Progressed moon in signs. Progressive Solar-Lunar Cycle. Progressed Moon

Analysis of the Moon's progressions in the chart is the most important stage of prognostic work.Theoretical issues related to and work with are discussed in the relevant articles.

Progressed Moon moves at a rate of approximately 12° per year. The features of the progressed Moon include a change of sign (approximately every 2.5 years) and an angular relationship with the progressed Sun - the progressed lunar phase.

The Progressed Moon moves through the houses and forms towards the Natal Chart. Due to its fast movement, it interacts with her more than any other. Progressed Moon does not have eigenvalue, but rather serves as a carrier of energy from one planet to another, highlights the object of the map - the zodiac sign, natal house or planet, so that attention is focused on it. This means that the progressed Moon gives predictive information, but does not give it the inherent qualities of the Moon - femininity, care, etc.

The progressed Moon, moving through the signs, carries out action. Consequently, information will arise at a very deep inner level, and energy will be expressed almost subconsciously, as a person's fundamental approach to the world. Progressed Moon in zodiac sign sheds light on the type of energy that a person is currently striving for - the type of experience that he will subconsciously gravitate towards. These needs seem to come from the very depths of our being, so we do not question or challenge them. They are considered deeply personal.

There are two types of zodiac signs: yang (fire and air) And yin (earth and water) ). When the progressed Moon passes through a Yang sign, a person wants to direct his energy to the outside world. When the progressed Moon passes through a yin sign, the person is more self-absorbed.

When the progressed Moon changes sign, it will manifest itself in a person's life as a change in attitude and lifestyle.

Aries: Yang/Fire/Cardinal.

Independence and clarity of action. Here there is a desire to experience freedom of action, without paying attention to the consequences, to do what you want. I want to face confrontation and challenges, there is a subconscious desire to measure strength with other people, to compete with them, so a person gets involved in rivalry and aggressive situations.

Taurus: yin/earth/fixed.

Here, a person tired of battles loses the desire to compete and turns to calmer activities, the search for reliability. This is the consolidation stage. The person becomes less irritable and impatient and begins to withdraw from the competitive world. A slow approach, less rushing, consolidation and larger projects that take more time but bring greater benefits. The key words are patience and perseverance. The main desire is to improve your situation (emotional, material, spiritual, or all together), and not by conquering new soil, but by caring for the one that is already under your feet. Turning to your resources, among which you can find everything you need.

Gemini: yang/air/mutable.

From the fertile soil of Taurus grows a harvest of curiosity. Suddenly a person needs more information, and in search of this information he goes out into the outside world. The key word is the flow of information; internal motivation to search for it arises. There is a sense of need to expand one's knowledge base and to encounter new ideas in a productive way. Books, courses, new languages, conversations and people begin to flow into life.

Cancer: Yin/Water/Cardinal.

Desire turns inward again. The courses have ended or moved to independent study. If the search for information took you away from home, now you want to return home again. The home becomes the center of attention and family life. The basic need is to recognize and strengthen the reliability of your source of care. Intelligence and its nutrition are no longer the key issues. Here there is a desire to educate and raise - oneself and others - in a reliable environment, that is, at home.

Leo: yang/fire/fixed.

Confidence is gained in the reliability of the family hearth, thanks to which the need arises to explore one’s creative possibilities. Prior to this, abilities developed in the protective warmth of a family environment, where they were not criticized or questioned. Now you need to present your talents to the world with naive confidence in your abilities. The main desire is to show your talents to the world and test them in the outside world, to be seen. This is a time of self-expression and action with a touch of naive excess.

Virgo: yin/earth/mutable.

Showcasing your talents to the world can bring success, failure, or both. In any case, the main issue now becomes practicality. This includes finessing details and turning creativity into art. There is a desire for the perfection of the whole, and not just one part. This demonstrates mastery of the creative field - art. The instinctive need is quality of life - its routine and practical needs.

Libra: Yang/Air/Cardinal.

The constant desire for practicality begins to wane. There is a feeling that balance and fluidity are more valuable qualities than precision. The person re-emerges from the cocoon of self-oriented ideas and begins to meet other people with whom this fluidity of life can be created. Social interaction, communication and connection are instinctive desires during this period.

Scorpio: Yin/Water/Fixed.

The smoothness of life is disrupted because there is a desire to express your strong emotional needs. I want intensity. The fact that this intensity throws the situation out of balance is no longer a concern. Relationships are now only worth spending energy if they contain strong emotions. At such a time, a woman can give birth to a child because this entails the emergence of a very strong connection with another person.

Sagittarius: yang/fire/mutable.

The bonds of intense relationships begin to weaken as an interest in unexplored spaces arises. There is a burning desire to expand your horizons, to do things you have never done before, to go to places you have never been to, to think about things you have never thought about before. Such desires force us to strive for greater independence. The key question is encountering something new. The desire for intensity disappears, as it reduces the ability to have a wide view.

Capricorn: yin/earth/cardinal.

The concept of the world has expanded rapidly, but the expansive excitement begins to fade as the focus shifts to controlling the environment. There is a feeling that the world has acquired an alarmingly large size. The energy is again directed inward, where you want to restore order, just like in your home. No new additions are required until the new interior contents are in order. There is also fear here - fear of chaos leading to failure.

Aquarius: Yang/air/fixed.

From the desire to control everything around grows awareness of group energy. Now I want to do something for a group or with a group of people. The person begins to communicate more, becomes involved in group activities and becomes identified with it. This is a time when the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one. When a person feels in control of his own world, he can lend a helping hand to other people. There is no longer a desire for personal control of a situation just for the sake of personal gain or stability. The main issue is the recognition of group rights within the context of the situation.

Pisces: Yin/Water/Mutable.

The period of non-personal connections took me far from my own feelings. Now there is a subconscious desire to reconnect with your deepest self, your higher self. The person rushes into the waterfall of his own subconscious and turns away from the group. Life is filled with dreams, the inner world becomes a fairyland that irresistibly beckons. The main desire is to achieve privacy so that you can explore your inner world. At the same time, one’s own “I” can get lost, the boundaries of personality become blurred. And in the end this leads to Aries - an overreaction to the limitlessness of Pisces.

The second type of non-chart progressions involving the Moon is (see part 2).

Prepared from Bernadette Brady's book Predictive Astrology, Volume I



(from book " The best way learn ASTROLOGY" vol. 4)


In secondary progressions( You probably already realized that for secondary progressions you need to have exact time birth. This technique is not recommended if there is doubt about the accuracy of the given birth time) The average movement of the progressed Moon during the year is used as a counter that identifies events. It not only helps astrologers determine when an event might occur, but also shows where in a person, taking into account the houses and positions of the signs, conscious activity is strongest. The Moon takes approximately twenty-seven to twenty-eight years to transit all the signs and houses in the horoscope, and your first progressed lunar return occurs before the first return of your transiting Saturn.

As the Moon moves through the houses and signs of your horoscope, you can tell which areas or areas of your boys and the development of body shapes in girls. Once the progressed Moon becomes aspected, you feel restless and want change. One of the key words that relates to the Moon is fluctuation (oscillation), which occurs due to the progressive positions of the Moon in the horoscope.



When the Moon transits the Ascendant, you may feel the need to start making some changes. This may apply to your personality, home situation, or family situation. The Moon's place in the natal horoscope will explain to you what will cause such a change and how it can be resolved. You will feel a desire, an unbearable and strong motivation to change your life in some way. But if this is the only reason for the change, then you can stop or restrain yourself and learn patience... The lunar aspect usually lasts only about a month, and when this time passes, the sensations and needs associated with this influence weaken. While the Moon is transiting the first house, your mind will be focused on yourself, your needs, desires or passions. You focus your conscious thoughts only on YOU, and other people involved in your life often feel abandoned, abandoned and even unloved. You are so caught up in your own aspirations that you have no time to devote yourself to others if you act naturally. This, of course, is determined by the natal position of the Moon. If you have the Moon in the seventh house and if it moves through the first house, then you will not be as self-focused as if your natal Moon was in the fifth or tenth house. You can verify this from your own feelings.

The Moon's focus, associated with emotionality, caring, ensuring reliability and security, is directed towards oneself. If the self-direction associated with the first house prevails, then you will be more preoccupied with your own problems. If your natal horoscope is caring and compassionate, then these lunar qualities will likely be evident no matter where the progressed Moon is. An exaggerated emotional attitude can make you standoffish, angry, or aggressive (all first house meanings), so try to connect the emotional instincts of the Moon with the active desires of the first house before these two sides of your nature come into conflict.

The Moon positioned in this way can have an impact on your physical health. Ernest Hemingway was wounded in the war in 1918, and twenty-six years later, with the Moon again in his first house, his life was again threatened in Europe for a second time and he suffered a serious head injury. A few months later he was involved in a terrible train accident.

One lady we know, who had a horoscope with a predominance of fixed signs, moved twice in her life, and both times when her Moon in progression formed a conjunction with the Ascendant. Her first move was from California to Japan, and her second from Japan to New York.

Actor Edd Ashner gained recognition when he was offered the role of Lee Grant while his progressed Moon was adjacent to the Ascendant in the first house. Robin Smith Esther her first big victory how the jockey won under the same astrological conditions. Henry Kissinger became Nixon's special assistant when his progressed Moon was conjunct Mars in his first house.


When the progressed Moon passes through second house, your attention is drawn to making money, property, personal freedom and sources of income. You can expect a financial upswing or downturn, a change in attitude towards your property, you can even change your job. You will seem to feel the need for personal freedom, which can be acquired with enough money. Depending on the aspect the Moon makes in your natal chart as it transits, you may have success in investing, or you may find yourself struggling to make ends meet.

Your value system will often undergo changes, although at the moment you may not notice it, but as time passes and you look back, you will realize what profound changes took place in your value system and self-esteem when the Moon was in the second house.

With the Moon in the second house, Hemingway received a Bronze Star for his services in World War II. And this event increased his self-esteem and strengthened his value system associated with understanding his role in this life.

Barbara Streisend married when she was twenty-one, and her first big-money success on Broadway came while the Moon was passing through her second house.


The progressed Moon, passing through the third house, often leads to a desire to travel. A feeling of anxiety and the need for change appears again, but still we are talking more about spiritual than physical changes. This is a good time to get additional education, especially if the Moon forms harmonious aspects. Neighbors and relatives may be involved in many of your activities. In the case of tense aspects, you may experience difficulty making decisions. If there is confirmation in the horoscope, you may show nervousness during this period, experience mental stress, and even depression. But if the progressed Moon in the third house and its ruler are well aspected, then you will have a high intellectual capacity, more than usual, and you will be capable of effective communication on an intuitive and logical level.

The third house relates to writing, and many writers have a book published when the progressed Moon enters the third house. Both Hemingway and Hermann Hesse published their books during this progression.

Jane, a teacher, experienced a terrible breakdown when her Moon transited the third house, entering a series of squares with planets in her twelfth and sixth houses. At this time she had a difficult period that lasted more than a year.

Several of our students began attending astrology lectures while the progressed Moon was passing through their third house. One of our clients made peace with her sister, with whom she had been quarreling for twenty-seven years, and this happened when her progressed Moon was in the third house.


This position of the Moon usually indicates a connection with the house of one's parents and with one's parents, often indicating some changes in the house if confirmed by other progressed aspects. The feeling of the need for changes in the home and family in this case is predominant, if there is nothing else that would indicate a different emphasis. The moon may indicate responsibility towards one of the parents with whom you have not seen for a long time. Often this is the time in your life when you buy some property for the first time. If the Moon makes any aspects to planets in the ninth house, you may go on a long journey or even abroad. But no matter how long the Moon stays in the house, the intended action will take place only when it forms an aspect with another planet.

Judy Garland married David Ross when the progressed Moon first moved through her fourth house. Her lifestyle has changed significantly. They moved to a new house and she left her parents' house.

Cassius Clay became a weightlifting champion and took on a different name - Muhammad Ali. when the progressed Moon passed through his fourth house.


When the Moon is progressed here, your emotions are often stirred up in some way, and your relationships with children and lovers may undergo changes. Often you will be drawn into some new creative field or find some other very special way of expressing yourself. During this period, children may leave home, or one of the children who was previously far away may return back. You may go through a very unstable period in your life, change your lover or mistress, or change them monthly. If there are positive aspects, your life at this time will develop smoothly and will be a wonderful period of romantic interests, entertainment and jokes.

Judy Garland's daughter, Lisa, was born while Judy's Moon was in the fifth house trine Pluto, the ruler of her fifth house. Hermann Hesse's second child was born under the same position of the progressed Moon. This also coincided with the printing of his first book. Cher got Chasity, and Farah Fossitt gave birth to Raymond James.

Athletics star, Vilma Radoff, won three Olympic medals as her progressed Moon approached trine Venus opposite Jupiter in her fifth house.


Since this house rules health and work, you can expect changes in both of these areas. You may not want to change the job, but you will probably change the way you used to do it. If you haven't worked. then you can start from now on. If you are working, there may be some kind of job relocation, and you may be replacing your colleague or him replacing you. The combination of these aspects and your needs for emotional security and safety will determine whether your health improves or deteriorates.

Depending on the sign in which the Moon is located and your condition at this time, you may experience some deterioration or complication related to your health. Moon in

Cancer in the sixth house, for example, can lead to stomach problems. The progressed Moon may cause difficulties due to water retention. With some challenging aspects, you may develop some characteristics that will begin to undermine your previously good health.

We have had many clients change jobs while their progressed Moon was transiting the sixth house. Others began long-term or temporary diets. An acquaintance, who had a very stressful horoscope regarding health, became seriously ill during the first passage of the Moon through her sixth house. Twenty-seven years later, when Luna returned to the same place, she began a diet that turned out to be very successful for her. Henry Kissinger had heart surgery while the Moon was transiting his sixth house.


When the progressed Moon passes through this house, your actions will be more colored by your relationships with others. You will be more mindful of what they think of you and how you behave towards them. And even if you are a very independent person (active first or tenth house or many planets located east of the Meridian), you will be somewhat more concerned with others in your life than usual. Naturally, if you choose to use this energy in a negative direction, you may feel that other people are threatening your freedom, limiting your rights, taking up your time, and you may react to them coldly, shrugging your shoulders, or You will show nervousness and instability. and you will even find yourself drawn into a showdown, even to the point of conflict.

This period may indicate an increase in the activity of partners and certain joint activities with them, such as work, marriage, divorce. Marlon Brando got married and had children while the Moon was in the seventh house. Cher divorced Sonny when the Moon returned to the seventh house.

During this period, Betty Friedden received her first public recognition (the seventh house is the public) - her book “Female Mysticism” was published. Barbara Walters got married and began working as a host on the Today show.


When the progressed Moon passes through this field of your horoscope, you may have responsibilities associated with the death of someone close to you. The first passage of the progressed Moon through this house usually coincides with the first sense of contact with death on the level of eternity, and this death will have something to do with you. But this passage can also bring support and help from those close to you, or even from society. You will be conscious of your sexual feelings and needs and, depending on the position of the natal Moon and the aspects it forms, you may enter into deep personal relationships, or you will have many quick relationships or, on the contrary, you will leave them all.

The Moon was in the eighth house when Judy Garland's mother died. The Moon was in this same place in Hemingway's horoscope when he committed suicide on July 2, 1961. One

an acquaintance decided to become a candidate for local political office while her Moon was passing through the eighth house, and although she did not win the election, she was amazed at the support she received from outside world. Our other friend was interrogated twice tax authorities USA when his Moon was in the eighth house. One of our clients' disputed inheritance litigation finally came to an end after a two-year struggle when her Moon entered the eighth house and opposed her natal Jupiter, the ruler of her fourth house.


When the progressed Moon is in the ninth house, your consciousness is focused on dreams, dreams and aspirations. This position may coincide with a desire to further your education, travel abroad, or legitimize your connections. The ninth house signifies ideas and ideals, so this is a good time to expand your horizons. Unless your natal Moon has very intense aspects that you have not yet learned to manage, this is a time of optimism, hope, or emptiness. Life may seem like some kind of adventure to you; you will look ahead and make plans for the future. If you direct this progression towards negative goals, then you may have difficulties. Instead of accepting some philosophical or religious challenge, you act in your usual way and are satisfied with primitive platitudes.

Judy Garland moved from Minnesota to California when her Moon was progressed in the ninth house, and it was a very good change as her career took off in California. exactly the same progression. Pearl Bailey enrolled in school at the old age of sixty, when her Moon was transiting the ninth house.


The progressed Moon will pass through the cusp of the tenth house at least twice throughout life, and each time it does so it will be a climax. Since the tenth house represents your ego, reputation, position in society and the most you are capable of achieving, when the Moon approaches this point, you will be very keenly aware of your position and your relationship to the world and the surrounding society. This is the time when you examine and weigh your chosen future paths and goals that can lead you to progress.

In many cases, the conclusions you draw from this perspective are not necessarily what you feel or what you think you need, and this is when you can begin to change. Remember, as we said earlier, where the progressed Moon passes, there you feel the desire for change. It also determines the right time for change. When the Moon aspects each of the other planets in the horoscope, the energy generated by these aspects can be used to bring about change.

Hermann Hesse received the Nobel Prize when his progressed Moon was conjunct the Zenith. Henry Kissinger received the Woodrow Wilson Award while his Moon was in the tenth house.

With this position of the Moon, Barbara Walter changed her image and became a mother, adopting a little girl. The English Hermann Hesse entered the Latin school since Princess Diana married while her progressed Moon was conjunct Neptune in her tenth house. Judy Garland began a series of successful radio programs while her Moon was conjunct Uranus in the tenth house. Judy Garland began a series of successful radio programs while her Moon was conjunct Uranus in the tenth house.

One of our clients changed the direction of his career very dramatically and with positive results when the progressed Moon was conjunct Saturn in his tenth house. Saturn ruled his second house and when needed, he earned the necessary money for a short time to pay off your gambling hobby. He is now more satisfied with his job and feels better about himself due to the re-prioritization of his values, lifestyle and position in society.


In this area of ​​the area of ​​your horoscope, you begin to feel your social consciousness. You can respond to this stimulus by establishing friendly contacts in a group. You will be kind and think more about your friends and colleagues, and you will experience more feelings of affection for those who are in contact with you. This could be a time when you get involved in some charitable activities and on another level you can focus on making money or on your career. Don't forget that the eleventh house is the house of finance (second house in relation to the tenth). And your mind is often, when there is concentration of energy, directed towards financial matters. This is very characteristic of the Moon when it passes through this area and aspects other planets in the horoscope.

This can also be a time when you gradually lose control over the course of your life, subject to some external influences. Since the Moon always hints at your emotions, this time may coincide with feelings of loneliness and abandonment, especially if you had a really successful lunar transit through the tenth house in your horoscope. You may feel disappointed.

Ernest Hemingway was going through a very turbulent period in his life when his Moon was passing through the eleventh house, which contains the Sun and Venus in his natal chart, and therefore this can be considered a key to his horoscope. During this period, he divorced, got married, and bought his first house. Hermann Hesse, on the other hand, went through a really difficult period, experienced spiritual crisis and was unable to write when his natal Moon was in Pisces part of a T-square. But when this period ended, the most successful of his books, Siddhartha, came out of print.


You may think that you will be gloomy and gloomy when the Moon passes through this field of your horoscope, or an evil fate may be hanging over you. All this, of course, can happen if you have the inclination to do so. But the best use of this position will be to preempt your inner forces and get in touch with your subconscious. When your daytime consciousness index (progressed Moon) passes through this deep, hidden house, the house of subjective qualities, you may come into intimate contact with your deepest parts of personality. This can be a little scary for someone who is in this area of ​​their nature. But for those who want to delve deep into their psyche, it is the transit of the Moon and the aspects it forms that offer the greatest chance for self-development.

Roman Polanski, when he was nine years old, was gassed in Poland during World War II. His progressed Moon was in the twelfth house at this time. He may have been protected by the positive aspect of his progressed Moon, which trine his natal Moon and Pluto. Twenty-seven years later, as the progressed Moon approached the cusp of the twelfth house, his wife Sharon Tate was murdered by the Manson gang.

The positive quality of this lunar position can include creativity, a vegetative state and idealistic tendencies. With the Moon in this field, Walt Disney “composed” his Mickey Mouse. Margaret Mead embarked on her true learning journey. Judy Garland, with her Moon in this position, changed her name (previously Francis Gumm), which she did at the suggestion of George Jezell, and the next time her progressed Moon passed through this house, she received an Oscar. As always, what actually happens depends on many factors in the natal horoscope and the person's attitude towards life.


When the Moon passes through houses. this seems to bring to life many of the features associated with the respective houses. When same The Moon passes through a sign, it does not cause the consequences that this sign implies.

o does not want to achieve success in the Moon in the fifth house can increase love towards children or towards a partner, be it in Pisces, Gemini, or Scorpio. The Moon in Leo may imply increased confidence and posture, but it's difficult to determine how you can use it. When the Moon passes through the natal horoscope, the house it rules and the aspects that are formed during its passage through the sign have a higher significance than the sign itself.

When you plot out the progressed Moon entering each specific zodiac sign, keep all of this in mind.


When your progressed Moon passes through the sign of Aries, no matter what natal sign it is in, your emotional nature receives a certain charge of courage and adventurism. You will probably take chances that you would otherwise miss. Your feelings and sensations may suddenly flare up, and perhaps you will take on things with more readiness and enthusiasm. As always in astrology, a lot depends on the position of your natal Moon, the house in which it is located, and the position in the sign and aspect it forms. If, for example, your natal Moon is in Pisces, then your emotional profile could never be described as aggressive, but when your progressed Moon moves through Aries, these qualities will appear close to your Pisces capabilities. It is possible that you will, by necessity, experience some emotional adventure and surprise people who were thinking. that you are well known, especially if the Moon aspects the Sun, Mars or Pluto when passing through the Aries field.


When the progressed Moon enters Taurus, you may experience something of a calm after the storm (excited passage through Aries). Your emotional profile may become calm and the emotional fluctuations that the Moon usually provokes may stabilize. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, and astrologers from ancient times have felt that the Moon in Taurus has the greatest potencies. This passage can encourage increased interest in the field of art and enjoyment of all that is beautiful. You may feel the need to organize your home and financial situation and begin to take stock of your emotional relationships.


Most often, the influence of this progression is noted in restlessness; there will be a need for movement, travel, physical and spiritual, a desire to change the local atmosphere and immediate environment. Your curiosity will be heightened, and during this period you may become motivated to deepen your education. You may begin to write letters, renew acquaintances from your school days, and may even enjoy insults and pretense. This will be especially felt if the Moon forms at least some aspect with Mercury during its passage through this sign.

When the progressed Moon passes through the sign of Cancer, your thoughts may turn to home and family, and you may feel nostalgic, bringing back memories of long-ago events from your childhood. The emphasis will be on the homely atmosphere when this progression takes place. If at the same time the Moon is in the second house, you may spend money on renovating real estate or buying it. If it is in the eleventh house, you will help friends set up household chores, furnish their home, or perhaps guests will often come to you. You may become more intuitive, thoughtful, and your focus may be increased, especially if the Moon aspects Neptune or Jupiter. This is a time when you want to get in touch with the deepest states of your nature or feel that you want to care for others and for others to care for you.

With a progressed Moon in Leo, you will express your feelings in a dramatic manner, and wherever the natal Moon is when it passes through this sign, you will be significantly more emotionally open, romantic. smug and self-confident than usual. This is a time when you will be either delirious or longing for some kind of expressive role, especially if your natal Moon is in an included sign. You will want to be applauded, celebrated and loved, and will seek to resolve this through events in the house through which the Moon passes.


This progression can lead you into a state of health preoccupation, especially in the area that corresponds to skills related to dieting and weight loss and weight gain. On another level, you will feel like it's time to get organized, and you will have a desire to clean, organize, and organize your household and/or work responsibilities. The accumulation of experience and knowledge becomes pronounced, and it becomes natural for you to absorb images like a sponge, and it will be very easy for you to accumulate information in your memory.


Your need to entertain and entertain others will intensify as the Moon moves through Libra, and you will be tuned in to contact with society and partners. You are more likely to be friendly, open, and have a desire to please others. If the Moon forms some tense aspects, then you may have a row or come into conflict with someone, but at the same time you will feel disgust and awkwardness at the time of the conflict. If you are by nature indecisive and often doubtful, this position will strengthen these qualities, and you should be more careful not to be taken advantage of by not very decent types with dubious plans and strange desires.


As the Moon moves through the sign of Scorpio, your feelings seem more intense, as does your need to express your deep inner qualities. This may coincide with visiting a psychiatrist and undergoing some kind of therapy. The Moon in this fixed sign increases your willpower and gives you the opportunity to complete what you start. With the tense aspects of the progressed Moon in Scorpio, you may be involved in relationships that will ultimately involve pain and anguish. At this time, many events from the past come to the surface of consciousness and give you another chance to reckon with them on a slightly different emotional level.


During this period of your life, you may feel inclined to be idealistic and adventurous. Progressed Moon in Sagittarius often gives naivety and ignorance in everyday affairs and philosophically judges all experience as a process of awareness. Now good concepts and philosophical discussions look important and this is the time in your life when you want to expand your horizons and achieve independence. Even a natal Moon in Cancer can experience an episode of Don't Limit Me.


As the progressed Moon moves from open Sagittarius to introverted Capricorn, your feelings take on something of a more conventional role. Are you now concerned about your position and your appearance, image, and your behavior can become important. You are now less likely to use excuses to express your feelings, and you become more cautious in your reactions towards other people. This progression can be good for service purposes if the rest of your progressions support it.


When the progressed Moon is in Aquarius, you are often in a state of some indifference in terms of sensations, which is not bad for some work that is not of a personal nature, but can even reach the point of discourtesyif some close person expects intimacy from you. This Moon transit is especially beneficial for those with a natal Moon in Water signs, as it can reduce emotional reactions. Since you may not feel the same way as society thinks about the future, it would be easier for you if you had a wide range of education, organization, new ideas and exposure to things like astrology and science. .


This is the Moon's most sensitive and vulnerable position, and when it transits this sign, you may be subject to emotional fears and self-doubts. If you have managed to work through your natal Moon in your horoscope in a positive way, this can be a very enlightening time. It gives you the opportunity to get in touch with the lighter part of your nature and deepen your relationships with those who need your help on both a conscious and subconscious level.

Sometimes you will be in a state of melancholy and sadness when the Moon passes through this sign, but you will learn something from it and come out a stronger person with increased understanding. The danger is that you will claim the emotional problems of others as your own. Only faith and hope will give you emotional support and help you find something more valid and real than what only seems so, but in fact is not necessary for your success. You will be able to express your emotional capabilities in the most appropriate way and overcome them in the most radical way, invariably cultivating your feelings without hiding them from others.
live broad-minded and

The work of the Moon is to broadcast global planetary activity to us. New and Full Moons help us see in real time how the Moon synthesizes larger cycles and planetary aspects and then dumps them into our individual horoscopes and destinies. The natural ebb and flow of the eternal lunar cycle sets the rhythm of our entire lives, they flow in and wash the long reefs of slowly moving planets with their current.

The progression of the Moon is no exception. Most people who know a little about astrology outside of their Sun sign know that their Moon is also in a certain sign. But not all astrology lovers know that this situation is changing. However, our progressed Moon changes signs quite frequently, at a rate of about one sign every 2.5 years. The progression of the Moon acts as a natural occurrence in our lives; while transits can feel like "something special is happening" in our lives (for better or for worse). The progression of the Moon changes signs on a regular basis, acting as something grows, something matures. When a person looks back at his life from the point of view of the transits of the planets, as a segment of life, he remembers, “Yes, something happened,” while when a person looks back from the point of view of the progression of the Moon, he will say: “Yes, I have changed a lot since then".

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Comments (38):

Julia Good evening! Please tell me, if the yellow border is the peak of events, and my sinusoid does not even reach these borders, does this mean that I will be missing something all my life? And why are the numbers 10, 20, 30 and -10, -20, -30 vertically highlighted in bold, what do they mean? What exactly is the power of influence shown? Thank you! 03/21/2019 at 20:35 Alexey Hello, Yulia! About the yellow border, it’s different for everyone, you can say with what vibration a person is born, with what force he is scattered throughout life. The lower the vibration, the more moderate the life. But on the other hand, if the vibration is small, then a person will have more events, because peak to peak is the transition from one goal to another. And if the vibration is high, a person waits longer for his next goal, but there are many intermediate events. As for the numbers, these are just intermediate counts towards those events that will peak. 03/21/2019 at 22:12 Inna Good evening! There is something to think about.. The graph crosses the axis in one case in the year the daughter was born, in another - in the year the dad left for another world... But the peak of the graph is when the mother and brother left... Hmm..... Yes something to think about. Thanks for the information and for your site. 12/22/2018 at 11:11 pm Alexey Hello, Inna! A really interesting observation and many people find such events on such a graph. 12/23/2018 at 1:58 pm Berta Interesting, of course, thank you very much) We need to figure it out...further. If according to the schedule, then for some reason the negative events are more clearly visible, but the positive ones are not reflected (this is if I look at the past). There is one positive above the yellow line (+) - this year I am entering a university - but for me this is rather a common occurrence, everyone is enrolling. But a wedding, a first trip to Europe, a financial takeoff... all this goes below the line, a decline, where there are negative indicators... I think that you need to look not from the perspective of events, but from useful experience and knowledge, then yes ...where the curve goes down, the greatest life experience, and where it goes up... rather stupidity.. 12/16/2018 at 21:05 Alexey Hello, Bertha! Thank you for sharing your experience, interesting observation. Yes, it is, by comparing with life experience, the truth will be found) 12/18/2018 at 11:31 Nana Hello, what does the upper yellow line mean? 12/07/2018 at 14:18 Alexey Hello! These lines are an indicator of a peak, something in life, or the beginning of a peak, a countdown to some event. 12/07/2018 at 15:10 Marina Thank you for the site! What do the yellow lines on the graph mean? And how are positive and negative numbers on the vertical axis deciphered? 12/02/2018 at 17:52 Alexey Hello, Marina! These lines are an indicator of a peak, something in life, or the beginning of a peak, a countdown to some event. Decoding the axis is the power of influence on events. 12/04/2018 at 18:02 Katya, the highest point was in 2004, above the yellow line, (my son was born this year) amazing 10/29/2018 at 11:02 Alexey Really amazing, Katya) You can compare and analyze a lot. 12/04/2018 at 18:04 Alena Hello! I compiled the amplitude and saw that life begins from the highest point, and the first 17 years go clearly downward, only after 17 years does the ascent begin. How can this be interpreted? A difficult childhood and adolescence, and then everything will get better?))) 08/23/2018 at 14:05 Alexey Hello, Alena! You can say so, during this time (when the graph goes down) a person gains experience, learns from his mistakes in order to perform great deeds in the future based on the accumulated experience. 08/26/2018 at 12:09 Arseny That is, the lower the green thing, the worse life is? And the higher the better? 07/25/2018 at 02:38 Alexey Hello, Arseny! You can say that. They also show - at the moments of crossing the zero mark and the lower / upper peaks of changes in life. 07/29/2018 at 17:07 Sofia I apologize for the stupid question, but I still don’t understand how to read the chart. How to determine in which year key events will occur and how to find out which ones? 07/15/2018 at 01:15 Alexey Hello, Sofia! Events occur at the moment of transition of the sinusoid from the upper point to the lower, also from the lower to the upper and the moment of crossing the zero mark (weak changes). Which ones you can find out on the transit card. 07/16/2018 at 16:17 Klaus HOW do you know when the Moon changes sign every 2.5 years??? Thank you 07/11/2018 at 18:33 Alexey Hello, Klaus! This means that for 1 year of a person’s life, 1 day is taken from his BD, and usually the Moon changes sign approximately every 2.5 days. 07/12/2018 at 17:22 Klaus Thank you! Does changing your place of residence to a distant place change anything? 07/15/2018 at 03:49 Alexey Klaus, for this calculation, a change of place of residence does not matter, because calculated from the date and place of birth. 07/16/2018 at 16:11 Cholpon What does it mean, for example, from the very day of birth, the amplitude begins at 10 for some, and for others at 25 or even 28, what does this mean? Was someone born already wise and with a high level of development, or is this an “old” or “young” soul? Speak if you know for sure, please don’t come up with possible explanations. 07/11/2018 at 03:24 Zhanna How to view the chart after 2015? 07/10/2018 at 12:37 Alexey Zhanna, as we wrote below, it didn’t work out? Change the “Forecast period” on the page, at least 100 years in advance) If it doesn’t work, write to us by email what difficulties you encountered and perhaps with screenshots, in response we will describe everything in detail. 07/10/2018 at 20:26 Zhanna How to view the chart beyond 2015? 07/03/2018 at 12:17 Alexey Hello, Zhanna! You can set the forecast period to 100 years, and it will show a graph 100 years into the future. 07/04/2018 at 16:05 Svetlana good afternoon! Please tell me how to interpret such a moment; when calculating the progressed moon, the amplitude for one person goes beyond 25 degrees, while for another it does not even reach 20 degrees. What does this mean? 05/24/2018 at 1:36 pm Alexey Hello, Svetlana! You could say this is the power of change in life. Also, the smaller the amplitude in degrees, the more events in life will happen, because amplitude moves faster from one point to another. 05/24/2018 at 21:10 Svetlana Thank you! Now I understand :) 06/07/2018 at 15:13 Yulia It’s unbelievable so many coincidences, thanks for the site 02/22/2018 at 00:41 Alexey Hello, Yulia! We are glad that the information was useful) 02.22.2018 at 20:56 Lyubov Thank you for the wonderful site! 02/21/2018 at 16:56 Alexey Hello, Lyubov! Come again! 02/21/2018 at 21:24 Marina Hello! Perhaps I don’t entirely agree. I analyzed my events, my brother’s and my mother’s, as well as my husband’s, and I want to say that long amplitudes are a saturation of events. These events, when the amplitude rises, seem to career ladder along which we walk reaching the epogee. They are surprisingly interconnected and occur very logically in life. The same principle applies when the amplitude decreases, that is, there is a series of events that contribute to a decrease in the quality of life. And in my opinion, it is very important with what amplitude the person next to you (husband, mother, brother..) has a weak one, and he has a strong one, then he supports you and vice versa. All this happens on energy level. It's like being next to a lucky person or a successful person. His biofield helps you get through difficult periods. 01/10/2019 at 01:38 Alexey Hello, Marina! Thank you for writing and sharing your experience. Interesting observation. 01/10/2019 at 15:58 Marina I really like your site! P.S. You are “closer to the stars”! Tell me, is Nibiru a horror story??? :))) 01/17/2019 at 12:45 Alexey Hello, Marina! We know little about our world; perhaps there is some truth, but not in the form that is presented. One opinion is that they are in another 4th dimension, i.e. not in our world, so you can live in peace and study astrology) 01/17/2019 at 22:55

When the Moon transits the Ascendant, you may feel the need to make some changes. They may be related to your appearance, personality, or home situation. The position of the Moon in the catal chart will give you clues as to what is motivating the change and how it may be resolved. You will feel an impatient and strong urge to change your life in some way. However, if this is the only evidence in favor of change, take your time and learn patience. The lunar aspect usually only lasts for about a month, and when it passes, the sensations and urges associated with it gradually disappear. When the Moon transits the first house, your mind is focused on yourself, your needs, desires and aspirations. You focus your conscious thoughts on yourself, and other people in your life often feel ignored or even unloved. You are so busy with your own aspirations that you have no time for others. This, of course, is modified by the catal position of the Moon. If your natal Moon is in the seventh house and transits the first house, then you will not be as self-centered as if the Moon is in the fifth or tenth house. But you will have to deal with your sense of self.

The Moon's emotional, caring focus is on itself. If the self-orientation associated with the first house wins, then your behavior may be self-centered, you will be too concerned with your own needs. If your natal chart shows compassion, caring and receptivity, then these lunar qualities are likely to manifest themselves regardless of the position of your progressed Moon. Being overly emotional can make you overconfident, irritable, or aggressive (first house issues). So try to combine the emotional instincts of the Moon and the active aspirations of the first house, rather than allowing these two sides of your nature to come into conflict.

Often this position of the Moon can indicate an influence on your physical body.

Progressed Moon through the Ascendant is usually just a transition to a new cycle, the beginning of a new cycle in life, i.e. some series of events, especially if there are any planets aspecting the Ascendant. This event will of course occur at the moment when she is passing exactly through the Ascendant. After passing the Ascendant to the first aspect. Just psychologically, passing through the Ascendant gives rise to a new cycle. But any event, i.e. the first aspect after the passage of the Ascendant will be an event that will begin a whole, long period of 20-odd years of your life, at least 13.5.

The Moon enters the 1st house after the seclusion period of the twelfth house. You find that you can now take effective action and act in the style of “I do things my way and strive for independence.” pushes you into the active, visible phase. You are striving forward - this is a time of action, a time of personal effort with visible results. You make your own decisions.

It is also possible to focus on your appearance, physical appearance, name, signature, etc.

When the progressed Moon passes through the second house, your consciousness is focused on money, property, personal freedom, savings. You can expect financial ups and downs, changes in your views on your possessions, and you may even change jobs during this time. You will likely feel a need for the personal freedom that having enough money can bring. Depending on the natal aspects of the Moon and the formation of the transit through the second house, your investments may flourish, or you will struggle to raise funds to make ends meet.

Your value system will often undergo changes, and although you will not be aware of it at the time, when you look back later, you will realize what profound changes occurred in your system of priorities and self-esteem while the Moon was in the second house.

The desire to strengthen your financial situation. The progressed Moon in the 2nd house can lead to the need to repay debts due to hasty or impatient actions. You may also benefit from the personal actions of the first house - the rewards may be financial, emotional or spiritual. The need to strengthen, accumulate, provide, restore or create a base of one's confidence and reliability.

Progressed Moon transiting the third house, often denotes the possibility of travel. The feeling of restlessness and the need for change reappear, but it is a mental rather than an actual physical change that is required. This is the right time to get additional education, especially if the Moon forms harmonious aspects; with challenging aspects you may have difficulty making decisions. Your activity may be related to neighbors or brothers/sisters. If your natal chart confirms these indications, you may have to deal with irritability, nervous stress or even depression. But if the progressed Moon in the third house and its ruler are well aspected, then you will exhibit greater mental activity and the ability to communicate on a logical and intuitive level.

The third house is related to writing, many writers published their works while the progressed Moon was passing through the third house.

In the 3rd house, the progressed Moon seeks knowledge or activity and the desire to express its ideas. Travel, new forms of movement, educational activities and issues related to brothers/sisters/neighbors come to the fore. You are open to new ideas and willing to explore different methods of action. You will be restless and show a keen interest in communication.

This position of the Moon usually indicates matters related to home and family, and often signifies some domestic changes if other progressed aspects support it. The feeling of the need for change in the home situation will be predominant. If nothing happens, there will be a lot of talk about it. This position of the Moon may indicate communication or responsibility to a parent with whom you have not seen for a long time. This often marks the time in your life when you first purchase a property. If the Moon forms aspects with planets in the ninth house, you may decide to move far away, perhaps to another country. Regardless of how long the Moon may be in a house, the intended action usually occurs when it forms an aspect with another planet.

When the progressed Moon moves through the 4th house, issues of home, family, and hearth come to the fore. Possible birth of children, representing a change in the family. You can change your place of residence or start renovations. There may be issues related to maternal care or related to the mother and immediate family members. This house symbolizes the hearth and your energy is strongly connected to it. Travel, business activities, new careers, training and other issues are less significant unless they are directly related to home and family.

When the progressed Moon transits the fifth house, you often experience an awakening of your emotions; your feelings and attitude towards loved ones and children may undergo changes. Often you will be drawn to a new creative field, or find some unique way of expressing yourself. Children during this period may leave home or, conversely, return back. You may experience a very unstable period in your life and change lovers every month. If there are positive aspects during this time, your life is likely to progress smoothly and it will be a wonderful time for pleasure trips and romantic interests.

The progression of the Moon through the 5th house is a period when you can express personal creative mastery either through craft or on a biological level by giving birth to children. Self-expression is a feature of the Moon in the 5th house, and you will use any available transit to give your energy visible form. It is also the home of lovers, entertainment and relaxation, so the formation of new relationships, new types of activity, creativity, and hobbies is possible.

Since this house rules health and work, we should expect changes in these two areas. You may not change your job, but you will probably change the way you used to do it. If you haven't worked, you can find a job. If you are working, some kind of job change may occur. Depending on the aspects and how you manage your need for emotional security and reliability, your health can improve or deteriorate.

Depending on the sign the Moon is in and your condition at that time, you may experience some health problems. For example, a person with Cancer Moon in the sixth house may be prone to stomach problems. Progressed Moon transiting the sixth house can lead to weight gain due to fluid retention. With challenging aspects, you may develop some habits that undermine your health.

Having reached your creative peak and/or becoming a parent in the 5th house, you are now faced with stressful work and issues of routine or health. The Moon's entry into the 6th house means work and effort required to cope with small children or to hone one's skills. This is a house of excellence that requires building a working structure through persistent effort. If you creative person Having experienced your first success, you are now working on improving your creation using a clear regimen and hard work. When the progressed Moon is in this house, you deal with issues of duty, service and getting things done. It is interesting to note that in Babylonian astrology the 6th house was considered the house of slavery.

The seventh house of the chart rules the other people in your life, so as the progressed Moon passes through this house you can expect your actions to be colored by reactions to them. You will care more about what they think of you and how you treat them. Even if you are a very independent person (active first or tenth house or many planets east of the meridian), you will become more caring and considerate of others than usual. Of course, if you choose to use this energy in a negative way, you may feel that other people are encroaching on your rights and your time, and you may treat them coldly, become irritable and fickle, and even become involved in open confrontations.

Needless to say, this period may coincide with some kind of partnership activity - marriage, divorce or business activity.

This is a time of relationships - positive and negative - which may culminate in legal formalization, i.e. marriage, divorce or lawsuit. This is the time when you prepare to include another person in your plans by reassessing your needs in the relationship. When the progressed Moon is in the 7th house, new relationships can begin or old connections can be transformed, breaking or strengthening. Any transits during this period will tend to include another person in your life or to take into account how the other person views your actions.

When the progressed Moon passes through the eighth house of your horoscope, you may have to deal with the death of someone close to you. The first passage of the progressed Moon through this house often coincides with the first brush with death on a personal level. But just as often, this passage can bring support and help from loved ones or even society. You will be aware of your sexual feelings and needs and, depending on the position of the natal Moon and the aspects it forms, you may enter into deep personal relationships or numerous fleeting love affairs.

As you move through the relationship-oriented 7th house, you find yourself being nudged (gently or not) toward the changes symbolized by the 8th house. Here life circumstances become more intense and focused on origins or endings. This is the time when your life situation changes. This is also another house associated with the birth of children - with taking on the role of a parent.

Attention focuses on issues of money and power, big business, taxes, wills and inheritance. You will become aware of the importance of events happening around you, seeing the deeper meaning behind things. You may surround yourself with problems that are more dramatic than usual. The purpose behind this lunar progression is to allow change to come into your life.

When the progressed Moon is in the ninth house, your consciousness is focused on dreams and aspirations. This position may coincide with the opportunity to receive further education, go abroad or even legitimize the relationship. The ninth house symbolizes ideas and ideals, so this is a good time to expand your horizons. Unless your catal Moon has very stressful aspects that you have not yet learned to cope with, it is usually a period of optimism, hope and carefree. Life seems like an adventure and you tend to look ahead and make plans for the future. If you manage this progression in a negative way, you may encounter difficulties.

Instead of rising to the occasion with a philosophical or religious challenge, you may retreat into the familiar and become trivial.

When the progressed Moon enters the 9th house, a wide view becomes important - big picture. You are looking for information that will satisfy this need, so the focus is on travel or education. Foreign affairs, immigration, philosophy and publications all belong to the ninth house. Any way that can expand your world will be woven into your life patterns at this time.

The progressed Moon will cross the cusp of the tenth house at least twice throughout life, and each time it will be a period of climax. Since the tenth house represents your ego, reputation and position in society, it highest point that you can achieve. As the Moon approaches this point, you become aware of your position and relationship to the world around you. At this time, you need to critically evaluate your future path and the means available to you that will help you further move along your chosen path.

In many cases, what you see from this vantage point is not necessarily what you thought was necessary, and at this time you can start the mechanism of change. Remember what we said earlier, that where the progressed Moon passes, you feel the need for change. It also shows the timing for making changes. When the Moon aspects the other planets in the chart, the energy generated can be used to bring about change.

Career issues come to the fore social status, this period is accompanied by a change of job or even marriage/divorce. You become aware of how society evaluates you and make changes to this classification. This could lead to getting a promotion, losing a job, getting married, getting a divorce, becoming a parent for the first time, winning a million, or losing a million. There are many ways you can change your position in society. During this time, you may also achieve a goal that you previously thought was unattainable.

When the Moon is in this house of your chart, you become aware of your social consciousness. You may respond to this stimulus by engaging in some group activity, becoming kinder and more considerate to friends and co-workers, or it may bring awareness of other people's feelings towards you. The Moon's transit through the eleventh house can be a time when you get involved in some charitable activities, and on another level you can focus on the money that your business or your career brings in. Don't forget that the eleventh house is the house of finance (second from the tenth), and often when you concentrate energy here, your mind will focus on financial matters. This is especially true for the Moon as it passes through this area and aspects the other planets in the chart.

This can also be a time when you feel like you're losing a little control. life situations when external circumstances strike you. Since the Moon always indicates your emotions, this may coincide with a time when you feel lonely and abandoned, especially after a very successful lunar transit through the tenth house. You may feel frustrated.

When the progressed Moon passes through the 11th house, groups begin to receive higher priority. You feel a desire to work in or for a group; the group's opinion becomes more important. You find yourself involved in other people's affairs, minority issues, clubs or communities. This is the period of your life when you are open to communication and social interaction.

You may be inclined to think that when the Moon passes through this house of the chart, your mind will linger on darkness and doom, and this may well happen if that is your inclination. But the best use of this position is to develop inner strength and get in touch with your subconscious. When the indicator of your daily consciousness (progressed Moon) passes through this deep, hidden house of subjective support, you have the opportunity to come into contact with the deepest part of your Self. This may be a little scary for a person who doesn't want to deal with this side of their nature, but for someone who wants to delve deep into their psyche, this transit of the Moon and the aspects it shapes brings a wonderful opportunity for self-development.

The position of the progressed Moon in the 12th house is a very interesting astrological phenomenon. The twelfth house is that which is hidden (the collective unconscious), and the progressed Moon's journey through this sphere is a time of solitude. The outer focus must shift to the inner life. You are hidden during this period. If you are looking for loud approval or recognition at this time, you will not succeed.

During this time, the artist should retire - for two years or so - to completely restructure his work. This work will not receive recognition until the Moon crosses the Ascendant because the Ascendant represents the boundary between what is hidden and what can be seen.

If you use this period of time to explore your inner life or quietly engage in creativity, then the Moon's move into the first house can bring significant rewards. If you spend this time denying your inner world and inner life, the harvest of these two or more children will not be abundant.

The passage of the progressed Moon through the 12th house is the best opportunity to clear the “subconscious atmosphere” and sort out the underlying questions and problems generated by the hidden areas of your mind.

March and D. McEvers Levin M.B. B. Brady


The progressed Moon has a special property, it moves approximately from 11 to 15 degrees per day and every double hour moves about one degree. One double hour is the twelfth of a day - two hours and corresponds to approximately one month. Therefore, it is possible to trace the movement of the progressed Moon with an accuracy of up to one month. Aspects of the progressed Moon have an orb of 1.5 degrees, therefore aspects of the progressed Moon are valid 1.5 months before, approximately, and a month and a half after the exact aspect. If the aspects of progressed Venus and Mercury last from 1.5 to 2 years, then the aspects of the progressed Moon last up to 3 months, i.e. The progressive Moon allows us to determine some events with an accuracy of up to one and a half months, +/- 1.5 months, thereby, when making forecasts, we very much narrow the zone in which we are looking for the exact time of the event. Working with the progressed Moon is quite simple.

3 hours is 1/8 of a day, real time 360/8 - 45.0. In order to find the moment corresponding to 0 GMT, you need to subtract 46 days from September 6 - approximately 07/22/60. Let's look at the progression for 91 years, the second half. August 91 - 31 years, progressive date - October 7, 60. The position of the Moon at 0 o'clock GMT is 15 degrees 38 minutes Taurus. We calculate using the linear interpolation method, assuming that the Moon moves almost uniformly. The Moon's speed is 12 degrees 40 minutes per day. Let's calculate the aspects of the progressed Moon to the natal chart. Sun 13 degrees 52 minutes Virgo, Moon approximately 15 degrees Pisces, Mercury 19.50 Virgo, Venus 4.32 Libra, Mars 22 Gemini, Jupiter 24.14 Sagittarius, Saturn 11.53 Capricorn, Uranus 22.54 Leo, Neptune 7 degrees 1 minute Scorpio, Pluto 6 degrees 10 minutes Virgo, Node 15 degrees 29 minutes Virgo. The Moon in July is sextile to the Moon, in November - trine to Mercury, in January - semi-sextile to Mars, in March - quincunx to Jupiter, at the same time quincunx to the Node, tridecile to Pluto in October, one and a half square to Venus, in May one and a half square to Saturn, biquintile to Jupiter, tridecyl to the Node, sentagon to Pluto in June.

Progressions: Mercury 7 degrees Scorpio, Venus 12 Scorpio, sextile the Sun, sextile Saturn, Mars. Mercury is conjunct Neptune, which is interesting in itself. Mars 7 degrees Cancer - trine with progressed Mars. Aspects with Saturn always create delays, even good obstacles. Rarely produces events that have a certain stability or at least duration of action. Neptune and Venus work very strongly here. At the beginning, you need to look at the aspects, which planets are working, the planets set a certain theme. Therefore, the first thing that is assumed is that this topic is connected with Neptune, Venus - Mars, Venus, most likely some event in the sphere of feelings or in the sphere of personal relationships, because Mercury is in conjunction with Neptune, because Venus is in sextile, approaches sextile with the Sun. What this is, you need to figure out at home. At least you can ask the question: “What is this - gain or loss?” Planets set the main theme, and aspects take some cross-section of this theme, so the most important thing is to look at which planets make aspets, and only then look at what aspect these planets make. Venus with Neptune usually gives increased sensitivity, situations that come from the past. At first glance, what comes to mind suggests marriage or some kind of meeting. One thing interferes quite thoroughly - this is Saturn. Although he makes a trine, I don’t believe in Saturn’s trine, because these are Saturn’s trine. Saturn, when it interacts with Venus, drives a person into solitude. Sometimes it's soft, sometimes it's hard, but either way Saturn is limiting. On the one hand, the aspect with the Sun is good, growing, and the aspect with Saturn is already exact, i.e. one can assume that a year later some other event will follow, within a year after that, because everything there is very clear - it follows precise aspects. Which aspect is more accurate, which event will happen first? If there is an aspect with Saturn first, then with the Sun, then we must assume that the dream

First there will be a Saturnian situation, then a solar one.

Moon. Venus herself. Since this lasts for about a month and a half in the zone that interests the client, Venus makes one and a half squares. The progressed Moon itself does not have any qualities; it conveys, as it were, the quality of the planet through which it acts, the quality of the planet and the aspect. It is very possible that there is some kind of forced separation here, perhaps it passed quite softly, but sensitively.

The aspect of Saturn with Venus is never short - this is a year, at least it turns out to be a long separation. One and a half squares to Venus are still additional; he still votes in this interval for some kind of dividing event. I would assume that some kind of separation from the person you love is for a long time.

Several main points during the movement of the progressed Moon.

The progressed Moon, firstly, conducts the energy of those planets with which it makes aspects; it activates these spheres in the consciousness and strengthens the corresponding energies. An aspect goes with Neptune - Neptunian energies intensify; an aspect goes with Venus - the energy of Venus intensifies, etc. You can’t say specifically about events, you can say about their states, so it turns out very differently. A positive aspect can give a difficult situation and vice versa, a negative aspect can give a very favorable situation, it all depends on the natal aspects of the planet that it makes. When the progressed Moon makes an aspect to a planet, all its aspects are included, all aspects natal planet, i.e. the whole spectrum of events associated with this natal planet begins to unfold. The most interesting situations occur when the progressed Moon: a) moves from sign to sign;

b) moves from house to house;

c) passes through the Ascendant, passes through the ascending Node,

and also through the descending Node and through Saturn. Progressed Moon aspects to Saturn are most interesting, especially if there are some Moon aspects to Saturn in the chart. The passage of the Moon through the top of the house, i.e. entering a new house will necessarily activate this house with some event, not necessarily significant. The theme of this house will be the Moon for some time. You should not think that the progressed Moon will connect you with a specific topic for the entire time you move around the house; it actively works only at the top of the houses.

In the same way, the movement of the progressed Moon through the signs gives the state of a person. A change of sign, a change of state is usually accompanied by some event. It is very interesting to look at the last aspect before a sign change, if it occurs somewhere around 3 or 5 degrees. You will have a very clear feeling that the event is driving you, leading you out and introducing you into a situation related to the quality of this sign. From Sagittarius to Capricorn, for example, drives you into work or into a psychological dead end, or simply into some kind of depression. From Capricorn to Aquarius - a feeling of release. Psychologically, this is usually accompanied by some event, although in reality it may be without an event.

Progressed Moon through the Ascendant is usually just a transition to a new cycle, the beginning of a new cycle in life, i.e. some series of events, especially if there are any planets aspecting the Ascendant. This event will of course occur at the moment when she is passing exactly through the Ascendant. After passing the Ascendant to the first aspect. Just psychologically, passing through the Ascendant gives rise to a new cycle. But any event, i.e. the first aspect after the passage of the Ascendant will be an event that will begin a whole, long period of 20-odd years of your life, at least 13.5.

The passage of the Moon through Saturn is an amazing condition, as interesting as the passage of transiting Saturn through the natal Moon. Here, usually, all the problems and fears that a person has are highlighted. Sometimes this turns into behavior when a person ceases to control himself, commits actions about which he later says that “I never in my life thought that I was capable of this.”, “I did this with my own hands, and how could I even do this?” do?".

Sometimes it is something very good, sometimes it is something he considers very bad. In any case, very interesting things happen, a set of problems that are closed by Saturn are released, which a person is afraid of, afraid to admit to himself, or hidden desires suddenly spill out. Almost the same joy when the Moon makes an opposition to Saturn - there Saturn drives a person into a psychological impasse, forcing him to withdraw into himself from fear, forcing him to do some things out of fear, some fears, in any case, Saturn’s problems stupid actions. If the passage of the progressed Moon through natal Saturn splashes out some things, then, on the contrary, the passage

The Moon opposite natal Saturn, in opposition, drives most problems inside.

The passage of the Moon through higher planets such as Neptune, Uranus, Pluto. Progressed Moon aspects to Neptune naturally bring out Neptunian states. If a person has a strong natal Neptune, then some event will immediately happen during this time, most often it is the emotional sphere, sexual, creative, romantic states, sometimes childbirth, sometimes binge drinking. Moreover, this does not necessarily happen at a conjunction; it can be at any strong aspect with Neptune. Neptune, unlike Saturn, is not so important for him which aspects, he manages to act in approximately the same way on any of his aspects. Conjunction or opposition is important for Saturn. Very severe, traumatic, mentally very difficult conditions, often destructive depending on where the planet stands in the emotional or social sphere, this is when the Moon goes through opposition to Pluto. The Moon, through opposition to Pluto, as well as the connection with Saturn, usually, in behaviors or situations, deep-rooted desires, aspirations, problems appear, some ghosts of the past arise, unmotivated actions or long-standing grievances begin to emerge from the subconscious. The Moon, both in conjunction and in opposition with Pluto, releases, especially in opposition, everything that has accumulated negative, negative energies inside a person, although not necessarily negative. Pluto seems to throw everything out precisely at the opposition of the progressed Moon. What we kept inside ourselves, what we were afraid of, begins to manifest itself and forces us to do things that are outwardly unmotivated. Pluto, like Neptune, often brings to light situations from the distant past.

Any situation that occurs on the ascending Node - I recommend going after it, if something comes your way at this time - do not throw it away. Usually at this point some event occurs that will set a very long line in a person’s life or give him an impetus that will last for a long time, or give him some kind of key to resolving some of his main problems. This is a very positive zone, although sometimes very stressful events occur here. Any events that occur when the progressed Moon passes the ascending Node should be considered as positive, no matter how they look from the outside. Even losses here are positive, which means a person has lost something that he should have given back long ago. This is evidenced by both theory and the experience of many people. An event when the progressed Moon passes through the ascending Node usually affects the whole life, or at least for the next 14 years, until the Moon reaches the descending Node. Events associated with the descending Node always come from the past, and in the best case it is only the payment of karma, the consequences of some of one’s own actions done in this life, or even in the past. This is one of the most striking karmic events, one of the key situations - the key to a person’s today’s karma, his main problem that hangs over him. It is most strongly observed at square, but most strongly it manifests itself at the moment when the progressed Natius Moon passes through the descending Node.

The aspects of the progressed Moon themselves are interesting against the background of the progressed aspects of other planets. The moon seems to isolate the situation. Particularly interesting are the aspects of the Moon near the exact aspect of other planets, before the turn, before the transition of progressed planets to another sign. All these things should be carefully observed. Aspects of the progressed Moon to the natal chart emphasize the person’s condition more than specific events. For an event, first of all, directions and returns are needed, the second thing is transits. If there is a corresponding transit and aspect of the progressed Moon, then the event occurs directly on the aspect. How to determine the appropriate transit? There is no direct unambiguous connection between the aspects of the progressed Moon and transits. Therefore, first of all, we look, if the progressed Moon makes an aspect to some planet, preferably a slow one, at least from Mars, then the transit of this planet will be the most significant. But at the same time, they can be connected not through a common planet, but through a theme. If the progressed Moon, for example, develops the theme of Venus, i.e. one of the themes of VII, V, and, possibly, the fourth house, then we go to those transits that at the same time realize the theme of the same houses. Sometimes there are very interesting situations: the planets may seem to be different. Let’s say in the 7th house there is now a conjunction between Uranus and Neptune, and at the same time the aspect of the progressed Moon - it makes an aspect to natal Venus. In principle, these are different planets - Uranus and

Neptune and Venus, but they are in in this case unfold the same topic, because the VII house is affected by the conjunction of Uranus with Neptune, and Venus is the symbolic ruler of the VII house, touches on the same topic. And it doesn’t even matter where this natal Venus stands. In this case, what matters is the symbolic management of the natal planets, their quality, and not the position in the house where they stand, if we are talking about visible, fast planets, with invisible ones it is more difficult. What is highlighted here is not the position of the planet in the house, not its actual management, but it is its quality and symbolic management that are highlighted. If you manage to connect some aspects with the progressed Moon, then it doesn’t even matter whether they necessarily occur month after month, aspects of transits may be delayed in relation to the progressed Moon, the main thing is that they occur before the next aspect to the same planet. If the progressed Moon makes an aspect to Venus, then it seems to sow the seed, and the transits reap the harvest, in other words, the next transit, following the aspect of the progressed Moon and touching on the same topic, will create external conditions for the realization of the event. Progressed Moon in the natal chart creates a condition in a person. Deviations are almost inevitable, sometimes up to one and a half months. But when a forecast is made for a long time in advance, an error of one and a half months does not matter. The progressed Moon will give an approximate sequence of events, the approximate time of these events. Never try to consider any situations in detail, the main thing is to look through them and roughly see the sequence of situations. The sequence of situations is very important. If here the Sun were to precede Saturn, an aspect of the Sun, I would assume the opposite. Here the aspect of Saturn precedes the aspect of the Sun.

Everything that has been said concerns mainly the human condition. But there is one of the progressive methods that allows you to approach the events themselves more closely, i.e. predict, in fact, the events themselves, and not just states. This is the so-called PROGRESSIVE CARD. The progressed Moon makes a full circle, i.e. tropical cycle of 27.3 days. It follows from this that every 27.3 days events in a person’s life are repeated by type. In fact, this is not the case; in reality, some states that are qualitatively characterized by planets are rather closely repeated. Events have their own laws. The position of the planets in relation to the natal chart seems to give today's development in relation to the original one. But events are determined by our current state, therefore the most real situations are more strongly associated with aspects of progressions in relation to progressions than with aspects of progressions in relation to the natal chart. Progressions in relation to the natal chart give internal change. Progressions in relation to progressions give the closest to external conditions, i.e. almost eventful. The most external ones are transits, they are even more external and together with progressions give external conditions, progressions - internal conditions, together - an event is obtained. We have the deepest layer, like our matrix of our entire destiny, our entire character. There is a development of this matrix in dynamics - this is the progressive movement of the planets. If we take a slice for today, then we take a slice not for one planet, but for all planets at once.

Those. we must take all the progressive planets and at the same time look at the grid of houses, because there is some evolution of houses too. Experience shows that some changes occur in a person’s life. For example, a person lived in poverty, suddenly perestroika arose and the opportunity to earn money appeared. Some stayed that way, while others began to earn money. A change in the quality of the house, a change in the theme of the house, for example, a transition to another sphere of action - a person earned money in one way, and began to earn money in something completely different. Thus, we must work not only with the progressions of the planets, but also take into account some kind of dynamic

method to somehow turn on the movement of houses. This is included in exactly the same way as in progressions, although there are slight differences. Suppose we need to calculate the vertices of the same houses for September or February 1994. 33 years and 171 days since birth. We move to progressive time, we get 33 days and 171/365 = 11.25 hours, 11 hours 15 minutes. We add, thus the time of calculation of progressive planets goes to September 39, 1960 or October 9, 1960 14 hours 15 minutes. If you calculate the position of the planets on this date, at this time, you will get the location of the planets in the progressive chart. This is the first step. Step two - calculating houses in a progressive map. There are different ways to construct progressive charts. The progressive date is October 9, we calculate the sidereal time on October 9. The time of birth remains unchanged forever, GMT = 3 hours 0 minutes. LT = 5 hours 30 minutes (local time). The procedure for calculating houses is the same as in the natal chart. We calculate local time, it is standard, it cannot change, since our Greenwich time at the time of birth does not change due to any progressions. Local time is unchanged, it is always 5 hours 30 minutes (for this example), either at the time of birth or at any time of progression. The only difference is sidereal time. Sidereal time advances 237 seconds every day. If you look, the progressive map drawn the next day - the houses will be shifted a little forward, the MC moves a little less than a degree forward, and naturally all the houses will shift along with this.

Thus, we calculated the sidereal time for the new progressive houses - they moved forward a little. Basically, if we count on a birthday for every year, every year there is a jump of one degree, approximately, sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more than one degree, because the MC moves unevenly, with small deviations. The ascending sign moves a little faster, for example, the speed of the Ascendant at the latitude of Moscow can reach 3-4 degrees with rapidly ascending signs, with slowly ascending signs, on the contrary, about 40-45 minutes, so the houses also move unevenly. They calculated, for example, on September 9, 1994 - this is the position of the houses actually on the birthday. I didn’t take into account anywhere that it’s 24.2. I want to calculate for my birthday in 1995, the same thing, take the next line, add a degree, all the houses move another degree, you get a spasmodic movement, but they said that progression is a continuous movement. For interpolation within a year, i.e. if we need more exact value houses, you can use delta to see how they move slowly throughout the year. Delta is an interpolation of sidereal time, an interpolation of the increase in sidereal time. For every day, sidereal time advances 237 seconds. From the moment of birth to the moment of the forecast, several years passed, plus another 11 hours and 15 minutes, or simply 171 days. 171/365 - this will be the fraction of the day that has passed from the moment of birth to the predicted moment, progressive time. Thus, during this fraction, sidereal time moved forward a little, less than 4 minutes, approximately 111 seconds = 1 minute 51 seconds. And if we add this to sidereal time, we get sidereal time exactly corresponding to February 24th. The final sidereal time at this point will be 6 hours 42 minutes 16 seconds. Thus the planets move with normal speed- a degree per day, and houses also move, about a degree per day, on average.

We put the planets in the houses of the map and get a progressive map that records some moment in life. Those. in relation to the progressive map, when calculating the progressive map, I carry out the same procedure:

1. Calculate the progressive date and progressive time.

2. I calculate the position of the planets.

3. I calculate the aspects between these planets, the orb, as in all standard progressions (for all planets - 1 degree, for the Sun - 2 degrees, for the Moon - one and a half degrees).

4. I calculate at home. I calculate the sidereal time at the time of birth, interpolate it at the time of the forecast, get the time to receive houses, get new houses, then arrange the planets in houses, draw aspects, get a map.

How long does it last? It is known that the card of solar revolutions is valid for one year. The natal chart is valid throughout your life. A map built for a specific moment is valid for exactly one moment. The map is moving all the time, i.e. the next day it will move a little, maybe for a few fractions of minutes. All subsequent progressive charts differ very little from this one, in fact, a progressive chart is the movement of everything - both planets and houses in dynamics, which is clearly visible on the computer, which is why a progressive chart is formally valid for exactly one day, but in fact it changes so little during

a certain period of time that we can roughly estimate the situation throughout the year, only the progressive Moon runs away, all other planets cannot run far.

What can be studied on the progressive map? It is very interesting to look at the progressed chart: a change in the sign at the top of the house is always an event that changes the quality of the house, an event that always takes place through this house. Signs change in the normal order of the Zodiac. The transition to the next sign is an event that changes the quality of the situation in this house. A progressive change of sign changes the whole situation, changes the quality of houses, this is especially noticeable on corner houses. I-VII - some type of relationship with other people is changing, often these are meetings, partings, some changes in family relationships. X-IV(?) - professional, household affairs. Fast planets run forward, each at its own speed, so nothing can be said in advance. About slow planets, we can say that slow planets move very slowly, even the fastest of the slow planets, Jupiter, moves a maximum of 13 minutes per day, i.e. houses are ahead of them. Thus, slow planets move into previous houses when rotating the progressed chart. The movement of the progressive map seems to imitate the primary directions of the tops of houses and, as it were, imitates the daily rotation of the earth. Therefore, it turns out that slow planets standing in the eleventh house gradually rise to the top of the tenth, then begin to set and move into the ninth. The movement of a planet through the apex of a house into a new house creates a very lively, interesting situation. Firstly, it connects with the top of a progressive house, thus creating a situation associated with that house. For example, Jupiter, moving from the XI house to the X, gives some situation in the eleventh house, after which it begins to work in the tenth. Thus, this situation, an event in the XI house associated with Jupiter, causes a change in the tenth house, i.e. It’s as if two situations follow – one after one. For example, Uranus moves from the V house to the IV, here it is necessary to analyze the fourth and fifth houses, but so - some event in the fifth house changes the situation in the fourth. Uranus usually does not give material things, it gives emotional, mental, spiritual things. Met a girl and moved to live in another place. Then Uranus moves through the fourth house, this continues for many years - loss of stability in one’s own home or some kind of uranium changes in one’s own home.

With fast planets the situation is a little different. For example, the Sun moves a degree per year. If the houses move quickly, then the Sun may move to the previous house; if the houses move slowly, then the Sun may move to the next house. And it happens that the Sun stands for a long time in almost the same place, moving at the speed of a house. It happens, for example, that the Sun comes to the top of a house and moves with this top for many years in a row, because they move at approximately the same speed - this is a stable, fixed situation at the top of the house. For example, Mercury from the 7th house catches up with the 8th house and moves for several years along with the cusp of the eighth house. A person begins to do business for several years, active activity is at the top of this house. With fast planets, except the Moon, it happens differently: they can move into subsequent houses, they can move into previous ones, they can remain in the same house for a long time. And that unique picture emerges, quite unique for each person, which describes the revolutions of his houses, the evolution of situations in his houses throughout his life, and it marks really serious changes. The speed is comparable to the slow transits of Pluto, because a complete rotation of houses occurs in 364 days, and Pluto makes a complete rotation in 248 years. And if a planet ends up in a house, then it ends up in that house for a long time, with the exception of the Moon, which moves around the house for 2-3 years. When the progressed Moon enters a house, it really accentuates the situation in a real house, creates accents for a certain period for its entire period, while it moves through the house, creates accents in that house. Unlike the progressed Moon when moving along the natal chart, when it only creates accents in houses with aspects, with aspects from this house passing through the top of the house. The progressed Moon's movement through the progressed chart gives real emphasis to the house throughout its movement through the house. At the same time, the houses run forward, and the Moon runs even faster.

What aspects of the progressed chart should be analyzed?

1. We analyze the position of the planets around the house at some point, and analyze the changes at the time of changing the house, especially the transition through the top of the house is the most amazing event, the most interesting. Transition to another sign, change in type of movement. Aspects to the tops of houses. At the same time, for slow planets the aspects to the tops of the houses are short-term - for 2-3 years, since the orb of the aspect to the top of the house is one degree, and for fast planets the aspect to the top of the house can be very long, for many years.