Tatar girl names are beautiful. Tatar names for girls - modern, beautiful

Names having Tatar origin , are distinguished by their peculiar beauty and symbolism. These are names with an ancient history, and for both boys and girls, they are closely connected with events and outstanding personalities in the fate of the Tatar people. All these names have one thing in common - they are Tatar in origin. Today we will talk about how to choose the right name for a boy, look at the list of Tatar names for boys and their meanings, and also learn the history of the origin of this or that Tatar name. The modern language, called Tatar, belongs to the Turkic group of languages ​​and some names in it are borrowed from related languages ​​that also belong to this group; in addition, borrowings from Arabic and European dialects are traced. Tatar names, among other things, often originate simply from beautiful combinations of sounds and words.

Tatar name for a boy and his choice is a responsible and very important step in the life of every young man of this nation. Many believe that this choice will determine future destiny little man, his failures and successes. Therefore, when choosing a name, you need to take into account the child’s character and inclinations, which can be very difficult at an early age. Modern names are often meaningless, unlike old names, the meaning of which was hidden in every syllable.

Widespread male Tatar names are often have roots in old Turkic names, to which beautiful sounds are added for euphony (for example: Ramil, Ravil or Rem). The name should be easy to remember and sound good, without causing negative analogies, so that his friends, and the boy himself, treat the name with respect and have no reason to ridicule. “Mistakes” when choosing a name, because of which the child is teased and called names, many children cannot forgive their parents for the rest of their lives, accordingly, the choice should be taken extremely responsibly.

Tatar names have a special appeal, which includes a certain amount of controlled aggressiveness, which should emphasize the courage and strength of the owner of the name. Whatever the name, it personifies the future fate and character of the boy. Male Tatar names rarely have a single meaning; their meaning can have several connotations and shades. When choosing and understanding a future name, you should, if possible, take them all into account.

Tatar names are often classified as Muslim, but, despite the relationship, these are the names that are endemic and common only among the Tatar people. Muslim male names are relatively new, and many Tatar names, as well as Arabic ones, date back to an earlier, pre-Muslim era.

Let's look at the most common and popular Tatar names - in the presented list you can find the semantic meaning of each Tatar name, which will help you name your baby most successfully.

RABACH - victorious

RABI - spring

RABIGA - Arabic. spring, daughter of the prophet

RAVIL - Aram. 1. taught by God, 2. teenager; traveler

RAGIB - willing, thirsty

RAZIL (Ruzil, Ruzbeh) - happy

RADIK (Radif) - origin unknown, possibly an analogue of the name

RAPHAEL (Raphael, Rafil, Raphael) - other Hebrew. God cured

RAFIK (Rifqat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafqat) - Arabic. Kind

RAZI - secret

RAZIL (Ruzil) - the secret of Allah

RAID - leader

RAIS - Tat. (f. Raisya)

RAKIN - respectful

RAQIA - Arabic. walking ahead

RAMIZ (Ramis) - symbolizing goodness

RAMIL - magical, enchanting (f. Ramil)

RASIL - Arabic. sent

RASIM - Arabic. stronghold, protector (J.F. Rasima)

RASIH - Arabic. solid, resistant

RASUL - apostle; precursor

RATIB - measured

RAUZA (Ravza, Rose) - Tat. flower rose

RAUF - Arabic. gracious (f. Raufa)

RAUZA (Rose) - Tat. flower rose

RAFGAT (Rafkat, Rifkat, Rifat, Rafik) - Arabic. Kind

RAFIK (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rifat) - Arabic. Kind

RAFI (Rafik) - good friend

RAFKAT (Rifqat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafik) - Arabic. Kind

RACHEL - other Hebrew sheep f.f.

RAHIM - Arabic. gracious

RASHID (Rashad) - Arabic. walking the right path, conscious, prudent (J.F. Rashidya)

REZA - determination; humility

RENAT (Rinat) - lat. - born again, reborn, renewed (f. Renata, Rinata)

RABBANI - Belonging to Allah; divine.

RABI - Spring.

RABIB - Stepchild (boy).

RABIP - Educated, pupil.

RABIT - Binder, connecting.

RAVAN - Leaving, heading.

RAVI - Epic writer, storyteller, reader.

RAVIL - 1. Teenager, young man. 2. Spring sun. 3. Traveler, wanderer.

RAGDA - Thunder, rolling thunder.

RAGIB - Desire, ideal, dream; long-awaited child.

RAJAB ~ RAZYAP - The name of the seventh month of the Muslim lunar year (one of the months in which wars were prohibited). Given to boys born this month.

RAJI - Asking; hopeful.

RAJIKH - The most convenient.

RAJHAN - Superiority, advantage.

RADIUM - Derived from the name chemical element radium. The Latin word radius means "ray".

RADIC - Diminutive form of the name Radium (see).

RADIF - 1. Accompanying someone. 2. The last guard standing behind everyone; the youngest (last) child in the family. 3. Satellite ( heavenly body). Dialectal option: Razif.

RAZETDIN (RAZIETDIN) - Chosen servant of religion.

RAZZAK - Breadwinner; one who provides food. One of the epithets of Allah.

RAZI - 1. Chosen One; consonant. 2. Pleasant, cute. Anthropolexema.

RAZIL - 1. Chosen One; consonant; nice. 2. Walking, pedestrian.

RAZIN - 1. Calm, modest; serious, reliable. 2. Self-important, forcing.

RAZIKH - The best, the most excellent, the most advanced.

RAIC - Unique, very beautiful.

RAIL - Layer of the foundation, foundation, founder, founder.

RAIM - Kind-hearted. Anthropolexema.

RAIMBEK - Raim (see) + bek (lord).

RAIMKUL - Raim (see) + kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior). Dialectal variants: Ramkul, Rangul.

RAIS - Head, Chairman.

RAIF - Compassionate, merciful. Dialectal variant: Rife.

RAINUR - Bright path (about the path of life).

RAYKHAN - 1. Pleasure, pleasure, bliss. 2. Basil (a plant with fragrant blue flowers).

RAKIM - Meadow, floodplain.

RAKIP - 1. Guardian; security guard, watchman 2. Competitor, rival. Dialectal options: Rakai, Raki, Rki, Rakhip, Raghib.

RAMADAN - 1. Very hot, hot time; hot month. 2. The name of the ninth month of the Muslim lunar year. Given to boys born this month. Dialectal variant: Ramai.

RAMVAL - A new name formed by combining the first syllable of the name Ramziya (see) and the first three letters of the name Vali (see) (mother - Ramziya, father - Vali).

RAMZY - Having a mark, marked with a sign; sign, symbol. Synonyms: Nishan, Ramiz. Anthropolexema.

RAMZIL - Formed on behalf of Ramzi (see). Phonetic version: Ramzin.

RAMZULLAH - The Rule of Allah.

RAMI - Archer, archer; having arrows.

RAMIZ - 1. Sign, mark, landmark, brand. Synonyms: Nishan, Ramzi. 2. Showing example.

RAMIL - Magical, wonderful, miraculous. In Arabic, the word raml means "fortune telling on the sand." A widespread method of fortune telling in the East using points and lines in the sand (Alim Gafurov).

RAMIS - Rafter, raftsman, raftsman, raftsman.

RAMMAL - Witch doctor, fortune teller.

RANIS - A new name derived from the word rannist: “born early in the morning; first child.”

RANNUR - A new name formed by combining the first syllables of the names Ranis (see) and Nurania (see) (father - Ranis, mother - Nurania). Compare: publishing house "Rannur".

RASIL - Messenger, representative. Phonetic version: Razil.

RASIM - Artist. Phonetic version: Razim.

RASIMJAN - Rasim (see) + jan (soul, person).

RASIT - Mature, having reached adulthood.

RASIF - Strong, healthy.

RASIKH - Thorough, serious; strong, hardy, persistent, patient; solid, stable.

RASUL - Messenger, messenger; prophet. Anthropolexema.

RASULAKHMET - 1. Akhmet the messenger, Akhmet bringing the news. 2. Praiseworthy, famous, famous messenger. Compare: Akhmetrasul, Muhammetrasul.

RASULLAH - Messenger, messenger, prophet of Allah.

RAUZAT - Flower beds (plural).

RAUZETDIN - Flower garden of religion.

RAUNAK - Pattern; beauty; light.

RAUF - Merciful, merciful, kind-hearted; sharing grief.

RAUSHAN - Radiant, illuminating with radiance; light. The name Raushan is used as both a male and female name. Varieties: Rushan, Ravshan. Anthropolexema.

RAUSHANBEK - Raushan (see) + bek (master). Radiant Bek (Mr.)

RAFAGAT - High degree; good feature, good quality.

RAFAK - 1. Convenience. 2. Wealth, abundance. Variety: Rafah.

RAPHAEL - 1. A name that came to the Jews and Romans from the Old Chaldean language. It means "God healed." 2. In the Torah: the name of an angel. Phonetic version: Raphael.

RAFGAT - Height, grandeur, majesty; high rank. Dialectal variants: Rafhat, Rafat.

RAFGATJAN - Rafgat (see) + jan (soul, person). Meaning "high soul, great man."

RAFGITDIN - High-ranking servant of religion.

RAFI - High-ranking; well known.

RAFIG - 1. Tall, sublime; great. 2. Honored.

RAFIGULLA - Friend of Allah.

RAFIK - 1. Friend, comrade, companion. 2. Kind-hearted.

RAFIL - A dandy, a dandy.

RAFIS - Famous, prominent, outstanding, wonderful, popular.

RAFIT - Assisting, assistant.

RAFKAT - Seeing off; accompaniment.

RAHBAR - Showing the way; leader, leader.

RAHI - Servant of God, servant of Allah.

RAHIB ~ RAHIP - With a wide soul.

RAHIM - Merciful, merciful, virtuous. One of the epithets of Allah. Anthropolexema.

RAHIMBAY - Rahim (merciful) + bai (master; wealthy, influential person, master).

RAKHIMBEK - Rahim (merciful) + bek (lord).

RAKHIMGARAY - Rahim (merciful) + Garay (see).

RAHIMJAN - Rahim (merciful) + jan (soul, man).

RAKHIMETDIN - Merciful servant of religion.

RAHIMZADA - Rahim (merciful) + 3ada (see).

RAHIKUL ~ RAHIMGUL - Merciful servant of Allah. Dialectal variants: Ramkul.

RAHIMNUR - Rahim (merciful) + nur (ray, radiance).

RAHIMULLAH - Merciful servant of Allah. Dialectal variants: Rakhi, Rahim, Rakhmi, Rakhmuch.

RAHIMKHAN - Rahim (merciful) + khan.

RAHIMSHAKH, RAHIMSHA - Rahim (merciful) + Shah.

RAHIMYAR - Rahim (merciful) + yar (friend, close person).

RAHMAN - Merciful, merciful, merciful; virtuous, benevolent. One of the epithets of Allah. Varieties: Rakhmanay, Rakhmany. Anthropolexema.

RAHMANBAI - Rahman (see) + bai (master; wealthy, influential person, master).

RAHMANBEK - Rahman (see) + bek (master).

RAHMANBI - Rahman (see) + bi (prince, lord).

RAHMANZADA - Rahman (see) + 3ada (see). Son given by Allah.

RAHMANKUL (RAHMANGUL) - Slave of Allah, servant of Allah.

RAKHMAT - Sympathy, compassion, mercy; pity, forgiveness. From this name the Russian surnames Rakhmatov, Rakhmetov were formed. Anthropolexema.

RAKHMATBAI - Rakhmat (see) + bai (owner; wealthy, influential person, master).

RAKHMATBEK - Rakhmat (see) + bek (lord).

RAKHMATJAN - Rakhmat (see) + jan (soul, person).

RAKHMATKUL - Rakhmat (see) + kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior).

RAHMATULLAH - Allah is merciful, merciful. Dialectal variants: Rakhmi, Rakhmay, Rakhmuch.

RAKHMATKHAN - Rakhmat (see) + khan.

RAHMATSHAKH, RAHMATSHA - Rakhmat (see) + check.

RAKSHAN - Light, brilliant.

RASHAT - The right road, the path of truth; truth, truth.

RASHAT (RASHAD) - 1. Reasonableness, intelligence. 2. Correct point of view. 3. Superiority of the mind. 4. The right, correct path. Varieties: Raushat, Rushat, Rushad, Richat.

RASHIDETDIN - Devotee of religion; going to religion the right way. 2. Religious leader.

RASHIDUN - 1. Walking on the right path. 2. Smart, sensible (plural).

RASHIT - Walking on a straight road; walking the right, correct path. Anthropolexema.

RYAN - 1. Full, straight. 2. Comprehensively developed. Variety: Ryan.

RAYANJAN - Ryan (see) + jan (soul, person).

RAYAT - 1. Lightning. Dialectal variants: Riad, Riat. 2. Flag, banner, standard.

RENAT (RINAT) - 1. A name derived from the Latin word renatus ("renewed, born again"). It has been actively used by the Tatars since the 30s of the 20th century.


RIJALETDIN - Men of religion.

RIZA - 1. Consent; he who agrees does not oppose. 2. Chosen One. Anthropolexema.

RIZAETDIN - Satisfied, satisfied servant of religion; chosen person.

RIZVAN - 1. Joy, joy of the soul; favor, satisfaction. 2. The name of the angel guarding the gates of heaven (see Gadnan).

ROME - 1. A new name derived from the name of the city of Rome. 2. A new name, formed by shortening the words “revolution and peace.”

RIMAN - Formed by adding the Turkic-Tatar anthroponymic affix -an to the name Rome (see). It is also possible that this name comes from the surname of the outstanding German mathematician Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann.

REEF - Reef (underwater sea rock; coral island).

RIFAT - see Rifgat (in Turkish Rifat = Rifgat).

RIFGAT - Ascent; achieving a high position; greatness. Dialectal variants: Rifat, Rifhat, Rafhat.

RIFKAT - Partnership, friendship; goodness, beneficence, beneficence. Dialectal variant: Rafqat.

RISHAT - Walking on a straight road; on the right path.

RIYAZ - 1. Gardens, flowers (plural). 2. Interested in mathematics. Dialectal variant: Riaz.

RIYAZETDIN - Gardens of religion.

ROALD - 1. Efficient, agile. 2. The king's courtier.

ROBERT - Beautiful, radiant glory. A name that came into use in the 30-40s of the twentieth century.

ROSALINE - From the name of the rose flower. Very beautiful. A new name that came into use in the 30-40s of the twentieth century.

ROCAILLE - Shell, pearl shell. Variety: Rkail.

ROMIL - Strength, power. On behalf of Romulus (founder ancient Rome). Varieties: Ramil, Rumil.

RUBAZ - Open.

RUBY - Red yacht, ruby.

RUDOLPH - Glorious, famous wolf (English - Ralph, French, Spanish - Raul).

Ruz - Day; during the day. Compare: Nahar (female name). Anthropolexema.

RUSAL - Happy, having his share.

RUZGAR - 1. Time, era; 2. Life.

RUZI - Happy; living a calm and happy life.

RUZIBEK - Bek (master), living a calm and happy life.

RUY - Face, face; appearance Anthropolexema.

RUSLAN - Form of the name Arslan (lion), adapted to Slavic languages. In Russian the form Eruslan was also used.

RUSTEM, RUSTAM - Giant, giant. In ancient Iranian folklore: legendary hero, hero. Anthropolexema.

RUSTEMBAI - Rustem (see) + bai (owner; wealthy, influential person, master).

RUSTEMBEK - Rustem (see) + bek (master).

RUSTEMDZHAN - Rustem (see) + jan (soul, person).

RUSTEMKHAN - Rustem (see) + khan.

RUFIL - Formed from the name Raphael (see).

RUFIS - Red-haired; red-haired.

RUHELBAYAN - Spirit of openness. Epithet of the prophet Isa.

RUHULLA - Spirit of Allah.

RUSHAN - see Raushan.

RUSHDIE - Growing up; height.

Rys - Happy. Anthropolexema.

RYSBAY - Happy buy. Compare: Urazbay. Dialectal variants: Arsai, Rysay, Rezbay, Rizbay.

RYSBUGA - Rys (happy) + buga (bull). Happy and strong.

RYSKUZYA (RYSKHUZYA) - Happy owner. Compare: Urazkhodja.

RYSKUL - Happy servant of God. Compare: Urazgul.

RYSMUKHAMMET - Happy Muhammet (see). Compare: Urazmuhammet

Tatar names. The meaning of Tatar names

Women's Tatar names. Tatar names for girls

Mignonette - flower

REFAH - prosperity

RIDA (Riza) - benevolence, favor

RIDVAN - contented

ROME (Rem) - Tat. (f. Rimma)

RIMZIL - Tat. (J.F. Ramzia)

RIZWAN - Arabic. favor, satisfaction

RIFAT (Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik) - Arabic. Kind

RIFKAT (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rufat) - 1. Arabic. Kind. 2.high position, nobility

RISHAT (Rifat, Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik) - Arabic. Kind

RIYADH - gardens

ROSALIA - from 2 names - Rose and Aliya

ROXANA - Turkic.

RUBIN - Persian gem

RUZIL (Ruzbeh) - happy

RUNAR - scand. - the mysterious wisdom of God

RABABA - Lute (musical instrument).

RABBANIA - Belonging to Allah, given by Allah (girl).

RABIGA - 1. Fourth; fourth girl in the family. 2. Spring season. 3. Snowdrop.

RAVILYA - 1. Teenage girl, young girl. 2. Spring sun.

RAVIA - 1. Teller of legends, storyteller. 2. Full, plentiful.

RAGVA - Desire, desire.

RAGIBA - Desire, ideal, dream; desired, long-awaited; the subject of dreams.

RAGIDA - Rich, wealthy.

RAGINA - With a beautiful face, majestic.

RAGIA - 1. Attentive. 2. Shepherdess (in poetry).

RAGNA - 1. Beautiful. 2. Rose flower.

RADA - A new name derived from the Russian word rada.

RAJAPBANU - Born in the month of Rajap (the seventh month of the Muslim lunar year).

RAJAPGUL - A beauty born in the month of Rajap (the seventh month of the Muslim lunar year).

RAJAPSULTAN - Rajap (see) + Sultan (lady, mistress). This name is carved on a tombstone installed in 1493 on one of the graves in the village of Molvino (Mulla Ile) in the Zelenodolsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan.

RAJIBA - A female name derived from the male name Rajap (see).

RAGILA - Walking, pedestrian.

RAJIHA - 1. The best, dominant over others; the most beautiful. 2. The most convenient, handy.

RAJIA - Asking; hopeful.

RADINA - Spinner, spinner.

RADIFA - Following someone; the youngest; satellite (planet). Variety: Razipha.

RAZIKAMAL - Razi (see male name Razi) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws). Full agreement, satisfaction.

RAZIL - see Razin.

RAZINA - Calm disposition, meek, patient, reliable. Variety: Razila.

RAZIFA - Consonant.

RAZIA - 1. Agreeing, satisfied. 2. To my liking, beloved. 3. Chosen One. Epithet of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad Fatima.

RAIDA - Starter, pioneer.

RAILA - Laying the foundation, foundation of something, founder, founder.

RAIMA - Kind-hearted.

RAISA - Woman leader; female chairman.

RAIFA - 1. Compassionate, merciful. 2. Famous, prominent.

RAIHA - Aroma, fragrance.

RAYKHAN - 1. Pleasure, pleasure, bliss. 2. Basil (a plant with fragrant blue flowers).

RAYKHAN - see Raikhan.

RAYKHANGUL - Basil flower. Compare: Gulraykhan.

RAKIBA - Watching, observing, checking.

RAKIGA - 1. With a broad soul. 2. Thin.

RAKIMA - Meadow, floodplain, tugai.

RAKIA - 1. Growing, moving forward; walking ahead. 2. Worshipful, giving honor.

RALINA - A name derived from the Sumerian word ra ("sun").

RAMZA - Sign, label, brand, symbol.

RAMZIL - see Ramzia.

RAMZIA - Sign, label, brand, symbol. Compare: Nishan.

RAMIZA - Putting a mark, marking with a sign.

RAMIZA - Leading by example. Variety: Ramuza.

RAMILIA - Magical, fraught with magic, wonderful, miraculous. In Arabic, the word raml means "fortune telling on the sand." A widespread method of fortune telling in the East using points and lines in the sand (Alim Gafurov).

RAMIA - Archer, archer.

RAMUZA - Example, sample.

RANA - Beautiful. Variety: Ranar.

RANAR - see Rana.

RANIA - 1. Beautiful (girl). 2. Flower.

RASIDA - Having reached maturity, adulthood.

RASILYA - Messenger, representative.

RASIMA - 1. Custom, tradition. 2. Walking fast. 3. Artist; the one that decorates.

RASIFA - Strong, healthy.

RASIKHA - Strong, persistent; thorough, reasonable, serious.

RASMIA - Official.

RASULYA - Messenger, messenger.

RAUDIA - Seeker.

RAUZA - Flower garden, paradise. Anthropolexema.

RAUZABANU - Rauza (flower garden) + banu (girl, young woman, lady). A girl (woman) like a flower garden.

RAUZABIKA - Rauza (flower garden) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). A girl like a flower garden.

RAUZAGUL - Rauza (flower garden) + gul (flower). Flower from a flower garden. Compare: Gulrauza.

RAUFA - 1. Merciful, gracious, beneficent; sharing grief with someone. 2. Loving.

RAUSHAN - Source of rays, radiance; showering with rays, illuminating with light. Varieties: Raushaniya, Raushana, Rushaniya.

RAUSHAN - see Raushan.

RAUSHANELBANAT - Radiant, very beautiful girl.

RAUSHANIA - Radiant, illuminating with radiance; light.

RAFAGA - High degree, high rank.

RAFIGA - Tall, sublime; great; deserved.

RAFIDAH - Assistant.

RAFIKA - 1. Comrade, girlfriend, companion. 2. Kind-hearted.

RAFILYA - Dapper, smart, able to dress elegantly.

RAFISA - Famous, prominent.

RAFIA - 1. Persimmon; palm tree. 2. Possessing a high rank; very authoritative, famous.

RAFCIA - Merciful.

RACHEL - Sheep; in a figurative meaning: a girl who is about to leave her father’s house, a bride.

RAHIMA - Merciful, merciful. Anthropolexema.

RAHIMABANU - Rahima (merciful, merciful) + banu (girl, young woman, lady). Merciful, merciful girl, woman.

RAHIMABIKA - Rahima (merciful, merciful) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). Merciful, merciful girl, woman.

RAKHINA - Mortgaged, mortgaged.

RAHIA - Abundance, space, freedom.

RAKHSHANA - Light, brilliant, radiant.

RASHIDA - Walking on a straight road; walking the right, correct path.

RAYANA - Direct; full-fledged, comprehensively developed.

REGINA - Wife of the king (king), queen (queen), mistress. Affectionate form: Rina.

Mignonette - Mignonette flower; fragrant blue branches. Dialectal variant: Rezida.

RENATA - 1. A name derived from the Latin word renatus ("renewed, born again"). 2. A compound name formed by an abbreviation of the words “revolution”, “science”, “labor”.

RIMZA - A female name formed by adding the affix -za to the male name Rome (q.v.).

RIMMA - 1. Roman, native of the city of Rome. 2. In Hebrew it means “beautiful, liked by everyone.” Variety: Rima.

RINA - see Regina.

RISALA - Treatise, scientific work.

RITA - Pearls. Diminutive form of the name Margarita. see Marvarit.

RIFA - Reef; coral island.

ROBIN - Beautiful, radiant glory.

ROWENA - Beautiful, with thin waist, slender, stately.

MOTHERLAND - Motherland.

ROSE - Rose (flower); very beautiful. Anthropolexema.

ROZAGUL - Rose flower.

ROSALINA - Very beautiful rose.

ROSALIA - 1. Rose (see) + Leah (see). 2. One of the variants of the name Rose.

ROXANA - Illuminating with bright rays, illuminating. The name of the wife of Alexander the Great, princess of Bactria.

ROMILYA - Strength, power. On behalf of Romulus - the founder of ancient Rome. Varieties: Ramilya, Rumilya.

RUBY - Red yacht, ruby.

RUVIYA - Thinker.

RUZA - Day; during the day. Synonym: Nahar.

RUSGARIYA - Daughter of time, era.

RUZIGUL - Happy flower; a flower provided with food (about a girl).

RUZIDA - Giving food, nourishing, satiating.

RUZIDJAMAL - Happy, beautiful.

RUZIKAMAL - Completely, absolutely happy.

RUZINA - Everyday necessary, necessary.

RUSIA - Happy; having food.

RUY - Face, face. Anthropolexema.

RUKIA - 1. Magic, witchcraft. 2. Chaining, attracting to oneself. The name of the most beautiful daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. Variety: Urquia.

RUKIYABANU - Rukia (see) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

RUMINA - Roman.

RUMIA - Native of Byzantium, Byzantine.

RUFINA - With golden hair.

RUFIA - With golden hair.

RUHANIA - Souls (plural).

RUHIYA - Inspired, spiritualized; religious, pious.

RUKHSARA - 1. Face, face; cheeks. 2. Rosy-cheeked. 3. Beautiful image.

RUHFAZA - A woman (girl) with a beautiful face.

RUSHANIA - see Raushan.

RUSSIAN - Happy girl, woman. Compare: Urazbika

Tatar names. The meaning of Tatar names

Male Tatar names. Tatar names for boys

SABA - Light morning breeze.

SABAN - Plow. It was given to boys born in the month of Saban - during spring plowing. Preserved in the surnames Sabanov, Sabanin.

SABANAY - The month of May, the month of spring plowing. A ritual name given to boys born at this time. Preserved among Kazan and baptized Tatars in the surnames Sabanaev, Sabaneev.

SABANAK - Formed by adding the anthroponymic diminutive affix -ak to the word saban (plough). Given to boys born during the spring sowing season. Preserved by baptized Tatars in the surname Sabanakov.

SABANALI ~ SABANGALI - Gali, born in the month of "Saban" - during spring plowing. Preserved among the Mishar Tatars (Meshcheryaks) in the surnames Sabanaliev, Saban-Aliev. The surname Sabanaliev and its variant - Sabaneev - are also found among Russians.

SABANCHI - Plowman, cultivator. It was given to boys born during spring plowing. Preserved among Kazan and baptized Tatars in the surnames Sabanchiev and Sabanchin. Russians have the surname Sabancheev, derived from this name.

SABAH - Morning; morning freshness; dawn. Variety: Subah. Anthropolexema.

SABAKHETDIN - Morning of religion; light of religion.

SABIG - Seventh (boy). Phonetic version: Sabik.

SABIL - Road, a wide pillar road.

SABIR - Patient, hardy. Epithet of the prophet Ayup. Anthropolexema.

SABIRTZYAN - Sabir (patient, hardy) + jan (soul, person). Patient soul (person).

SABIRULLAH - Patient servant of Allah. Dialectal variants: Sabrullah, Sabri.

SABIRKHAN - Sabir (patient, hardy) + khan.

SABIRKHUZYA - Sabir (patient, hardy) + Khoja (master, owner; mentor, teacher). Variety: Sabirkhoja.

SABIT - Strong, hard, durable, resistant; hardy, patient; the one who always keeps his word. Anthropolexema.

SABITSYAN - A man who always keeps his word.

SABITULLAH - Servant of Allah who always keeps his word.

SABIH - Handsome, with a beautiful face, handsome; flowering.

SABUR - Very patient. One of the epithets of Allah.

SAVADI - Blackness, black color; black color.

SAVI - 1. Straight, even. 2. Direct, correct; mature, perfect.

SAGADAT - Happiness, prosperity; pleasure, bliss; success, luck. Among the Tatars it was originally used as a female name. Anthropolexema.

SAGADATBEK - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + bek (lord). Synonyms: Kutlybek, Urazbek.

SAGADATVALI - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + Vali (see). Synonym: They were carousing.

SAGADATGALI - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + Gali (see). Synonyms: Kutlygali, Urazgali.

SAGADATGANI - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + Gani (see).

SAGADATGARAY - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + Garay (see). Synonyms: Bakhtegarai, Kutlygarai.

SAGADATJAN - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + jan (soul, person). Happy man. Synonyms: Bakhetjan, Mubarakjan, Urazjan, Kutlyjan.

SAGADATKUL - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior). Synonyms: Kutlykul, Urazkul.

SAGADATNUR - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + nur (ray, radiance). Compare: Nursagadat. Synonym: Bakhtinur.

SAGADATULLA - Happiness given by Allah (about a child).

SAGADATKHAN - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + khan. Synonyms: Kutlykhan, Urazkhan.

SAGADATSHAH, SAGADATSHA - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + check. Synonym: Kutlyshakh.

SAGAYDAK - Arrow; quiver. It was given with the wish that the child (boy) could strike evil forces and enemies like a sharp arrow. Preserved by the Mishar Tatars (Meshcheryaks) in the surnames Sagaidak, Sagaidakov, Sagadakov. Dialectal variants: Sagadak, Sadak.

SAGDELISLAM - Happy follower of Islam.

SAGDETDIN - Happy follower of religion. Dialectal variants: Sagitdin, Satdin.

SAGDI - Happy; bringing happiness.

SAGDULLAH - Happy servant of Allah. Happiness is a gift given by Allah.

SAGI - Diligence, dedication to work.

SAGIDULLA - Happy servant of Allah. Happiness is a gift given by Allah.

SAGINBAI - The long-awaited bai (child).

SAGINDYK - The long-awaited child (boy). Preserved in the Sagyndykov surname.

SAGIR - Younger, small.

SAGIT (SAGID) - Happy, prosperous; living comfortably. Anthropolexema.

SAGITDZHAN - Sagit (see) + jan (soul, person). Happy man.

SAGITNUR - Sagit (see) + nur (ray, radiance). Compare: Nursagit.

SAGITKHAN - Sagit (see) + khan.

SAGITYAR - Sagit (see) + yar (friend, close person). Happy friend.

GARDEN - Simple, uncomplicated.

SADAK - Quiver. see Sagaidak.

SADGARAY - Centenary Garay (the wish to live to be a hundred years old).

SADDIN - The most loyal, the most reliable.

SADIR - Beginning; emerging, emerging; leader, chairman.

SADRELGILMAN - The first (main) boy. Dialectal variant: Sadrilman.

SADRELISLAM - Head of Islam, Islamic leader. Dialectal variants: Sadrislam, Sadris.

SADRELSHAHIT - Chest (meaning “heart, soul”) of a hero who died for a holy cause.

SADRETDIN - Religious leader, leader.

SADRI - 1. Related to the heart, to the soul; a piece of the heart, soul. 2. Leader, boss. Anthropolexema.

SADRIAGZAM - Sadri (see) + Agzam (see). Chief Vizier, Chief Minister.

SADRIAKHMET - Sadri (see) + Akhmet (see). Compare: Akhmetsadir.

SADRIGALI - Sadri (see) + Gali (see). Outstanding leader. Dialectal variant: Sadrali.

SADRIGALLYAM - Sadri (see) + Gallam (see). Large, knowledgeable leader.

SADRIZHIGAN - Sadri (see) + Dzhigan (see). Lay head, leader.

SADRIKAMAL - Sadri (see) + Kamal (see).

SADRISHARIF - Sadri (see) + Sharif (see). Dear, revered leader.

SADRULLA - Leading the path of Allah, religious leader.

SADIK - 1. Faithful, devoted, sincere, sincere. 2. A reliable friend.

SADYR - Chest, heart; before, the front of something.

SAIB - 1. Faithful, correct, true. 2. Successful, convenient; godly, generous.

SAIL - Asking. A child (boy) begged from Allah.

SAIM - Keeping the fast (Muslim fast).

SAIN - 1. Very good, nice. 2. Epithet of eastern monarchs.

SAIR - Walking, traveler, traveler; looking around, contemplating.

SAIT (SAID) - 1. Head; lord, ruler; master; "white bone", sir. A title given to a family descended from the children of the Prophet Muhammad's daughter Fatima. Among Russians, the surname Sevidov is found, derived from this name. Anthropolexema. 2. Happy, lucky.

SAITAMIR - Sait (see) + Amir (see).

SAITAHMET - Sait (see) + Akhmet (see). Compare: Akhmetsait. Dialectal variant: Saitak.

SAITBAI - Sait (see) + bai (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Compare: Baysait.

SAITBATTAL - Sait (see) + Battal (see).

SAITBEK - Sait (see) + bek (master).

SAITBURGAN - Sait (see) + Burgan (see). Compare: Burgansait.

SAITVALI - Sait (see) + Vali (see).

SAITGAZI - Sait (see) + Gazi (see).

SAITGALI - Sait (see) + Gali (see).

SAITGARAY - Sait (see) + Garay (see). Dialectal variants: Satgarai, Sat, Satuk, Satush.

SAITGARIF - Sait (see) + Garif (see).

SAITGATA - Sait (see) + Gata (see).

SAITGAFUR - Sait (see) + Gafur (see).

SAITGAFFAR - Sait (see) + Ghaffar (see).

SAITJAGFAR - Sait (see) + Jagfar (see).

SAITJAN - Sait (see) + jan (soul, person). Compare: Jansait.

SAITDIN - see Saitdin.

SAITZADA - A child from the family of the Prophet Muhammad.

SAITKAMAL - Sait (see) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws).

SAITKARIM - Sait (see) + Karim (see).

SAITKUL - Sait (see) + kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior). Compare: Kulsait.

SAITMAGROUF - Sait (see) + Magruf (see).

SAITMAKHMUT - Sait (see) + Mahmut (see).

SAITMULLAH - Sait (see) + mullah (spiritual mentor, teacher, preacher).

SAITMURAT - Sait (see) + Murat (see).

SAITMURZA - Sait (see) + murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

SAITMUKHAMMET - Sait (see) + Muhammet (see). A man from the family of the Prophet Muhammad. Compare: Muhammetsait.

SAITNABI - Sait (see) + Nabi (see).

SAITNAGIM - Sait (see) + Naked (see).

SAITNAZAR - Sait (see) + Nazar (see).

SAITNUR - Sait (see) + nur (ray, radiance). Compare: Nursait.

SAITRASUL - Sait (see) + Rasul (see).

SAITRAKHIM - Sait (see) + Rahim (see).

SAITRAKHMAN - Sait (see) + Rahman (see).

SAITTIMER - Sait (see) + timer (iron). Compare: Timersait.

SAITTUGAN - Sait (see) + tugan (born).

SAITHABIB - Sait (see) + Khabib (see).

SAITHAZI - Sait (see) + Hadji (see). Compare: Hadjisait.

SAITKHAN - 1. Sait (see) + khan. Khan from the family of the prophet Muhammad. Compare: Hansait.

SAITKHUZYA - Sait (see) + Khoja (master, owner; mentor, teacher). Compare: Khojasait.

SAITCHURA - Sait (see) + chura (boy; worker, tiller, warrior; friend).

SAITSHARIF - Sait (see) + Sharif (see).

SAITSHAH, SAITSHA - 1. Sait (see) + check. 2. Shah from the family of the Prophet Muhammad. Compare: Shahsait.

SAITYAR - Sait (see) + yar (close / beloved / person; friend, comrade).

SAITYAHYA - Sait (see) + Yahya (see).

SAIF - Having a blade, armed with a blade.

SAIBEK - A name formed by adding the word bek (lord) to the word sain, meaning “good, glorious.” Given name also found among the Mari. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the surname Saibekov.

SAIDAR - A name formed by adding to the Mongolian word sai (see Saibek) the Persian language affix -dar, which is a sign of possession, possession. It means “the source of beauty, goodness” (about a person). Dialectal variant: Zaydar.

SAYDAR - Noble, noble; aristocrat, "white bone".

SAYDASH - 1. A name formed by attaching an anthroponymic adjectival affix to the title sayt (see) Tatar language-ash. 2. A shortened version of the surname of Salikh Saidashev (an outstanding Tatar composer).

SIDELISLAM - Islamic leader.

SAYDETDIN - Religious leader. Variety: Saitdin. Dialectal variants: Satdin, Sattin.

SAYDULLA - Noble, noble servant of Allah.

SAIKAI - An ancient name formed by adding the diminutive affix -kai to the word sai, which in the ancient Turkic and ancient Mongolian languages ​​meant “good, beautiful”. From this name the Tatar, Chuvash and Russian surnames Saykaev, Saikov, Saikiev, Saikin were formed.

SAILAN - Small multi-colored pearls.

SAIMAN - Virtuous, handsome, efficient.

SAIMURZA - Handsome murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

SAYMUKHAMMET - Beautiful Muhammet. Dialectal variants: Saimat, Saimet.

SAYRAM - A name formed by combining the Arabic word sayr (rest, entertainment) and the Turkic word bayram (holiday).

SAYRAN - 1. Rest in nature, picnic. 2. Walking, walking, moving; excursion. 3. Entertainment, having fun, having fun.

SAIF - Blade, sword, saber. Compare: Sayaf. Anthropolexema. Synonyms: Khisam, Shamsir, Kylych.

SAIFEGAZI - The sword of a fighter for a holy cause.

SAIFEGALI - Sword of the prophet Gali.

SAIFEGALIM - 1. Sword of knowledge, science. 2. In a figurative meaning: a scientist with a sharp mind.

SAIFEGANI - Rich blade; sharp blade.

SAIFELGABIT - Blade of the servant of Allah.

SAFELISLAM - Sword of Islam.

SAIFELMULYUK - Sword of monarchs.

SAYFETDIN - Sword of religion; figuratively: spreading religion with the sword. Compare: Sayafetdin, Khisametdin. Dialectal variants: Saifuk, Saifush, Saifi.

SAIFY - Armed with a sword, blade; man with a sword. Synonym: Sayaf.

SAIFISATTAR - Sword of the all-forgiving (Allah).

SAIFISULTAN - Sword of the Sultan (overlord).

SAIFYKHAN - Sword of Khan.

SAIFYAZDAN - Sword of Allah.

SAIFYAR - Friend armed with a sword (see).

SAIFULLAH - Sword of Allah.

SAIKHAN ~ SAIKAN - Kind, handsome khan. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the surnames Saykhanov, Saikanov and Saykhunov (the latter in the Apastovsky district), among the Mishar Tatars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Saiganov.

SAKIN - Calm; with a calm character.

Sal ~ Sally - Strong, healthy. Anthropolexema.

SALAVAT - 1. Prayers; song of praise, panegyric. 2. Blessing.

SALAVATULLA - Praise of Allah.

SALAMAT - Healthy, in good health.


SALAMATULLAH - Allah gives health.

SALAH - 1. Good, good, good deed. 2. To be suitable, necessary. 3. Religiosity, piety. Dialectal option: Salah. Anthropolexema.

SALAKHETDIN - 1. Good, the benefit of religion. 2. Sultan of religion (i.e. religious leader). Dialectal option: Salyakhetdin.

SALAHI - Beneficent, virtuous; religious, devout, pious.

SALBAY - 1. Bai having rafts; healthy, strong bai. 2. Sal (translated from Persian as “country”) + bai (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Compare: Ilbay.

SALBACTS - 1. A healthy, strong child was born. 2. Sal (translated from Persian as “country”) + bakty (born). Compare: Ilbakty.

SALJAN - 1. Healthy, strong person. 2. Sal (in Persian “country”) + jan (soul, person), i.e. loving his country, patriot.

SALIGASKAR - A devoted warrior, a hero of his country. Preserved in the Saligskarov surname.

SALIK - Walking; adhering to a certain religious trend.

SALIM - Healthy, in good health; with a pure soul. Dialectal variants: Sali, Salya, Salyay. Anthropolexema.

SALIMBAY - Salim (healthy) + bai (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Bai in good health. Compare: Baysalim.

SALIMBEK - Salim (healthy) + bek (master). Beck (Mr.) in good health.

SALIMGARAY - Salim (healthy) + Garay (see).

SALIMGUZYA (SALIMKHUZYA) - Salim (healthy) + Khoja (master, owner; mentor, teacher). The owner is in good health.

SALIMJAN - Salim (healthy) + jan (soul, person). Healthy man.

SALIMETDIN - Health, well-being of religion.

SALIMZAVAR - Salim (healthy) + Zvar (see).

SALIMZADA - Salim (healthy) + Zada ​​(see). Healthy son.

SALIMKURDE - A healthy child was born.

SALIMULLAH - Allah, the giver of health and peace. Dialectal variants: Sali, Salmi, Saluk, Salmush, Salmuk, Salyay, Salim.

SALIMKHAN - Salim (healthy) + khan.

SALIMSHAKH, SALIMSHA - Salim (healthy) + Shah.

SALIMYAR - Salim (healthy) + yar (close / loved one / person; friend, comrade).

SALIH - Good, kind, virtuous, holy; fair, faithful, with a pure soul. Anthropolexema.

SALIHBAI - Holy, virtuous bai (master; wealthy, influential person, lord).

SALIHBEK - Holy, virtuous bek (lord).

SALIKHZAN ~ SALIKHZYAN - Holy, virtuous person. Dialectal variants: Salish, Salai, Salush, Saluk.

SALIHKUL - Salih (holy, virtuous) + kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior).

SALIHMULLA - Salih (holy, virtuous) + Mullah.

SALIHMURZA - Salih (holy, virtuous) + murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

SALIKHAN - Holy, virtuous khan.

SALKAY ~ SALLIKAI - A name formed by adding the diminutive affix -kai to the word sally (strong, healthy). Preserved in the surnames Salkyev, Salkaev. Variety: Salakai.

SALLYBAY - Healthy, strong, strong bai.

SALMAN - Healthy, from among healthy people; not knowing sorrows and troubles.

SALMURZA - 1. Strong, healthy murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility); strong murza. 2. Sal (translated from Persian as “country”) + murza. Compare: Ilmurza.

SALMUKHAMMET - 1. Healthy, strong Muhammet. 2. Sal (translated from Persian as “country”) + Muhammet (see). Compare: Ilmuhammet. Dialectal variants: Salmat, Salmuk, Salmush.

SALTAI - Possessing good health. Preserved in the surname Saltaev.

SALTUGAN ~ SALTYGAN - 1. A healthy, strong child was born. 2. Sal (translated from Persian as “country”) + tugan (born). Compare: Iltugan.

SALTYK - 1. Keeper of order and traditions. 2. Lame, lame. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars and Russians in the surname Saltykov.

SALEGET - A healthy, strong young man.

SALAM - 1. Health; calmness, peace. 2. Greeting. 3. Savior (one of the epithets of Allah).

SALAMULLA - Allah is the savior.

SAMAR - Fruit, result; useful. Anthropolexema.

SAMARETDIN - Beneficial to religion.

SAMARI - Fruitful, fruitful; fruit, result; useful.

SAMARKHAN - Samar (see) + khan. Preserved in the Samarkhanov surname.

SAMAT - 1. Eternal, living forever. 2. Leader, leader. One of the epithets of Allah. Anthropolexema.

SAMI - 1. Highest rank, great. 2. Dear, valuable. 3. A representative of the Sam (Samit) clan, a Jew.

SAMIG - Listener; hearing (one of the epithets of Allah). Anthropolexema.

SAMIGITDIN - Listener, hearing the voice of religion.

SAMIGULLA - Listener, hearer of the voice of Allah. Dialectal variants: Samik, Samigil.

SAMIM - True, pure.

SAMIN - Dear, valuable.

SAMIR - 1. Fruit-bearing. 2. Interlocutor.

SAMIRKHAN - Samir (see) + khan. Khan the interlocutor.

SAMIT - 1. Strong, stable; unshakable. 2. Proud.

SAMIH - Generous. Dialectal variants: Sami, Samish, Samuk.

SAMUR - Sable. Preserved in the Samurov surname. Synonym: Cash.

SANAGAT - Master, one who masters his craft at a high level; industry.

SANBULAT - Like damask steel, similar to damask steel.

SANGISH (SANKISH) - An ancient name formed by joining the word of the Tajik and Persian languages ​​sang ("stone") of the Turkic word ish (equal, pair; child). Preserved by the Mishar Tatars (Meshcheryaks) in the surnames Sangishev, Sankishev.

SANDZHAK - Banner, flag, standard. Preserved in the surnames Sandzhakov, Sanzakov.

SANJAP - Squirrel. Preserved among the Mishar Tatars (Meshcheryaks) and Kazan Tatars in the surnames Sandzhapov, Sindzhapov.

SANJAR - Sharp, piercing through; a spear. Preserved by the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surnames Sanzharov, Sanzharov.

SANIAHMET - Second Akhmet (see). Preserved among the Bashkortostan Tatars in the surname Saniakhmetov.

SANIBEK - Second bek (boy). Second son in the family.

SANIYAN - Second soul (child). Second son in the family.

SANUBAR - Pine. Synonym: Narat.

SARBAZ - 1. Military, soldier. 2. Hero, strong, brave, fearless. Preserved in the surnames Sarbazov, Sarvazov.

SARBAY - 1. Yellow buy; bai with yellowish-red hair. 2. A nickname given to dogs with red and yellowish hair (zoonym). Compare: Baysary. Preserved by the Kazan Tatars and Mishar Tatars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Sarbaev. The surname Sarbaev is also found among Russians.

SARVAR - 1. People's leader, leader. 2. Owner, owner. Dialectal variants: Sarvai, Sarvari. Anthropolexema.

SARVARETDIN - Religious leader.

SARVAT - Wealth; treasury; abundance.

SARDAR - Military leader, commander-in-chief; standing at the head.

SARJAN - Lord of the soul.

SARIGASKAR - Commander, military leader. Preserved among the Kazan and Ufa Tatars in the surname Sarigaskarov.

SARIM - 1. Spicy. 2. Hard, strong. Dialectal option: Sarym.

SARMAN - 1. T. Dzhanuzakov believes that the first syllable sar of this name in the ancient Mongolian language has the meaning “lunar”. 2. According to another point of view, the name Sarman is formed from the components sar (translated from Mongolian as “moon”) and mandav (“rose”) and, therefore, means: “the moon has risen.” (Compare: Aitugdy, Aitugan). 3. Perhaps the name Sarman means “yellow.” 4. In Persian, sarman means “leader, authoritative person.” Preserved among Kazan and baptized Tatars in the surname Sarmanov.

SARMANAY - A variant of the name Sarman (see), formed by adding the affectionate affix -ai. The name Sarmanay is also found among the Mari. Preserved among the Ural Tatars in the surname Sarmanaev.

SARMAT - Having a constant continuation, eternal; immortal; endless, limitless. Synonyms: Mangu, Samat. Dialectal variant: Sirmat. The surname Sirmatov is derived from this name. Anthropolexema.

SARMATBEK - Sarmat (see) + bek (lord).

SARMATKHAN - Sarmat (see) + khan.

SARRAF - Money changer; master; appraiser. Phonetic version: Saraf.

SARTAK - 1. Persian, Iranian. 2. Sart (Sarts are a part of the Uzbeks that has settled since ancient times). V.A. Nikonov believes that the Russian surname Sartakov is derived from the word sartak (“carrot”), used by the Siberian Tatars. Preserved by the Mishar Tatars (Meshcheryaks) and Russians in the surname Sartakov.

Sary - Among the ancient Turkic peoples, the yellow color (sary) was considered valuable, symbolizing gold. All creatures of nature that are yellow (the color of gold) were treated with respect. In a figurative meaning: matured, matured. Synonym: Asfar. Anthropolexema.

SARYBALA - Sary (see) + bala (child). It was given to boys with red and wheat-colored hair.

SARYBASH ~ SARBASH - Sary (see) + bash (head). Red-haired head, head with wheat-colored hair.

SARYBEK - Sary (see) + bek (lord). Noble, noble bek (lord).

SARYBUGA - Sary (see) + buga (bull). It was given with the wish that the child (boy) become rich and strong.

SARYBULAT - Sary (see) + damask steel (high-grade steel).

SARYGUL - Sary (see) + kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior). Variety: Sarykul.

SARYJAN ~ SARYAN - 1. Sary (see) + jan (soul, person). 2. In Persian, sar jan means “main (first) soul,” i.e. "main (first) child."

SARYKAI - A variant of the name Sarah (see), formed using the diminutive affix -kai. In the meaning of “dear baby, little blood.”

SARYMARGAN - Sary (see) + Mangan (see).

SARYMSAK - Garlic. Among the ancient Turkic peoples, it was given with the wish that the bitter, pungent taste of garlic would scare away evil forces, not allowing them to approach the child. Preserved in the surname Sarymsakov (compare: among the Russians - Chesnokov).

SARYSLAN - Sary (yellow, golden) + Aryslan (lion). Preserved in the surname Saryslanov.

SARYTAY - Sary (yellow, golden) + tai (foal). Preserved by the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Sartaev.

SARYKHUZYA - Sary (see) + Khoja (master, owner; mentor, teacher). Noble, noble owner.

SARYCH - Sarych, hawk. Preserved by the Mishar Tatars (Meshcheryaks) and Russians in the surname Sarychev.

SARYCHECH - Golden hair. Given to boys with golden (red) hair. Compare: Sarytulum (female name), Altynchech (female name).

SARYCHIK - Formed by adding the diminutive affix -chik to the name Sarah (see). Preserved in the Sarychikov surname.

SATAY - Beloved, close relative. Preserved in the surname Sataev.

SATI - Sold, bought. Preserved in the surname Satiev.

SATIM - Bought child. Preserved in the Satimov surname.

SATIR - Forgiving.

SATLYK - Bought child. The Turkic peoples had a special “preventative” custom (in order to expel evil forces) of naming adopted children and children born in families with high infant mortality. According to a preliminary agreement, after the birth of a child, he was given to relatives or friends, and then, after some time, he was “bought back” for money, while giving the child the name Satlyk (bought child). The Altai people still use the names Satlak, Satylysh, Satu.

SATTAR - Forgiving, all-forgiving. One of the epithets of Allah. Anthropolexema.

SATYBAL - Bought child. see Satlyk. Preserved in the surname Satybalov. This surname is also found among the Kumyks.

SATYSH - Child for sale. see Satlyk.

Sau - Healthy, alive, prosperous. Anthropolexema.

SAUBAN - Trustee, educator.

SAUGILDE - A healthy child came (was born). Preserved among the Siberian Tatars in the surname Saugildeev.

SAUD - Happy.

SAULYAT - Strength, power, energy; power, greatness.

SAUMAN - Possessing good health.

SAUMURZA - Healthy and prosperous murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

SAUR - Month of April. Born in April.

SAURIJAN - With a revolutionary spirit.

SAUCHURA - A healthy young man, a farmer, a warrior. Preserved in the surnames Sauchurin, Sauchurov.

SAFA - 1. Purity, holiness; 2. Fun, pleasure, enjoyment, bliss, carelessness, carelessness, tranquility. Anthropolexema.

SAFAGARAY - Safa (see) + Garay (see).

SAFAGUL ~ SAFAKUL - Safa (see) + kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior).

SAFANUR - Safa (see) + nur (ray, radiance). Compare: Nursafa.

SAFAR - 1. Travel, trip. 2. The name of the second month of the Muslim lunar year. A name given to children born in this month. Anthropolexema.

SAFARBAY - Safar (see) + bai (owner; wealthy, influential person, master).

SAFARBEK - Safar (see) + bek (lord).

SAFARVALI - Safar (see) + Vali (see)

SAFARGALI - Safar (see) + Gali (see)

SAFARGARAY - Safar (see) + Garay (see).

SAFARGUL - Safar (see) + kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior).

SAFARJAN - Safar (see) + jan (soul, person).

SAFARKHUZYA - Safar (see) + Khoja (master, owner; mentor, teacher)

SAFDAR - Furious, stormy; brave, decisive.

SAFDIL - Pure soul.

SAFI - 1. Pure, without impurities; true. 2. Chosen, chosen. Anthropolexema.

SAFIAHMET - Safi (see) + Akhmet (see). Compare: Akhmetsafa.

SAFIJAN - Safi (see) + jan (soul, person).

SAFIR - Ambassador, plenipotentiary representative.

SAFIT - White; with an open face.

SAFIULLA - The chosen servant of Allah. Epithet of the prophets Muhammad and Adam.

SAFIKHAN - Safi (see) + khan. Dialectal variant: Safikan.

SAFIYAR - Safi (see) + yar (friend, close person). A true sincere friend.

SAFKUL - Immaculate, pure servant of God.

SAFUAN - 1. Purity, holiness; health. 2. Strong stone, granite, rock. Compare: Taktash.

SAFUANGALI - Safuan (see) + Gali (see).

SAFUAT - Chosen, the best kind of objects (objects).

SAHABETDIN - Believers, those who follow the path of religion. Dialectal variants: Sahabi, Sahap, Sahau.

SAKHAP - Companions, comrades (plural). Anthropolexema.

SAKHAPKUL - Sahap (see) + kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior).

SUGAR - Dawn; pre-dawn time. Anthropolexema.

SAHAU - Generous, with a broad soul.

SAKHAUTDIN - Generosity of religion.

SAKHBI - Comrade; one with whom it is pleasant to be friends, a friend. Variety: Sahabi. Anthropolexema.

SAKHI - Generous, with a broad soul. Anthropolexema.

SAHIBJAN - Sahib (see) + jan (soul, person). Heart friend.

SAKHIBETDIN - Friend, companion of religion.

SAHIBULLAH - Friend of Allah. Dialectal variants: Sakhai, Sakai.

SAHIBKHAN - Sahib (see) + khan. Phonetic version: Sahiphan.

SAKHIL - Edge of the sea, seashore; equality.

SAKHIN - Red-hot, heated, hot.

SAKHIP ~ SAHIB - 1. Friend, companion; comrade, like-minded person. 2. Master, lord, owner. Anthropolexema.

SAKHIPGARAY - Sakhip (see) + Garay (see).

SAKHIZADA - Sakhip (see) + Zada ​​(see).

SAKHIR - Not sleeping, vigilant.

SAHIULLAH - The Generosity of Allah.

SAHIH - 1. Healthy, alive. 2. True, correct, direct.

SAKHMAN - He who has his share is a happy person.

SAYAD ~ SAYAT - Hunter, catcher; catcher. Synonym: Sunarchi. Dialectal variant: Sayyad.

SAYAN - 1. White. 2. Snow. A new name derived from the names of mountain ranges in East Asia.

SAYAR - Walking, wandering, moving; satellite, planet. Variety: Sayar.

SAYARGALI - Sayar (see) + Gali (see).

SAYATKHAN - Khan's hunters, hunters.

SAYAF - 1. A gunsmith who makes blades and sabers; 2. Armed with a blade. Compare: Saif. Synonym: Saifi.

SAYAFETDIN - Servant of religion, armed with a blade. Compare: Sayfetdin, Khisametdin.

SAYAH - Wanderer, traveler, tourist. Synonym: Ilgizar.

SAYAHETDIN - Walking the path of religion.

SEBAC - Apple. Preserved in the Sebakov surname. Compare: Alma (female name), Almaty.

SERMAKETAY - Patient, hardy man, young man. Preserved in the Sermaktaev surname.

SIBAY - Formed by adding the Turkic inviting-addressive-imperative affix -ay to the Arabic word siba (“love, youth”). Phonetic version: Sybai.

SIBGAT (SIBAGAT) - 1. Paint; beautiful color and pattern. 2. Temper, thought. Dialectal variant: Sibat.

SIBGATULLA ~ SIBAGATULLA - The Image of Allah; religion of Allah. Dialectal variants: Sibi, Sibuk, Sibush, Sibat, Sibak.

SIGEZAK - An ancient name given to the eighth child (boy) in the family. Compare: Tugyz, Tugyzay. Preserved in the Sigezakov surname.

SIDKI - Correct, honest, sincere, sincere. Anthropolexema.

SIXANBAI - Siksan (eighty) + bai (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). This name was given to boys with the wish to live to the age of eighty, and also if the father of the boy born was eighty years old. Compare: Tuksanbai. Preserved among the Ural Tatars in the surname Siksanbaev.

SIMAY - 1. Appearance, face, face. 2. Brand, mark; picture, image

Sina - Chest. Anthropolexema.

SINEGUL - Sina (chest) + kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior). Servant of God with a powerful chest; in a figurative meaning: brave warrior, comrade, assistant. Preserved among the Bashkortostan Tatars in the surname Sinegulov.

SIRAZELHAK - Light of truth, truth.

SIRAZETDIN - Light of religion, lamp of religion. Dialectal variants: Siraj, Siraji, Siraj, Sirazi, Sirakai.

SYRAZI - Lamp, candle, lamp, torch. Synonym: Qandil.

SIRIN (LILAC) - Lilac (shrub and flowers); clove, clove tree.

SITDIK - Correct, true; faithful, devoted. Dialectal variant: Sidai.

SIYULE - Beloved (child). Preserved in the surname Syuliev.

SIYAR - Will love (about a child). Anthropolexema.

SIYARBAI - Favorite bai (child). Compare: Baysiyar. This name is also found among the Mari.

SIYARBEK - Siyar (will love) + bek (master).

SIYARGALI - Siyar (will love) + Gali (see). Beloved Gali.

SIYARGUL (SIYARKUL) - Siyar (will love) + kul (comrade, companion).

SIYARMUKHAMMET - Siyar (will love) + Muhammet (see). Dialectal variants: Siyarmet, Siyarembet.

SIYARKHUZYA - Siyar (will love) + Khoja (master, owner; mentor, teacher).

SPARTAK - The name of the legendary leader of the largest uprising of Roman gladiators in the first century BC. In Italian: Spartaco.

SUBAI - 1. Cute, slender, handsome, elegant; neat, neat. 2. Horseman, cavalryman, mounted warrior. Preserved in the surname Subaev. Anthropolexema.

SUBBUKH - 1. Exaltation, glorification, praise. 2. Dawns (plural). In a figurative meaning: a person who gets up early. Anthropolexema.

SUBBUKHETDIN - Exalting, glorifying religion.

SUBHAN - Glory, praise (epithet of Allah). Anthropolexema.

SUBHANBIRDE - Allah gave a glorious, praiseworthy child. Gift of Allah.

SUBHANKUL - Slave of the glorified, praised (Allah).

SUBHANULLAH - Glory to Allah, praise to Allah. Dialectal option: Subhullah.

SUGUD - 1. Rise, ascension, birth, appearance; Beginning of work. 2. Beginning, the front (main) part of something.

SUER - Capercaillie (bird). Preserved in the Suerov surname.

SUERBAI - Suer (see) + bai (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Preserved in the surname Suerbaev.

SUYDERMAK - One you can't help but love.

SULEIMAN - Healthy, alive, prosperous, living in peace. Russians and Jews have Solomon, the British have Salmon, the Germans have Zalman, the French have Salmon, the Italians have Salomone, the Bulgarians have Salomon. Dialectal variants: Suley, Suli, Sulish, Sulesh, Suliman, Sulim.

SULIM - Glorious, famous. Preserved by the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Sulimov.

SULIMSHAKH, SULIMSHA - Sulim (see) + Shah. The illustrious, famous Shah. Phonetic version: Sulemshakh.

SULTAN - Lord, ruler, overlord, head of state, monarch, emperor. Varieties: Sultanay, Sultankay, Sultakay. Anthropolexema.

SULTANAY - Majestic, majestic month. Compare: Aisultan. Dialectal variant: Sultai.

SULTANAHMET - Sultan (lord) + Akhmet (see). A sultan worthy of praise, a glorious sultan. Compare: Akhmetsultan.

SULTANBAI - Sultan (lord) + bai (master; wealthy, influential person, master). Compare: Baysultan. This name is also found among the Mari.

SULTANBEK - Sultan (lord) + bek (lord). Compare: Bixultan.

SULTANBI - Sultan (lord) + bi (prince, lord).

SULTANBIRDE - Sultan (lord) + birde (gave). God gave a boy worthy to be a sultan.

SULTANGHAZI - Sultan (lord) + Gazi (see).

SULTANGALI - Sultan (lord) + Gali (see).

SULTANGARAY - Sultan (overlord) + Garay (see).

SULTANGILDE ~ SULTANKILDE - The Sultan has come, i.e. was born.

SULTANGUZYA ~ SULTANKHUZYA - Sultan (lord) + Khoja (master, owner; mentor, teacher).

SULTANGUL (SULTANKUL) - Sultan (lord) + kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior). Servant, assistant to the Sultan.

SULTANETDIN - Sultan of religion (i.e. religious leader).

SULTANZADA - Sultan (lord) + 3ada (see). Son of the Sultan.

SULTANMAKHMUT - Sultan (overlord) + Mahmut (see). A sultan worthy of praise.

SULTANMURAT - Sultan (overlord) + Murat (see).

SULTANMUKHAMMET - Sultan (overlord) + Muhammet (see). Compare: Muhammetsultan.

SULTANNABI - Sultan (overlord) + Nabi (see).

SULTANNUR - Sultan (lord) + nur (ray, radiance). Compare: Nursultan.

SULTANSALIM - Sultan (overlord) + Salim (see). Healthy and prosperous Sultan.

SULTANTIMER - Sultan (lord) + timer (iron). Compare: Timersultan.

SULTANKHABIB - Sultan (overlord) + Khabib (see). Beloved Sultan. Compare: Habibsultan.

SULTANHAKIM - Sultan (overlord) + Hakim (see).

SULTANHALIL - Sultan (overlord) + Khalil (see).

SULTANHUSAIN - Sultan (overlord) + Husain (see).

SULTANSHAH, SULTANA - Sultan (overlord) + Shah. Compare: Shagisultan.

SULTANSHEIKH - Sultan (overlord) + sheikh. Compare: Shaykhesultan.

SULTANYAR - Sultan (lord) + yar (friend, close person).

SULTANYASAVI - Sultan (lord) + Yasawi (see).

SULUKHAN - Illustrious, famous khan. Preserved by the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Russians in the surname Sulukhanov.

SULYUKBAY - Slender, stately, handsome bai (young man).

SUNARGUL - Hunter; hunter.

SUNARCHI - Hunter. An ancient name indicating occupation. Preserved in the surnames Sunarchin, Sunarshin, Sunarchiev. Synonym: Sayad.

SUNGALI - Sun (smart) + Gali (see). Preserved in the Sungaliev surname.

SUNGAT ~ SUNAGAT - Skill, mastery; profession, craft, business, art. Dialectal variant: Senagat.

SUNGATULLA ~ SUNAGATULLA - Art, skill of Allah. Dialectal variants: Sinai, Sunai.

SUNIKAI - Smart girl, smart girl. Formed by adding the diminutive affix -kai to the old Tatar word sun ~ suna, meaning “mind”. This name is found in Bulgaro-Tatar genealogies.

SUNMAS - The one who will live long; unquenchable, eternal.

SUNNI - 1. Custom, practice. 2. Sunni (follower of the Sunni branch of the Muslim religion). Preserved by the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Sunniev.

SUNCHALI - see Suyunuchgali. Preserved in the surname of the famous Tatar poet Sagit Sunchali (Sagit Khamidullovich Sunchaliev, 1889 - 1941) and in the name of the village of Sunchali, Zelenodolsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan.

SURAGAN - Begged. This name was given to a child (boy) born after performing ritual actions and prayers addressed to the Almighty. Preserved in the Suraganov surname.

SURAN - A child begged from God. Preserved in the Suranov surname. Anthropolexema.

SURANBAI - A child begged from God.

SURANCHIK ~ SURACHIK - A name formed by adding the diminutive affix -chik to the word Suran (see) or sura (ask). It was given to a child (boy) born after performing ritual actions and prayers addressed to the Almighty. Preserved in the Suranchikov surname.

SURAPKUL - God's servant, begged from Allah.

SURUR - Joy, consolation. Anthropolexema.

SURURETDIN - Joy, joy of religion. Dialectal variant: Suruk.

SUSAR - Beaver (name of the animal).

SUSLAN - A heap made up of several sheaves. This name was given to wish the child wealth and abundance. Preserved in the surname Suslanov.

SUSLANBEK - Suslan (see) + bek (lord). Preserved in the Suslanbekov surname. This surname is also found among Balkars.

SUFI - Not committing unseemly acts; Sufi (hermit, ascetic), pious, devout. Anthropolexema.

SUFIAHMET - Sufi (see) + Akhmet (see).

SUFIYAN - A pious person who shuns everything unseemly and sinful.

SUFIYAR - Sufi (see) + yar (close / beloved / person; friend, comrade).

SUFYAN - Wind; gust, breath of wind.

SUHAIL - Star Canopus.

SUKHBAT - 1. Communication, connection, friendship. 2. Friends, interlocutors (plural). Anthropolexema.

SUKHBATULLA - Communicating with Allah; friends, interlocutors of Allah.

SUYUK - Beloved child. Anthropolexema.

SUYUKAI - A name formed by adding the diminutive affix -kai to the word shyuyu (love, love). Preserved in the surnames Suyukaev, Sukaev, Sekaev.

SUYUKBAI - Favorite bai. Meaning "beloved boy". Compare: Baysuyuk.

SUYUKJAN - Beloved person (child).

SUYULIM - My beloved. Dialectal option: Sulim.

SUYULISH - Beloved (child). Dialectal variant: Sulish.

SUYUM - Beloved. Anthropolexema.

SUYUMBAI - Favorite bai (child). Preserved in the surnames Suyumbaev, Simbaev.

SUYUMBIK ~ SUYUMBEK - Beloved Bek (Mr.).

SUYUMMUKHAMMET - Beloved Muhammet. Dialectal variants: Suyumbet, Sumbet.

SUYUN - Joy, joy. Anthropolexema.

SUYUNGUL ​​- God's servant (child), bringing joy.

SUYUNDUK - Very great general joy.

SUYUNUCH - Joy, good news. Anthropolexema.

SUYUNUCHALI - Suyunuch (joy, good news) + Gali (see). Dialectal variants: Sunchaliai, Sunchali.

SUYUNUCHKAI - A name formed by adding the diminutive affix -kai to the word suyunuch (joy, good news).

SUYNUCHLEBAI - Joyful bai. Preserved among the Siberian Tatars in the surname Suyunuchlebaev.

SUYUNUCHTIMERR - Suyunuch (joy, good news) + timer (iron). It was given to commemorate a joyful event - the birth of a boy, and with the wish that he become strong as iron.

SUYUNCHAK - Baby, baby, bringing joy.

SUYUPBAI - Loving bai (boy).

SUYUCH - Love; Darling. Preserved in the surname Suyuchev.

SUYUSH - A child who is loved; manifestation of love.

SYGUNAK - A name formed by adding the anthroponymic affix -ak to the ancient Turkic word sogun ("deer"). Preserved by the Mishar Tatars (Meshcheryaks) in the surnames Sygunakov, Sagunakov, Sygynakov, Saganakov.

SYLU - Handsome, slender, stately. Anthropolexema.

SILUBAI - Sylu (handsome) + bai (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Compare: Baysylu (female name).

SYLUDZHAN - Sylu (beautiful) + jan (soul, person). Compare: Dzhansylu (female name).

SYLUKAY - Formed by adding the diminutive affix -kai to the name Sylu (see). The Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) have the surnames Sylukaev, Sulukaev.

SYLUKHAN - Handsome khan. The surname Sylukhanov is derived from this name.

SYRTLAN - Hyena. A symbol of agility and beauty. Preserved in the Syrtlanov surname. Dialectal variants: Syrtak, Syrtai. Anthropolexema.

SYRTLANBEK - Syrtlan (see) + bek (lord). Strong, efficient bek (master).

SYUTISH - Foster brother, blood brother. Preserved by the Mishar Tatars (Meshcheryaks) in the surnames Sutyushev, Sutushev.

Tatar names. The meaning of Tatar names

Women's Tatar names. Tatar names for girls

SABAGUL - Morning, dawn flower; a flower blooming at dawn. Synonym: Tangul.

SABAH - Morning, dawn time.

SABIGA - 1. Seventh. A ritual name given to the seventh daughter in the family. 2. Beauty.

SABIDA - Creator, creator. Phonetic version: Savida.

SABILYA - Path, road; big road.

SABIRA - Patient, enduring. Synonyms: Sabiha, Sabria.

SABIHA - 1. Patient, enduring. Synonyms: Sabira, Sabria. 2. Blooming.

SABRIYA - Patient, enduring. Synonyms: Sabira, Sabiha.

SABYRBIKA - Patient, hardy girl, woman.

SAVILYA - Selected direction; big way.

SAVIA - Direct; directness, directness; truth, truth.

SAGADAT - Happiness, prosperity; bliss. Anthropolexema.

SAGADATBANU - Happy girl (woman). Synonyms: Kutlybanu, Urazbanu.

SAGADATBIKA - Happy girl. Synonyms: Kutlybika, Urazbika.

SAGADATNUR - Radiant happiness. Synonym: Bakhtinur.

SAGDA - Happy.

SAGDANA - Star of happiness.

SAGDANUR - Happy ray, radiance of happiness.

SAGDIYA - Happy; bringing happiness.

SAGDUNA - Our happiness.

SAGIDA - Happy, enjoying life. Anthropolexema.

SAGIDABANU - Happy girl (woman).

SAGIDABIKA - Happy girl, woman.

SAGIRA - Younger (daughter).

SAGIA - Diligent, dedicated to work.

SADA - Simple, sincere. Anthropolexema.

SADAGUL - Simple, sincere, pure flower (about a girl).

SADADIL - Straightforward; with a sincere, pure soul.

SAJIDA - Prostrate during prayer; adoring; honoring someone.

SADIKA - 1. Faithful, devoted, sincere, sincere. 2. A reliable friend.

SADIRA - Beginner, emerging.

SADISA - Sixth. A ritual name given to the sixth girl in the family.

SADIA - Thirsty.

SADRIA - 1. Relating to the heart, to the soul; a piece of the heart, soul. 2. Woman leader, woman boss.

SAZA - Suitable, suitable, acceptable, appropriate.

SAIBA - 1. Correct, faithful, true. 2. Successful, successful, convenient; rewarded by God. 3. Generous.

SAIMA - Keeping the fast (Muslim fast).

SAIRA - 1. Walking, wayfarer, traveler. 2. Another, different.

SAYDA, SAIDA - 1. Noble, noble woman; madam. 2. Happy, lucky. Anthropolexema.

SAYDABANU - Sayda (see) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

SAYDABIKA - Saida (see) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).

SAYDAGUL - pollock (see) + gul (flower). Compare: Gulsaida.

SAIDANUR - Sayda (see) + nur (ray, radiance).

SIDELDJAMAL - Noble, noble, beautiful.

SAYDELJIKHAN - Guiding the whole world.

SAIDIDJAMAL - Noble, noble, beautiful.

SAILYANA - Small multi-colored artificial pearls.

SAIFYA - 1. Armed with a sword, blade. 2. Dacha; summer house.

SAKINA - Calm; patient.

SALAHIYAH - Beneficent, virtuous.

SALIKA - 1. Walking, following someone; continuing. 2. Sensing beauty, having good intuition.

SALIMA - Healthy, in good health. Anthropolexema.

SALIMABANU - A healthy and prosperous girl (woman).

SALIMABIKA - A healthy and prosperous girl, woman.

SALISA - Third. A ritual name given to the third daughter in the family.

SALIHA - 1. Doing good, doing good deeds, beneficent. 2. With a pure, immaculate soul. 3. Generous.

SALIA - Giver of comfort (girl).

SALVI - 1. Joy, tranquility. 2. Sage flower.

SAMANIA - Eighth. A ritual name given to the eighth daughter in the family.

SAMARA - Fruit, success, luck; result, achievement.

SAMARIA - Fruitful, productive; lucky, successful.

SAMIGA - 1. Hearing, listening. 2. Compliant, obedient.

SAMIMA - Real, sincere, pure.

SAMINA - Dear, valuable; beloved, respected.

SAMIRA - Interlocutor.

SAMIA - Highly revered, great.

SANA - Bright light, shine.

SANAM - My beloved, my idol.

SANDUGACH - Nightingale. Among the Turkic peoples: a symbol of melodies, tender feelings and love. Synonyms: There was, Gandalf. Anthropolexema.

SANDUGACHBIKA - Sandugach (nightingale) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).

SANDUGACHSYLU - Sandugach (nightingale) + sylu (beauty).

SANIGA - Created, created by a dream.

SANIGUL - Second flower (second daughter in the family).

SANIYA - Second. A ritual name given to the second daughter in the family. Anthropolexema.

SANIYABANU - Second girl (woman).

SANIYABIKA - Second girl (woman).

SANYASYLU - The second beauty. The second daughter (beautiful) in the family.

SARAH - 1. Lady, mistress, noble woman, “white bone”. 2. Mother of the family. 3. In Persian, the word sara means “the best, the most beautiful.” Anthropolexema.

SARBI ~ SARVI - Cypress, acacia; in a figurative meaning: stately, slender. Varieties: Sarbia, Sarvia. Anthropolexema.

SARBIBANU - Sarbi (see) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

SARBIGUL - Sarbi (see) + gul (flower).

SARBIJAMAL - Sarbi (see) + Jamal (see). Slender, stately, beautiful.

SARBIJIKHAN - Sarbi (see) + jihan (world, universe). The most stately beauty in the world.

SARBIKAMAL - Sarbi (see) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws). Stately and perfect in every way.

SARBINAZ - Sarbi (see) + naz (bliss, affection). Stately, slender and graceful.

SARBINISA - Sarbi (see) + Nisa (see). Slender, stately, beautiful woman.

SARVAR - Woman leader; revered, authoritative.

SARVARYA - Sarvar (see) + -iya (affix used to form female names).

SARVAT - Wealth, storehouse; abundance.

SARDARIA - Military leader, female commander.

SARIMA - 1. Efficient, agile, nimble. 2. Solid, strong.

SARIRA - Mind, spirit.

SARIYA - 1. Spring. 2. Something very valuable; noble personality.

SARIYABANU - Saria (see) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

SARMADIA - Eternal, immortal.

SARRA - Joy, consolation, happiness.

SARRAFIA - Tax collector; exchanging money. Phonetic version: Sarafia.

SATIGA - Very light; incomparable beauty. Compare: Guzel.

SATIRE - Merciful, forgiving.

SATURA - One-line poem.

SAUBANA - Teacher, nurse.

SAUDA - see Saudia. Anthropolexema.

SAUDABANU - A girl (woman) experiencing unquenchable passion.

SAUDAJIHAN - The most passionate in the world. Dialectal variants: Saudajian, Saujan, Saudi.

SAUDIA - Unquenchable passion, great love, infatuation. Variety: Sauda.

SAURA - Revolution.

SAUSANA - Lily flower.

SAFA - Purity, purity; pleasure, bliss, carelessness, carelessness. Anthropolexema.

SAFAGUL - Safa (see) + gul (flower). Flower of purity, purity, pure flower.

SAFANUR - Radiant, pure, immaculate.

SAFARGUL - Safar (journey, path) + gul (flower). Compare: Gulsafar, Gulsafara.

SAFARIA - 1. Traveler, wayfarer. 2. The name of the second month of the Muslim lunar year.

SAFDILYA - With a pure soul, sincere, simple.

SAFIDA - Light; open, welcoming.

SAFINA - Large boat, ship.

SAFIRA - 1. An angel who cleanses the souls of people. 2. Woman ambassador, plenipotentiary representative; messenger. 3. Born in the month of Safar of the Muslim lunar year.

SAFIYA - 1. Pure, without impurities, real. 2. Pure, sincere (girl). 3. Chosen One.

SAFNAZ - Pure, real bliss, affection.

SAFURA - Star; shimmering. Synonyms: Yulduz, Sitara, Esfira, Stella, Najmiya. Anthropolexema.

SAFURABIKA - Safura (see) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).

SUGARBANAUT - Daughters of the dawn; girls born at dawn (plural).

SAKHARBANU - A girl born at dawn (before dawn).

SUGARBIK - A girl born at dawn (before dawn).

SAHARIYA - Daughter of the dawn; a girl born at dawn.

SUGARNAZ - Pre-dawn bliss.

SAKHBIYA - Good comrade.

SAHIBA - A friend who can be trusted with secrets, a companion, a good comrade.

SAHILYA - 1. Sea coast. 2. Pleasure, pleasure. 3. Generous, with a broad soul. 4. Lightweight, comfortable, handy.

SAKHINA - Hot, red-hot.

SAKHINISA - Sakhi (see male name Sakhi) + Nisa (see). A generous woman with a broad soul.

SAKHIPJAMAL - Sakhip (see male name Sakhip) + Jamal (see).

SAKHIPKAMAL - Sahip (see male name Sahip) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws).

SAHIRA - Awake, vigilant, not sleeping.

SAKHIYA - Generous, with a wide soul.

SAHLIA - Light, handy.

SAKHURA - Not sleeping, awake (plural). Varieties: Saura, Shaura.

SAYARA - Companion; satellite, planet.

SVETLANA - Light, illuminating, radiant.

SIDKIBANU - Sidki (see male name Sidki) + banu (girl, young woman, lady). An honest, fair girl (woman).

SIDKIJAMAL - Sidki (see male name Sidki) + Jamal (see). Honest, sincere, fair beauty.

SIDKIKAMAL - Sidki (see male name Sidki) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws). Perfect, sincere, fair, honest.

SIDKIA - Correct, honest, fair, sincere, sincere.

SILVA - Forest beauty, daughter of the forest.

SIMA - 1. Face, appearance; image. 2. Sign, mark, brand.

Sina - Chest. Anthropolexema.

SYRASIA - Lamp, candle, torch.

SIREN - In ancient Greek mythology: a creature with female head and a bird's body, living on rocky sea islands.

LILAC ~ SIRINA - Lilac, lilac flowers; allspice.

SITARA - Star. Synonyms: Safura, Yulduz, Esfira, Stella, Najmiya.

SITDIKA - Correct, true, real; direct, fair.

SIYARBIKA - Siyar (will love) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).

STELLA - Star. Synonyms: Yulduz, Safura, Sitara, Esfira, Najmiya.

SABBUKHA - 1. Exaltation, glorification, praise. 2. Dawns (plural); in a figurative meaning: accustomed to getting up early. Dialectal variant: Sobbukha.

SUGDA - Very happy.

SUGUDA - Rise, ascent.

SUZGUN - 1. Slender, tall. 2. Pheasant. Synonym: Suna.

SUZGUNBIKA - Suzgun (see) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). Slender, tall girl.

SULMAS - Unfading (beauty).

SULMASGUL - Unfading flower (beauty).

SULTANA - Queen, mistress, mistress, ruler.

SULTANATE - Supremacy, greatness.

SULTANBIKA - Sultan (mistress, mistress) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). Lady, mistress.

SULTANGUL - Sultan (mistress, mistress) + gul (flower). A regal, majestic, beautiful flower. Compare: Gulsultan.

SULTANIA - 1. Daughter of the Sultan. 2. Queen, queen. 3. Majestic, regal, beautiful.

SULMA - Very beautiful.

SULYUKBIKA - Slender, stately, graceful girl.

SUNMAS - Will not fade away; in a figurative meaning: will live long, will not die.

SURIA - The Arabic name for the Northern Hemisphere star Sirius.

SURUR - Joy. Anthropolexema.

SURURBANAT - Surur (joy) + Banat (see).

SURURVAFA - Surur (joy) + Vafa (see).

SURURJIKHAN - Surur (joy) + jihan (peace, universe). The joy of the world, the universe.

ANTIMONY - Antimony (dye used in cosmetics). A sign of beauty.

SUSANNA - 1. Lily, White Lily. 2. Tulip.

SUSYLU - Water beauty.

SUFIYA - Not committing unseemly acts; holy, pious.

SUYUMBIKA ~ SUYUNBIKA - Beloved lady; Girlfriend.

SUYUNGEL - Always rejoice, be joyful.

SUYUNUCH - Joy, joyful event, joy.

SUYUNUCHJAMAL - Suyunuch (joy) + Jamal (see).

SYLU - Beautiful; slender, stately. Anthropolexema.

SILUBANU - Beautiful girl (woman).

SYLUBIBI - Beautiful girl (woman). Compare: Bibisylu.

SYLUBIKA - Beautiful girl, woman. Compare: Bikasylu.

SYLUGUL - Beautiful flower. Compare: Gulsylu.

SILUJAN - Beautiful soul. Compare: Dzhansylu.

SILUJIKHAN - Beauty of the world, world beauty. Compare: Jihansylu.

SYLUKAY - Beauty (affectionate form of the name Sylu).

SYLUNAZ - Tender beauty; beautiful bliss, caress. Compare: Nazlysylu, Nazsylu.

SYLUNISA - A beauty among girls and women.

SYLUTAN - Beautiful sunrise. Compare: Tansylu.

SYLUKHANA - Beautiful noble girl.

SYLUYUZ - Beautiful face.

SUMAYRA - Dark-skinned.

SYUMAYA - She stepped, took a step (meaning “they called her a name”).

SYMBEL - 1. Month of August. 2. Hyacinth (flower). Variety: Syumbelya.

SYMBEL - see Syumbel.

SYUNA - Pheasant. Synonym: Suzgyn.

ABELKHAYAT- Living water; elixir.
ABRUI- Complexion, whiteness of the face; authority, prestige, reputation.
ABYZBIKA- Abyz (cm.)+ bika (lady, mistress; mistress).
AGDALIYA- The most fair, honest, loyal.
AGJIBA- Miracle of miracles.
AGZAMA Synonym: Agzamia.
AGZAMIA- The greatest, having the highest rank. Synonym: Agzama.
AGZIA- Food, dishes (plural).
AGILYA- Smart, capable.
AGLI- Very dear, good, kind; very beautiful; noble. Variety: Aglia.
AGLIDJAMAL- Possessing beauty.
AGLIDZHIKHAN- Serving the whole world; belonging to the world, the universe.
AGLICAMAL- Firestarter.
AGLINUR- The one from which rays emanate, radiance.
AGLIA- 1. Domestic, belonging to the house; belonging to the homeland, people, nation. 2. Possessor, possessor, mistress.
AGNIYA- Rich people (plural).
AGSARIYA- Centuries, centuries (plural).
ADVIA- Healing remedies (plural).
ADGAMIYA- 1. Dark. 2. Dense garden, thicket.
ADGIA- Entreaties, requests, prayers (plural).
ADELINA- Honest, decent, conscientious.
Ajme- Very beautiful. Anthropolexeme.
ADJMEBIKA- Very beautiful girl.
ADJMEGUL- A very beautiful flower (beauty).
AJMENUR- Very beautiful ray (beauty).
ADIBA- 1. Well-mannered, calling for morality. 2. Woman writer, writer.
ADILYA- Fair, faithful, honest.
AZADA- Generous, beneficent.
AZALEA- 1. Azalea (flower). 2. Eternal, endless.
AZIMA - cm. Gazima.
AZIRA- In a state of readiness.
ASIA- Asia (continent). In the ancient Assyrian language, asu means “sunrise, east.”
AZKIA- Capable, gifted (plural).
AZMINA- Times, eras (plural).
AZKHARIYA- 1. Moon-faced; very beautiful. 2. Strewn with flowers.
AIDA- 1. In ancient Greek mythology, Hades is the kingdom of ghosts, shadows and the dead. 2. The origin of this name is possible from the Arabic word faida (benefit). A new name, which became widespread under the influence of the opera of the same name by the great Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi.
AYBANAT- Ai (moon) + Banat (cm.). Girl Like the Moon; beautiful as the moon. Synonym: Mahibanat.
AYBAN- Ai (moon) A girl, a woman, like the moon. Synonyms: Kamarban, Mahiban, Shahriban.
ibibi- Ai (moon) + Bibi (cm.). A woman like the moon.
AIBIKA- 1. Ai (moon) A girl born on a moonlit night; girl like the moon. 2. According to legend: daughter of the Moon, Venus. This name is also found among the Mari. Synonyms: Aiban, Kamarban, Kamarbika, Mahiban, Mahibika.
AIBIKACH- Ay (moon) + bikach (young wife, young lady). A girl like the moon. This name appears on one of the Bulgaro-Tatar tombstones of 1539.
AIBULYAK- Gift of the moon; radiant, bright gift (about a girl).
QUINCE- A new name derived from the name of the sweet southern fruit quince.
AIGIZYA- Rise to the moon, travel on the moon.
AYGULEM- My moon flower. Affectionate form of the name Aigul.
AYGUL- Ai (moon) + gul (flower). Like the moon and the flower; Lunar flower. Compare: Gulbadar. Synonyms: Kamargul, Mahigul.
AYGYNA- Only the moon; equal to the moon.
AIDARIA- A name formed by joining the male name Aidar (cm.) the affix -iya, which serves to form female names.
AYDARSYLU- Aidar ( see male name Aidar) + sylu (beauty).
AYJAMAL- Beautiful, like the moon. Synonym: Mahijamal.
AYDINBIKA- Girl, washed moonlight; a girl shining like the moon.
AYZADA- A girl like the moon.
AIZANIA- Again, again, again, again.
AYZIL- Pure, immaculate, like the moon.
AYZRYAK- Ay (moon) + ziryak (capable, gifted). A girl who delights everyone with her talent.
AIZIFA- Ai (moon) + zifa (slender, stately). Stately, beautiful, like the moon.
AYZUKHRA- 1. Ai (moon) + 3uhra (cm.). 2. According to legend, the daughter of the Moon is Zuhra.
AYKASH- Ay (moon) + kash (eyebrow). With arched eyebrows like the new moon; moon-browed.
AILULYA- September; child (girl) born in September.
AILY- Lunar, having a moon; in a figurative sense: radiant and beautiful like the moon. Yakut variety: Aity.
AILYBIKA- Ay (moon) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). Moon Girl; the girl is radiant and beautiful, like the moon.
AINA- Mirror; in a figurative sense: bright, pure, immaculate.
AINAZ- Ay (moon) + naz (sweetness, affection). Beautiful, pretty, tender and radiant as the moon; slender and graceful; light-faced bliss, caress.
AINAZA- Tender and graceful, like the moon.
AINISA- A woman like the moon. Synonyms: Kamarnisa, Mahinisa, Badernisa.
AINURA- Moonbeam.
AINURIA- Ai (moon) + Nuria (cm.).
AISABACH- Ay (moon) + Sabah (cm.). Moonlit morning, moonrise.
AYSARA- Ai (moon) + Sarah (cm.). A woman like the moon, a noble woman. Synonym: Mahisara.
AYSARA- More convenient, more convenient.
AYSIMA- Moon-faced; with features of the moon.
AISINA- Ai (moon) + sina (chest). With breasts like the moon; in a figurative sense: good-natured.
AYSIYAR- The one who will love the moon, moonlight, beauty.
AYSULTAN- Ai (moon) + sultan. Synonym: Mahisultan.
AISUNA- Similar to the moon, equal to the moon.
AISURAT- With the appearance of the moon; with features of the moon.
AYSYLU- Beautiful as the moon; lunar beauty. Synonyms: Kamarsylu, Mahisylu.
AYSYN- You are like the moon, you are equal to the moon.
AYCHECHEK- Ai (moon) + chechek (flower); the flower is as beautiful as the moon.
AICHIBYAR- Beautiful, like the moon.
AICHIRA- Moon-faced.
AISHAT- Ay (moon) + shat (joyful); in a figurative sense: the moon that brings joy; moon shining with joy.
AISHUKHRAT- Fame, glory, shining like the moon.
AYULDUZ- Ay (moon) + yulduz (star). Like the moon and stars.
Ak- White. In the Tatar language, the word ak has the meaning: “pure, immaculate; bright, radiant; beautiful; very dear; fair, faithful, honest, reliable; holy; good wishes; happiness, joy" etc. Anthropolexeme.
AKBARIA- The greatest, biggest, most significant.
AKBIBI- Ak (cm.)+ Bibi (cm.). Pure, immaculate, noble woman.
AKBIKA- Ak (cm.)+ bika (girl; lady, mistress). An immaculate, beautiful girl (lady).
AKBULYAK- Ak (cm.)+ bulyak (gift). A clean, expensive gift.
AKDASA- The most holy one.
ACCOUNT - White bird, swan.
AKKYZ- White girl. Meaning "beautiful girl, beauty."
AKLIMA- Consciousness, mind, mind, intellect. The name of the daughter of the prophet Adam.
AKRAMA- The most generous, very respectful of other people; very noble, noble; very beautiful.
AKRAMBANU- A very noble, noble girl (woman).
AKRAMBIKA- A very noble, noble, beautiful girl, the most generous girl.
AKRAMNISA- The most generous, very noble, beautiful woman.
AXARIA- The most abundant, filled, numerous.
AKSYL- Whitish; with a whitish face.
AKSYLU- Ak (cm.)+ sylu (beauty). A beauty with a pure, immaculate soul.
ACTULUUM- White braid; with white hair braided.
AKPHALIA- Locks, constipations (plural). A ritual name given with the desire to keep death away from the child by locking it away.
AKCHEKEK - White flower(symbol of purity, beauty, honesty).
AKYULDUZ- Ak (cm.)+ yulduz (star). White Star. Meaning "radiant, beautiful, immaculate girl."
Al- Scarlet, pink; scarlet, pink color. Anthropolexeme.
ALBIKA- 1. Rosy-cheeked girl, lady. 2. The first girl in the family.
ALGUL- Red flower; in a figurative sense: beautiful, like a scarlet flower.
ALICE- 1. From a noble, noble family. 2. Beautiful, graceful.
ALIFA- 1. Accustomed to hands, tamed; friend, comrade. 2. The first letter of the Arabic alphabet; in a figurative sense: the first child in the family.
ALIA - cm. Galia.
ALKYN- Fast, playful, nimble, impetuous; businesslike.
ALMA- Apple; in a figurative sense: sweet and beautiful like an apple. Anthropolexeme.
ALMABANU- Alma (apple) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).
ALMABIKA- Alma (apple) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). This name is also found among the Mari.
ALMAGUL- Alma (apple) + gul (flower). Pink and beautiful flower like an apple.
DIAMOND- 1. Diamond (cm.)+ 3rd (cm.). 2. Diamond (cm.)
ALSINA- Al (pink) + sina (chest). With pink breasts.
ALSU- Pink color); pink water; rosy-cheeked; in a figurative sense: beautiful.
ALSUGUL- Alsou (cm.)+ ghoul (flower). Pink flower.
ALSYLU- Red-cheeked beauty, beautiful.
ALTAN- Al (scarlet) + tan (dawn, dawn). In a figurative sense: rosy-cheeked, beautiful, like the light of dawn.
ALTYN- Gold (precious metal). Anthropolexeme.
ALTYNBIKA- Altyn (gold) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). The girl is as precious as gold.
ALTYNGUL- Golden flower; a flower as dear as gold (about a girl).
ALTYNNUR- Golden ray; the ray is as expensive as gold.
ALTYNSULU- Golden beauty; a beauty as dear as gold.
ALTYNCHECH- Golden hair; with golden hair, goldilocks. In historical legends: the name of the daughter of the Bulgar Khan. The name Altynchech is widespread among the Mari (Gordeev). Synonym: Zarban.
ALCHECHEK- Red flower.
ALCHIRA- Pink-faced, rosy-cheeked (beautiful).
ALBINA- White; white-faced
ALGIYA- Changing, changing; changing color.
ALSAMIA- The most necessary one.
ALMIRA- A name derived from the name of the Spanish port city of Almeria (toponym).
ALSINA- Languages ​​(plural).
ALPHA- 1. The first letter of the Greek alphabet. 2. Starting a business or enterprise. Variety: Alfina.
ALPHAGIMA- Recognized, famous Fagima (cm.). Dialect options: Alfaima, Alfama.
ALPHIZA- Famous, valuable silver. Dialectal option: Alphys.
ALFINA- 1. She who will live for a thousand years. 2. cm. Alpha.
ALPHINAZ- The one who receives a thousand negations and caresses.
ALFINUR- 1. Ray, the radiance of friendship (Kusimova). 2. She from which a thousand rays emanate; in a figurative sense: very beautiful.
ALFIRA- Advantage, superiority. Dialect options: Alfara, Alfriya.
ALFIRUZ- Famous, famous and happy.
ALPHIA- 1. She who will live for a thousand years. 2. A poem consisting of a thousand lines. 3. The very first one.
ALFRUZA- Famous and radiant.
ALUSA- The Tatar version of the Russian name Alisa, which is an affectionate form of the ancient German name Adelaide, meaning “noble family.”
AMIL- Hard worker, worker.
AMINE- 1. Reliable, honest, faithful. 2. With a calm disposition. 3. Located in a calm, safe place. The name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad.
AMIRAH- Commanding, commanding; princess.
ANARA- Pomegranate tree, fruit of the pomegranate tree.
ANWAR- Very light, radiant. Varieties: Anvaria, Anwara. Anthropolexeme.
ANWARA - cm. Anwar.
ANVARBIKA- A very bright, radiant girl.
ANVARGUL- A very light, radiant (beautiful) flower.
ANVARYA - cm. Anwar.
ANGAMA- 1. Food, dishes. 2. Pleasure, pleasure, bliss.
ANGIZA- Causing excitement, troublemaker.
ANDAZA- Degree, measure, measurement.
ANDARIA- Very rare, noble, noble, valuable.
ANDASA- Friend, comrade.
ANJAMIA- Last, final; result, result. A ritual name given to the youngest daughter.
ANJUDA- I help, I provide assistance.
ANDUSA- 1. Pitying, showing pity. 2. Collecting in one place, gatherer.
ANZIMA- Putting in order, putting things in order.
ANZIFA- I am clean.
ANZIA- I am bright, radiant.
ANIRA- I illuminate, illuminate.
ANISA- Close girlfriend. Among the Arabs: a form of respectful address to a girl.
ANNURA- Beam, radiance, light.
ANSARIYA- Helpers, adherents, supporters (plural).
ANSAFA- Fair, pure, immaculate; conscientious, honest.
ANUSA - cm. Hanuza.
ANFASA- Very beautiful, graceful.
ANFISA- Blooming.
APIPA - cm. Gafifa.
APPAC- Whitest, snow-white; in a figurative sense: with the purest soul, immaculate.
ARZU- Desire, desire. Anthropolexeme.
ARZUBIKA- Arzu (cm.)+ bika (girl; lady, mistress). Desired, long-awaited girl (daughter).
ARZUGUL- Arzu (cm.)+ ghoul (flower). A long-awaited flower begged from God (girl).
ARSLANBIKA- Arslan (lion) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). Lioness. Synonyms: Laisa, Haydaria, Asadia.
ARTYKBIKA- Extra (unnecessary) girl. A ritual name given to a girl born into a family with many daughters.
ARUBICA- A pure, immaculate, healthy girl.
ASADIA- 1. Lioness. 2. The name of the seventh month of the Muslim lunar year. Synonyms: Arslanbika, Laisa, Haydaria.
ASAL- Honey; in a figurative sense: sweet (girl). Anthropolexeme.
ASALBIKA- Honey (sweet) girl, woman.
ASALGUL- Honey (sweet) flower (beauty).
ASALIA- Honey, honey.
ASGADIA- The happiest. Dialectal option: Askhadia.
ASGATJAMAL- The happiest beauty.
ASGATKAMAL- The happiest and most perfect.
ASILYA- Noble, noble, valuable.
ASIMA- Protector.
ASIFA- Hurricane, whirlwind, sandstorm.
ASIA- 1. Calming, giving consolation. 2. The one who heals, the female doctor.
ASLAMIYA- The healthiest, the most correct.
ASLIYA- Main, valuable, true, real.
ASMA- Very tall, sublime, great. Anthropolexeme.
ASMABANU- A girl (woman) significantly superior to others.
ASMABIKA- A girl who is significantly superior to others.
ASMAGUL- A flower (of beauty) superior to others. Compare: Gulyasma.
ASMANUR- Excellent beam, magnificent radiance. Compare: Nuriasma.
ASNA- Very bright beam.
ASRARIYA- Hidden secrets (plural).
ASFIRA- 1. Yellow (color). 2. Caring about someone, worrying about someone.
ASFIYA- A sincere, sincere friend.
ASHAPBANU- Closest friend (about a girl, woman).
ASHAPBIKA- My closest friend (about a girl).
ASHAPJAMAL- My closest and most beautiful friend.
ASHAPKAMAL- My closest and best friend.
ASCHIA- Generous (plural).
ASYL- Valuable, dear; noble, noble, the best; beautiful. Anthropolexeme.
ASYLBIKA- Dear (beautiful) girl, woman.
ASYLGUL- Valuable (beautiful) flower.
ASYLTAN- Beautiful (majestic) dawn.
ASYLTASH- Precious stone (pearl, emerald).
ASYLYAR- Dear (sweet, cordial) friend, comrade, close person.
AUJA- The most famous, valuable, noble.
AUZAKHA- Completely open, clear.
AULADIA- Children, offspring (plural).
AUSAF- Quality, sign.
AUSAFKAM- Possessing excellent qualities; very good, the best.
AFAC- Whitest, snow-white; immaculate.
AFZALIA- The most worthy, dear. Dialectal option: Apzalia.
AFKARI- Opinions, thoughts (plural).
AFRUZ- Illuminating, illuminating.
AFRUZA- Illuminating, illuminating.
AFTAB- Sun; the girl is as beautiful as the sun. Compare: Kuyash, Kun, Shamsia, Khurshid ~ Khurshida.
AHAK- Agate, precious stone.
AHMADYAH- Praiseworthy, famous, famous.
AHSANA- The most beautiful.
AKHTARIA- 1. Star. 2. Prediction of fate by the stars, astrology.
ACHILGUL- A flower that opens will grow stronger. It was given to a girl born with poor health.
ASHIRA - cm. Ashura.
ASHRAF- The most respected, revered; noble, noble, valuable. Anthropolexeme.
ASHRAFBANU- The most respected, noble girl (woman).
ASHRAFBIKA- The most respected, noble girl.
ASHRAFJAMAL- The most respected, noble beauty.
ASHRAFJIHAN- The most respected, noble in the world.
ASHRAFKAMAL - Highest degree perfection.
ASHRAFNISA- The most respected, noble woman.
BAGDAGUL- A flower emitting light; shining flower.
BAGDANUR- Beam that spreads light; shining ray
BAGIDA- One who is destined to live a long time.
BAGIRA- 1. Open, light, radiant. 2. Beautiful, dear.
BADAR- Full moon. Synonyms: Qamar, Mahi.
BADGIA- An incomparable beauty.
BADERNISA- Girl (woman) like full moon; full moon (light) among women. Synonyms: Ainisa, Kamarnisa, Mahinisa.
BADERHAYAT- Bader (full moon) + Hayat (life). Full-blooded life; full moon of life.
BADIGA- Amazingly beautiful, the most beautiful.
BADIGILJAMAL- Incomparable beauty; a girl of extremely rare beauty.
BADIRA- The beginning, the first step. Given to the first girl in the family.
BADIHA- 1. An eloquent girl (woman). 2. Resourceful, cheerful, sensitive; with good intuition.
BADRIJAMAL- Beautiful full moon; beautiful as the full moon.
BADRIKAMAL- Perfect and self-sufficient, like the full moon.
BADRINUR- Badri ( see male name Badri) + nur (ray, radiance). Radiant full moon. Synonyms: Kamarnur, Mahinur, Ainur.
BADRIYA- 1. Full moon; related to the moon. 2. Morning, morning time; accustomed to getting up early. Anthropolexeme.
ANIMAL- Chinese star anise, star anise (fragrant ornamental tree).
BAYNA- Proof, fact; confirmation.
BAYRAMBIKA- A girl, a woman who brings holiday and joy.
BAYRAMGUL- Festive flower; a flower that brings holiday and joy.
BAYSIYAR- The one who will experience great love, loving.
BAYSILU- A rich, wealthy beauty.
BAKIRA- Young; pure, immaculate (girl).
BAKIA- Eternal; living forever.
BALBIKA- Honey girl; the girl is sweet as honey. Synonym: Asalbika.
BALJAN- Bal (honey) + jan (soul). In a figurative sense: soul sweet as honey.
BALIGA- Able to speak beautifully and express her thoughts fully and competently.
BALKIS- On behalf of the legendary queen.
BALKIA- Shining, radiant.
BALKYSH- Shining, radiant. Synonyms: Halya, Lamiga, Balkiya.
BALLYBIKA- Honey girl. The girl is sweet as honey. Compare: Tatlybik.
BALLYSYLU Synonym: Tatlysylu.
BALSILU- Honey beauty. A beauty as sweet as honey. Compare: Tatlysylu.
BANANA- Finger; in a figurative sense: very small, tiny.
BANAT- Girls, girls (plural); virginity. Anthropolexeme.
BANU- Girl, young woman, lady, mistress. Anthropolexeme.
BANUBIKA- Banu (cm.)+ bika (girl; lady, mistress).
BARAKAT- Latitude, abundance, wealth, abundance, prosperity.
BARIKA- Ray; radiant.
BARIRA- Obedient, smart.
BARIUM- 1. Creating, creating; loving. see male name Bari. 2. Desert, steppe. 3. Living soul, man.
BARRA- Well-mannered, highly moral; with a pleasant character.
BARCHINSILU- Barchin (silk; silk) + sylu (beauty).
BASIMA- Pretty, friendly.
BASIRA- Vigilant; seeing with the heart, gifted.
BATIA- Gemstone; in a figurative sense: very expensive.
BAKHAR- Spring; springtime.
BAKHARSILU- Bahar (cm.)+ sylu (beauty). A beauty to match spring.
BAKHIZYA- Cheerful; charming, beautiful. Dialectal option: Baija.
BAHIA- Beautiful, sweet, good.
BAHRAMIA- Bahram (cm.)+ -iya (affix used to form female names).
BAHRIA- Shine, shine.
BAHRNISA- Shining, shining among women.
BAKHTIGUL- Happy flower.
BAKHTIDJAMAL- Happy beauty.
BASHARAT- Good news.
BASHIR- Bringing good news, pleasing.
BAYAZA- Whiteness, white color; pure, immaculate.
ACCORDION- 1. Explanation, description. 2. Friendly, good-natured. Anthropolexeme.
BAYANGUL- Bayan ( see male name Bayan) + gul (flower). Happy flower. Compare: Gulbayan.
BAYANSILU- Bayan ( see male name Bayan) + sylu (beauty). Happy beauty.
BELLA- 1. Beautiful. 2. Diminutive form of the name Isabella.
BIBECAY- Girly. Variety: Bibkay (cm.).
BIBI- 1. Girl. 2. Girl, lady; mistress. Anthropolexeme.
BIBIASMA- Bibi (cm.)+ Asma (cm.).
BIBIBANAT- Bibi (cm.)+ Banat (cm.).
BIBIBANA- Bibi (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady).
BIBIBIKA- Bibi (cm.)+ bika (girl; lady, mistress).
BIBIGAZIZA- Bibi (cm.)+ Gaziza (cm.).
BIBIGAISHA- Bibi (cm.)+ Gaisha (cm.).
BIBIGAKIFA- Bibi (cm.)+ Gakifa (cm.).
BIBIGALIMA- Bibi (cm.)+ Galima (cm.).
BIBIGAMBAR- Bibi (cm.)+ Gambar (cm.).
BIBIGARIFA- Bibi (cm.)+ Garifa (cm.).
BIBIGAUKHAR- Bibi (cm.)+ Gauhar (cm.).
BIBIGAFIFA- Bibi (cm.)+ Gafifa (cm.).
BIBIGAYAN- Bibi (cm.)+ Gayan (cm.). Dialectal option: Bibgayan.
BIBIGUL- Bibi (cm.)+ ghoul (flower). Compare: Gulbibi. Dialectal option: Bibgul.
BIBIGULBANU- Bibi (cm.)+ Gulban (cm.).
BIBIGULDJAMAL- Bibi (cm.)+ Guljamal (cm.).
BIBIDANA- Only daughter.
BIBIJAMAL- Bibi (cm.)+ Jamal (cm.). Dialectal option: Bibjamal.
BIBIJAMILIA- Bibi (cm.)+ Jamilya (cm.).
BIBIJANNAT- Bibi (cm.)+ Jannat (cm.). Dialectal option: Bibjannat.
BIBIJIKHAN- Bibi (cm.)+ jihan (world, universe). Dialect options: Bibidzhan, Bibdzhan.
BIBIZAGIDE- Bibi (cm.)+ Zagida (cm.).
BIBIZAINAP- Bibi (cm.)+ Zainap (cm.).
BIBIZAINIA- Bibi (cm.)+ 3ainia (cm.).
BIBIZAYTUNA- Bibi (cm.)+ Zaytuna (cm.).
BIBIZIFA- Bibi (cm.)+ 3ifa (cm.).
BIBIZUBAYDA- Bibi (cm.)+ Zubaida (cm.).
BIBIZUBARJAT- Bibi (cm.)+ 3ubarjat (cm.).
BIBIZULEIKHA- Bibi (cm.)+ Zuleikha (cm.).
BIBIZUKHRA- Bibi (cm.)+ 3ukhra (cm.).
BIBIKAMAL- Bibi (cm.) Dialectal option: Bibkamal.
BIBIKAMAR- Bibi (cm.)+ Kamar (moon). Dialectal option: Bibkamar.
BIBIKAMILA- Bibi (cm.)+ Kamilya (cm.).
BIBIKARIMA- Bibi (cm.)+ Karima (cm.).
BIBICAPHY- Bibi (cm.)+ Kafia (cm.).
BIBILATIFA- Bibi (cm.)+ Latifa (cm.).
BIBIMARFUGA- Bibi (cm.)+ Marfuga (cm.).
BIBIMAFTUCHA- Bibi (cm.)+ Maftukha (cm.).
BIBIMAKHBUZA- Bibi (cm.)+ Mahbuza (cm.).
BIBIMAHIRA- Bibi (cm.)+ Magira (cm.).
BIBIMAHRUI- Bibi (cm.)+ Mahruy (cm.).
BIBINAJIA- Bibi (cm.)+ Najia (cm.).
BIBINAZ- Bibi (cm.)+ naz (bliss, affection).
BIBINASE- Bibi (cm.)+ Naza (cm.).
BIBINAKIA- Bibi (cm.)+ Nakia ( see male name Nucky).
BIBINAFISA- Bibi (cm.)+ Nafisa (cm.).
BIBINISA- Bibi (cm.)+ Nisa (cm.).
BIBINUR- Bibi (cm.)+ nur (ray, radiance). Compare: Nurbibi. Dialect options: Bibnur, Binur.
BIBIRASIFA- Bibi (cm.)+ Razifa (cm.).
BIBIRAIKHAN- Bibi (cm.)+ Raihan.
BIBIRAKIA- Bibi (cm.)+ Rakia (cm.).
BIBIRAUZA- Bibi (cm.)+ Rauza (cm.). Dialectal option: Bibrauz.
BIBIRAKHILYA- Bibi (cm.)+ Rachel (cm.).
BIBIRAKHIMA- Bibi (cm.)+ Rahima (cm.).
BIBIRASHIDA- Bibi (cm.)+ Rashida (cm.).
BOOK- A prominent, beautiful, well-bred girl, woman.
BIBISAGADAT- Bibi (cm.)+ Sagadat (cm.).
BIBISAGIDA- Bibi (cm.)+ Sagida (cm.).
BIBISIDE- Bibi (cm.)+ Saida (cm.). Dialectal option: Bibside.
BIBISALIMA- Bibi (cm.)+ Salima (cm.).
BIBISAMIGA- Bibi (cm.)+ Samiga (cm.).
BIBISARA- Bibi (cm.)+ Sarah (cm.). Dialect options: Bibsara, Bibisa.
BIBISATIGA- Bibi (cm.)+ Satiga (cm.).
BIBISULTAN- Bibi (cm.)+ Sultan. Compare: Sultanbibi.
BIBISYLU- Bibi (cm.)+ sylu (beauty). Compare: Sylubibi. Dialectal option: Bibsylu.
Bibitutiya- Bibi (cm.)+ Tutia (cm.).
BIBIFAIZA- Bibi (cm.)+ Faiza (cm.).
BIBIFAYRUZA- Bibi (cm.)+ Fairuza (cm.).
BIBIFARIDA- Bibi (cm.)+ Farida (cm.).
BIBIFARIDABANU- Bibi (cm.)+ Farida (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady).
BIBIFARGHANA- Bibi (cm.)+ Farhana (cm.).
BIBIFATIMA- Bibi (cm.)+ Fatima (cm.).
BIBIHAJIRA- Bibi (cm.)+ Hajira (cm.).
BIBIHADICHA- Bibi (cm.)+ Khadicha (cm.).
BIBIHAKIMA- Bibi (cm.)+ Hakima (cm.).
BIBIHALIDE- Bibi (cm.)+ Khalida (cm.).
BIBIHALIMA- Bibi (cm.)+ Halima (cm.).
BIBICHAMIDE- Bibi (cm.)+ Hamida (cm.).
BIBIKHAN- A name formed by adding the word khan to the Persian word bibi (girl, lady, woman). Dialectal option: Bibhan.
BIBIHANBIKA- Bibi (cm.)+ Hanbika (cm.).
BIBIHATIMA- Bibi (cm.)+ Hatima (cm.).
BIBIHAYAT- Bibi (cm.)+ Hayat (cm.). Dialectal option: Bibhayat.
BIBIHUPJAMAL- Bibi (cm.)+ Hupjamal (cm.).
BIBIKHURSHIDA- Bibi (cm.)+ Khurshida (cm.).
BIBISHAGIDA- Bibi (cm.)+ Shagida (cm.).
BIBISHARAF- Bibi (cm.)+ Sharaf (cm.).
BIBISHARIFAH- Bibi (cm.)+ Sharifa (cm.).
BIBISHARIFJAMAL- Bibi (cm.)+ Sharifjamal (cm.).
BIBISHAFIA- Bibi (cm.)+ Shafia (cm.).
BIBKAY ~ BIBEKEY- Formed by adding a diminutive affix to the word bibi (girl, lady, woman) -kai. Name of Tatar folk song. Occasionally used as a male name.
BIBKAYNUR- Bibkay (cm.)+ nur (ray, radiance).
BIZYAK- Pattern, ornament; embroidery. Synonym: Zayna.
BIKA- The title bik ~ bek (master), used in relation to a woman. The wife of the owner, bek (lord), mistress; woman, girl, girl from a noble family; lady, madam. Anthropolexeme.
BIKABANU- Bika (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady).
BIKASYLU- Bika (cm.)+ sylu (beauty). Compare: Sylubik.
BIKNAZ- Abundance of bliss and affection; very gentle, affectionate, graceful.
BIKSYLU- Very beautiful.
BIKCHIBYAR- Very beautiful.
BINAZIR- Unparalleled, incomparable.
BINTEZENAP- A healthy girl with a large figure.
BINTEHAYAT- Daughter of life.
BULYAK- Present. A ritual name given to a child (boy or girl) whose father or mother died shortly after his birth. Gift from father or mother. Synonyms: Gatia, Nafilya, Hadiya.
BULYAKBIKA- Bulyak (cm.)+ bika (girl; lady, mistress). A girl left as a gift from her father and mother.
BULYAKNUR- Bulyak (cm.)+ nur (ray, radiance). A radiant gift. The girl is a radiant gift from her father and mother.
BUSTAN- Garden, flower garden.
WAS- 1. Nightingale. 2. In a figurative sense: symbol of beauty, talent. Synonyms: Sandugach, Gandalif.
BYLBYLNISA- There was (cm.)+ Nisa (cm.). A girl (woman) like a nightingale

VAGDAGUL- Flower of Promise; a flower that keeps its promises (about a girl). Compare: Gulvagda.
VAGIZA- Mentor; teaching ethics, morality, ethics.
VAGIYA- Attentive.
WAJIBA- Suitable, the one you liked.
WAJIDA- Owner, hostess; creative woman.
WADIGA- 1. Piece, share. 2. Entrusted thing, thing given for storage.
WADUDA- Loving.
VAZIGA- Adjusting, correcting, tuning.
VAZINA- Patient; serious; modest.
VAZIRA- A woman vizier, a woman minister.
WAZIFA- Assigned duty; work, function; fulfillment of duty.
VAZIHA- Clear, open, definite.
VAZHIA- With a beautiful, sweet face.
VAKILYA- Representative; a woman who has the authority to decide any issue.
WAKIFA- 1. Knowledgeable, knowledgeable, competent. 2. Understanding, knowledgeable, getting to the essence of things. 3. Watching, observing.
WAKIA- Guardian.
VALIDA- Nascent; girl; offspring, descendant.
VALIZYA- A sincere, very close friend.
ROLLER- Derived from the male name Valikai (cm.).
VALIMA- Guest; wedding, celebration.
VALIYA- 1. Owner, mistress, madam; protector. 2. Dear, close relative. 3. Saint. 4. Close friend.
VAMIGA- Loving.
VARAKIA- Green leaf.
VARIGA- Protecting herself from everything bad, pious, believing.
VARIDA- Rose (flower).
VARISA- Heiress; successor.
VASIGA- With a broad soul.
VASIKA- Believing, trusting.
VASILYA- 1. Means, method, way, method. 2. The desire to get closer for any reason.
VASIMA-Very beautiful, charming, pretty.
VASIFA- A young girl.
VASIYA- Teacher of orphans.
VASFIBANU- Wasfi (praising) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).
VASFIDJAMAL- Wasfi (praising) + Jamal (cm.).
VASFIDZHIKHAN- Wasfi (praising) + jihan (peace, universe).
VASFICAMAL- Possessing excellent qualities, perfection itself.
VASFICAMILIA - cm. Vasfikamal.
WASFIA- Praising; characterizing; clarifying.
WAFIDA- Came, appeared; messenger.
WAFIRA- 1. Rich, plentiful. 2. With a broad soul.
WAFIYA- 1. Keeping a promise; honest; self-possessed, tactful. 2. Abundance.
WAHIBA- Giver of a gift, bestower.
VAHIDA- The only one; first (about a girl).
VAKHIPJAMAL- Giving beauty.
VENUS- 1. In ancient Roman mythology: Venus is the goddess of spring, beauty and love. 2. Morning star, planet Venus. Synonyms: Zukhra, Chulpan.
VICIA- Protect, guard, store.
VILADA- Birth, birth.
VILIYA- Wil (cm.)+ -iya (affix used to form female names).
VILUZA- A new name formed by shortening the expression “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin-Ulyanov’s covenants.”
VILDANA- Female form of the name Vildan ( see male name Wildan).
VILURA- A new name formed by shortening the expression “Vladimir Ilyich loves the workers.”
VIOLET- Violet (flower). Synonyms: Milyausha, Violet.
WOOJUDA- 1. Life; existence. 2. Spirit, soul. 3. Torso, body. Variety: Wajuda.
CONCERN- Conscientious, honest.
GABBASIA- Gabbas (strict, stern, gloomy) + -iya (affix used to form female names).
GABIDA- Performing worship.
FORTUNE- Paradise, Eden. Synonym: Jannat.
GADELIA- Gadel (fair) + -iya (affix used to form female names).
GADELBANAT- Gadel (fair) + Banat (girls, girls).
GADELBANU- Gadel (fair) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).
GADELBIKA- Gadel (fair) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).
GADELNIS- Gadel (fair) + Nisa (cm.).
GADELNUR- Gadel (fair) + nur (ray, radiance).
GADELSILU- Gadel (fair) + sylu (beauty).
HAJIBA- Amazing, amazing, amazing.
GADILYA- Fair, honest, truthful, faithful. Dialect options: Adilya, Azilya.
GADLIYA- Law, justice; fair judge (woman).
GHAZALIA- 1. Gazelle, steppe goat. 2. Poetic form in the lyrical poetry of the peoples of the East, reflecting love, love passion, feelings. 3. In a figurative sense: beautiful, charming, stately.
GAZZA- Beloved, dear.
GAZIDA- Possessing in a strong voice.
GAZIZA- 1. Very dear, dear; respected, famous, renowned. 2. Strong, powerful. 3. Rare, valuable, very rare. 4. Saint. Anthropolexeme.
GAZIZABAN- Gaziza (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady).
GAZIZABIKA- Gaziza (cm.)+ bika (girl; lady, mistress).
GAZIZANISA- Gaziza (cm.)+ Nisa (cm.).
GAZIZASYLU- Gaziza (cm.)+ sylu (beauty).
GAZIZJAMAL- Gaziz (cm.)+ Jamal (cm.).
GAZIKAMAL- Gaziz (cm.)+ Kamal (perfect, without flaws).
GAZIL- Efficient, agile; hasty.
GAZIMA- 1. Great, most expensive. 2. Respected, authoritative. 3. Heroine, brave, courageous. 4. Walking, in motion, heading. 5. Able to foresee in advance, perspicacious. Dialectal option: Azima.
GHAZIA- Dancer.
HAINAWAL- Presenting a gift. Dialectal option: Naval.
Gaine, Gainel- 1. Eye. 2. Spring, source. 3. It’s her, she’s the one. 4. The best, chosen one. Anthropolexeme.
GAYNEJIKHAN- 1. The most valuable, noble in the world. 2. The beauty of beauties.
GAINESITH- The very slimness, stateliness.
GAINEKAMAL- Firestarter.
GAYNELBANAT- The best, noblest of girls.
GINENISA- The best, noblest of girls and women.
GAINENUR- Source of rays, light.
GAINESURUR- Gaine (cm.)+ Surur (cm.).
GAYNESYLU- Beauty itself, nobility.
GAINEKHAYAT- Life source.
GAYNIJAMAL- Beauty itself, nobility itself. Dialectal option: Gainiyamal.
GAINISAFA- Source of purity.
GAINIA- A name derived from the Arabic word ayniyat, meaning “triumph”.
GAYNIYAR- The best, dear, noble friend.
GAISHA- Alive, living; tenacious. Dialect options: Gaishi, Gaishuk, Aisha, Aishuk. Anthropolexeme.
GAISHABANU- Gaisha (alive, living; tenacious) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).
GAISHABIBI- Gaisha (living, living; tenacious) + Bibi (cm.).
GAISHABIKA- Gaisha (alive, living; tenacious) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).
GAKIL- Smart, smart.
GAKIFA- Leading a sedentary life.
HAKRAMA- Dove, dove. Among the Arabs, the dove is considered a sacred bird.
GALIBA- The winner is the one who received superiority.
GALIBANYA- The one who lives, constantly winning, surpassing others.
GALIMA- Educated, knowledgeable, scientist. Dialectal option: Alima.
GALIYA- Great, exalted, occupying a high position; Expensive. Dialectal option: Aliya.
GALIYABANU- Galia (great, high-ranking, dear) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).
GALLAMIA- Highly educated, all-knowing, scientist.
GAMBAR- 1. Muskrat. 2. Perfume, cologne. Variety: Ganbar. Synonym: Jufar.
GAMBARIA- Gambar (cm.)+ -iya (affix used to form female names).
GAMILYA- Working, laboring; hard worker, hard worker.
GAMIRA- Good, harmonious, secure; kind, beautiful, amazing.
GANDALIF- Nightingale. Synonyms: There was, Sandugach.
GANDALIFA - cm. Gandalf.
HANZYA- Flower bud. Dialectal option: Gunzya. Synonym: Shukufa.
GARIFA- 1. Knowledgeable, competent. 2. Gift. Dialectal option: Arifa. Anthropolexeme.
GARIFABANU- Garifa (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady).
GARIFABIKA- Garifa (cm.)+ bika (girl; lady, mistress).
GARSHELBANAT- Girls-angels (plural).
GARCIA- Height, grandeur; ascended to heaven.
GASIL- Doing good.
GASIMA- Protecting oneself from everything bad; sinless.
GASIFA- Strong wind; Windy day; in a figurative sense: a swift, efficient, businesslike girl (woman).
GASRIA- Servant of the century; keeping pace with the century, equal to the century, era.
GATIFA- 1. Cute, sweet; in love with someone. 2. Connecting, connecting someone, supporter of friendship.
GATIFABANU- Gatifa (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady).
GATIFAT- 1. Feeling, experience. 2. Pleasant, pretty.
GATIA- Present; donated, bestowed.
GAUKHAR- Gemstone, pearl, coral. Varieties: Gaukhara, Gaukhariya. Anthropolexeme.
GAUHARA - cm. Gauhar.
GAUHARBANU- Gauhar (pearl; pearly) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).
GAUHARBAR- Scattering pearls, scattering pearls.
GAUHARZAT- Beautiful, like pearls.
GAUKHARIYA- Gauhar (pearl; pearl) + -iya (affix used to form female names).
GAUHARTASH- Pearl, precious stone.
GAUHARSHAT- Gauhar (pearl; pearly) + shat (joyful).
GAFIL- Didn’t recognize, didn’t feel.
GAFIRA- Forgiving.
GAFIFA- Immaculate, honest, well-mannered, modest; respected; beneficent. Variety: Apipa, Gaffa, Gaffa. Anthropolexeme.
GAFIFABANU- Gafifa (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady).
GAFIFABIKA- Gafifa (cm.)+ bika (girl; lady, mistress).
GAFIYA- 1. Forgiving. 2. Healthy and prosperous (girl).
GAFURA- Forgiving, merciful.
GAFFA - cm. Gafifa.
HASHIKA- Loving, in love.
GASHIRA- Tenth (about a girl - a child in the family). Dialectal option: Ashira.
GASHIYA- Evening, evening time.
GASHKIA- Loving, in love. Variety: Gashkiya.
GASHURA- Tenth holiday of the month of Muharram ( see male name Muharram).
GAYASIA- Always ready to help.
GAYAN- 1. Recognized, famous. 2. Absolutely clear, obvious.
GAYANBANU- Gayan (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady).
GIZZATBANU- Gizzat (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady).
GIZZATJAMAL- Gizzat (cm.)+ Jamal (cm.).
GIZZATELBANAT- Dear, authoritative girl.
GIZZEL- 1. Supremacy, greatness. 2. Honor, glory, praise. Anthropolexeme.
GIZZELBANAT- Respected, praiseworthy, fame-winning girl.
GIZZELBANU- Dear, praiseworthy girl, woman, madam.
GIZZELWAFA- Gizzel (cm.)+ Wafa (cm.). Famous for her loyalty and honesty.
GIZZELJAMAL- A praiseworthy beauty who has won fame. Dialect options: Gizzedjamal, Gizzedjamal.
GIZZELKAMAL- Gizzel (cm.)+ Kamal (perfect, without flaws). Famous for its perfection and absence of flaws. Dialect options: Gizzekamal, Gizkamal.
GIZZELNISA- A praiseworthy girl (woman) who has won fame. Dialect options: Gizzenis, Gizdenis.
GIZZELHAYAT- Worthy of praise, won fame. Variety: Ghizzehayat.
GILEMBANU- Educated, learned girl (woman). Variety: Gilmeban.
GILMIASMA- The science of names.
GILMIBANAT- An educated, learned girl.
GILMIBANU - cm. Gilembanu.
GILMIBAYAN- Explanatory, presenting scientific information.
GILMIBIKA- An educated girl (woman).
GILMIVAFA- The science of loyalty and honesty.
GILMIGAYAN- Absolutely clear science.
GILMIJAMAL- Science of beauty; aesthetics.
GILMIJIKHAN- The science of the world, the universe.
GILMIZADA- Educated child (girl).
GILMIKAMAL- Perfect science.
GILMINAZ- The science of bliss, affection.
GILMINAFIS- The science of elegance.
GILMINAHAR- Science is as bright as the sun at its zenith.
GILMINISA- An educated, learned woman.
GILMINUR- Ray of science, knowledge, teaching.
GILM- The one who has the radiance of science on her face.
GILMISAFA- The science of purity.
GILMISURUR- The science of joy.
GILMISEUL- The science of beauty.
GILMIKHAYAT- Life Science.
GINAYA- Guardian, assistant.
GIFFAT- Purity, sinlessness, purity. Anthropolexeme.
GIFFATBANU- Giffat (purity; immaculate) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).
GIFFATJAMAL- Ghiffat (purity; immaculate) + Jamal (cm.).
GUBAIDA- Little slave, subordinate.
GUZELIA- Guzel (cm.)+ -iya (affix used to form female names).
GUZEL- Very beautiful, unwritten beauty, dazzling. Anthropolexeme.
GUZELBANU- Guzel (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady).
GUZELBIKA- Guzel (cm.)+ bika (girl; lady, mistress).
GUZELGUL- Guzel (cm.)+ ghoul (flower). Compare: Gulguzel.
GUZELDZHAN- Guzel (cm.)+ jan (soul, person).
GUZELLEK- Beauty, grace, charm, beauty.
GUZELNUR- Beautiful beam; amazingly beautiful.
GULI- Pink color.
GULIM- My flower. Affectionate form.
GULIMBIKA- Gulim (my flower) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).
GULIMZADA- Gulim (my flower) + 3ada (cm.).
GULIMZIA- Gulim (my flower) + 3iya (cm.).
GULIMNUR- My radiant flower.
GULINA- Gul (flower) + aina (mirror). Variety: Gulyaina.
GULIRA ~ GULIRADA- Flower of desire, will.
GULIRAM- Affectionate form of the name Gulir (cm.).
GULISA- Fragrant, like a flower.
GULLI- Floral, consisting of flowers.
Gul- 1. Flower; flowering plant. 2. A symbol of beauty, elegance, purity. Anthropolexeme.
GULBAGAR- The one who will grow flowers.
GULBAGDA- The Last Flower (the youngest girl in the family).
GULBAGIDA- A flower with a long life.
GULBADAN- With a body slender and stately, like a flower. Synonyms: Gulzifa, Gulyamza, Gulyandam.
GULBADAR- Gul (flower) + Badar (cm.). A beauty like a flower and the full moon.
GULBADIGA- Gul (flower) + Badiga (cm.).
GULBADRIA- Gul (flower) + Badria ( see male name Badri).
GULBADIAN- Chinese star anise flower.
GULBANA- Equal to a flower, the same as a flower.
GULBANAT- A girl like a flower.
GULBANU- Gul (flower) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).
GULBARIYA- Gul (flower) + Baria (cm.). Dialectal option: Gulbar.
GULBAKHAR- Spring Flower.
GULBAKHIYA- Gul (flower) + Bahia (cm.).
GULBASHIRA- Gul (flower) + Bashira (cm.). A flower that brings joy.
GULBAYAZ- White flower; plant with white flowers.
GULBAYAN- Gul (flower) + Bayan (cm.). Compare: Bayangul.
GULBIBI- Girl, woman, lady, like a flower. Compare: Bibigul.
GULBIZYAK- Gul (flower) + bizyak (pattern). Gulbizyak - style of Bulgarian architecture. Synonym: Gulzavar.
GULBIZYAR- Gul (flower) + bizar (decorate). The one that will decorate itself like a flower.
GULBIKA- Gul (flower) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).
GULBINAZ- Tender as a flower; delicate, graceful flower.
GULBULYAK- Gul (flower) + bulyak (gift).
GULBUSTAN- Flower garden.
GULVAGDA- Gul (flower) + wagda (promise). Compare: Vagdagul.
GULGAISHA- Gul (flower) + Gaisha (cm.).
GULGANJA- Flower bud.
GULGARIFA- Gul (flower) + Garifa (cm.).
GULGAUKHAR- Gul (flower) + Gauhar (pearl, coral).
GULGIZAR- With cheeks like flowers.
GULGINA- Consisting of only flowers, only a flower.
GULGINAM- Affectionate form of the name Gulgin.
GULGUZEL- Gul (flower) + gusel (beauty). Compare: Guzelgul.
GULDAVLET- Gul (flower) + davlet (wealth). Wealth consisting of flowers.
GULDAY- Like a flower, like a flower.
GULDANA- Gul (flower) + Dana (cm.). Educated, smart, knowledgeable and beautiful like a flower.
GULDANIYA- Gul (flower) + Denmark (cm.).
GULDAR- Showered with flowers; bearer of flowers, owner of flowers.
GULDAKHINA- Added, additional flower.
GUILDENIA- With the breath of a flower, spreading floral aromas.
GULJAMAL- Gul (flower) + Jamal (cm.). Synonyms: Gulchibyar, Guljamilya.
GULJAMIGA- Gul (flower) + Jamiga (cm.).
GULJAMILIA- Gul (flower) + Jamila (cm.). Synonyms: Gulchibyar, Guljamal.
GULDZHAN- Gul (flower) + jan (soul, person).
GULJANI- Gul (cm.)+ jani (beloved, close person).
GULJANNAT- Flower of paradise.
GULJAUKHAR - cm. Gulgauhar.
GULJIMESH- Rosehip flower, rose. Synonym: Gulyap.
GULJIKHAN- Gul (flower) + jihan (world, universe). Flower of peace. Compare: Jihangul. Dialect options: Gulyada, Guldjian, Gulnuk.
GULZABIDA- Gul (flower) + 3abida (cm.).
GULZABIRA- Gul (flower) + Zabira (cm.).
GULZAVAR- Floral pattern. Variety: Gulzabar. Synonym: Gulbizyak.
GULZAGIDA- Gul (flower) + 3agida (cm.).
GULZAGIRA- A blossoming flower.
GULZADA- Gulim (my flower) + 3ada (cm.). Daughter of a flower.
GULZAINAP- Gul (flower) + 3aynap (cm.).
GULZAYTUNA- Oleander flower. Compare: Zaytungul.
GULZAMAN- Flower (beauty) of the era.
GULZAMINA- A flower growing on the ground, on the soil.
GULZAR ~ GULZARIA- Flower garden. Variety: Guldar.
GULZARIFA- Gul (flower) + Zarifa (cm.).
GULZAFAR- A flower that reaches its goal (about a girl).
GULZIDA- Gul (flower) + Zida (cm.).
GULZIRA - cm. Gulzirak.
GULZIRAK- Gul (flower) + Zirak (cm.). Variety: Gulzira.
GULZIFA- Stately, slender, beautiful flower. Compare: Zifagul. This name is also found among the Mari. Synonyms: Gulbadan, Gulyamza.
GULZIA- Shining, radiant flower; educated girl.
GULZUKHRA- Shining, brilliant flower. Compare: Zuhragul.
GULKABIRA- Gul (flower) + Kabira (cm.).
GULKAVIS- Gul (flower) + Kavis (constellation Sagittarius in the Zodiac; corresponds to the month November). Given to a girl born in November.
GULKAI- A name formed by adding the diminutive affix -kai to the word gul (flower).
GULKAMAL- A mature, perfect flower.
GULKIRAM- Gul (flower) + Kiram (cm.).
GUKYUN- Gul (flower) + kyun (day). Meaning "living the life of a flower."
GULLAR ~ GULLARIA- Like flowers, like flowers.
GULLATIFA- Gul (flower) + Latifa (cm.).
GULLIAMIN- Flower of fidelity, faith, trust. Dialectal option: Gullimin.
GULLIKHAN- Flower Khan.
GULMAGDAN ~ GULMAGDANIA- Gul (flower) + Magdan ~ Magdania (cm.).
GULMAGRIF- Flower of knowledge, enlightenment.
GULMADINA- Gul (flower) + Madina (cm.).
GULMARVAN- Gul (flower) + Marwan (cm.).
GULMARJAN- Gul (flower) + Marjan (coral).
GULMARFUGA- Gul (flower) + Marfuga (cm.).
GULMARYAM- Gul (flower) + Maryam (cm.).
GULMAFTUKHA- Gul (flower) + Maftukha (cm.).
GULMAKHIRA- Gul (flower) + Magira (cm.).
GULMAKHIYA- Gul (flower) + Mahia (cm.). Compare: Mahigul.
GULMIVA- Gul (flower) + Miwa (cm.). A flower that bears fruit. Dialectal option: Gulmi.
GULMINKA- Happy as a flower.
GULMUNAVARA- Gul (flower) + Munawara (cm.).
GULNAGIMA- Gul (flower) + Nagima (cm.).
GULNADIA- Gul (flower) + Nadia (cm.).
GULNAZ ~ GULNAZA ~ GULNAZIA- Gul (flower) + naz (bliss, caress). Delicate, graceful, like a flower. Compare: Nazgul, Nazlygul.
GULNAZAR- Gul (flower) + Nazar ( see male name Nazar).
GULNAZIRA- Gul (flower) + Nazira (cm.).
GULNAZIFA- Gul (flower) + Nazifa (cm.).
GULNAR ~ GULNARA ~ GULNARIYA- 1. Pomegranate flower. 2. Adonis (a genus of herbaceous plants with bright yellow and red flowers).
GULNASIKHA- Gul (flower) + Nasiha (cm.).
GULNAFIS ~ GULNAFISA- Gul (flower) + Nafisa ( see male name Nafis).
GULNAKHAR- Flower of the day, day flower.
GULNISA- Gul (flower) + Nisa (cm.).
GULNUR ~ GULNURA ~ GULNURIYA- Radiant, like a flower. Compare: Nurgul.
GULNURI- Radiant flower. Compare: Nurigul.
GULRAIKHAN- Gul (flower) + Raihan (cm.). Compare: Raikhangul.
GULRAFIKA- Gul (flower) + Rafika (cm.).
WALK Synonyms: Gulchira, Gulsima.
GULRUKH- With cheeks resembling a flower (Gafurov); pink-faced.
GULRUSHAN- Gul (flower) + Rushan (cm.).
GULSABIRA- Patient, hardy flower.
GULSAVIYA- Gul (flower) + Savia (cm.).
GULSAGIDA- Gul (flower) + Sagida (cm.).
GULSAGIRA- Gul (flower) + Sagira (cm.).
GULSADIKA- Faithful, devoted flower, flower-friend.
GULSAYDA- Gul (flower) + pollock (cm.). Compare: Saydagul.
GULSALIMA- Gul (flower) + Salima (cm.).
GULSAMIRA- Gul (flower) + Samira (cm.).
GULSANA- Gul (flower) + Sana (cm.).
GULSANIYA- Gul (flower) + Sania (cm.). Compare: Sanigul.
GULSARA- Gul (flower) + Sarah (cm.).
GULSARVAR- Gul (flower) + Sarwar (cm.). Main flower. Meaning "the first girl in the family."
GULSARIYA- Gul (flower) + Saria (cm.).
GULSAFA Compare: Safagul.
GULSAFARA- Gul (flower) + Safara (cm.). A flower born in the month of Safar (the second month of the Muslim lunar year). Compare: Safargul.
GULSAHIBA- Gul (flower) + Sahiba (cm.). Dialectal option: Gulsahip.
GULSAKHRA- Gul (flower) + sahra (steppe). Steppe flower.
GULSIBYA- Gul (flower) + sibya (showers). Showering flowers.
GULSIBYAR- Gul (flower) + siberian (will shower). Showering flowers.
GULSILYA- A gift like a flower.
GULSIMA- With a face like a flower, with a blooming face. Synonyms: Gulyuzem, Gulruy.
GULSINA- With a chest like a flower. Meaning "with a blooming soul."
GULSINUR- With a chest like a radiant flower. Meaning "with a blooming radiant soul."
GULSIRA- Indoor flower.
GULSIREN- Gul (flower) + lilac.
GULSIFAT- With the same features as a flower.
GULSIYA- Gul (flower) + siya (loves); favorite flower.
GULSIYAR- Gul (flower) + siyar (will love).
GULSTAN- Flower garden; flower country. In the meaning "land of happiness, joy, beauty."
GULSU- 1. Like a flower. 2. Flower water, perfume, cologne.
GULSULTAN- Gul (flower) + sultan. Compare: Sultangul.
GULSUM- Full face; with scarlet cheeks. Anthropolexeme.
GULSUMBANU- Gulsum (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady).
GULSUMBIKA- Gulsum (cm.)+ bika (girl; lady, mistress).
GULSURUR- Flower of joy.
GULSYLU- Gul (flower) + sylu (beauty). Beautiful as a flower. Compare: Sylugul.
GULSILUBANU- Gul (flower) + sylu (beauty) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).
GULFAYRUZA- Gul (flower) + Fairuza (cm.). Dialectal option: Gulfairuz.
GULFAK- Pure, immaculate flower.
GULFANIS- A torch, a beacon that looks like a flower.
GULFANIYA- Ghoul (flower) + Fania (cm.).
GULFARA- Flower seller.
GULFARVAZ- Gul (flower) + Farvaz (cm.).
GULFARIDA- A peerless flower, a flower that has no equal.
GULFARIA- Ghoul (flower) + Faria (cm.).
GULFATIMA- Gul (flower) + Fatima (cm.).
GULFAYA- Darling, like a flower. Compare: Fayagul.
GULFAYAZ- Gul (flower) + Fayaz (cm.). Dialectal option: Gulfiyaz.
GULFAYAZA- Gul (flower) + Fayaza (cm.).
Gulfida- A flower that sacrifices itself in the name of a holy cause.
GULFIZA- Gul (flower) + fiza (in Arabic fizza>fiza "silver").
GULFINA- Flower garden.
GULFINAZ- Delicate, graceful, like a flower.
GULFINISA- A flower among girls and women.
GULFINUR- A flower among the rays, a flower shrouded in radiance.
GULFIRA- Excellent flower, superior to others.
GULFIRUZ- Happy flower.
GULFIRUZA- Gul (flower) + Firuza ( cm. Firaza).
GULFIYA- Like a flower, like a flower.
GULFRUZ- Illuminating (radiant) flower.
GULHABIRA- Gul (flower) + Khabira (cm.).
GULHAKIMA- Gul (flower) + Hakima (cm.).
GULHAMIDA- A flower worthy of praise.
GULKHAN- Gul (flower) + khan (khansha, khan’s wife).
GULKHANAY- A name formed by joining the name Gulkhan (cm.) inviting-addressive-imperative affix -ai.
GULHAYA- Living flower.
GULHAYAT- Gul (flower) + Hayat (cm.). Compare: Hayatgul.
GULCHACHKA- Rose flower. Compare: Chachkagul.
GULCHECHEK- Rose, rose flower.
GULCHIBYAR- Gul (flower) + chibyar (beautiful). Synonyms: Guljamal, Guljamila.
GULCHIRA (GULCHEHRA)- With a face like a flower, with a blooming face; with a face as graceful as a flower. Synonym: Gulruy.
GULSHAGIDA- Gul (flower) + Shagida (cm.).
GULSHAGIRABANU- The girl (woman) is as nice as a flower. Dialectal option: Gulshaharbanu.
GULSHAKAR- Gul (flower) + Shakar (cm.).
GULSHAKIRA- Gul (flower) + Shakira ( see male name Shakir).
GULSHAMSIA- 1. Flower of the sun, sunny flower. 2. In a figurative sense: a girl (woman) beautiful like a flower, shining like the sun.
GULSHAN- Flower garden, rose garden.
GULSHARIFA- Gul (flower) + Sharifa (cm.).
GULSHAT- Gul (flower) + shat (joyful). Joyful flower; flower of joy. Compare: Shatgul. Variety: Gulshadiya.
GULSHAYAN- Gul (flower) + shayan (playful). Playful flower. Compare: Shayangul.
GULYUZEM- A face that looks like a flower; beauty, like a flower.
GULYAZ- Spring Flower. Compare: Yazgul.
GULYAR- A close friend, like a flower.
GULYARKHAN- Gulyar (cm.)+ khan.
GULUZA- She herself is like a flower.
GULUZAR- The one who will pick and collect flowers.
GULUSA- Grows like a flower; a flower grows.
GULUSAR- Gul (flower) + usyar (will grow). Compare: Usyargul.
GULYAMZA Synonyms: Gulbadan, Gulzifa.
GULYAMINA- Gul (flower) + Amina (cm.).
GULYANVAR- Radiant flower. Compare: Gulnur.
GULANDAM- Slender and stately, like a flower. Synonym: Gulbadan.
GULAP- Rosehip flower. Synonym: Guljimesh.
GULYARA- Decorated with flowers.
GULYARAM- Affectionate form of the name Gular (cm.).
GULYASMA- Gul (flower) + Asma (cm.). Compare: Asmagul.
GULYAFRUZ- Illuminating, illuminating flower.
GULYAFSHAN- Showering flowers.
GUMERA- Life; one that is destined to live a long time, tenacious. Derived from the male name Gumar (cm.).
GUMERBIKA- A tenacious girl, woman; a woman who is destined to live a long time.
GUZMANIA- Guzman ( see male name Usman) + -iya (affix used to form female names).
DAVLETIBIKA- A girl with wealth and dignity.
DAGIA- 1. Calling, calling. 2. Reading a prayer, giving a prayer blessing.
DAIMA- Constant; in a figurative sense: with a calm disposition.
DAIRA- Round; circle, circle; ring; environment, surroundings.
DELILA- Justification, proof, confirmation.
DALIA- 1. Dahlia (flower). 2. A bunch of grapes.
DAMINA- Supplying, providing, guaranteeing.
DAMIR- 1. Iron; in a figurative sense: strong. 2. A name formed by abbreviating the slogans “Long live the world” or “Give a world revolution.”
DANA- Possesses great knowledge; educated; scientist.
DANIFA- Setting sun.
DENMARK- 1. Close. 2. Famous, renowned, renowned. Synonym: Waist.
DARZIA- Winner.
DARIGA- 1. Pitying, showing pity. 2. The one you feel sorry for; with a special mark. In ancient times, as a rule, it was given to a girl whose mother died immediately after giving birth.
DARIDA- Toothless; in a figurative sense: baby girl.
DARISA- Teacher, female teacher.
DARIA- 1. Sea. 2. Big river.
DARUNA- Heart, soul; a very close person.
DOUBIC- Eldest (first) daughter.
DAUJIYA- Very great, great goodness, purity.
DAURIYA- Daughter of the era, time.
DAKHINA- 1. Blush, powder. 2. Coloring, lubricating.
DAHIYA- Gifted, capable; possessing great intelligence.
DAHLIYA- From the name of the capital of India, Delhi.
YES I- Nanny, teacher.
JAVAGIRA- Precious stones, diamonds (plural).
JAVID- Eternal, immortal.
JAGDA- Curly, with curly hair.
JAGFARIYA- Stream, spring.
JADIDA- New; news.
JADIRA- Pleasant, pretty, worthy of attention.
JAZIBA- Attractive; charming, admirable, self-loving.
JAZIL- 1. Free, living richly, freely. 2. Healthy, strong. Variety: Yazilya.
JAIZA- Suitable, suitable, suitable.
JALIL- Large, significant, great; highly esteemed, deeply respected; illustrious, famous. Anthropolexeme.
JALILYABIKA- Illustrious, famous girl.
JALILASILU- Illustrious, famous beauty.
JAMAL- Facial beauty; beauty, comeliness. Varieties: Jamalia, Jamal.
JAMALIA - cm. Jamal.
JAMALNISA- A beauty among women.
JAMGINUR- A bouquet, a sheaf of rays.
JAMGIYA- Collected (in one place).
JAMIGA- Completely, everything, every single one.
JAMILYA- Beautiful, beautiful. Anthropolexeme.
JAMILABAN- Beautiful girl.
JAMILABIKA- Beautiful girl.
JAMILASILU- Very beautiful, with double beauty.
JANAN- 1. Heart, soul. 2. Beloved girl; bride. Variety: Janana.
JANANA - cm. Janan.
JANBIKA- Girl-soul; a girl like a soul.
JANZUKHRA- Zukhra (cm.) dear as a soul.
JANIBA- Supporter.
JANISAHIBA- Soul companion, heartfelt friend.
JANIA- 1. Soul, spirit. 2. Dear person.
JANNAT- Paradise, paradise. Anthropolexeme.
JANNATBANU- Paradise girl.
JANNATBIKA- Paradise girl.
JANNATHELMAVA- Fruit of paradise.
JANNATSILU- Paradise beauty.
JANSIYAR- The one who will love the soul.
JANSILU- Dear beauty, like a soul. Compare: Sylujan.
JARIA- Concubine, odalisque.
JASIMA- Courageous, brave; heroine.
JAUZA- 1. Gemini (constellation). 2. The month of May.
JAUHAR- Diamond, precious stone. Varieties: Jauhara, Jauhariya.
JAUHARA - cm. Jauhar.
JAUKHARIYA - cm. Jauhar.
JAHID- Diligent, hard-working.
JEYRAN- Goitered gazelle, antelope, mountain goat. Symbol of beauty, charm.
JILVAGAR- Shining, emitting rays.
JIMESH- Fruit.
JINAN - cm. Jinana.
GINANA- Paradise, gardens (plural).
JITEZ- Agile, agile, nimble.
JIHAN- Peace, universe. Anthropolexeme.
JIHANARA- The beauty of the world, the universe.
CIHANAFRUZ- Illuminating, illuminating the world, the universe.
JIHANBANU- Jihan (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady). The girl is as valuable as the world, the universe.
JIHANBIKA- Girl of the world, the universe. The girl is as valuable as the world, the universe.
JIHANGUL- Flower of the world, the universe
JIKHANDIDA- She has seen a lot, seen the world, experienced.
JIHANIA- Jihan (world, universe) + -iya (affix used to form female names).
CIHANNUR- A ray of peace, of the universe.
CIHANSILU- A ray of peace, of the universe. Compare: Sylucihan.
JUAYRA- Proximity, position loved one.
JUDAH- Excellence, excellent qualities.
JUMHURIA- Republic. Phonetic option: Dzumhur.
JUFAR- 1. Muskrat (valuable fur-bearing animal). 2. Aroma. Anthropolexeme.
JUFARBANU- Jufar (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady).
JUFARBIKA- Jufar (cm.)+ bika (girl; lady, mistress).
JUFARSULTAN- Jufar (cm.)+ sultan (mistress).
JUKHDA- Making an effort, trying.
DIANA- In ancient mythology: goddess of the hunt, goddess of the Moon.
DIBA- Silk. Synonym: Efak.
DIBAZYA- Preface. In a figurative sense: the first girl in the family.
DIDA- Eye, eyeball; the light of the eyes.
DILARIA (DILARIA) - cm. Dilyara.
DILIA- Like a soul, like a heart.
Diehl- Soul, heart, mind. Anthropolexeme.
DILBAR- 1. Favorite; attractive, attractive. 2. Very beautiful, charming, pretty; naughty. Variety: Dilbaria. Anthropolexeme.
DILBARBANU- Dilbar (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady).
DILBARIA - cm. Dilbar.
DILDARA- Beloved, captivating the soul. Variety: Dildaria.
DILDARIA - cm. Dildara.
DILJU- Beloved, dear, very close to the soul.
DILKASH- Attractive, inviting.
DILNAVAZ- Charming, graceful; soothing, caressing the soul.
DILNAZ- Bliss of the soul; with a gentle soul.
DILROBA- 1. Conquering the soul. 2. Beauty, amazing beauty.
DILFAR- Illuminating.
DILPHISIS- Silver of the soul. Varieties: Dilfaza, Dilfuza.
DILFRUZ- 1. Pleases the soul, uplifting. 2. Falling in love, evoking love.
DILKHUSH- Good-natured; pretty, charming.
DILSHAT- Cheerful; satisfied, satisfied.
DILUSA- The soul grows; growing the soul.
DILYA- 1. Soul, heart, mind. 2. Shortened form of the names Dilyara, Dilyafruz.
DILYARA- 1. A beauty who pleases the heart. 2. Beloved, beloved. Variety: Dilaria.
DILYARAM- Consolation of my soul; Darling.
DILYAFRUZ- Joyful to the soul; illuminating the soul, lamp of the soul.
DINA- Religious, believer.
DINARA- From the word dinar - “ancient gold coin”. Meaning "precious". Variety: Denaria.
DENARIUS - cm. Dinara.
DULKYN- New name, translated from Tatar means “wave”. Synonym: Mauja.
DULKYNIYA- Dulkyn (wave) + -iya (affix used to form female names).
DUSHAMBEBIKA- A girl born on Monday. Phonetic option: Dushambika.
SOUL- Girl, girl.
DURBANA- Girl (girl, woman) - pearl; like a pearl. Synonym: Engebanu.
DURDANA- Pearl. Synonyms: Marvarit, Margarita.
DYURDZHAMAL- Beautiful, like a pearl. Synonym: Engekamal.
DURKAMAL- Excellent pearls. Synonym: Engekamal. Dialect options: Turkamal, Terkamal.
DURLEJAMAL- Beautiful, like pearls.
DYURLEKAMAL- Excellent, like pearls; excellent pearls. Variety: Durkamal (cm.).
DURLEMARGAN- Pearl (pearl-encrusted) weapon.
DURNISA- Girl (woman) - pearl; like a pearl. Synonym: Engenis.
DURRA- Pearls. Synonym: Anje.
DURRELBANAT- The girl is a pearl, like a pearl.
DURRELBARIA- Pure, without flaws, like pearls.
DURRIA- 1. Pearl. 2. Open; shining.
DYURFANDA- A pearl of science. Dialectal option: Turfand.
ELDAM- Nimble, efficient, agile. Synonyms: Zauda, ​​Ulger, Dzhitez.
EFAC- Silk; noble, noble, valuable as silk. Synonyms: Efak, Diba.
EFAKSYLU- "Silk" beauty; beautiful as silk. Synonym: Efaksylu.
JEANNA- Derived from the male name Jean (cm.). The name of the national heroine of France, Joan of Arc, is a fearless peasant girl who inspired French soldiers to fight during the war between France and England (XVI century), who, with the help of a traitor, was handed over to the hands of enemies and then burned at the stake.
GISELLE- Arrow; in a figurative sense: a beauty that pierces the heart like an arrow.
ZABIBA- Grapes, raisins.
ZABIDA- The chosen noble creature.
PICK UP- Sturdy, strong, powerful.
ZABIHA- An animal being sacrificed.
ZAVAR- Decoration. Anthropolexeme.
ZAVARBANU- Brew (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady).
ZAVILIA- 1. Meridian. 2. Evening time.
ZAWIYA- Room; corner in the house; in a figurative sense: peace in the house.
ZAVKIYA - cm. Zaukia.
ZAGIDA- Holy, pious, devout, ascetic; modest. Anthropolexeme.
ZAGIDABAN- Zagida (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady).
ZAGIDABIKA- Zagida (cm.)+ bika (girl; lady, mistress).
ZAGIRA- 1. Open. 2. Blooming; very beautiful.
ZAGIRABANA- Zagira (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady).
ZAGFRAN- 1. Saffron (herbaceous plant). 2. Yakhont (precious stone). Variety: Zagafuran.
ZAIRA- 1. Came to see; visiting holy places, making pilgrimages. 2. Guest.
ZAYNA- Decoration. Synonym: Bizyak.
ZAINAP- 1. Full build, downed; healthy. 2. Cuckoo. Anthropolexeme.
ZAINAPBANU- A downed, healthy girl.
ZAINAPBIKA- A downed, healthy girl.
ZAINAPSARA- Zaynap (cm.)+ Sarah (cm.).
ZAYNELGAYAN- Zaynel (decoration) + Gayan (cm.). Bright decoration.
ZAINIGUL- Decorated flower.
ZAYNIYA- Decorated, decorating; beautiful.
ZAYSINA- Decorated chest.
ZAYSYLU- A beauty with luxurious jewelry.
ZAYTUNA- Olive Tree; evergreen tree.
ZAYTUNGUL- Oleander; evergreen flower.
ZAKIBA- Bag, pouch, pouch.
ZAKIRA- Taking into account, remembering, remembering, remembering; reading a prayer, giving praise.
ZAKIA- 1. Gifted, capable, tenacious. 2. Pure, immaculate.
ZAKIYABANU- Zakiya (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady).
ZALIKA- Eloquent, witty, girl (woman) - witty.
ZALIFA- 1. Caring girl. 2. Curly.
ZALIA- Blonde girl, blonde; girl with blond hair. Variety: Zallya.
ZALLA - cm. Zalia.
ZAMZAM- 1. Abundant, generous, beautiful. 2. The name of the sacred well at the entrance to the Kaaba mosque in Mecca. Anthropolexeme.
ZAMZAMBANU- Zamzam (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady). Beautiful, like the water in a Zamzam well ( cm. Zamzam).
ZAMZAMBIQUE- Zamzam (cm.)+ bika (girl; lady, mistress). The girl is as beautiful as zamzam water ( cm. Zamzam).
ZAMZAMGUL- The flower is as beautiful as zamzam water ( cm. Zamzam).
ZAMZAMIA- A vessel filled with zamzam water ( cm. Zamzam).
ZAMILYA- Companion, friend, female comrade, female colleague.
ZAMIMA- Application, addition.
ZAMINA- 1. Earth, soil; basis, foundation. 2. Supplying, providing, guaranteeing.
ZAMIRA- 1. Honor, conscience. 2. Mind, thought; mystery.
ZAMFIRA- Sapphire (precious stone). Varieties: Zimfira, Zemfira.
ZANANA- Women (plural).
ZANZABILE- Ginger (plant).
ZANUFA- A useful woman.
ZARA- Particle; seed, grain, kernel.
ZARANGIZ- Narcissus (flower). Synonyms: Narkis, Narkiza.
ZARAFA- Grace.
ZARBANA- Golden girl; golden-haired girl. Synonym: Altynchech.
BACKGROUND- A new name formed by abbreviating the words “For the Revolution of the World.”
ZARIGA- 1. A woman is a tiller, a grain grower. 2. Sprout, shoot, shoot.
ZARIGUL- Golden flower.
ZARIMA- Inflammable, igniting; scalding.
ZARINA- With gold jewelry, patterns. Phonetic option: Zarrina.
ZARIRA- With gold; in golden clothes.
ZARIFA- Beautiful, with good taste.
ZARIA- Formed by adding the affix -iya to the Persian word zar (gold), which serves to form female names. Meaning "golden, possessing gold."
ZARRAGUL- A flowering plant with golden flowers, a golden-like flower.
ZARURA- Necessary, necessary.
ZARYA- Dawn.
ZATIA- 1. Personality. 2. Basis, foundation, property.
ZAUDA- Fast, playful, efficient, agile. Synonyms: Eldam, Ulger, Jitez.
ZAUJA- Bride; young wife; married woman.
ZAUKIA- 1. The ability to feel, recognize. 2. The ability to discriminate; taste, pungency. Variety: Zawkia.
ZAURA- Boat.
ZAHABA- Gold; made of gold.
ZAHARA- Flower. Synonym: Chechek.
ZAKHINA- Shiny, bright.
ZAHIRA- Rarely found expensive item. Synonyms: Nadira, Nadrat.
ZACHIA- Shiny, bright.
ZEMFIRA - cm. Zamfira.
ZIADA- Superiority, superiority.
ZIAFAT- Hospitality, cordiality.
ZIDA- Rise, growth; the one who will grow up (about the girl).
ZILIA- Merciful, kind-hearted.
ZILIA- 1. Merciful, kind-hearted. 2. Pure, immaculate. Anthropolexeme.
ZILAYLA- Night flower, flower of the night.
ZILAYLYUK- Affectionate form of the name Zilya (cm.). The name of an ancient Bulgaro-Tatar folk song.
ZINIRA- Radiant, illuminating with rays.
ZINNAT- Decoration, attire, attire, furnishings; beauty, luxury; expensive, valuable, item.
ZINNATBANU- A girl in luxurious outfits; in a figurative sense: beautiful girl.
ZINNATBIKA- Zinnat (cm.)+ bika (girl; lady, mistress).
ZINNURA- Radiant; ray-decoration.
ZIRYAK- Gifted, smart, intelligent, quick-witted. Anthropolexeme.
ZIRYAKBANU- Gifted, capable girl.
ZIFA- Slender, stately, beautiful. Anthropolexeme.
ZIFABIKA- Slender, stately, beautiful girl.
ZIFAGUL- Slender, stately, beautiful flower.
ZIFANUR- Zifa (slender, stately, beautiful) + nur (ray, radiance); radiant, stately beauty.
ZIFASYLU- Zifa (slender, stately, beautiful) + sylu (beauty). The beauty of beauties.
ZIKHENI- Thinking, understanding.
ZIHENIKAMAL- With a perfect, beautiful mind.
ZIGENIA- Reasonable, intelligent, understanding.
ZIYADA- Reproduction, increase in numbers, growth.
ZIYAKAMAL- Ziya (light, radiance of knowledge) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws). Perfect light, radiance.
ZIYAF- Hospitable, welcoming.
ZUBAYDA- Chosen, most valuable, noble, noble gift.
ZUBAYRA- Strong; smart.
ZUBARJAT- Emerald (green colored gemstone).
ZUBBINISA- The most beautiful among girls (women).
ZUBDA- 1. The best thing. 2. Result, result.
ZULAIFA- Curly. Dialectal option: Zulya.
ZULALA- Pure, immaculate; transparent.
ZULEIKHA- Healthy, well-built, with a beautiful figure.
Suhl- Owner, mistress. Anthropolexeme.
ZULBAHAR- With the features of spring, similar to spring.
ZULJAMAL- Gorgeous.
ZULJAMILA- Gorgeous.
ZULKABIRA- Stately, large build; with a majestic figure.
ZULKAGDA- From the name of the eleventh month of the Muslim lunar year. A ritual name given to girls born in this month.
ZULKAMAL- Firestarter.
ZULQAMAR- Possessing the beauty of the moon.
ZULMA- Dark night, darkness. A ritual name given to girls born dark night.
ZULNAZ- Tender, affectionate, graceful.
ZULNARA- Fiery, fiery.
ZULFA- 1. Curly hair; curly curl. 2. Lover's hair. 3. Daughter of the dawn.
ZULFARA- 1. With a hot temperament. 2. Having a halo. Variety: Zulfaria.
ZULFARIYA - cm. Zulfara.
ZULFAS- Having a fez, wearing a fez. Dialectal option: Zulfaz.
ZULFIJAMAL- A beauty with curly hair.
ZULFIKAMAL- Curly and slim; shot down; perfect in everything.
ZULFINA- Ring, ring.
ZULFINAZ- Curly, tender, graceful.
ZULFINISA- Curly-haired woman (girl).
ZULFINUR- Radiant curly hair, radiant curl; girl with radiant curly hair. Dialect options: Dulfinur, Zulfi, Dulfi.
ZULFIRA- 1. Having an advantage, superiority. 2. Curly.
ZULFIYA- Curly, with ringlets; in a figurative sense: charming, beautiful.
ZULHABIRA- Knowledgeable, knowledgeable; educated.
ZULHAMIDA- Praised, worthy of praise.
ZULKHAYA- Well-mannered, highly moral.
ZULHIJAH- From the name of the twelfth month of the Muslim lunar year (from the word hajj). A ritual name given to girls born in this month.
ZULSHAT- Joyful.
ZUMARA- 1. Society, group. 2. Family. Variety: Zumaria.
ZUMARIA - cm. Zumara.
ZUMARRA- Blue-green emerald; in a figurative sense: beautiful.
ZUMRAD- Emerald (precious stone).
ZUNARA- Mistress of the pomegranate tree.
ZUNNAVAL- The owner of the gift; giving, presenting a gift.
ZUNNUNA- Thoughts, ideas. Dialectal option: Noona.
ZURAFA- Beautiful, graceful.
ZURRIA- Generation; clan, breed, tribe, offspring.
ZUFARIA- Winner.
ZUHA- Early afternoon; the first half of the day.
ZUKHDILGAYAN- Pronounced piety, asceticism.
ZUKHRA- 1. Radiant, shining. 2. Color. 3. Flower. 4. Morning star, Venus. Anthropolexeme.
ZUKHRABAN- Zukhra (cm.)+ banu (girl, young woman, lady).
ZUKHRABIKA- Zukhra (cm.)+ bika (girl; lady, mistress).
ZUKHRAGUL- Variegated violet.
See also:

A person’s name is an important and responsible choice for parents; a lot in the child’s life will depend on it.

Everyone is guided by different criteria when making this choice:

  • Continuous transmission of a name from generation to generation: from father to son, or from grandfather to grandson.
  • Nationality.
  • The beauty of sound.

Choice of loved ones: parents entrust the responsible choice to the eldest in the family, or a close relative, as a tribute of respect. The baby is named after a friend, relative, person who is honored and respected.

Tatar names have become fashionable today among people of different nationalities. They are often called children in Russia. The reason for this is the beauty of their sound and the semantic load they carry.

It's theirs individual feature and national pride: each of them has a deep meaning.

List of modern Tatar female names with a description of the meaning:

Name Meaning
1 Gamira Harmonious, beautiful
2 Aigul Like the moon
3 Leili Night
4 Safa Immaculate
5 Jihaniya Like the universe itself
6 Latifa Beautiful
7 Zalika Possessing the gift of speaking beautifully
8 Faina Shining
9 Fatima The girl who was taken from her mother
10 Shamima Fragrant
11 Yasmina Blooming jasmine
12 Salima healthy
13 Saida noble girl
14 Rumia Born in Byzantium
15 Rania Beautiful flower

Important! The Tatar dictionary contains the most a large number of female names.

It was this nation that gave us common, sonorous female names that carry meaning.

Many Muslim women name their children based not on the beauty of the sound, but on the meaning. They matter various features newborn baby.

If a girl has a mole at birth, she will be considered lucky. To cement the opinion, the baby will be named Minlesifa. It means: happy.

Top rare names

There are old beautiful names that almost no children are given today. Each nation has its own. Time does not stand still; today Western and Muslim names in Russia.

Our state is famous for being multinational. A huge number of nations live here. People try to preserve their roots, customs and traditions. They name their children after their ancestors.

List of rare female Slavic names:

  • Ruslana.
  • Lunara.
  • Bereslava.
  • Aksinya.
  • Svyatoslav.
  • Pelagia.
  • Stepanida.
  • Fevronya.
  • Euphrosyne.
  • Vitalina.

Today they are almost never found. Along with them, there are rare Muslim names that have become a thing of the past.

For some reason they stopped using them. Fashion dictates the rules, people's tastes change.

List of rare Muslim names:

  • Balkia.
  • Gayasia.
  • Zainia.
  • Masguda.
  • Nilufar.
  • Satire.
  • Tahiya.
  • Shafikamal.

Important! Fashion is cyclical. Today, certain ancient names have become popular: they are increasingly found among the younger generation.

It is difficult to explain the reason for the outbreak of their popularity - today they are considered resonant and interesting.

Such as:

  • Yesenia.
  • Vladlena.
  • Alevtina.
  • Yaroslav.
  • Milana.
  • Varvara.
  • Tomila.
  • Sabina.
  • Martha.

They have become popular in the last decade. They are chosen by parents who want to give their daughter a beautiful name and make her different from others.

The choice is made solely for aesthetic reasons: the beauty of sound gives its owner some competitive advantages.

How to choose a name for your daughter?

When a dispute breaks out between parents over what to name the baby, use the old-fashioned method.

Both parents make a list of 7 items. The number can be changed in any direction. Each one is written on a separate small note.

The next stage is verification. Of the proposed 7 points, each person excludes two. Then the lists are exchanged and three items are eliminated from each other’s lists. There are only 4 pieces of paper left.

They are placed in a hat, mixed, and with their eyes closed, one of the spouses takes out the finished result.

Important! The meaning of this method is deeper than it seems. While parents exclude items from their own and others’ lists, they make their own choices.

They see which options the spouse does not like. By the method of exclusion, an attachment is made to the opinion and wishes of another.

Whatever note is pulled out at the end of the experiment, both parents will already have formed a ready-made opinion. Negotiated through negotiations.

Advice for those choosing a name for their daughter:

  • Think Is there someone around you who would like to be entrusted with choosing a name? A future godfather, beloved grandmother or best friend can suggest an option, or take responsibility for the choice.
  • Talk with friends and family, ask them for advice, listen to their opinions, maybe someone will suggest an interesting option.
  • Think what name would you choose for yourself.
  • Not the last The aesthetic component should occupy a place: for girls, the beauty of sound is important.
  • Look meanings, read the information in a reference book or on the Internet, this will help eliminate options with undesirable semantic load.
  • Remember that in addition to the full sound, there is an abbreviated one that will be used more often.

    Polina is memorable and rare, but in abbreviation it sounds completely different: Polya.

  • Find compromise option. Complete rejection of the spouse’s choice threatens quarrels and troubles, and when a new addition is expected to the family, this is inappropriate.

    The birth of a baby should not be overshadowed by conflicts.

  • Name baby in honor of your beloved mother, sister, friend. You will save yourself from painful thoughts and do something nice for a loved one.
  • Help Your favorite movie, actor or performer will help you make your choice. Alice - in honor of the legendary rock band, Jenny - in honor of the famous Jennifer Lopez.

If it is difficult to make a choice on your own, try turning to the Orthodox calendar, which contains names for each day.

It is believed that a child who is named according to the calendar, using the Orthodox calendar, will receive the qualities of a patron saint. He will receive the protection of higher powers.

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Abdullah- Servant of Allah, servant of God. Component of the Tatar and Arabic name.
Agdalia- The most fair.
Abid, (Abide) - worshiper, prayer, believer; slave. Male and female name
Abulkhair- doing good
Adalet- justice, fairness
Adil, (Adile) - fair. Male and female name
Adeline- Honest, decent.
Adip- Well-mannered, writer, scientist.
Azat- Noble, free.
Azalea- From the name of the flower.
Azamat- Knight, hero.
Azhar- Very beautiful.
Aziz and Aziza - respected, revered, dear.
Azim- Great, decisive
Aidar(Aider) - 1.natal hair that has not been cut since birth in male infants. As a result, a large Chub-Kosa grew; among the Zaporozhye Cossacks this was the Oseledets. 2. worthy, from among worthy husbands.
Aydin– light, bright
Ainur- Moonlight. (Ai-luna, Nur - light or ray. Common Tatar name)
Airat- khairat-amazement, (Mongolian) forest people.
Aisha(Aisha) - Living (one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad).
Akim- Knowledgeable, wise.
Akram- Generous.
AK Bars- Snow Leopard.
Alan- Good-natured.
Ali(Alie) - Sublime. name of Prophet Muhammad's cousin
Alim(Alime) - wise, learned, noble.
Alsou- The most beautiful, the most beautiful; Scarlet water.
Amine and Amina - Faithful, honest.
Amir and Amira - Commander, Prince.
Anwar- Radiant, light (one of the surahs of the Koran).
Arsen- Strong, fearless.
Arslan and Ruslan - Lev.
Arthur- Bear.
Asan- Healthy.
Asie- Comforting, healing.
Ahmad and Ahmet - Illustrious.

-= B =-

Basyr- shrewd, insightful, far-sighted
Batal- brave, courageous, hero
Batyr- hero
Bakhtiyar- from Pers. happy
Bekbay- Very rich.
Bekbulat- Iron Bek, sir.
Bulat- Iron, steel.
Belial- Healthy, alive.


Wahid and Vahit - the One, the first.
Venus- Star, planet.
Vetan(Vetaniye) - Motherland.
Vibiy– wandering.
Wildan(from the Arabic words valid, veled, evlyad) ¾ newborn children; slaves


Gabdulla- see Abdullah.
Gadel and Gadile - Direct, fair.
Ghazi- Fighter for faith.
Galim- Knowledgeable, scientist.
Ghani- Rich, state-owned.
Gafar, Gaffar, Gafur, Gafura - Forgiving.
Guzel- from Turk. beautiful, good. Female name.
Gul- Flower, blooming, symbol of beauty.
Gulzar and Gulzifa - Flower Garden. (Old Tatar name)
Gulnaz- Delicate like a flower.
Gulnara- Decorated with flowers, pomegranate.
Gulnur- Light as a flower.
Gulchechek- Rose.
Guzman, Gosman, Usman - Chiropractor.
Garay- Worthy.

-= D =-

Davlet- Happiness, wealth, state.
Damir And Damira- persistent, Russian "Long live the world" or "Give us a world revolution."
Daniyal- A person close to Allah.
Dayan- Supreme Court (religion).
Denise And Denis- Sea.
Jamil, Jamal, Jamila- Beautiful.
Dzhigan- Universe.
Dilyaver- from Pers. brave, courageous, courageous
Dilyara- from Pers. poet. gorgeous; sweet, beautiful, soothing to the heart
Dilbar- Darling, charming.
Dina- Dean-vera.
Dinar And Dinara- from the word dinar - gold coin; apparently here it means precious.


Zaid- Present.
Zainab(Zeynep) - Complete. name of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad,
Zakir And Zakira- Remembering.
Zalika- Eloquent.
Zaman- A man of our time.
For peace- Mind, mystery.
Zamira- Heart, conscience.
Zarif- Affectionate, handsome, kind.
Zafer- achieving the goal; victorious, winner
Zahid- Ascetic, ascetic.
Zahir And Zahira- Assistant, handsome.
Zeki(Zekiye) - pure, without impurities, natural, unadulterated.
Zinnat- Decoration.
Zinnur- Radiant.
Zifa- Slender, stately.
Zia- Light, light.
Sulfate- Curly.
Zulfiya– Beautiful hair with curls.
Zufar- Winner.
Zukhra- Shiny, light, star, flower.
Ziyatdin- Spreader of religion, missionary.

-= AND =-

Ibrahim- Abraham, father of nations.
Idris- Learner, diligent.
Ishmael- see Ismagil
Izzet- greatness, respect.
Ikram- Honor, respect.
Ildar- Ruler.
Ilnar And Ilnara- Nar (Flame) + Il (Homeland).
Ilnur And Ilnura- Nur (Beam) + Il (Homeland).
Ilham(Ilhamiye) - inspiration.
Ilshat- Pleasing the homeland, meaning famous.
Ilyas- The power of Allah.
Ilgam- Inspiration.
Iman- Faith.
Ears- mercy, guardianship, care.
Indira- Goddess of war.
Insaf- Justice, well-mannered.
Irade- Good wishes.
Irek And Irik- Will.
Irina- Calm.
Irfan- knowledge. Male name.
Isa And Jesus- God's mercy.
Iskander- Alexander - defender, winner of the Arabized form.
Islam And Islamie- Devoted to Allah.
Ismail And Ismagil- God heard.
Ismat And Ismet- Purity, abstinence; protection.
Ihsan- Beneficence, virtue.

-= K =-

Kadir And Kadira- Almighty.
Kazim- Patient.
Kaila- Talkative.
Kaima- Standing firmly on her feet.
Kamal And Kamalia- Perfection.
Kamaletdin- Religious perfection.
Kamil And Kamila- Perfect.
Karim And Karima- Generous, noble, generous.
Katiba And Katib- Writer, writing.
Kerim(Kerime) - generous, noble.
Kurban- Victim.
Kurbat- Kinship.
Kamal- Mature.

-= L =-

Lily And Lillian- White tulip flower.
Lenar And Lenara- Lenin's army.
Latifa- Beautiful.
Leniza And Leniz- Lenin's Testament.
Lenora- Daughter of a lion.
Lenur- Lenin founded the revolution.
Lei- Antelope.
Liana- From a plant, a thin liana.
Louise- Collision.
Lutfi(Lutfiye) - kind, dear. Male and female name
Laysan- Spring rain, month of April according to the Syrian calendar.
Latife- tender, soft. Female name.
Lyale- tulip

-= M =-

Madina- A city in Arabia.
Mazit- Famous.
Mayan- From the month of May.
Mariam- From the name from the Bible Mary.
Maksuz And Mahsut- Desired.
Mansour And Mansura- Winner.
Marat- In honor of the leader of Fr. bourgeois revolution Jean - Paul Marat.
Marlene- (German - Russian) Abbreviation for Marx and Lenin.
Maryam(Meryem) - mother of the prophet "Isa",
Masnavi- from the Koran, “Giver”, gave the name to a boy born as the second male child.
Mahmoud- Illustrious.
Mirgayaz- Helpful.
Mirza- Son of the king. Name component.
Munir And Munira- Sparkling, illuminator.
Murat- Desired.
Murtaza- Favorite.
Musa- Prophet, child.
Muslim- Muslim.
Mustafa- Chosen One.
Mustafir- Smiling.
Muhammet- Praised.
Muhammetjan- Soul of Mohamed.
Mukhtar- Chosen One.

-= N =-

Nabi- Prophet.
Nabib- Smart.
Naked- Well-being.
Nadir And Nadire- Rare.
Nazar And Nazira- Look, Self-sacrifice.
Nazim(Nazmie) - composing.
Nail And Nailya- Gift. achieving the goal
Nariman- Strong-willed.
Nasretdin- Helping religion.
Nafise- very valuable; beautiful
Niyaz- Necessity; request, desire; present; grace.
Nedim(Nedime) - interlocutor
Nugman- Red, good deed, flower variety.
Nurvali- Saint.
Nurgali- Majestic.
Nuretdin- Ray of religion.
Nuri And Nuria(Nur) - Light.
Nurullah- Nur(light) + Allah.

-= O =-

Oigul- Aigul - Moon Flower. Another interpretation - Beauty and Flower (Ancient Tatar name)

-= P =-

Ravil- Young man.
Radik- From chem. element.
Rail And Raila- Founder.
Rais- Supervisor.
Raihan- (male and female ancient Tatar name) Basil, bliss.
Ramadan- Hot month, 9th month of Hijri.
Ramiz- Identification sign landmark.
Ramil And Ramilya- Miraculous, magical.
Ramis- Raftsman.
Rasim And Rasima- Artist.
Rafail- God cured.
Rafik- Good friend.
Rahim- Merciful.
Rahman- Friendly.
Rashid And Rashad- Walking the right path.
Renat And Renata- Newly born or Russian. option revolution, science, labor.
Refat- compassionate, kind
Riza, Reed- Chosen One.
Rizvan- Favor, satisfaction.
Riyana– a beautiful stranger (Riyanochka Ablaeva)
Ruslan- from Arslan.
Rustem- Bogatyr, hero.
Rushena- Light, shiny.

-= C =-

Saadet- happiness
Saban- (Turkic-Tatar name) Plow, the name was given to a child born during plowing.
Sabah And Sabiha- Morning.
Sabir And Sabira- Patient.
Sabit- Strong, durable, durable.
Sagadat And Sagid- Happiness.
Sadri And Sadria- First, main.
Sadriddin- with faith in the heart
Sadyk And Sadika- True, friend.
Said And Side- happy, lucky sir.
Saifullah- Sword of Allah.
Salavat- Prayers of praise.
Salamat And Salim- Healthy.
Sania- Second.
Sattar- Forgiving.
Safiye- pure, without impurities
Selim(Selima) - without flaws
Selyamet- well-being, safety
Sefer- journey
Subhi(Subhiye) - morning
Suleiman- Bible Solomon, Protected.
Sultan and Sultana - Power, ruler.
Susanna- Lily.
Sufia- Not doing evil.


Tair- Birds.
Taimas- He won’t go astray from the right path.
Talib- Seeker, desiring.
Tahir And Tagir- Clean.
Timur- Iron.
Tukay- (Mongolian) Rainbow.


Uzbek- name people, which has become a personal name among many peoples, Life.
Ulvi(Ulviye) - hill
Ulmas- Immortal.
Ulfat- Friendship, love.
Umida and Umid - Nadezhda.
Uraz- Happy.
Usman- Slow, but the etymology is not entirely clear.

-= F =-

Fazil And Fazilya- Knowledgeable, humane.
Faizullah- (male) (name of Arabic origin) The generosity of Allah.
Faiz- (male) (name of Arabic origin) Happy, rich.
Faik- (male) (Arabic) Excellent.
Faina- (male) (gr.) Shine.
Fandas- (male) (Arabic) Attached to science.
Fanis And Anisa- (pers.) Lighthouse.
Fannur- (male) (Arabic) Light of science.
Farit And. Farida- (Arabic) Rare.
Farhad- (male) (Iranian) Invincible.
Fatima- (Arabic) Weaned, daughter of Muhammad.
Fatih and Fatykh - (Arabic) Winner.
Fauzia- (female) (Arabic) Winner.
Firuza- (female) (Old Persian) Radiant, turquoise, happy.

-= X =-

Khabib and Habiba- (Arabic) Beloved, friend.
Habibullah- (female) (Arabic) Favorite of Allah.
Khadija(Khatice) - the first name of the wife of the Prophet Muhammad,
Haydar- (male) (Arabic) Lev.
Khairat- (male) (Arabic) Benefactor.
Khazar- (male) (Arabic) A city dweller, a person with average income.
Hakim- (male) (Arabic) Knowledgeable, wise.
Khalil- (male) (Arabic) Faithful friend.
Halit- (male) (Arabic) Will live forever.
Hamza- (male) (Arabic) Acute, burning.
Hamid And Hamida- (Arabic) Glorifying, ascending.
Hammat- (male) - (Arabic) Glorifying.
Hanif And Hanifa- (Arabic) True.
Haris- (male) (Arabic) Plowman.
Hassan and Hasana - (Arabic) Good.
Khattab- (male) (Arabic) Woodcutter.
Hayat- (female) (Arabic) Life.
Hisan- (male) (Arabic) Very handsome.
Khoja- (male) (pers.) Master, mentor.
Husain- (male) (Arabic) Handsome, good.

-= H =-

Chingiz- (male) (Mong.) Great, strong.
Chulpan- (male) (Turkic) Planet Venus.

-= W =-

Shadide- (female) (Arabic) Strong.
Scheide- (female) (pers.) Beloved.
Shayhullah- (male) (Arabic) Elder of Allah.
Shakir And Shakira- (Arabic) Thankful.
Shafik And Shafqat- (male) (Arabic) Compassionate.
Shahryar- (male) (pers.) Sovereign, king (from the fairy tales “A Thousand and One Nights”).
Shevket- majestic, important
Shemsi And Shemsia- (pers.) Sunny.
Shirin- (female) (pers.) Sweet (from folklore).
Sheriff- honorary
Shefik(Shefiqa) - kind, sincere
Shukri(Shukriye) - giving thanks

-= E =-

Evelina- (male) (French) Hazelnut.
Edgar- (male) (English) Spear.
Edib(Edibe) - well-bred
Edie(pedie) - gift
Ekrem- very generous, welcoming
Eleanor- (female) (Heb.) Allah is my light.
Elvir and Elvira - (Spanish) Protective.
Eldar- (male) (Turkic) Ruler of the country.
Elmaz- precious stone, diamond
Elsa- (female) (German) Swore before God, short for Elizabeth.
Elmir and Elmira - (English) Beautiful.
Emil and Emilia - (lat.) Diligent.
Emin(Emine) - honest
Enver- very radiant, light
Enis(Enise) - good conversationalist
Eric- (male) (scand.) Rich.
Ernest- (male) (gr.) Serious.
Esma- very generous, welcoming
Eyub- the name of the Prophet,

-= Yu =-

Yuldash- (male) (Turkic) Friend, companion.
Yuzim- (male) (Turkic-Tat.) Raisin, two faces.
Yuldus- (female) (tat.) Star.
Yulgiza and Yulgiz - (Turkic - Persian) Long-lived.
Yunus- (male) (Heb.) Dove.
Yusuf- the name of the prophet,

-= I =-

Yadgar- (male) (pers.) Memory.
Yakub(Yakub) - (male) (Hebrew) Coming behind, the name of the prophet.
Yakut- (male) (gr.) Ruby, yacht.
Yamal- see Jamal, f. Jamila.
Yansilu- (female) (tat.) feather, beloved, Jan (soul) + sylu - (beauty).
Yatim- (male) (pers.) The only one. (Or lonely). An ancient Tatar name borrowed from the Persian language.
Yashar- from Turkic: zhiznel

If you know a name - which is not in this article - send it to akim@site, I will definitely add it.