Comparison of the speech of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich. Essay on bazaars and Pavel Kirsanov comparative characteristics

Bazarov E. V.

Kirsanov P. P.

AppearanceTall young man with long hair. The clothes are poor and untidy. Doesn't pay attention to his own appearance.A handsome middle-aged man. Aristocratic, “thoroughbred” appearance. He takes good care of himself, dresses fashionably and expensively.
OriginThe father is a military doctor, from a poor, simple family.Nobleman, son of a general. In his youth, he led a noisy metropolitan life and built a military career.
EducationA very educated person. A talented doctor and dedicated researcher. Friends predict a great future for Bazarov.He studied in the page corps. Little read. I owe my success in service more to my personal charm and family connections.
Important Personality TraitsPragmatist and cynic. The main measure of a person’s value is his usefulness to society.Knightly nature. It values ​​a person's personality and self-esteem.
LifestyleHe eats a lot and loves wine in large quantities. Early

starts the day, active and active.

He is restrained in his eating habits, drinks little, loves a comfortable life.
Attitude towards loveCynical: sees meaning in love only from a physiological point of view. It turns out that he is not ready for a serious feeling.Romantic. After the death of his beloved woman, he left a brilliant career. Devastated in spirit.
Attitude to the peopleMixed: sympathizes with the plight of the poor and despises their ignorance. Communicates with peasants on equal terms.He admires out loud folk culture and patriarchal way of life, but squeamishly avoids direct communication with the peasants.
Attitude to familyDespises patriarchal values. Loves his parents, but pushes them away. Criticizes Arkady's relatives in his presence.He puts family values ​​above all else. He loves his brother and nephew, protects their peace and well-being.
The characters' relationship to each otherSees the embodiment of the elder Kirsanov worst traits aristocracy: inactivity and idle talk.Considers Bazarov a threat to the established system. Fears the spirit of destruction that the new generation brings.
Speech featuresRough, simple speech. Actively uses folklore elements.Speaks competently, uses French and English phrases.
Behavior in a duelHe jokes a lot and considers what is happening to be absurd. Does not aim at the opponent, wounds him by accident.He takes the fight seriously. He fails, but is satisfied with the result of the duel.
Character in the endingDies. His grave symbolizes the only possibility of reconciliation between different generations.Leaves Russia. Abroad he leads a bright but empty life. By the author's definition, a living dead.

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The clash of different generations, different views is a problem that will never cease to be relevant. The most a shining example is the novel by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”. IN this work I. S. Turgenev masterfully reveals the theme of the clash of generations with the help of two characters: Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov. Evgeny Bazarov represents the younger generation, and Pavel Kirsanov represents the old.

The views of the heroes are opposed to each other, they are from different generations, which is why there is a huge gap between them. It would seem that age does not always divide people so strongly, but a serious conflict arises between Pavel and Evgeniy. Their ideological views are opposite to each other. Bazarov and Kirsanov are “on opposite sides of the barricades.” In order to understand what the disagreement is, you need to consider the images and ideas of both heroes.

Due to his rather “young” views on life, Bazarov has a rather critical point of view. He is a nihilist, that is, all traditions and foundations for him are just the dust of time. Old stuff. For Eugene, nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and “Man is a worker in it.” It immediately becomes clear that in the person of Bazarov in the novel, the new generation denies the entire foundation that their ancestors built, they want to destroy it. Although they cannot offer anything new in return. The most important thing in the image of the hero is that he accepts only what is useful, and the aristocrats of that time, in his opinion, are useless.

Kirsanov is a supporter of the old generation. He is an aristocrat and firmly believes that this section of society has earned its place by works. Living in the village with his brother, Pavel continues to behave like a real aristocrat. He wears a suit, his gait is confident, his speech and appearance: everything speaks of the hero’s intelligence. Pavel Kirsanov zealously proves his ideas to Evgeniy, his opponent of the younger generation. Kirsanov advocates moral principles, however, it is worth noting that they do not coincide with his life. The hero spends his days in celebration.

Both heroes are very similar to each other, their characters are not at all opposite: they both fight for their idea, although they bring practically nothing useful to society. And this has its place in the novel. Generations are always similar to each other, they are inextricably linked, but each generation brings with it ideas and views that may differ. In the novel, the main plan is occupied by the clash of generations, so similar, but denying each other.

Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov essay

Pavel Kirsanov is a typical aristocrat with a sleek appearance and liberal views. In Pavel's family there is a cult of veneration of beauty. Evgeny Bazarov's appearance is “plebeian”. He is simple, his facial features reveal a man of deep mental work. Evgeniy is interested in natural science, since it can be seen and verified, unlike spiritual “nonsense.” He is one of the nihilists. The views of both heroes differ. Through their beliefs and conversations, Turgenev shows this confrontation: a dispute between the old, entrenched, and the new, which does not know what to do except deny the opposite.

Despite all their differences, both heroes are similar in many ways. Both Pavel and Evgeniy are strong-willed and strong personalities. And, both of them are susceptible to reasoning on abstract topics. This was the problem. Bazarov, wanting global changes and actions leading to this, does not go beyond the scope of reasoning, just like Kirsanov.

But, in the end, Evgeniy is faced with what previously seemed empty to him. No matter how Bazarov denies love, considering it complete nonsense, he falls in love. And, dying, he rethinks his views. What he denied all his life turns out to be an integral part of human existence.

But the situation prevailing in liberal societies, a striking example of which is the Kirsanov family, cannot contribute to its full development. The problem of discord, based on these trends, is shown by Turgenev in the novel with all its principles and problems. And the main thing is that the one-sided views of both sides only lead to inaction or thoughtless actions.

Turgenev's novel is dedicated to the problem of confrontation between two ideological social trends of that time. At first glance it seems that this is - eternal problem older and younger generations, their misunderstanding of each other. But it turns out to be a little different. On the one hand, there are liberals, ardent defenders of established ways of life, on the other, nihilists who deny all these orders. This work is built on the opposition of some views to others. This is shown by the example of two heroes of the novel - Pavel Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov.

The actions described in the novel take place in the mid-19th century. At this time, the emergence of new ideals and principles of life was just beginning to develop. The people who followed them did not fully and fully realize the significance of this social phenomenon. And they followed it, for the most part, because it was fashionable.

Nihilists denied everything that had been established for centuries: the existing social and state order and much more. And their task at that time was to undermine these structures, to destroy them. But they could not build something new on the ruins of the old. Yes, and few people thought about it. This very clearly conveys one of Pavel’s conversations with Bazarov. To Kirsanov’s words that someone needs to build it, Evgeniy replied that it was no longer their concern

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    The clash of different generations, different views is a problem that will never cease to be relevant. The most striking example is the novel by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”. In this work, I. S. Turgenev masterfully reveals

The greatest creation of the master of psychology I.S. Turgenev. He created his novel at a turning point, when advanced people societies were interested in the future of Russia, and writers were interested in the search for a hero of the time. Bazarov (the characterization of this character clearly demonstrates what the most developed youth of that time was like) is central character of the novel, all the threads of the narrative come down to it. He is the brightest representative of the new generation. Who is he?

General characteristics (appearance, occupation)

As a writer-psychologist, Turgenev thought through everything to the smallest detail. One of the ways to characterize a character is the hero's appearance. Bazarov has a high forehead, which is a sign of intelligence, and narrow lips, which speak of arrogance and arrogance. However, the hero’s clothing plays a big role. Firstly, it shows that Bazarov is a representative of the raznochintsy democrats (the younger generation opposed to the older generation of liberal aristocrats of the 40s). He is dressed in a long black robe with tassels. He is wearing loose trousers made of coarse fabric and a simple shirt - this is how Bazarov is dressed. The image turned out to be more than telling. He does not chase fashion trends; moreover, he despises the elegance of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, whose appearance is completely opposite. Simplicity in clothing is one of the principles of the nihilists, whose position the hero took, so he feels closer to to the common people. As the novel shows, the hero really manages to get close to ordinary Russian people. Bazarov is loved by the peasants, and the children of the courtyards follow on his heels. By occupation, Bazarov (characteristics of the hero in terms of profession) is a doctor. And who else could he be? After all, all his judgments are based on German materialism, where a person is considered only as a system in which its own physical and physiological laws operate.

Bazarov's Nihilism

Bazarov, whose character is certainly one of the most striking in the literature of the 19th century, adhered to one of the most popular teachings of the time - nihilism, which means “nothing” in Latin. The hero does not recognize any authorities, does not bow to any life principles. The main thing for him is science and knowledge of the world through experience.

External conflict in the novel

As noted above, Turgenev’s novel is multifaceted; two levels of conflict can be distinguished in it: external and internal. On external level the conflict is represented by the disputes between Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov.

Disputes with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov concern different sides human life. Bazarov is most irreconcilable in relation to art, primarily poetry. He sees in her only empty and useless romanticism. The second thing the characters dialogue about is nature. For people like Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich, nature is God’s temple in which a person rests; they admire its beauty. Bazarov (the character’s quotes confirm this) is categorically against such glorification; he believes that nature “is a workshop, and man is a worker in it.” In a conflict with Pavel Petrovich, the hero often behaves rather rudely. He speaks unflatteringly about him in the presence of his nephew, Arkady Kirsanov. All this is shown by Bazarov not from the most the best side. It is for this portrayal of the hero that Turgenev will subsequently suffer. Bazarov, whose characterization in many critical articles affects not in favor of Turgenev, was undeservedly scolded by the author, some even believe that Turgenev is slandering the entire younger generation, undeservedly accusing them of all sins. However, we should not forget that the older generation is also not praised in the text.

Relationships with parents

Bazarov's nihilism clearly manifests itself at all moments of his life. Parents who have not seen their son for a long time are waiting for him with rapture. But they are slightly embarrassed by their serious and educated child. The mother pours out her feelings, and the father sheepishly apologizes for such incontinence. Bazarov himself strives to leave his parents’ home as quickly as possible, apparently because he is afraid to suddenly show warm feelings. According to German materialism, a person cannot have any spiritual attachments. On his second visit, Evgeniy also asks his parents not to disturb him, not to bother him with their care.

Internal conflict

The internal conflict in the novel is obvious. It lies in the fact that the hero begins to doubt his theory, he becomes dissuaded from it, but cannot come to terms with it. Bazarov’s first doubts about nihilism arise when he meets Sitnikov and Kukshina. These people call themselves nihilists, but they are too petty and insignificant.

Love line in the novel

The test of the hero by love is a classic for the novel genre, and the novel “Fathers and Sons” was no exception. Bazarov, an inveterate nihilist who denies any romantic feelings, falls in love with the young widow Odintsova. She captivates him at first sight when he sees her at the ball. She differs from other women in her beauty, majesty, her gait is graceful, every movement is royally graceful. But her most important trait is intelligence and prudence. It is prudence that will prevent her from staying with Bazarov. At first, their relationship seems friendly, but the reader immediately understands that a spark of love flashed between them. However, none of them is able to step over their principles. Evgeny Bazarov's confession looks ridiculous, because at the moment of revelation his eyes are more full of anger than love. Bazarov is a complex and contradictory image. What makes him angry? Of course, his theory collapsed. Man is and has always been a creature with a living heart, in which the strongest feelings glow. He, who denies love and romance, is conquered by a woman. Bazarov's ideas collapsed; they were refuted by life itself.


Arkady Kirsanov is one of Bazarov's most devoted supporters. However, it is immediately noticeable how different they are. There is too much romanticism in Arcadia, as in his relatives. He wants to enjoy nature, he wants to start a family. Surprisingly, Bazarov, whose quotes addressed to Pavel Petrovich are harsh and unfriendly, does not despise him for this. He guides him on his path, realizing at the same time that Arkady will never be a true nihilist. At the moment of a quarrel, he insults Kirsanov, but his words are rather thoughtless than evil. Remarkable intelligence, strength of character, will, calmness and self-control - these are the qualities that Bazarov possesses. Arkady’s characterization looks weaker compared to him, because he’s not like that outstanding personality. But at the end of the novel, Arkady remains a happy family man, and Evgeny dies. Why?

The meaning of the novel's ending

Many critics reproached Turgenev for “killing” his hero. The ending of the novel is very symbolic. For heroes like Bazarov, the time has not come, and the author believes that it will never come at all. After all, humanity endures only because it has love, kindness, and respect for the traditions of its ancestors and culture. Bazarov is too categorical in his assessments, he does not take half measures, and his sayings sound blasphemous. He encroaches on the most valuable things - nature, faith and feelings. As a result, his theory crashes against the rocks of the natural order of life. He falls in love, cannot be happy only because of his beliefs, and in the end he dies altogether.

The epilogue of the novel emphasizes that Bazarov's ideas were unnatural. Parents come to their son's grave. He found peace in the midst of a beautiful and eternal nature. Turgenev depicts the cemetery landscape in a pointedly romantic manner, once again conveying the idea that Bazarov was wrong. The “workshop” (as Bazarov called it) continues to bloom, live and delight everyone with its beauty, but the hero is no more.

Bazarov E. V.

Kirsanov P. P.

Appearance Tall young man with long hair. The clothes are poor and untidy. Doesn't pay attention to his own appearance. A handsome middle-aged man. Aristocratic, “thoroughbred” appearance. He takes good care of himself, dresses fashionably and expensively.
Origin The father is a military doctor, from a poor, simple family. Nobleman, son of a general. In his youth, he led a noisy metropolitan life and built a military career.
Education A very educated person. A talented doctor and dedicated researcher. Friends predict a great future for Bazarov. He studied in the page corps. Little read. I owe my success in service more to my personal charm and family connections.
Important Personality Traits Pragmatist and cynic. The main measure of a person’s value is his usefulness to society. Knightly nature. It values ​​a person's personality and self-esteem.
Lifestyle He eats a lot and loves wine in large quantities. Starts the day early, active and energetic. He is restrained in his eating habits, drinks little, loves a comfortable life.
Attitude towards love Cynical: sees meaning in love only from a physiological point of view. It turns out that he is not ready for a serious feeling. Romantic. After the death of his beloved woman, he left a brilliant career. Devastated in spirit.
Attitude to the people Mixed: sympathizes with the plight of the poor and despises their ignorance. Communicates with peasants on equal terms. He publicly admires folk culture and the patriarchal way of life, but squeamishly avoids direct communication with the peasants.
Attitude to family Despises patriarchal values. Loves his parents, but pushes them away. Criticizes Arkady's relatives in his presence. He puts family values ​​above all else. He loves his brother and nephew, protects their peace and well-being.
The characters' relationship to each other He sees in the elder Kirsanov the embodiment of the worst traits of the aristocracy: inactivity and idle talk. Considers Bazarov a threat to the established system. Fears the spirit of destruction that the new generation brings.
Speech features Rough, simple speech. Actively uses folklore elements. Speaks competently, uses French and English phrases.
Behavior in a duel He jokes a lot and considers what is happening to be absurd. Does not aim at the opponent, wounds him by accident. He takes the fight seriously. He fails, but is satisfied with the result of the duel.
Character in the ending Dies. His grave symbolizes the only possibility of reconciliation between different generations. Leaves Russia. Abroad he leads a bright but empty life. By the author's definition, a living dead.
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