Valeria has been pregnant with Prigozhin's child for how many years. Singer Valeria is pregnant from Prigozhin. Failed attempt or PR stunt

Representatives of domestic and world show business in Lately They are increasingly delighting their fans by becoming mothers and fathers. This happened with famous singer Valeria, whose “interesting” situation was discussed in February 2014. “Valeria is pregnant from Joseph Prigozhin” - the publication’s headlines were full of them. Let's just say that for many this news was more than unexpected, although this couple spoke more than once about their desire to have a child together.

45-year-old Valeria is pregnant

From Prigozhin Joseph - his legal husband and producer. There is nothing strange in this, because Valeria has an impeccable reputation and has never been seen in any affairs. True, in contrast to his beloved, who is periodically “caught” by the ubiquitous paparazzi in the company of young nymphets. But that's not what we're talking about now.

So, the whole point is that Valeria is not 30 or even 35 years old, but 45. Of course, obstetricians and gynecologists say that late motherhood is becoming the norm, and the world is full of such examples. However, when it became known that Valeria was pregnant with Prigozhin’s child, this caused surprise and simply gave rise to great amount discussions on various public platforms. There were those who were sincerely happy, and those who suspected the couple of a skillfully executed PR move. Only Valeria and Prigozhin know how things really stand. We can only guess and analyze the information that was provided to the public.

Pregnancy history

“Valeria is pregnant from Prigozhin” - almost all popular publications published such articles in February. At first, this conclusion was made based on the singer’s visit to the elite Lapino center, where she most likely registered for pregnancy. There she was “accidentally” captured by journalists’ cameras. After this, Joseph Prigogine gave an official explanation in an interview and on his page on social network.

In it, he confirmed the rumors that were circulating at that time that his wife was pregnant. Moreover, the period was already about 2 months. It turned out that it is true that Valeria is pregnant, unlike other stars, who are constantly attributed an imaginary “interesting” position.

In connection with such changes in her personal life, Valeria adjusted her creative plans, some of which had to be postponed or even canceled. However, the singer decided not to miss the tour to Surgut and gave the previously announced concert there.

Fans were not happy for long that their favorite singer would soon become a mother. Soon the same unexpected information appeared that Valeria had lost her child. And again the caring husband came forward with explanations. He explained that his wife suffered a miscarriage caused by a viral disease. It required treatment with antibiotics and a stay in the clinic. However, Valeria suffered the illness on her feet due to her busy schedule, but this affected the course of the pregnancy, which ended in the loss of the child.

The child will still be there

This is how the story about Valeria being pregnant ended. In this regard, 2014 has so far been unsuccessful for the couple, at least the beginning of it. The singer’s husband immediately stated that they did not cancel their intention and would do everything to ensure that they had a child. Valeria later admitted that carrying a baby at that age is really difficult, you need to take care and be careful in everything. And with her lifestyle this is simply not feasible, because she has to work a lot.

There must be a lot of children

Valeria and Joseph Prigogine already have six children between them from their previous marriages. They raised all their offspring together, some of them became quite adults and independent individuals. It is not surprising that the couple wanted to have another baby, because they have enough strength and resources to raise and educate him. Moreover, they never gave birth to a common child during their marriage.

Valeria and her husband said that they would try to get pregnant again in the usual way, but if this does not happen, then they do not exclude an alternative option. The couple did not specify which path they would choose; it would probably be surrogacy or IVF.

Valeria's character

There is no doubt that the singer will become a mother again. Firstly, Joseph speaks about this so confidently that his fans simply will not understand them. Secondly, knowing the character of the star, it is not surprising that desired result she will achieve it anyway. After all, she does this almost always and in everything. By her own admission, Valeria has an “excellent student” complex, which instructs her to always achieve her goals, and to do it in an ideal way.

Any task she undertakes must be completed with an “A”. During her childhood and youth, the singer was an excellent student and had various hobbies. She also knitted, and in a rather complex technique. Her products turned out so beautiful that they aroused admiration even among more experienced knitters.

And Valeria adheres to this principle all her life. Today she is a sought-after, popular and active singer, who, of course, has vocal abilities and her own audience. She is considered beautiful successful woman, which, after certain vicissitudes, managed to regain its happiness and even greater fame. Perhaps we will soon hear again that Valeria is pregnant. The singer still has time to make 2014 the year of her dream come true - to find hope for motherhood.

Both spouses have long become parents of many children - each of them has three beautiful children who were born in previous marriages. But recently, in Prigozhin’s interviews, hints began to slip more and more often that he dreams of having a child together with Valeria.

It is known that Valeria has three children from her first marriage, producer Alexander Shulgin: daughter Anna and sons Artemy and Arseny. Joseph Prigozhin also has three children from previous wives.

According to rumors, Valeria and Joseph Prigozhin decided not to completely abandon the idea of ​​becoming parents, and now the couple is expecting their first child together. Both have adult children from previous marriages.

Fans of the star family had such thoughts for a reason. Lately, Valeria rarely gives concerts, and in one of her recent interviews she admitted that she dreams of giving a baby to her beloved husband.

Meanwhile, the first congratulations from fans on the future addition appeared on Joseph Prigozhin’s page. Family friends and fans of Valeria's work sincerely congratulate the couple and wish everything to go well.

Valeria has three children from former producer and husband Alexander Shulgin, but they have no children together with Joseph Prigogine. Now the Russian paparazzi saw the singer Valeria and her husband at the entrance to one of the clinics in Moscow, where the singer, according to rumors, was registered. Rumors about Valeria’s pregnancy are also supported by the fact that she began to prefer loose clothing.

It turns out that Valeria is really preparing a surprise for her many fans, but not the one everyone thought about. Throughout 2017, the singer will work on recording new songs, as well as on a show program with which she will go on a big tour around major cities Russia in 2018. According to Prigozhin, they plan to take this program to the international level.

Valeria and Prigozhin are expecting a child Interesting Facts. Detailed information.

Now in many photos on Valeria’s personal Instagram it is quite difficult to see her figure - it is hidden by voluminous clothes or the singer poses in such a way that her stomach is not visible. It is too read as a sign of her pregnancy.

Recently, Joseph Prigogine began to talk more and more often about the fact that he and Valeria are dreaming of a couple common child and tries to achieve his goal. This behavior of the producer seems to many to be a sign that the public needs to get ready - the star spouses, despite their “serious” age, will become young parents.

The news that Valeria is preparing to become a mother again has received wide resonance. Many journalists report that the pop star is in her second month. Despite her age, the performer is inclined to natural childbirth, not wanting to use the services of a surrogate mother.

Popular singer Valeria is pregnant. Information about this appeared on the pages of a major online publication. The artist and her husband, producer Joseph Prigozhin, were spotted on the threshold of the Moscow perinatal center.

In favor of rumors about they say they are pregnant pictures that the Russian paparazzi managed to take. They Valeria was photographed and Joseph Prigozhin at the entrance to one of the Moscow clinics. There, according to rumors, the singer registered as pregnant.

Singer Valeria's pregnancy is in danger of miscarriage. Detailed information.

Such thoughts were prompted by the comments of Joseph Prigozhin among users of social networks: in recent interviews with the press, Valeria’s husband began to mention quite often that they dream of a child - and continue to move towards their goal. The public is sure: the artist is already in the early stages of pregnancy.

The Runet audience is sure: 49-year-old popular singer Valeria and her husband, producer Joseph Prigozhin, will become parents again in the near future. The Internet is actively discussing the rumor that the couple is expecting their first child together.

Valeria became a guest on the program “Secret for a Million”. On air, the 49-year-old singer was extremely frank and tried to answer all the questions from presenter Lera Kudryavtseva. In the first part of the show, Valeria talked about her personal life. The artist remembered her first husband, composer Leonid Yaroshevsky, as well as her second wife, producer Alexander Shulgin, who raised his hand against her.

“The ability to sincerely say “thank you” is the key to relationships between people,” noted the star singer. This post on her page received about seven and a half thousand “likes”, as well as dozens of reviews from her fans. In the comments, the majority welcomed this idea. In addition, many began to express their thoughts on this matter.

The artist’s husband has repeatedly stated his desire to have a son with his wife. There were rumors that this was not the first attempt to have a child together, but a very busy tour schedule prevented this. On this moment the couple does not give any comments to the press.

Valeria invited all her fans to a future concert, which will take place in Moscow on April 20 and 21 next year. She promised that it would be a sensational show.

Recently, rumors began to appear on the Internet that the star national stage, singer Valeria is pregnant. If this is true, then this will be the first child together in her marriage to Joseph Prigogine. It is worth noting that they both already have three children from previous relationships.

The singer has not yet given official confirmation of her “interesting position.” Perhaps the reason for the non-disclosure was the singer’s unsuccessful first pregnancy after her marriage to Joseph, which failed early. For the same reason, many doubt that the couple will again decide to take this important step after an unsuccessful attempt. However, planning concert programs Valeria is suspended for now.

Valeria is expecting baby news. Fresh material as of 01/15/2018

The singer’s possible pregnancy is also indicated by the fact that she suspended holding new concerts. Previously, Joseph stated that if his wife was ready to have another child, then in her creative career there must be a certain pause. Despite this, the tour of his country has not yet been canceled.

The singer’s husband and part-time producer previously noted that if he and his wife decide to add to their family, Valeria’s creative career will have to be postponed for the next few years. At the moment, the artist is planning a concert tour in Russia, which may be her last for the near future.

But so far, neither the singer nor her producer husband have commented in any way on the numerous rumors surrounding Valeria’s interesting position. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the journalists managed to find out such sensational news too early, and Valeria has reasons not to rejoice ahead of time.

While our readers are discussing that Chrissy Teigen and John Legend will soon become parents for the second time, in the space of Ukrainian-Russian show business everyone is only talking about the fact that singer Valeria is pregnant.

But the fans can no longer be calmed down or stopped. Basically, with the best intentions, they do not abandon the discussion of this topic and find more and more evidence that everything is exactly as the ubiquitous journalists write.

Joseph Prigogine, in turn, without denying or confirming rumors about his wife’s pregnancy, emphasized many times that if he and Valeria have a baby, creative plans you will have to wait for some period.

After Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin decided to have twins, their action inspired many couples: back in the summer, Joseph Prigogine admitted that he dreamed that Valeria would give birth to his son. And finally, his dream came true: as it became known a little earlier, the woman was pregnant. The happy future dad is already accepting congratulations.

The popular singer Valeria is expecting a child, they are increasingly writing about this on the RuNet. Let us remember that some time ago the artist attempted to get pregnant and give an heir to her husband Joseph Prigozhin, but she had a miscarriage.

The day before, journalists managed to see Valery and Joseph entering one of the capital’s clinics. Probably the purpose of the visit was to register for pregnancy. Despite the fact that the singer is almost 50, she could have decided to give birth herself, without using the services of a surrogate mother, now popular among show business stars. There has already been information in the press that the producer announced a future addition to their family, however, there is no official confirmation of this yet.

Recently, Valeria's fans have noticed that their favorite has begun to wear rather wide clothes. This was another reason to assume that she was in an interesting position. However, in some photos Valeria still looks very slim. Maybe the pregnancy is not yet long.

Video of Valeria's birth. All information summary.

The day before, rumors appeared online that famous performer Valeria is in an interesting position. Thus, this will be their first child together with Joseph Prigogine. We remind you that the singer, like her current husband, has three children from a previous marriage. Apparently, the blonde has already registered for pregnancy. So, the day before, journalists noticed Valeria and Joseph at the entrance to one of the Moscow clinics. And although she is almost fifty, the artist still decided to give birth on her own, refusing the services of a surrogate mother. According to some reports, the producer has already announced to the press that there will soon be a new addition to their family. However, this information has not yet been confirmed.

Previously, the man had repeatedly stated that he really wanted to have a son from Valeria. There is information that the couple planned to have a child before, but their busy schedule forced them to postpone the realization of this desire for a while. Now star couple refuses to talk to the press about pregnancy. According to Prigozhin, he “doesn’t want to triumph ahead of time.”
The fact that the artist is in a position is also indicated by another fact: she has paused planning for future concerts. A few months ago, Joseph said that if he and his wife decide to have a child, the singer will have to take a break in her creative career for the next few years. However, the tour home country Valeria did not cancel.

Valery's fans noted that recently their idol began to wear loose clothes. Because of this, some suspected that in this way she wanted to hide her rounded belly. But, if you look at recent photos of the star, she still looks very slim and there are no signs of pregnancy. Perhaps the period is still too short and nothing is noticeable.
However, there was no official statement from the spouses that they would have a baby. Currently, there are a huge number of rumors on this topic, but there is no confirmation. Author: Olga Ivanova Based on materials: Advertising

Popular singer Valeriya is expecting a child, they are increasingly writing about this on the Internet. Let us remember that some time ago the artist made an attempt to get pregnant and give an heir to her wife Joseph Pregozhin, but she had a miscarriage.

According to rumors, Valeria and Joseph Prigozhin decided not to completely give up on becoming parents, and now the couple is expecting their first child together. Both have adult children from previous marriages.

Lately, Joseph Prigozhin has begun to talk more and more often about the fact that the couple with Valerya dreams of having a common child and is trying to achieve their goal. This behavior of the producer seems to many to be a sign that the public needs to get ready - the star spouses, despite their “serious” age, will become young parents.

In 2014, the couple reported that they were already preparing for the birth of a child - Valeria was able to get pregnant, without specifically planning it. But two months later, the singer suffered a miscarriage. Joseph Prigozhin then said that this happened due to a viral disease that the artist suffered “on her feet.”

Nowadays, in many photos on Valery’s personal Instagram, it is quite difficult to see her figure - it is hidden by voluminous clothes or the singer poses in such a way that her stomach is not visible. This is also considered a sign of pregnancy.

Valeria is pregnant from Prigozhin 2017: “We believed and hoped for a miracle”: Valeria published the last photo with Dmitry Hvorostovsky

The singer mourns the death of the opera star.

Fans and stars continue to post condolences to the family and friends of Dmitry Hvorostovsky on social networks. Singer Valeria on her social network page shared the last joint photo with an opera baritone, taken during their last meeting exactly a year ago.

“Dima is great and simple. How we believed and hoped for a miracle... It hurts a lot,” the star captioned the photo.

Valeria is pregnant with Prigozhin's child 2017: Singer Valeria posted a touching family photo on Instagram

Recently, fans of singer Valeria looked at new photographs taken during a visit to Krasnodar. Now the star has decided to post a touching family photo on Instagram.

In the first story, the performer posed against the backdrop of nature and noted that the weather was fabulous, and she didn’t even want to go inside the building. After the tour, she returned to her family and met her mother Galina Nikolaevna, who came to visit Valeria along with her heirs. The performer stands next to her loved one and her son Arseny, who came here with his girlfriend Anna Sheridan.

Valeria is pregnant with Prigozhin's child 2017: Singer Valeria was able to attend a bachelorette party for the first time in 15 years

Fans of singer Valeria noticed new photo, published in a blog where she poses with her friends. The star admitted that for the first time in 15 years she was able to attend a bachelorette party before the wedding of producer Leila Fattakhova.

Inna Malikova was with them, after which the whole company decided to watch the film “Young Godard”. The performer was delighted with the time spent and sincerely thanked her companions for the pleasure they had given. Subscribers immediately noted that her husband Joseph Prigozhin was not next to Valeria, writing many humorous compliments on this occasion. They believed that the producer was watching the star half from around the corner and taking pictures, and also called all the ladies beauties.

Valeria is pregnant with Prigozhin's child 2017: the singer showed a cozy photo in the bathroom and boasted of gifts

Russian singer Valeria shared a photo taken in the bathroom. The celebrity admitted that now she faces a difficult choice - to use something to wash her hair from the gifts she received. Fans are delighted with the singer's appearance. Even in a bathrobe she looks great.

On her Instagram page, Valeria shared a photo in which she poses in a white robe in the bathroom and demonstrates donated cosmetics. The celebrity wrote: “They gave everyone a gift, so I’m thinking: how can I give myself a head wash? Some Beluga is inside, and I’m on the hair” (The author’s spelling and paragraphs have been preserved. - Ed.).

Fans really liked the new photo of the star and admitted that they would like to look just as beautiful. According to them, Valeria looks like a queen even in the bath: “And you are a queen in the bath,” “God, I want to look like that too! You are my idol in the world of beauty! Thank you!”, “Pretty woman,” “I accidentally saw your profile - you you don’t grow old at all!! This is work!”, “Beautiful Valeria! Happiness to you and your family!” (Spelling and punctuation of the authors have been preserved. - Ed.).

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Valeria has three children from former producer and husband Alexander Shulgin, but they have no children together with Joseph Prigogine. Now the Russian paparazzi saw the singer Valeria and her husband at the entrance to one of the clinics in Moscow, where the singer, according to rumors, was registered. Rumors about Valeria’s pregnancy are also supported by the fact that she began to prefer loose clothing.

Meanwhile, the first congratulations from fans on the future addition appeared on Joseph Prigozhin’s page. Family acquaintances and fans of creativity Valeria sincerely congratulates the couple and wishes everything to go well.

Valeria's fans, looking at her latest photos, noticed that appearance singers. Instead of tight outfits, she began to wear looser clothes. This makes them think about their idol’s pregnancy. It is worth noting that in other photos Valeria continues to look very slim. Perhaps the pregnancy is still too young.

Joseph Prigogine, in turn, without denying or confirming rumors about his wife’s pregnancy, emphasized many times that if he and Valeria have a baby, they will have to postpone creative plans for some period.

It has long been known that, having six children between them (each spouse has three of their own), they would really like to have a child together. At this age, even a healthy and athletic woman may have problems conceiving, and the appearance of Valera and her husband in such a place may not only be evidence of the singer’s pregnancy.

Both spouses have long become parents of many children - each of them has three beautiful children who were born in previous marriages. But recently, in Prigozhin’s interviews, hints began to slip more and more often that he dreams of having a child together with Valeria.

Fans of her work began to have such thoughts about pregnant Valeria after the singer began giving concerts less often, and in one interview she stated that she would like to give Joseph Prigogine a baby.

Valery's personal happiness came only with her third husband, Yosuf Prigozhin. But before that, she had to go through a difficult and thorny path. Valeriya's first husband was the jazz pianist Leonid Yaroshevsky, with whom Alla Perfulova (Valeriya, this is a pseudonym) came from Saratov to enter the Gnesin Institute. But family life didn’t work out that way for us.

Journalists were able to record the moment when Valeria and Joseph were heading to the entrance to one of the private clinics in Moscow. Perhaps the popular singer was going to register for pregnancy there. Regardless of her age, and Valeria will turn 50 next year, she is determined to give birth to a child herself, without resorting to the services of surrogate mothers, who dialed now very popular. There was already information in the media that Valeria’s husband talked about a possible addition to his family, but this was not officially confirmed.

Valeria and Prigozhin are expecting a child, interesting facts. Latest information as of December 12, 2017

Although both spouses have three children from previous marriages, Prigozhin often said in recent interviews that he wants a son from Valeria. If the rumors that have filled the media are true, the future baby will be the first child the singer and producer have together.

The online publication “OaNews” is registered in Federal service for supervision in the field of communications, information technologies and mass communications (Roskomnadzor) November 28, 2016. Certificate of registration El No. FS77-68027.

While our readers are discussing that Chrissy Teigen and John Legend will soon become parents for the second time, in the space of Ukrainian-Russian show business everyone is only talking about the fact that singer Valeria is pregnant.

Singer Valeria is pregnant with Joseph Prigozhin’s child and the couple is expecting their first child together.


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Singer Valeria's pregnancy is in danger of miscarriage. Urgent news.

Since the morning fans famous singer they wonder if something similar happened in her life that she decided to interrupt concert activities for a whole year. Of course, the first assumption was the artist’s pregnancy. Everyone knows that Valeria and her husband have long dreamed of adding to their already big family. But before the fans had time to rejoice for the couple, Joseph dotted all the i’s.

It turns out that Valeria is really preparing a surprise for her many fans, but not the one everyone thought about. Throughout 2017, the singer will work on recording new songs, as well as on a show program with which she will go on a large tour of major Russian cities in 2018. According to Prigozhin, they plan to take this program to the international level.

Joseph Prigogine, in turn, without denying or confirming rumors about his wife’s pregnancy, emphasized many times that if he and Valeria have a baby, they will have to postpone creative plans for some period.

Valeria became a guest on the program “Secret for a Million”. On air, the 49-year-old singer was extremely frank and tried to answer all the questions from presenter Lera Kudryavtseva. In the first part of the show, Valeria talked about her personal life. The artist remembered her first husband, composer Leonid Yaroshevsky, as well as her second wife, producer Alexander Shulgin, who raised his hand against her.

Conclusions about the artist's potential pregnancy are based on the fact that new concert tours have been suspended. According to Joseph, if he and his wife decide to have another heir, there will be a forced pause in the singer’s creative career.

“The ability to sincerely say “thank you” is the key to relationships between people,” said the domestic singer. Under this post on the singer’s page, more than seven thousand “likes” and a large number of reviews and comments. Most fans welcomed such words, and some of them began to put forward their thoughts on this matter.

Prigozhin, who also became a guest on the show, said that he and Valeria have long dreamed of having a child together. In 2014, the singer became pregnant, but lost the baby. Valeria decided to talk about this topic for the first time. According to her, the miscarriage occurred in the sixth month, when she had already come up with a name for the child.

A message about singer Valeria’s pregnancy appeared in one of the major online publications. In addition, other information appeared - a married couple, Valeria and her husband, producer Joseph Prigozhin, were noticed among visitors to the Moscow perinatal center.

Popular singer Valeria is pregnant. Information about this appeared on the pages of a major online publication. The artist and her husband, producer Joseph Prigozhin, were spotted on the threshold of the Moscow perinatal center.

For several weeks now, the topic of the star’s pregnancy has been actively discussed on the Internet. Russian stage, singer Valeria. This child may be the first to be born in her marriage to Joseph Prigogine. Do not forget that each of this couple already has three children from previous marriages.

Friday morning starts with good news. There is talk online that singer Valeria is pregnant! Fans suspect that the 49-year-old artist will soon give Joseph Prigozhin an heir. Read the details on I WANT.

On her page on the social network Instagram, the singer called on all her fans to show sincerity to the people around them as often as possible and express gratitude. During a short conversation, Valeria found out how often they say thank you to someone. The singer believes that every person has a need for love and care. Most often, such feelings need to be shown towards family and friends.

But the fans can no longer be calmed down or stopped. Basically, with the best intentions, they do not abandon the discussion of this topic and find more and more evidence that everything is exactly as the ubiquitous journalists write.