The meaning of the name Dana. Interpretation of the name. What does the name dana mean?

Dana's name day

Dana's name day is not celebrated, since there are no saints with that name in the calendar.

Meaning of the name Dana

Dana means “given” (this is a translation of the name Dana from the Old Church Slavonic language).

Origin of the name Dana

It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Dan with its origin. The history of the name Dana has Slavic roots. It is an independent short form of such Slavic names as Bogdana, etc. In Western European countries, the name Dana comes from the name of the Irish goddess Danu, the ancestor of the Tribes of Danu - the divine people, according to legend, who once ruled Ireland.

What does the name Dana mean according to B. Khigir

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Dana according to B. Khigir, in childhood the bearer of this name is restless and sleeps poorly. Until she learns to walk, she often falls, but she is stubborn and never cries: she gets up and walks again. She is a leader among children, she comes up with new games, and her peers find it interesting. She is not greedy and is very surprised when someone is sorry to give her her favorite toy. He can take it away and hit him with blows if the disobedient one resists. Reacts emotionally to any type of punishment: if her mother hits her, she may respond in kind or bite her. A brave girl, she prefers to be friends with boys. She is prone to developing scoliosis, so swimming is good for her.

Growing up, Dana becomes possessive, but will not tolerate this towards herself. She is jealous, she is jealous of her friends, her loved one, she must always be the only friend and lover. She demands absolute freedom for herself and cannot be dependent on anyone.

Dana is an idealist and tends to imitate her ideal. Often a belief in perfection human nature crashes against the reality of life. Dana will not allow herself to be treated with disdain. If anyone dares to read the newspaper during the dinner she has prepared, or forgets to praise him, he risks losing her goodwill forever. Dana does not forgive inattention or insults, but she herself does not even notice how she offends her loved ones. He doesn’t choose his words very well when communicating with friends and is perplexed when someone is offended. She is not suspicious, does not believe in prejudices. She is unceremonious in a conversation, can interrupt her interlocutor if the conversation does not interest her, and will switch the conversation to something more attractive without even trying to maintain decency. However, Dana will show maximum participation if one of her friends is sick, will visit him, prepare food, run to the pharmacy, find and call a good doctor.

Dana is completely simple-minded and lacks the gift of high diplomacy. Her failure can be easily recognized by her appearance and mood. But see Dana in bad mood rarely possible. She is unable to be depressed for long. The disadvantage of the character of the name Dana is that she considers herself an undeniable leader, she is convinced that no one can lead the team better than her and cope with the assigned task. She prefers to keep the initiative in her hands and does not let go of it even in a relationship with a man. She herself can propose to her beloved, set a date, and kiss him first. She painfully endures defeats and does not allow the thought that her feelings may be unrequited. She can’t stand criticism, but she rarely criticizes anyone herself. She is very devoted to her family, ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of her husband and children. He does not give in to difficulties and never loses faith in himself. Dana is capable of committing an immoral act, the justification for this in her eyes is the explanation that there was no other way out.

Characteristics of the name Dana Derivations of the name Dan

Variants of the name Dana: are missing.

Diminutives for the name Dan: Danochka, Danka, Danusha.

Name Dana on different languages

  • Name Dana on English: Dana (Dana).
  • Dana's name in Czech: Dana (Dana).
  • The name Dana in Bulgarian is Dana.
  • Dana's name in Dutch: Dana.

Famous Dans:

  • Dana Ivey - American actress.
  • Dana Aleksandrovna Borisova is a Russian TV presenter. She was awarded a diploma of honor from the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense “For success in patriotic propaganda.”
  • Dana Brozkova is a Czech orienteer, world champion in orienteering.
  • Dana Burke is a singer, storyteller and self-employed entrepreneur.
  • Dana van Dreven is a hardstyle and gabber DJ who has been performing under the name DJ Lady Dana since 1993. Since 2004 he has been the head of the Danamite label, which belongs to The group Third Movement. Twice nominated for awards from the Dutch music television channel The Music Factory.
  • Dana Wells Delaney is an American actress.
  • Dana Zatopkova is a Czechoslovakian track and field athlete and javelin thrower. Olympic champion in 1952, two-time European champion.
  • Dana Prohazkova is a Czechoslovakian orienteer, winner of the World Orienteering Championships in the relay race.
  • Dana Charles Reeve is an American actress, singer, producer, television host and philanthropist.
  • Dana Rosemary Scallon is an Irish singer and politician, winner of the 1970 Eurovision Song Contest.
  • Dana Fuchs is an American actress and singer. She gained the greatest fame after the release of the film “Across the Universe”.

What does the name Dana mean:
What does “given” or “gifted” mean when translated into Russian?

Origin of the name Dana:
This name most likely has ancient Slavic roots. However, it is not used too often.

Character conveyed by the name Dana:

If we talk about the earliest childhood years, then Dana, of course, is not the simplest and easy child. She is often plagued by frequent illnesses and even injuries, however, this is still not the most difficult thing. Believe me, it will be much more difficult for her parents to cope with her incredibly stubborn character. She is unusually persistent, and always believes that she is absolutely right. She simply cannot stand punishment, and to some physical pressure, as a rule, she responds in kind, and quite often this applies not only to her peers, but also to many adults. She tries almost always and of course to be an absolute leader in everything. Later, in adult life, Dana’s complex character does not change too much. She is still the center of everyone's attention. She is very jealous, will never tolerate if anyone does not pay any attention to her, and at the same time she can easily simply not notice everyone around her.

She always loves to be praised a lot. And if you suddenly forget to do this in time, the opinion of you may well deteriorate, in Dana’s eyes, almost forever. At the same time, she herself can be really unceremonious, and in any conversation she can easily, say, interrupt the speaker, or abruptly change the entire topic of the conversation if she suddenly becomes completely uninterested. She loves to lead everywhere and in personal relationships, of course, too. A man, of course, should have only one, and a close friend, too. She, as a rule, transfers such proprietary relations to family life Same. With all this, Dana is unusually caring. And if a friend suddenly has trouble, she will always try to be there, of course she will help and always support. Her incredible ingenuousness may well serve as both a huge plus and no less a minus when describing her character.

Sometimes her relationships at work may not work out very well, since in almost any field of activity Dana madly loves to lead, and of course this may not always please others. But she cannot stand criticism at all, and it should be noted that, fortunately, she herself very rarely criticizes anyone. She is always tuned only to victories; defeats, as a rule, are extremely painful, but not for long. Dana will always be endlessly devoted to her family, and will be ready to make almost any sacrifice for the sake of her husband and her young children. And at the same time, she is often capable of committing far from the most moral and honest actions and, moreover, can easily justify them with an imaginary supposedly absolutely hopeless situation.


The female name Dana can be heard today in many European countries, which is not surprising. It sounds great in different languages, has good meaning and gives the named girl good compatibility with most male name forms...

History and origin of the name

The topic of the meaning and origin of the name Dan has not been touched upon by researchers for a long time, because it was found out a long time ago where it came from and where the source of its formation is. And there is only one version - it says about belonging to the Slavic culture...

It turns out that the source of this name form is located precisely in the Slavic cult. Translated from its language, it means “given” or “given.” It is believed that the primary sources are such names for newborn girls as Denitsa and Danitsa. Meanwhile, in Belarus it sounds differently, and is found in the form of Danut.

Another, but unofficial, opinion supposedly belongs to the Irish and appeared among them first, but it is not confirmed by official sources, and therefore is not taken into account in the process of interpretation as such. But it is known for sure that it promises the character of the named many interesting and important characteristics.

Meaning of the name Dana

It's clean Slavic name, its translation speaks of “given” or “given,” apparently, by God. The question of the meaning of the name Dana, in contrast to its origin, conceals much more information, but specialists had to spend quite a lot of time solving it. Thus, it has now become known that in one hundred percent of cases it bestows such traits as prudence, mental thinking, a penchant for analysis and calmness.

IN early age is obedient and kind child, pleasing parents and respecting their opinion in everything, no matter what the matter concerns. He doesn’t contradict dad and especially mom, listens in everything, doesn’t play around, doesn’t show signs of rowdy behavior and isn’t a leader by nature. She behaves exemplary, well-mannered and balanced, reasonable, responsible and loves spending time with her family. It is more pleasant for her to help her mother around the house and manage things than to play around with her peers. She is not capricious and does not throw tantrums out of nowhere and for no reason - other parents often set her up as an example for their children, but she herself perceives this negatively and considers herself an unworthy example. He develops quickly, just as he learns to read, easily copes with all new tasks and loves to improve his skills. But with age, everything changes, and already in adolescence, this name can give a girl other qualities...

Despite her apparent softness and touchiness, in her heart she only dreams of gaining strength and changing herself. Talented and smart, has a developed imagination and a craving for creativity, knows how to compose and invent her own stories, and at school in Russian language and literature she is always the best among her classmates, but she is too receptive. Any criticism or harsh statement towards her works can “send” her into depression - because of this, she is embarrassed to show her works to her classmates. But with the right influence of the season, she can later become stronger, stronger and tougher - then she will no longer care about criticism...

There is a strong inclination towards psychology - she loves to help people with the power of speech and words, she is an attentive listener and adviser, she will always delve into the problem of a complaining person and help in any way she can. She likes to help, but does not like it when her help is criticized - any bad statement can make her angry.

Later, as an adult, she will turn into a strong personality with such self-sufficiency and self-confidence that one can envy. Then she won’t give a damn about criticism and any assessments of her deeds. An adult woman, Dana, is strong in psychologically a lady who cannot be broken, either morally or mentally. At the same time, she is sociable and gets along easily even with those she clearly doesn’t like. Although she does not want to spend time in the company of friends and acquaintances, she prefers quiet time spent in the circle of her parents.

The name Dana has several variants of origin. So, according to one version, it is a form of the masculine Hebrew Daniel, the meaning of which can be translated as “God is my judge.” According to the second option, it has ancient Slavic roots and is interpreted as “gifted” or is the modern name of the names Denitsa, Danitsa, derived from the word “Dennitsa”, which means “morning star”. The next version says that the name Dana is a short form female name Danuta, derived from the Lithuanian “daughter of heaven” or from the Latin “donata” - “given”, “given”. A number of scientists believe that it came from the name of the Irish (Celtic) goddess of creation Danu.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius, Pisces
  • Patron Planet: Jupiter
  • Talisman stone: beryl, hyacinth
  • Color: blue, crimson
  • Plant: violet, basil
  • Animal: elephant, partridge
  • Favorable day: Thursday

Character Traits

The characteristics of the name Dana are a description of an energetic, charismatic leader who knows how to captivate people. Perhaps the reason for this lies in her simple-minded, open and honest disposition, which is felt by those around her. But it should be remembered that this is far from an angel in the flesh; she is capable of immoral acts, trying to achieve the goals she has set for herself. Although such actions are rather the exception to the rule than the norm.

As a child, her leadership traits do not appear. A name for a girl like Dana is more typical of an obedient, quiet child who does not need excessive parental care and independently finds something to do. But with age, a woman’s temperament becomes more ebullient and active, stubbornness begins to appear in her, a desire to be useful and to engage in social, rather than personal, life. She still does not tolerate rudeness and rudeness, does not know how to mask her mood and emotions, and is an “open book” for her interlocutor.

The secret of the name hides a personality that is unable to mope for a long time, being in a bad mood. The only thing that can unsettle her is criticism, which Dana cannot stand. She tries not to let anyone command her and does not accept recommendations and advice, politely but firmly suppressing all attempts by others to do this. She is absolutely not characterized by greed and pettiness - the girl is ready to share with the whole world, but at the same time, in return, she expects the same generosity towards herself, being offended when this does not happen.

Among Dana's shortcomings, one can highlight her unceremoniousness and tactlessness, which she is able to show in communicating with her acquaintances and friends. This also includes obstinacy, the desire to prove one’s advantage over others and an unshakable confidence in one’s rightness, coupled with an unwillingness to admit mistakes and change anything in one’s behavior.

The summer representative of the name has a stronger character than her winter namesake. She has courage and amazing power spirit. Born in winter, she is distinguished by a soft, kind disposition and good intuition.

Interests and hobbies

“Team” activities, games, and competitions are not suitable for Dana. She is a solo player who wants to be the center of attention. Friendly with sports, loves good literature, music, art. She likes to attend opening days and exhibitions, theater premieres and parties, discos and nightclubs. Her hobby is to be among people, literally absorbing the energy of the crowd.

Profession and business

The girl named Dana is a strong professional in everything she doesn’t undertake. Shows enviable determination in achieving career heights. A highly developed sense of duty forces her to take on and complete the most complex projects, so she is rightfully considered an indispensable worker.

Pedagogy is a successful area for Dana; she is able to work well with children in kindergarten, and with students at school. She can work on television, choosing a career as a radio or TV presenter, becoming an excellent psychologist or pediatrician, as well as a social worker.


Despite the fact that Dana good health, she often got sick as a child. Sore throats, colds and runny nose can become her constant companions, so a baby with this name needs to be seriously hardened. In order to prevent scoliosis, to which she is prone, the girl should go swimming. With age, her immunity is noticeably strengthened, and diseases bypass the woman.

Sex and love

Dana brings her leadership character traits to the plane love relationship, without hesitation to take the first step towards the man she likes. Often he becomes the initiator of a breakup, because, without forgiving a dismissive and inattentive attitude towards himself, he may well allow more than one harshness in communicating with a loved one. Her desire to “crush” her partner leads to serious quarrels.

Being extremely jealous, she can start scandals out of the blue. This is extremely difficult for a man with a normal psyche to withstand, so the girl is often left alone.

Family and marriage

In the family, Dana is also the leader. He chooses as his husband a man who can agree to “second roles,” but deep down he dreams of a “prince on a white horse” - handsome, smart, strong-willed, rich. Such an obvious discrepancy does not prevent her from sincerely loving her chosen one, becoming a devoted wife to him, and an excellent mother to her children. She is able to take care of the well-being of people close to her, sometimes even to the detriment of her own interests, and in difficult moments she is ready to take on the financial support of the family, taking on several jobs and part-time jobs. A woman named Dana loves to cook, keeps her house immaculately clean, and is distinguished by rare hospitality.

Short form of the name Dana. Denichka, Denka, Dena, Danka, Dada, Danya, Datsa.
Synonyms for the name Dana. Bogdan, Jordan, Jordan, Vladan, Loredan, Vidan, Danaya, Denmark, Daniel, Danuta, Daniela, Denitsa, Danitsa, Dana, Danna.
Origin of the name Dana. The name Dana is Slavic, Jewish, English.

The name Dana has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Dana is a Hebrew name, one of the forms of the male name Daniel, and means “God is my judge.”

According to the second version, the name Dana is a Slavic name that means “gifted” (the literal, literal translation is “given”). The name Dana is modern form names Denitsa, Danitsa, formed from the common Slavic “dennitsa”, meaning “morning star”. This name was popular among the people of the planet Venus. The name Dana was used in this meaning in Bulgaria and Serbia. It is also possible that the name Dana came into Russian as a short form of the female name Danuta. The name Danuta was used in Belarus and Poland, perhaps from the Lithuanian “daughter of heaven” or from the Latin “donata” - “given, bestowed”.

According to the next version, the name Dana is an Irish name, derived from the name of the Irish (Celtic) goddess of creation Danu, considered the ancestor of the Danu Tribes (tribe of the gods). This divine people, according to legend, once ruled Ireland before the arrival of the Sons of Mil (people), the ancestors modern Irish. After their defeat in battle with the Sons of Mil, the tribes of Danu moved to underworld Ireland and over time transformed into elves, fairies and goblins, and Dana became the patroness of elves and fairies. In this interpretation, the name Dana is pronounced as Dana.

The name Danna is also found in Kazakh language, it can also be written as Dana. The Kazakhs translate it as “wise, knowledgeable.”

Most often the name Dana is used as short form both female names (Bogdan, Jordan (Yordana), Vladan, Loredan, Vidana, Danaya, Dayana, Denmark, Daniel, Danuta, Daniela) and male names (Daniil, Danakt, Bogdan).

There is also male name Dana.

Dana is a rather mischievous child as a child. His behavior often causes a lot of distress to his parents. She finds it faster with boys common language than with girls. She quickly gets along with people and just as easily breaks up with them. Dana is athletic and brave. There is often cutting. If she doesn't like someone, she can make an evil joke at him.

The winter owner of this name is characterized by determination and stubbornness. She will never let herself be offended. This girl is an amorous person. Under the influence of feelings, he commits rash acts. Dana is not inclined to regret anything.

Autumn Dana is characterized by pragmatism and prudence. Such qualities help her throughout life. She does good career. The girl loves noisy companies and is the leader in them. She is not a fan of strong alcoholic drinks.

On the one hand, this name gives the impression of something masculine. Rough and brave, and on the other hand, simple and beautiful. Its owners tend to think things through.

Despite the fact that Dana may seem modest at first glance, she will never allow herself to be forgotten. She is quite a truthful person. Her character traits can be called contradictory. She strives to please others, and at the same time shows restraint. Dana is quite talkative. She talks more than she does. Even having achieved good results in life, she remains restless. Subconsciously, she understands that not all successes are a real reflection of her merits.

In search of his own peculiarity and individuality, he can become confused and withdrawn into himself. She often lacks confidence and courage. At the same time, strongly developed sense debt helps her cope with all difficulties and achieve visible results.

She never goes beyond what is permitted and always sees the limit to which she can act. Some representatives of this name create the illusion of their humility and tolerance. It is this ability that helps them fully realize their plans.

At work, she likes to lead more than to do something on her own. Despite the absence of any inflated ambitions, Dana always knows the best path for herself. She often manages to take the place of her boss. She has a good knowledge of human psychology and well-developed intuition. By profession, Dana usually becomes an accountant, programmer, investigator, hairdresser, cook or music teacher.

The owners of this name give the impression of mysterious women. And their false naivety and innocence make the necessary impression on the opposite sex. They are capable of misleading anyone. Dana takes a long time to choose her husband. As a result, marriage most often ends unsuccessfully for her. Dana, who celebrates her birthday in the summer, is usually softer and more tolerant. She is happily married.

The owner of this name experiences an irresistible desire to become a mother. She loves her children madly. She is a wonderful housewife. Very hospitable. To show off, he likes to do everything in style.

Dana's name day

Dana does not celebrate her name day.

Famous people named Dana

  • Dana Brozkova ((born 1981) Czech orienteer, world champion in orienteering. At the home world championship in 2008 she won gold in long distance. Winner of two junior world championship medals, one of which is gold. Like most orienteers from the world elite, he plays for Scandinavian clubs.)
  • Dana Burke, Donna Burke (singer, announcer and private entrepreneur. Burke studied classical singing for ten years, and now performs at concerts of jazz, rock, techno, classical and folk music. Thanks to her talents, reviews called her "one of the most versatile singers on the planet." Donna is also credited as a lyricist in many Japanese advertisements, anime, and Japanese pop music (J-POP) groups. Burke's voice is well known in Japan as the voice of the tour guide on the Tokaido Line of Japan's Shinkansen superfast trains since 2003. winner of the silver medal at the New York Television Festival and the EARTH VISION AWARD in 2007 at the World Environmental Film Festival in Tokyo.)
  • Dana van Dreven (born 1974) is a hardstyle and gabber DJ who has been performing under the name DJ Lady Dana since 1993. Since 2004, van Dreven has been the head of the Danamite label, which belongs to the group The Third Movement. She has been nominated twice at the awards of the Dutch music television channel “The Music Factory”.)
  • Dana Wells Delaney (born 1956) is an American actress, producer and television host. In 1988, after numerous television and film roles in the seventies and early eighties, she received main role Lieutenant Colleen McMurphy in the drama television series China Beach, which subsequently brought her critical and audience acclaim, including two Emmy Awards and numerous other awards and nominations. Since the mid-nineties, Dana has also served as a board member of the Scleroderma Research Foundation. In 2011, Delaney was ranked ninth on the list of most beautiful people planets according to People magazine.)
  • Dana Zatopkova ((born 1922) née Ingrova; Czechoslovakian track and field athlete, javelin thrower. Olympic champion in 1952, two-time European champion (1954, 1958). On June 1, 1958 in Prague she set a world record (55.73 m), exceeding the previous world record the achievement of the Soviet athlete Nadezhda Konyaeva by 25 cm. The record lasted only 54 days: on July 24 in Cardiff, Australian Anna Pazera threw a projectile at 57.4 m.)
  • Dana International ((born 1972) real name – Sharon Cohen, nee – Yaron Cohen; popular Israeli transsexual singer (MtF), who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1998 with her song “Diva”)
  • Dana Prohazkova ((born 1951) Czechoslovakian orienteer, medalist of the World Orienteering Championships in the relay. At the World Championships in 1974, held in Viborg, Denmark, Dana, as part of the relay team (Dana Prohazkova, Renata Vlahova and Anna Gandzlova) won a bronze medal .)
  • Dana Borisova ((born 1976) Russian TV presenter. Awarded a diploma of honor from the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense “For success in patriotic propaganda.”)
  • Dana Ivey ((born 1941) American actress)
  • Aaliyah Dana Houghton ((1979 - 2001) American singer, actress and model. As a child, she participated in the TV show “Star Search” and sang in concerts with Gladys Knight. At the age of 12, her first album, Age Ain`t Nothing but a Number, sold 2 million copies and went double platinum in the United States. Aaliyah's second album, One in a Million, sold 2 million copies in the US and over 8 million copies worldwide. In 2000, Aaliyah starred in her first film, Romeo Must Die, the song for which, “Try Again,” reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart solely due to radio rotation, setting a record for the singer. For the song, Alia was nominated for a Grammy in the category " Best Singer in the style of R&B." Aaliyah is often called the "Princess of R&B".)
  • Dana Rosemary Scallon ((born 1951) née Rosemary Brown; Irish singer and politician, winner of the 1970 Eurovision Song Contest. In 1969, she first participated in the Irish national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest, but took second place. As a British citizen, in 1970 under stage name Dana represented Ireland at Eurovision, where she won first place with the song “All kinds of everything”. At the same time, she performed the entire number sitting on a huge drum. At the end of the 1970s. has become one of the world's leading performers of Catholic music. In 1999, as an independent candidate, she won elections to the European Parliament, where she remained a deputy until 2004. In 2004, she again tried to run for president, but was unsuccessful. As a politician, he is a supporter of preserving traditional family values, opposing the legalization of abortion.)
  • Dana Catherine Scully (character in the television series " X-Files", played by Gillian Anderson. The name "Dana" is pronounced "Dayna", but in the Russian translation the pronunciation "Dana" is accepted.)
  • Dana Fewkes ((born 1978) American actress and singer. She gained greatest fame after the release of the film “Across the Universe.”)
  • Dana Charles Reeve ((1961 – 2006) nee Morosini; American actress, singer, producer, television host and philanthropist)
  • Dana Michelle Plato ((1964 - 1999) née Strain; American actress. She became famous for her role as Kimberly in the sitcom Diff'rent Strokes.)
  • Dana Reizniece-Ozola ((born 1981) birth name - Reizniece; Latvian chess player, grandmaster (2001) and politician, deputy of the Seimas of Latvia)
  • Dana Dawson ((1974 - 2010) American actress and singer)
  • Dana Vavrova ((1967 - 2009) Czech-German actress, director, screenwriter and producer. Winner of the Deutscher Filmpreis. Awarded the Order of Merit for the Federal Republic of Germany.)
  • Denmark (Dana) Agisheva ((born 1980) Russian film actress, winner of awards at the international film festivals “Kinoshock” and “Pacific Meridians”)
  • Dana Glover ((born 1974) is an American singer and songwriter, best known as a performer of soundtracks in films and television series. She is the author of songs in the films “The Wedding Planner”, “Shrek”, “Fashionable Mommy”, “The Laws of Attraction” and several others She achieved her greatest success between 2002 and 2003 with the hits “Thinking Over” and “Rain.” In 2010, Dana recorded a duet with saxophonist Dave Koz, the single “Start All Over Again,” and performed it in an episode of the television series. "Desperate Housewives".)
  • Dana Perino ((born 1972) Fox News political commentator, White House press secretary (2007 - 2009), second female press secretary in the history of the White House)