Secrets of the horoscope from Pavel Globa according to the signs of the zodiac. However, you should not plan complex long-distance trips at this time - the likelihood that they will be successful is negligible

The Year of the Rooster will bring success in the career-related area of ​​life, so there is no need to worry about a decrease in activity. The horoscope for 2017 from Pavel Globa does not recommend pinning your hopes only on getting a good position or a new job. Change is coming on all fronts.

General forecast

The patron of the year will bring good luck to workaholics and those who are used to working tirelessly. He likes a rich imagination, so a favorable prognosis also applies to creative personalities. The Rooster does not tolerate fuss and loves to see the work started completed. Among his favorites will be perfectionists who are ready to perfectly perform any task or assignment.

The more you invest, the greater the return will be in the form of useful meetings, acquaintances and cash savings. The astrologer's predictions regarding politics and the world situation recommend not to worry about the crisis. Its destructive power will reach its climax in the year of the Rooster, after which it will begin to decline rapidly. It is useful for states to reconsider development plans and strive for unification.

Secrets of the horoscope from Pavel Globa according to the signs of the zodiac


To succeed, Aries will need determination and assertiveness, which representatives of the fire sign do not lack. It is advisable to weigh each phrase before voicing it so as not to end up in an awkward position. The risk of changing jobs will be completely justified; a new education will not hurt. The year is rich in interesting plans, but Aries sometimes finds it difficult to find the strength to implement them. We advise you not to put things off until later and not to linger in a boring position.


The year promises to bring stable Taurus dramatic changes in my personal life. Interesting acquaintances and unplanned trips will bring a fresh spirit to life. There will be an opportunity to see new places, meet unusual personalities and improve communication skills. Taurus is not sociable by nature, but he is unlikely to be able to deny himself the pleasure of talking with extraordinary people. It is important to be able to put aside fears and be ready to dramatically change your field of activity, because predictions guarantee the success of any enterprise.


Geminis are no strangers to changes and life metamorphoses, but the horoscope for 2017 from Pavel Globa predicts something unimaginable. Representatives air sign They will begin perestroika by rolling up their sleeves. They will break off relationships that are quite boring, change routine work to free creativity, and even reconsider their circle of friends. However, the stars warn that it is advisable to calculate every step. Participation in tempting adventures will bring nothing but further problems and headaches. It is better to direct the flow of energy to the family, where spiritual comfort and harmony can be created.


The forecast for Cancer warns that the year could be quite stressful. Active actions cannot be taken, since there is a possibility of getting involved in a protracted conflict. A series of disappointments will bring loss of strength and depression, so it is better to sit out for a year, doing your usual things. The end of autumn will give Cancers personal and financial well-being. Not everything is so bad if you take the time to educate yourself and search for yourself. To avoid negative situations, it is important to maintain composure and a sober view of what is happening.


Predictions for Leo promise the fulfillment of their wildest fantasies. Everything you previously dreamed about will come true, and the Rooster will give you a favorable opportunity to realize your ideas. Any events will turn out in favor, and good luck will accompany you at work, in business and in love. The search for your soulmate will drag on indefinitely, but you can devote yourself to creativity or study. For long trips and travel is ideal in the spring, and in the second half of the year it is better to avoid traveling long distances.


Pavel Globa's forecast for 2017 will certainly please Virgos. In the first ten days, they will feel an extraordinary surge of strength, which will not decrease during the remaining 12 months. Representatives of the earth sign will pay attention to their inner world and engage in self-improvement. Principles and life beliefs will be revised, and social and professional areas will expand horizons. An obstacle to achieving your goal can be your personal life, where Mexican passions run high, despite Virgo’s reserved character.


Libras risk suffering from their own indecisiveness, as a popular astrologer warns. Current problems will place an unbearable burden on the shoulders of representatives of the air sign. You won’t have to wait for help from loved ones and relatives, since they are also too busy. Changes in your personal life are coming in the second half of the year, but they will entail failures in your career. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn to separate the important from the secondary. Predictions promise stunning career growth with the right priorities.


The year for Scorpio will be prosperous and calm; no adversity will disturb the representatives of the water sign. All forecasts will come true, because there will be enough time, effort, and money for this. Successful relocations, job changes and new relationships. It is necessary to listen to your intuition and retreat at the slightest doubt, since reinsurance will not hurt. A rich personal life will delight you with stability and harmony. The stars do not foretell health problems.


From the beginning of the year, Sagittarius will learn to enjoy the little things and look at life through the prism of optimism. The Rooster will provide many unique opportunities that it would be foolish not to take advantage of. Predictions will come true if Sagittarius shows patience and perseverance in achieving goals. It is advisable to abandon travel planning, since there are no favorable travel forecasts. Personal life will tire you so much that you will want to hide from loved one, but this is not a solution. You must muster courage and make a fateful decision.


Capricorn will search for harmony to find internal balance. The location of the stars does not deny the presence of exciting prospects if self-confidence appears. Problems will arise throughout the year, and they will have to be resolved decisively and quickly. The intensity of events is intertwined with life's difficulties, but at the same time the year is very successful. There will be time for communication with friends, for your personal life, and for conquering new heights in your career.


Predictions for Aquarius concern his personal life, since he will have to experience the whole gamut of emotions. Representatives of the air sign hardly suspected what kind of storm was hidden inside them. When making decisions, you must rely only on intuition and your own opinion. Forecasts and recommendations from others can only harm budding relationships. In order not to be led by your loved ones, it is not advisable to give them details or share what happened.


Pisces will encounter many difficulties along the way, as evidenced by astrological forecast. Even minimal success will require a lot of strength, all the energy and activity. Not everything is so gloomy, since the Rooster has saved a surprise in the career field. In 2017, Pisces will be able to do what they love, changing their disgusting place of work. Only natural laziness can prevent you from realizing your dream, so it is important to pull yourself together and move forward.

The Rooster thinks creatively and does not tolerate exhausting work, so 2017 will be rich in all kinds of discoveries and inventions. Predictions warn of the dangers of gambling, since the risk of loss is high large sum money.

The year will alternate with white and black stripes, and failures will be replaced by success, so you should correctly distribute your forces and be able to adapt to changes.

The hot summer is over. Autumn is ahead of us. And the first month of September has already prepared its surprises.

Astrologer Pavel Globa claims that, by and large, September will be very favorable for most zodiac signs.

He told what representatives of different zodiac constellations should expect from the first month of autumn, September.

September for Taurus will be marked love adventures, ardent feelings and passions. Taurus who are alone have a high chance of finding their soulmate, and those who are already in a couple will improve their relationship and transfer it to a new one, high level. The stars warn that in the middle of the month Taurus can expect large financial expenses. Unfavorable period for loans and debt obligations


The first month of autumn for Gemini will be very troublesome and problematic. Representatives of this sign will have to show their agility and ingenuity. However, September is very favorable for solving problems in your personal life. Don't be afraid of responsibility. After all, at the end of the month everything will be settled and Gemini will see the result of their work and will be satisfied.

September is an excellent period to draw a line and see the preliminary results of this year. The beginning of autumn will have a positive effect on changes. So it’s time for Cancers to reconsider their life and if something in it doesn’t suit them, then September is a great time to change something.

In September 217, Leos will be inspired and easy-going. They will be able to handle any task. However, you should not let your guard down. This behavior, of course, will not lead to serious problems and material losses, but it can spoil relationships with others. The horoscope advises you to direct your energy to improving relationships with loved ones.

September for Virgos is a great time for new achievements and self-realization. In the love sphere, the first month of the canopy portends many pleasant romantic events. In addition, September is a great time for career success and achievements. Perfect time in order to lay the foundation for future success.

The first month of autumn will test Libra representatives' strength. At work, clashes and misunderstandings are quite possible. However, don't be upset. It's best for Libras to let things slide and take care of themselves. At the end of the month, the stars promise a pleasant event to representatives of this sign.


At the beginning of the month, Scorpios will be overcome by doubts and contradictions. The romance in life will subside. In order not to get irritated, it is best for Scorpios to engage in their own self-development. Then things will go well for them.

For Sagittarius, September will be a month of revelations and secret confessions. Representatives of this sign should be very attentive to the signs of fate, otherwise they may miss their lucky chance for good luck. In personal relationships, it is better not to rush and carefully consider every step.

The material sphere of life for Capricorns will come to the fore in September. This behavior will allow them to extract maximum income. It’s worth working not only on strengthening financial condition. Relationships with your partner may become complicated, but not for long. Everything will be fine very soon

September will be very stressful for Aquarius and will not allow them to relax. They will literally be overwhelmed with work. Against this background, problems and misunderstandings may arise in your personal life. However, on the 20th everything will be settled and the meticulous work will bear fruit.

The beginning of autumn for Pisces will be marked by a creative surge. Representatives of this sign of the sign will literally produce a fountain of new interesting ideas. True, they will not bear fruit immediately, but a little later. The stars advise you to start saving. Pisces will have complete harmony in their personal life.

He will tell us what he will bring to us Fire Rooster, what you should be afraid of and how to prepare for upcoming events, and there will undoubtedly be many of them.


For the stubborn and headstrong Aries, 2017 will be unpredictable. A dozen new, previously unknown prospects will open before him, however, fate will require decisive action. Now you have to run after luck, grab its tail, always stay on your guard, sensitive to changes. Aries should keep his stormy temperament in check, be self-possessed, and think through every decision and spoken word. But the Rooster will help you prove yourself in any new profession, successfully gain new knowledge. Good time for learning.

Family Aries will have the opportunity to improve their living conditions; in the first months before autumn, problems may arise in the family and circle of friends. Self-control will allow Aries to maintain friendship and love, then autumn will bring a reward: feelings will sparkle with colors, real life will begin. honeymoon. And the Rooster will give lonely Aries a good opportunity to find their soul mate in the first period of 2017.

In the monetary sphere, Aries will be fine, a calm lull. No big profits, but no unexpected expenses. It’s worth straining and closing your loans quickly and refraining from new ones. The horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs from Pavel Glob advises spending money more carefully; you may also have to pay off the debts of your relatives. Be patient with major acquisitions until the summer.


The rooster promises big changes first on a personal level. However, the work environment will also not let you get bored - perhaps there will be a good chance to change your profession or place of work. The Rooster will expand the horizons of Taurus and show new roads. 2017 will give him several useful meetings and new acquaintances.

Family Taurus should pay more attention to children, but with their other halves everything is fine, calm and harmony. Single Taurus will have a good chance to meet their true soul mate and begin laying the foundation for a family fortress. In terms of health, Taurus is not expected to have any problems. Forget about chronic pain, sadness and depression. The rooster will give new energy, direct it into the working direction. It is advisable to deal with all debts before the beginning of 2017.


It's a good time to reckon with the past. Stop clinging to old, outdated relationships, then change your completely boring job, stop contacts with friends, especially if they are no longer friends. The Rooster asks the children of the wind to be careful and not get involved in adventures, to calculate their steps. Family Geminis should pay attention to their parents, listen to the advice of the older generation, even if at first they seem strange. Free Geminis can meet new people and have stormy, vibrant relationships.

Next year will become difficult for Cancers. The main enemies will be loss of strength, growing depression, fueled by disappointment. Conflicts will only aggravate the situation, so you should avoid them and, in general, it is better to go “underground” if possible. If Cancers pass the dangerous period, the end of the year will bring them long-awaited harmony and prosperity in all important areas.

It is better to devote a year to finding yourself and self-education. Lonely Cancers will be able to find the desired couple, and more than one, although there is a small risk of falling deeply, unrequitedly in love and being tormented by choice. Family Cancers may suffer from their indecision. It’s better to immediately put your inner demons in their place, otherwise your spouse will suffer.

You should take care of your health and rest more often - overload and other emotional experiences will not be in vain. Cancers who are ready to answer for their actions and are brave enough to admit their own shortcomings will be successful.

The horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs from Pavel Glob promises Leo a long-awaited approach to the realization of their main dream. Luck will become a constant companion, constantly organizing a favorable combination of circumstances. Success will accompany you both in business and in studies, family life and creativity. It will be more difficult for single Leos, but families with families will rejoice at the new harmony in the house. It’s better to tune your inner philosopher in advance, then all the hardships of life will be perceived easier. Perhaps Leo will be able to meet his true half in August, but it is important not to miss the moment.

Energy and vigor will become for Leo best helpers. Your health won’t let you down either; any goals you set will become accessible. The main thing is to remember natural balance and not push yourself. IN creatively Leo will be a fountain for new ideas, an excellent opportunity to collect new team. Create a stable business, and almost without a penny in your pocket. In relations with colleagues and superiors, you should be careful.


The Rooster favors Virgos and will endow them with incredible powers. Perhaps this contributes to a radical change in established principles and prejudices. He will show new horizons, then Virgo will want to become better, to change. Personal life will play bright colors Perhaps difficulties or conflicts will arise at work or study; it is important to maintain balance here, because the first months of 2017 will usher in global changes specifically on a personal level.

Family Capricorns will receive a new round in relationships, unprecedented mutual understanding will appear. Single Capricorns will be able to find their soulmate when a whirlwind romance can flow into a strong relationship.


A year of real discoveries awaits him under the auspices of the Rooster. A range of new, previously unfamiliar emotions will open up, perhaps globally reconsidering established views and principles. The Rooster advises Aquarius to listen only to their inner voice, without relying on others. The beginning of the year will provide an opportunity for great and passionate love, and this romance may be the one for life. Family Aquarius will experience difficulties at home, both with a partner and with children.

With health, it is better to be attentive, otherwise there will be new emotions, whirlwind romances will lead to exhaustion nervous system. Periods of excitement will be followed by times of weakness and overwork. It is important to feel the body’s reserves and rest on time. Stability awaits Aquarius in his work, without major failures. Spring will bring difficulties and acceleration in business.


The horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs from Pavel Globa advises Pisces to forget about their indecision and absent-mindedness. To achieve the desired success, and not to get lost in the whirlpool of changes, they will have to become decisive, energetic and businesslike. However, the Rooster believes in the luck of Pisces and will give them chances to change their lives, and there will be many of them.

The opportunity to do what you love, open up new prospects in your work. The main enemy will be laziness. The beginning of the year promises a good mood on a personal level, you will want to flirt and get to know each other. Pisces will show favor to everyone, surrounding themselves with fans. Closer to summer, they themselves decide on a permanent partner.

In terms of health, Pisces need to forget about bad habits, otherwise by summer all the alcoholic libations or packs of smoked cigarettes will come back to haunt you. The Rooster promises an unprecedented career takeoff for all active and courageous Pisces.

Pavel Globa is one of the most successful astrologers in the CIS, because his forecasts always hit the mark. To successfully start and finish the coming week, take into account Pavel Globa’s Horoscope for the week from September 11 to September 17, 2017.

As the Woman`s day portal told us, Pavel Globa recommends that all Zodiac Signs live this week as carefree as possible. Don't take problems as blows of fate - everyone has them. Think of them as just another adventure. This will make it easier to survive all the adversities, because they are of decisive importance.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 11 to September 17, 2017 Aries

Aries this week awaits four whole days, during which luck will most likely be with you. This will be on September 12, 13, 16 and 17. On the other three days, you better not take risks and pay especially close attention to what you eat and do, because chronic diseases can make themselves felt. You will be able to overcome all troubles more easily than ever and solve them much faster than usual.

Fortunately or unfortunately, love should fade into the background for you, because there may simply not be time for it. In some passive way, you can try to solve your love problems, but it’s better not to focus on it at all. It is quite possible that the problems will resolve themselves. It’s better to stay in the shadows, not demanding anything from your loved one and not trying to find a soul mate, especially on September 14th.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 11 to September 17, 2017 Taurus

Thursday and Friday will be the most good days for you. The stars and planets will have a beneficial effect on your performance all week, so don’t put anything off for later. Look for something new: hobbies, sources of income, meet people. The main thing this week is not to overload your body with work. Work in moderation.

The most dangerous day is Monday. Watch how you dress and what you say on this day if you don't want to get an extra headache. Don't make empty promises during these seven days. You will have the opportunity to make this time carefree and very favorable, especially in the love sphere. Meet people, have fun as much as you can, and don't be alone. Devote as much time as possible to your family and significant other. If you are not yet in a relationship, start looking for the person you would like to have by your side always.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 11 to September 17, 2017 Gemini

The positive and creative energy of the cosmos will grow and become as positive as possible for Gemini towards the end of the week. On Saturday and Sunday you will be able to do everything that you will not have time to do in the first five days. At the same time, it is better to postpone new matters for now. Do only what is most relevant to you. The astrologer advises you to eat healthy on September 12 - the most negative day of this week.

In love, you will have to start planning common affairs for the future. Old problems may visit you, but do not be afraid of them. For now, you just need to control all your emotions and focus on what is most important for the future. Look to tomorrow, forgetting about the past, which will constantly remind you of itself.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 11 to September 17, 2017 Cancer

The astrologer advises Cancer to start stocking up on vitamins for the future, as well as accumulating knowledge and learning something new. A change of environment, business and entertainment trips will have a good effect on you. September 11 is the most favorable day of the week. You just need to start doing something and then everything will go like clockwork. Monday is perfect for this. Friday, on the contrary, will be dangerous because the stars will stop helping you.

Whether in love or at work, meeting new people can help you overcome adversity and find something inspiring. You will be charming, no doubt about it. Your self-confidence will become lucky ticket, a pass to the world of love and. Now is a very promising time to find your soulmate, but don't pretend that you're alone. Let people gravitate towards you to be infected by your optimism and good mood. Be witty and emotional - this will attract the opposite sex and help you out in difficult times.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 11 to September 17, 2017 Leo

Tuesday and Wednesday will be your luckiest days this week. To ensure your good health is not lost, take a long walk or go to the pool every day. Physical activity will help you overcome your weaknesses, because your mood will be at its best. Leo women can start a diet, and men can start going to the gym, although healthy eating is equally suitable for both.

The main thing this week is to survive September 11th. This day will be very difficult and dark. It will be devoid of positivity, so you will have to find it yourself. This week it will be easier for you to manage financial affairs, and you will also be able to succeed in love. Don't miss your chance if the opportunity arises to go on a date with a nice person. If you are in a relationship or married, then it's time to do things together.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 11 to September 17, 2017 Virgo

September 12, Tuesday, will be the most dangerous day for you. You may also feel unwell. It is unlikely that you will be able to do anything about it on this day, but on other dates you just need to do what you love and not get overtired. People around you will snap at you, but if you are patient, they will return the favor in the future. In any case, you will need high concentration at work and in business.

Focus on something new without forgetting about old projects at work. In love, especially on September 11, 14 and 15, it is better not to relax. This will be a very passionate week, especially for those who are just starting their love journey in relationships. If you have been married for a long time, then this week you will be able to find a new fuse for yourself, kindle a new fire.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 11 to September 17, 2017 Libra

Four whole days will be truly successful for you this week: September 12, 13, 16, 17. Try to end this week so that next Monday you don't have to do what you're doing now. Difficult decisions emotionally should be much easier for you than usual. All the experience you have accumulated will provide you with serious support in these seven days, especially on the most negative of them - Thursday. The astrologer advises listening to intuition and the voice of the heart as often as possible, especially when it comes to love. Do not rush to manage the relationship. Try to give your significant other more freedom, even if she or he wants to be in charge.

The time has come when it is necessary to fulfill the promises made earlier. Pay off those to whom you owe money, fulfill your destiny to the fullest. The time has come to free yourself from these shackles, and not look for new problems for yourself. Don't start anything yet.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 11 to September 17, 2017 Scorpio

Don't embark on adventures this week if you don't want to fail in love or finances. Develop in yourself the principles on which happiness is based. Try to learn from your mistakes yourself, be careful, and constantly look for ways to improve your relationship with your other half. Don't be afraid to take matters into your own hands.

Thursday and Friday will be the most creative days for you, because the energy of the planets and stars will be the most positive. Be independent and give more freedom to your children, significant other, family and friends. Don't dictate your terms. At work and in business, you will have to get rid of everything that prevents you from focusing on the result. It could be negative thoughts, self-doubt, or just apathy. Fight your fears.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 11 to September 17, 2017 Sagittarius

The last two days of this difficult week will be the most successful for Sagittarius. The creative energy of the stars will be most evident on September 16th and 17th. Don't leave a single detail unattended in any area of ​​life. Absolutely everything is important now, so keep an eye on the ones that will surround you everywhere. Set achievable goals and don't be afraid to work as a team with someone.

This week will be difficult, so do not forget that you have loved ones who always need to be remembered. Only through diplomacy will you be able to keep everything as it is now. This applies to both work and love. Learn to put yourself in another person's shoes in order to interact with people correctly. Luck will be with you throughout the weekend, so on Saturday and Sunday you can be a little selfish.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 11 to September 17, 2017 Capricorn

Thursday will be the most unfavorable day. During this short period, it is possible that big problems with health and mood. Your energy will decrease to such an extent that problems with luck may reach their climax. However, then until September 14 everything will be very calm and favorable. On Monday, September 11, the astrologer advises you to start looking for your soulmate and not be afraid of new business acquaintances. Expand your social circle.

Training will be very easy for you, so take full advantage of it. Capricorns who have not yet met their chosen one will finally be able to find their love. If you have not been on vacation since the beginning of summer, then it is better to relax this week or plan a vacation for the near future. If you don't do this, you can become like an emotional time bomb.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 11 to September 17, 2017 Aquarius

Tuesday and Wednesday - best time to implement all plans, even the most ambitious. Due to increased ambitions, Aquarius may have numerous quarrels with loved ones, colleagues, and business partners. The main thing is to just get through it all on Monday, the hardest day of this difficult week. Possible situations will worsen the situation for Aquarius.

On September 12 and 13, you will need to put all your efforts into solving problems in love and at work. Learn to ask people for forgiveness if you don’t want to be completely alone by Sunday. There is nothing wrong with learning to admit your guilt, because we all make mistakes. Try to get plenty of rest on the weekend to reduce the risk of problematic situations.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 11 to September 17, 2017 Pisces

Monday will be the most favorable day for you in the coming week. Then the positive energy will decline, and then return again. Thursday and Friday, September 14 and 15, will be great for any new endeavors or finishing old ones. These three days will be ideal for declarations of love, marriage proposals, and wedding planning. In general, this week will be a time of romance.

If you want to succeed in business or at work, then do not strive to conclude agreements and negotiations. Do everything yourself, and only the best in the best possible way. Watch your health, because it's easy to get sick this week. This will unsettle you for a long time.

Increase your energy if you don’t want success to turn away from you - this is the astrologer’s main advice for this week. Fortune, like a magnet, is drawn to people who are positive and believe in themselves. Force yourself to believe in success, to see it in your thoughts and in your imagination. Good luck to you!

The cockerel will give a grain to everyone! Detailed horoscope from Pavel Globa (and by the way, he is never wrong) - read this article.

Horoscope for 2017 Aries from Pavel Globa

Aries is a born winner. This is a person who loves and knows how to start new things and strive for new achievements. Aries are such natures that can be in one moment in in a great mood, and a second later in severe depression. However, if representatives of the sign are obsessed with a new idea, then they will not stop until they realize their plans. What awaits Aries in 2017?

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus from Pavel Globa

Taurus, fairly tired of a series of worries, in 2017 will finally be able to see the fruits of their labors.

The Year of the Rooster brings you only positive changes. The worries, of course, will not decrease, but these will be pleasant worries, which hardworking and homely Taurus like so much.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini from Pavel Globa

Geminis are people who are used to double-checking everything and weighing their every decision. In 2017, the time will come when you will need to act more decisively, only in this case will you be successful.

In January 2017, Gemini may have to reconsider their plans for life. There is a chance that personal circumstances will force you to forget about work.

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer from Pavel Globa

Cancers, accustomed to moving backwards, will have to learn to stand their ground this year. You should show perseverance and all your skills in the struggle for success, profit, career and love.

The stars advise representatives of this sign to start living in a new way in the new year. Changes could begin as early as January. During this period, there is a high probability that Cancers will change their place of permanent work.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo from Pavel Globa

Leos are excellent specialists at making an impression on others. But this year you'll have to show yours true face. You need to learn to be, not seem. Take off the mask and people will be able to love you for who you are.

Significant changes in life will begin in early January. During this period, you should be prepared to take decisive action. This applies to both work and personal life.

Horoscope for 2017 Virgo from Pavel Globa

The past two years have changed a lot in Virgo's life. A lot happened, fate tested your strength. And now in 2017 we can say with confidence that you passed the test with a bang.

In January 2017, something from the past may return to Virgos. There is a possibility that you will be offered to return to a project that you have already left long ago.

Horoscope for 2017 Libra from Pavel Globa

All last year you had to demonstrate your restraint to others. Libra, you did great, you didn’t lose your temper! In 2017, you can finally relax and enjoy life.

It's best to start 2017 with a vacation. The first three weeks of January should not bother you with either household or work problems. Try to devote this time to active recreation.

Horoscope for 2017 Scorpio from Pavel Globa

2017 promises to be a turning point for Scorpios in many areas. The reason is simple - you are tired of the problems of the previous year and you want to relax and enjoy life.

Already in January you will feel a significant surge of strength and vigor. Don't hold yourself back if you want to start something new, take training or go on a trip.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius from Pavel Globa

The past year has been very difficult for you. But it couldn't break you. In the new year 2017, you may have to work a little more. But you will accept new tasks with enthusiasm.

January will be full of communication with family and friends, and this will undoubtedly benefit you. In February, you will be able to move towards new horizons that will open up in your career. However, you will not be able to immediately understand that new opportunities are opening up before you.

Horoscope for 2017 Capricorn from Pavel Globa

Capricorns are multi-faceted individuals who know how to both have a lot of fun and be serious when necessary.

Horoscope for 2017 Aquarius from Pavel Globa

Aquarians are talented and creative individuals, and in 2017 these abilities will be doubly evident. Your head will be full creative ideas. Create, just don't lose your head. You really have a chance of success.

The month of January will be marked by the appearance of people and facts from the past in your life.

Horoscope for 2017 Pisces from Pavel Globa

The New Year will give Pisces the opportunity to take a break from the stress that haunted them throughout 2016. You will have a chance to get everything you have dreamed of for so long. Try not to miss your chance.

There is a possibility that in the new year you will have an irresistible desire to change your life. However, before you take action, you need to audit your life