Singer Sogdiana biography personal life. A couple from Russia took a prize at the World Tango Championships in Argentina. Do you have a signature dish?

Personal life of Sogdiana presented her with unpleasant surprises, which caused her a lot of distress. Sogdiana’s first husband, Indian businessman Ram Govinda, saw her when she was a participant in “Star Factory-6”, and was immediately captivated by the young, beautiful, talented girl. Meeting Ram promised the young star a fairy tale life, but the fairy tale ended as soon as she became his wife.

The singer's husband turned out to be a real tyrant and owner, who did not allow his wife to take a step without his knowledge. Sogdiana’s personal life turned into a complete nightmare - Ram made scandals for her almost every day, forbade her to perform, communicate with friends and colleagues, and, at the same time, constantly reproached her for living at his expense. At first, Sogdiana unquestioningly obeyed her husband, simply because she loved him, despite the fact that his attitude seemed humiliating to her. However, their family gradually collapsed, and everything became even worse after Sogdiana gave birth to a son.

In the photo - Sogdiana with her first husband

When Sogdiana invited Ram to leave, she had no idea what a tragedy this decision would turn out to be for her. Ram agreed to the divorce, but secretly took their son out of Russia. No matter how the singer begged for her son to be returned to her, ex-husband was adamant, and did not even allow her to see the child. Only three years later, when Arjun had already grown up, Ram decided to go to the meeting, and Sogdiana saw her son for the first time. Having calmed down, Ram Govinda made concessions and agreed that he and Sogdiana would take turns raising their son.

In the photo - the singer with her son Arjun

During that difficult period for Sogdiana’s personal life, she was lucky enough to meet a man who helped solve her problems and provided great support. One of the friends introduced the singer to businessman Bashir Kushtov, whom he recommended as a person who could help overcome all difficulties. This acquaintance grew into a romance, and during the seven months during which Bashir was next to Sogdiana, she realized how reliable and worthy the person was next to her.

In the photo - with Bashir Kushtov

Despite the fact that Bashir is seventeen years older and has nine children, the eldest of whom was nineteen years old at the time of their acquaintance, Sogdiana agreed to the marriage proposal that she heard from him. They celebrated the wedding, and after some time the singer gave birth to her second son. Today in Sogdiana’s personal life there is a beloved husband and child, and she sees her eldest son only from time to time, when she comes to her first husband’s house or takes Arjun with her for a while.

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Sogdiana is a young and talented singer, actress originally from sunny Uzbekistan, born on February 17, 1984 in Tashkent.


You should not try to look for Uzbek features in the singer’s face - they are not there and cannot be. There are no eastern roots in her family. And fate brought them to Uzbekistan by chance - after all, grandfather was a career officer, and he was simply sent there with his family. But fate so happened that they decided to stay there forever.

And the girl’s exotic name is just stage name. According to her passport, she is Oksana, and that’s what her relatives call her. Oksana’s parents have nothing to do with art, but her grandmother could easily have passed it on to her granddaughter. musical abilities– she had a beautiful voice and was a soloist in the church choir.

The grandmother was the first to notice that the girl had excellent hearing and good vocal abilities and insisted on developing her in this direction. The parents did not argue, believing that any creativity is good for the child, and sent the baby to music school. At the audition, it turned out that the grandmother was not mistaken - the girl was immediately accepted.

She received her secondary education at a special school at the conservatory, where all conditions were created for the development of gifted children. In addition, the girl herself insisted that she also wanted to take up dancing. She had to involve her older brother in the educational process, who took her to a choreographic studio.

Carier start

By the time she graduated from school, no one in the family had any doubt that Oksana would continue to develop in the direction she had chosen since childhood. She entered the conservatory to study in the department pop vocals and dreamed of becoming famous singer, tour a lot and see the whole world.

But since there are no connections in musical world her family didn't have it, and big money, necessary for quick promotion, too, the girl herself did everything possible to become at least recognizable. She took an active part in all city cultural events and even organized entire concerts completely free of charge.

Such efforts were not in vain - soon people started talking about Oksana not only in Tashkent. She began to be invited to outdoor performances, which her father, who voluntarily took on the duties of an administrator, tried to organize. This is how the first money began to be earned, which was immediately spent on stage costumes and further promotion of the singer - she did not have a professional producer.

At the same time, Oksana constantly went to various competitions and festivals, where she often received different levels awards. The girl won her first Grand Prix in her native Tashkent at a television festival of professional pop performers.

And two years later she finally managed to record her debut song disc, which included several best compositions. Moreover, the girl sang songs in three languages.

The album brought her popularity in Uzbekistan and allowed her to expand her touring geography. Moreover, the girl’s appearance did not leave filmmakers indifferent, and she was invited to star in a film about Khoja Nasreddin.

The well-played role of the oriental beauty only added to her popularity. In 2005, Oksana released her second song album and took the eastern stage name Sogdiana.

Star Factory

Having decided that she already has enough professional experience to adequately compete in the most difficult competitions, Sogdiana decides to go to the casting of the next season of “Star Factory”. Moreover, fully aware that only good vocals will not be enough to conquer star jury, she relies on oriental charm and is not mistaken.

Sogdiana easily passes all the preliminary rounds and gets into the main lineup of participants who will compete for a place in the finals. Sogdiana did not win the competition and did not even reach the finals. But brilliantly performed in live the song “Heart Magnet” instantly made her famous throughout the country. Moreover, the composition brought her one of the most prestigious Russian music awards- "Golden Gramophone Award".

After the end of the manufacturer’s tour, stipulated by the contract, Sogdiana records another disc and continues solo career. She is becoming again now the main character movie where own name tells about the fate of a Tajik girl who came to conquer Moscow. To date, the singer’s discography includes four albums.

Personal life

The singer’s personal life is not as successful as her stage career. Her first marriage, to Indian-born businessman Ram Govind, ended in failure soon after the birth of her son. Although at the time the union was concluded, Sogdiana was already quite popular, and her husband naturally knew about this, he categorically demanded that she stop performing and sit at home.

With kids

After Sogdiana flatly refused to comply with her husband’s demands, he filed for divorce and took his son to India without her consent. Sogdiana was in severe depression for about three years and practically did not perform. She came to her senses only when her ex-husband returned to Tashkent and she was able to see her son again.

Soon she decided on a second marriage with the president of the hockey club. Her husband, Bashir Kushtov, initially strongly supported Sogdiana’s work, but after the birth of their joint son, just like her first husband, he began to insist on ending her career. And again the divorce followed. True, in this case the child was not harmed and continues to see his father. Currently, the singer's heart is free.

Back on New Year’s Eve 2010, the singer said in an interview with “7D”: “I’m waiting for a miracle. I have only one cherished desire - to see my son Arjun as quickly as possible.” And finally long-awaited meeting with the child, whom his father Ram took to his homeland in Delhi a year and eight months ago, took place.

The singer broke up with her first husband two years ago. And then a truly terrible event happened - Ram separated Sogdiana from one-year-old son. “For me, separation from Arjun was a tragedy. I had terrible depression. I cried all the time, my heart was breaking from unbearable pain, from powerlessness. For three months the pain did not go away at all, I could not find a place for myself,” Sogdiana recalled in an interview with “7D”. - Many women ask me: “How did you survive all this? If I were you, I would probably die.” I won’t lie, I had moments of complete despair when I didn’t want to live. And yet, I think I was able to get through this test because I didn’t give in. I have never let my son go from me for a single day. I constantly thought about him, remembered and believed: sooner or later we will be together. I didn’t even think that we had parted forever…” says the singer.

At first, Arjun lived in his father’s homeland of India, and then they moved to Tashkent, where Ram has been doing business for the last 15 years.

Photo: Photo from family album

There, by the way, the ex-spouses met - the singer was born and raised in Uzbekistan... In the summer of this year, Sogdiana finally convinced her ex-husband to sign a settlement agreement. They agreed that the boy’s permanent place of residence would be with his father, in Tashkent. And regarding the child’s upbringing, the parents decided that they would do it together, in turns: for some time he would live with his father, for some time with his mother. “Thank God, now we are both ready to do anything for the good of our son. Previously, Ram, apparently, was afraid: since he forcibly took the child from me, then I, too, would try to act in a similar way.

But over time, I became convinced that I was not my son’s enemy, and in no case did I want to create a stressful situation for him or expose him to new experiences. Fortunately, time smooths things out. Our grievances, misunderstandings - everything has passed, everything has been forgotten. And now we've come to unanimous opinion that Arjun is my child, and we will communicate with him as much as we want. Most importantly, Ram realized that our son really needed dear mother, no one can replace her,” says the singer.

After the necessary papers were signed, Sogdiana began to think about how best to meet with Arjun, so as not to traumatize his psyche too much. Since she was told that the boy (he will soon be three years old) is very impressionable and vulnerable by nature, the singer decided that their meeting should take place at his home, on his territory, in an environment familiar to the child.

Sogdiana could not suddenly break away from Moscow to Tashkent - she younger son From his second marriage, Mikail is still very small, she feeds him breast milk. And then my husband Bashir (they got married a year ago) said: “Go calmly, don’t worry. And we will wait for your return. Just don’t worry too much so that Arjun doesn’t feel your inner jitters.” “Of course, I tried very hard to cope with my anxiety, but nothing worked. While I was flying on the plane to Tashkent, everyone imagined our meeting, and I couldn’t believe that very soon I would see my son. I was shaking from the inside, I was tense, compressed like a spring. I was terribly afraid that Arjunya wouldn’t recognize me, would be scared, would cry, and wouldn’t come to me.

I thought how I could survive this, what would happen to my heart, which was already fluttering wildly in my chest... When the nanny opened the door for me, and Arjun stood next to her on the threshold, I could not utter a word. She just looked at him without stopping. And the nanny asked: “Oh, Arjun, who came to you?” “Mom,” he answered calmly. And I was relieved a little...

I didn’t immediately attack my son with kisses, I was afraid to scare him. I was waiting for him to get used to me a little and come up on his own. He took me to his room, began to sort out the gifts that I had brought him, and showed me his toys. He walked nearby and looked carefully. And when I asked him to take me for a ride in his big car, he said: “No, I won’t take me for a ride.” Trying to start a conversation, I said: “Oh, what a pity. Mom will be upset and cry.” And then Arjunya suddenly did frightened eyes, ran up to me, hugged me, and began to feel sorry for me - apparently so that I wouldn’t be upset.

Sogdiana is a popular and sought-after young singer, beautiful voice which attracts thousands of halls and many fans. Her unique feature- perform hits with ease different languages, including French, English, Uzbek. But besides excellent singing, Sogdiana is the author of many works. In addition, her talent did not go unnoticed - 6 very successful video clips for her main hits are still watched with pleasure by fans of Sogdiana’s work. The biography of the performer is far from the ideal one that a successful person could have.

Biography and the beginning of a creative career

Sogdiana was born in Tashkent in 1984. The girl's father and mother are representatives of the ordinary working class. WITH youth Sogdiana was very interested in music. Her parents recall that the first solo concert she gave at the age of 4, performing a heartfelt song about a dog to the accompaniment of her brother’s guitar. Sogdiana’s singing adorned every home celebration, and seeing her serious attitude In anticipation of this lesson, her parents sent her to study piano at a special boarding school. This was probably a decisive step, since my passion for music grew into the meaning of life and served as the basis for my future profession.

While studying at a boarding school, Sogdiana repeatedly participated in various competitions for young talents, receiving honorary titles of laureate. Since 1999, the girl has been seriously engaged in vocals. It is noteworthy that the singer Sogdiana, whose biography has preserved many lovely memorable details, first appeared on television in a modest video clip filmed for a song that the girl wrote herself in English.

Origin of stage name

The singer’s real name is Oksana Vladimirovna Nechitailo, but the singer did not choose her stage name, “Sogdiana,” by chance. Being born in Tashkent and having absorbed not only the language, but also the traditions and culture of the region since childhood, Oksana took the Greek name of the fertile lands of Suguda (now the territory of Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan) as the basis for her new name.

Participation in the “Star Factory” project

2006 was a landmark year for the singer: it was during this period that Sogdiana, whose biography makes a sharp turn towards incredible popularity, decided to become a participant in the successful Star Factory project. The singer deliberately did not advertise her desire, since she previously had two unsuccessful attempts become a participant in the project " New wave" Nevertheless, when television launched the project on the air, Sogdiana was among the lucky ones. The results of the project were the prestigious Golden Gramophone award, received by the singer in 2006, and a nomination for the title “Best Soloist 2006”.

Incredible popularity completely deservedly fell on Sogdiana. Biography talented singer added another achievement: she became the main character feature film"Khoja Nassredin: the game begins."

Personal life: tragic divorces and problems with children

What else interests fans of the singer named Sogdiana? Biography. The artist’s personal life resembles a twisted Mexican TV series. The girl considers herself to be absolutely happy people for whom fate brings only pleasant surprises. The stunning success of 2006-2007 made the singer popular and famous, which led to a large number new acquaintances, among whom she chose her future life partner. It was the famous Indian-born entrepreneur Ram. The wedding took place, and soon the couple had a son. However, family life did not work out - a divorce followed, after which the ex-husband simply took their common child to India, forbidding Sogdiana from seeing the baby. She doesn’t like to remember this period of her life.

Sogdiana, whose biography has a gap of four years, tried with all her might to restore relations with her ex-husband just to be able to at least occasionally meet with her son. But the girl was not broken by difficulties, despite everything, she strived to be happy, and after a while love entered her life again - moving to Moscow, a new relationship, new family and a new baby.

However, here too, Fate turned away from Sogdiana: in 2011, a divorce followed, after which the singer left Moscow and returned to Tashkent, where at that time her son from her first marriage was already living. Sogdiana motivated her move by trying to be closer to the first child she had the opportunity to see.

"Forward to the stars!"

People interested in Sogdiana, biography, and personal life note that the star is reluctant to talk about relationships with “ex”: probably, having experienced two divorces at the age of 26, she began to doubt men. However, the girl does not lose optimism: providing for herself concert activities, she manages to give the warmth of her heart to children and give fans new hits.

At the age of 26, singer Sogdiana had already survived a difficult divorce, after which her foreign husband took her son to India to be raised, successfully remarried and gave birth to another son. Today she is full of creative energy, she recently released a new album.

Don't you think that some moments in your life are like a movie?

Yes, I generally have one continuous movie and it’s not always a comedy... It’s a series, one might say. I think my life can be filmed interesting film multi-part and everything will be there... Not inferior to any Mexican series in terms of passion. Life turned out to be a good screenwriter, unexpected and interesting. Sometimes these plot twists happen!

Blitz survey “Cleo”:
— Are you friends with the Internet?

“I made friends, but I haven’t been sucked into it yet.” (Laughs). I work on my website, use search engines, watch videos, but in social networks I'm not here.

— What is an unaffordable luxury for you?
— I can’t afford a vacation yet. But I really, really want to.

— Where did you spend your last vacation?
— I was in Dubai. My husband and I swam, sunbathed, and saw the sights. We went to the world's largest aquarium.

— Did you have a nickname as a child?
- Yes. At school they called me a giraffe because I was the tallest in the class.

—Are you an owl or a lark?
- Owl.

— How do you relieve stress?
- Valerian. (Laughs).

Yeah, everyone knows about your melodramatic story with your ex-husband and son (Recall that Ram’s ex-husband stole his son from Sogdiana and took him to India). Tell me, how are things going now? Do you see your eldest son?

If possible, of course, we will see each other. Not the way I would like to see him every day, every hour. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t work out that way, but I’m happy that we see each other. I know many examples where women do not see their children at all, so I am grateful that the situation is this way. I think that in the future my ex-husband will be even more loyal. And we will see our son even more often.

What do you do when you meet?

We play, of course... He is so uncommunicative now... Apparently, he has more adults around him, and therefore he is a little isolated. He loves to walk in parks, sit near the fountain, walk around, touch some water, and feed the ducks. That is, some noisy events: slides, circuses are not for him. He doesn’t like all this and, I would even say, avoids it.

Of course, I’m a little upset, because it seems to me that as a child you have to experience all this: circuses, clowns, and slides to the point of nausea - this is normal for a child. I think that over time he will understand that this is all interesting.

Is a serious man growing up?

Yes, serious. For this birthday I gave him a house, and they tell me that he simply does not leave there. This is such a big children's playhouse. As they tell me, he put all his toys there, he also has a mattress there, he rests there during the day. You can invite friends, nanny, dad there. Of course, I imagine how great and fun it is, but I really want to join them, I want to go see him again in the near future.

What language do you speak?

Speaks Russian.

Also knows and uses English and Indian words. I think it’s good, he will have three languages ​​at once. They study English with him. In general, I am in favor of him knowing his native language, English and, of course, Russian, where he would be without it.

How is your second son doing?

We are already 8 months old, he is already crawling with all his might, already sitting down, very cheerful, smiling, friendly. I like that he understands humor. When, for example, you make a face at him, he starts laughing! He understands that you are playing with him like this. Sometimes he even asks to be played with like this. Such a good guy. Pah-pah-pah. I am very pleased that he likes to spend time with me. And if I leave, he begins to protest, immediately pulls the handle, cries... Therefore, I have to distract him with toys and cars. And if I need to run errands, I quietly run away. (Laughs).

Well, of course, you always want to go home to him as soon as possible. It is simply unbearable for me not to see him for a whole day or even two. I really want to organize my schedule so that I can spend more time with him.

Do you sit with your son yourself and change diapers?

-What turns you on?
— My main energizer is my child.

—Which animal do you associate yourself with?
— My husband says that I am a tigress. But they tell me that I look like a doe.

— Do you have a talisman?
- No. I don't like talismans. You can't get attached to them. Because if I suddenly forget it somewhere, I’ll think that now I won’t succeed.

— What melody is on your mobile phone?
- On my Vertu - a standard melody, on an iPhone - a standard iPhone melody.

— What is your psychological age?
“Sometimes, when they trick me, I feel like a complete girl... And sometimes it seems to me that I’ve been living for a long time.”

— What is your favorite aphorism?
“My husband often says: “Those born to crawl cannot fly.”

Naturally. And if last time I had nannies and assistants who stayed with the child around the clock, they physically did not have the opportunity to leave, since they were from Bryansk. Now I spend most of the time with him myself, no one stays at night, I’m with him all the time. It seems to me that this is more correct.

How then do you manage to combine child care and work?

It is not so difficult. If I go to some filming or event, I don’t stay there for long, I don’t hang out like many artists, but I go straight home. Yes, I travel quite a lot, film a lot, but I’m strict, I arrive right at the beginning of the event. Well, how long can a shoot or a commissioned concert last - 40 minutes, well, an hour. And then run home to my son. In my opinion, the main thing is to want and explain it to the people you work with, and everything will work out.

Don't you take it with you anywhere?

Not yet, he's so small. But there are thoughts that soon it will be possible to take him with you little by little. And to teach him that besides the people who surround him, there is another world, other people. Even at the ninth month, children already know and understand who is theirs and who is a stranger. And they react very negatively to strangers.

I really want him to be sociable and sociable. I really want to teach him to this. Therefore, when he grows up, I will definitely take him with me. Not everywhere, of course, but I will definitely attend some significant and interesting events.

Do you do the housework yourself or do you have an assistant?

Of course, there is an assistant. But I often cook myself. When I have time, I cook with pleasure; I am very pleased to please my family with my dishes. Not to order something from a restaurant, but to cook something with your soul. It’s very nice, especially if it’s delicious and everyone likes it.

Do you have a signature dish?

When I didn’t know how to cook, I knew what to say: I have a signature dish such and such. Because you can’t do anything else, and when you already know how, it’s very difficult to say what your signature skill is. I cook everything. If they tell me “We want pilaf” or “Make samsa” - please... Bashir has his favorite flatbreads - I make them with pleasure. And even if I don’t know how to do something, I’ll see how to cook it. Although I remember one time something didn’t work out for me, I threw away half of it. I have a problem with heat in general. I don’t always succeed in frying, because I’m afraid I won’t cook it enough, and in the end I overcook it so much that you can’t get it out of the frying pan... It turns out something oaky and black. (Laughs). I even got burns from the oil. (Shows hand). But I can cook, bake, bake, fry without oil. And I’m afraid of using oil, but everyone says that it’s harmful, which means it’s not necessary. (Laughs).

You said that your husband loves flatbreads, but what kind of flatbreads are they?

This is a traditional dish that his mother has been preparing since childhood. She taught me. Flatbreads and national pies. You can simply prepare them like bread, or you can make them with pumpkin, cabbage, potatoes, cheese, meat, whatever. This is such a versatile thing that can be eaten for breakfast or just as bread. In any case, they are always welcome on the table.

Did your husband's mother teach you to cook?

Yes. I've heard a lot about how wonderful she cooks. Bashir said that no one cooks so quickly and so tasty! In general, she became such a role model. She came, we met, she treated me very well, like a daughter, with all her heart. And she showed me some things. More precisely, she just cooked, and I watched. Now I can call her at any time and clarify some things. She is an amazing housewife, all hand movements are polished, everything is clear and fast, and how she works with dough! I still have to study and study.

To be honest, at first I was even scared: could I do it? But the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. But before that I couldn’t even fry sausages. Of course, I didn’t succeed right away; at first everything was not so smooth, but, most importantly, it was delicious. It's working out better now.

It turns out that your husband has an example ideal woman and the mistress is his mother. But you are a creative person, you have no time for cooking, you are constantly at concerts and on the road. How does your spouse feel about this?

He takes it very well and, most importantly, he understands me. I told him from the very beginning that I creative person And I’m not a housewife, there are some things I can’t do no matter how hard I try. And he understands this very well. In our family life There is no such obligatory point that I have to wash, clean, iron and the like. But if our au pair suddenly doesn’t come, and my house isn’t cleaned, I won’t walk and step over the dirt. In no case! I'll take it and clean everything myself, I love order.

Isn’t your husband jealous of your fans and popularity?

Never noticed. On the contrary, he is proud of me, he is pleased when I am praised, invited to concerts when there is filming.

And you new material are you showing him?

Is he criticizing?

Happens. We even argue sometimes. It happened with one song. I feel like I’m mine, but he says: no, not yours. When I receive a demo recording of a new song, I already understand what it will look like in the end, but he doesn’t see big picture. But when I recorded the song in the studio, he admitted that I was right. Well, in a dispute the truth is born.

In general, we don’t argue often, we communicate more, discuss and come to a common opinion. He suggests something, but leaves me the opportunity to make a decision myself.

Many women, after an unsuccessful first marriage, are afraid to get married a second time. Didn't you have this fear?

In my opinion, the main thing is to listen to your heart. And trust your first feeling. Our first sensations are what our heart says, and then we begin to think, analyze, and then our mind speaks. I listened to my heart.