Name is atl. Biography and personal life. Early years: childhood and youth

AT-L - light artillery tractor. Created in 1947 by the design bureau of the Kharkov Tractor Plant. The AT-L light artillery tractor was produced until 1967 in several modifications and earned respect in the army and the national economy. Widely used for the development of hard-to-reach areas of the USSR.


Special equipment engineers at the Kharkov Tractor Plant, on the initiative of chief designer N.G. Zubarev, at the end of 1946 began developing a fundamentally new light artillery tractor for towing trailers weighing up to 6 tons with a load on a 2-ton platform with the same engine, but with more efficient and advanced transmission and chassis units that would fully meet the increased requirements of the army. In this endeavor they were actively supported by the State Agrarian University. The official decision in May 1947 to organize a special design group (from 1954 - GSKB) of 14 people for high-speed tractors at KhTZ, where this had not been done before, found the assemblers in the midst of work, already at the drawing boards.

At the end of 1948, the first three prototypes were produced, which passed factory tests in 1949, interdepartmental tests at the beginning of 1950, and state tests at the end of the year. There were few comments on them. The modified two samples in 1951 - 1952 successfully passed military tests in the Arctic, in conditions of low temperatures, and in Turkmenistan - at high temperatures, with a high content of dust in the air. At the same time, combined air cleaners with ejection dust extraction from cyclones reliably protected the engine from increased wear.

At the end of 1952, KhTZ produced the first industrial batch of new artillery tractors, which received the army index AT-L (light).

Description of design

The only engine suitable and available for solving this problem was the General Motors (GMS, GMC) YAZ-204I (110 hp) had limited power, the main element of the concept of the new tractor was determined to be the use of a multi-radius turning mechanism with double supply and power recovery , significantly reducing its losses compared to an onboard clutch, facilitating control and increasing average speeds in difficult conditions.

To create a more dense layout, increase the useful area of ​​the body, reduce its loading height and improve weight distribution, the engine, for the first time for this class of vehicles, was deployed with the flywheel forward with a maximum shift towards the bow and connected in a single compact block to the front transmission. Was used, although not completely, amazing ability to flexible conversion of a two-stroke diesel engine (GMS) type (up to 12 options for the arrangement of units in any direction of rotation), as well as the subsequent possibility of significantly increasing its power, albeit at the expense of efficiency.

To increase reliability, all auxiliary engine units, except the generator (500 W), received gear drives (a fan located far in front - through an elastic torsion bar from the camshaft), and to facilitate cold starting, a nozzle water-oil boiler-heater was provided (in addition to the standard electric flare air heating). Starting was carried out only by an electric starter. The oil system was modernized to ensure normal engine operation at longitudinal slopes of up to 35°, which was not easy to achieve with a “wet” sump. The power unit was fed from two 130 liter fuel tanks, which had all necessary equipment and instruments, as well as wide necks for high-speed filling. Subsequently (from July 1962) two additional tanks of 100 liters each were installed, which increased the highway range to 500 km. In front of the engine, behind the single-disc main clutch (reinforced YaAZ automobile clutch), there was a transverse five-speed gearbox, switched using gear clutches (without synchronizers), and planetary-friction transmission and rotation mechanisms (MPP) on parallel power flows. The result was nine forward gears with favorable, that is, small ratios between them (including four slow ones, with a smooth transition to them without breaking the power flow) with a total power range of 9.295 (for the M-2 - 7.918), as well as five calculated turning radii (without power loss in clutches), decreasing from 17.66 m to 1.9 m with decreasing gear number. In principle, it was also possible to turn on the spot by rotating the tracks in different directions (rarely used on the new tractor), unthinkable in the case of use with BF. Maneuvering with a trailer was also better than on the M-2. Such MPPs - more complex, but also more effective - were used on our tracked vehicles for the first time. They turned out to be structurally rational, so they were subsequently used on light transporters and tractors of the second post-war generation: MT-P, MT-PB, GT-T. The front drive sprockets were driven from the MPP through coaxial, very compact planetary final drives with a decent gear ratio of 5.5. Their removable double ring gears, cast from wear-resistant steel, subjected to heat treatment, with a pushing lantern engagement, increased the performance and durability of the tracked propulsion system and were no longer its weak link.

Fine-linked (123 mm pitch) track chains with open hinges, made of high-manganese Hadfield steel, very resistant to abrasive wear and impact loads, had tracks 300 mm wide (half of them without ridges) with developed lugs. They provided high adhesion qualities - the adhesion coefficient on turfed soil reached 0.7 - 0.8. To improve the grip of the tracks on a slippery base (for example, an icy winter road), additional lugs (spurs) and extensions could be put on the tracks (one at a time), allowing the tractor without a trailer to move with a lateral roll of up to 25°. Usually there were 10 of them per caterpillar. Small diameter of connecting fingers (20 mm) of relatively light tracks and their a large number of(82 per side) contributed to the reduction of rolling resistance, especially on high speeds and improving the dynamic qualities of the tractor. Subsequently, taking into account the speed and widespread use of the tractor, great work to reduce wear on track joints and, importantly, mechanical losses in them. Connecting pins with chemical hardening and closed (using rubber silent block seals) hinges with dry metal and plastic friction pairs were tested. The latter reduced losses in the hinges so much (in addition, the track pitch was reduced to 107 mm) that the free run-out path from maximum speed(42 km/h) to a complete stop increased by 47.4% (up to 261 m).

The chassis of the tractor consisted of six cast road wheels with a rubberized rim, of relatively small diameter (500 mm), on each side (for the M-2 there were five rollers with stamped sidewalls) and three support rollers without rubber bands. A similar multi-support chassis was traditional for light tractors. It provided a more uniform distribution of the load on the ground and had less weight. The full elastic stroke of the individual torsion bar suspension of each of the road wheels was noticeably increased compared to the M-2 (by 39.4%), which ensured a high smooth ride over sharply rough terrain, approaching that of a car even in the absence of hydraulic shock absorbers, and also increased the average movement speed. The damping of resonant vibrations in the suspension was facilitated by the friction of the axes of the balancer arms in hardened bushings without the use of lubricant - “tractor-style”, and quite reliable, with sufficient durability. The dynamic travel of the suspension arms was limited by stops with elastic rubber elements. For the first time, instead of a frame, a welded thin-sheet box-shaped supporting body (pontoon) was used. This significantly reduced the weight of the tractor with higher strength and reliability of the supporting system, improved the location of the units inside the body, and increased its tightness. When overcoming a ford of up to 1 m, which the customer required, water no longer got inside the hull, and access to dust and dirt was limited. The streamlined shape of the bow of the hull and the smooth bottom contributed to improved cross-country ability when driving in deep snow.

In the middle part of the tractor, under the floor of the body, a very low (in height) reversible winch with a self-braking worm gear and a narrow vertical drum was placed, which made it possible to do without a cable handler. However, a safety clutch (against overload), a cable unwinding alarm sensor (50 m) and cable output rollers are included as standard. The maximum traction force of the winch - 6500 kgf, commensurate with the weight of the towed trailer, was quite sufficient for pulling up standard artillery systems and self-pulling the tractor in any conditions.

The successful design and location of the winch made it possible to reduce the loading height of the platform by 119 mm compared to the M-2, making it convenient to use. For confident movement with heavy trailers and artillery systems equipped with air brakes, the tractor had an automobile compressor with a rigid drive from the engine, an air receiver, a trailer brake valve connected to the stopping brake pedal, and all the systems that serve them. Both cabin windshield wipers, and subsequently windshield washers, were also connected to the pneumatic system.

There was no particular need for servo control of the MPP and stopping brakes (due to compressed air) for a light car. The rear rotating (with fixation) towing device of the simplest type with double-sided shock absorption met the requirements of the artillerymen in terms of traction, but only at first. Subsequently, it had to be complicated to reduce dynamic loads in the coupling and increase the wear resistance of the hook-loop pair.

Behind the engine, closed by an alligator-type hood with removable sidewalls, an all-metal three-seater ZIS-160 cabin was installed, slightly lowered in height and expanded due to a 240-mm middle insert. There was a round commander's hatch in the roof, and the windshields were electrically heated (the engine itself heated the cabin quite well, so an air heater was not installed; however, it was not available on trucks of those years either). But since 1963, they began to use a device for washing dirt off the windshield - very useful and effective.

For the first time, a seeker headlight was installed, and the exterior lighting had a blackout mode. In an open metal welded body with a platform with an area of ​​4.62 m2, longitudinal folding four-seater seats were installed along the sides for calculation, and at the rear end of the body there was a double door with a lock. If necessary, the body could be tightly closed with a waterproof awning with side windows. It should be noted that the platform has sufficient capacity despite the relatively short overall length of the tractor - the result of a dense layout. For communication between the cabin (commander) and the body (chief crew), a two-way three-color light alarm was installed.

The average off-road speed with a full load and a 6-ton trailer reached 22 - 25 km/h, due to more advanced transmission and suspension with a slightly higher specific power.

Tactical and technical characteristics of AT-L:

Weight – 5800 kg
Load capacity – 2000 kg
Towed trailer weight – 6000 kg
Seats in the cabin – 3
Seats in the back – 8
Engine power at 2000 rpm, hp 135
~ length – 5099 mm
~ width – 2200 mm
~ height – 2180 mm
Base – 2765 mm
Track – 1900 mm
Track width – 300 mm
Ground clearance – 350 mm
Specific ground pressure – 0.464 kg/cm?
Engine power – 110 hp.
Max. Speed ​​– 44 km/h
Cruising range – 260 km
Transmission: mechanical; dry clutch, single-disc;
drive wheel diameter - 526 mm
Track roller base, mm 2935
Cruising range on the highway with a trailer, km - 300
Climbability with load without trailer, deg. - 35

ATL is the stage name of Sergei Kruppov, who is considered a popular rap artist. Was called the rapper " new school", with prominent creative prospects. Known to fans of this musical genre for almost 10 years.

Life path

Sergey Kruppov or ATL was born on January 30, 1989 in the city of Novocheboksarsk (Chuvash Republic). For many years he lived in hometown. From a very early age he was interested in rap. He especially liked the work of the famous and popular Eminem. It was this musician who motivated ATL to start doing hip-hop. Now he admits that he likes almost everyone musical styles and directions, with the exception of chanson.

Over time, the artist realized that he wanted to seriously engage in rap. It was necessary to choose a bright pseudonym in the Western style. At this time, one could often hear the abbreviation ATL, which stood for short name airport, which is located in the USA, in the state of Atlanta. Later, Sergei wanted to change his stage name, but he came across information that Atl is the god of the element of water among the great Aztec tribe. He counted it a lucky sign, absolutely not random and decided to leave a pseudonym.

Creative path

According to Sergei, his debut performance took place on 01.12. 2005 at a city concert. It was at this event that he became acquainted with Mantana, who later became his colleague.

A year later, ATL and his friends decided to create their own group called “Aztecs”. Initially, young people were just going to freestyle and listen to modern rap artists. At first we didn’t create our own tracks. A year later, two members decided to leave the group. ATL and Vadya Bledny quickly found new rappers who wanted to be in the Aztecs group.

Next year, young performers decide to release a track of their own composition, “MyWorldMyStyle” famous rapper St1m. Since the latter was in search of material for compiling the collection “The World Belongs to You.” This was the very first collection, the purpose of which was to support promising and gifted talents. At that time, St1m was attentive to the track composition of a team of rappers from Novocheboksarsk. This event made them quite popular among those who truly appreciate rap culture. In addition, the year gave one more happy event young people, and they were able to win one of the famous competitions.

In 2009, the group released “Now or Never,” after which new compositions were not released for 3 years. It includes fourteen full tracks.

In 2012, the group decides to release the second and final album, which is called “Music will be above us.” After this, Aztecs finally disbanded. All participants began pursuing solo careers.

Solo project ATL

In 2012, Sergei began work on his solo work. The first mini-album was called “Thoughts Out Loud”, the second - “Warmth”. Each of the above albums included 5 tracks. This fueled his interest in his personality and creativity.

In 2013, ATL decided to participate in the Versus Battle, where he won a landslide victory over his opponent. It was this event that served as a serious impetus for the development of his career and popularity among rap listeners.

In 2014, Sergei wrote two whole albums, which are called “Cyclone Center” and “Bones”. This gained him a new audience. Fans noted that the sound became much better and more interesting.

In November 2015, the album “Marabou” was released. The album incredibly quickly gained popularity on various social networks, with many likes and reposts. The absolute hit of the record was the composition of the same name “Marabou”, by which the artist is recognized to this day. A very stylish video was shot for the track “Iskra”, which his fans liked. Distinctive feature This album is that he performed all 10 tracks independently, without the participation of other performers.

In September of the same year, several joint work, which were combined under the title "Karma x Coma". The end of the year is marked by the release interesting clip"Bees." Already in March, the artist released an album with the sparkling title “Limb”. This album brings the rapper a whole army of fans. Sergei dedicated one of the compositions, which is called “Back”, to his friend who gave up drugs. Of course, the fiery track is one of the best creations of ATL - “Dance”, which still remains very popular on the Internet.

To Sergei's early published work, which was recorded together with the most famous Russian rap artists. In addition, ATL is good friends with Oxxxymiron, who speaks highly of Sergei’s work. In his opinion, he is good performer and an excellent author of truly high-quality texts.

For a long time, ATL toured Russia and the CIS countries, so practically did not release new tracks. But, in October, Sergei pleased his fans with the “Sacred Rave” video, which was filmed in just one take.

A month later, a video was released for the track “Architect”, in which the performer compares people with simple ants. Fans noted the originality of the video.

In mid-November 2017, on the hype wave, ATL publishes new album with the name “ATL - Distortion”, which was highly appreciated by his audience and brought many new fans.

Personal life

Sergei hides his personal life very well, so there is no information about the performer’s girlfriend, wife or children.

ATL today

Today ATL is one of the most popular artists in the rap industry. It is noteworthy that many of Yuri Dud’s guests, when asked about best rappers Russia was in most cases called ATL. Did you like the article? Share anywhere social network and get a 10% discount.

Russian rapper ATL, a representative of the creative crowd "White Chuvashia", is rightfully considered one of the most prominent representatives of the "new school" of Russian rap. Senior colleagues in the craft have more than once spoken positively about the guy’s releases, noting that he manages to skillfully play with images and skillfully convey the general atmosphere of the track.

Childhood and youth

In fact, the guy's name is Sergei Kruppov. He was born on January 30, 1989. This event took place in the city of Novocheboksarsk (Chuvash Republic), where the future rapper spent most of his life.

Sergei became interested in rap thanks to the creativity of a white-skinned performer who achieved recognition in black music; this example managed to instill in Krupp the hope that he would be able to achieve similar results over time. The 2002 film by Curtis Hanson (“L.A. Confidential,” “The Wave Riders,” “Away from You”), “8 Mile,” only further spurred the thirteen-year-old boy’s desire to engage in creativity.


The young rapper’s first, albeit undocumented, performance took place in December 2005. As Sergei himself states, this happened at some kind of city celebration, during which Kruppov met his future comrades. The new acquaintance led to the creation of a team called Aztecs.

ATL in the group "Aztecs"

At first, the newly formed group, consisting of ATL, MC Fly, Cherokee and SmitBeat, simply exchanged musical innovations in the Russian rap genre via the Internet, and also practiced freestyle during personal meetings. This continued until 2007: then the guys first seriously thought about recording a debut album and about the beginning of the development and promotion of the group.

The very next year, the Aztecs appeared in the new collection of Nikita Legostev (also known as rapper and Billy Milligan), released under the auspices of the Aggrobobruisk label. The album was called “The World Belongs to You”, in honor of a quote from the film “Scarface” (“Carrie”, “Carlito’s Way”, “Mission Impossible”), Kruppov and his company were noted for the composition “My World, My Style”.

In 2009, Aztecs took part in the “Koffee Grinder” rap festival, where, among other things, they took prize place. On the wave of success, the guys released their debut album, which received the ambitiously maximalist title “Now or Never.” The next year was spent on a few tours, after which the group disappeared from the radar altogether.

Once again, ATL, MC Fly, Cherokee and SmitBeat made their presence felt only in 2012, releasing their second and also last album “Music will be above us.” After this, the Aztecs decide to disband, but in the future the guys will collaborate with each other more than once.

In addition to the release of “Music will be above us”, in 2012 Sergei released two solo mini-albums at once - “Thoughts Out Loud” and “Warmth”. They managed to create the proper resonance, which a year later led ATL to the legendary offline battle platform Versus Battle, which was just beginning to develop under the strict leadership of Sasha Timartsev, better known to a wider audience under the nickname .

Kruppov, albeit without much style, still dealt with his opponent, who was played by the then virtually unknown rapper Andy Cartwright. However, Sergei realized that this type of activity was not suitable for him, so he rejected subsequent offers to fight with any of his colleagues in battle form.

Instead of verbal competitions, ATL plunged headlong into creativity. This is eloquently evidenced by the rapper’s full-length album “Bones” released in 2014, and then the next mini-album “Cyclone Center”. At the same time, Sergei’s first videos were released - “Natural Born Killers” and “C4”.

In 2015, Krupp releases a new solo album“Marabou”, after which he comes to the understanding that he is ready to go on a tour of the CIS countries with his songs. Without wasting any time, Sergei set about implementing this idea. In his free time from performing, ATL managed to shoot three more videos - “Mandrake Root”, “Skull and Bones” and “Snowdrop”.

The year 2016 will be remembered by fans of the rapper for the re-release of the old mixtape FCKSWG, as well as the release of videos for the compositions “Iskra” and “Bees”.

During his relatively short career, the rapper managed to work with Zmey (), ST, Evil, Ar-Side, Pablo Stop and some other performers of the same level. By the way, such senior colleagues as (Casta), (aka Noggano and N1NT3ND0), and (Centr) spoke flatteringly about ATL itself. The above artists admitted this during an interview.

Personal life

The details of Sergei’s personal life are shrouded in mystery, which is quite in keeping with the spirit of the performer’s work.

ATL now

2017 turned out to be quite a fruitful year for Kruppov in terms of creativity. This representative of the “White Chuvashia” crowd released a new album, “Limb,” which expanded the rapper’s already considerable audience of listeners. The main hits of the new record were “Back”, “Dance”, “Sacred Rave”, “Architect” and, in fact, “Limb”; videos were shot for the last three compositions.

Also, Sergey, together with his fellow beatmakers from Dark Faders, appeared in the twenty-fifth episode of the web project “Profession: Rapper,” hosted by the permanent Denis Grigoriev (aka rapper Karandash).

At the end of the Krupp year "Instagram" shared with fans the schedule of upcoming performances (posted under a photo from the concert), which will begin on January 19 from the capital’s concert venue GLAVCLUB GREEN CONCERT.


  • 2008 – “The world belongs to you” (participation in the collection)
  • 2009 – “Now or Never”
  • 2012 – “Music will be above us”
  • 2012 – “Thoughts out loud”
  • 2012 – “Warmth”
  • 2014 – “Bones”
  • 2014 – “Cyclone Center”
  • 2015 – “Marabou”
  • 2017 – “Limbo”

Kruppov Sergey, aka rapper ATL, was born in Chuvash Republic in the city of Novocheboksarsk on January 30, 1989. When he was young, he became interested in the work of rapper Eminem. He inspired him and made him realize that everyone has a chance to achieve great success in music.

After watching the film “8 Mile” with Eminem from director Curtis Hanson, Sergei began to think even more why not get creative. At that time he was 13 years old.


At the age of 15, he performed on stage for the first time during a city event. There he made connections with his comrades-in-arms and eventually the Aztecs team was formed. Initially, it included, in addition to ATL, SmitBeat, MC Fly and Cherokee. At first, the guys kept in touch via the Internet, exchanging new music. 2 years later they began working on their first album for the first time.

In 2009, the group took part in a festival called “Koffee Grinder”, where only rappers presented their talents. Aztecs were able to take first place. At that time, they released their first collection, “Now or Never.” In 2010, they were waiting for a tour. But after that nothing was heard about the guys. There was a lull for 2 years.

Only in 2012 they presented their second album “Music will be above us”, he also became the last in the activities of the Aztecs group. Despite the fact that the team ceased to exist forever, the guys have collaborated with each other more than once.

Sergei released several solo albums under the nickname ATL. These were the albums “Warmth” and “Thoughts Out Loud”. They have become incredibly in demand.

A year later, ATL took part in the Versus Battle, which was only gaining momentum. Krupov managed to defeat his opponent, Andy Cartwright. But then he realized that he no longer wanted to take part in such events.

Sergei plunged headlong into the world of solo creativity. ATL in 2014 presented the first full-length album called “Bones”, then above 3 mini-collection “Cyclone Center”. He also pleased us with videos for 2 songs: “Natural Born Killers” and “C4”.

In 2015, Sergei released a solo album called “Marabou”. He went on tour with him, giving concerts in the CIS countries. Against this background, videos for 3 songs were released. In 2016, he re-released the FCKSWG mixtape. In fact, he has always been willing to collaborate with other rappers. Among them are the Serpent, Scriptonite, ST, Pablo Stop, etc.

Interesting notes:

In 2017, Krupov presented an album called “Limb”, which became famous for a lot of hits. Also appeared in the web project “Profession: Rapper”. In November of the same year, he presented a new album, Distortion. He has a busy concert schedule.

On achievements achieved ATL does not stop, and therefore we can soon expect new songs and full-fledged worthy albums from him, which will certainly become hits.

Today his concerts are handled by SmithBit. Among those, Oksimiron invites him to cooperate together. Sergey continues to work with such labels as Gazgolder, BookingMachine.

Personal life

Sergei never speaks publicly about his personal life, believing that fans of his work should only be interested in career achievements. Sergei has his own clothing store in Cheboksary. He keeps it together with his longtime friend. The store was named “KARMA x KOMA”. They mainly sell clothes street style, certain attributes. Atl himself prefers to wear a blank style.

He has a personal account on Instagram; more than 151 thousand people follow him. Sergey regularly updates his videos and photos, all of them are mainly related to creative process and concerts.

Sergey Kruppov, better known to everyone under the pseudonym ATL, is a rap artist from the city of Novocheboksarsk.

Sergei spent his childhood in his hometown. From an early age he became acquainted with the work of Eminem. Perhaps the work of this well-known artist pushed the future rapper to record his own tracks. Although, as Sergei himself says, he likes different music. Probably even all of them, except perhaps for chanson.

Aztecs group

In 2006, Sergey and three other guys decided to create their own group called "Aztecs". At first, they did not create their own songs, but just got together, listened to Russian rap and tried to freestyle. Sergey took the nickname ATL, which means the Atlanta airport code. Later he wanted to change him, but left him when he found out that the Aztecs had Atl, the god of water.

A year later, two guys left the group. ATL and Vadya Bledny invite two local rappers to join their group, after which they begin to prepare for the release of their first album.

In 2008, the guys from the AZTECS groups decided to send their track “MyWorldMyStyle” to rapper St1m, who at that time was looking for tracks for the collection “The World Belongs to You.” This was the first collection of the Aggrobabruisk label, whose main task was to support young promising performers. Among more than 1,500 tracks, St1m drew attention to the track “MyWorldMyStyle”, which he included in the collection. This is how the guys got their first listeners. In the same year, the group wins one of the hip-hop festivals - “Kofemolka-9”.

In 2009, the first album entitled “Now or Never” was released, after which they went quiet for 3 years.

In 2012, the Aztecs group released their second album entitled “Music will be above us.” This was the group's last album. In the same 2012, the group breaks up.

Solo career ATL

But this was far from the end for the ATL rapper. Sergei Kruppov begins his solo career. The first solo mini-album, “Thoughts Out Loud,” appeared a few months later. The second mini-album entitled “Warmth” could be listened to at the end of 2012.

IN 2013 year ATL took part in Versus Battle, where he defeated Andy Cartwright. This event gave impetus to the popularity of the ATL rapper. Battle link: VERSUS #14: ATL VS Andy Cartwright

ATL presented a full-length album only in 2014. The album "Bones" made me more more people pay attention to the rapper. But he didn’t stop there and at the end of the year he released another album, “Cyclone Center”.

In November 2015, ATL presents a new album, "Marabou", which at the time of writing is the most successful and popular. A video was shot for the track "Iskra".

Not long ago (in the spring of 2017), ATL released the album "Limb", which greatly increased interest in the performer.