The dream is a deep hole in the ground. The magic of numbers

Some dreams can be quite frightening and can even cause panic. But it's just a dream. Why do you dream about a hole? How to interpret a dream in which you fell into a hole?

Why do you dream about a hole - the main interpretation

The pit that you dreamed about is a harbinger of rather unpleasant events. It is important to remember all the details of the dream:

How the hole was formed;

Have you fallen into a hole?

Who fell into the hole;

Who else appeared in your dream;

What emotions did the dream evoke in you?

If you dream that a hole has formed in the middle of your house, a difficult period awaits you. It is important to remember that you were also afraid of falling into it. If you were afraid, you already know that trouble awaits you. Perhaps it was your careless attitude towards what was happening that led to the difficulties. The dream book advises you to survive future difficulties with dignity. Do not create similar situations in the future.

If you dream that you are not at all afraid of falling into a hole, such a dream promises you new discoveries, but whether you use the information received correctly depends entirely on you. If you dream that the hole inside is overgrown with flowers and grass, such a dream means that troubles that at first glance seem very difficult to you will actually turn out to be tests that will lead to new opportunities.

If you dream that someone close to you has fallen into a hole, such a dream means the possibility of trouble for this particular person. Then you will have to help him resolve difficult situations. If you provide all possible assistance, this will give you the opportunity to receive support from him in the future.

If you see a hole that has divided your house into two parts, such a dream means that difficulties in relationships will soon await you. In addition to quarrels and scandals, you will be separated by an abyss of misunderstanding with loved ones. If you dream that a hole has formed at your work, such a dream means that employees, subordinates and managers will not be able to find common language.

To fall into such a hole is to be compromised in the workplace. You may not be guilty of the charges against you, but in any case, you will suffer losses. If in a dream you are trying to pull someone out of a hole, take a closer look at who. If this person tries to pull you down with him in a dream, try to avoid contact with him in reality.

He's in real life may try to impose bad habits and a negative lifestyle on you. Even if it's yours close person– try to distance yourself from his problems for a while. If we are talking about your lover, try not to aggravate the relationship with quarrels. Do not support scandals, even if you are really right about them.

If a young girl dreams that she finds a baby in a hole, the girl has long dreamed of becoming a mother. This dream will soon come true. If the baby died in the pit, it is worth considering temporarily giving up childbearing. The dream book says that this is not a frightening dream at all, it simply warns against hasty actions.

If a man has such a dream, it means that he is not ready for serious relationship, although he is considering such possibilities. If a man saves a child from a pit in a dream, he will have the opportunity to establish relationships with his soulmate.

If a man dreams that his beloved has fallen into a hole, and he tries in every possible way to pull her out, but he fails, such a dream means that it is time for the partners to reconsider their relationship with each other. Most likely, each of them looks only inside himself, not noticing the problems and concerns of the other. This attitude led to relationship problems. If partners do not maximize efforts to restore the relationship, they will lose each other.

In those dreams in which you yourself fall into a hole and cannot call anyone to help, it is worth remembering exactly how the dream ended. If in a dream you did find a way out, you got out of the hole on your own - in reality you will also get out of a difficult situation on your own, resolve everything yourself financial matters. You just shouldn’t retreat and change direction. Don't be afraid to achieve the goals you set for yourself.

If you managed to get out of the hole thanks to the help of other people, remember who exactly became your savior. In reality, you will also receive great support and help from this person. If another person’s attempt to save you from the pit fails, it means that in reality you will fail. But the dream book does not advise you to become discouraged; you just need to think more carefully about all your actions and calculate their consequences.

Why do you dream about a pit according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

IN Esoteric dream book it is said why the pit is dreamed of. This is a symbol of troubles and problems. You will be immersed in them if in a dream you fall into a hole that you did not see in front of your feet. If you fall into a hole due to the fault of another person, such a dream directly speaks of the interference of other people in the course of events in your life.

If you still don’t remember who was responsible for your fall, then in reality you will not be able to find out who exactly caused the troubles in your life. The dream book advises not to get hung up on finding the culprit, but to intensify your desires to achieve your goal. Even if this time nothing worked out for you, then next time you will definitely get the desired result.

If you see in a dream a huge pit into which people fall and disappear, such a dream indicates a possible danger to your health. You, just like these people, will suddenly lose control of the situation and simply fall into a pit of problems and worries.

In those dreams when holes start appearing everywhere, it is important to remember your behavior. If you calmly bypass them and find yourself safe, such a dream speaks of the need to show flexibility of mind in reality and not succumb to provocations.

If in a dream you constantly fall into holes, but at the same time, somehow miraculously get out of them, such a dream suggests that in reality you, despite constant competition and pitfalls from your colleagues, will always be in a winning position.

If in a dream a pit is filled with dirt and large blocks of stone, in reality you will be subject to attacks of envy, contempt, and slander. Moreover, the person who brought negativity into your life now treats you quite positively. In those dreams in which you yourself push someone else into a hole, you need to remember the motive of your behavior.

If you do this solely for reasons of defense, then in reality, defending your point of view, you will have to infringe on the rights of another. If you purposefully push another person into a hole, such a dream speaks of your evil intent in reality. But for such acts you may face retribution.

Why do you dream about a pit according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that newlyweds dream of a hole as an indicator of their unconscious fear of relationships. They are afraid of becoming dependent on this relationship, but the dream book also indicates that all doubts must be left behind. It was worth doubting before marriage. Now the time has come when they only need to build relationships.

If a young girl dreams that a man is pushing her into a pit, she will find herself in a relationship that will only bring her pain and tears. This relationship will make her suffer, but the girl will not be able to refuse it. This will be a kind of dependence on the partner. And the longer this relationship lasts, the greater the girl’s attachment to the man. The dream book advises you to think about the need to avoid similar unions.

Why do you dream about a pit according to other dream books?

IN Summer dream book it is said that if you dream of a hole, the details of your negative experience, your negative past life will come to light. Grishina’s dream book says that a dream about a pit predicts a huge misfortune that a person will find himself in thanks to the machinations of his enemies. Digging a hole in a dream means trying to change the situation in reality.

Loff’s dream book says that the fear of falling into a hole in a dream is a reflection of a person’s conscious fear of everything new in reality. You are afraid of slipping up and making the wrong decision. But, if you do not learn to take risks, you will not get anything in this life that you have dreamed of for so long. If in a dream you see holes that disappear on their own, the approaching troubles in reality will resolve themselves. It is important to remember that dreams only give clues about what to do in a given situation. They can predict the future, but man himself creates his own destiny.

Sometimes it seems that falling into a hole in a dream is not entirely favorable for the dreamer. In fact, a dream does not always mean danger. Most often, if you dreamed that you had a chance to see an abyss and fly into it, it means that the time has come to grow physically, professionally, and spiritually. Traditional dream books describe why you dream of falling into an abyss based on the emotions experienced.

Miller's Dream Book and His Interpretations

Seeing a ravine and easily jumping over it in a dream means a comfortable and interesting life. But sometimes in a dream you have to fall into a hole, or fall into a trap left for an animal. Psychologists say that a dream means a call for vigilance in reality. Especially if you dreamed that you couldn’t do anything.

Why dream of falling into an abyss, but not falling:

  • with a feeling of euphoria from flying - to the physical growth of the body;
  • experiencing fear, cold horror - to the onset of the disease;
  • without any emotions - to a warning about the wrong path;
  • Wake up immediately - to possible risks, love affairs.

Feel free to continue to grow spiritually and creatively

Seeing an abyss beneath you in a dream, heading towards it consciously, or even feeling a fall means being ready for new successes, creative victories, and professional growth. The interpretation of dreams for many clairvoyants comes down to innovations in reality. Especially if you dreamed that the dreamer liked the process of falling.

To receive a new portion of strength and energy to implement daring ideas and projects, to learn secrets that will help you get closer to your goal - this is exactly what you dream of falling into a hole and not being afraid of it at all. Dream books recommend not to miss the chance and move towards the finish line more confidently.

Monitor your health carefully

You need to start being afraid in those cases when you have experienced horror, icy fear during a rapid collapse down along with the soil under your feet. Modern dream books They suggest not to despair, but to take some preventive and health measures. Otherwise, a new disease may develop, from which it will take a long time to get out.

Why you dream of falling into a hole or falling into a trap dug for an animal is well described in Vanga’s dream book. The healer warns against hypothermia, overwork and nervous tension. It's time for a break, a time out to gain strength again.

Confidently step towards success

Falling into a hole in a dream and not feeling anything is not always good. It is likely that the attackers have laid out their networks so cleverly that you are not even aware of their tricks and machinations. Dream books recommend taking a closer look at your surroundings, checking all your calculations and only then moving on.

It’s good if you dreamed that you received a row strong emotions, and even better - if you woke up right away. The dream book of Nostradamus claims that in such cases, an energetic “reboot” of the body occurs and the person is again ready for big things, big deals, and new physical activity.

Seeing a hole in a night dream more often bad sign, especially if you accidentally fell into it. But by listening to your intuition and using decryptions, you can find the right solution to avoid troubles and problems in real life.

A hole in the ground in a dream

A very common question is why you dream about a hole in the ground. Such a symbol in most cases is interpreted as an unkind omen associated with an impending disaster. But at the same time, you should know that the pit symbolizes things in real life that the dreamer constantly thinks about. For example, this could be work or relationships with loved ones. For accurate interpretation need to remember appearance holes in night dreams, understand where she was and what actions were taken in the dream.

Why do you dream of digging a hole?

Many dreamers are interested in why they dream of digging a hole. Such a dream is always alarming, because it is mistakenly interpreted as a symbol of a decline in living standards. But it’s unlikely that digging a hole should be associated with regression in real life. It all depends on storyline and from the many nuances that exist in night dreams. Thus, in Miller’s dream book, all land work is considered favorable symbols.

With what feelings did you dig the hole?

When interpreting dreams with a pit, you need to pay attention to the following:

    If the dreamer in his night dreams had to dig a hole with a shovel with his own hands and voluntarily, this means that in real life the person will experience a period of stability and prosperity; If he had to dig a hole under duress, this means that in reality the dreamer is quite happy with the role of a subordinate; When you dream If you force someone to dig a hole in your night dreams, then soon in real life you will have to be disappointed in your loved one or partner; When you had to dig a hole with your hands in a dream, this means that all problems in real life will have to be solved on your own, rely on no one's help is needed. In addition, such a dream warns that at work the dreamer should be wary of intrigues from colleagues and expect dissatisfaction from his superiors.

If the ground in night dreams is loose, so there were no difficulties with digging a hole, then this means that vital problems should soon be positively resolved in reality. In this case, the dreamer will not have to spend a lot of time and effort on this.

If in a dream you had to dig a hole with a shovel, then in real life a strong patron will appear who will help solve all existing problems. Such a dream can also signal that the dreamer may have some minor troubles at work; you should not dwell on them, as they can be overcome very quickly. Burying a hole with earth in a dream means committing an act in reality that will radically change the opinions of people around you about you.

Watch the hole being dug

When in a dream the dreamer observes that another person is digging a hole, this means that the sleeping person may soon become seriously ill. Sometimes such a dream can predict the illness of loved ones.

Fall into a hole

A dream in which the dreamer had to fall into a hole is not a very good omen. This means that in real life you will have to face great difficulties. Most likely, it is unlikely that you will be able to get out of a difficult life situation with dignity. This means that this can negatively affect the entire future life.

If you happen to fall into a toilet pit in your night dreams, this can be interpreted in different ways:

    If, according to the plot, you fell into a garbage pit, but after that you managed to quickly get out of the pit, then this indicates that the gossip that ill-wishers will spread about you will not harm you. But if you had to sit in a toilet pit for a long time, it means that in reality your reputation will suffer. Falling into a toilet pit indicates that in real life you will have to endure shame. But if, after getting out of it, you find that the pockets of your clothes are filled with feces, then in reality you will very soon get rich.

Falling into a hole - dream book

When in your night dreams you have to fall into a hole, then there is a high probability that in real world you will commit an unseemly act. For family people, such a dream can be a harbinger of betrayal.

Fall into a pit with animals

To fall into a hole in a dream, at the bottom of which there are animals, means to find yourself in a difficult situation in real life. Moreover, the reason for this will be the negligence and stupidity of the dreamer. In such a situation, it is unlikely that anything can be changed. You need to go through all the difficulties with your head held high and try not to commit rash acts in the future.

Fall into a pit with an aggressive animal

Falling into a pit containing very aggressive animals is very bad. Such a dream indicates that in real life you will have to communicate with powerful and unkind people. Your well-being in life will entirely depend on them.

When a representative of the fair half of humanity dreams of a large pit in a dream, this predicts loneliness for her in reality. For a man, a similar dream predicts receiving a very advantageous offer in real life. After such nightly dreams, wonderful prospects open up before the dreamer.

Pit with water

A pit with water in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. But in any case, the interpretation of night dreams largely depends on the quality of the water and where it was located.


    Deep hole with dirty water, seen in a dream from the outside, predicts that in real life you will have to make a difficult decision or a difficult choice. A dirty pit filled with water, which is located directly in front of the threshold of your own home, foreshadows the illness of one of the household members.

If in the sins of the night a pit appears, filled clean water, then this symbolizes the uncontrollable flow of affairs in real life. This means that no matter what efforts you make, you will not be able to take control of everything.

Pit in the sand - interpretation of sleep

A hole dug in the sand is a warning about the precariousness of the dreamer’s position in real life. Such a dream focuses attention on the fact that the dreamer does not have reliable support in reality.

Pit with flowers

Some dream books have an interpretation of a hole with flowers. Such a symbol smoothes out the entire unpleasant nature of the dream with a pit. Night dreams, in which a vision of a hole with flowers appeared, promise the onset of a pleasant life period filled with surprises and joyful events.

Fresh pit

A good omen is a snow hole. After such a dream one should expect love adventure in reality. Also, such a dream foreshadows a very prosperous life.

Pothole in the road

If there is a hole in the road, then this is a sign that the planned trip will be unsuccessful. Such a dream can predict that in reality it will not be possible to complete the work started. In addition, such a dream warns that the dreamer is surrounded by insincere people whose support should not be counted on.

See a hole in the house

A hole in the house is an unfavorable sign. This is a sign of the onset of very difficult times, which will be associated with need and poverty. For a woman, such a plot of night dreams is associated with alienation from her chosen one. Another interpretation of such a dream is related to the fact that the dreamer will have to experience disappointment in love.

A hole in the yard, behind the gate or in the garden

A hole in the yard of your own house predicts the emergence of dangers in real life for the whole family. If a hole is dug in front of the gate, then this foretells that one of the things the dreamer has started will not work out. A hole in the garden portends troubles in the work sphere.

Dreamed of a cesspool

If you dream of a full cesspool, then in the near future the dreamer will receive important news.

When you dreamed of a pit with mud, you should analyze the storyline very carefully:

    If you dream that you are crawling out of a hole, then this is a positive dream, which indicates that in real life you will be able to cope with any difficulties, no matter how difficult they may seem. When you dream that you are burying a hole, then this symbolizes that you will always and strive to be honest in everything, even to your own detriment. When you manage to step over a hole in your night dreams, this foreshadows a conflict with management.

See a pit with shit

A pit of shit seen in a dream symbolizes prosperity in real life. This sign has positive character for entrepreneurs and businessmen. This indicates that the business will develop successfully and in reality it will be possible to make a good profit.

Dreaming of a deep hole

Very often dreamers have a question about what they are dreaming about. deep hole. And this is understandable, because such a symbol always looks scary in real life. A bottomless, black pit dug in an unknown place warns the dreamer that his actions in reality are wrong. You need to stop in time and analyze your actions so as not to confuse the situation even more. The sooner you can correct the mistakes made, the better.

Huge pit - the meaning of sleep

A huge hole in a dream can also be a warning that the dreamer will soon experience health problems. It is especially dangerous if the dug hole is of unknown origin. If after such a dream you feel slightly unwell, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Empty pit

When a deep empty hole in a dream is dug by you with your own hands, this indicates that in business sphere are coming difficult times. You should be prepared to simply survive the difficulties. During this period, you should behave very carefully and not make rash decisions.

If you have to descend to the bottom of an empty pit using a rope, then this foreshadows the reality of doing empty work that will not be useful. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to refuse such work. If you push yourself, you can undermine your mental and physical strength.

Many dreamers are very interested in the question of why they dream of a grave pit. This bad sign, which, in general, portends serious misfortunes and problems in life.

Digging a grave in your night dreams means that in reality you will meet with opponents who will try to defeat you. If you just happen to see a grave pit from the side in your night dreams, then this foreshadows troubles at work. Sometimes such a dream can be a harbinger of betrayal of friends. If you see yourself standing over a grave pit, this means that in reality you need to be wary of an accident.

Pit in the cemetery

A dug hole in a cemetery symbolizes the end of a black streak of life. After such a dream, the dreamer’s financial situation will gradually begin to recover in real life and his personal life will improve. A particularly good omen is a freshly dug hole in a cemetery. She indicates that positive changes will soon come in life.

Why do you dream of a man in a hole?

If in night dreams the dreamer sees that another person is in a hole, then this is an unpleasant sign. It indicates that the sleeping person will have to become a victim of intrigue in reality.

Standing on the edge of a hole

If, according to the plot of the dream, a person is standing on the edge of a pit, then this indicates that the dreamer needs to assess the situation in real life. After this, you will need to make a decision to change your life direction.

deep hole

If you dug a deep hole in the ground, and according to the plot of the dream, you descended into it voluntarily and independently, but cannot get out of it, then this indicates that you are fully aware of your mistakes. The time has come to correct them, but, unfortunately, this will not be easy. But if, according to the plot of the dream, you still manage to get out of the hole on your own, then this is a sign that everything will end well.

A child falls into a hole in a dream

When you dream that a child falls into a hole, this symbolizes inner fear for your child. Also, such a dream may foretell that a grown-up child will soon leave his parents’ nest. If, according to the plot of the dream, you have to pull him out of the hole, then this symbolizes the close spiritual connection between parents and children. In dream books there is another interpretation of a dream in which the child is in a hole. When a child falls into a hole, one should expect betrayal from loved ones. Moreover, this will be completely unexpected for the dreamer. Betrayal will hurt so much that it will appear strong desire take revenge yourself. But it is better not to do this, otherwise many problems will arise. The best way out of this situation is to break off all relations with the traitor and sever all contacts with him.

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Evgeniy Tsvetkov

interpretation of dreams Yama dream book


Sigmund Freud

meaning of sleep Pit dream book

The pit is a symbol of a woman, female genital organs. A dirty or smelly pit symbolizes diseases of the genital organs.

If a man fell into a hole, then his sexual partner treats him poorly and he should expect trouble from her. If a woman falls into a hole, then she should think about her health and consult a doctor.

If you pull someone out of a hole, then you are eager to have sex (perhaps with the person being pulled out). A disguised pit warns that upcoming sexual contacts are undesirable, as they can bring you trouble.

Intimate dream book

meaning of sleep Pit dream book

Seeing a hole in a dream - despite all your efforts, the secret will soon become apparent, and you will suffer for hiding the truth for so long. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind with such an explanation is betrayal, infidelity towards your marriage partner. However, this is not necessary. It may well be that once upon a time you had the experience of same-sex love, but then you were ashamed of what happened and did not tell anyone about it. So, the hole you saw in a dream symbolizes that everything will come out.

If in a dream you fall into a hole, it means that you are standing on the threshold of some action that is not entirely good from the point of view of generally accepted morality. Maybe you met someone you really liked and would like to move on to more informal forms of communication? There is only one big but stopping you - your responsibilities to your spouse. Jumping over a hole - you and your partner have some kind of problem in your intimate life, but you find it difficult to discuss it. Thus, every time you reach a difficult place, you try to pretend that nothing is happening, that everything is fine. You jump over a problem as if over a hole you dreamed about. If you dream that someone is sitting in a hole, it means that you have some kind of sadistic beginning, you want to possess and dominate in bed. Well, that's great if your partner likes to be submissive.

Modern dream book

see Pit in a dream dream book

If you have dug a very deep hole and don’t know how to get out of it, this means that in the near future you will have to realize the error of your actions. If you were walking through the forest and fell into a pit with animals, it means that you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to your own negligence. If you dropped something into a hole and cannot find it, this portends sudden enrichment.

Looking into a hole and not seeing the bottom portends sadness and loneliness for a woman; for a man, this dream promises acquaintance with the right person, receiving a profitable offer, new prospects.

Seeing a pit with garbage promises receiving important news by mail or through a messenger, messenger, or stranger.

Filling a hole with earth means that you have to do something that will change the opinions of others about you.

Esoteric dream book

what does it mean if you dream about a pit - a trench dream book
Digging under something (a tree, a pillar) - you are going too deep into some problems, perhaps doing self-digging.

Seeing - you are asking questions that you cannot solve. Put them aside for later, until better times.

Falling into the Pit means you have taken on something other than your own business; you are in danger of collapse, the more noticeable the more terrible the fall, especially if you woke up from this dream.

If you dreamed of a pit, the interpretation of the dream can be found out after making the plot clear and specific. A selection of event transcripts will help you understand the situation and prevent possible troubles. Remember the dream, and some details regarding the location of the pit, its contents and surrounding circumstances.

A hole dug in your yard indicates possible illness in the family. The problem may affect close or distant relatives. According to the advice of the dream book, it is recommended to take safety and preventive measures in advance possible diseases, characteristic of an organism or hereditary genes. You should also avoid dangerous situations associated with professional activities.

Potholes on the road as a sign negative influence bad company. Be responsible in your choice of friends and companions, do not be too naive and trusting of unfamiliar people. Beware of new, seemingly attractive offers.

It happens that a picture in a dream indicates some events, including favorable ones: a ditch on the highway - a temporary lull in work activity; inspection hole at a service station or in a garage - a dream announces a trip; excavation at a construction site - unexpected acquisition of real estate or change of residence.

If you dreamed of a grave or a hole in a cemetery, be prepared for serious problems, consequences that may be irreversible. This sign can also indicate impending troubles, with the subsequent destruction of your reputation.

A cesspool in a garden is good sign, promising profitable business. If, for example, you dreamed of prepared furrows for planting material, great success awaits you in your endeavors. Focusing on the clues of fate, also listen to your intuition.


A depression filled with water portends big changes. More specifics will help you find out the color of the liquid: light and transparent - a favorable sign about a change in life in good side, dark water, on the contrary, symbolizes a difficult life period and promises a long “black streak”.

A hole filled with garbage indicates important news that may soon change your life. Whether they will be good or bad is fate's guess. If the contents of the pit are clay, be prepared to deal with malicious intent and insincerity of friends. Also, several brief and meaningful interpretations will help you determine the meaning of the dream: 1. The pit where a person sits is slander.2. Animal in the pit - deed and repentance; 3. Car in a ditch - be prepared for troubles, and rely solely on your own strength.4. Drainage pit with sewage - be careful, troubles await at every turn.5. Empty - life will go on as usual.

A hole at the bottom of which lies a chest is a good sign with a hint of a valuable gift or surprise. The likelihood of such an outcome is even greater if it is a treasure trove. If, on the contrary, a corpse is found in a hole, it is time to earn the forgiveness of the person who was previously offended.

A ladder sticking out of a hole means that the way out of a difficult situation is nearby, you just have to look around. If a shovel is visible in the hole, get ready, you have a long and tedious job ahead of you for wear and tear and results. It will be boring and monotonous, but effective.


The interpretation of the dream also depends on your direct participation in the episode. For example, if in a dream you are involved in excavations, then in real life you are looking for problems on your head. It is worth being more prudent and soberly assessing the situation, being confident in the appropriateness of actions. This is more about work activities.

A dream in which a girl is digging a grave denotes a joyful event: a successful marriage and strong marital relations on for many years. If the plot of the dream involves burying a grave, it means that the sleeping person is trying to forget his past and leave behind all memories, emotions, and events. In some cases, a dream means the opposite - to remember the past and face it head-on.

There are a number of brief interpretations, depending on the accompanying events associated with the pit: jumping over - trouble with the authorities; pushing a person is envy of other people's successes; getting stuck in a wheel - sudden obstacles on the way to a close goal; bypass - avoid retribution, punishment and consequences of negative actions; fall asleep - new achievements and new life: good or bad, depends on other circumstances.

If you dreamed that you fell into a hole and could not get out of it, expect major troubles with consequences. It will be extremely difficult to prevent events, but if you concentrate and direct your efforts in the right direction, the outcome will be favorable. If in a dream you still get out of the hole, it means that you will be able to overcome troubles with your head held high and clear your reputation. Outside help when trying to get out of the hole means that you will have to solve problems exclusively on your own and count on help, it would seem, close people, it’s not worth it - it won’t exist. If a person helped you cope with negative events, know that there are people nearby whom you can count on, and they will not let you down.

If you dreamed of a hole that unexpectedly blocked your path, be prepared for unexpected troubles at work. This could be the failure of a valuable project, deception of colleagues, or adventures by competitors. Also, as an option, consider car breakdown in long journey or abroad, illness of relatives and inclement weather during the planned event. The ability to concentrate and remember a detailed picture will help you more accurately determine the purpose of sleep.

Why do you dream about a pit according to different dream books?

Why do you dream about a pit according to Miller’s dream book?

Such a dream is interpreted as a warning. In reality you need to be very careful. Your risk in business and life situations will be unjustified. If a girl dreams of a pit, then there is a possibility of anxiety about her fiancé. If you dreamed of falling into a hole, deep sadness and misfortune await you in life. But if you suddenly wake up from such a dream, then you will be able to prevent misfortune.

Why do you dream about a pit according to Veles’s dream book?

Falling into a hole is a warning against serious danger that could happen to you in reality. Digging a hole means getting involved in an unprofitable, dangerous business. Falling into a hole means failure. If you dreamed that you managed to get out of a hole, you will be able to overcome difficulties in life.

Why do you dream about a pit according to the Russian dream book?

Digging a hole - in real life you are doing something that will greatly harm you in the future. To see in a dream a large hole into which you dropped something - you have missed your chance in life. If you dreamed of a pit in which animals are sitting, it means in reality you have started some kind of business, because of which you will have to communicate with cruel people. Going down into the pit - you are planning some kind of event that does not bode well.

Why do you dream about a pit according to Aesop’s dream book?

Seeing a hole with water, in real life you are often visited by bad thoughts. Digging a hole means a not very good period is coming in life.

Freud's Dream Book

Did you dream about a hole? Freud's dream book interprets such a dream in this way: soon your secret, which you have been hiding for a long time, will be revealed. As a result, you may suffer greatly. If you dreamed of falling into a hole, in reality you are on the verge of committing some bad act. Jumping over a hole means in reality you have intimate problems with your partner. Every time a problem appears in plain sight, you do not try to solve it, but hide.