What does the name Evgeniy mean? Characteristics of the name. Slavic names

You may be indiscriminate in shaping your own image. By and large, the quality and comfort of clothing is much more important to you than whether its style matches fashion today. The only rule that you should probably adhere to is to make sure that your suit does not destroy the impression of you as a person deserving of all trust. After all, this is exactly the impression you should make.

Compatibility of the name Evgeniy, manifestation in love

Evgeniy, logical conclusion romantic relationships for you is marriage, creating a family. Therefore, you and people like you have been and remain the target of matrimonial aspirations of at least half of the adult representatives of the opposite sex. You are serious, reliable and honest; reticence, uncertainty, and precariousness of the situation are unacceptable to you. You are determined to take care of your loved one, regardless of the circumstances. And although your sensual manifestations are often devoid of sentimentality, external shine and ostentatious “beauty,” there will always be someone who will appreciate them.


The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain a stable position and existing status. And use every opportunity that presents itself to strengthen your life positions. If you have to work hard for this, well, you are ready for it.

The “ideal” structure of the world appears to you in the form of a heavily armed fortress, capable of withstanding any siege due to the fact that the storerooms are full and the arsenal is maintained in exemplary order. All “military actions” are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, and you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external attacks.

But what is an “unshakable stronghold” for you can become a prison for others. By imposing your views on life on your loved ones, you limit their freedom of choice, offering to use their own ready-made solution.

Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell because someone inside wanted to go outside and opened the gates. You should always remember that your choice must be consistent with those for whose sake it is, in essence, being made.


The name Eugene is most likely ancient Greek in origin. It could come from the word “eugenes”, which translated from Greek means “noble”, or “a person from a noble family”. It came to our lands only in the 19th century, and then in a distorted form that sounded like Eugene, and later developed into Zhenya.

The male name Evgeniy is popular both in Russia and throughout the territory former USSR. The history of its appearance conceals a huge number interesting facts, but what is most surprising is its meaning, which promises its bearers traits that create a simply amazing nature...

Conversational options: Zhenya, Zhenya, Zhenechka, Zheka

Modern English analogues: Eugenios, Eugene, Eugen, Eugene

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Evgeniy is understood in each culture in its own way, but everywhere it is mentioned that all bearers of this name are characterized by such character traits as independence, maximalism, exactingness, straightforwardness, truthfulness, self-confidence, secrecy and shyness, responsibility and commitment, punctuality and sociability.

It is impossible to argue with Eugene; they defend their opinion to the last, relying on truth and sincerity. These are, for the most part, admirers of justice and straightforwardness, honesty and good nature. At the same time, Evgeny is always a straightforward person, one who will never hide his opinion from his interlocutor and later gossip behind his back.

Advantages and positive traits: hard work and assertiveness, which lead to great success, both in terms of career prosperity and personal development. Evgeniy is responsible and obligatory, never violates plans, tries to bring everything to the end, and takes a responsible approach to any tasks.

Evgeny has a bad attitude towards people who argue with him, and many argue with him, and moreover, he hates those who try not only to argue, but also to impose their opinion. Zhenya will never accept someone else’s point of view, out of principle...

The male name Evgeniy is very popular today in countries with predominantly Russian-speaking populations, but it is also known abroad, albeit in a modified form.

Character of the name Evgeniy

The character of the name Evgeniy is a parameter to which a sufficient amount of time was devoted at one time, but which is almost impossible to guess with one hundred percent accuracy. The reason is simple - it depends on many side factors, including the zodiac, the time of year the boy was born, upbringing, and much, much more. But overall, the character of a guy named Evgeniy is quite complex. Secretiveness, indecisiveness, unpredictability, independence - these traits create a character that is practically impossible to predict. And in general, Eugene is too complex in nature, and only a woman can cope with him, and not every woman, but only the one who has the opposite character and whom he chooses with his heart and soul.

The only accurate known fact indicates that the nature of the name form Eugene is such that it bestows a lot good qualities and a rather difficult fate for its bearers, but each of the qualities in each bearer of this name manifests itself differently - they manifest themselves in different ways, with different intensity and strength, at different stages of life.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a boy named Eugene is filled with unpredictability, movement, activity and at the same time calm. At its core, he is at the same time a calm, active, systematic, quiet and generally problem-free child. Parents rarely have problems with this, which is not surprising, because the goal of the boy named Eugene is not to play pranks and pampering, but to have a calm, but effective pastime.

At the same time, the meaning of the name promises him a lot good characteristics, among which there is justice, honesty, moderation, and obedience. True, there are also disadvantages. This is excessive shyness, shyness, self-doubt, unselfishness.

Often his peers take advantage of his gullibility and shyness. But this is a correct boy in all respects - he never deceives anyone, even if there is a clear sense in this, he never takes advantage of anyone for his own selfish purposes, he tries to be correct and honest towards himself and other children.

However, almost no one ever sets him up as an example, because he looks too weak-willed, and, alas, people don’t like people like that. Parents should pay strong attention to raising him male characteristics and self-confidence - otherwise, he may face many problems in the future, both in his personal life and in his professional field.


Adolescence can introduce many new characteristics into his nature. Among their huge list there may be such as diligence, commitment, good nature, integrity, benevolence, and imagination. Moreover, leadership inclinations may also appear in him, although this is rare - but he definitely has an organizational gift, and it is thanks to him that he can become the person at school who is trusted by everyone around him and whom both friends and others listen to. even ill-wishers. Plus, his nature and planning do not leave him, thanks to which he easily composes good plans actions and almost never makes mistakes in making decisions. The meaning of the name, by the way, at the teenage stage begins to have less and less influence on his nature - it is at this age that the energy of his astrological patrons, such as the patron planet, the talisman stone, begins to gradually influence the boy for whom the name Eugene was chosen , and plant symbol.

As for relationships with peers, they are reserved. He does not have reliable and loyal friends, and he himself does not try to acquire them, because he is afraid of problems and disappointments, such as betrayal and self-interest. But in general, he has excellent relations with everyone, Evgeniy rarely quarrels, almost never conflicts with anyone.

Grown man

The period of maturity of a boy, and now a man, who received the male name Eugene at birth, is full of unpredictability, pranks, rash actions and spontaneous decisions. Typically, adult Zhenyas are the owners of a complex mindset - it is difficult to predict the actions of such a man, he is too secretive and does not let anyone in on his plans. Main problem for the so-called boy, or rather a man, this is the inability to decide on his goals in life - he constantly rushes between different goals and tasks, cannot determine priority, does not know what he wants from life.

But there is one big plus that concerns directly family relations– if you come across a woman with strong character traits, then he will change, and moreover, in the end he may actually turn out to be good husband and an exemplary parent. However, again, this is all theory - a lot depends on the influence of astrological factors, for example, on the guy’s zodiac sign, or on the animal according to the Chinese horoscope.

Interaction of Eugene’s character with the seasons

Spring - born under the auspices of the meaning of Spring, a boy named Eugene is said to be impulsive and emotional, subject to mood and emotions, fickle and independent. It won’t be easy for someone like him in adult life – the lack of stability feeds him with positive energy, but prevents him from achieving his goals. Laziness also reigns in him, but by overcoming it and learning to control emotions, he will become successful and lucky.

Autumn - this little man will be, by origin of soul and nature, stately, ambitious, righteous, fair, but pragmatic and does not know how to have fun. This is a strategist who lives by the rules and in accordance with his own plan - no one and nothing can throw him off balance. Cannot stand loneliness - will look for a faithful, reliable, honest spouse.

Winter - here the person born will be an optimist, a cheerful person, an adventurer and a light-hearted person. Sociability, eloquence, self-confidence, swiftness and determination, the ability to overcome obstacles are his main characteristics. The chosen one will be fine with him, but she will not be able to rely on him - he is fickle and unreliable, although he has a completely tolerant character.

Summer - the summer months give rise to a person with a weak character, without his own opinion, susceptible to being dominated by others. It will depend on your mood and those around you. He will achieve happiness in two cases - if he finds the strength to resist the world, or if he surrounds himself with good people. For the family he will find a woman who is strict, demanding, and domineering.

The fate of the name Evgeniy

One of the most difficult parameters in the interpretation of names is such a parameter as fate. So, in this case, the fate of the name Eugene involves a lot of difficulties - in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, in marriage, in love, everywhere, many problems will await the wife, and in particular, the blame for these problems will always lie with him.

Fate, even in adolescence, of a boy named a variation of Eugene, can more than once “drop him to the ground,” to put it figuratively. His charm, lack of conflict, gentlemanly manners, courtesy and charm will attract girls, but Eugene will not be able to date any of them for a long time, because none will meet his requirements.

And during the period of maturity, fate can present many surprises, both good and bad. It all depends on how he is brought up - if he becomes decisive, he will achieve success both in relationships and in his career, and if he remains the same as he was in childhood (unconfident and suspicious), he will remain either alone or married to someone he doesn’t love. Such is fate, and you can’t argue with it. Again though. All this is just a theory, which does not necessarily translate into reality in the case of every man named by Eugene.

Love and marriage

Evgeniy is a very educated and intelligent man, so in his chosen one he wants to see not only a beautiful wrapper, but also a wonderful filling. It is truly valuable for him when a woman has sincerity and openness, but at the same time, a share of mystery should also take place. Zhenya is interested in literature and art, so it is also advisable for his companion to be well-read and highly educated in order to be able to carry on a conversation.

Unfortunately, on the way to finding his soulmate, Evgeny will face many disappointments, so he gets married in adulthood.

Zhenya does not accept rudeness, insincerity or bad manners on the part of a woman. His wife should be extremely honest and gentle with him. He can't stand it high-profile scandals, quarrels and showdowns, so it’s better not to provoke them. By the way, he is too jealous, he can find an explanation for his jealousy where there is no smell of betrayal. But he himself treats marital fidelity negligently. In his understanding, a man’s physical betrayal is not betrayal, but a manifestation of masculine nature.

Spiritually, Zhenya is sincerely devoted to his family and wife. He will never dare to destroy a marriage through lust or betrayal.

Zhenya is a caring and reliable family man, ready to always come to the aid of his wife in everyday issues, and in raising children. At the same time, he also manages to fully ensure the material well-being of the family. And Zhenya, for the most part, are pleasant conversationalists and simply excellent husbands in terms of intimacy.

Evgeniy as Father

Evgeny will be just a wonderful father. He himself, without requests or persuasion, helps his wife in caring for the babies. He can change their clothes, wash them, and feed them porridge, and he absolutely loves going for a walk with the stroller. Zhenya believes that a wife should rest and take care of herself while he is with the children.

When the children get a little older, Evgeny begins to prepare surprises with them for his beloved every time there is such an opportunity. He organizes active and useful leisure time for his children. He can go fishing with his children, or he can simply go to the park and together with them pick a wonderful bouquet of wildflowers for his wife.

Evgeny is a reasonable and understanding father, his children love him very much, respect him and consider him theirs best friend. It is not surprising that they listen to his advice when making any decisions. important decisions. They will certainly owe their academic success and first love experiences to him.

Compatibility with female names

Best Compatibility the name Evgeniy with such female names as Dina, Iya, Lyudmila, Tamila, Renata.

With girls named such variations as Diana, Christina, Praskovya, Zoya, Sarra, Elina and Alevtina, Zhenya will be able to build a strong and stable marriage, filled with positivity and happiness.

But as for Antonina, Nineli, Elena and Flora, there is compatibility here, alas. not at all.

Character: 89%
Radiation: 80%
Vibration: 69,000 vibrations/s
Color: blue.
Main features: excitability - receptivity - intuition.
Type: men named Eugene are sometimes nervous and sentimental. Mentally they resemble their totem - seahorse, who seems to be sleeping in the water, and then suddenly wakes up.
Psyche: psychopathic, although they hide it. Their sex life has two aspects: impressionability leads to the idealization of the object of love, which is followed by severe disappointment, and aggressive sexuality often creates unpleasant situations. They are passive, but at the same time they may have a tendency towards masochism.
Will: rather weak. Indecisive.
Excitability: average. However, it should be remembered that often they are simply biding their time so that they can overtake you later.
Reaction speed: it seems that they are dozing, immersed in their inner world, but in fact they perfectly notice what is happening around them.
Activity: average. Before getting down to business, they weigh and calculate their strengths and capabilities.
Intuition: highly developed.
Intelligence: their interests are strictly selective, they delve into trifles and pass by truly significant phenomena without deigning to pay attention to them.
Susceptibility: often susceptible to influence. Not too confident in themselves, rather indecisive, timid.
Moral: are able to adapt to circumstances. Their system moral values never clear and pure.
Health: good, but these people get tired quickly. They need long sleep and a calm, measured lifestyle. Susceptible to infectious diseases. The weak parts of the body are the eyes and bronchi.
Sexuality: The sexual life of such men is subordinated to feelings. It takes them a long time to identify their desires, but then everything happens very quickly...
Field of activity: They become excellent technicians in the field of electronics, engineers in the field of aircraft construction, good researchers who can manage several areas of work.
Sociability: very sociable, especially when they are in good location spirit, which doesn’t happen too often. They do not like to give up old attachments.
Additionally: Don't let these people isolate themselves. Sometimes they are very active and active, sometimes they just sit back and are not always able to control the situation.

The secret of the name Evgeniy. Origin of the name Evgeniy

Evgeniy - name Greek origin. This name means "noble". Evgeniy comes from Greek name, which sounds – Eugenios, which means “descendant of a noble family.”

U Slavic peoples, the name Eugene became popular in the 19th century. This name was used to call people of the noble class. It was often used in the French manner - Eugene, from whom the modern diminutive name Zhenya.

The meaning of the name Evgeniy. The name Evgeniy is popular nowadays, thanks to its soft and beautiful sound. In childhood, the Evgenies are called Zhenya, Zhenechka, Zheka, Zhenka, Gesha, Genya.

Zhenya proves herself to be a capable and savvy child. He surprises adults with his rich imagination. Zhenya cannot be considered a restless person, but he is not quiet either. This quality in the character of balance of mobility and calmness is characteristic of him throughout his life.

Zhenya studies well at school. Writes essays well, studies easily foreign languages. With his hard work he gives high hopes. He loves sports and is fond of martial arts. Zhenya is always on friendly terms with his classmates and is respected by them. He knows how to be friends with girls and treats them like a knight.

Evgeniy always gets a profession. He usually gives preference to technology and the exact sciences. He can be an electronics engineer, a pilot, a writer, something that requires concentration and attention. In his work he achieves average results. Evgeniy is hardworking, but does not try to “go out of his way.” In any case, if he is given a chance to advance in his career with improved well-being, he will not miss it.

Evgeniy can start his own business. He is prone to risk, but he creates the problems that arise himself. Eugene's actions can be reckless. He sometimes does not think about the consequences of his actions and does not always understand people's reactions to his behavior. A frivolous person can offend a person, even his friend. However, sometimes Eugene is capable of committing a decisive act and even a feat, and then he will be surprised by this fact.

Evgeniy treats women with respect, he is sociable, intelligent, and sometimes becomes irresistible in the eyes of the fair sex. He is a very amorous person, which often brings suffering to Evgeniy. In a woman he values ​​mystery and mystery. He is kind, sweet and loves to open his misunderstood soul to a woman.

Evgeny is a good family man. He helps his wife, does housework, homework. Tries to avoid quarrels and scandals. The main thing for Evgeniy in the family is an atmosphere of mutual understanding and love. Often wives perceive his tolerance as lack of character, and this leads to divorce.

Evgeniy loves his children and enjoys spending time with them free time. He is jealous, but he never goes for a divorce himself.

Charming Evgeniy sometimes marries several times and often keeps good relationship with their ex-wives.

The adult Evgenia combines strength and weakness. His appearance speaks of his strength, but inside he is sentimental and a little nervous man. Evgeniy is always very affectionate and gentle towards his mother.

Famous Eugenies: Evgeny Obolensky (Russian politician, Decembrist), Evgeny Baratynsky (Russian poet), Evgeny Vakhtangov (Russian theater director, actor), Evgeny Matveev ( Russian actor and film director), Evgeny Vesnik (Russian actor), Evgeny Leonov (Russian actor), Evgeny Morgunov (Russian actor), Evgeny Zharikov (Russian actor), Evgeny Sidikhin (Russian actor), Evgeny Gutsalo ( Ukrainian writer), Evgeny Khrunov (modern cosmonaut), Evgeny Yevtushenko (modern Russian poet), Evgeny Petrosyan (Soviet and Russian comedian), Evgeny Leonov (Russian actor), Evgeny Mironov (modern Russian actor).
In the photo: Evgeny Mironov.

Short form of the name Evgeniy. Zhenya, Zhenka, Zhenechka, Zheka, Enya, Gena Zhenyura, Zhenya, Zhesha, Evgekha, Evgesha, Gesha, Enyuta, Enyukha, Enyusha, Enyasha, Evgenyushka, Evgenya, Genya.
Synonyms for the name Eugene. Eugenios, Eugene, Eugen, Eugene, Eugenio, Eugenie, Eugen, Owen, Ivain.
Origin of the name Evgeniy. The name Evgeniy is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Evgeniy translated from Greek language means “noble”, literally this name can be translated as “with good genes”. It was derived from a male name female name– Evgenia. In Russia, the names Evgeniy and Evgeniya began to be widely used in the 19th century. This is what the nobles began to call their children. But they used the name Eugene mainly in the French manner - Eugene (later the modern diminutive Zhenya appeared from it) or in the English version - Eugene.

The second English version of the name Eugene is the name Owen. But it is also possible that the origin of the name Owen comes from the Welsh “lamb” (oen) or “youth” (eoghunn). This was the name of one of the heroes of the epic of King Arthur; he was one of the knights of the Round Table.

As a child, Evgeniy was a great dreamer. Showing ingenuity, he will come up with interesting game completely out of nowhere. He loves active, noisy games, in which he is always main character conquering evil. But in life, Evgeny prefers to find compromises peacefully. Evgeniy is good at foreign languages ​​and mathematics, he writes poetry well and speaks competently. He usually does well at school and pleases his parents with his successes.

For Zhenya, his own world is very important. Sometimes it is very difficult for him to accept the real world as it is, so even with early childhood he exhibits such traits as indecision; he cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time. He should train his self-confidence. But his indecisiveness does not extend to communication: it is easy for him to find common language with both boys and girls.

As he grows up, Evgeniy can become hot-tempered. Since his doubt in his own abilities can make him quite nervous, very vulnerable to any comments. Zhenya very often tries to hide her fears, putting on a mask of indifference or swagger, and does not trust anyone with her true feelings. He will never refuse help and is very attentive to his loved ones.

Evgeniy has a very well developed intuition; he knows how to notice the smallest details, which help him keep abreast of all events. The owner of the name Evgeniy is well versed in completely different issues. Evgeniy is a very versatile young man with whom it is pleasant to have conversations on any topic. Evgeniy is a sophisticated and impassive man.

It’s easy for Evgeniy to be the life of the party, because he can always tell a joke or an anecdote to the point, interesting story. His sociability, artistry and intelligence decorate any party or reception. Doesn't like routine work. Evgeniy gravitates toward theater and literature. He also likes to understand technology, and is often interested in logical, math problems, various puzzles.

Evgeniy does not like obstacles in his path; he often does not know how and does not really want to overcome them. Therefore, the owner of the name Evgeniy does not like creative activity, prefers logical and sequential actions. He always works honestly and conscientiously, but is also not without ambition and will try not to miss the moment when he can advance in his career. Very often Evgeniy chooses technical professions - engineer, programmer, architect, designer. But Evgeniy’s other side is also very strong—romanticism, which is why there are many writers, actors, and journalists among the Evgeniys.

IN family life Evgeny is an exemplary husband and an excellent father. She has enough patience not to start quarrels, separate her beloved children, and helps everyone in the family find a compromise and come to an agreement. In women, Evgeniy values ​​openness, a rich inner world and purity of soul. Therefore, Zhenya is very jealous, fickle in his feelings and may be disappointed in his ideal.

Evgeniy's name day

Evgeny celebrates his name day on January 21, February 3, February 25, March 4, March 10, March 20, August 3, August 31, September 20, September 23, October 8, October 29, November 11, November 20, November 24, December 7 , December 23, December 26.

Famous people named Evgeniy

  • Evgeny Vakhtangov (actor, director, founder of the theater that became the theater named after him)
  • Evgeny Evstigneev (theater and film actor)
  • Eugene-François Vidocq ((1775 - 1857) French criminal, later the founder and head of the General Directorate of National Security, as well as the world's first private detective bureau)
  • Eugene Delacroix ((1798 - 1863) French artist)
  • Evgeny Zamyatin (writer)
  • Evgeny Mironov (theater and film actor, People's Artist Russia)
  • Evgeniy Yevtushenko (Russian, Soviet poet, novelist, publicist, screenwriter, film director)
  • Evgeni Plushenko (figure skater, 2006 Olympic champion)
  • Evgeny Morgunov (theater and film actor)
  • Evgeny Schwartz (writer, playwright)
  • Evgeny Petrov (writer, co-author of Ilya Ilf)
  • Evgeniy Klyachkin (bard, singer-songwriter)
  • Evgeniy Vuchetich (monumental sculptor)
  • Flavius ​​Eugenius (usurper emperor of the Western Roman Empire (392-394))
  • Eugene I ((d.657), Pope)
  • Eugene O'Neill ((1888 - 1953) American playwright, laureate Nobel Prize according to literature)
  • Evgeny Grishin (famous Soviet speed skater and coach)
  • Evgeny Salias de Tournemire ((1840 - 1908) Russian writer)
  • Evgeniy Abalakov ( Soviet sculptor and famous climber)
  • Evgeny Baratynsky (famous Russian poet)
  • Evgeny Mravinsky (conductor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Evgeny Samoilov (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Evgeny Primakov (politician, economist and historian (born 1929))
  • Evgeny Grishkovets (writer, actor, musician, director)
  • Evgeny Kafelnikov (tennis athlete, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)
  • Evgeny Dvorzhetsky (theater and film actor)
  • Evgeny Zharikov (theater and film actor)
  • Eugene Ionesco ((1909 - 1994) French playwright Romanian origin, one of the founders of the theater of the absurd)
  • Eugenio Beltrami ((1835 - 1900) Italian mathematician)
  • Evgeny Dolmatovsky (poet and prose writer)
  • Evgeny Krylatov (composer)
  • Evgeniy Lansere (artist)
  • Eugenio d'Ors, Eugenie d'Ors ((1881 - 1954) Spanish and Catalan philosopher, writer, publicist)
  • Eugenio German (Brazilian chess player)
  • Eugeniusz Romer ((1871 - 1954) Polish geographer and cartographer)
  • Evgeny Leonov (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Evgeniy Khavtan (guitarist, composer, leader of the group “Bravo”)
  • Evgeny Martynov ( crooner, composer, musician, teacher)
  • Evgeny Obolensky (Decembrist)
  • Evgeny Savoysky ( outstanding commander Holy Roman Empire, French origin, Generalissimo)
  • Evgeniy Vesnik (theater and film actor, theater director)
  • Evgeny Svetlanov (outstanding Soviet Russian conductor, pianist and composer, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Evgeny Trubetskoy (Russian philosopher, publicist, lawyer, public figure)
  • Gene Kelly ((1912 - 1996) American dancer, choreographer, actor, singer and film director)
  • Gene Simmons ((born 1949) real name - Chaim Witz; one of the founders of the group “Kiss”)
  • Eugen Dühring ((1833 - 1921) German philosopher and economist)
  • Eugene de Beauharnais, Eugene de Beauharnais ((1781 - 1824) son of Josephine de Beauharnais, stepson of Napoleon Bonaparte, Prince of France, Viceroy of Italy)
  • Eugene-Charles Catalan ((1814 - 1894) Belgian mathematician)
  • Evzen Zamečnik (Czech violinist, conductor and composer)