending on this standard man is walking is the perception positive or negative?

Alyona: Yes it reference for perception.

Wanda: What about your own voice?

Alyona: The child perceives him differently. We hear it in a more understated form. If a person speaks in low tones, then the other person will hear his voice speaking even lower to him. And if at high levels, then, on the contrary, you will hear even higher.

This applies to the fact that when you speak softly, others will speak softly, and if you speak loudly, then others will speak louder. We adapt our voice to the person we are talking to.

Sounds for baby

Wanda: If we delve deeper into the perinatal period, when a person is still in the mother’s belly and has not yet been born, then what is connected with sounds? Does the child hear voices? If he hears, how do they affect him?

Alyona: Yes, he hears. Moreover, the baby is very curious about the sounds that come. He's very interested. Different sounds develop a child. There is an understanding that the child inside the mother’s tummy feels those sounds that are familiar - that is, the sounds of mom, dad or someone from the environment. Even his ears begin to move inside. There he hears not only speech.

There are sharp sounds that scare him. At this moment, something inside him slows down. The sound moves around the child like the letter “C” or the letter “O” and affects his skin and body. This promotes the development of its internal organs.

But the sounds should be melodic, quiet, not harsh. A sharp sound, hearing a car brake, these sounds frighten the child very much, so much so that the child shrinks all over and feels uncomfortable. Sudden loud sounds, even from close people, are also very uncomfortable. It absorbs sounds inside at the level of heat.

Wanda: What is this heat?

Alyona: This is the heat from the internal organs that surround it, that is internal organs moms. It's like protection. A vacuum forms inside my mother’s, a space through which sounds penetrate. Those sounds that are pleasant for the child are skipped, and those that are unpleasant are minimized.

The child picks up warmth, love, kindness - all this penetrates the child like sound. I hear this sound, but it's hard to describe. Imagine that a ray of sun touches you - imagine the sound that will emanate, similar to this sound that a child hears.

How the body reacts to sounds

Wanda: In the chat they ask: “why do goosebumps appear on a person’s body when he hears sounds”?

Alyona: This applies to deaf people - we have a perception of sounds at the skin level. This is also the case with ordinary person, but this is only developed in extreme situations. This is at the body level. For a deaf person - for all sounds, for a hearing person - only in extreme situations.

Wanda: A kind word pleases the cat too. When we hear good words, what's going on here? And what happens when we hear bad words? What should we know? What happens to a person?

Alyona: If a person hears words that are pleasant to him, then he is filled with warmth, light, and harmonization occurs around him. This smile triggers mechanisms that heal our body, restore it, and we become kind and fluid.

We don't hear bad things around us. We focus only on the good. They show a person who is told bad things, and he does not perceive the bad things, bad things come through the prism of the good things he was told.

Swearing is not on the battlefield

Wanda: What about swear words? When we hear these sounds, we don’t always perceive it as normal for some, but not for others. How do they affect a person? If I hear swearing, I have one reaction. When does a deaf person hear? Or the situation when people speak “this” language - what happens here to a person and his energy?

Alyona: The person begins to be distorted by energy level. Even the organs are stressed inside. But if a person is in an environment where these sounds occur regularly, then the person experiences adaptation, he partially cannot hear or perceive these sounds. He seems to become deaf to the perception of these sounds.

It is partially closed. Energies appear in his energy system that protect him. He becomes deaf in the energy system. Deaf people are people with broken energy systems.. In our world, this cannot be corrected. The human energy system is built in such a way that he becomes deaf.

Sounds of nature

Wanda: There are sounds in nature. Natural sounds - the sound of rain, leaves, earth. Today we talked about the sun. When the wind blows, we understand that something is happening, for example, the leaves are rustling. And what do we need to know about sounds that we don’t hear - the sounds of nature, what important things do we need to know?

Alyona: The sounds of nature are primordial sounds. We hear far from everything and in the wrong way. Man has progressed in his development, but man has not developed the perception of sounds. These are primordial sounds that have a relaxing effect. We are in a state of harmony, bliss.

A person becomes plastic, soft. In this state, he can rebuild himself into what he should be like in the future. this moment. That is, if he needs, he can make himself active. If he needs to be receptive to information, then after these sounds he can make himself so. They return a person to what he was in the beginning. They return it to point zero.

Wanda: Do the sounds of nature differ according to the seasons?

Alyona: The brightest sound, the most inspiring sound, is the sound that comes in autumn. In the fall, a person slows down, becomes passive, and in order to somehow lift his mood, there are sounds of autumn nature, as they are more inspiring, leading out of depression.

Nature has tried, and the color, brightness rich colors, which accompany autumn to lift a person’s spirits. In winter, the sounds are either quiet or loud. If they are loud, then they are also harsh. The sounds of autumn are like dripping water. They are unexpected, but also like an awakening.

Wanda: Is it autumn?

Alyona: No, spring, spring. And the sound of summer is like the sound of a small bell. It is subtle, melodic, quiet - it is average. If you organize sessions in the garden, will the plants grow better? These are the sounds that are pleasant to plants - these are the sounds to which they respond with their cells.

Sounds of Infinity

Wanda: The moment of the inner eight - when a person’s figure eight is lined up... How exactly is a figure eight lined up on the human body and is it possible to do any practices to harmonize the body?

Alyona: Mantras, the mother’s voice, when a mother speaks or sings songs to her child, the same thing happens. Also the sounds of nature. When we say that sound tunes us up to the fact that we feel pleasant, that we experience pleasure, at this moment the energy is lined up in the form of a figure eight.

Wanda: How exactly?

Alyona: It lines up along the body - top part goes through the shoulder girdle, the middle part goes through the navel. And the lower one is at the level where our torso ends...

Energy is restored, your body is restored, and your soul experiences pleasant sensations that she experiences while at home. shoulder girdle – at the level of violet energy.

Purple turns into blue and crimson. And the bottom is something green-yellow with the presence of crimson and red. A figure eight is drawn with sharp corners- the top is purple, turning into blue and crimson, even lilac, but inside this eight - at least its upper part - it is golden inside.

Wanda: M antras... there is music that is loud, pleasant... spiritual music - what do we need to know about this? How does binaural music, ascension music, work?

Alyona: M antras are the music of heaven, which is given to people to reproduce it in their human world. This is music that is close to the creator, the world of souls. She often appears there, and we can hear her there. It doesn't sound exactly like what we hear. It transmits the same frequencies, we fall into the same frequencies that the Creator has above.

Wanda: B inaural music? What effect does it have on the human body?

Alyona: Oh it’s connected somehow with higher powers... picture: starry sky, many stars and as if I was standing, and it comes from me on the left side, forming a circle, and goes up. It's the color of the Milky Way.

She forms a circle upward and returns to me. She follows the energies, brings us the energies and enters us. These are very high frequency energies. We cannot fully understand how this works. At this time, our aura is cleansed.

There is a restart of some processes, mechanisms that are outdated or do not work. This is also associated with rejuvenation of the body. From the left side of the body it goes up, makes a circle and returns with right side. It's like going for energies that are very high.

Silent space

Wanda: If a person is placed in a vacuum, where there is deaf silence... - what happens to the person in this case?

Alyona: For up to 15 minutes, such silence will have a positive effect, but for more - destructive.

Wanda: We understand that a person goes into silence, into a hermitage, into the forest or somewhere else where there is a vow of silence. And a person does not hear anyone, what happens in the case when a person does not utter his own sounds, but only hears the sounds of nature?

Alyona: This is the return of man to primordial nature. To the very beginning. This is an opportunity to start over. This allows him to restart the processes that occur in the body.

Wanda: How do the magical “whispers” of grandmothers work?

Alyona: Spells that are made on some kind of intonation can do wonders... what you need to know are the words that we pronounce, the sounds... Intonation and other things have a complex influence.

When we begin to whisper, we attract some additional energies to ourselves. Here the energies act through our voice - through this whisper. It is not a pure voice that operates here, it is a call for certain energies.

There are practices when a person is buried in the ground for some time, he breathes, it is believed that these are practices of transformation. People come out refreshed. And we talked about the fact that in 15 minutes it will be destruction...

At this moment, you are alone with the primordial sounds - your ear catches the sounds, maybe they are just invisible. : I have a question, deathly silence... being in such an artificial grave, such a state does a person have - as for sound, is it useful for a person or not?

Alyona: Yes, useful. While there, you will hear primordial sounds. There is no vacuum there. You hear the original sounds, and you are not isolated from the original sounds. You go into solitude. You still hear sounds.

Wanda: What else should we know? What has to do with sounds?

Alyona: There are sounds of candles... when one candle burns, it is not a sound. And when several candles speak, 10-12, it’s like the sounds of fire... Each candle has a serial number - not the way they stand, but a different one, and in the same way we read sounds according to their serial number. This affects our requests. The ordinal number of candle sounds.

This is such an interesting study of the world of sounds and how we, people, perceive this world through the organs of touch, as well as energetically and tactilely.

If you are interested in going through similar research yourself, I invite you to my School of Quantum Regression, where you will learn how to work with deep memory and how to interact correctly with the Subtle Plane:

You can sign up for the School of Quantum Regression HERE

What decision will you make, do nothing and continue to make mistakes out of the blue, or will you take simple steps to help yourself?


  • Learn to interact with your unconscious;
  • Tap into the depths of memory;
  • Gain the opportunity to influence events of the past, present and future.

P.S. And now I am waiting for your feedback regarding the research on the topic of sounds and everything related to it. Write what interesting things you learned from this article. Perhaps you have something to suggest for the next study.

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The means of which is sound and silence. Probably every person in his life has heard at least once the babbling of a stream in the forest. Doesn't it remind you of melodic music? And the sound of spring rain on the roof - doesn't it look like a melody? It was when a person began to notice such details around him that he realized that music was all around him. It is the art of sounds coming together to create a unique harmony. And man began to learn from nature. However, in order to create a harmonious melody, a simple understanding that music is an art was not enough. Something was missing, and people began to experiment, look for means of transmitting sounds, and express themselves.

How did the music come about?

Over time, man learned to express his emotions through song. The song was thus the first music created by man himself. For the first time, he wanted to use melody to talk about love, this wonderful feeling. The first songs were composed specifically about her. Then, when grief came, the man decided to sing a song about him, to express and show his feelings in it. This is how funeral services, funeral songs, and church hymns arose.

To maintain rhythm, since the development of dance, music has appeared performed by the human body itself - snapping fingers, clapping hands, beating a tambourine or drum. The drum and tambourine are the first musical instruments. With their help, man learned to produce sound. These instruments are so ancient that their origins are difficult to trace, since they can be found among all peoples. Music today is recorded with the help of notes, and it is realized in the process of performance.

How does music affect our mood?

Characteristics of music by sound and structure

Music can also be characterized by sound and structure. One sounds more dynamic, the other calmer. Music can have a clear, harmonious rhythmic pattern, or it can have a jagged rhythm. Many elements determine the overall sound various compositions. Let's look at four terms that are most often asked about: mode, dynamics, backing track and rhythm.

Dynamics and rhythm in music

Dynamics in music are musical notation concepts and notations related to the volume of its sound. Dynamics refers to abrupt and gradual changes in music, volume, accent, and several other terms.

Rhythm is the relationship of the length of notes (or sounds) in their sequence. It is based on the fact that some notes sound slightly longer than others. They all come together in a musical flow. Rhythmic variations are generated by the ratio of the duration of sounds. Combining, these variations form a rhythmic pattern.


Mode as a concept in music has many definitions. It occupies a central place in harmony. Let us give several definitions of fret.

Yu.D. Engel believes that this is a scheme for constructing a certain sound series. B.V. Asafiev - that this is the organization of tones in their interaction. I.V. Sposobin pointed out that a mode is a system of connections between sounds, united by a certain tonic center - one sound or consonance.

Various researchers have defined the musical mode in their own ways. However, one thing is clear - thanks to him, a piece of music sounds harmonious.

Backing track

Let's consider the following concept - backing track. It should certainly be revealed when talking about what music is. The definition of a backing track is a composition from which vocals have been removed, or some sound is missing from it. musical instrument. One or more parts of instruments and/or vocals are missing from the backing track, which was/are present in the original version before the composition was changed. Its most common form is the removal of words from a song so that the music sounds alone, without text.

In this article we told you about what music is. The definition of this beautiful art form has only been briefly presented. Of course, for those who are interested in her on a deep level, professional level, it makes sense to study its theory and practice, laws and foundations. Our article provides answers to only some questions. Music is an art that can take a very long time to study.

The use of sound and music for healing dates back to the very beginning of human history. It has been documented that shamans and indigenous healers, using instruments such as the human voice, flutes, drums and other percussion, are able to alter the state of the brain (that is, change the neurological activity of the brain). Experiments have shown, for example, that certain drum beats increase theta activity associated with hypnotic and dream-like states of consciousness, as well as inspiration and increased level creative activity.

A study of the neurological effects of sound has shown that human brain reacts to pure sounds in a very specific way. Positron tomography, which measures the level of glucose uptake at the cellular level, showed that pure sounds and music without words stimulated an increase in cellular activity in the right or "non-dominant" hemisphere.

Although both hemispheres of the brain process mass various types information, it is still possible to make a simple division of their tasks. In principle, the dominant hemisphere (for most people - the left) is responsible for speech and logic. The non-dominant hemisphere (the right for most people) processes information related to space, paradoxical and not based on speech. Although the ability to understand and create speech is vital to us, there are other valuable aspects to our consciousness that our culture does not currently consider important. These areas of our consciousness (such as a state of heightened creativity and genius) are most easily achieved through the activity of the non-dominant hemisphere.

When the non-dominant hemisphere is stimulated (for example, using pure sound), unusual states of consciousness often arise. This comes from the fact that the non-dominant hemisphere includes the spatial and intuitive aspects of our consciousness. In such neurological states, our perception of reality (both internal and external) can be very different from our everyday perception. Our senses can become sharper, their perception becomes more alive and refined. Quite often, people experience direct experience of their inner mental and emotional life through direct perception of their psychic motives (that is, deep-seated emotions, fantasies, and archetypal conflicts and dramas). They can appear as internal visions (dream-like pictures) or even as internal dialogue.

Although our western culture generally uninterested in such deep emotional and mental states, numerous anecdotes from the lives of great scientists and artists indicate that such states of consciousness are the gateway to our innate genius.

Neuroscience has shown that most people use less than ten percent of our brains. Basically, this means that we only need 10% (or even less) of all the neural connections we have for everyday life. The other 90% are not used. And they will remain passive until there is a need to “awaken” these “dormant” neural connections. I have worked in the field of psychotherapy and human potential for over 18 years and have become convinced that altered states of consciousness are a powerful key to unlocking much of our untapped potential. And as an assistive technology for this, sounds and music are incomparable.

Brain Waves ABC

Our brain generates electrical potentials. Clinical experiments have shown that these potentials, or brain waves, are directly related to various mental and emotional states. The standard way to measure brain wave activity is an electroencephalogram. There is some disagreement about where exactly the different brain states “overlap” one another, but in principle the diagram outlined below is generally accepted. It has five different stages, starting with the delta, the lowest level, and up to the K-complex, the highest level.

Delta is a frequency of 0.5-4.0 Hz and is associated with deep sleep when there is no awareness of one's own self. However, some people with highly developed nervous systems have reported states of deep peace and relaxed awareness of the self in the delta range. As a rule, these are people who develop their nervous system through practices such as meditation and so on.

The next level of activity is theta, frequency 4-8 Hz. Theta is associated with relaxation and sleep, accompanied by deep experiences of visual images, such as dreams, visions, etc. It is also associated with certain types of accelerated learning. Moreover, the theta band is also often associated with the phenomenon of self-healing.

From theta we move up to alpha, a frequency associated with mild relaxation. The alpha range is 8-14 Hz, and is often used in accelerated learning methods, as well as some types of self-help techniques.

Beta is what we typically call wakefulness and is a frequency of 14-23 Hz. More high level beta - 23-33 Hz, and is associated with states of increased mental activity. In the 33 Hz range is the K-complex, which typically occurs in short bursts and is associated with unexpected insights, instant understanding of ideas or experiences.

Using certain brain states can improve internal activity, such as learning, self-healing, learning altered states of consciousness, etc. While measuring brain activity is critical to understanding neurophysiology, a person's actual mental, emotional, and spiritual experiences are important to our understanding of how the brain and mind interact.

Basics of acoustics

Below is a basic minimum of information about audio frequencies as the term is used in psychoacoustics. Any sound vibration consists of wave forms. The diagram shows a sine wave (the most typical waveform used in psychoacoustics).

As you can see from this chart, the cycle is the distance between the peaks. Frequencies are typically measured in cycles per second, or Hz (hertz). The higher the frequency, the higher the sound. The normal sound perception zone for humans is from 20 to 20,000 Hz. Some people hear sounds above 20,000 Hz, but very few people hear sounds below 20 Hz.

There are a few possible options using certain frequencies to “bring” the brain into an altered state. It is important to remember that most people do not hear the low frequencies typical of brain waves. For example, low alpha (and its corresponding relaxation) is in the range of 8-9 Hz, beyond the threshold of audibility (20 Hz).

One way to overcome this is called signal differentiation. This sends two different signals to the brain. Let's say a signal with a frequency of 200 Hz is received in the left ear, and a signal with a frequency of 208 Hz is received in the right ear. The difference between the signals will be 8 Hz, and it is to them that the brain will tune in. Can also be used musical rhythms, which, as experience shows, are also very effective.

Another technique often used on Acoustic Brain Research (ABR) tapes is the delivery of low sounds at a specific rhythm to put the brain into a desired state. We can apply any frequency or tone at 10 cycles per second to enhance alpha activity. The advantage of this option is that even a person deaf in one ear can use it, while signal differentiation will not affect him.

Speaking of brain function and body perception, one aspect of working with frequencies is extremely interesting for psychoacoustics. Using different frequencies can cause resonance in various parts body, thus activating the emotional/mental activity associated with that place. This has very interesting applications in psychotherapy and disciplines that deal with the mind-body connection.

What is psychoacoustics?

Psychoacoustics is a newly emerging branch of the study of human potential that promises to radically change human behavior by studying sound, speech and music and their effects on the brain/mind. You will notice that we write brain/mind, thus connecting the two. This is based on Dr. Carl Pribram's definition of the brain and "consciousness", where "consciousness" is a process that exists parallel to the physiological processes in the brain.

Thus, the brain can exist without consciousness (as, for example, in a corpse), but consciousness cannot exist without a functioning brain - at least in the way we are accustomed to perceive mental/emotional activity. (This does not mean that some aspect of consciousness cannot operate independently of brain function, only that brain function is necessary for normal everyday experience.)

Sound and music

Music and sound have been used for healing and transformation for centuries. From the guttural incantations of ancient shamans to the sublime Gregorian chant in cathedrals, sound and music played an important role in human culture. We have only recently begun to understand the physiological effects of sound and music on the brain. Next we will talk about its basis and various applications in psychoacoustics technology.

We know that music can have a profound effect on brain function. This is confirmed by the work of Dr. Lozanov from Bulgaria. He found that music with a tempo of 60 beats per minute (such as Largo in the music of the Baroque period) increased alpha activity (associated with relaxation) by 6%, while reducing beta activity (associated with normal wakefulness) by 6%. consciousness). At the same time, the pulse slows down by an average of 4 divisions of mercury, and people talk about a “state of relaxed consciousness.”

Then Dr. Lozanov discovered that he could speed up the learning process by using music at this rhythm. In America, his method became known as Superlearning. It became clear to Dr. Lozanov that the rhythm of music has a powerful effect on the brain. In the process, he discovered that timbre, or the tonality of music, also has a strong influence on the functioning of the brain. At ABR we use this principle; Each cassette contains music with a rhythm and timbre suitable for obtaining the desired effect.

Dr. Sue Chapman conducted an experiment at City Hospital New York, studying the effects of music on babies born prematurely. One group of babies listened to Brahms' Lullaby (variation for string instruments) six times a day, and the other group (control) did not listen to any music. Newborns who listened to Brahms gained weight faster, suffered fewer complications, and were discharged from the hospital on average a week earlier than those who did not listen to the music.

What happened?

From the point of view of psychoacoustics, everything is clear. The architecture of music - rhythm and timbre - created changes in the functioning of the brain, stimulating it through hearing. These changes in the babies' brains lowered their stress levels, allowing their natural self-healing abilities to work more effectively than in the control group.

The vibrational nature of sounds and music creates a language that our body and mind understand. Moreover, the word “language” does not mean “words”, but “information”. By the way, the word “information” comes from the Latin “informare”, which means “form”. In other words, music is a process of changing acoustic forms. If you were to see the shapes created by music, you would see structures similar to mountains, valleys, trees, microorganisms and galaxies.

The study of the forms created by music is called Cymatics and is mainly the work of two people - Dr. Hans Jenny and Dr. Guy Manners. These scientists collected many photographs of cymatic patterns that are created when sound vibrations are passed through a metal plate with various resonating objects, such as metal filings or sand. In some cases, a tonoscope was used, recording patterns in electronic format.

These studies showed that music does create a kind of language. Like any language, it has its own syntax. Generally, the concept of syntax applies to written or oral speech and means the order in which the sentence is constructed. By changing the order of words in a sentence, you change the meaning. This concept can be applied to music as well. If you rearrange the notes, you change the piece. The order of information (notes) in music is as important as the order of information (words) in speech. Thinking of music as a language, or information, opens up new possibilities for understanding its influence on the brain.

Sounds and music also have a profound effect on emotional problems and learning difficulties, as the work of Dr. Tomatis from France shows. It's interesting how Dr. Tomatis got involved in sound therapy. Early in his work he was invited to a Benedictine monastery near Paris. The monks there suffered from depression, as well as sleep and eating disorders. Dr. Tomatis was asked to find the cause of their ailment. While researching the matter, he discovered that the monastery had recently acquired a new abbot. The new abbot proudly called himself modern man, and, considering Gregorian chant too medieval, ordered the monks to stop chanting.

Without knowing it, the abbot had taken away an important form of brain stimulation from the monks. Deprived of the auditory stimulation of Gregorian chant, the central nervous system monks became depressed. When Dr. Tomatis persuaded the abbot to return the chants, the depression ended and the monks recovered. This incident led Dr. Tomatis to begin studying the effects of sound on the brain. In the process, he discovered the influence of high frequencies on brain function, emotional problems and learning difficulties.

Working in Scientific Institute Beckman Research Institute in Duarte, California, Dr. Ohno was able to match a musical note to each of the six amino acids that make up the DNA code. Dr. Ono was able to record the music that the DNA strands of various living creatures “played.” These are not isolated sounds, but real melodies. In one of his experiments, he recorded the melody of a specific type of cancer cell. It turned out to be strikingly similar to Chopin's Funeral March. Perhaps Chopin intuitively perceived this melody from nature itself?

The effect of sounds and music on the brain is important for psychoacoustics. By observing changes in brain state and behavior caused by sound, speech, and music, we can gain a deeper understanding of these phenomena. Psychoacoustics is a young science, and we are only now beginning to understand the precision with which sound forms can influence cellular processes in the brain. These are exciting times, and Acoustic Brain Research is committed to the scientific study and understanding of the theory and technology of psychoacoustics.

Through the use of sound, for example, renowned researcher, musician, singer, healer and writer Tom Kenyon has created techniques that accelerate healing therapies and positive changes in the body.