Mikhail Krug short biography. Mikhail Krug: biography and interesting facts from life. Famous chanson performer When Mikhail Krug died

Name: Mikhail Krug

Age: 40 years

Place of Birth: Tver

A place of death: Tver

Activity: singer - bard, poet, composer, singer

Family status: Was married

Mikhail Krug: biography

The real name of the singer and Russian chansonnier Mikhail Krug was Mikhail Vladimirovich Vorobyov. He composed and performed his own musical compositions.

Mikhail had the opportunity to receive a musical education in his childhood, when he began to learn to play the button accordion, but the boy gave up music school. I became interested in sports and stood on the hockey goal. School activities He often neglected and skipped work, which is why the boy’s studies were very poor. Music has been the main thing for Misha since childhood.

The boy was 6 years old when he first heard the songs of Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky. The future bard at the age of 11 learned to play the guitar, like his idol, he firmly decided what his biography would be. As a teenager, Mikhail began writing poetry, and once performed a song by his favorite poet and performer at school.

The young man served in the army, but his love for Vysotsky’s songwriting did not diminish. Mikhail completely imitated his style of performance.

Unfortunately, the prose of life required the guy to master a profession, and Mikhail received the profession of a mechanic and car repairman at a school in the city of Kalinin. He started working as a driver on a milk truck and worked for ten years.

After 4 years from the start of work in the motorcade, he was appointed chief. But a leadership position required higher education, and Mikhail begins to study at the Polytechnic University. Vorobyov was not satisfied with desk work, he dropped out of college and went back to work as an ordinary driver.

Music, songs

Krug joined Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s party and was his cultural assistant. There were many different turns in Mikhail’s biography, politics was one of them. The circle still decides to get higher education. At the institute, having heard about an art song competition, he takes part and takes first place. This victory inspired him to write his own songs.

Bard Evgeny Klyachkin chaired the jury of the festival at which the Circle performed. Vorobyov also took a pseudonym after his victory at the competition. The first albums did not take long to appear, although many of Krug’s songs were stolen, but Mikhail rewrote his works and they were officially recorded in the singer’s subsequent albums.

A documentary was made about the Circle, which was shown on the Culture channel. His video was released, Mikhail begins performing abroad. For the first time he came to Germany to the chanson festival, where he performed on the same stage with the Zhemchuzhny brothers. The next tours were to America and Israel. The performer is no stranger to charity concerts, but he has his own special contingent - colonies and prisons.

New soloist and awards

Krug decided to change the composition of its group and took on lead singer Svetlana Ternova. New songs appear in the repertoire, which were offered to the circle team by Arkady Severny and Leonid Efremov. Business card Mikhail became the song “Vladimir Central”. Mikhail was awarded the first significant Ovation Prize in 1998.

A year later, the performer took part in a music competition and defeated Sergei Trofimov. A year later, the bard again received an Ovation. The year two thousand was marked by the fact that Krug played in the film “April”; he got to play a crime boss.

Tragic death Mikhail Krug

2 years passed, and the singer was attacked in own home. It happened at night. The entire Krug family was in the house: his wife with children and mother-in-law. Two people entered the house and beat up the singer’s mother-in-law on the third floor. Hearing the screams, the owners of the house came running and the criminals started shooting. Irina managed to escape, and Mikhail was seriously wounded twice. When the Circle came to its senses, the attackers ran away. The children were sleeping at that time, the criminals did not reach them. The ambulance took Krug himself to the hospital, but Mikhail was unable to survive, he died in the morning, the doctors did everything they could. No one suspected that the singer’s biography would be so tragic.

Personal life of Mikhail Krug

For the first time, Mikhail married a woman with musical education. Svetlana produced her husband’s performance in the future. She understood the many announced competitions. Svetlana was looking for more significant festivals and competitions and invited Mikhail to take part in them. The woman worked in the Model House. She sewed costumes for the catwalk with her own hands. A year after their marriage, the couple had a son, Dima. A year later, the couple separated because of Mikhail’s infidelities. Now Dmitry, having studied at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg, went to serve in the police.

Mikhail Vladimirovich Krug (real name - Vorobyov; April 7, 1962, Kalinin - July 1, 2002, Tver) - poet, author and performer of songs in the Russian chanson genre, one of the most popular representatives of the genre.

Mikhail Vladimirovich Vorobyov was born on April 7, 1962 in Kalinin (now Tver), in the old district of the city, which was called Morozovsky town, now called “Proletarka’s Courtyard” about which the song “My Dear City” was written.

Father - Vladimir Mikhailovich Vorobyov worked as a civil engineer (head of communications at the Moscow-Riga highway department in the city of Tver). Died in 1995.

Mother - Zoya Petrovna Vorobyova (06/18/1936 - 01/09/2018) worked as an accountant, on January 7, 2018 she had a heart attack, 2 days later she died in the hospital.

He was the second child in the family (the first was Mikhail’s sister, Olga).

I studied accordion at a music school, but didn’t finish my studies and dropped out. He played hockey and was a goalkeeper.

Mikhail wrote his first poems at the age of 14, which he dedicated to his classmate. At that time, Mikhail’s idol was V.S. Vysotsky. After the army, Mikhail, impressed by his songs, began to play the guitar and sing in his style.

Mikhail graduated from college No. 39 on Sominka in the city of Tver as an auto repairman by profession. Coming from the army, Mikhail got married, his wife’s parents insisted that he go to college, because their daughter graduated with honors from the Institute of Light Industry, and his education did not correspond to their principles. In 1987, Mikhail successfully entered the institute, where he learned about an art song competition, took part in it and took first place. After that, he seriously engaged in songwriting, but E.I. Klyachkin played a significant role in this, who was the chairman of the jury at the 8th art song festival, where he saw the hidden talent in Mikhail and said: “Misha, you need to work...”

Mikhail recorded his first album “Tver Streets” at the “Tver” studio, then the second album “Katya” was recorded, and the third album without a title, all of them had no release, but were stolen and distributed pirated. Almost all the songs from these albums were rewritten and sung in the albums: “Green Prosecutor”, “Madame”, “Rose”, “Mouse”.
In 1994, the first official album “Zhigan-Lemon” was released.

The first performance of the Circle took place in Moscow, at the Variety Theater at the Russian Chanson festival in November 1996.
In the same year, the first video “It Was Yesterday” was shown.

On the cover of the Zhigan-Lemon disc, Mikhail is depicted with his musicians. On the left is Vladimir Ovcharov (left for Israel), on the right is Vlad Savosin, accordion player.

For the release of audio cassettes with the album “Zhigan-Limon” from the Soyuz studio, Mikhail did not receive a penny, but for the release of laser discs with the same album he received three thousand dollars ($3,000), although he spent much more on the recording.

First great interview Mikhail gave, answering questions in an hour-long program in the studio of cable television A.L.S. March 9, 1998 (Moscow, Goncharova St. 17).

In the summer of 2000, filming of the film “April” was completed, in which Mikhail Krug played a crime boss.

There was prohibition in his group for three years.

Mikhail gave money to new clip, but they were returned to him, because... his songs were banned from television.

The ring with three diamonds that he always wears was given to him by thief in law Khobot.

Mikhail takes the criminal expressions for his songs from a 1924 dictionary for internal use of the NKVD, which he acquired by accident.

The second video, “A Day Like a Day,” was made by his friends. It can be seen on the videotape "Songs of Mikhail Krug".

The song "Kolshchik" took three years to write, and had three different options. Last option on the album "Zhigan-Lemon".

At a concert in Boston, the Italians gave Mikhail cool trousers.

Mikhail dedicated all his songs in his first four albums to his first love, Marina. The song "Pie Girl" was written in 1987 and dedicated to her.

The first time Mikhail Krug performed abroad was in 1997 at the Russian Chanson in Germany festival, where he sang four songs, one of which “Madame” was sung in a guitar version. It can be heard on the disc "Russian Chanson in Germany" released by the German company "Solo-Florentin".

Since February 1997 he has been working with Mikhail new soloist Svetlana Ternova, whom he heard at the Trans-Volga song festival, and took her into the group. In parallel with his work, he is writing an album for her in a pop style.
Mikhail wrote the songs “Green Field” and “My Queen”, which Sveta sings, at the age of 16 and also dedicated them to Marina. He remade them for performance from female face.

A number of songs for Krug were written by Alexander Belolebedinsky; before that, Mikhail Krug performed only his own songs. Songs “I went through Siberia”, “Hello, Mom”, “The process is over (I’m crying bitterly)”, “Sparks in the fireplace”, “Chaim”, “Cry, violin (In every city)”, “Student”, “When you and I met” - folk, previously sung by Arkady Severny. The song “Svetochka” was written by singer-songwriter Leonid Efremov. However, the text of Krug's version differs slightly from the original.

In 1994, the film "Bard Mikhail Krug" was filmed and shown on the "Culture" channel only in 1999.

On March 27, 1998, at the Cosmos Hotel, Mikhail took part in the presentation of the Ovation Award and received it in the Russian Chanson category.

In November 1999, Mikhail took part in “ Musical ring”, a friendly competition with Sergei Trofimov, and wins.

In January 1999, he took second place in popularity in the Russian Chanson competition.

In April 1999, he was again nominated for the Ovation Award.

After the release of his debut album, Mikhail Krug began to actively tour Russian cities.
Abroad, Krug first performed in 1997 at the Russian Chanson in Germany festival with the Zhemchuzhny brothers, where he sang four songs, one of which, “Madame,” was sung in a guitar version. In 1998, Krug performed in the USA - Miami, Boston, New York, Jacksonville.
From February 22 to March 6, 2000, a tour of Israel was successfully completed. Concerts were given in the cities of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Nazareth, Haifa, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ariel and others. Krug also performed in Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, etc.
Mikhail Krug has repeatedly given charity concerts, including in prisons.

Lived in Tver, was married for the second time, has a son Dmitry (b. 1984) from his first marriage with Svetlana and a son Alexander (b. 2002) from his second

“The most important thing from the biography of Mikhail Krug.”
Mikhail Vorobyo, known under the pseudonym Mikhail Krug, is a performer of not only Russian chanson, but also lyrical compositions. Born on April 7, 1962 in an ordinary working-class family.

The singer's childhood

Mikhail spent his childhood in his native village, and it was he who inspired him to write his first hit, called “My Sweet City.”
Knowledge was difficult for the young man and therefore he often skipped school. Didn't finish studying at music school. The training was not in vain, Krug learned to play the Bayan.
WITH early age became interested in Vysotsky's work.
After finishing school, he goes to school to become a mechanic.
He is drafted into the army ahead of schedule.

Creative activity

Creative career begins in 1987.
In 1989, his first creative album was released.
The clips have been on television since 1996; they were not allowed to be broadcast for a long time.
He often performed for free in prison. From 1998 to 2000 he toured and introduced his work to the whole world.
Helpful information: Mikhail Krug was not in prison. He felt sorry for the prisoners and tried to lift their spirits with his concerts.
He performed not only songs written for him by composers, but also often wrote them himself.
Krug's career developed rapidly.

Personal life

Was married twice. The first marriage did not work out. The wife was from an intelligent and wealthy family and did not approve of her husband’s delays after concerts and his drunken state. And her parents constantly told her that he was not a match for her. The marriage produced a child. After the divorce, Krug sued his son and left him with him.
The second marriage took place in 2001. The second wife was an ordinary waitress Irina, with whom he fell in love at first sight. Irina had a daughter, whom Krug adopted and loved as his own.
In 2002, a child appeared in the marriage, the boy was named Alexander.
The singer did not approve of monarchist beliefs, as well as homophobes. The family supported the house-building way of life.


One of the main versions of the musician’s death became known that on the night of July 1 there was a complete attack on the artist’s house. During defensive actions, the attackers inflicted stab wounds mother-in-law, to whose aid Mikhail and his wife came running, then fire was opened on his wife, who was obscured by the musician. Having lost consciousness due to his wound, he came to his senses and was able to call for help. Once in the hospital he could not be saved, and he died on July 1, 2002. The wife managed to escape, and the criminals managed to escape. No children were injured during the attack.
Half the world gathered for Krug's funeral. The funeral took place on July 3.
The second version is presumably that it was an ordinary banal contract robbery. Since the day before he received a large fee for a new hit record.
Continued creative activity Mikhail Krug is his wife, she began to tour with his songs.
It became known that a bronze monument was erected in the center of Tver in 2007 using money raised from the sister’s foundation to Krug.
The criminals who committed the attacks remained unpunished.
There is some version that the wife of one of the caught criminals recognized the face of the man who killed her husband, but the guilt could not be proven. Therefore, no one answered for the death of the Circle.
Mikhail Krug lived a short but very interesting life. He managed to achieve fame and glory, so after his death people remember him to this day, and also listen to his songs with pleasure.

(1962 - 2002)

Mikhail Vladimirovich Vorobyov (Mikhail Krug) was born in 1962. The seventh day of April was marked by the birth of the future singer and composer, whose popularity not only outlived him, but also continues to grow over the years.

Mikhail's childhood years were spent in the old Tver district, now called "Proletarka's Courtyard" (the old name was "Morozovsky Town"). Already at the age of 14, he wrote his first romantic poems, intended for a classmate. Under the influence of the work of Vladimir Vysotsky, Mikhail began to master the guitar and try out for the first time as a vocalist.

After graduating in hometown high school(8 classes) and Automotive Repair School, having served conscript service, in 1987, Mikhail continued his studies and entered college. The biography of Mikhail Krug was not at all easy. Having married immediately upon returning from the army, he was never able to establish relations with his wife’s parents: the guy did not correspond to the ideas and principles of his wife’s family, since he had neither a prestigious education nor a prestigious position.

At the institute, Mikhail takes part in a student competition, the theme of which was an original song. First place in the competition, acquaintance with E.I. Klyachkin, who chaired the Eighth Festival of Author's Song, an irresistible desire to work on himself and his own songs prompts Mikhail to leave the institute, and then refuse the position of head of the motorcade.

The starting point in the biography of Mikhail Krug was the title of laureate, which he received in 1987 at the Art Song Festival, held in Tver. From this moment on, Mikhail Krug firmly decides to forever connect his life with an extraordinary bard song.

His first albums (“Tverskaya Streets”, “Katya” and an untitled album) were recorded in his hometown at the Tver studio. The fate of these albums is sad: without an official release, the songs were distributed pirated. Mikhail Krug rewrote all these songs and included them in the following albums “Madame”, “Mouse”, “Rose” and “Green Prosecutor”. Many of these songs were dedicated to Marina, Mikhail's first love.

In 1994, “Zhigan - Lemon”, the first official album, was released, and 2 years later Mikhail Krug performed at the Moscow festival “Russian Chanson”.

Since 1997, Mikhail Krug has been touring with Svetlana Ternova, a vocalist he heard at the Song Festival. Successful tours take place not only in the Russian Federation and CIS countries, but also in cities in Germany and the USA.

In March 1998, Mikhail Krug received the prestigious Ovation Award. This period is full of constant foreign tours, writing songs for the new album “Mouse” (2000) and filming in feature film“April” (the role of the authority of the criminal structure). In addition, in 1999 the film “The Bard Mikhail Krug” was released, filming of which was completed back in 1994.

The work of Mikhail Krug was tragically cut short along with the life of the popular bard: the Master of Russian chanson was killed in his home on the night of July 1, 2002. Having received several gunshot wounds in the chest and heart area, Mikhail Krug died in the hospital.

The funeral of Mikhail Krug took place with the participation of thousands of fans of his work, among whom were not only crime bosses and “brothers”, but also completely ordinary people, which have nothing to do with “prison romance.” The variety and originality of the famous Bard's songs found a response in the hearts of millions of devoted and grateful fans, captivated by the gentle melody of the sound and the bold poignancy of the lyrics.

Those responsible for Mikhail's death have not been found, but all admirers of his talent are sure: the highest justice exists, and the murderers will be punished!

The King of Russian chanson - that’s what they called him talented musician his fans. A very interesting and fascinating film has even been created about Mikhail Krug, which lifts a certain curtain over his life. And once upon a time I didn’t want to believe that the author and performer of such famous songs as “Vladimir Central”, “Madame”, “Golden Domes” was shot dead in his own mansion. Various versions of the murder were considered. To understand this issue, let’s dive a little into the master’s biography.

Chanson. Mikhail Krug

His real name is Vorobiev. He was born in 1962, in Tver. His father was an engineer, and his mother was an accountant. There was also an older sister, Olga. Mikhail studied at school No. 39 reluctantly and often ran away from classes. At one time I went to music school and learned to play the button accordion, but then I abandoned this activity. He loved playing hockey and was a goalkeeper on his team.

His idol was Vladimir Vysotsky, so from the age of 11 he played the guitar. Mikhail began writing his first poems at the age of 14 and dedicated them to a classmate. In his work, he tried in every possible way to imitate Vysotsky, and a scandal even broke out at school about this.

Then Misha joined the army, upon returning from it he worked as a driver and delivered dairy products around the city for 10 years. Then in 1987 he was promoted to the head of a motorcade and sent to study at the institute. But he didn’t want to sit in the office; he also abandoned the institute and went back to work as a driver.

Personal life

His first wife's name was Svetlana, she was a lead guitarist in the instrumental ensemble of the Institute of Light Industry. It was she who became his first producer. She looked for him all sorts of music competitions, where he could show his musical talent. She recorded Mikhail Krug's songs on audio cassettes. In 1988 they got married, and after a while their son Dmitry was born. However, a year later the couple broke up due to her husband’s constant infidelities.

In 2000, Mikhail married a girl from Chelyabinsk, Irina, for the second time, whom everyone now knows as the popular chansonette Irina Krug. She already had a daughter from her first marriage, and soon she gave birth to Krug’s son, Alexander.

Views and beliefs

Mikhail was somewhat conservative in his views and beliefs. He had an aversion to feminism. And, most interestingly, he was a member of the Liberal Democratic Party and an assistant to its odious leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky. In his interviews, Krug openly emphasized his anti-communist orientation.

Mikhail Krug: albums, creativity

The album “Tver Streets” became the first. He recorded it in 1989, followed by the album “Katya” and then the third without a title. These albums were never officially released, but were stolen and distributed illegally.

But Mikhail Krug did not stop there; he continued to create his albums. The turning point in his career was new collection songs "Zhigan-Lemon". The songs mostly had a “near-criminal” theme, but there were also lyrical and ironic compositions. Mikhail Krug came to Russian chanson with them.

His popularity grew at an extraordinary speed; in 1995, the film “Bard Mikhail Krug” was made about him. A year later, his video for the song “It Was Yesterday” debuted. Since 1997, he began performing abroad in Germany, America and Israel. And he did not forget to perform charity concerts in prisons and colonies, if only he knew what kind of “gratitude” awaited him from those about whom he sang so soulfully.

The most famous songs of Mikhail Krug are “Kolshchik”, “Golden Domes”, “Vladimir Central”, “Madame”, “I went through Siberia”, “The trial is over”, “Sparks in the fireplace”, “Student”, “Hello, Mom ", "For you, my last love" etc.

Awards and achievements

In 1998, the singer received the Ovation Award in the Russian Chanson category. In 1999, he took part and won the “Music Ring”, where his opponent was Sergei Trofimov. In 1999, he took second place in the Russian Chanson.

In 2000, he starred in the feature film April, where he played a crime boss.

The series “The Legend of Mikhail Krug” was even filmed about this extraordinary personality, where very Interesting Facts from his life.

Investigation. Versions of murder

The famous bard was shot dead on the night of June 30 to July 1, 2002 in his mansion in the village of Mamulino (Tver region). Forty days after Krug’s funeral in Tver, a grand concert in his memory was held at the Khimik stadium. The stands were packed with spectators, and many famous and popular artists performed on stage. Many were then sure that the musician had become an accidental victim of a banal robbery, if we speak “in terms of concepts,” a gop-stop. It was believed that the bandits who sneaked into the house did not intend to kill him; in one minute everything did not go according to the thieves’ scenario.

On the question of who killed Mikhail Krug, some believed it was a contract killing and that his business competitors were the killers, others believed that it was done by vodka mafiosi. And when, literally two months after this tragedy, a Tver authority named Arkasha (Ibragim Azizov) was shot with a machine gun, rumor immediately spread that this was revenge, since it was his gang that was engaged in robbing rich mansions.

How it was

The question of who killed Krug Mikhail was also asked by the strongest psychics. According to their visions and according to eyewitnesses, a clear picture was created of the moment of the crime. Although the evidence differs in some cases, in general the situation has become clearer.

So, at the time of the murder there were five people in the house: mother-in-law Zoya Petrovna, three children (from Krug’s first marriage, Dima’s son, Marina, Irina’s daughter, and their joint one and a half month old son Sasha), Mikhail and his wife Irina. Closer to midnight, the owner went into the bedroom, and his wife put the children to bed. The mother-in-law was sitting on the sofa on the third floor and watching TV, when suddenly she was attacked by two people in masks. They hit her on the head with a pistol and tried to strangle her.

Irina ran out to the noise, one of the criminals suddenly turned out to be without a mask, she saw his face, and he chased after her. Mikhail, hearing his wife's scream, ran out of the bedroom and came face to face with the criminal, who shot him twice and he fell. The ambulance refused to go without the police, time was lost. Neighbor Vadim Rusakov took him to Tver city ​​hospital No. 6, by morning Krug died from loss of blood.

The children were not injured, since the two youngest were sleeping, and the eldest Dima was sitting with headphones on, playing on the computer and did not hear anything.

10 years have passed since the death of Mikhail Krug, and this is what his friends in the criminal world managed to find out. Thief in law (to whom the lines from the song “Vladimir Central” are dedicated) claims that they conducted their investigation, and it turned out that the singer’s death was not ordered, the circumstances just happened that way. The North hinted that the pointer on the rich cottage was a third person, and that everyone involved in the murder had already been found, punished and were “in their place.”


Regarding the topic “Who killed Mikhail Krug,” it should also be noted that in 2008 the police arrested the Tver Wolves gangster group, which could have been involved in this tragedy, especially since Krug’s wife Irina identified one criminal - Alexander Ageev, who attacked them. However, his involvement in this case could not be proven. But he received a life sentence for other crimes.

In the summer of 2012, information appeared in the press that the remains of the murderer Krug had been found in Tver; they were pointed out by a man serving a life sentence. At the end of spring 2013, the widow Irina identified this murderer, Dmitry Veselov, from a photograph, which was confirmed by the killer of the “Wolf” gang, Alexander Osipov, who was sentenced to capital punishment. In the article " TVNZ"On March 7, 2014, details of the murder were first published famous musician. Now the case is closed, and the question of who killed Krug Mikhail has been answered comprehensively.


On the morning of July 3, after the funeral service in the church, Mikhail Krug was buried at the local Dmitrovo-Cherkasy cemetery. Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Katya Ogonyok, Efrem Amiramov, the Zhemchuzhny brothers and many other celebrities came to say goodbye to him.