How old is Dolina? Family and biography of Larisa Valley. The artist's childhood hobbies

A popularly beloved artist, the magnificent singer Larisa Dolina was born in the beautiful sunny city of Baku. The performer's date of birth is September 10, 1955.

She grew up in a very friendly family. The girl's parents had modest incomes; they did not have the opportunity to often spoil their daughter, but whenever possible they always tried to please her with something.

Larisa loved music since childhood, and one day, returning from pioneer camp and entering her room, she saw a birthday present from her parents. Her happiness knew no bounds, because it was a black piano, which she had long dreamed of.

Larisa's real name is Kudelman. Her father, Alexander Kudelman, was a glazier, and her mother, Galina Kudelman (her maiden name was Dolina), worked as a typist. Second cousin Larisa is the talented actress Irina Apeksimova.


The biography of Larisa Dolina deserves special attention. Her life was very interesting. When the girl was three years old, the Kudelman family moved from Baku to Odessa, her father’s hometown.

For a long time, Larisa lived with her parents in a communal apartment, practically in the basement, in terrible conditions. During this period, the girl became seriously ill with whooping cough, the consequence of which was chronic bronchitis, which still complicates the singer’s life.

Any hypothermia and cold lead to a cough that does not go away for a long time. For a singer, this is a particularly serious problem. But, in spite of everything, Larisa has excellent command of her voice; problems with the bronchi did not become a serious obstacle on her path to the musical Olympus.

Singer Larisa Dolina, whose biography and life are presented in this article, warmly remembers her house in Baku with a beautiful garden in which beautiful flowers, pomegranates and figs grew. With special tenderness, the singer remembers her dog, a shepherd named Rex. Odessa is a second home for the star. This city gave her a lot of vital energy, here she began the path to her dream.

As a child, Larisa really wanted to become a translator and studied English intensively. For three years, the future singer attended courses almost seven days a week. But soon future star I realized that music was her calling. The girl was eager to sing.

The first time Dolina appeared on stage was when she was twelve years old. This happened in a pioneer camp. The director of the Magellan ensemble noticed her talent and invited Larisa to do a joint performance - to sing a duet. This performance determined the direction of her future career.

Personal life

The personal life of Larisa Dolina did not always develop smoothly and cloudlessly. Her first husband was Anatoly Mionchinsky, a talented conductor. Larisa and Anatoly got married in 1980. Soon they had a beautiful daughter named Angelina.

The daughter of Larisa Dolina and Anatoly Mionchinsky grew up in love and prosperity, did not need anything, mom and dad doted on their child. However, after some time, the spouses ceased to understand each other. Larisa Dolina's husband was jealous of the singer, tried to limit her freedom and put pressure on her. Dolina did not put up with this and divorced her husband.

After the divorce, Larisa Alexandrovna Dolina did not want to officially connect her life with anyone for a long time. For some time, the singer had a civil marriage with bass guitarist Viktor Mityazov. But the meeting with Ilya Spitsyn changed the artist’s whole life, and her attitude towards marriage changed. Larisa again wanted to create a family based on love, loyalty and mutual understanding. The star's personal life has improved.

Spitsyn is thirteen years younger than Larisa, but the age difference was not at all a hindrance for the lovers. For a long time Larisa Dolina and Ilya Spitsyn looked in love and happy, they were called perfect couple. Lately, they rarely appear in public together, but this does not mean at all that there is something wrong in their relationship.

The granddaughter of Larisa Dolina, Alexandra, like her grandmother, was fond of music since childhood, and she especially liked to sing. When Sashenka was very little, Dolina had already determined that she was a future star. The real happiness and meaning of Larisa Dolina’s life are her children - daughter Angelina and granddaughter Alexandra.

The singer has always been considered a curvy woman. She was prone to obesity and constantly struggled with overweight. Latest news It is reported that the star managed to lose as much as twenty-six kilograms. Now Larisa looks amazing, she is petite and graceful.


When Dolina was still a schoolgirl, she began performing songs in restaurants. The girl went to school during the day and worked in the evening. When Larisa was in ninth grade, she passed a qualifying competition for an ensemble called “Wave”. In order to work, the girl had to finish school in absentia.

Having become famous in her city, Larisa received a tempting offer from Armenia - to work in the Armina ensemble. The girl's parents did not approve of this and forbade her to leave. But the ban did not stop her, and Dolina went to Yerevan, where she lived and worked for four years. This time in the singer’s life was eventful. She saw a lot of good things, but also faced a lot of difficulties.

After some time, Larisa was invited to join the ensemble under the direction of Konstantin Orbelyan. Here the artist had a very difficult time, since Orbelyan forbade her to sing what she herself wanted to perform. She did not want to comply, and the leader did not take her on the group’s tour abroad. Larisa was not satisfied with such conditions, so she had to leave the ensemble and return home.

In 1976, Dolina was already a famous performer in Russia. She also worked for several years in Azerbaijan, after which she began singing at the Khrustalny restaurant in Sochi. This is where her real life began solo career. Taking part in a performing competition folk songs, the singer took second place.

I noticed her at the competition famous musician Anatoly Kroll, who invited her to perform in his Sovremennik jazz orchestra. Larisa collaborated with Kroll for five years and performed jazz all this time. In 1979, she received a special prize at a pop song competition in Tallinn, and in 1981, the Grand Prix of a song festival in Czechoslovakia.

The most popular songs of the performer are:

  • "Weather in the house."
  • "I want to be loved."
  • "Half."
  • "Looking for you."
  • "Strangers."
  • "Goodbye!"

The singer has film works. The first film in which the star starred was the film “We are from Jazz” directed by Karen Shakhnazarov. In this film, Dolina played the role of the black singer Clementine. After this, the artist played several more roles. Her achievement in the field of symphonic music is the performance of one of the main roles in Schnittke’s cantata “The History of Doctor Faustus”.

Since 1995, Dolina has performed on the stage of the famous concert hall“Russia”, where she presented the “Weather in the House” program dedicated to her anniversary. In 2002, Larisa wanted to return to her previous repertoire and sing her favorite jazz again. When the singer celebrated her next anniversary in 2005, she presented to the public her new program, in which she performed compositions in a variety of styles.

Larisa Dolina is one of the most famous and beloved Russian artists; her songs are listened to by millions of people. The singer achieved popularity thanks to her talent, determination and willpower. In her creative baggage huge amount recorded discs containing everyone's favorite compositions. Having gone through a rather difficult path, the singer managed to become one of the most bright stars Russian show business. Author: Irina Polesova

Name: Larisa Dolina

Age: 60 years old

Place of birth: Baku

Height: 169 cm

Weight: 51 kg

Activity: Singer, actress

Marital status: Married to Ilya Spitsyn

Larisa Dolina - biography

At the age of forty-three, Larisa decided to turn her seemingly well-established life and biography 180 degrees. She rejected all old values, went under the plastic surgeon's knife and started an affair with a young man. As it turns out, the recipe for happiness may be like this.

Larisa Dolina - Childhood in a communal apartment

Future popular singer, People's Artist of Russia Larisa Aleksandrovna Dolina was born in Baku on September 10, 1955.

The biography of the early childhood of Larisa Dolina (born Kudelman) passed to the sound of a typewriter. Her mother, who worked as a typist, often took part-time work home and typed texts all night. The family was practically destitute. Dad's salary, a glazier at a construction site, was not enough for even the most meager food. Together with their grandmother, a bedridden patient, the Kudelmans huddled in a small room in an Odessa communal apartment. The apartment was in the basement, where it was dark and damp, which is why the little girl often got sick.

Including whooping cough and chronic bronchitis - diseases that later made themselves felt during her vocal career. Larisa slept on a cot and developed a curvature of her spine. After the death of the grandmother, the family moved to another communal apartment, but in Dolina’s biography this could hardly be called an improvement in living conditions: seven families, one toilet and three gas stoves for two dozen people, and there was no bath at all.

At school, Larisa was teased as a Jew because of her Jewish origin. But this only strengthened her character. Since childhood, the girl was accustomed to defending her interests, although she was not raised in Jewish traditions. Only sometimes, when the parents were arguing, did they switch to Yiddish so that their daughter would not understand them. The mother's dream was to escape from these seven circles of hell. For her daughter she wanted better fate than she had. Therefore, I took Larisa to music school in cello class.

And when the family moved to a separate apartment, the first piece of furniture purchased with the saved money was a piano. Larisa did not like music, but she loved to sing. She even went to English lessons only to then perform her favorite songs from the Beatles’ repertoire. In the evenings, young Dolina listened to foreign records (she had a luxurious thing for those times - a reel-to-reel tape recorder!), and she especially liked jazz. She tried to copy, and she succeeded.

Larisa Dolina: “And in the restaurant...”

From the age of thirteen, Larisa took part in school amateur performances and sang in an ensemble. The head of the circle noted the extraordinary natural abilities of the young singer: her voice has a wide range - as many as five octaves! Only Whitney Houston owned one. But Lara was reluctant to listen to the school teacher: she was much more attracted to the stories of her friend, who was already eighteen and who made money by singing in a restaurant. Larisa also wanted to contribute to the family budget, but when the girl told her parents about this, a scandal broke out.

The domineering and scrupulous mother shouted that her daughter would sing in front of the chewing, tipsy visitors only over her corpse, and the gentle and kind father took her daughter’s side: after all, they offered to pay her as much as five rubles for one performance. It was a good amount for a month. Well, where will they earn so much? The mother was persuaded. The decision was made. And here in school biography Work appeared in the valley: after school, Larisa hurried to work at a nearby restaurant, each time praying that none of the teachers would think of having dinner there.

Larisa sang in the restaurant for only six months, but her tavern past was later often recalled to her, already a popular singer throughout the country. And her speech is provincial, and her manners are proletarian, and her makeup is bright, and her costumes are vulgar. But where could she, a girl from a simple working-class family, learn social etiquette?

The same friend suggested that Larisa go to a competition at the Odessa Philharmonic for company. But, as often happens, the friend did not pass, and Larisa was taken. So the creative biography of Larisa Dolina continued: she became a soloist of the ensemble “We are Odessa residents”, and then other state groups. Due to the tour, Larisa had to complete her last two classes in absentia. At first, her mother did not let her leave the house, but after saying: “Mom, you will go to work, and I will pack my suitcase and leave,” she resigned herself.

Larisa first lived in Yerevan, then in Sochi, where he came to her real success- in narrow musical circles, and then among the mass audience. Kind people advised Larisa Kudelman to come up with a pseudonym, and she took her mother’s maiden name - Dolina.

Larisa Dolina - personal life: Weather in the house

On stage, Larisa also met her fate in her personal life. It turned out to be musician Anatoly Mionchinsky. The groom himself recalled that episode from his biography: “I came to the rehearsal and saw a girl singing on stage... Then she seemed fat and ugly to me! But when I heard the voice, I was amazed. She sang wonderfully! So I hastened to meet her. It turned out that Larisa came from Odessa. She was 23 years old at the time...”

The marriage turned out to be unhappy, and later, in an interview about the biography of his personal life, Mionchinsky threw mud at Dolina: they say, he was terribly embarrassed by her: she slurped at the table, wore miniskirts and was friends with foreign exchange prostitutes - like a woman from the Odessa Privoz. Former musician, who had long drowned his talent in alcohol, always forgot to mention that then Larisa literally saved his life.

During the period they met, Mionchinsky drank a bottle of vodka at night to forget about the death of his little son. The Valley pulled him out of alcohol addiction, and even, despite a promising career, decided to have a child. She felt that this would “revive” Anatoly. Thus, in the biography of Larisa Dolina, daughter Angelina was born.

Pregnancy and childbirth were difficult, the girl was born weak, and she was immediately taken to another hospital. Larisa was not told anything. Pale and emaciated, still recovering from childbirth. Dolina traveled to all Moscow hospitals, trying to find her daughter. Found it. The baby got stronger and grew up healthy in the future.

Then the Valley was already famous singer, sang several hits and songs for films, but in Moscow musical circles she never became one of her own: the lack of capital registration is to blame. Notorious housing issue tortured the singer for many years. First I even had to move from Moscow to Leningrad, to the one-room apartment of my husband’s parents. There, behind the closet, the newlyweds began their personal family life.

The Leningrad climate aggravated all the singer’s past ailments, and besides, after three years the marriage began to burst at the seams. The husband was jealous of Larisa’s success, publicly humiliated her, would raise his hand against her, and in the evenings he would return to his old habit of nudging her by the collar. The valley realized that it was time to leave. Taking her daughter and some clothes, she left for Ulyanovsk, where she was offered a lucrative contract.

There she met the young guitarist Viktor Mityazov, who very persistently began to court her. The wound that had not yet healed after the divorce prevented the romance. But a year later Larisa gave up and married Victor. The young husband became not only a musician, but also the singer’s producer. They returned to the capital, however, they had to live in hotel room: The couple never earned money for their home. Only a few years later Larisa managed to buy a three-ruble note on Shabolovka.

Larisa Dolina - Belated happiness

Larisa’s personal life with Victor lasted more than ten years, when on tour in Dolina’s biography a passionate romance began, again with her own musician Ilya Spitsyn, who was eleven years younger than the singer. The couple did not hide their relationship, and the cuckolded husband (he still remained producer Dolina) tried to reassure his wife and deal with Ilya “like a man” - but all in vain. I had to give a divorce.

Next to her young husband, Larisa blossomed. All her life she tried to fight excess weight, but this time her colleagues in show business advised an experienced nutritionist, and Dolina lost a couple of tens of kilograms. New body, new husband new repertoire... The glory that had subsided in the biography of the singer Lolina flared up again. Larisa admits: “I probably wouldn’t have decided on such a thing.” sharp turn in life, if I doubted myself or Ilya even a little.

Enough time and meetings have passed for us to understand: this is not a romance or an affair.” Next to Ilya, Larisa finally stopped being a “locomotive” and felt like weak woman. She was accused of specially invented PR: they say, following Pugacheva, Dolina decided to attract attention to herself with a young groom. But time has shown: evil tongues were wrong.

Today Larisa is a sought-after singer. She gives concerts, participates in shows and various television projects. But her main joy is her four-year-old granddaughter Alexandra, whom the singer has already begun to introduce into the world, not at all embarrassed by the title of grandmother.

Larisa Dolina is undoubtedly a crowd favorite, beautiful woman and a talented artist. In addition, the personal life of the actor is endless conversations and gossip. The singer had three husbands, she lived with them for about ten years, but in the end it all ended in divorce. So with my last husband, Ilya Spitsyn, the relationship is on the verge of collapse.

Brief biography

The People's Artist was born in Baku on September 10, 1955 in a family of ordinary people not burdened with fame. The singer's nationality takes its roots from the Jewish people. But at the age of six, the girl moved to Odessa with her parents. According to the star himself, the family lived in terrible conditions, because with youth the girl began to earn money with her voice and therefore does not have a matriculation certificate.

Dolina, of course, is first and foremost a People's Artist of Russia and only then a mother and wife. It is this fact that prevents personal life from developing fully. The artist is a deeply emotional person and simply not created for a family hearth. Talented individuals give themselves completely to their career and stage without reserve, like Laura. Larisa is famous not only as a performer of popular songs, but has also repeatedly starred in films. Of course, these are not leading roles, but very memorable moments with your favorite singer.

Filmography and voice acting:

  • Velvet season.
  • An ordinary miracle.
  • June 31st.
  • Sorcerers.
  • Circus princess.
  • We are from jazz.
  • Cinderella.
  • Bremen Town Musicians.
  • Happy New Year! Happy new happiness!
  • Love is a carrot.

The artist's family

Dolina Larisa Alexandrovna and her personal life, daughter and granddaughter are a separate topic for conversation. The fate of the artist has always interested millions of viewers how the girl is growing and whether her family interferes with her career and whether another divorce will affect her talent and health. The only child was born in his first marriage with Anatoly Mionchinsky, but after seven years the union had exhausted itself.

As the singer says, the reason for divorce is addiction ex-spouse to alcohol. However, the conductor refutes this opinion and hints that the artist herself is not averse to drinking and it is not his fault for the breakdown of the marriage. Anatoly Mionchinsky did not take special zeal in raising his daughter, he transferred this burden to ex-wife, but he constantly helped financially. The girl spent more time with her stepfather Victor, Larisa’s second husband.

Dolina’s daughter graduated from the Moscow University of Economics and is quite successful in this profession, but still remembers the days spent with creative people. But Angelina listened to her mother’s instructions and does not regret her choice of profession. Today she has completely devoted herself to raising Alesandra and feels good in this role.

Mityazov beautifully courted the woman he loved and became a close friend to his stepdaughter. Against the backdrop of bright passion and relationships, Larisa blossomed, lost weight and turned into a real beauty. Which undoubtedly attracted the attention of the opposite sex. Not romance, not the good attitude of the stepfather towards his daughter did not save the marriage, Dolina went to her third lover. It was this moment in her life that brought the singer national recognition.

Programs that brought fame:

  • Long jump.
  • Contrasts.
  • Ice.
  • Little woman.

Personal life of Ilya Spitsyn

The bass player was born on August 28, 1968 in Zelenograd. His biography since 1988 has been integrally connected with the Valley, at the same time he became the legal spouse of the singer and her producer.

The marriage, which has lasted more than ten years, did not start out very romantic. This is now Larisa Dolina and Ilya Spitsyn like lovebirds follow each other everywhere. And in the distant nineties, young people were not free. The singer was married to her second husband, Viktor Mityazov, and the bass guitarist was not only married, but also raising a one-year-old son. But as they say, you can’t order your heart, and soon the couple of lovers broke up with their exes.

Ilya Spitsyn, Dolina’s husband, also had a hand in raising Angelina. According to the singer herself, her husband always treated her stepdaughter as an adult and supported her in everything. Now the child has already grown up and gave the star couple a granddaughter, Alexandra. My parents are eager to raise Sasha into a new artist, but my grandparents have a different opinion.

Since constantly being on the road it is difficult to raise children and have a normal happy family. A public person will always have to choose between a career and home.

Last marriage and divorce

But after 11 years of romantic and business relations, the union has cracked. According to some reports, the spouses last time They went on vacation separately and Dolina’s main support on tour, Ilya, refused to accompany her on trips around the country. However, this is a temporary break in work and Spitsyn is going to remain in his post, but according to rumors, only as a director without continuing the love story.

Now Ilya Spitsyn, his biography and personal life is under the constant control of the press and journalists; new details from the producer’s past are constantly appearing in the media. The main intrigue of today is the relationship between spouses. The couple will always have time to get a divorce and while they are in no hurry, perhaps there is some hope left to save the marriage.

Everyone in the family experiences conflicts and discord, but among ordinary people this is not so noticeable, but among celebrities everything happens before the eyes of the country, hence the unnecessary speculation and assumptions.

Attention, TODAY only!

Recently biography Russian singer Larisa Dolina is of interest to many media representatives. Recently it became known that the artist broke up with her third husband, with whom she had lived for the last twenty years. Now Dolina tries not to advertise details from her personal life and devotes all her time to her children and grandchildren.

Childhood years

The future Russian pop star was born on September 10, 1955 in Baku. Larisa has Jewish roots, so at birth the girl had a surname - Kudelman. Her parents were ordinary people: father Alexander Markovich worked as a builder, and mother Galina Izrailevna was a typist.

After some time, the family moved to a cramped communal apartment in Odessa. At first it was hard for them, but after a few years this city became the closest to them.

Larisa received her first education at a music school. Even then, she dreamed of becoming a famous singer in the future. Despite the fact that her parents supported her desire to become an artist, they did not miss the opportunity to instill in her a love of foreign languages. Therefore the girl with early years attended English courses.

First successes

Larisa's creative biography began quite early. The first performance on stage took place in a children's camp. The girl performed the song together with VIA “Magellans”, which brought her great success. After that, she was offered to join the creative team.

Later, Larisa continued to participate in various song competitions. Thanks to this, she was noticed by the organizers of the ensemble “We are Odessa residents.” When young singer realized that she wanted to develop further, she accepted the offer from VIA “Armina” and moved to Armenia.

There, serious career changes awaited her. In a few months, Dolina was able to become a soloist of the Azerbaijan Pop Song Ensemble.

Great luck smiled on the singer when she became member of VIA"Contemporary". A special program was prepared for the girl, with the help of which she revealed her creative potential. This was also facilitated by frequent tours that took place in different cities of Russia. But, like any other artist, Dolina dreamed of a solo career.

Wish fulfillment

A special place in her creative biography was played by her collaboration with the popular composer Viktor Reznikov. An invisible mutual understanding arose between them, which led them to incredibly beautiful and successful compositions.

After some time, the Valley stopped highlighting only jazz and took a closer look at pop performance.

Real fame came to the artist when she met the poet Mikhail Tanich. Over the years, they have managed to create several hits that are still popular today:

  • "Goodbye";
  • "I'm sorry";
  • “I’m offended”;
  • "Weather at home";
  • "Jealous of Me";
  • “I give you Moscow.”

It is worth noting that throughout her singing career, Dolina presented more than 20 albums to the public. In addition, during this time she achieved great success not only in her creative biography, but also in her personal life.

As you know, the artist raised her daughter Angelina, who recently gave her a beautiful granddaughter.

    Do you like Larisa Dolina?

A talented person, talented in everything

According to most colleagues, she is an incredibly talented and gifted person. Her activities were not limited to singing songs, because the artist took an active part in many projects:

  • recorded film soundtracks;
  • acted in films;
  • appeared in musicals;
  • voiced cartoons.

In 2003, she joined the jury of the popular “ People's Artist", where I was able to highlight many truly talented vocalists. In addition, Larisa has repeatedly performed abroad, so she has earned great love and recognition from foreigners.

After a while, Dolina was appointed head of the department of pop and jazz singing at Moscow State University of Culture and Culture.

Personal life

Despite the busy creative biography, has always paid due attention to the development of her personal life, which is why she now has a beloved daughter and granddaughter. The artist’s first love was conductor Anatoly Mionchinsky. They met when Larisa began collaborating with VIA Sovremennik. The man immediately noticed the talented vocalist, so he did everything to attract her attention.

A year later, the lovers decided to get married. When Dolina found out about her pregnancy, she finally felt truly happy. But it didn't last long. After the birth of her daughter Angelina, her husband began to behave differently.

Anatoly became addicted to alcohol and was jealous of his wife's success. The constant scandals did not suit the singer, so after 7 years, she decided to file for divorce.

Happiness is somewhere nearby

Having received the long-awaited freedom, Larisa decided to leave with her daughter for Ulyanovsk. There she began to rebuild her life. She managed to find several talented guys with whom she founded her own group. Soon the bass guitarist, Viktor Mityazov, began to show her signs of attention: he gave her flowers, paid compliments, and declared his love. Then came the proposal and the wedding.

After a while, the newlyweds moved to Moscow and purchased housing. Dolina devoted more and more time to sports and, therefore, lost about 20 kg of excess weight in almost a year.

Naturally, her fans, including many men, noticed this. Victor courageously endured all her suitors, but with the appearance of Ilya Sinitsyn in their lives, everything changed.

At first, Larisa tried to hide her suddenly flared up feelings, but over time this became impossible. That's why she left her second husband. The long 20 years in Dolina’s biography and personal life were ideal: her beloved man and her charming daughter and granddaughter were nearby.

But recently information appeared in the media about Sinitsyn’s numerous infidelities. The artist has not yet commented on the situation; perhaps she will still be able to save good relationship with her common-law husband.

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Biography, life story of Larisa Valley

Dolina Larisa Aleksandrovna is a Russian singer and actress.


Dolina Larisa was born on September 10, 1955 in Baku, but two years later she moved to Odessa with her parents. Her father, Alexander Markovich Kudelman, worked all his life as a glazier at a construction site, and her mother, Galina Izrailevna (her maiden name was Dolina), was a typist.

L. Dolina recalled: “We lived in a damp basement. The creepiest thing I've ever seen. Moreover, it was not a separate apartment, but a communal apartment, where, besides us, 20 more people lived. And in one room we were crowded together with a seriously ill grandmother - my mother’s mother. I still can’t forget the disgusting smell of leeches that were placed on her at night to ease her suffering. This went on for three years.

In the same basement I became very seriously ill with whooping cough and developed chronic bronchitis. He still reminds me of himself from time to time. Mom loved grandma very much. And when she died, it was completely unbearable for my mother to stay in this room - there was too much connected with her there. We used the first option we came across to move out. But this was again a room in a communal apartment, and so tiny (17 meters, it was elongated in length, for which we called it a trolleybus) that there was no place to put a crib. And after sleeping on a cot for ten years, I also developed a curvature of my spine. The apartment had three gas stoves for 25 people, one tap, one toilet and a bathhouse two blocks from the house. This is how sad my childhood was: seven families in one apartment, meager earnings from my parents. I’m used to the nightly sound of the typewriter - my mother took work home to earn at least a little extra money overtime and survive until the next paycheck...

My mother is a powerful woman and has always been the undisputed head of the family. And dad was kindest person. And when I felt bad as a child, I came to him, not to my mother. And I was afraid of my mother. Once I tore my mother’s “ceremonial” nylon stockings. Our family was of average income and my mother could afford such luxuries as nylon stockings once every few months. In horror, imagining what would happen when she found out about the damaged stockings, I ran to hide with a neighbor. In such cases, my mother spanked me thoroughly and threatened to send me to a boarding school. Believing this sacredly, I stood on my knees and begged her not to do this!..


I am Jewish by nationality and have never hidden it. At school I was sometimes teased as a Jew. Sometimes I even got into fights because of this. Then I read in the dictionary that “Jewish woman” is Jewish in Polish and stopped being offended.

Unfortunately, I don’t know Yiddish, since it was not customary to speak it in the family. However, when my parents didn’t want me to hear their secrets, they switched to Yiddish...

Mom really wanted all our horrors to remain in the past, so that I could receive good education(they didn’t have one). That's why she took me to a music school in a cello class. But this was enough to not touch the cello again for the rest of my life. So I never received a special music education. But I always loved to sing. Yes, in general, the song helped me endure all the hardships...”

Dolina experienced her first love at the age of 13. She then actively sang in amateur performances and once gave concerts at a nautical school. There was also its own ensemble, one of whose guitarists was the Bulgarian sailor Georgiy Dobrev. Larisa fell in love with him. She said: “He sang very well and taught me many Bulgarian songs that could only be heard in Odessa and nowhere else. All of Odessa sang them later. And I am grateful to him for this. But, unfortunately, my love was not reciprocal and there were tears and disappointments. He loved someone else, and I knew about it...

And then, when I was seventeen years old, I went on tour to Varna and Georgiy himself found us and came to the concert. But time has already passed, he got fat and I didn’t like him at all, my heart didn’t even skip a beat...”

Dolina’s first singing teacher was her friend Tanya Boeva. She was five years older than Larisa and by the time they met she was already singing in a restaurant. Dolina had just turned 14 years old and Tanya was a great authority in art for her.

She had a tape recorder at home - a reel-to-reel "Timbre" (a great luxury at that time). They spent hours listening to recordings, mostly of foreign performers.

At the same age, Dolina’s vocal abilities attracted the attention of professionals. One day, the musicians of an ensemble playing in a restaurant (they knew Larisa from joint performances in amateur performances) invited her to become their soloist. The offer was very tempting, but Larisa was afraid that her parents would not allow her to perform in a drinking establishment. That's how it happened at first. Mom was categorically against it, but her father managed to persuade her - extra money would not hurt the family (Larisa received 5 rubles for one performance). In addition, it was decided to establish strict control over the daughter.

Larisa did not work at the restaurant for long - only six months. Her repertoire was varied: from jazz compositions to songs "". All this time, none of her friends and school teachers even knew what she did in the evenings. She continued to lead the school vocal and instrumental ensemble, and before leaving school she prayed that none of the teachers would take it into their heads to go to a restaurant for dinner.

In the 10th grade, Dolina’s friend, who also dreamed of becoming a singer, invited her to take part in a competition at the Odessa Philharmonic. Larisa agreed. And the unexpected happened: Larisa was accepted, but her friend was not. So Dolina became a member of the Odessa vocal sextet “Volna” with the pop orchestra “We are Odessans”. The teaching staff of the school where Larisa studied took this event with hostility and the girl had to resolve this issue through the commission on minors of the Odessa Regional Executive Committee. It helped Larisa that the school director finally agreed to let his student go “free swimming” and signed the corresponding documents.


As a result, Larisa completed her 10th and 11th grades in absentia at another school. Dolina's popularity as part of the orchestra grew with each performance and soon spread far beyond the borders of the Odessa region. And then a telegram came from distant Yerevan in which the leader of one of the Armenian jazz ensembles invited her to be a soloist in his group. At the same time, naturally, he promised mountains of gold. And since by that time things were not going well in the “Volna” sextet in the best possible way(he began to slowly fall apart), Larisa decided to try her luck in another team.

L. Dolina recalled: “When I announced that I was leaving, my mother made a terrible scandal. But I said: “Mom, you go to work, I’ll pack my suitcase and still do it my way. You'll have to accept it." Dad supported me. Half of Odessa intervened. The hysterics and tears continued for a week. Friends and girlfriends came home, persuaded my mother, and she gave in.

In Yerevan, milk rivers and jelly banks were not waiting for me. I didn’t know anyone in the city, I was afraid of getting lost. I didn't even have money for food. In addition, a huge number of men scurried around me, who at all costs wanted to seduce the plump blonde. I had to lock all the locks in the hotel and not leave the room. But one day I was almost raped. It was literally a miracle that saved me...”

Dolina lived in Armenia for four years, performing in fairly well-known groups: first with K. Orbelyan, then with Polad Bul-Bul-ogly. Then she moved to Sochi, where she began performing as part of the ensemble at the Khrustalny restaurant. There her first official success came. In 1978, the II Competition of Soviet Song Performers was held in Sochi, at which Dolina was one of the participants. She took 2nd place and attracted the attention of the leader of the famous jazz ensemble “Sovremennik” Anatoly Kroll. He invited her to his team and Dolina left for Moscow. Together with Kroll, Dolina will soon create an Anthology jazz music", her name will become quite famous in the capital's musical circles.


In the same year, Dolina made her film debut. Members of the film crew of the film “Velvet Season” came to the Jewish Chamber Theater, where Dolina performed for some time, to find actors for musical numbers. They liked the duet of Larisa Dolina and Weiland Rodda (he would later become her husband). In that film, Dolina made her debut in the role black singer. The debut turned out to be successful and after that the Valley will become frequent guest on the sets of many films. Among her most famous works, it is worth noting solo roles in the films: “An Ordinary Miracle”, “June 31”, “Eccentric”, etc. They sang in her voice:, L. Shevel.

In 1983, Dolina again played a black woman in a movie - the Cuban singer Clementina Fernandez in the film by Karen Shakhnazarov “We ​​are from Jazz.” Moreover, she filmed while she was five months pregnant (Dolina had recently married her colleague Anatoly Mikhailovich Mionchinsky, a musician from the Kroll ensemble).

Birth of a daughter

Angelina Dolina gave birth to her daughter in the 23rd Moscow maternity hospital. The birth was difficult. “The thing is that I have a Rh conflict due to a negative Rh factor in my blood... And my daughter was born very weak, the doctors didn’t give me much hope. And just imagine, on her birthday they announce to me that she is seriously ill, near death, and, without telling me anything, they take my child to another hospital. I drove all over Moscow all day looking for her. In the end, it turned out that the child was in the Morozov hospital... Thank God, everything worked out and Lina grew up healthy with us...”.

The first person to congratulate Dolina on the birth of her child was... . It’s probably not worth describing the amazement and delight that gripped the hospital staff and women in labor when the country’s most popular singer appeared under the windows and began shouting loudly: “Lariska! Where are you?". No one knew Dolina’s name yet, so for the rest of that day she was literally tormented with questions about who she was and why she had herself as a friend.

Soon after giving birth, Dolina had to leave Moscow. Why? The Minister of Culture suddenly issued an order according to which 280 musicians from various orchestras and jazz bands who did not have Moscow registration were to leave for their place of residence.

Could the Valley somehow circumvent this order? It is quite likely that she would have sacrificed her dignity and seduced some high-ranking boss. Many of her colleagues acted in a similar way. But Dolina was a completely different person. “A woman is more vulnerable than a man. There are those who, turning a blind eye to their honor and dignity, go to absolutely anything. That is, they are placed under everyone. You also need to know who to lie under, from whom help will come. When I was very young, a singer I knew told me how it all happens. I was just in shock: I have to sleep with everyone and if one helps, then good. I’ve never gone through this – I’m too conservative a person. And thank God! At least I remained honest and pure with myself. Although, if I had decided to do this, maybe it would have been easier for me to live...”.

New life stage

Since Dolina did not want to return to Odessa, she and her husband went to his parents in Leningrad. We settled with them in a one-room apartment, separating ourselves from them with a closet. Larisa’s husband worked in a nightclub, and three days a month she took part in the “Comrade Cinema” program, where she appeared in the makeup of the black singer Fernandez from the film “We are from Jazz.” They lived on these earnings. But then family life went wrong. Dolina’s husband began to drink more heavily than before, which could not but affect their relationship. In the end, after seven years of marriage, things came to a divorce.

L. Dolina recalled: “We separated not only because my first husband was fond of “libations.” This is still a consequence. Because we simply did not understand each other. And when, after much hesitation, things were going well for me, I was horrified to discover that instead of being my support, the person was jealous of me. It's horrible. It's scary when creative family envy arises, this is the end, it eats away everything like corrosion. Like this. At first there was jealousy, and then obvious envy... As a result of the divorce and division of property, I got a 12-meter room...".

Dolina lived in Leningrad for about three years. There her health began to fail, because she, a southern person, needed a lot of sun, and the St. Petersburg climate was quite cloudy. Therefore, Larisa did not get out of bronchitis, acute respiratory infections and flu throughout her stay in the city on the Neva. There are still problems in the family. And in the mid-80s, after divorcing her husband, Dolina left for Ulyanovsk, to join the Diapazon ensemble. For a year she performed there as a soloist, and then created her own group - “Escort” (she never managed to break through such an idea at Lenconcert). The bass guitarist in this band was the young musician Viktor Mityazov, with whom Dolina soon began office romance. It flowed beautifully. Victor followed her literally on her heels, gave her armfuls of tea roses and tirelessly swore his love. And Larisa’s heart trembled. Soon they got married and Mityazov became not only Dolina’s husband, but also shouldered all the administrative work.

Since the second half of the 80s, Dolina suddenly changes her role and becomes a rock singer. In November 1988, she even took part in the Rock for Democracy concert.

L. Dolina recalled: “I realized that I can sing not only jazz. I wanted to be an actress, to play different roles. There is no such thing in jazz. There the vocals play a big role, but here it’s the semantic load...”.

However, it is impossible to say that luck awaited her in this field. In those years, many singers were fond of rock music (the same during the period of collaboration with "", in tandem with), but most of them then returned to pop music. The Valley was no exception. At the very beginning of the 90s, fate brought her together with St. Petersburg composer Viktor Reznikov, who wrote a whole series of hits for her. Among them: “Ice”, “House of Cards”, “Half”. It was with these songs that the Valley became known to a wide audience. In 1991, at the “Profi-91” competition, Dolina was awarded the title best singer countries.

However, despite the great popularity of the songs performed by the Valley, show business rejected it for a long time.

90s. Trouble doesn't come alone...

1992 began with trouble for Dolina - her car was stolen. She managed to buy this first car in her life (a Zhiguli of the seventh model) last summer after she played six free concerts at the VAZ in Tolyatti. However, the artist did not control her for long. On the night of January 16-17, a car was stolen from a parking lot near house No. 15 on Saperny Lane (Perovsky District). Despite the fact that the theft was discovered some 15 minutes later, the police were unable to find her without delay. The first half of that year was marked by a whole series of car thefts donated to Russian pop stars in Tolyatti. Then they lost their means of transportation, Yuri Aizenshpis,. By the way, she was the first to officially draw attention to this strange coincidence. She said: “Perhaps all these thefts are the work of the same gang, since almost all the artists purchased cars through the same office - a plant in Tolyatti - and, as a rule, through the same people who had all the information , which means they could give a tip".

This was not the last trouble that befell the Valley that year. At the end of February, sad news came from St. Petersburg: composer Viktor Reznikov, who stood at the origins of the Dolinsky Renaissance, died in a car accident. This loss will unsettle the singer for a long time.

Another trouble will happen to Dolina in June, when the notorious housing problem will arise in its entirety. The fact is that, unlike many pop stars, much younger and mediocre, but already fabulously rich, Dolina, together with her husband and daughter, was forced to rent a room in the Rossiya Hotel in the early 90s. But then prices increased and renting space in a prestigious hotel became expensive. On this occasion, “Sound Track” “MK” published an article on its pages under the heading “Bum... Larisa Dolina.” Here's what it said: “The other day, singer Larisa Dolina, her daughter and husband, who have been living in the Rossiya Hotel for two years, learned that the fee for their hotel room is now 3,000 rubles per day. In a conversation with a ZD correspondent, L. Dolina admitted that she was “confused and horrified” because she doesn’t have that kind of money and that her situation is such that she “basically already has one foot on the street”.

For two years that the singer lived in Moscow, she tried in different ways resolve the housing issue. But everywhere she received a spanking, so that all this time she was accompanied by complete disorder in everyday life and mountains of packages, bales and suitcases dumped in all corners of her modest hotel home. The only time they tried to “help” her was to offer to buy an apartment with a Moscow registration somewhere in the Butovo area at an auction at the starting price. “But for three million rubles“,” the singer said, clasping her hands. – Where did I get that kind of money?!”.

Yes, indeed, the situation in Dolina is sad and absurd. The singer’s talent, which is generally recognized and rightfully considered the property of the Russian musical culture, does not find worthy implementation at home.

"In any normal country,– the artist lamented, – there would be people who would have already made millions from me and would have given me something else. But here! Nobody needs me, I have nothing. Besides talent. But you can’t pay your rent with talent...”.

Until the latest price increase, the cost of living in a hotel for Larisa Dolina’s family was borne by the singer’s sponsors. However, now she had no idea “With what eyes do we ask them to continue the sponsorship agreement - these are unrealistic numbers!..”.

Alas, the fate of a star in his native land is difficult...

Fortunately, thanks to the help of the same sponsors, Dolina was soon able to resolve this problem - she bought a three-room apartment on Shabolovka. Moreover, a little later she got another apartment on the same landing, which, with the help of major renovations, was connected to the first one. As they say, it was empty - it became dense.

Return to glory

In the summer of 1992, Dolina completed recording her next album, entitled “Forgive Me.” The music for it was written by Dolina, whom Dolina met back in the late 70s, when she sang at the Jewish Chamber Theater (played bass guitar there).

Over the next three years, Dolina’s creative destiny was more subject to downs than ups. After the tragic death of Viktor Reznikov, the singer was left for some time without a stable repertoire and was even forced to remember her restaurant past - she sang a medley of the songs “”. At that time, many had the feeling that the Valley would never again be able to soar to the crest of popularity. And suddenly, in 1997, fate sent her a meeting with composer Ruslan Gorobets, who, in collaboration with the poet, wrote about two dozen new songs for her at once. One of them – “Weather at home” – becomes new business card singers Dolina.

L. Dolina recalled: “There is a story connected with the song “Weather in the House”. There was a period when there was a serious conflict in my house; Victor (my husband) and I didn’t talk for several days. Lina was in England studying, there was no one to reconcile us. At this very moment he calls me and says: “Larisochka, I wrote men’s poems.” And begins to read “Weather in the House.” So I burst into tears out loud. And she asked not to give these poems to anyone and to redo them for a woman. Within three days the song was ready...”.

In the new program (it was called “Weather in the House”), the viewer saw a completely different Valley - younger, dressed up (before that, many reproached her for dressing expensively but tastelessly), thinner. The latter is worth talking about especially. “What haven’t I tried!– the singer exclaimed. – And plastic surgery, and all sorts of miracle pills, and a lot of different diets, until I found the one that suits me exclusively... For example, I was one of the first in our country to start taking Herbalife. I took it for a year and a half or two. First I lost weight, and then I stayed at this acceptable weight, in my opinion, although I ate absolutely everything. Then suddenly she began to recover sharply. And I immediately quit this drug. In the mid-90s I had body contouring surgery. But soon after, she began to gain weight again. So the money was thrown away. And then I returned to diets again. And I realized that, perhaps, the most optimal among them is separate meals and the right combination of food, which allows you to avoid the accumulation of toxins in the body. After all, they cause all kinds of diseases in us. In addition, I completely gave up meat and poultry and only eat fish and seafood. I did not exhaust myself with hunger, but acted according to the principle: one day - eat, the next - drink only kefir. In addition, I work out on exercise machines. When I came to the trainer, I was 78 kg. And he developed individual program and began to train, gradually “removing” from me what he didn’t like. Each workout began with 20 minutes on the treadmill, and then 45-50 minutes of exercises - by the way, there were barbells and weights. As a result, I lost weight to 53 kilograms 800 grams...”.

These changes not only generated positive results, but also entailed a number of problems. For example, the Valley has become extremely popular among young men. Actually, there would be nothing wrong with this if not for one “but” - a maniac suddenly appeared among the singer’s new fans.

The nightmare began in the spring of 1997 with an ordinary phone call. Dolina picked up the phone and heard a pleasant male voice, who introduced himself as a passionate admirer of the singer’s work. Dolina reacted to this recognition quite calmly, since over many years on the stage she had already gotten used to the increased attention to her person. However, then the unimaginable began. The stranger began calling the singer regularly and, when she couldn’t stand it one day and asked him what he wanted, he replied: "I want to sleep with you". The valley, in turn, told the stranger that she was married and did not need adventures on the side. And she hung up. But the maniac did not calm down. He called the next day and immediately threw all decorum aside. He said that if the singer did not agree to sleep with him voluntarily, he would take her by force somewhere in a dark alley. Next, let’s listen to the story of L. Dolina herself: “Constant night calls turned my life into a real nightmare. He just drove me crazy, I became nervous, shaking from the mere sight of the phone. And finally she couldn’t stand it and reported to the police. However, the maniac turned out to be so cunning that they could not figure him out - he kept calling from different places, from automated machines. And yet, three months later he was captured. Imagine my surprise when they brought me a completely normal, handsome guy without any, at first glance, mental defects. I asked him why he did all this? It turned out that I fell in love. And he got on my nerves because he didn’t expect reciprocity. At first I wanted to send him to jail (he was facing 3 years for hooliganism), but then I felt sorry for him. I almost had to take an oath from him in the presence of the police that he wouldn’t do it again. At the end, he asked me so pitifully: “Can I at least come to your concerts?” But I didn't allow it. What else! After all this horror, to see him at concerts?!.”.

The young maniac turned out to be not the last man to fall in love with the “new” Valley. One of the musicians of her ensemble, 28-year-old bass guitarist Ilya Spitsyn, began to feel warm feelings for her. During the year that he worked for Dolina, she did not notice him at all, absorbed in a bunch of her own problems. But one day at a rehearsal, Larisa suddenly caught his gaze and this gaze literally slashed her through the heart. She suddenly realized that she was not indifferent to this man. AND further events confirmed her guess. At every opportunity Ilya tried to show his admiration for Dolina, and did not hesitate to compliment her in the presence of his colleagues (24 people worked in Dolina’s ensemble). And one day, during another tour, Ilya suddenly asked to come to her room and offered... to give her a massage. And so that she would not doubt his abilities, he brought with him a massage therapist diploma.

In August 1997, Dolina took a full vacation for the first time in the last five years. Together with her husband Viktor Mityazov, she flies to Nice for 10 days. She returns from there inspired by new impressions, even more beautiful and spiritual. In the same month, she leaves with her team for another tour in Sochi. It was there, according to eyewitnesses, that a relationship began to develop between her and Ilya, which in a few months would smoothly flow into a passionate romance. Moreover, they did not consider it necessary to hide this relationship from prying eyes, although both were constrained by family ties: Ilya was married for 7 years and had a one and a half year old son.

According to Mityazov, he learned about his wife’s affair with the bass guitarist from well-wishers at the beginning of ’98. At first, he did not attach any importance to this fact, attributing this message to the machinations of envious people. In February, Dolina was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia and she, her husband and colleagues celebrated this event in a Sofia restaurant. None of those present, looking at the rejoicing spouses, could even imagine that this family was already half destroyed.

At the beginning of the same year, Ilya left his family and wandered around with friends for some time. A showdown was brewing in the Dolina family as well. They say that they did not do without swearing, without Victor’s attempts to talk to Ilya “like a man.” But they failed to save the family - on March 9, Dolina packed her things and left for a rented apartment near Mira Avenue. There Ilya joined her.

L. Dolina said: “Vitya and I were closely connected by work, but... When Ilya suddenly appeared on the horizon, I felt how much I was missing in life. As a woman.

I probably wouldn’t have decided to take such a sharp turn in life if I doubted myself or Ilya even a little. Enough time and meetings have passed for us to understand: this is not a romance or an affair. Lie and lead double life– not for me. I felt that this is the strongest love, which, perhaps, happens only once in a lifetime...

I would be lying if I said that I recklessly went to Ilya. He also suffers terribly and worries about his family. We will definitely help his son. I hope that when he grows up, he will understand his father. Yes, when I left, I was afraid, because it’s one thing to date, and another thing to live together. Here it is not enough to love, you also need to respect the other person, tolerate his habits and whims. I’m happy that our love passed this test of strength...”

Most of the publications that covered this novel did not doubt that this was true. However, there was one newspaper that acted differently. "Vedomosti" Moscow" (by the way, it was this newspaper that was the first to inform readers about Dolina’s divorce from Mityazov in mid-April) on May 28 they published an article entitled “Dolina’s romance with the bass guitarist is just an advertising gimmick.” A few excerpts from this publication: “Colleagues from one of the most popular secular publications in Moscow stunned us with their confession: it turns out that over the past month there has been practically no newspaper or magazine left in the capital where Dolina and her producer husband have not approached with a proposal to publish material about how relationships develop in “love affairs.” triangle." Moreover, in some cases, these proposals were so intrusive that journalists simply refused to publish material about the obviously fabricated “novel.” But such people, unfortunately, turned out to be a minority. The majority fell for the duck and helped to flourish love story So best advertising and you can't imagine it. True, it remains a mystery whether everyone did this on an absolutely disinterested basis or whether someone still “warmed their hands” on the Dolinsky “happiness”...

Everything in this advertising and love campaign was thought out: the fact that the woman, no longer young, allowed her feelings to run wild, despising the attacks of colleagues and envious people; and the fact that the “noble” Viktor Mityazov, despite his “horned-branched” state, continues to be Larisa’s producer and the leader of her musical group, where, in fact, bass guitarist Spitsyn lives... And having seen enough of “soap operas”, The average person believed in this fairy tale, despite the fact that our domestic “sweet couples” fool us almost every day. It is enough to remember at least how many times both , and , and diverged. Not to mention the seamless alliances with and with (by the way, the last “romance” was successfully directed by producer and husband Alexander Iratov).

Why does Mrs. Dolina need all this fuss? Having asked this question, Vedomosti turned for advice to a representative of one of the large advertising agencies serving the “sharks” of our show business.

“I understand Larisa well,” the RK specialist explained to us, “over the past three years, while she was “out of work,” Dolina purely symbolically took her place on the highest step of our pop Olympus. Larisa was triumphant, although everyone, of course, understood that her leadership was temporary. As soon as the diva returns to the stage, Dolina will again have to descend to a lower step of the pop pedestal. And when she went on a grandiose concert tour across the country, Larisa had to come up with all sorts of advertising tricks in order to regain her former attention from the “crowd”.

The most curious thing is that there was no refutation of this publication from the heroes of the article. A month later, another unpleasant article for Dolina appeared in a major Russian publication. This time it was dedicated to the creative person of the famous artist. On May 8, in the newspaper “Joker” Oleg Koshevoy published an article “Was there a singer?” The article stated, in part: “Art in itself or yourself in art? The singer chooses the latter. And this is what came out of it. God gave Larisa Dolina. Other performers need to make a lot of effort to find their own intonation, their own style. And she didn’t even need to look: the natural apparatus is simply the height of perfection! That's not a voice, but a diamond. Dolina was a master of her craft. I was there for many years in a row (with regret I use the past tense here...). The valley has taken a dangerous path. She decided to follow in the footsteps. Not to be a singer on stage, but Larisa. Not to sing songs, but to talk about your life. Not to perform music, but to shake with your voice. Not to carry an image, but to carry oneself, the adored one. Released new album. The author of the new hit "Weather in the House" stole the music of the well-forgotten hit "Let's shake hands - and go on a long journey for many years." Here it is, the long-awaited second wind! And it began...

Redneck lyrics, whipped with a good dose of soviet sincerity under the sauce of a kind of timid Odessa zucchini, sculpted Pseudolarissa - it seemed like it was me, although on the other hand... The game of Larisa began. The hostess, the swan, the darling, gently purring something into the microphone. That's what I am! And I’ll set the table, and I can sing something.

The Valley decided to become 90s. But if it was organic with its intonation, with its behavior, with its songs in its time, when the Soviet stage was stewing in its own juice on the outskirts of world civilization, then the Valley, artificially placing itself in this framework, causes laughter. Her voice, powerful as a trumpet, her jazz school, her aggression (you can put an equal sign - her highlight), her captivating authority... And at you - the awkwardly shifting soloist of the collective farm “Red Kingpin” meowed.

What about the repertoire? Cunningly sloppy on the so-called “everyday intonations.” Such underplagiarism - intonation from there, intonation from here, you can’t seem to catch it - something familiar... For such a repertoire you don’t even need a voice. And a voice without music...

However, no one discusses her singing at all. Everyone is engrossed in the discussion of how the Valley is losing weight and gaining weight. How homely and cozy she is. Who is most important to her... And Larisa is purring something soulful to herself... Dolina will soon become an undiscussed person. In the sense that there will be no subject for conversation."

Like the previous publication, this one also went unnoticed by the singer. Either she didn’t read it (which is unlikely), or she considered it beneath her dignity to answer it.

From an interview with L. Dolina: “Among my colleagues I have friends – one or two and I’ve missed the mark. Basically we have friendly, friendly relations. I'm not talking about anyone bad word I didn’t say it and I don’t intend to do it. It wasn't my colleagues who betrayed me. This happened mainly to women whom I considered my friends. Now the circle has narrowed. Unfortunately, only one remained the most faithful, most loving friend. She lives in St. Petersburg, we rarely see each other, but we call each other every day. And most of my friends are men from different professions. There are even intelligence officers and generals. If we talk about colleagues and friends, they are not from show business. These are movie actors. It’s more interesting to be friends with them, they are people of a different breed - no star fever for you, no pathos...

My daughter Lina is now in London, studying at high school, doing design. She even drew several concert costumes for me. Next year we are thinking of transferring her to college in Switzerland...

I know a lot about my daughter's life. I know, for example, all her friends, all the boys she falls in love with. If I don’t really like someone she knows, we discuss it completely calmly, without shouting, on equal terms. I always want to know why she chose him, what attracted her. If I feel that there is something unsympathetic to me in a person, I say: “Think again, take a closer look. Maybe this is not your cup of tea, no matter how you don’t be disappointed later, no matter how it hurts you later...”

By the way, Agnelina still managed to please her mother and find a suitable match for herself. And in the fall of 2011, she presented Larisa with a wonderful gift - her granddaughter Alexander.

Despite dirty gossip and ridiculous speculation, in the 90s and early 2000s Larisa Dolina remained a very popular artist.

2000s. And again jazz

In 2002, Larisa Alexandrovna decided to give up pop music and return to her favorite jazz. At that time, she organized the first presentation of a new jazz program in seventeen years, which, by the way, was a huge success with the public. Her fame took on a new shade - she was no longer the main person to discuss, she became a singer, just a good singer. This is probably what Larisa has been striving for all her life.

Between 2002 and 2012, Larisa recorded eight new albums.


During her childhood, Larisa never managed to get music education, however, she more than made up for lost time as an adult. In 1984, she successfully graduated from the Moscow Gnessin Music College (variety department, vocal class).

Television projects

Larisa Dolina, as a successful and experienced artist, has been repeatedly invited as a judge to a variety of creative competitions. So, in 2010, she was a member of the jury at the Voting KiViN festival, and a little later she replaced the jury at the One to One show. And in 2013, she was asked to become a judge on the “Universal Artist” project. At first Larisa agreed, but then she wanted to become a participant in the competition herself. And, by the way, she won a well-deserved victory.

News from the Larisa Valley

Pop singer Larisa Dolina violated the sacred rule of all artists. Every self-respecting stage star knows that you cannot wear the same concert dress twice. However, recently Mrs. Dolina, not caring about all the orders...

Photos of the Larisa Valley