Drawing a woman's face. How to draw a person's face with a pencil step by step

Today we will try to draw a woman's face in all its glory. Human face– a very complex structure in nature. And not only from a physical point. Think for yourself, the eyes are the mirror of the soul, the shape is the character of a person, and the mouth will tell you how pleasant a person is when he smiles. When drawing a person, the face is always the most difficult part.

It may be a secret to many that the human body is asymmetrical (that is, the halves of the body are not equal in structure). One leg is longer than the other, the fingers on one hand are shorter than the others, the ear sticks out more, etc. There is the same problem with the face, and everything is connected with the fact that the two halves of the brain are responsible for different parts, and, at the same time, some functions of the halves of the brain differ from each other. So, we, creative people, rely more on the right side, while the left is responsible for logical thinking and calculations.

Now let's take the risk of drawing a woman's face. Among all the possible ones, I chose Angelina Jolie, because for many men (and women) she is the ideal of beauty and femininity. This is a very important lesson for everyone, so let's get started.

How to draw a woman's face with a pencil step by step

Step one: let's start simple and draw an oval with lines, under it, using the same lines, draw the contours of the neck.

Step two: now we add hair, erase the oval lines and neck lines, making the structure more even, draw a line in the middle, which will indicate half of the face. Step three: now we use the same lines to mark the places where the eyes and nose will be located.

Step four: be careful not to make your facial features too big or small. To do this, we accurately mark the places for the eyeballs, draw the nose and the part of the mouth with lines.

Step five: now, based on the work done, carefully and accurately draw the lines of the eyebrows, then the eyes and mouth. We also add nostrils to the girl’s nose.

Step Six: If all the previous steps are done well, then the hardest part of the lesson has already been completed. We erase all unnecessary lines, give the eyebrows more elegance, draw the pupils, bridge of the nose and trim the lips.

Step seven: apply shadows to the face, sketch out the eyes, lips, and sharpen the eyebrows even more.

Step eight: now the only thing left to do is fine-tune everything so that the drawing looks more like Angelina Jolie’s face. Let's add color to the hair, sketch out the eyes and lips more carefully.

This lesson is about how to draw a girl's face without pronounced emotions with soft facial features.

In this tutorial we will need:

  • sketchbook;
  • HB pencil;
  • eraser;
  • ruler.

I know this tutorial spends a lot of time on measuring. In my opinion, on initial stage this is necessary, especially if you are a beginner. Once you've mastered proportions and become proficient at drawing women's faces, you can repeat this lesson without wasting time on metrics. Ready to practice? Then let's begin!

How to draw a girl's face. Step 1: Face Shape.

Draw a circle and draw a small horizontal line at the bottom, half the diameter of the circle. It is important to follow this rule, since the circle was drawn by hand.

Women have smaller chins than men. Chin augmentation will add masculinity to a woman's face.

After that, draw the cheekbones by connecting the chin with the circle. The shapes of women's faces are extremely diverse. I'll use an image of soft cheekbones as an example.

Then draw a vertical line exactly in the middle of the future face.

How to draw a girl's face.Step 2: Outline the proportions.

Measure the length of your face and divide it into eight equal parts. Label each part with a serial number or letter as shown in the figure. Then, using a ruler, draw straight horizontal lines through the points marked Center line, 2,3, A and C.

If you have completed this tutorial several times and want to try drawing a face without using a ruler, draw the lines in this order: Center line, 2, 3, B, A, C, breaking the lines in the middle each time over and over again.

How to draw a girl's face. Step3: Eyes.

Divide the center line inside the face into five equal parts. Remember that women's eyes are wider and more open than men's.

How to draw a girl's face.Step 4: Nose.

To draw the nose, draw two vertical lines down from the inner edge of the eye to line 3. These lines will define the width of the nose. Then draw a small circle just above line 2. My nose will be short and narrow, with a narrow bridge.

How to draw a girl's face.Step 5: Eyebrows.

In the drawing on the left, I drew the brow arch to show the organic position of the eyebrow itself in relation to the arch. In the picture on the right, we see that the eyebrow is located under the C line. To portray a surprised expression, the eyebrow will need to be brought even closer to the C line.

How to draw a girl's face.Step 6: Lips.

To mark the boundaries of the lips, from the middle of each pupil you will need to draw a perpendicular line down to line 3. Then draw a triangle, the beginning of which will go from the tip of the nose. The base of the triangle should be inside the square. The apex of the triangle should be located strictly at the tip of the nose. As mentioned earlier, this example characteristic of a face that does not express strong emotions. If you want to put a grin on your face, as if the girl is bluffing in the process of the classic version known to everyone card game, position your lower lip slightly lower. Mark the teeth by drawing several perpendicular lines.

After you've drawn in the lips, you may want to lengthen the chin. Or vice versa, make it shorter so that the proportions look more natural. This is quite normal. I constantly adjust these proportions.

How to draw a girl's face.Step 7: Ears.

The boundary lines for the ears are the center line and line 2. To practice drawing realistic ears, we recommend checking out this tutorial (not yet translated).

The center line and line 2 define the ears above and below.

How to draw a girl's face.Step 8: Hair.

When drawing women's hair, remember that a woman's forehead is usually smaller and narrower than a man's. In my example, the hairline starts below line A. I also draw hair on both sides of the temples, but make sure that the hair is not too close to the eyebrows. Don't forget to add volume to your hair by leaving a little space between your hair and your head. For more detailed instructions for images of realistic hair, I recommend contacting one of.

Before erasing all the auxiliary lines, check again how harmonious the proportions of the face are. If after checking you are satisfied with the result, you can safely wash them.

Well, after you have mastered the lesson on depicting a woman’s face, it’s time to experiment and perform several exercises without a ruler.

The article was translated from the siterapidfireart. com

As a child, everyone picked up a pencil and tried to draw themselves, their loved ones and everyone around them. Over the years, the desire to draw passes, only some continue to draw, acquire skills, and learn different techniques fine arts and become artists. The passion to draw sometimes arises among those who have abandoned childhood hobby. They wonder: "How to draw a person's face?" After making several unsuccessful attempts, they give up this activity, but in vain. In fact, most people can learn to draw. The easiest way to start self-study is with a landscape; you can always tell others that this is how I saw this field (mountains, forest, river, sea, etc.). TO portrait painting the attitude is more strict, any mistake in the image of the face immediately catches the eye.

Where to start

Each face is individual, but there are basic principles that can be used to draw it on paper. The general outline can be round, oval, triangular, rectangular. At the first stage, you need to decide on your face type. Then you should pay attention to the proportions: height and width. Having outlined the top and bottom, as well as the right and left edges, we draw the person’s face, depicting an oval. Now we need the proportions of the location of other parts of the face. Eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, chin are individual, and their location should be copied as accurately as possible from the original.

Eyes are like a mirror of the soul

Round, narrow, slanting, close-set, widely spaced, surprised, joyful, dejected, admiring, disappointed - these are all eyes. They remain the same for their owner and at the same time change depending on the mood and situation. How to draw a person's face and expressive eyes? Their very placement on the face gives the portrait recognition. It is important to know how to position them. Having chosen the proportions, the centers where the pupils will be located are determined. Eyelids will be drawn around it. They are also different, young people and children do not have any folds, a person with a long life's path wrinkles scatter in different directions. They are also an integral part of the appearance. By drawing eyes, you can draw a person's face, which will be recognized. All other parts of the face are important, but even without them the portrait becomes similar to the prototype.

Drawing the nose

A potato nose or an eagle profile, straight or with a slight hump, with wide or narrow wings, a Greek or Roman profile - all these concepts refer to the shape of the nose. Any mistake in proportion can cost a lot. Even if the nose matches the model, by depicting it larger and smaller, the artist will not achieve similarity. Some portrait painters especially note the size and proportions of the nose when answering the question: “How to draw a person’s face?” By drawing a size chart, you can achieve a perfect match between the real and drawn nose.

How to draw a mouth

Many people claim that character is reflected in the eyes, but they are wrong. Skilled artists can give any expression to the eyes, turning a limited person into a sage. But the mouth betrays human essence. A small, tightly compressed mouth with thin lips or a wide, slightly open mouth with thick lips will give completely different information about the owner. A smile or a sad grin will allow you to judge your mood. Lips and mouth are the outer manifestation of the essence of every person. Even twins, although completely similar, often differ in the appearance of their mouths. The leader has more pronounced features, the second twin is only a reflection of the first, and his mouth will indicate that he is the follower in this pair. When drawing a mouth, you should first apply only thin strokes. Later, the artist’s hand, bypassing complex reflections, will itself add the necessary details. The main thing is to start drawing, and then the mental exchange between the model and the artist will work.

General outlines faces

How to draw a person’s face, showing his attitude to reality? Facial contours with sharp or light shadows will give the desired status and reflect the character of the prototype. They are noticeably different in real life too. There are women with courageous faces, and there are also men with mustaches and beards who have retained a lot of femininity in their appearance. The general contours of the face are responsible for life position, drawn on a portrait. In a photograph, a person's facial features are not so expressive; only the artist can convey the actual vision of the person he is drawing.

To answer the question for yourself: “How to draw a person’s face?” - Once you start drawing, you need to continue this hobby. All people see the same thing, but only the artist is given the opportunity to show everyone else how he sees it all. Painting differs from photography in that the artist paints the world that he spied with his own eyes and conveyed it in the form of a work of art.

After reading this article, you can try yourself as an artist and draw a portrait of your mother, father or any other person.

Sometimes sitting at home you just don’t know what to do. You start to draw flowers little by little with a pencil, but you want to depict something more serious, for example, a portrait. But how to do this? How to learn to draw correctly?

Many artists of various eras, each time practicing the art of drawing, were able to achieve incredible skill. Our task is to study the main principles of drawing in order to learn how to draw a portrait of a person using a pencil and paints. Of course, one cannot say that it is very difficult. But if you don’t know the basics, then you won’t be able to draw a beautiful portrait.

First, you should find out what kind of portraits of a person exist. Each of us considers a portrait to be an image of a person’s face. But is it really so? There are various types of portraits in nature:

  • Shoulder portrait. Only the head is depicted here.
  • Bust-length portrait. In this case, a person is drawn up to his chest.
  • Half-length portrait. It shows an image of a person from the head to the waist.
  • Generational portrait. In such a portrait, the human body is depicted from head to knees.
  • Full length portrait.

Portraits can also be divided into the following categories:

  • Profile portrait.
  • Full face portrait.
  • Half-turn portrait.

In performing each of these types, you need to take into account some nuances. But, and most importantly, you need to carefully study human anatomy. Otherwise, you will not be able to correctly depict the proportions of the human body.

If you are a beginner artist, then you first need to try to depict a portrait of a woman or man from the side. After you master this technique, you can proceed to more complex ones, for example, drawing a face from the front.

How to correctly draw a portrait of a person with a pencil: a detailed explanation for children and beginners?

You may be surprised, but many famous artists They say that it is more difficult to draw not a portrait, but nature. Therefore, if you want to try to draw a portrait of a person, feel free to get to work.

To get a beautiful portrait, you need:

  • Choose the appropriate model at your discretion. Yes, you must like the object you choose.
  • Possess basic geometry skills. This is required in order to correctly calculate the places where they should be located: mouth, nose, eyes.

Drawing a portrait of a man:

In a man's face, the lines are not quite smooth, but more straight. However, this does not mean that they are easier to draw. Accordingly, try not to waste paper, draw the facial contour until it acquires the required outline. Now start drawing and follow the following instructions:

  • Make an oval to contour your face.
  • Now draw a clear horizontal line in the center.
  • Step back a little from this line and draw a second one, which will be parallel to it.
  • From the center of the second line, draw a perpendicular line. Mark on it the location of the mouth and tip of the nose.
  • Step back a little along the oval and draw an ear.
Start of drawing
  • In the central part of the lower half, draw the pupils and complete the eyelids
  • Add the outline of the hair.
  • Draw your eyebrows, make a beautiful hairstyle.
  • Proceed to the lips. To begin, use a smooth line to indicate the lower lip. After this, mirror the upper lip so that it has a depression in the center.
  • Draw the nose. Show the tip of the nose with a slightly extended “tick”. Draw a couple of arc-shaped lines from it.
  • From the arch of the eyebrows to the right, draw a curved ruler so that it deviates to the right.
  • Add detail to the contours of the eyelids and eyebrows.
  • Draw the hair.
  • Draw the missing elements of the ears.
  • Erase the guide lines.
  • Start with the shadows. Make small shadows in the area of ​​the cheekbones, forehead, and nose, blend them.
  • Shade a little under the eyes and in the neck area.

With the help of these instructions you will understand how, without much difficulty, you can draw a man’s face step by step with a pencil.

Let's depict a woman's portrait:

In a portrait of a lady, avoid hard, angular lines. In return they will get smoothness and femininity:

  • Sketch out the oval of the face.
  • Draw a couple of lines. They should intersect and be located in the center of the face, deviating slightly to the right.
  • On the resulting lines, mark the main elements: lips, eyes and nose. Draw each curve in detail.
  • Draw a ruler from the cheekbone down and shape the chin.
  • Make the folds of the eyelids, eyes and nose.
  • Draw the lips.
  • Now you can start working on the eyelashes and pupils. Don't forget to show the highlights below.
  • Draw the ears.
  • Start applying shadows. Take a soft pencil and blend the shadows around the eyes, cheekbones, neck and nose.
  • Draw an approximate hairstyle.
  • Remove all additional rulers and begin shading the portrait.
  • Make your hair look voluminous by shading at the roots.
  • Shade the background more intensely to make it darker.

Learning to draw eyes:

As we all know, eyes are considered the mirror of the soul. Therefore, it is your eyes that you should pay special attention to.

  • Make two ovals - these will be the eyes.
  • Draw the pupils and irises of the eyes.
  • Be sure to complete your eyebrows, otherwise you won’t get the eyes you want.
  • Draw eyelashes. They should look from the arc up or down. In the central part of the eyes, draw the eyelashes a little shorter.
  • Detail them: draw short eyelashes inside the corner, and thick and long ones along the edges.
  • Shade the third part of the irises of the eyes so that there are light spots on the pupils and the edges are dark.
  • Add shadow to the lower eyelids and along the edges of the upper eyelids.

We have found out that to depict a portrait you need to adore geometry and know what proportions are. Now let's look at some anatomical features that will be useful for drawing a face.

  • The horizontal ruler in the center of the eyes should be equal to the distance between the right and left eyes.
  • The same ruler between the lips should be equal to the distance that is between the right and left pupil.
  • The distance between the mouth and eyebrow is equal to the length of the ear.

If you want to see all the errors in the resulting portrait, hold the portrait up to the mirror. Believe me, all the imperfections in the image will become more noticeable.

Video: How to draw a man's face with a pencil?

Video: How to draw a woman's face with a pencil?

How to beautifully create a portrait of a girl and mother with a pencil step by step?

Prepare all materials for drawing. On the right paper, soft pencils can be erased well and do not leave marks. Avoid hard pencils as they leave marks on paper. Now you can start drawing a portrait, but at a professional level.

  • We fix the paper. Attach the paper sheet using buttons to a special tablet (plywood sheet attached to a wooden frame). Attach the tablet to the stretcher so that the angle is 45 degrees.
  • We are working out all the details. Mark all the lines that were indicated in the first version of the portrait image. Here, pay special attention to exactly what shape the parts of the face will have.
  • Take into account every little detail, work out all the details. Because your portrait must look like a human face.
  • Draw the eyes. There are three rulers used to draw eyes. The central line is where the pupils of the eye are depicted. Mark the eyes yourself and eyeballs. While you only need to draw outlines of the contours, strokes are not needed. Eyebrows should be drawn on top of the eyes. Once you are done with the pupils, carefully draw the eyelids and outline the wrinkles. Draw eyebrow lines above the eyes.
  • Draw the lips. The lips also have three lines. First draw the lower lip, as it is much easier to draw. After that draw the upper lip. Divide it into two equal parts using a hollow. Use eyeshadow to make your lips look prominent. Indicate folds if the person has a smile on his face.
  • Draw the nose. Mark the tip of the nose above the lips. Mark it with a tick, that is, in the form of a soaring bird. On one and the other side of this “tick” draw a couple of small arcs. Now apply shadow to your nose.

So, you have outlined and drawn the main details of the portrait. You have completed great job, namely:

  • You were able to determine the locations for the eyes, nose, lips and ears.
  • You sketched them on paper.
  • You drew every detail and every element.
  • You put shadow on your nose.

The final stage of drawing a female portrait

The next step is to add shadows to the person’s portrait. This stage is considered very important, since it is what makes the face come to life. Pay special attention to your eyes. A look that does not have a touch of life will simply ruin your work, so work on your eyes with special care and thoroughness. Draw the eyeballs, draw the pupils inside. Don't make them dark. There must be glare on each pupil of the right and left eyes.

The last stage in a portrait of a person is to draw an oval of the face and shadows. Also draw the hair. You probably remember that at the first stage you outlined the ears? If your portrait has a short hairstyle, then thoroughly work out each ear. If your hair is long, then you can cover your ears with a hairstyle.

Apply shadows

Now a soft pencil will fully come to your aid. Here's the thing: a pencil that has medium hardness, or a hard pencil, cannot apply shadows perfectly. Many artists have one trick - they make pencil strokes invisible. Everything happens as follows: they smear strokes on paper using a fingertip or a piece of paper. Now you can draw a correct portrait of a girl and mother with all the nuances and subtleties.

How to beautifully create a portrait of a girl and mother with paints?

Do you want to draw a portrait of a girl or mother with paints, but are you afraid that the drawing will not work out? Cast aside your own fears and read our recommendations. To draw, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • A set of watercolor paints.
  • Soft brushes of various sizes (squirrel wool or kolinsky).
  • Watercolor paper.
  • A wooden tablet (we described it a little higher).
  • Hard pencil and eraser.
  • The paper on which you will sketch.

First, make a few sketches of the future portrait, and also decide how exactly the person’s face will be depicted in the drawing.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a portrait with paints:

So, you have completed the preparatory process, now you can create a picture. Break the entire process into the following sequential steps:

  • Draw a portrait using a pencil. This stage is considered very important. Make every line visible, don't use the eraser too much. Because this will cause your paper to be worn out, and, accordingly, the colors will lie unevenly. You can draw a portrait on separate paper in advance, and then transfer the drawing to special watercolor paper.
  • Now start drawing. To begin, apply a transparent, very light underpainting to the paper using paints. Use pale orange face paint. Paint in broad strokes over the entire face. Where there will be highlights, leave the paper untouched. After that, select other shades of paint and brush over your hair and clothes. Leave the lightest areas untouched.
  • Take care of the eyes and lips. Select the paint you need. It needs to be diluted with water to get a pale shade. Paint the iris of your eyes with the resulting paint. Draw the lips in the same way.
  • Apply shadow all over your face. You can apply a warm reflection of light to one side of your face. Display cold highlights from things on your chin. Learn this when drawing a portrait, depict them in the drawing using additional tones.
  • Next, take a closer look at each shadow. Find the darkest areas of the cheekbones, lips, sides and wings of the nose, near the hair, and so on. It is thanks to the shadows that you can sculpt your face and give it natural volume. There is main principle– Move constantly from the lightest shades to the darkest.
  • Find light intermediate shades of shadows and light: in the area of ​​​​the face where the ray of light falls, there are also dark and light places. Watch how the light “plays” and repeat this while drawing on paper.
  • Carry out the same actions with your hair and things as when working with your face.
  • The final stage: take the thinnest brush, highlight the smallest elements and lines with it. Draw each strand of hair, eyelashes, lips. Remember - when working with paints, even in very dark areas, the paint should be transparent.
  • Draw the background as you draw the portrait, but you can also postpone this process until last moment. The most important thing is not to work on the background more than the portrait, but also avoid negligence.

We hope you were able to learn general outline how to correctly draw a portrait of a girl using paints. Portrait for copying

Portrait of a man

Video: How to draw a girl’s face with paints step by step?

This lesson is devoted to how to draw a girl's face with a pencil. The process itself is quite interesting and difficult. However, once you achieve the result, you will be pleasantly surprised, because the drawing turns out to be very realistic.

So, the lesson on how to draw a girl’s face step by step begins.

Step 1. First of all, you need to draw the base. This will be an oval face, slightly reminiscent of an egg. In this case, the height of the face will be equal to triple the width of the chin.

Step 2. The second step is to draw the eyes. Visually divide the entire oval of the face in half and place the eyes slightly below the imaginary line. In this case, the shape of the eyes can be different, the main thing is that they are symmetrical. Upper eyelid open eyes almost unnoticed. WITH inside clearly visible lacrimal glands must be added.

A round iris is drawn inside the eye, slightly raised under the upper eyelid. Subsequently, the iris will be decorated. The pupil should be drawn in the circle of the iris. It's completely black. On the lower eyelid, draw short eyelashes, which are more noticeable from the outside. On upper eyelid long eyelashes.

Step 3. The next step is to draw the nose. Intermittent wavy line, is drawn as shown in the figure, slightly curving upward.

Step 4. Next you need to draw the mouth. The lower lip should not be thick, but not thin either. Photos of real girls will help you maintain proportions. And the upper lip looks like a volcano, thanks to a small dimple located clearly in the middle, under the nose.

Step 5. Eyebrows are easy to draw. If you need to give your face some kind of expression, you should look at photographs of real girls or look in the mirror. The usual neutral expression is practically straight lines eyebrows, slightly curved on the outside of the face.

Step 6. Hairstyle, length, appearance and the hair color is drawn based on the artist’s imagination. The main thing is that there is space for the forehead.

Step 7 Upper part The ear is in line with the eyes. The beautifully drawn curved line of the ears ends in a small lobe, on which earrings of any shape can be depicted at the request of the artist.

Step 8 The neck begins approximately at the level of the lower lip. Having drawn it to the bend of the shoulders, you must not forget about the lines of the collarbones.

That's it, the lesson on how to beautifully draw a girl's face is over. Now all that remains is to add color by decorating the girl.

Another short video tutorial showing how to draw a girl’s face sideways. Watch and practice.

Don't forget to show the lesson to your friends and write about your drawing successes in the comments