How to remove a player from a region in Minecraft. How to Remove a Person from a Region in Minecraft: Best Methods

Minecraft game has many different interesting nuances, which determines its complexity and diversity.

The interaction of players with each other, that is, network play in Minecraft, is an integral part of the game, and it is possible that you will come across a player who has abused their friendly relationship and will need to remove your friend from private in Minecraft. Even if you couldn’t imagine this, the person you let into the house began to commit outrages - destroying buildings and property. Maybe “the hare had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut,” or maybe just somewhere behind the monitor a child decided to have fun. But in any case, this does not make us happy, and we are not a hare. We can figure it out on our own.

So, in such cases, we need to restrict a friend (possibly an ex-friend, if we don’t receive an explanation later) access to our private region.

Attention - for absolutely everything described below to work normally, the WorldGuard plugin must be installed.

It is necessary to consistently perform the following actions: First of all, we check whether someone has privatized the territory before us. If not, okay, let's move on. Enter the command //wand - if we don’t have an ax yet. Now, using an ax, we select our own area from the region. The left mouse button will help set the first point, and the right mouse button will help set the second. Points can also be selected using the commands //pos1 and //pos2 - in this case, the points where your feet are located will be selected (or specify the coordinates separated by commas - X,Y,Z). If the grid is not displayed, you need to enter /we cui. To help with selection you can also use the //expand commands<число>u (expands the selection upward by the specified number) and //expand<число>d (extends the selection down by the specified number). Next we use the order - region claim (), which allows us to make the area of ​​the region that we determined using sampling private. This is done with the command /region claim<название привата>. To remove a friend from Minecraft, mark 2 points of the cuboid and cover the area of ​​the region from the main rock to the very heavens - order //expand vert. Well, further, using the command /region removemember<Название региона> <Ник безобразника>, we remove our friend from our private region and he will no longer bother us.

And if suddenly he apologizes, and we decide to let him back (or add another player to the region), then we use /region addmember accordingly<Название региона> <Ник человека>.

Some interesting information: You can find out the size of the area you have selected using the //size command. There is a command that allows you to find out how many privates you have: /rg list. If you want to remove the grid, use the //sel command. /rg info command<название_привата>displays detailed data about the private, its members, owners, set flags, boundaries, etc. With the /rg redefine command<название_привата>you can change the boundaries of the specified private area to a selected new area. You can allow someone to use your chest after adding it to private. If you do not see the grid even after entering /we cui, you need to install a grid mod to fix it. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push());

A person strives to realize his existing potential creatively. Many people try to do this through computer games. It’s more enjoyable to delve into the game process together with old friends - it lifts your spirits and increases your team capabilities. After a couple of hours have passed since the launch of Minecraft, many people go online, trying to figure out how to remove a friend from private. Not all players behave appropriately. The dating guarantee doesn't help real life. Depending on their mood, old acquaintances may begin to destroy all surrounding buildings, distribute or take away rights in the region.

How to remove a friend from a region

Want to cool down? All you need to do is enter a simple command. Open the chat, write:

/region removemember, the name of the region and the nickname of the offending acquaintance.

To remove a player with full rights to an area, replace the command with removeowner. The rest of the process will remain unchanged. Deletion is a one-time action, does not add a person to the blacklist, does not ban, or lowers rights. It simply takes away privileges in a specific region.

In the future, the desire will appear - the person can be returned to private using a simple command in a few seconds. You can explain this to a friend if communication with him is important and you don’t want to quarrel over his inappropriate behavior.

How to delete private in Minecraft

Deleting the region itself is also not difficult; the almighty console will help us. Before any command, you should write slash and two magic letters - rg. It looks like this:

/rg “Team name.”

The two most popular commands that will give you the information you need in private are:

  • List;

It helps when you have forgotten the name of a region, remember which characters and with what rights were added to it. Special attention Pay attention to the name of the region, due to typos and errors, when entering it, a critical mass of problems is created with deletion. According to statistics, 9 out of 10 unsuccessful attempts delete private, tied to the incorrect spelling of the region name.

We haven't given you the removal command yet. Those who know English will not have problems with this process. Eat two options:

  • Remove;
  • Delete.

It makes no difference which one you use. But if, for some reason, one doesn't work, you can try another. Problems may also arise due to the abbreviated spelling of the word. region. When after another attempt, private remains the same, don’t be lazy and type the entire word, not just two letters.

In extreme cases, even this may not help. Then try to reinstall the game or contact the server administrator. But these two options are unpromising - the administration has more important things to do, and updating does not guarantee proper operation. As a last resort, you can simply abandon the region, but we would not recommend doing so.

What is private and why is it needed in Minecraft?

Since the article is talking about privacy, let’s at least figure out what it is. To any region virtual world, you can limit the access of other players by “reserving” it for yourself. Before the widespread fashion for griefing, this did not make much sense on most servers. But every year the Minecrafte audience is growing, and those who receive purely aesthetic pleasure from the destruction of buildings or other structures into which someone else’s work has been invested are joining its ranks. Others simply strive for quick and very easy money. Why dig, collect, craft, waste your time on all this? After all, you can always find a victim from whom you can “snatch” it, without any problems.

But you can seriously simplify your life by protecting yourself from unscrupulous players with one simple command. First, as already mentioned, you need to enter /region and then claimand region name, which you must come up with yourself. But before that, you need to select the area itself that you want to private. The region is essentially a cube of regular shape. Select two points, they will be the vertices of the diagonal of your cube. If you didn’t skip geometry at school, imagine general form and the size is not very difficult.

What is the need to delete private messages for a region?

Why and why do you need to delete a region, you ask? The fact is that after just a few days of playing, most people lose interest in the chosen area and strive to move to another area. Some even prefer to change the server. But after they leave, they leave all the privacy, all their creations, closing access to them for other players.

There is nothing wrong with this if you want to create your own warehouse or are planning to return to the region and are going to transfer it to someone. But if you no longer need the fruits of your activity, without allowing the other players to “bring everything to mind,” you are not doing very nicely. Yes, and the feasibility is difficult to assess - although there is a lot of terrain, but having “stumbled” after 10-20 such private regions, you will very quickly clog the server.

Now imagine that such players, leaving behind them individual law access, several dozen. On the server, everywhere you look, there will be abandoned palaces and huts in which it will be impossible to remodel or fix anything. You can draw an analogy with heaps of garbage lying under your feet. So, don't litter.

Complete list of commands for reference and deletion

Today we learned how to remove a friend from private. You have already memorized the command that provides information for a specific region. You just need to sum it up by writing out all teams, so as not to get confused and look for them on other sites:

  1. /region remove "region name"
  2. /region delete “region name”
  3. /region removemember “region name” “character nickname”
  4. /region removeowner “region name” “character nickname”
  5. /region info
  6. /region list

Small helpful advice for newbies. It is better to write this list of 6 points on a sticker and stick it somewhere next to the monitor. Until you remember all the commands. After all, all commands may be needed in an emergency situation, when someone is trying to occupy the area you are interested in or is destroying your region. Don't panic and just look at your sticker.

How to remove a friend from private: video

Almost every gamer who has played the multiplayer mode of Minecraft knows how to seize territory or a specific item. These commands are very popular as they allow you to protect your property from unwanted guests. Moreover, you can create exceptions by allowing certain players to use your items. However, in most cases, gamers set up private and allow players into it, without thinking about what awaits them next. But the situation may turn out to be such that you urgently need to get rid of both the private person and certain people on the white list. That is why you need to know in Minecraft, as well as how to remove the privacy itself from the territory or object.

Removing a friend from private

The first thing you should think about is how to remove a friend from private in Minecraft. Why would such a function be needed at all? Everything is very simple: after all, people are not constant - they tend to change. And the person you completely trusted yesterday may already begin to destroy your buildings and steal your things today. Therefore, you always need to know how to remove such a person from private. This is done through the console using a specific command - region removemember, after which you, of course, will need to indicate the name of the region in question, as well as the nickname of the player who will be removed from the specified region. Immediately after this, this player will no longer be able to enter your territory, so you no longer have anything to worry about. Now you know, in Minecraft, if we are talking about the character who has minimal rights to visit the territory.

Removing an owner

The previous method will only work if the gamer you want to delete has fewer rights than you. However, some regions may have several owners at once, to which the action of the command described above does not apply. How to remove a friend from private in Minecraft in this case? Here you will have to use a slightly different command - region removeowner. The spelling remains the same as in the previous case - after the command you need to write the name of the region, and then the nickname of the player himself. However, you should understand that other gamers who have the same rights as you can also remove you from your same region. So you should be careful about who you grant owner rights to.

Removing privacy from a region

Now you know how to remove privacy on a friend in Minecraft so that he cannot enter your territory and use your things. You should also familiarize yourself with a completely different action - deleting the private message itself. First of all, we will consider a team that will allow you to remove privacy from an entire region. In fact, there are two of them, but they have the same effect - they remove private functions from a specific region. Region rempve and region delete work the same way - you only need to specify the name of the region you want to make public again. Please note that you can only withdraw private from those regions where you are listed as the owner.

Removing privacy from items

A method was described above that told you how to remove a private in Minecraft from a region. But you can also remove privacy features from specific items, such as a chest or a door. To do this, you will have to use a completely different command - cremove. Again, only use this if you are completely confident that you can give full access to the item. Otherwise, you will lose everything that you have collected and stored for so long.

April 6, 2015

Almost every gamer who has played the multiplayer mode of Minecraft knows how to seize territory or a specific item. These commands are very popular as they allow you to protect your property from unwanted guests. Moreover, you can create exceptions by allowing certain players to use your items. However, in most cases, gamers set up private and allow players into it, without thinking about what awaits them next. But the situation may turn out to be such that you urgently need to get rid of both the private person and certain people on the white list. That is why you need to know how to remove a friend from a private in Minecraft, as well as how to remove the private from a territory or object.

Removing a friend from private

The first thing you should think about is how to remove a friend from private in Minecraft. Why would such a function be needed at all? Everything is very simple: after all, people are not constant - they tend to change. And the person you completely trusted yesterday may already begin to destroy your buildings and steal your things today. Therefore, you always need to know how to remove such a person from private. This is done through the console using a specific command - region removemember, after which you, of course, will need to indicate the name of the region in question, as well as the nickname of the player who will be removed from the specified region. Immediately after this, this player will no longer be able to enter your territory, so you no longer have anything to worry about. Now you know how to remove a friend from private in Minecraft, if we are talking about a character who has minimal rights to visit the territory.

Removing an owner

The previous method will only work if the gamer you want to delete has fewer rights than you. However, some regions may have several owners at once, to which the action of the command described above does not apply. How to remove a friend from private in Minecraft in this case? Here you will have to use a slightly different command - region removeowner. The spelling remains the same as in the previous case - after the command you need to write the name of the region, and then the nickname of the player himself. However, you should understand that other gamers who have the same rights as you can also remove you from your same region. So you should be careful about who you grant owner rights to.

Video on the topic

Removing privacy from a region

Now you know how to remove privacy on a friend in Minecraft so that he cannot enter your territory and use your things. You should also familiarize yourself with a completely different action - deleting the private message itself. First of all, we will consider a team that will allow you to remove privacy from an entire region. In fact, there are two of them, but they have the same effect - they remove private functions from a specific region. Region rempve and region delete work the same way - you only need to specify the name of the region you want to make public again. Please note that you can only withdraw private from those regions where you are listed as the owner.

Removing privacy from items

A method was described above that told you how to remove a private in Minecraft from a region. But you can also remove privacy features from specific items, such as a chest or a door. To do this, you will have to use a completely different command - cremove. Again, only use this console command if you are absolutely sure that you can give full access to the item. Otherwise, you will lose everything that you have collected and stored for so long.

Private in Minecraft is a personal gaming area that belongs to one of the players, and only the owner and specially invited players have access to it. Such a territory is protected from any breakdowns, fires and attacks by monsters (for example, creepers) that can destroy the player’s property, but if desired, this can be adjusted by the creator of the region.

How to delete a private/region?

There are times when a player no longer wants to engage in this private activity and therefore needs to remove it. In this case, use the command to remove a region in minecraft, which looks like this: “/region remove<имя_региона>, after which the specified region will be deleted. Sometimes this method does not work for some reason, then you should use the alternative option “region delete”<имя привата>"or the shortened version "/rg del<название>».

IMPORTANT. Before deleting a region in Minecraft, it must have only one owner, and the name of the region must be written in the same way as when created, with capital letters and symbols, if any.

How to remove a friend from a region?

Sometimes, it is not necessary to delete the entire private, but only one of the friends invited to it. The reasons can be very different, because in order to do this, no specific conditions are required. To do this, you will also need to enter the text command “/region removemember<название><ник игрока>”, which will immediately remove the player or the second owner of the region who is disliked by the owner.

Problems when deleting a private territory in Minecraft

Removing private messages does not seem to be such a difficult task, but sometimes their owners face some difficulties. It often happens that a player forgets the name of his territory and all attempts to remove it are in vain. In this case, use the “/rg list” command, which will give the owner of the private its exact full name. You also MUST enter your nickname correctly when logging in, using capital letters and symbols, if any. For example, if the owner’s nickname is CaT, and he logged in under the nickname cat, the register will not recognize him as the owner and will not allow him to delete the private.

Also, before deleting a private, you should make sure that no one other than the owner is no longer on the list of private participants. To check everyone who is in it, you need to use the text command “/region info<название региона>" This action will display a list of everyone who is listed in the private, and then using the command “/region removeowner<название привата> <ник игрока>", the owner can one by one clear the region on the server from friends, and then delete it.

IMPORTANT. Before deleting a region, you need to think carefully, because when it is deleted, everything that was built during the game in private will be deleted. Perhaps it will come in handy someday or you will want to play again with friends where houses, establishments, parks, etc. have already been built. It is important to remember this, since the territory is not subject to further restoration.