Everything about Bunin. Childhood and youth. Journalism, diaries, memoirs

21 October 2014, 14:47

Portrait of Ivan Bunin. Leonard Turzhansky. 1905

♦ Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born into an old noble family in the city of Voronezh, where he lived the first few years of his life. Later the family moved to the Ozerki estate (now Lipetsk region). At the age of 11 he entered the Yeletsk district gymnasium, but at the age of 16 he was forced to stop studying. The reason for this was the ruin of the family. The fault of which, by the way, was the excessive spending of his father, who managed to leave both himself and his wife penniless. As a result, Bunin continued his education on his own, although his older brother Yuli, who graduated from the university with flying colors, went through the entire gymnasium course with Vanya. They studied languages, psychology, philosophy, social and natural sciences. It was Julius who had a great influence on the formation of Bunin’s tastes and views. He read a lot, studied foreign languages and already in early age showed talent as a writer. However, he was forced to work for several years as a proofreader at Orlovsky Vestnik in order to feed his family.

♦ Ivan and his sister Masha spent a lot of time as children with shepherds, who taught them to eat different herbs. But one day they almost paid with their lives. One of the shepherds suggested trying henbane. The nanny, having learned about this, hardly gave the children fresh milk, which saved their lives.

♦ At the age of 17, Ivan Alekseevich wrote his first poems, in which he imitated the works of Lermontov and Pushkin. They say that Pushkin was generally an idol for Bunin

♦ Anton Pavlovich Chekhov played a big role in Bunin’s life and career. When they met, Chekhov was already an accomplished writer and managed to channel Bunin’s creative ardor the right way. They corresponded for many years and thanks to Chekhov, Bunin was able to meet and join the world creative personalities- writers, artists, musicians.

♦ Bunin did not leave an heir to the world. In 1900, Bunin and Tsakni had their first and only son, who, unfortunately, died at the age of 5 from meningitis.

♦ Bunin’s favorite pastime in his youth and until his last years was to determine the face and entire appearance of a person by the back of his head, legs and arms.

♦ Ivan Bunin collected a collection of pharmaceutical bottles and boxes, which filled several suitcases to the brim.

♦ It is known that Bunin refused to sit at the table if he was the thirteenth person in a row.

♦ Ivan Alekseevich admitted: “Do you have any least favorite letters? I can't stand the letter "f". And they almost named me Philip.”

♦ Bunin was always in good physical fitness, had good plasticity: he was an excellent horseman, he danced “solo” at parties, plunging his friends into amazement.

♦ Ivan Alekseevich had rich facial expressions and extraordinary acting talent. Stanislavsky called him to art theater and offered him the role of Hamlet.

♦ A strict order always reigned in Bunin’s house. He was often ill, sometimes imaginary, but everything obeyed his moods.

♦ An interesting fact from Bunin’s life is the fact that he did not live most of his life in Russia. About October Revolution Bunin wrote the following: “This sight was sheer horror for anyone who had not lost the image and likeness of God...”. This event forced him to emigrate to Paris. There Bunin was active in social and political life, gave lectures, collaborated with Russian political organizations. It was in Paris that such outstanding works as “The Life of Arsenyev”, “Mitya’s Love”, “ Sunstroke"and others. IN post-war years Bunin is more friendly towards Soviet Union, but cannot come to terms with the power of the Bolsheviks and, as a result, remains in exile.

♦ It must be admitted that in pre-revolutionary Russia Bunin received the widest recognition from both critics and readers. He occupies a strong place on the writer's Olympus and may well indulge in what he has dreamed of all his life - travel. The writer traveled to many countries in Europe and Asia throughout his life.

♦ Second world war Bunin refused any contacts with the Nazis - he moved in 1939 to Grasse (the Maritime Alps), where he spent virtually the entire war. In 1945, he and his family returned to Paris, although he often said that he wanted to return to his homeland, but despite the fact that after the war the USSR government allowed people like him to return, the writer never returned.

♦ B recent years During his life, Bunin was sick a lot, but continued to work actively and be creative. He died in his sleep on November 7–8, 1953 in Paris, where he was buried. The last entry in I. Bunin’s diary reads: “This is still amazing to the point of tetanus! In some, very short time, I will be gone - and the affairs and fates of everything, everything will be unknown to me!”

♦ Ivan Alekseevich Bunin became the first emigrant writer to be published in the USSR (already in the 50s). Although some of his works, for example the diary “Cursed Days,” were published only after perestroika.

Nobel Prize

♦ Bunin was first nominated for the Nobel Prize back in 1922 (Romain Rolland nominated him), but in 1923 the prize was awarded to the Irish poet Yeats. In subsequent years, Russian emigrant writers more than once renewed their efforts to nominate Bunin for the prize, which was awarded to him in 1933.

♦ In the official message Nobel Committee stated: “By the decision of the Swedish Academy of November 10, 1933, the Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Ivan Bunin for the strict artistic talent with which he recreated in literary prose typical Russian character.” In his speech when presenting the prize, the representative of the Swedish Academy, Per Hallström, highly appreciating Bunin’s poetic gift, particularly focused on his ability to describe unusually expressively and accurately real life. In his response speech, Bunin noted the courage of the Swedish Academy in honoring the emigrant writer. It is worth saying that during the presentation of the awards for 1933, the Academy hall was decorated, against the rules, only Swedish flags- because of Ivan Bunin - “stateless persons”. As the writer himself believed, he received the prize for “The Life of Arsenyev,” his best work. World fame fell upon him suddenly, and just as unexpectedly he felt like an international celebrity. Photographs of the writer were in every newspaper and in bookstore windows. Even random passers-by, seeing the Russian writer, looked at him and whispered to each other. Somewhat confused by this fuss, Bunin grumbled: "How the famous tenor is greeted...". Being awarded the Nobel Prize was a huge event for the writer. Recognition came, and with it material security. A significant amount of the received monetary reward Bunin distributed it to those in need. For this purpose, a special commission was even created to distribute funds. Subsequently, Bunin recalled that after receiving the prize, he received about 2,000 letters asking for help, in response to which he distributed about 120,000 francs.

♦ Bolshevik Russia did not ignore this award either. On November 29, 1933, a note appeared in Literaturnaya Gazeta “I. Bunin - Nobel laureate": "By latest messages, the Nobel Prize in Literature for 1933 was awarded to the White Guard emigrant I. Bunin. The White Guard Olympus nominated and in every possible way defended the candidacy of the seasoned wolf of the counter-revolution, Bunin, whose work, especially of recent times, replete with motifs of death, decay, doom in the context of a catastrophic world crisis, obviously fell into the court of the Swedish academic elders.”

And Bunin himself liked to remember the episode that happened during the writer’s visit to the Merezhkovskys immediately after Bunin was awarded the Nobel Prize. The artist burst into the room X, and, not noticing Bunin, exclaimed at the top of his voice: "We survived! Shame! Shame! They gave Bunin the Nobel Prize!" After that, he saw Bunin and, without changing his facial expression, cried out: “Ivan Alekseevich! Dear! Congratulations, congratulations from the bottom of my heart! Happy for you, for all of us! For Russia! Forgive me for not having time to personally come to witness...”

Bunin and his women

♦ Bunin was an ardent and passionate man. While working at a newspaper, he met Varvara Pashchenko (“I was struck down, to my great misfortune, by long love”, as Bunin later wrote), with which he began whirlwind romance. True, it didn’t come to the wedding - the girl’s parents did not want to marry her off to a poor writer. Therefore, the young people lived unmarried. The relationship, which Ivan Bunin considered happy, collapsed when Varvara left him and married Arseny Bibikov, a friend of the writer. The theme of loneliness and betrayal is firmly established in the poet’s work - 20 years later he will write:

I wanted to shout after:

“Come back, I have become close to you!”

But for a woman there is no past:

She fell out of love and became a stranger to her.

Well! I’ll light the fireplace and drink...

It would be nice to buy a dog.

After Varvara's betrayal, Bunin returned to Russia. Here he was expected to meet and become acquainted with many writers: Chekhov, Bryusov, Sologub, Balmont. In 1898, two things happen at once. important events: the writer marries a Greek woman Anne Tsakni (daughter of a famous revolutionary populist), and a collection of his poems “Under open air».

You, like the stars, are pure and beautiful...

I catch the joy of life in everything -

IN starry sky, in flowers, in scents...

But I love you more tenderly.

I'm happy only with you alone,

And no one will replace you:

You are the only one who knows and loves me,

And one understands why!

However, this marriage did not last long: after a year and a half, the couple divorced.

In 1906 Bunin met Vera Nikolaevna Muromtseva - the writer’s faithful companion until the end of his life. Together the couple travels around the world. Vera Nikolaevna did not stop repeating until the end of her days that when she saw Ivan Alekseevich, who was then always called Yan at home, she fell in love with him at first sight. His wife brought it into his unsettled life comfort, surrounded by the most tender care. And from 1920, when Bunin and Vera Nikolaevna sailed from Constantinople, their long emigration began in Paris and in the south of France in the town of Graas near Cannes. Bunin experienced severe financial difficulties, or rather, they were experienced by his wife, who took household affairs into her own hands and sometimes complained that she did not even have ink for her husband. The meager fees from publications in emigrant magazines were barely enough for a more than modest life. By the way, after receiving the Nobel Prize, the first thing Bunin did was buy his wife new shoes, because he could no longer look at what his beloved woman was wearing and wearing.

However, on this love stories Bunin doesn’t end there either. I will dwell in more detail on his 4th great love - Galina Kuznetsova . The following is a complete quote from the article. It's 1926. The Bunins have been living in Graas at the Belvedere villa for several years. Ivan Alekseevich is a distinguished swimmer, he goes to the sea every day and does large demonstration swims. His wife does not like “water procedures” and does not keep him company. On the beach, an acquaintance approaches Bunin and introduces him to a young girl, Galina Kuznetsova, a budding poetess. As happened more than once with Bunin, he instantly felt an intense attraction to his new acquaintance. Although at that moment he could hardly imagine what place she would take in his future life. Both later recalled that he immediately asked if she was married. It turned out that yes, and she is vacationing here with her husband. Now Ivan Alekseevich spent whole days with Galina. Bunin and Kuznetsova

A few days later, Galina had a sharp explanation with her husband, which meant an actual breakup, and he left for Paris. It’s not hard to guess what state Vera Nikolaevna was in. “She went crazy and complained to everyone she knew about Ivan Alekseevich’s betrayal,” writes poetess Odoevtseva. “But then I.A. managed to convince her that he and Galina had only a platonic relationship. She believed, and believed until her death...” Kuznetsova and Bunin with his wife

Vera Nikolaevna really wasn’t pretending: she believed because she wanted to believe. Idolizing her genius, she did not let thoughts come close to her that would force her to make difficult decisions, for example, to leave the writer. It ended with Galina being invited to live with the Bunins and become “a member of their family.” Galina Kuznetsova (standing), Ivan and Vera Bunin. 1933

The participants in this triangle decided not to record the intimate details of the three of them for history. One can only guess what and how happened at the Belvedere villa, as well as read in the minor comments of the guests of the house. According to some evidence, the atmosphere in the house, despite external decency, was sometimes very tense.

Galina accompanied Bunin to Stockholm to receive the Nobel Prize along with Vera Nikolaevna. On the way back, she caught a cold, and they decided that it was better for her to stay for a while in Dresden, in the house of Bunin’s old friend, the philosopher Fyodor Stepun, who often visited Grasse. When Kuznetsova returned to the writer’s villa a week later, something subtly changed. Ivan Alekseevich discovered that Galina began to spend much less time with him, and more and more often he caught her long letters to Stepun's sister Magda. In the end, Galina got Magda an invitation from the Bunin couple to visit Graas, and Magda came. Bunin made fun of his “girlfriends”: Galina and Magda almost never parted, they went down to the table together, walked together, retired together in their “little room”, allocated at their request by Vera Nikolaevna. All this lasted until Bunin suddenly saw the light, as did everyone around him, regarding the true relationship between Galina and Magda. And then he felt terribly disgusted, disgusted and sad. Not only did the woman he loved cheat on him, but to cheat with another woman - this unnatural situation simply infuriated Bunin. They loudly sorted things out with Kuznetsova, not embarrassed by either the completely confused Vera Nikolaevna or the arrogantly calm Magda. The reaction of the writer’s wife to what was happening in her house is remarkable in itself. At first, Vera Nikolaevna breathed a sigh of relief - well, finally this life of three that was tormenting her would end, and Galina Kuznetsova would leave the hospitable home of the Bunins. But seeing how her beloved husband was suffering, she rushed to persuade Galina to stay so that Bunin would not worry. However, neither Galina was going to change anything in her relationship with Magda, nor Bunin could any longer tolerate the phantasmagoric “adultery” happening before his eyes. Galina left the writer’s home and heart, leaving him with a spiritual wound, but not the first one.

However, no novels (and Galina Kuznetsova, of course, was not the writer’s only hobby) changed Bunin’s attitude towards his wife, without whom he could not imagine his life. This is how family friend G. Adamovich said about it: “...for her endless loyalty he was infinitely grateful to her and valued her beyond all measure...Ivan Alekseevich in everyday communication wasn't easy person and he himself, of course, was aware of this. But the more deeply he felt everything he owed to his wife. I think that if in his presence someone had hurt or offended Vera Nikolaevna, he, with his great passion, would have killed this person - not only as his enemy, but also as a slanderer, as a moral monster, unable to distinguish good from evil, light from darkness."

I. A. Bunin was born on October 22, 1870 in Voronezh. His childhood was spent on a family estate located in the Oryol province.

At the age of 11, Bunin began studying at the Yeletsk gymnasium. In his fourth year of study, due to an illness, he was forced to leave his studies and go to live in the village. After recovery, Ivan Bunin continued his studies with his older brother; both were very interested in literature. At the age of 19, Bunin is forced to leave the estate and provide for himself. He changes several positions, working as an extra, proofreader, librarian, and has to move often. Since 1891, he begins to publish poems and stories.

Having received approval from L. Tolstoy and A. Chekhov, Bunin focuses his activities on the literary sphere. Being a writer, Bunin receives the Pushkin Prize and also becomes an honorary member Russian Academy Sci. Bunin's story "The Village" brought him great fame in literary circles.

He perceived the October Revolution negatively, and therefore he left Russia, emigrating to France. In Paris he writes many works concerning Russian nature.

I. A. Bunin dies in 1953, having survived the Second World War.

Brief biography of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, 4th grade


Bunin Ivan Alekseevich was born on October 10 or 22, 1870 in the city of Voronezh. A little later, he and his parents moved to an estate in the Oryol province.

He spends his childhood on the estate, in the middle of nature.

Having not graduated from the gymnasium in the city of Yelets (1886), Bunin received his subsequent education from his brother Yuli, who graduated from the university with excellent marks.

Creative activity

Ivan Alekseevich's first works were published in 1888, and the first collection of his poems with the same title was published in 1889. Thanks to this collection, fame comes to Bunin. Soon, in 1898, his poems were published in the “Open Air” collection, and later, in 1901, in the “Leaf Fall” collection.

Later, Bunin was awarded the title of academician at the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg (1909), after which he left Russia, being an opponent of the revolution.

Life abroad and death

Abroad Bunin does not leave his creative activity and writes works that will be doomed to success in the future. It was then that he wrote one of the most famous works"The Life of Arsenyev." For him the writer receives the Nobel Prize.

Bunin's last work - literary image Chekhov was never completed.

Ivan Bunin died in the capital of France - in the city of Paris and was buried there.

4th grade for children, 11th grade

Life and work of Ivan Bunin

1870 is a landmark year for Russia. On October 10 (October 22), a brilliant poet and writer who won world fame, I.A. Bunin, was born into a Voronezh family of nobles. From the age of three, the Oryol province became home for the future writer. Ivan spends his childhood in his family; at the age of 8 he begins to try himself in the literary field. Due to illness, he was unable to complete his studies at the Yeletsk gymnasium. He improved his health in the village of Ozerki. Unlike his younger brother, another member of the Bunin family, Yuli, is studying at the university. But after spending a year in prison, he was also sent to the village of Ozerki, where he became Ivan’s teacher, teaching him many sciences. The brothers were especially fond of literature. The debut in the newspaper took place in 1887. Two years later, due to the need to earn money, Ivan Bunin leaves his home. Modest positions as a newspaper employee, extra, librarian, and proofreader brought in a small income for subsistence. He often had to change his place of residence - Orel, Moscow, Kharkov, Poltava were his temporary homeland.

Thoughts about his native Oryol region did not leave the writer. His impressions were reflected in his first collection entitled “Poems,” which was published in 1891. Bunin was particularly impressed by his meeting with the famous writer Leo Tolstoy 3 years after the release of “Poems”. He remembered the next year as the year he met A. Chekhov; before that, Bunin had only corresponded with him. Bunin's story “To the End of the World” (1895) was well received by critics. After which he decides to devote himself to this art. The subsequent years of Ivan Bunin's life are completely connected with literature. Thanks to his collections “Under the Open Air” and “Leaf Fall”, in 1903 the writer became the winner of the Pushkin Prize (this prize was awarded to him twice). The marriage to Anna Tsakni, which took place in 1898, did not last long; their only 5-year-old child dies. Afterwards he lives with V. Muromtseva.

In the period from 1900 to 1904, many beloved famous stories: "Chernozem", " Antonov apples", no less significant "Pines" and "New Road". These works made an indelible impression on Maxim Gorky, who highly appreciated the writer's work, calling him the best stylist of our time. Readers especially loved the story "Village".

In 1909, the Russian Academy of Sciences acquired a new honorary member. Ivan Alekseevich rightfully became it. Bunin was unable to accept the October Revolution and spoke sharply and negatively about Bolshevism. Historical events in his homeland force him to leave his country. His path lay to France. Crossing Crimea and Constantinople, the writer decides to stop in Paris. In a foreign land, all his thoughts are about his homeland, Russian people, natural beauty. Active literary activity resulted in significant works: “Lapti”, “Mitya’s Love”, “Mowers”, “Distant”, the short story “Dark Alleys”, in the novel “The Life of Arsenyev”, written in 1930, he talks about his childhood and youth. These works were called the best in Bunin's work.

Three years later, another significant event occurred in his life - Ivan Bunin was awarded an honorary Nobel Prize. were written abroad famous books about Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov. One of his appeared in France latest books"Memories". Ivan Bunin survived historical events in Paris - an attack by the fascist army, I saw their defeat. His active work made him one of the most important figures of the Russian Abroad. The date of death of the famous writer is November 8, 1953.

Biography by dates and interesting facts. The most important.

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Russian poet, prose writer, translator. Since 1920 he lived in exile. Nobel Prize winner. I. Bunin is characterized by following the traditions of Russian classical literature and deep rejection of the October Revolution.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born in Voronezh. The impoverished landowners Bunins belonged to a noble family. In 1874, the Bunins decided to move from the city to the village to the Butyrki farm, in the Yeletsky district of the Oryol province, to the last estate of the family. His memories of childhood - from the age of seven, as Bunin wrote - are connected “with the field, with peasant huts” and their inhabitants. In his eleventh year he entered the Yelets Gymnasium. In the gymnasium he began to write poetry, imitating Lermontov. Bunin studied at the gymnasium for 4 years, further education received houses under the guidance of brother Yuri. In the autumn of 1889, he began working at the editorial office of the newspaper Orlovsky Vestnik. In 1890, his father finally went bankrupt (he had a weakness for cards and alcohol), and sold his estate in Ozerki. In the editorial office, Bunin met his first common-law wife (the girl’s parents were against the marriage) - V.V. Pashchenko. At the end of August 1892, Bunin and Pashchenko moved to Poltava, where Bunin worked as a librarian of the zemstvo government, and then as a statistician in the provincial government. Bunin's poems and prose began to appear in "thick" magazines - "Bulletin of Europe", "World of God", " Russian wealth" - and attracted the attention of critics. In 1893-1894, Bunin, being a passionate admirer of L. Tolstoy, visited Tolstoyan colonies and met with Lev Nikolaevich himself. Bunin refused to further follow the path of “simplification,” but the artistic power of Tolstoy the prose writer forever remained an unconditional reference point for Bunin, as did the work of A.P. Chekhov. In 1895, Bunin’s common-law wife married his friend. Bunin left his service in Poltava and went to St. Petersburg, and then to Moscow. There he enters literary circles and meets almost everyone famous writers and poets. In 1897, the book “To the End of the World” was published, which brought the writer fame in the literary community. In 1998 in Odessa, Bunin married A. N. Tsakni, but the marriage was unhappy and short, they separated in 1900. Their son Kolya died on January 16, 1905. In 1899, Bunin visited Yalta, met with Chekhov, and met Gorky. Later, Gorky invited Bunin to collaborate with the publishing house "Znanie" and, despite the ideological dissimilarity of the writers, this cooperation continued until 1917. At the beginning of 1901, a collection of poems, “Falling Leaves,” was published, which received numerous positive reviews from critics. "Falling Leaves" and Longfellow's translation of "The Song of Hiawatha" were awarded the Pushkin Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1902, a collection of Bunin's works began to be published by Gorky's publishing house "Znanie". At this time the writer traveled a lot. In 1906, Bunin met V.N. Muromtseva, who became his common-law wife and then his legal wife (in 1922). In 1909, Bunin was elected an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences. The story “The Village,” published in 1910, caused great controversy and was the beginning of Bunin’s enormous popularity. “The Village,” the first major work, was followed by other stories and short stories published in collections: “Sukhodol,” “John the Sower,” “The Cup of Life,” “The Gentleman from San Francisco.” I. Bunin reacted sharply negatively to the revolution and After living in Moscow for the winter of 1917-1918, Bunin and Vera Nikolaevna left first for Kyiv, then for Odessa. After long wanderings in 1920, the writer and his wife sailed to Constantinople, then to Paris. Bunin lived in France until his death. In the 20s and 30s the books “Rose of Jericho”, “Mitya’s Love”, collections of stories “Sunstroke” and “Tree of God” were published. And in 1930, the autobiographical novel “The Life of Arsenyev” was published. emigrant period Bunin is actively involved in the life of Russian Paris: he has headed the Union of Russian Writers and Journalists since 1920, makes appeals and appeals, runs a regular political and literary column in the newspaper "Vozrozhdenie" in 1925-1927, and creates a kind of literary academy in Grasse. At this time, quite a lot began in Bunin's life. strange story. In 1927, Bunin met the Russian poetess G. Kuznetsova. Bunin was fascinated by the young woman, she, in turn, was delighted with him, their romance received wide publicity. However, Ivan Alekseevich managed to convince his wife that his relationship with Galina was purely platonic. It is unknown what motives motivated the writer’s wife, but Kuznetsova was invited to live with the Bunins and become “a member of the family.” For almost fifteen years Kuznetsova shared shelter with Bunin, playing the role adopted daughter. In 1942, Kuznetsova left Bunin, carried away opera singer Margot Stepun, which inflicted a deep emotional wound on the writer. In 1933, Bunin was awarded the Nobel Prize, as he believed, primarily for “The Life of Arsenyev.” When Bunin came to Stockholm to receive the Nobel Prize, people in Sweden already recognized him by sight. The Russian emigration rejoiced, and in the USSR it was officially announced that awarding the prize to Bunin was “the machinations of imperialism.” From 1934 to 1936, Bunin's collected works were published in Germany. In October 1939, Bunin settled in the town of Grasse and lived here throughout the war. Here he wrote the book "Dark Alleys". Under the Germans, Bunin did not publish anything (“Dark Alleys” was published in the USA), although he lived in great poverty and hunger. He treated the fascist regime with hatred, rejoiced at the victories of the Soviet and allied forces. The book "Dark Alleys" caused mixed reactions. The writer, who considered the book the pinnacle of his creativity, was almost accused of pornography. After the war, Bunin expressed a desire to return to the USSR, which alienated many Russian emigrants. However, after the famous decree on the magazines “Zvezda” and “Leningrad” (1946), which also trampled M. Zoshchenko, Bunin forever abandoned the intention of returning to his homeland. In recent years, Bunin was sick a lot, and yet he wrote a book of memoirs and worked on the book “About Chekhov ", which he did not have time to finish. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin died on the night of November 8, 1953 in the arms of his wife in terrible poverty.

Regarding the October Revolution, Bunin wrote the following: “This spectacle was sheer horror for anyone who had not lost the image and likeness of God...”

The writer, lacking “practical ingenuity,” used the Nobel Prize extremely irrationally. Z. Shakhovskaya writes in her memoirs: “Having returned to France, Ivan Alekseevich... in addition to money, began to organize feasts, distribute “benefits” to emigrants, and donate funds to support various societies. Finally, on the advice of well-wishers, he invested the remaining amount in some “win-win business” and was left with nothing.”

The last entry in I. Bunin’s diary, dated May 2, 1953, reads: “This is still amazing to the point of tetanus! In some, very short time, I will be gone - and the affairs and fates of everything, everything will be unknown to me!”

I. Bunin became the first emigrant writer to be published in the USSR (already in the 50s). Although some of his works, for example the diary “Cursed Days,” were published only after perestroika.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin- outstanding Russian writer, poet, honorary academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1909), laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1933.

Born in Voronezh, where he lived the first three years of his life. Later the family moved to an estate near Yelets. Father - Alexey Nikolaevich Bunin, mother - Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Bunina (nee Chubarova). Until the age of 11, he was raised at home, in 1881 he entered the Yeletsk district gymnasium, in 1885 he returned home and continued his education under the guidance of his older brother Julius. At the age of 17 he began to write poetry, and in 1887 he made his debut in print. In 1889 he went to work as a proofreader for the local newspaper Orlovsky Vestnik. By this time, he had a long relationship with an employee of this newspaper, Varvara Pashchenko, with whom, against the wishes of his relatives, he moved to Poltava (1892).

Collections “Poems” (Eagle, 1891), “Under the Open Air” (1898), “Leaf Fall” (1901; Pushkin Prize).

1895 - met Chekhov personally, before that they corresponded.

In the 1890s, he traveled on the steamship “Chaika” (“a bark with firewood”) along the Dnieper and visited the grave of Taras Shevchenko, whom he loved and later translated a lot. A few years later, he wrote the essay “At the Seagull,” which was published in the children’s illustrated magazine “Vskhody” (1898, No. 21, November 1).

In 1899 he married Anna Nikolaevna Tsakni (Kakni), the daughter of a Greek revolutionary. The marriage did not last long, the only child died at the age of 5 (1905). In 1906, Bunin entered into a civil marriage (officially registered in 1922) with Vera Nikolaevna Muromtseva, the niece of S. A. Muromtsev, the first chairman of the First State Duma.

In his lyrics, Bunin continued classical traditions(collection “Falling Leaves”, 1901).

In stories and stories he showed (sometimes with a nostalgic mood)

* Impoverishment of noble estates (“Antonov apples”, 1900)
* The cruel face of the village (“Village”, 1910, “Sukhodol”, 1911)
* Deadly oblivion moral principles life (“Mr. from San Francisco”, 1915).
* Sharp rejection of the October Revolution and the Bolshevik regime in the diary book “Cursed Days” (1918, published in 1925).
* IN autobiographical novel“The Life of Arsenyev” (1930) is a recreation of the past of Russia, the writer’s childhood and youth.
* Tragedy human existence in short stories about love (“Mitya’s Love”, 1925; collection of stories “ Dark alleys", 1943).
* Translated "The Song of Hiawatha" American poet G. Longfellow. It was first published in the Orlovsky Vestnik newspaper in 1896. At the end of that year, the newspaper’s printing house published “The Song of Hiawatha” as a separate book.

Bunin was awarded the Pushkin Prize three times; in 1909 he was elected academician in the category of fine literature, becoming the youngest academician of the Russian Academy.

In the summer of 1918, Bunin moved from Bolshevik Moscow to Odessa, occupied by German troops. As the Red Army approached the city in April 1919, he did not emigrate, but remained in Odessa. He welcomes the occupation of Odessa by the Volunteer Army in August 1919, personally thanks Denikin, who arrived in the city on October 7, and actively cooperates with OSVAG (propaganda and information body) at the All-Russian Socialist Republic. In February 1920, when the Bolsheviks approached, he left Russia. Emigrates to France.

In exile, he was active in social and political activities: he gave lectures, collaborated with Russian political parties and organizations (conservative and nationalist), and regularly published journalistic articles. He delivered a famous manifesto on the tasks of the Russian Abroad regarding Russia and Bolshevism: The Mission of the Russian Emigration.

Worked hard and fruitfully literary activity, having already confirmed in emigration the title of a great Russian writer and becoming one of the main figures of the Russian Abroad.

Bunin creates his best works: “Mitya’s Love” (1924), “Sunstroke” (1925), “The Case of Cornet Elagin” (1925) and, finally, “The Life of Arsenyev” (1927-1929, 1933). These works became a new word both in Bunin’s work and in Russian literature in general. And according to K. G. Paustovsky, “The Life of Arsenyev” is not only the pinnacle work of Russian literature, but also “one of the most remarkable phenomena of world literature.” Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1933.

According to the Chekhov Publishing House, in recent months life Bunin worked on literary portrait A.P. Chekhov, the work remained unfinished (in the book: “Loopy Ears and Other Stories”, New York, 1953). He died in his sleep at two o'clock in the morning from November 7 to 8, 1953 in Paris. He was buried in the cemetery of Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois. In 1929-1954. Bunin's works were not published in the USSR. Since 1955, he has been the most published writer of the “first wave” in the USSR (several collected works, many one-volume books). Some works (“Cursed Days”, etc.) were published in the USSR only during perestroika.

IN this material We will look at the biography of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin briefly: only the most important things from the life of the famous Russian writer and poet.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin(1870-1953) - famous Russian writer and poet, one of the main writers of the Russian diaspora, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

On October 10 (22), 1870, a boy was born into the noble, but at the same time poor family of the Bunins, who was named Ivan. Almost immediately after birth, the family moved to an estate in the Oryol province, where Ivan spent his childhood.

Ivan received the basics of education at home. In 1881, young Bunin entered the nearest gymnasium, Yeletskaya, but was unable to graduate and in 1886 returned to the estate. His brother Julius helped Ivan with his education, he studied excellently and graduated from the university as one of the best in his class.

After returning from high school, Ivan Bunin became intensely interested in literature, and his first poems were published already in 1888. A year later, Ivan moved to Oryol and got a job as a proofreader in a newspaper. Soon the first book was published with the simple title “Poems”, in which, in fact, the poems of Ivan Bunin were collected. Thanks to this collection, Ivan gained fame, and his works were published in the collections “Under the Open Air” and “Leaf Fall.”

Ivan Bunin was not only interested in poetry - he also composed prose. For example, the stories “Antonov Apples”, “Pines”. And this is all for good reason, because Ivan was personally acquainted with Gorky (Peshkov), Chekhov, Tolstoy and other famous writers of that time. Ivan Bunin's prose was published in the collections " Complete collection works" in 1915.

In 1909, Bunin became an honorary academician of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.

Ivan was quite critical of the idea of ​​revolution and left Russia. All of him later life was on the move - not only on different countries, but also continents. However, this did not stop Bunin from doing what he loved. On the contrary, he wrote his best works: “Mitina’s Love”, “Sunstroke”, and also best novel"The Life of Arsenyev", for which he received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1933.

Before his death, Bunin was working on a literary portrait of Chekhov, but was often ill and was unable to complete it. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin died on November 8, 1953 and was buried in Paris.