Who belongs to the element of fire according to the horoscope and their compatibility with other signs. Sagittarius fire zodiac sign

Love compatibility can be assessed not only by the Zodiac Signs themselves, but also by their elements. This will be useful for those who are interested in more detailed information- after all, every nuance is important in feelings.

Many people prefer to find out their love compatibility before starting a relationship to save their precious time. Of course, situations cannot be excluded when perfect couples fell apart, but this is already a human factor, because not everyone was given the ability by the Universe to carefully preserve the gifts of Fate. There are also people who create strong and happy marriages, despite the lack of horoscope compatibility.

Air Sign Compatibility

Air is Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. These Zodiac Signs are characterized by some frivolity. This doesn't mean they will cheat all the time. It’s just that people born under the auspices of Air know what freedom is and value it above all else. Freedom does not prohibit marriage. This looseness is more of an emotional nature. When you hold back representatives of the air element, they begin to act contrary.

You don’t have to agree with them on everything and follow their lead—it’s enough to just understand them. Astrologers say that best compatibility possesses with air Fire. However, lovers who represent the union of these elements must be extremely careful: the combination of fire and air can be explosive. This love will be passionate, but requires a lot of control if you want to get married and create a strong family. Great passion requires discretion.

Air and Earth- this is the ideal combination for starting a family. The emotional component in such relationships will be reduced, so separation is possible in the early stages. However, if the lovers successfully overcome possible problems, they will create a truly happy union.

Air and Water They may also encounter many difficulties along the way, but such a marriage will make Air “sink”, adding caution and prudence to it.

Air with Air They will be good friends, but the family is unlikely to be strong. Frivolity in family life does not lead to good, so one of the lovers will have to change their principles and character for the sake of such love.

Water Sign Compatibility

From the very beginning of their adult lives, Scorpios, Cancers and Pisces are looking for a place for mental and physical peace. “Water” people want to find solid ground under their feet, but they cannot achieve this on their own. That's why they early years thinking about marriage and family. Their methods of testing a person's suitability for love and long-term relationships can be difficult and even cruel. They are incredibly demanding, not of themselves, but of others.

WITH Earth Water is easiest because water seeps into the soil and becomes one with it. Water Signs always respect and even admire Earth Signs, their perseverance, wisdom, patience, intelligence and beauty of soul. This is an ideal union for both some and others, but even here it is not without reservations. They consist in the fact that Water Signs, when they feel some firmament under their feet, begin to relax and change. This frightens those who belong to the Earth element. For Water, everything is cloudless and beautiful.

Water and Water- this is an explosive mixture. Can you imagine how two Scorpios would live together? These people are simply not made for each other, but not everything is so bad. Sometimes such families, on the contrary, become indestructible, successful and lucky, but this will require enormous work on both sides.

Water and Air They don’t go well together, but over time the connection strengthens. That is why the passion that flared up between two such people will last for decades.

And here Fire stewed with water. In the case of such love or marriage, it is better to give Leo, Sagittarius or Aries more freedom.

Fire Sign Compatibility

Oddly enough, Sagittarius, Leo and Aries go well with all other people under certain conditions. Fire is emotions and sensuality. In love, these qualities can be considered the main ones.

Air Signs are lucky talismans for Fire people. The main thing is to show them their importance to you. They need to feel that they are needed. If Fire Signs can do this, then they will be very lucky in life, not only in love, but also in their careers.

WITH By water It is better not to meet Fire if you do not know how to express your wishes and negotiate. It is better for Fire not to try to defeat the power of Water. Be restrained and build your strategy carefully.

Fire+Fire- this is something. Such unions almost never last long if there is no control in the relationship. It's like trying to control a car flying down Mount Everest.

Fire-Earth a union is exactly what can give two people happiness. If you learn something important from each other, you will never be apart. Do not ignore what the Earth Sign says, then even some of your antics will be forgiven.

Earth Sign Compatibility

Earth is fortitude. This is wisdom and incredible endurance. This is modesty, logic, kindness, as well as integrity, bordering on cruelty. These people do not like to be deceived or bossed around without their permission. They know how to admit mistakes, but hate groundless reproaches.

The earth must control everything and be confident in tomorrow. This desire is satisfied in union with By water. However, when it comes to marriage, Earth Signs stop - after all, their half was at first flexible, and then suddenly became different.

WITH By air Virgos, Capricorns and Taurus have exactly 50/50 chances. To Earth Signs, the frivolity of Air Signs often seems like stupidity and lack of principles. They don't tolerate this. A little control wouldn't hurt here.

Terrestrial+Earthly- this is true strength. The only thing that will suffer in this case is financial well-being. Such couples save and save and save, but cannot invest money correctly because they are constantly afraid of something. However, this is not such a strong minus.

The last ones we will talk about are Fiery legion. Virgos, Taurus and Capricorns can find them incredibly difficult to interact with. Here, unfortunately, everything will not depend on the Earth Signs. If Leos, Sagittarius and Aries can suppress their selfishness and discern the virtues of the Earth Signs, then this union will give both of them happiness.

May good luck in love accompany you, regardless of which element you were born under. Love is born from the ability to meet halfway. The stars and astrology will help you save your personal time if you are not ready to make concessions. If you are full of desire to find your true love, let her storm obstacles, fall down and fly up. Trials strengthen a family, so don't be afraid of them. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Fire is a powerful force that has long been worshiped by primitive peoples of all continents of the globe. The trine of the Fire signs of the Zodiac has many of the qualities of its patron. Children of Fire are easy-going, persistent and willful, they are given the gift of warming hearts, but if handled incorrectly they can burn their palms. They are fearless, free and often indomitable, they will fight for personal freedom and defend their rightness until their last breath. These zodiac signs can, of course, reduce their fiery ardor, portray humility and submission, but then they will flare up with renewed vigor.

Now Fire has lost its divine significance, but people appreciate its power and still treat it with care.

Stubborn, uncontrollable and independent people of the element of Fire come into our world and from childhood they fight for the inviolability of their rights and freedoms. These signs are extremely honest and frank, they can throw an offensive, sharp word at the interlocutor, but then they will worry for a long time, but they are unlikely to dare to come up and apologize. Indeed, in fact, often these people had no intention of offending their interlocutor; representatives of Fire signs did not even imagine that the truth, presented in such a format, could seriously hurt. But sometimes Fiery people use their incontinence for selfish purposes and can deliberately “pour salt into the wound,” so it is better not to quarrel with them.

Zodiac signs of the Fire element need human attention and understanding. There are always so many interesting thoughts boiling in their heads that they are not able to keep them to themselves. That’s why those around you often become listeners to many daring plans and crazy ideas. But these ideas are real life do not appear for long, because their number is really huge. “It’s impossible to do everything” - for young Leos, Aries and Sagittarius, this is another subjective view of the world. They will, of course, take note of it, but will prefer to learn from their own experience.

Representatives of the element of Fire in society play the role of a campfire, around which travelers gather to sing songs with a guitar. These signs charge those around them with optimism and cheerfulness. They happily give out their warmth, share their openness and goodwill, which is why their loved ones love them and constantly give them fuel. But the main thing here is not to overdo it, because too strong a fire can lead to a forest fire.

Signs of the element of Fire are characterized by an irresistible desire to be in the center of attention and receive recognition and praise from many people. Sagittarius, Leo, Aries at a young age often behave defiantly, they can be impudent with enemies and mean with competitors, so that their peers admire their independence and self-confidence. But adult representatives of the Fire Trigon, as a rule, are much wiser; they will calmly defend their point of view, thereby earning the respect of others.

Smart, active and lucky - these signs will become good leaders, great speakers, capable of igniting the crowd. But they should pay more attention to thinking through decisions. After all, if they make an important decision in a fit of emotion, they risk being completely burned out. And for them there is nothing more boring than starting everything from the very beginning. But it should be noted that representatives of the Fire element are given control over their willpower. And they, as the patron Fire, always move forward towards the goal. But they can also jump to another object if they suddenly get bored with this dream. Their self-confidence and dreams of power can break when faced with harsh reality and go out, but only for a while, because the Fire Zodiac signs will always find “means to ignite.”


Sagittarius represents smoldering coals. They can alternately light up with ideas, they can go out over time, but it is almost impossible to extinguish them completely, and as a result they always warm the world around us.

These representatives of the Fire Trigon are constantly looking for new experiences; they are much more interested in spending their energy on expanding opportunities and acquiring new skills rather than reducing needs. Sagittarians, as a rule, are filled with enthusiasm and take on completely different things, but if their interest suddenly weakens, then it is not a fact that the project will be completed.

These children of the Fire element rush both for the development of the soul and for material well-being simultaneously. But sometimes excessive straightforwardness can prevent them from achieving great goals - not all bosses like the bitter truth, and Sagittarius’ ambition does not allow them to tolerate lies.


Other signs associate Aries with an inexorable forest fire. These people are always full of energy, not only positive, but also negative. They are very active, and these signs are full of determination. All Aries’s grievances quickly “burn out,” leaving only small handfuls of ashes somewhere in the dusty corners of his soul.

Just as fire rushes through the forest, capturing and feeding on new areas, Aries also moves towards the unknown and stretches upward. They were created to rule people and will not tolerate the infringement of their own rights. It is important for these representatives of Fire to be indispensable in business. They love competition and constantly work to achieve success. But the monotony bores them greatly. If nothing new happens around them for a long time, the fire in their eyes will go out.


Lions resemble the steady flame of a small fire. These representatives of the Fire element are independent and proud, and it is better not to hurt their ambition. In their youth, Fire children are often selfish, but this does not prevent them from becoming the center of attention.

Leos are very strong competitors. If they set a goal for themselves, they will work tirelessly to achieve the desired result. These Fire children crave success and appreciation. They can take on more responsibility and then bathe in rose petals.

Positive traits

Fire endows its representatives with constant mobility, but only with appropriate motivation. These signs enjoy constantly exploring new horizons and sharing their experiences, while receiving the admiration of others.

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are quick to catch on new information and understand the essence of various issues well. They are sociable and talkative, they are usually accompanied by good luck and success. These signs are not afraid to offer something new and take the initiative into their own hands. Children of Fire are endowed with powerful vital energy, and those around them greatly appreciate their generosity, talkativeness, and passion. They are usually not prone to long-term depression, and they will not get too upset over little things. Signs of the Fire Trigon are able to quickly make decisions and, if particularly necessary, will help others with this.

Negative qualities

Representatives of the Fire element, as a rule, are too impatient and can do something crazy in the heat of the moment. But their cheerful energy often goes beyond all acceptable boundaries. These signs will not always acquire own experience before advising anything to other people. Often, children of Fire are overly self-confident and hot-tempered; in disputes they can spend a long time proving that they are right, even if they themselves understand that their judgments are wrong. They strive for dominance and power; they can go to hell to make heaven subservient. They rarely truly listen to the opinions of other people, especially if they are just acquaintances or friends.

It is better not to anger representatives of these zodiac signs and not to put a spoke in their wheels, because these people are vindictive and vindictive. It is worth remembering that a beautiful warming Fire can destroy all living things overnight.

Compatibility with other elements


Representatives of the Fire element are protected by salamanders. These lizards were often credited with the ability to spontaneously combust and live in fire.

Two flames, even different in temperature, are still very similar to each other, and in many ways this becomes a problem. They are very emotional and by nature strive for leadership, which creates strong disharmony in the union. This combination can benefit the world only if the partners come to equality, otherwise they will disperse very quickly, despite a passionate relationship.


Fire is the most suitable element for Air. Representatives of these elements are the closest both from an intellectual and spiritual point of view, and in some ways they are even physically similar. These signs will fill each other with confidence and strength. Partners are interested in communication, easy and free in relationships. But this union is dangerous because of Fire’s desire for leadership, because one cannot put too much pressure on Air.


Unions of these elements are, as a rule, fragile and short-lived. They are not well suited to each other, although at first this contrast in life values ​​even attracts them. The stability and reliability of the Earth does not correspond to the windiness and changeability of the Air. It is important for them to find suitable ways of communication and establish a compromise in life, but this will not be easy, because in nature these elements have a constant struggle.

Fire water

This union is characterized by eternal conflict and disagreement. Due to the polarity of the elements, they cannot achieve mutual understanding. Water can extinguish the rage and power of Fire, which will be almost fatal for him, but Fire can also evaporate Water, which will also not give harmony to their union. They need to learn to be more tolerant of each other, and then their union will find happiness, because it was in warm water that life once began.

Suitable conditions

Signs of this element should choose cool, dark rooms, because lack of air suppresses Fire. An important factor influencing the psyche of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will be the presence of a sharp triangular roof at the house and the predominance of warm-colored items in the interior. These signs are closer to angular, sharp objects made with the help of fire. It is advisable to keep pets in the apartment and use a gas stove.

It is best for representatives of the Fire Trigon to spend their vacation in the mountains, and it would not be a bad idea to organize a hiking trip for several days. If this is not possible, then it is enough to simply relax periodically in the evenings in front of the fireplace, burn all the negativity in the flame and listen to the crackling of burning logs.

Zodiac signs by elements - Horoscope 4.80 /5 (10 votes)

To expand knowledge about ourselves, there is a theory of correspondence between zodiac signs and elemental elements. It was based on Empedocles’ theory of the four elements (elements): fire, earth, water and air. Since there are twelve signs and four elements, each element is represented by three signs. The division by element reveals certain characteristics of the zodiac signs, which allow you to extract new information in a very interesting presentation. Thanks to the appearance of common “natural” signs, analysis and subsequent forecast vital energy a person turns out to be deeper and wider. the features of his consciousness and worldview are revealed.

What is the element according to the horoscope?

Element of Fire – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Thirst for power, short temper, energy, high activity - these are the main signs element of fire. Such people are capable of rushing into an “attack” without thinking about the consequences at all. In the heat of battle, they are unable to think about their “hotness.” They will be able to repent of what they have done only after some time has passed, when they have cooled down. In such situations there is no self-control. Therefore, if the “Fire Man” allowed himself to commit an insensitive act or “kindness” towards you that deeply offended and hurt you, most likely this was not an intentional urge to offend you. This is all the result of ardor and emotionality. Remember, fire flares up instantly and is quite difficult to put out.

But, thanks to these same qualities, they will easily bring you out of a state of depression and hopelessness. “Fire” people have unhealthy self-confidence and believe in a bright future.

Positive sides: energetic, optimistic and determined.

Negative sides: extremely impatient, frivolous, trying to solve problems from a position of strength.

Fire element horoscope signs:

Aries is a sign with a pronounced fiery character, one might say an air-fuel mixture, capable of blazing at any moment, without the ability to go out.

Leo is a constant, smooth fire.

Sagittarius is variable fire. It can flare up with lightning speed and fade away just as quickly.

Comfortable environment: It’s better to live in a spacious room where it’s cool. The presence of a fireplace, or a real stove with a burning fire, will have a positive effect. The workplace should be located in a well-ventilated area or in the open air. Flaw fresh air and a small enclosed space will suppress the fire.

The symbol of the element of fire is the salamander (spirit of fire), which draws energy from fire.

Earth element – ​​Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Firmness, certainty, immobility, rigor, realism - these are the main characteristics earth elements . The name "Earth Signs" speaks for itself. These are realists, down to earth and stable. They do not need “castles in the air” and “Napoleonic” plans. Thanks to the prudence and practicality inherent in nature, it is safe and calm to work with them.

However, often these qualities are transformed into meticulousness and pedantry, which makes them impossibly boring.

Representatives of “Earth” signs are used to expressing themselves directly and openly, and are ready to call things by their proper names. They only believe their own personal experience, namely, what they saw with their own eyes. Very material, taciturn. They like specifics: “yes”, “no”, “maybe” - such answers are in their style. Always ready to give practical practical advice!

Earth signs are very sensitive and vulnerable, but this is a one-way game. These are quite selfish individuals. They themselves are not able to accept criticism, although they can do a lot of trouble, and it won’t seem to anyone. As a result of their actions, they cannot understand: “Why has no one appreciated me, because I am so wonderful?” But simply because they don’t want to notice or hear anyone except themselves.

Empathy, the ability to put oneself in the place of another, this is not about them.

Positive sides: order in everything, stable, like to plan everything.

Negative sides: pessimistic, boring, overly critical of themselves and, especially, of their family.

Earth element horoscope signs:

Capricorn- typical earth, secretive, likes to control others, while being in the shadows.

Taurus is stable, feels the soil under his feet, personifies the inviolability and strength of the rock, until his inner volcano awakens.

Virgo is constantly busy with something, works a lot.

Comfortable environment: It’s better to live on earth: dachas, gardens and vegetable gardens, greenhouses, flowers on the windowsill. The environment has a positive effect, where order, a feeling of security and reliability should reign.

The symbol of the element of earth is the gnome (spirit of the earth), it brings good luck. The gnome lives at the dacha in a greenhouse or among flowers on the windowsill.

Air element – ​​Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Air is characterized by the need for renewal, variability, information field, contacts, communication.

Representatives "Air" zodiac signs flighty, changeable, able to easily change loyalties. Lucky are those representatives of the air element who have, to some extent, the character of the water element. In this case, they feel more deeply and are ready for changes only in case of urgent need.

They love to make grandiose plans. After all, these are the true builders of “castles in the air”!

They are ready to completely immerse themselves in an idea, moving away from the world around them, everyday worries and problems. Great intellectuals! Well-read, with a keen interest in everything around them.

Positive sides: sensible, objectively looking at things and very realistic. They are easy to work with. We are always ready to help, resolve a confusing situation, soberly assessing the possibilities and chances.

Negative sides: personal freedom is a priority, they are cold and calculating, as a result of a highly developed intellect. They can be two-faced, talkative, and love to gossip.

Air element horoscope signs:

Libra – cold, high mountain, concentrated air. His strength is conviction.

Aquarius is air that is still and under pressure. Constantly seething with many thoughts and plans. He is tormented by the thirst to give freedom and freedom to the world.

Gemini - moving air - sometimes warm, sometimes cold. In life he acts with intelligence and charm. He does not disdain to evade in the same way.

Comfortable environment: live and work better in rooms with large windows, workplace choose closer to the window.

The patron and protector is an invisible spirit - the sylph, who prefers open places - gardens and fields.

Element of Water – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Zodiac signs element of water characterized by impressionability, emotionality, detachment from reality, passive Magic force, suggestibility, plasticity. Because of its depth and subtle sense of the world, it is the element of water that is the most attractive of all the elements...

“Water” people perceive the world through the prism of their deep receptivity. Their mood may change frequently; this is due to deep emotionality and intuition.

They often become dependent on alcohol, as it helps them disconnect from everyday worries and problems.

Positive sides: the ability to empathize, they subtly feel other people, as a result of which they are friendly.

Negative sides: quick mood swings, laziness, irritability, love to feel sorry for themselves.

Water element horoscope signs:

Cancer is one of the states of water - steam, energetic and unstoppable.

Scorpio is another state of water - ice, hides its plans, is able to freeze its desires.

Pisces is the personification of underground waters.

Qualities of water: the ability to evade, flow around obstacles, rather than fight them. Penetrate, seep in, no matter what, and flood.

Comfortable environment: live better nearby with a body of water - a swimming pool, lake, sea, or at worst a home aquarium. You need to work in a calm, noiseless environment. It would be nice to have an aquarium at work too.

Your patron and protector is the mermaid (spirit of water). Lives in open waters, but can also live in an aquarium.

Characteristic Sun sign 80% of people are suitable, this applies to those people whose position of the Sun in the horoscope is quite strong. Each sign in classical astrology can be attributed to one of four elements, these are the elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water.
In one horoscope, as a rule, from one to three elements are active, but the element of the Sun sign carries the most interesting and valuable information. This is due to the fact that the element of the solar sign shows the basic setting vital energy person, as well as the sphere of experience in which a person lives every day, and the basic quality of his consciousness.

Fire signs are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Air signs, these are Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Under fire signs People are born who are essentially active, impulsive, full of enthusiasm. They rush into battle without thinking at all about the consequences; of course, after some time they may regret their ardor, but in the heat of battle such thoughts, as a rule, do not occur to them. For others, they serve as an example of great self-confidence.

It is to people of Fire signs that one should go when it begins to seem that life has reached a dead end, that there is no “light in this darkness.” They will quickly bring you to your senses; anyone can envy their faith in a bright future, which they are able to infect anyone with. Their sometimes not very tactful actions are caused by a lack of self-control, which is so natural for impulsive and active people. In general, people of fire signs are so sincere and natural that it is simply ridiculous to be offended by them.

Having given you some completely sincere “compliment” that can offend you to tears, he will suddenly notice your changed facial expressions and begin to explain that he had no intention of upsetting you. And this will be the absolute truth, because Fiery people are inclined to first say, and only then think, what they said.

The advantages of this element: they are able to make decisions and act without delay, are optimistic, energetic, and active.
Along with their undeniable advantages, we can observe the following flaws:
they are extremely impatient, if you have already promised them something, then be so kind as to lay it out and give it to them right here and now, or in the next couple of minutes it will lose all meaning for them and they will immediately forget about it.

They also love to give orders. Those who live with Fire people often have to fall under the dictatorship of the powerful owner of the Fire sign, but nothing is easier to pacify them.
Pretend (at least for a minute) complete submission and you will receive their generosity as a gift. They are also distinguished by their superficiality - without thinking very deeply into the essence, they rush to build castles in the air, because they firmly believe in all their ideas.

The phrase “Earth signs” alone can tell us a lot; these are people who are used to looking at life realistically, standing firmly on their own two feet, they don’t build any “castles in the air”, or make any mind-blowing plans or projects.
At first it may seem boring, and indeed, these people are not created for pomp, but for that they are very sensible and practical. Agree, in Everyday life with such a person it is very calm, you can feel like “for stone wall“, so don’t rush to jump to conclusions.

"Earthly" people prefer to call a spade a spade, they perceive only what they can see, hear and touch, what they can confirm with provable material facts. Their characteristic feature is also taciturnity, do not expect eloquent praises from them, most likely you will receive the most specific answers to your questions - “yes”, “no”, “possibly”. Well, this is a small thing compared to the stability that they will bring into your life, they will insure you against material instability by their very presence. These are people of the material world, where they need to earn a living, satisfy their earthly needs, and achieve their goals. If you needed practical advice, then you have come to the right place!

Earth element people very sensitive and vulnerable, despite the apparent coldness. But this sensitivity, as a rule, is slightly one-sided, i.e. they take criticism very painfully, when, meanwhile, they themselves can “screw it” so much that it doesn’t seem too bad.

The ability to put oneself in the place of another, the ability to understand how another feels after such words, is not so well developed among them.
And if, upon deeper analysis of the horoscope, it is revealed that the element of Water is completely absent in a person’s horoscope (which precisely gives us the ability to empathize and compassion), then the matter is bad.

It’s bad for the person who will be nearby, he risks remaining misunderstood until the end of his days...

It's sad, but life can be cruel to us sometimes. (True, from any hopeless situation, you can find a way out, if, of course, you REALLY want to.) In in this case It’s appropriate to ask yourself the question, what can it teach me? this situation? Why did life bring me together with such a person?
As a rule, the answer may be hidden in your excessive sensitivity and vulnerability; perhaps life is telling you: “Is it worth taking everything so personally?
Shouldn’t you look at life with a different look, a firmer and more rational one, and throw away unnecessary emotions?” And the fact that your loved one’s ability to put himself in the place of another is not developed by nature, then you can only sympathize with him, because he himself also benefits from this suffers.

Imagine, if it is not difficult for a sensitive person to adapt and feel for other people, to find the “key” to communicate with almost any person, then they have problems here: why are they not in a hurry to invite them to a promising job, otherwise they are so nice, good and hardworking? They don’t even rush to the unpromising...

And all this is because, apart from their wonderful personality, they often don’t hear or see anyone, like wood grouse on a leash, not to mention the fact that it doesn’t occur to them that sometimes it’s enough just to listen sympathetically to people. All this, as you understand, does not speak in their favor. They have enough difficulties in their lives, so you don’t judge them too harshly, because it’s not for nothing that you ended up together, it means you both need it, you can both learn a good lesson. life lesson from your life together.

The advantages of this element: They are practical, reliable, and know how to live on their income. These people do not expect fireworks and gifts from life; they are used to achieving what they want themselves, through their hard work and perseverance. They are very reliable, they are able to protect and support.

Minuses: They often have a pessimistic outlook on life, which makes them boring. As a rule, they do not have a very rich imagination, so do not expect amazing courtship from them, most likely they will limit themselves to a banal bouquet Red roses and a box of chocolates. Earthly people are often hard on themselves, and accordingly, on others, especially on their loved ones.

If a person, in addition to the expressed Earth element, also has the Water element, then this makes him quite harmonious. The disadvantages are smoothed out, and the advantages are clearly visible. So, if you are planning to connect your life in the near future with a person whose Sun is in an Earth sign, I advise you to find out a more in-depth analysis of his horoscope in order to approach your choice more meaningfully.

You might want to object, say something like: “No way! I’ve been living with this Capricorn for 40 years and I haven’t seen anything like this!”
To which you can answer: “You don’t observe and don’t notice, it means you are not attentive and unobservant!
Any representative, for example, of an Earth sign carries the corresponding energy, only in some it manifests itself more clearly, in others less.
This is influenced by many other horoscope indicators, which can only be identified through a deep analysis of the birth horoscope.
But there is no way to deny the energy of the Sun sign! It is in every person, you just have to take a closer look at him and wish to understand him better.”

Air signs- this is the wind, cool, changeable, fresh, sometimes piercing.

Likewise, people of these signs are, of course, flighty, not constant, and easily change attachments.
An exception may be people whose horoscope, in addition to the element of Air, has a strongly expressed element of Water. Here we get more sensitive people, they can change their attachments, but this will happen in extreme cases and not with such ease.

Air sign people The most sociable, they need communication like air. They are in constant movement, changing clothes, work, hobbies, friends and place of residence.
You have probably all met representatives of Air signs in your life; they are surrounded by numerous friends, there is always something to chat with them about, they are always happy to shower you with friendly advice.
But still, Air people don't have much of a need to get too involved in other people's concerns or emotions, and therefore find it quite easy to work with them.
They do not have the habit of giving in strongly to their emotions, so they can give the impression of cold people.
There is some truth in this, as you have probably noticed, people of Air signs are somewhat cool (like a light breeze), if they sympathize with you for once, it is more out of politeness than from the heart.

They are big fans of making plans. Here they are, lovers of castles in the air!
They can become completely lost in ideas that do not yet exist in reality, so they can often be considered dreamers.
They are more interested in the idea itself, and not in how it will look in reality. They are able to easily step back from everyday worries and approach their actions objectively and rationally. As knowledge workers, they are irreplaceable.

These are the most intelligent signs.
Remember your school years, the most erudite, well-read, keenly interested in everything and, as a rule, the best students - these are people of Air signs.

Pros of the Air element: These people undoubtedly have the most common sense, they are able to look at things objectively and evaluate reality.
They adapt well, easily get used to the team, and are always ready to help you with friendly advice.
They are undoubtedly the best conversationalists; they always have plenty of topics to discuss.
They can help you accept correct solution, find a way out of their confusing situation by looking at things soberly. Airy people highly value personal freedom and are in no hurry to burden themselves with obligations and attachments.

Disadvantages of this element: You can smoothly transfer the last sentence from the “pluses” to the minuses.
They value personal freedom, but this may not be a very pleasant fact in life together.
Air people are often cold and calculating, all this thanks to their highly developed intellect, which does not allow their emotionality to break out, suppressing it with cold, sober calculation.
They often show two-facedness, are talkative, and love to gossip.
That's how they are Air people, in some ways pleasant, in others not so much, however, like other elements, they combine their “pros” and “cons”.

People of the element of Water. First, let's imagine what associations this element evokes in us?
I imagine a flowing stream that easily bypasses any obstacle in its path, will find a place to “leak through” in any, even seemingly the most impassable place, while everything will remain in its place - all obstacles will remain safe and sound.
The stream overcame them without destroying anything, and at the same time remained safe and sound!

People of this element are distinguished by a rather acute sensitivity.
They intuitively find answers to all their questions and make the right decision.
People of the Water element have a very strong connection with their feelings.
They perceive the world through the prism of their sensitivity and great receptivity.
They are distinguished by frequent mood swings, this makes them fickle and changeable people.
Water Element- this is the sphere of deep emotions and intuitive insights. These people experience great fluctuations in mood from an all-encompassing love for the universe to explosions of feelings and emotions.

People of the element of Water more than others are prone to drinking alcohol, primarily because a dose of alcohol helps them relieve the burden of everyday worries and feel the presence of Divine love within themselves (that is why they give red wine in church).
But, as you understand, people have different levels, what I described is most likely characteristic of oneself high level.
In life, Water signs, more often than others, abuse alcohol due to their excessive sensitivity and vulnerability; they, like no one else, acutely feel any resentment and misunderstanding from the outside, which they rush to “drench” with a dose of alcohol.

Advantages of the element of Water: These are people who know how to empathize; if someone is in trouble, they always strive to help.
They know how to feel other people very subtly and easily notice falsehood and hypocrisy. These are friendly people, they are less likely than others to offend with a word, because... They feel the emotions of others very well.

Disadvantages of the element of Water: frequent mood swings, irritability.
More often than other people, people of this element have a tendency towards laziness, which is due to their desire for the world of illusions; they are poorly oriented in the material world, putting emotional life in the foreground.
From the outside they seem spineless, but people often underestimate them, their spinelessness may be nothing more than a subtle maneuvering in this world, where they, like that stream, will emerge victorious with minimal costs, something that people of other elements never dreamed of.

These people are more inclined than others to feel sorry for themselves; while being able to sympathize with others, they also know how to sympathize with themselves. Self-pity is not best quality, it takes away their strength, making them people dependent on the opinions of others.

Water Element is very attractive of all the elements; it attracts with its depth and subtle sense of the world.
Although for a harmonious personality the presence of every element in the horoscope is necessary, the complete absence of the element of Water in a person is the most unpleasant detail. As well as its excessive presence, which makes a person too vulnerable and impressionable.

In both cases, a conscious correction of one’s character must be carried out. If you feel that this element is manifested too strongly in your horoscope, then you should work on your excessive sensitivity, otherwise this can make the life of people close to you unbearable.

FIRE (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
A hot, quick-tempered character, a lively mind, quick wit, the ability to flare up like a forest fire. Impatience with little things, reluctance to give long explanations, ability to grasp the main thing quickly, impetuosity.
You do before you see (a completely thoughtless action).

Refuse to repent of the results of your impetuosity or express dissatisfaction. You hot blood, hot head, you are quite sexy. You have an explosive temperament.
Your lively warmth and ardor attracts people to you.
As a rule, you are lucky, but if not, then failures follow one after another.

According to your element, you should also choose friends and lovers from “fire” or “air” - air is necessary for combustion.
Fire is incompatible with water. Either the water evaporates or it puts out the fire.
Fire can get along with earth, but there is always a danger that the earth will cool the fire, and the fire can burn the earth.

Your advantages: you are good at making decisions, dynamic, talkative, cheerful and optimistic, courageous, energetic, active, attractive.
Your cons: impatient, like to command, superficial, self-confident, stubborn, often angry and contradictory, indifferent, crazy, hot-tempered, love to flirt.

If you are an Aries, then the most fiery fire, downright oxygen-acetylene, unquenchable (tireless).

If you are a Leo, you are an even fire, burning evenly and steadily. You are not so impulsive. More solid and consistent.

If you are a Sagittarius, then you are changeable fire, lightning, lightning. You suddenly flare up, but also quickly cool down and disappear.

Home conditions: You should live in cool, spacious places with an open fireplace with a crackling fire. You should also work in a cool room and outdoors. A confined space where a lack of air suppresses the fire.

The symbol (talisman) of your element is the salamander, which lives in fire (the spirit of fire, which brings you good luck).

AIR (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
Quick wits, cheerful, lively character, talkative, sociable. You are good at writing letters (when you have to), but in general you prefer phones and don’t like to give in to emotions.

Prefer coldness. You are fascinated by plans. A couple of them are always brewing in your head.
Features - logical, reasonable arguments, explanations. This is why air signs are associated with thinking and imagination.
You live in a world of ideas, thoughts.
You like to use logical arguments and have clear, precise thinking.
According to your element, you should choose friends and lovers from air and fire. Air is compatible with water, if it is not afraid of the wind, and with earth, if it is not afraid of the wind.

Your advantages: common sense, objectivity, sense of community, adaptability, helpfulness: good conversationalist, impartiality, prudence, love of freedom.

Your cons: stubbornness, self-confidence, duplicity, superficiality, talkativeness and gossip. Coldness and calculation, self-will, promiscuity.

If you are a Libra, you are a distinct air: cold, calm, focused, your main strength- belief.

If you are an Aquarius, then you are still air, you are under pressure. You are characterized by boiling thoughts, overcome by plans. You are dying to give free rein to an unsuspecting world.

If you are a Gemini, then you have changeable air - sometimes warm, sometimes cold, and sometimes both at once. On your way, you act with intelligence and charm, and in the same way, if necessary, evade.

Home conditions: the air needs to live in open, windy places, where there is a lot of fresh air, in extreme cases, air conditioning. When working indoors, choose a table near a window. Stay outside if possible.

Your invisible spirit, which patronizes and protects you, is the sylph, which prefers places where there is a lot of air - gardens, fields.

WATER (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
Inconstancy, emotionality, rather acute sensitivity. Association with feelings, an instinctive reaction to people, based on minor inferences, events, subconsciously recorded.

You don't need to think, you know at a deep enough level.
You are more adaptable than you think.
You may think you are in a hopeless situation, but others see that you find your way through problems like water through obstacles.
You are very sensitive to the moods of others.
If someone throws a rock into your pool, it could ripple for days. You are easily susceptible to mood swings.
If someone is in trouble, you sympathize with them.
You have a great sense of people, events, places.
People even think you are abnormal or supernatural.
You can't explain why, but your premonitions usually come true.

Water signs should also choose partners from water or earth - water needs earth as a container. Water is not compatible with fire, but can live with air if it is not afraid of clouds and fog.

Your advantages: sensitivity, attractiveness, sociability, goodwill, calmness, idealism, creative, artistic nature, the ability to penetrate the thoughts of others, patience.

Your cons: changeability of mood, irritability, evasiveness, violent melodramatic character, pessimism, laziness, impracticality, lack of character.

Cancer is water vapor, indomitable, energetic.

Scorpio is ice; he knows how to hide his plans, freeze desires, and when necessary, thaw them again.

Pisces - underground water.

They prefer to evade, bypass obstacles rather than fight them, but the main thing is the ability to penetrate, advance, no matter what, and flood, and win.

Home conditions: you should live near water: the sea, a lake, a pool in the garden or an aquarium. You need a calm, peaceful place to work. Avoid irritable people and noisy relatives, love good views(ideal with water).

Your patron is an undine, a mermaid who loves open water, but can also live in an aquarium.

EARTH (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
An earthly, everyday person, no mind-blowing plans or projects, practicality and reality.
He calls things by their proper names and demands the same from others.
You perceive only what you can see, hear and touch, what you can confirm with material things, provable facts - and no fantasies.
They may call you a prose writer, but they turn to you for a practical answer.
You actually get things done while others are just talking about them.
Few people imagine your hidden depths - you are too proud and independent to reveal or demonstrate them.

You must choose friends and loved ones from the earth and water - the earth needs water if you do not want to become a desert.
The earth can also exist with fire, if it does not object to its occasional fun, and with air, provided that it can endure hurricanes from time to time.

Your advantages: practicality, reliability, ability to live on your income. You do not expect too much from life, you are consistent, persistent, hardworking, and know how to provide support and protection.

Your cons: boring, lack of imagination, stinginess, pessimistic view of things, stubbornness, cruelty to oneself and others, callousness.

If you are Capricorn, you are the most earthly, i.e. secretive, like to control actions from behind the scenes without going on stage.

If you are a Taurus, you are reliable and unshakable, the personification of strength, unshakable as a rock until your volcanic gut is triggered.

If you are a Virgo, then you are efficient, handle mountains of work, etc.
Your motto: everything has its time. With it you move mountains.

Home conditions: must live on the earth, pressing the soles of their feet firmly to their element, love gardens, greenhouses and flower boxes on the windows as a compromise. You need calm stability, reliable work, all things in their places.

Your spirit that brings good luck is a gnome, it lives in an inconspicuous hole, it can live in a greenhouse, in a window box with plants.

Today we will talk about what difficult zodiac signs are, for which Fire is the main driving symbol. These include Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. So why the fire signs of the zodiac are captivating for people, and what can be expected from them, let’s try to figure it out further. So, people born under the auspices of the fire element have a clear violent temperament, combined with lightning-fast temper. As a rule, such people are also characterized by flexible intelligence. However, fire signs prefer to act first, and only then analyze the actions taken.

They make decisions quite quickly, so very often their actions are rash and full of unjustified adventurism. An amazing character trait is that, being wrong in the current situation, the fire signs of the zodiac do not admit this, but bend their line to the end. Such people are always leaders, striving at all costs to be ahead of everyone. In this regard, very often they do everything to improve their skills. People of the fire element love to work on themselves, acquire any skills, and learn something new.

Conflicting sides of character

Aries, Sagittarius and Leo are very inquisitive, in addition, they have a wonderful gift for managing people. As a rule, people born under the auspices of Fire rarely listen to other people's opinions. It is more pleasant for them to do everything their own way, because in this way their strength and intelligence will be proven.

Owners of a hot temper, fire signs of the zodiac with enormous power captivate the opposite sex. It’s no secret that many of them have high sexuality; this quality attracts them like a magnet. Fire zodiac signs are great friends; they are always the life of the party. Representatives of this element always have many friends, because they simply do not accept loneliness. It is noted that people of the fire element are very lucky. As already mentioned, contradictory and complex signs of the zodiac, in which Fire, one might say, is inherent from birth, are leaders by nature. Thus, they try to win dominant positions everywhere: at work, in the family or in the company of friends. It is also interesting that “fire people” try to become leaders even in areas in which they have little understanding. People born under the fire element simply cannot imagine their life without communication. In addition, they, like air, need a periodic change of environment or type of activity. In short, a monotonous life is not for them.

Compatibility of zodiac signs

From an astrological point of view, to create a family, fire signs are recommended to choose people either of the same fire zodiac sign, or representatives of the air element. Indeed, in this case, Air can enable Fire to burn and grow. In other words, such a union, according to astrologers, should be long and stable.

However, signs of the fire element should not connect their lives with water signs. After all, Water extinguishes Fire, and therefore such a marriage is doomed to be destroyed soon. As for relations with representatives of the earthly elements, everything is much more optimistic. Such a union is usually neutral and largely harmonious.

The degree of temperament of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

Fire signs are distinguished by the so-called degree of temperament. Aries are the leaders here, and Leos, on the contrary, are less impulsive. As for Sagittarius, their character is often changeable.