Odintsova's last meeting. The role of the episode of Bazarov’s explanation with Odintsova

/ / / Bazarov’s declaration of love for Odintsova (analysis of the episode of the 18th chapter of Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”)

In his grandiose novel “Fathers and Sons,” I.S. Turgenev touched upon precisely those problems that worried his soul most.

Of course, a special wave of emotions in the author was caused by the new movement of nihilists, which with quick steps spread among young people. That is why the writer also classifies his main character as a nihilist, a fan of the natural sciences.

In addition, other problematic lines can be traced in the novel. The reader observes the love relationships between men and women, the clash of interests of the old and new generations, the conflicts between fathers and children. All these questions are revealed in the novel quite vividly and imaginatively.

The eighteenth chapter of the novel opens up to readers a scene of a conversation between Eugene and Anna. It was during this conversation that Bazarov confesses his feelings of love for Odintsova.

It would seem that an ardent nihilist who rejected feelings and emotions, who refused to believe in love relationship, caught the hook of fate.

After his confession, Evgeniy was incredibly angry. At one time, he blamed Anna for his anger; he reproached the woman for forcing him to reveal his feelings. On the other hand, he was embittered with himself, because until that moment, Eugene considered himself to be a strong, firm man who does not fall for love affairs. It turned out to be the other way around. Now, his nihilistic theory has collapsed.

And what did Odintsova feel? She was at a loss. On the one hand, the idea of ​​falling in love, of mutual feelings, nevertheless crept into her thoughts. However, she quickly refuted it and decided that peace of mind was more important to her than another love affair.

In order to describe this episode of his novel, the author uses a wide variety of artistic techniques. This is the dialogue of the characters, as well as their internal conversation, these are the author’s comments that clarified the necessary details of the conversation. The episode of Bazarov's confession is extremely important in the text of the entire novel. It was after this that his invincible nihilistic theory began to crumble in Eugene’s soul. Also, in this episode we observe the thoughts of Anna, who is simply afraid to love. According to I.S. Turgenev, those people who are afraid to love will not be able to become truly happy.


Analysis of the episode “The Last Meeting of Bazarov with Odintsova”

During the classes .

Introduction.Our lesson began with a sad romance from the film, based on the great novel Fathers and Sons.

I.S. Turgenev recalled his work this way: “I was once walking and thinking about death. After that, a picture of a dying man appeared in front of me. It was Bazarov. The scene made a strong impression on me, and then the rest of the characters and the action".

Turgenev is not alone in this: in Russian literature, many plots end with the death of the heroes, and many novels contain an important episode of the last meeting.

Lensky and Olga

Pechorin and Bela

Katerina and Boris

I think you can easily name which scene in the novel “Fathers and Sons” we will be talking about. Write down the topic of the lesson

"The last meeting of Bazarov and Odintsova."

Turgenev attached such importance last scenes, they contain some special thought.

State the purpose of our lesson.

PURPOSE: analysis or study of the episode, determining the role of the episode in the novel. What is analysis?

Analysis - this is the process of decomposition into component parts of one whole object or phenomenon for the purpose of its more detailed and thorough study.

To achieve the goal, you need to complete certain tasks. Try to name these tasks.

Look at the plan.

Episode analysis.

4.What sides of the characters' character

5. As the heroes say their speech.


During the classes

Let's figure out what an episode is?

EPISODE (Greek ἐπεισόδιον, lit. - insert) - the main structural elementplot epic work. Each episode represents one complete momentactions , occurring between two or more characters in one place and over a limited period of time, or the action of one of the characters.

E. play various. role in the development of action; E. stand out especially, acting asstrings , climax And interchanges plot conflict. Performing contain. function, E. reveal aspects of the character, worldview of the characters in the work, their internal state, changes in their lives, new turn in the relationships of the heroes (Lensky’s quarrel with Onegin in A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”), they make an assessment 917 character (Manilov’s farewell to Chichikov in the “poem”) by N.V. Gogol “ Dead Souls") etc.

So let's look at the plan. The first question is about the place of the episode in the plot and composition of the novel.

1. The place of the episode in the development of the plot and composition of the work.

  • What important episodes can you name in the novel?
  • What part of the work does it occupy (i.e., its role in the composition)? Chapter 27. The penultimate chapter of the novel
  • If you look at the plot of the entire work, what is the role of the episode in the plot (is it the beginning, one of the passing events of the action, the climax, the denouement)? If you look at the entire work, what role does this incident (episode) play in the hero’s fate, what did it change or did not change in it, or could it?

The episode is before the denouement. Before death. He anticipates the denouement - the death of Bazarov.

2. The composition of the episode itself, its plot.

  • Can we highlight the introduction, climax, denouement in it.

3. Speech structure of the episode: narration, description, (landscape, portrait, psychological condition heroes), dialogue, monologue, author's remarks, reasoning,

  • Select what is present? Prove it.
  • Guys, points 4 and 5 concern the characters themselves in the episode. It is clear that Bazarov himself attracts our attention.

To continue the analysis, we cannot help but turn to the knowledge that we already have.

There is a table in front of you. The first column is called “What do I know about Evgeny Bazarov?”

  • Write 5 words or phrases that characterize Bazarov’s speech and post.

They work individually, making a list.

Pair up and discuss your lists. Adding those partner comments.

We will now read this episode again, but in a special way. With notes

Perception of new information

Everyone has a text on their desk, this is an episode from a novel. The text is read in a special way.

During reading, the following signs are placed in the place where, in the student’s opinion, it is necessary.

"V" - I understand it,

“+” - this confirms my thoughts about Bazarov,

“-” is something new about Bazarov,

"?" - This remains unclear to me.

The teacher or student reads the text.

When reading the text, students individually mark the icons suggested by the teacher.

  • Fill in the second and third columns.
  • Read what you got?

Group work

It is necessary to divide into 3 groups:

1 column will analyze Bazarov's speech, What and how does he talk about? Find in Bazarov’s remarks a manifestation of feelings for Odintsova and his parents. What does this mean? Prove that Bazarov's speech has become poetic.

Column 2 – behavior,find in the text a portrait of Bazarov, sentences-remarks depicting the behavior of Bazarov and Anna Sergeevna, what role do they play? What character traits emerge strongly in the episode?

3 will visit Turgenev’s art workshop. NLook for comparisons, epithets, figurative expressions in Bazarov’s remarks. Why is this necessary? D prove that the episode and the hero’s speech are built on an antithesis. Why is this necessary?

Thus, we come to the conclusion. What new do we see in this episode? What is the significance of the episode for the reveal? main idea works? How does he reveal author's position and the idea of ​​the work? Record output.

This is how modern director Avdotya Smirnova presented this scene. Attention to the screen.

You witnessed the last date. Write a short note on behalf of Anna Sergeevna to Arkady(reflection).

According to D.I. Pisarev: “The whole interest, the whole point of the novel lies in deathBazarova ... The description of Bazarov's death is the best place in Turgenev's novel; I even doubt that in all the works of our artist there would be anything more remarkable.”


  1. Excerpt from I. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”

Half an hour later, Anna Sergeevna, accompanied by Vasily Ivanovich, entered the office. The doctor managed to whisper to her that there was no need to think about the patient’s recovery.

She looked at Bazarov... and stopped at the door, she was so struck by this inflamed and at the same time deathly face with dull eyes fixed on her. She was simply frightened with some kind of cold and languid fear; the thought that she would have felt differently if she really loved him instantly flashed through her head.

Thank you,” he spoke intensely, “I didn’t expect this.” This is a good deed. So we met again, as you promised.

Anna Sergeevna was so kind... - began Vasily Ivanovich.

Father, leave us. Anna Sergeevna, do you allow me? It seems now...

He pointed his head at his prostrate, powerless body.

Vasily Ivanovich left.

Well, thank you,” repeated Bazarov. - It's royal. They say that kings also visit the dying.

Evgeny Vasilich, I hope...

Eh, Anna Sergeevna, let’s tell the truth. I'm finished. Got under a wheel. And it turns out that there was nothing to think about the future. The old thing is death, but something new for everyone. I’m still not giving up... and then unconsciousness will come and fume! (He waved his hand weakly.) Well, what can I tell you... I loved you! This didn’t make any sense before, but even more so now. Love is a form, and mine own form is already decomposing. I’d better say that - how nice you are! And now here you stand, so beautiful...

Anna Sergeevna involuntarily shuddered.

It’s okay, don’t worry... sit there... Don’t come near me: my illness is contagious.

Anna Sergeevna quickly crossed the room and sat down on an armchair near the sofa on which Bazarov was lying.

Generous! - he whispered. - Oh, how close, and how young, fresh, clean... in this disgusting room!.. Well, goodbye! Live long, that's best, and take advantage while there is time. Look at what an ugly sight this is: the worm is half crushed and still bristling. And I also thought: I’ll screw up a lot of things, I won’t die, no matter what! There is a task, because I am a giant! And now the giant’s whole task is to die decently, although no one cares about this... All the same: I won’t wag my tail.

Bazarov fell silent and began to feel his glass with his hand. Anna Sergeevna served him a drink, without taking off her gloves and breathing fearfully.

You will forget me,” he began again, “ dead to living not a comrade. Your father will tell you that this is what kind of person Russia is losing... This is nonsense; but don't dissuade the old man. Whatever the child enjoys... you know. And caress your mother. After all, people like them are in your big world I can’t be found during the day... Russia needs me... No, apparently I don’t. And who is needed? A shoemaker is needed, a tailor is needed, a butcher... sells meat... butcher... wait, I'm confused... There is a forest here...

Bazarov put his hand on his forehead.

Anna Sergeevna leaned towards him.

Evgeny Vasilich, I'm here...

He immediately accepted the hand and stood up.

“Goodbye,” he said with sudden force, and his eyes flashed with a final sparkle. - Goodbye... Listen... I didn’t kiss you then... Blow on the dying lamp and let it go out...

Anna Sergeevna pressed her lips to his forehead.

And that's enough! - he said and sank onto the pillow. - Now... darkness...

Anna Sergeevna quietly left.

  1. Episode Analysis Plan

Episode analysis.

1. The place of the episode in the development of the plot and composition of the work.

2. The composition of the episode itself, its plot (introduction, climax, denouement).

3. Speech structure of the episode: narration, description (landscape, portrait, psychological state of the characters), dialogue, monologue, author’s remarks, reasoning,

4.What sides of the characters' characteropen up? Features of the author's remarks. What and how is it described? What details can be considered important?

5. As the heroes saywhat they talk about, what they point to their speech.

6. What visual and expressive means artistic speech does the author use? Comparisons, epithets, personifications, metaphors, repetitions, inversions, antithesis, etc.

Conclusion . The role of the episode in the work? What is the significance of the episode for revealing the main idea of ​​the work? How does it reveal the author's position and idea of ​​the work?

Reading with notes

"V" - I understand this,

«+» - this confirms my thoughts about Bazarov,

«-» - this is something new about Bazarov,

«?» - This remains unclear to me.

  1. Reference material

I. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” suggests that it is built on an antithesis. In the novel, a large role is played by the arguments of the heroes, conflicts between the characters, their painful reflections, and intense dialogues. The plot is based on a combination of a direct and sequential narrative with a biography of the main characters. The life stories of the characters disrupt the flow of the novel's narrative, take the reader to other times, and return to the origins of what is happening in modern times. Thus, the biography of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov interrupts the general flow of the narrative. His biography is even stylistically alien to the novel. Turgenev, telling the life story of Pavel Petrovich, deliberately approaches the style and imagery of the novels of the 30-40s of the 19th century (the hero’s youth falls at this time), recreates a special style of romantic storytelling, leading away from real, mundane everyday life.

At the center of the story is the figure of Bazarov. All plot threads are drawn to him. There is not a single significant episode in the novel in which Bazarov would not participate. Of the twenty-eight chapters, he does not appear in only two. Bazarov dies, and the novel ends. System characters is structured in such a way that the characters’ relationships with Bazarov reveal their inner essence to the reader, at the same time, the comparison of each of them with Bazarov introduces some new touch into the character of the main character. You can build a whole chain of such comparisons: Bazarov - Pavel Petrovich, Bazarov - Nikolai Petrovich, Bazarov - Arkady, Bazarov - Odintsova, Bazarov - parents, Bazarov - Sitnikov and Kukshina, Bazarov - servants in Maryino, Bazarov - men in his own village, Bazarov - Fenechka, etc. But I think the main comparison is Bazarov and the author. In the novel, Bazarov turns out to be larger, larger-scale than any of the characters, and only the power of the author’s talent, his worship of eternal truth and eternal beauty triumph over Bazarov. Turgenev contrasts Bazarov not with any heroes or group of heroes, but with life itself.

To accomplish this task, I. S. Turgenev chooses a very unique composition. He takes Bazarov around the circle twice: Maryino (Kirsanovs), Nikolskoye (Odintsova), his parents’ village. The result is a stunning effect. In the same environment, in similar situations, to the same people in the second part of the novel, a different Bazarov comes: suffering, doubting, painfully worried love drama, trying to isolate himself from the real complexity of life with his nihilistic philosophy. Even my beloved science does not bring relief now. The second half of the novel is built on the destruction of Bazarov's previous connections with other heroes. “The author guides his hero through the book, consistently giving him exams in all areas of life - friendship, enmity, love, family ties. And Bazarov consistently fails everywhere. The series of these exams makes up the plot of the novel” (Weil, A. Genis. “The Beetle Formula”). Gradually Bazarov remains in all alone, alone with death, which “try to deny,” it itself “denies you.” The epilogue of the novel reveals the complete failure of Bazarov’s nihilism in front of the eternal movement of life and the majestic calm of “indifferent” nature.

The center of attention in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is the image of the nihilist Bazarov. He finds himself opposed to everyone around him, but at the same time, up to a certain point, the nihilist’s position seems stronger than that of the representatives of the liberal nobility. The writer himself admitted this, but noted that in relation to nature, art, and especially love, he did not share the opinion of his hero. It is love for an aristocrat, socialite, the beautiful Anna Sergeevna Odintsova changes everything in Bazarov’s life, preparing a change in his positions. The analyzed episode from chapter 18 represents key scene, which defines the relationships of these characters and in general further development plot leading to the death of Bazarov.

The explanation with Odintsova shows both the strength, the ability to deeply and sincerely love inherent in Bazarov, and the deep contradictions of his nature. After all, before meeting Anna Sergeevna, he “denied” love as a romantic feeling. And now it “takes revenge” on him: it’s not only that he fell in love, but it’s much more important internal struggle in the hero’s soul, accompanying this feeling. In the scene of explanation with deep psychologism, the author shows how Bazarov’s feigned coldness is replaced by painful, heavy passion, “similar to malice.” Who is he so angry with that he even “chokes”? At Anna Sergeevna, who, like a cat and a mouse, plays with him, remaining internally cold? Her vain, proud nature forces the heroine to make a very dangerous explanation, but she stops in time. “No, ... you can’t joke about this, calmness is still better than anything in the world,” she thinks after an explanation with Bazarov.

But it was not for nothing that this strong, original, extraordinary person fell in love with her. A deep, independent nature, endowed with a developed mind, Odintsova was the only one in the novel who correctly understood the complex and contradictory character of Bazarov and appreciated him. She speaks about this in the scene of their explanation: “Is it possible for you to be satisfied with such modest activity... You - with your pride - county doctor! Like Bazarov, she despises the opinions of the people around her and determines her own destiny. Perhaps some kind of feeling for Bazarov even arises in her. But he frightens her precisely because his feelings are disharmonious, crippled by his own invented framework. “And what is this mysterious relationship between a man and a woman? ... This is all nonsense, romanticism, rottenness, art,” this is how Bazarov previously spoke about such a feeling. Now the struggle between his previous views and what he himself was able to experience in relation to Odintsova seems to be tearing him apart. This is where the anger that sounds in Bazarov’s voice in the confession scene comes from and so frightens Odintsova. A busy, unpredictable, but extremely difficult life with this an extraordinary person she prefers a somewhat boring, but very comfortable existence in the familiar conditions of a wealthy aristocratic circle. At the end of the novel, we learn that Anna Sergeevna married very successfully and is quite satisfied with her life.

And it’s as if life itself is taking revenge on Bazarov: for pride, selfishness, denial of everything most tender, bright in human soul he paid with loneliness, separation from a deeply loved woman, and at the end of the novel, with life itself.

Bazarov and Odintsova.

1. First appearance of Anna Odintsova.

2. Visits to Anna and confession of Evgeniy.

3. What does this relationship mean for Bazarov and Anna?

Evgeny Bazarov, the hero of I. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons,” a nihilist who does not recognize anything, much less love, nevertheless recognized this feeling. Anna became the object of his love Odintsova. The first time he saw Anna at the governor's ball, she made an impression on him. “What kind of figure is this? - he said. “She’s not like other women.” She also struck Arkady with the “dignity of her posture,” he noticed that her eyes looked “calm and intelligent,” her face exuded “affectionate and soft strength,” everything about her was beautiful. The nose, according to Arkady, is a little thick, but he has never met such a lovely woman. He talks to Anna, tells her about Bazarov, Odintsova invites them to her place in Nikolskoye. She is curious to meet a man who does not believe in anything.

Bazarov is told that “this lady is oh-oh-oh!” Evgeny is attracted by her beauty, but he denies her intelligence beautiful women, thinking that “only freaks think freely between women.”

Anna is twenty-nine years old, “her character was free and quite decisive.” She is the daughter of a swindler-gambler and an impoverished princess, received a brilliant upbringing, married for convenience to an elderly man in love with her, who died six years later and left her a fortune. Now she is an independent, powerful, independent and intelligent woman.

Friends come to Anna. The visit lasts three hours, during which Bazarov talks about botany, medicine and homeopathy, Anna keeps the conversation going and finally invites her friends to come again. She now gave Bazarov the impression of a frozen duchess, a “ruling personage.” Her appearance does not go unnoticed. “What a rich body! - Bazarov said on the way. “At least now to the anatomical theater.” On the next visit, Evgeniy characterizes her as a “grated kalach”, “a woman with a brain.” She liked him “for his lack of coquetry and the very sharpness of his judgments.”

After marriage Odintsova considered men “untidy, annoying creatures,” but Bazarov struck her imagination. When he is about to leave to see his parents, Anna suddenly turns pale, “as if something had pierced her heart,” and persuades her not to leave.

Bazarov spent fifteen days in Nikolskoye next to this woman and felt that he loved her. With a decisive confession, he answers Odintsova’s question why he is tense and restrained. This is not youthful love, but strong passion. Odintsova, from this confession, “felt both scared and sorry for him.” Eugene takes her outburst of pity as a reciprocal feeling, but she gets scared and says that he did not understand her. Bazarov leaves and Odintsova She decides for herself that what is most valuable to her is peace of mind, so when Evgeniy says before leaving that she does not love him and will never love him, she remains silent and thinks to herself that she is afraid of Bazarov. When, saying goodbye, Anna asked if they would see each other again. Evgeny replied: “As you order. In that case, we'll see you."

The reader understands that Bazarov’s rude phrases about Odintsova were caused by his embarrassment in front of her, his disgust for beautiful words, not cynicism. There is an intense internal struggle in the hero: “ Odintsova he liked: the widespread rumors about her, the freedom and independence of her thoughts, her undoubted disposition towards him - everything seemed to speak in his favor; but he soon realized that with her “you won’t get anywhere,” and, to his amazement, he did not have the strength to turn away from her.” This seems to be his first feeling. Despite the gossip that circulated in the “world”, Bazarov I saw an extraordinary woman in front of me. Odintsova was flattered by his attention and respect, “the vulgarity alone repelled her, but no one would blame Bazarov for vulgarity.”

Bazarov in his unrequited love he shows his best qualities, he appears before the reader as a deep, strong character. This is a different love than Arkady Odintsova’s sentimental infatuation, Arkady’s feeling for Katya, Kirsanov Sr.’s feeling for Fenechka. Someone considers Bazarov’s attitude towards women cynical, but this is not so.

Odintsova worthy of Bazarov. She notices their similarity, and this captivates her, but she is afraid of the feeling. Bazarov sees in her an equal interlocutor: understanding, intelligent. He avoids anger and sarcasm in conversations with her. Bazarov is captured by a romantic feeling, still unfamiliar to him, a materialist. And nature, an ordinary summer night, is illuminated by this poetic feeling. Having fallen in love, Bazarov does not at all change his convictions, he only becomes spiritually richer. In a conversation with Anna, he does not show off, calling her an aristocrat. These are sober thoughts honest man. He condemns in Anna what is alien to him, and when she asks whether he can completely surrender to a feeling, he honestly answers that he doesn’t know. However, we see that he is capable of this. But Odintsova fully understands that Bazarov will not sacrifice his beliefs in the name of love. For him, convictions were more valuable than love, for her - peace and comfort, a measured, familiar order of life.

The author argues with Bazarov's beliefs and shows the inconsistency of his disbelief in love. In this story, Bazarov is taller than the “aristocrat” Odintsova, she is too cold and selfish for love. Odintsova tries to charm Evgeny, pushes him to confess. But a change occurs in Bazarov, he sees how his beliefs are crumbling, and looks for a reciprocal feeling in Anna. The loss of his beloved becomes a blow for him. Anna breaks up with him because she believes that they do not need each other and there is too much of the same thing in them.

Bazarov he forgets himself in his work, but he is destined to have another meeting with his beloved. While dissecting a man, Evgeniy cut himself and cadaveric poison got into the wound. Odintsova I came to him with a doctor, but only to pay my last debt to the dying man. Evgeny expected words of love, but Anna “was simply frightened with some kind of cold and languid fear.” Nazarov dies in the arms of his beloved, rejected by her: “Well, thank you. It's royal. They say that kings also visit the dying.” On his deathbed, he regrets that he did not kiss Anna then, and she kisses him on the forehead. For Bazarov, love was a test of his life values, and he passed it with honor, without compromising his convictions. But he also kept his love for Anna in his heart for the rest of his life.

She looked at Bazarov... and stopped at the door, she was so struck by this inflamed and at the same time deathly face with dull eyes fixed on her. She was simply frightened with some kind of cold and languid fear; the thought that she would have felt differently if she really loved him instantly flashed through her head.

Thank you,” he spoke intensely, “I didn’t expect this.” This is a good deed. So we met again, as you promised.

Anna Sergeevna was so kind... - began Vasily Ivanovich.

Father, leave us. Anna Sergeevna, do you allow me? It seems now...

He pointed his head at his prostrate, powerless body.
Vasily Ivanovich left.

Well, thank you,” repeated Bazarov. - It's royal. They say that kings also visit the dying.

Evgeny Vasilich, I hope...

Eh, Anna Sergeevna, let’s tell the truth. I'm finished. Got under a wheel. And it turns out that there was nothing to think about the future. The old thing is death, but something new for everyone. I’m still not giving up... and then unconsciousness will come and fume! (He waved his hand weakly.) Well, what can I tell you... I loved you! This didn’t make any sense before, but even more so now. Love is a form, and my own form is already decaying. I’d better say that - how nice you are! And now here you stand, so beautiful...

Anna Sergeevna involuntarily shuddered.

Nothing, don’t worry... sit there... Don’t come near me: my illness is contagious.

Anna Sergeevna quickly crossed the room and sat down on an armchair near the sofa on which Bazarov was lying.

Generous! - he whispered. - Oh, how close, and how young, fresh, clean... in this disgusting room! . Well, goodbye! Live long, that's best, and take advantage while there is time. Look at what an ugly sight this is: the worm is half crushed and still bristling. And I also thought: I’ll screw up a lot of things, I won’t die, no matter what! There is a task, because I am a giant! And now the giant’s whole task is to die decently, although no one cares about this... All the same: I won’t wag my tail.

Bazarov fell silent and began to feel his glass with his hand. Anna Sergeevna served him a drink, without taking off her gloves and breathing fearfully.

“You will forget me,” he began again, “the dead are not a friend to the living.” Your father will tell you that this is what kind of person Russia is losing... This is nonsense; but don't dissuade the old man. Whatever the child enjoys... you know. And caress your mother. After all, people like them cannot be found in your big world during the day... Russia needs me... No, apparently I don’t. And who is needed? A shoemaker is needed, a tailor is needed, a butcher... sells meat... butcher... wait, I'm confused... There is a forest here...

Bazarov put his hand on his forehead.
Anna Sergeevna leaned towards him.

Evgeny Vasilich, I’m here...

He immediately accepted the hand and stood up.

“Goodbye,” he said with sudden force, and his eyes flashed with a final sparkle. - Goodbye... Listen... I didn’t kiss you then... Blow on the dying lamp and let it go out...

Anna Sergeevna pressed her lips to his forehead.
- That's enough! - he said and sank onto the pillow. - Now... darkness...
Anna Sergeevna quietly left.
- What? - Vasily Ivanovich asked her in a whisper.
“He fell asleep,” she answered barely audibly...