Zodiac signs element of air. The right choice of jewelry. Which zodiac signs are air signs?

Air signs of the zodiac - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. The main feature of this group is intelligence. These signs are associated with easy, unburdensome mental and sensory processes; their connections are not strong and changeable. In order to maintain their sexual interest, they need to meet a person with the same mentality (they require a person of the same intelligence as them). Each has, in the other, a partner who is ready to experiment in all areas of life. People in this group get bored easily. Among them we find masters of their craft: writers, scientists, doctors, inventors, actors, singers, dancers. Keyword of this group - INTELLIGENCE. All three signs love mental work, rarely giving themselves completely to it. They can take advantage of water signs' depth of feeling and their strong emotions.
In sexual relations, people of these signs belong to experimenters and will definitely try everything. They say that their feelings are deep, but usually they are controlled by the mind. People and events outside their world are represented to them by theater actors and a play. Their slogan: CAN YOU AND WILL YOU HELP ME FORGET MYSELF?

People of the zodiac signs of the Air element have a resourceful, cheerful, energetic nature, are talkative, sociable and avoid the influence of feelings.
The characteristic distinctive properties of the zodiac signs of the Air element are natural, reasonable arguments and interpretations, and therefore people of this element are perceived as individuals endowed with remarkable thinking, as well as the ability to think creatively and fantasize. They live in a world of ideas and reflections, love to use logical evidence, and have unclouded, intelligible thinking.
The most compatible in love and friendship for people of the zodiac signs of the Air element are considered to be the zodiac signs of the Air element and the Fire element. The zodiac signs of this element are suitable for relationships with both water and earth in the case when the former is not afraid of the wind, and the latter extends with the wind.
Positive qualities of the zodiac signs of the element Air: reasonable mind, justice, sense of the principle of community, ability to get used to any, even unfamiliar, environment, willingness to assist, impartiality, prudence, desire for independence, pleasant conversationalist.
Negative qualities of the zodiac signs of the element Air: intransigence, excessive self-confidence, insincerity, frivolity, excessive talkativeness, a tendency to spread gossip, callousness and the search for profit, submission to one’s whim, indiscipline.

Signs of the zodiac. Characteristics and associations with air:

– dispassionate, balanced, concentrated. The basic and most important skill is persuasion;
- frozen, exposed to air. A person of this sign is characterized by seething thoughts and many ideas;
- fickle, unstable air, it can be hot, cold, and at times has the properties of both. This zodiac is distinguished by the ability to use the mind and, when necessary, charm.
The talisman of the zodiac signs of the Air element is Sylph.

This article collects basic information about the air signs of the zodiac and presents all known information about them with answers to frequently asked questions.

What are the air signs of the zodiac and their compatibility with other signs

The air signs of the zodiac include: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini. The relationship between air and fire is ambiguous; they can experience constant conflicts and at the same time strengthen their relationship.

The best compatibility is considered between water and air, this perfect couple. At the air and the air good compatibility, which improves over the years. Air and earth have average compatibility.

Zodiac signs of the air elements: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra and their brief characteristics

- Twins
Geminis are changeable and ambiguous. They can give off a cold feeling, and after half an hour they literally glow with passion.

- Aquarius
Aquarians are cheerful and energetic, which allows them to constantly be in a state of brainstorming.

- Scales
Libras belong to those people who are overly calm and balanced. They can lead crowds and convince people.

Air zodiac signs prefer light foods, which are distinguished by their tart and astringent taste. Harmonious mixing of different aromas and tastes is also good.

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Precious stones and metals have their own energy and therefore can bring success and luck to someone, but harm someone. This article will discuss the right choice of jewelry made of stones and metals for air element zodiac signs.

Zodiac signs element Air. Winter months Aquarius, autumn Libra, Gemini spring-summer.

Air practically does not worship the power of stones and metals, but forces them to serve itself. Silver in to the greatest extent contributes to success. Silver hides a great power that can be felt air element zodiac signs.

Many of them prefer silver, although gold is also acceptable to them. Platinum is a metal to which Air is very partial. This is a sign of total success in any endeavor.

Platinum has more energy than any other metal, which allows a person to feel a constant surge of strength and freshness of thought. In Tibet, Mongolia, and China, platinum has a special attitude, not only because it is very expensive, but also because of its incompatibility with other metals.

If you already wear it, then you should not wear any others, otherwise platinum may take revenge. Leads to illness, injury, financial failure. It cannot be combined with gold, silver, bronze and other metals.

Air zodiac signs they feel support through tin, lead, aluminum, but are very negatively disposed towards copper, bronze, iron, which cause unpleasant sensations. Some object made of metal coated with nickel should be placed in a visible place in the house. Nickel is a kind of relay of cosmic energy.

Stones of the zodiac signs of the Air element are shiny, transparent, light beige.

Diamond is eternal youth and activity. People of the air prefer a rough diamond - a diamond whose power is even greater. These stones are dangerous for the signs of Earth and Water; Fire perceives them jealously. People of the air element can afford a diamond necklace, ring, necklace, but in limited quantities, otherwise it will have a bad effect on mental and physical health.

Air element zodiac signs fit rhinestone (external brightness of the wearer), white pearl(pomp of attire), ivory (moderation in requests), light-colored corals (search for success), alexandrite (expectation of warmth), quartz (stability in the family and team).

For air signs according to horoscope Amber and agate are neutral, and attention should be paid to such minerals as ruby, garnet, and jasper. It is undesirable for him to deal with lapis lazuli, turquoise, jade, and sapphire. And you certainly shouldn’t wear items made of emerald and malachite, as they can inhibit his initiative.

Each of the four elements is represented by a group of three zodiac signs that have similar characteristics, unique compatibility, as well as individual traits and their own history. And today we will talk about representatives of the Air element, whose representatives are such symbols as Libra, Gemini, Aquarius.

The element Air, namely those representing it zodiac signs differ in special features, including intelligence and specific variability. And when meeting Libra, Gemini and Aquarius, you can identify qualities that are not similar to the others.

All those who were born under the constellations Libra, Gemini and Aquarius are uniquely endowed with high intelligence from birth. Their mentality is not similar to those who are representatives of another element, and what is characteristic of them is that they look for the same personalities for communication. With other individuals who, in their opinion, are not sufficiently developed, air signs of the zodiac feel boredom. They are often not interested in communicating with such people. This somewhat complicates their compatibility, as it significantly limits the criteria for selecting friends and lovers. However, despite this, they remain sociable people.

All three representatives of the Air element (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius) are not workaholics, but respect mental work. Therefore, among the representatives of these zodiac symbols you can often find:

  • creative people (writer, inventor, etc.)
  • artists;
  • employees of medical or scientific centers.

It is rare for an air sign to be an office employee who goes to work according to a classic schedule. There are no performers among them, since they are rather managers.

Such signs select a job based not only on their preferences, but also taking into account the opportunities for further self-development.

Both in the field of realization and in the field of love, these zodiac symbols are rather experimenters. In this they are fundamentally different from the representatives of the Earth element group. However, due to the malleability of water signs, Libra, Gemini and Aquarius can take advantage of their feelings.

A distinctive feature that is characteristic only of air signs is changeability. To some extent, variability of moods and plans interferes with the achievement of set goals, and also affects compatibility with other representatives of astrological signs. At the same time, such people are very cheerful and have remarkable ingenuity. They are practical (like representatives of the Earth element), and also resourceful and sociable. Each of them individually is a creative person with the ability to fantasize, and if you meet one of these signs that does not confirm these words, perhaps they have not yet been able to reveal their true talent.

The characteristic common to these zodiac signs also has several other parameters. This:

  • the ability to find the sequence of events and build the correct logical chains;
  • willingness to always come to the rescue;
  • impartiality;
  • craving for justice;
  • desire to be independent.

Despite the list of qualities characteristic of air signs, which are their advantages, they also have general disadvantages. Negative traits include:

  • excessive self-confidence;
  • excessive talkativeness, which often develops into spreading gossip;
  • prudence, seeking benefits in almost everything;
  • inability to be disciplined, serious;
  • they often try to subjugate people and impose their opinions;
  • stubbornness, intransigence.

With which of the representatives of other elements is a union of water signs possible?

Regarding possible alliances, then the compatibility of such people promises the most favorable outcome of relations between representatives of the elements Air and Fire. Representatives of Water and Earth are not best option to create alliances. A connection between such people is possible only when water signs have the opportunity to correct the fate of their partner.

If we talk about each specific sign, then the probability of creating unions can be represented as a combination of Air and:

  • Fire - excellent compatibility, because fire signs will be able to become brighter personalities and open up. The relationships of such couples are usually intense and “lively.” By pushing each other to new successes, they will be able to enjoy their victories and share the joy with each other;
  • Water – average compatibility, which is explained by the excessive emotionality of representatives of the water element. Although both partners will experience strong desire to be together, but until they gain a sense of proportion, the two of them will not be able to overcome the obstacles that fate will have in store for them;
  • Earth is not a bad compatibility. If the representative of the Earth is interesting for Air, then such an alliance will be long-lasting. As a rule, in the relationship between these people, everything is ruled by the water sign.

If we talk about the compatibility of two people who are simultaneously representatives of the same sign (Air), then this is also not a very good union. But if both learn to give in to each other and step over personal opinions for the sake of the prospect of building something together, their union will be very successful.

Description of the sign Libra

Libra, as a special sign of the Air element, is very delicate and at the same time radically changeable in its moods. Even the smallest trifle can throw them off balance.

These people, born between September 24 and October 23, need constant harmony, as well as the attention of others. Therefore, partners of representatives of the air element and the sign of Libra will have to come to terms with their behavior in society. It is also worth noting the devotion characteristic of all Libras, who belong to the element of Air. If these people, in search of justice, meet the same person, they will be faithful to him and will never betray him.

They experience refusals very painfully. If a lover turns away or breaks off the relationship, they will experience the breakup extremely strongly. Therefore, it is not recommended to create alliances with representatives of the Earth element, because they may be the first to refuse such relationships.

Vulnerable and sensual, almost all of them become creators and artists. In order for Libra to create real masterpieces, the people nearby will need to inspire the authors, indulging them in almost everything.

Description of the Gemini sign

Part of the air element group, Gemini is also unique. Basically, they are closed. Especially for people outside their usual social circle. This greatly complicates the compatibility of this sign with others.

Born between May 22 and June 21, such people are workaholics. However, they will not waste time on something that is not interesting to them. Often such people become employees of centers or companies where they can do what they love and devote literally all their time to it.

As for the health of Gemini, representatives of the air element, they are all strong and physically developed people. Due to the fact that they are ready to spend all their energy on their hobby, they often suffer from overwork. In general, in order to quickly restore strength and rush into battle again, a short pause is enough for them.

Almost all Geminis are good, loyal friends. Many of them will have one or two friends, but they will never betray them. These representatives of the group of air signs prefer not to let colleagues and other unfamiliar personalities close to their hearts. Thus, they are reinsured against betrayals, which are so difficult to experience.

Description of the Aquarius sign

The last representatives of the air element are people born in the winter months (from January 21 to February 19), Aquarius. They have a more humanitarian mindset. Like other signs of this element, Aquarius - creative personalities. Their talent and imagination cannot be locked into the framework of everyday routine, as it adversely affects their creativity.

Due to their rather complex nature, they have specific compatibility. Since they are emotional and changeable, not everyone can get along with these qualities (especially representatives of the Earth element). At the same time, they are open, sincere individuals. They are not capable of intentionally offending, but they are ready to tell the whole truth to your face, no matter how bitter it may be.

Aquarians, who belong to the air element, are very trusting. Sometimes, they cannot even imagine that someone can take advantage of them. Therefore, they value most of all their family and friends, who will not betray or lie. For them, family is a place where they love, wait and are always greeted with an open heart.

Zodiac signs by elements - Horoscope 4.80 /5 (10 votes)

To expand knowledge about ourselves, there is a theory of correspondence between zodiac signs and elemental elements. It was based on Empedocles’ theory of the four elements (elements): fire, earth, water and air. Since there are twelve signs and four elements, each element is represented by three signs. Division by elements reveals certain characteristics of the zodiac signs that allow you to extract new information in a very interesting performance. Thanks to the appearance of common “natural” signs, analysis and subsequent forecast vital energy a person turns out to be deeper and wider. the features of his consciousness and worldview are revealed.

What is the element according to the horoscope?

Element of Fire – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Thirst for power, temper, energy, high activity - these are the main signs element of fire. Such people are capable of rushing into an “attack” without thinking about the consequences at all. In the heat of battle, they are unable to think about their “hotness.” They will be able to repent of what they have done only after some time has passed, when they have cooled down. In such situations there is no self-control. Therefore, if the “Fire Man” allowed himself to commit an insensitive act or “kindness” towards you that deeply offended and hurt you, most likely this was not an intentional urge to offend you. This is all the result of ardor and emotionality. Remember, fire flares up instantly and is quite difficult to put out.

But, thanks to these same qualities, they will easily bring you out of a state of depression and hopelessness. “Fire” people have unhealthy self-confidence and believe in a bright future.

Positives: energetic, optimistic and determined.

Negatives: extremely impatient, frivolous, trying to solve problems from a position of strength.

Fire element horoscope signs:

Aries is a sign with a pronounced fiery character, one might say an air-fuel mixture, capable of blazing at any moment, without the ability to go out.

Leo is a constant, smooth fire.

Sagittarius is variable fire. It can flare up with lightning speed and fade away just as quickly.

Comfortable environment: It’s better to live in a spacious room where it’s cool. The presence of a fireplace, or a real stove with a burning fire, will have a positive effect. The workplace should be located in a well-ventilated area or in the open air. Flaw fresh air and a small enclosed space will suppress the fire.

The symbol of the element of fire is the salamander (spirit of fire), which draws energy from fire.

Earth element – ​​Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Firmness, certainty, immobility, rigor, realism - these are the main characteristics earth elements . The name "Earth Signs" speaks for itself. These are realists, down to earth and stable. They do not need “castles in the air” and “Napoleonic” plans. Thanks to the prudence and practicality inherent in nature, it is safe and calm to work with them.

However, often these qualities are transformed into meticulousness and pedantry, which makes them impossibly boring.

Representatives of “Earth” signs are used to expressing themselves directly and openly, and are ready to call things by their proper names. They only believe their own personal experience, namely, what they saw with their own eyes. Very material, taciturn. They like specifics: “yes”, “no”, “maybe” - such answers are in their style. Always ready to give practical practical advice!

Earth signs are very sensitive and vulnerable, but this is a one-way game. These are quite selfish individuals. They themselves are not able to accept criticism, although they can do a lot of trouble, and it won’t seem to anyone. As a result of their actions, they cannot understand: “Why has no one appreciated me, because I am so wonderful?” But simply because they don’t want to notice or hear anyone except themselves.

Empathy, the ability to put oneself in the place of another, this is not about them.

Positives: order in everything, stable, like to plan everything.

Negatives: pessimistic, boring, overly critical of themselves and, especially, of their family.

Earth element horoscope signs:

Capricorn- typical earth, secretive, likes to control others, while being in the shadows.

Taurus is stable, feels the soil under his feet, personifies the inviolability and strength of the rock, until his inner volcano awakens.

Virgo is constantly busy with something, works a lot.

Comfortable environment: It’s better to live on earth: dachas, gardens and vegetable gardens, greenhouses, flowers on the windowsill. The environment has a positive effect, where order, a feeling of security and reliability should reign.

The symbol of the element of earth is the gnome (spirit of the earth), it brings good luck. The gnome lives at the dacha in a greenhouse or among flowers on the windowsill.

Air element – ​​Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Air is characterized by the need for renewal, variability, information field, contacts, communication.

Representatives "Air" zodiac signs flighty, changeable, able to easily change loyalties. Lucky are those representatives of the air element who have, to some extent, the character of the water element. In this case, they feel more deeply and are ready for changes only in case of urgent need.

They love to make grandiose plans. After all, these are the true builders of “castles in the air”!

They are ready to completely immerse themselves in an idea, moving away from the world around them, everyday worries and problems. Great intellectuals! Well-read, with a keen interest in everything around them.

Positives: sensible, objectively looking at things and very realistic. They are easy to work with. We are always ready to help, resolve a confusing situation, soberly assessing the possibilities and chances.

Negatives: personal freedom is a priority, they are cold and calculating, as a result of a highly developed intellect. They can be two-faced, talkative, and love to gossip.

Air element horoscope signs:

Libra – cold, high mountain, concentrated air. His strength is conviction.

Aquarius is air that is still and under pressure. Constantly seething with many thoughts and plans. He is tormented by the thirst to give freedom and freedom to the world.

Gemini - moving air - sometimes warm, sometimes cold. In life he acts with intelligence and charm. Do not disdain to evade in the same way.

Comfortable environment: live and work better in rooms with large windows, workplace choose closer to the window.

The patron and protector is an invisible spirit - the sylph, who prefers open places - gardens and fields.

Element of Water – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Zodiac signs element of water characterized by impressionability, emotionality, detachment from reality, passive magical power, suggestibility, plasticity. Because of its depth and subtle sense of the world, it is the element of water that is the most attractive of all the elements...

“Water” people perceive the world through the prism of their deep receptivity. Their mood may change frequently; this is due to deep emotionality and intuition.

They often become dependent on alcohol, as it helps them disconnect from everyday worries and problems.

Positives: the ability to empathize, subtly feel other people, and as a result are friendly.

Negatives: quick mood swings, laziness, irritability, love to feel sorry for themselves.

Water element horoscope signs:

Cancer is one of the states of water - steam, energetic and unstoppable.

Scorpio is another state of water - ice, hides its plans, is able to freeze its desires.

Pisces is the personification of underground waters.

Qualities of water: the ability to evade, flow around obstacles, rather than fight them. Penetrate, seep in, no matter what, and flood.

Comfortable environment: live better nearby with a body of water - a swimming pool, lake, sea, or at worst a home aquarium. You need to work in a calm, noiseless environment. It would be nice to have an aquarium at work too.

Your patron and protector is the mermaid (spirit of water). Lives in open waters, but can also live in an aquarium.